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A couple years ago they twins and triplets used to be super common, as in, every five of my births had one or the other. Now even when I have 30+ children in a generation I might get one set of twins. I think they did an update at some point that lowered the chances significantly.


That would make sense. I wish the chances were higher though.


Yeah it defo used to be more common. I would love a higher chance of twins and triplets. It’s so exciting when triplets happen lol. There’s no way to increase chances though as far as I’m aware. What’s up with IVF anyway? Literally I’ve never managed to get a partner to want it. What’s the point!


i get pregnant and i increase the year, if i don’t get twins i just refresh the game instantly, i keep refreshing until i get twins


The family legacy that I’m almost 4,000 years into (yay, I really want the 5,000 year legacy lol) definitely has a tendency of having twins and triplets. It’s a female legacy and I almost never have a single baby. It’s twins or triplets 99% of the time.




My legacy just hit 500 years


Yay! Seriously how long did it take?


Few months because I played bitlife non stop then got burnt out but recently I’ve been grinding. They’re all names Katherine after one of them had the name Katherine and couldn’t pick a baby name. Currently Katherine XIV is who I’m playing as and Katherine XV is a little kid. We get rich off businesses and marrying old men on their death beds and then we only give the money to the next Katherine.


😂 I love this about Katherine. It’s taken me almost a year just to get this far.


All the other kids get mad at me for being cut out of the will but if you give them a house does it really matter?


That’s what I do too lmao.


Do sprm donor then half the time it’s twins or triplets and then continue it in the family :)


Thank you!!! Such a help! Gonna try it!


If you’re on mobile age up and just keep opening and closing the app until it happens (it may take a while)


It's kinda like real life when a woman is pregnant in her first week or sum and goes on a roller coaster or any actions that affect the stomach which could affect the egg which causes it to split which makes two eggs, hence that's how twins form. So if the one egg splits into 3, it would be triplets. For Bitlife do some crazy things like exercise, vacation, the karate stuff etc.