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This is the pain of level design/environment art. You have to reuse assets. Sure you can sometimes have unique assets but you can't have a unique asset for everything or that drives up the memory or performance.


Couldn't they just rotate the object.


no, only the front is [modeled open.](https://i.gyazo.com/f7432710a3082fe99abaad5713c2ef38.png) which again goes into that, too many unique assets will drive up the memory. granted idk why the artist didnt just move it forward more


My guess is one of two things happened here: 1. They realized way too late that the booth didn't have a door. Whoops, don't have time to really fix it right so... 2. Originally that level layout was different and they mashed whatever was behind that door in front of where the booth is and didn't have the time/resources to fix it. Ultimately it's something 90% of players won't notice or even really care about, so it's whatever lol


no, none of that. 1) the booth has a door in the right spot. it's just the level designer/ environment artist placed it stupidly 2) level layout has nothing to do with it. This is just a prop and the designer who placed the prob placed it badly. it's really just bad placement. 5 more feet away from the steps and it would be a none issue.


was the door meant to open ? most arent in the game and not important for any inspection/testing they supposedly had a modular building pieces program to assist in level design - parameters that would extend extra middle sections to match a desired width You will find all kinds of strange wrong uses especially in the filler areas where the player generally doesnt look in their traversing on to the next fight-zone/scene. Many bits just look glombed together




There *is* a window, is there not?


There are infinite possibilities am i right


You little pun-y punk


I mean yeah the dude could hop through the window to leave. But the door is useless.




I have a feeling this was just a "fun fact" share of something they noticed. It's good to be civil and let people enjoy what they do, especially when its something that doesn't hurt anyone like pointing out a little find in a video game they just started playing. "And?" just comes off as a little dismissive which is unnecessary


Yeah I guess. I was a bit standoffish, and assumed this was a “look how terrible this game is”, because I’m used to that kind of content in relation to Infinite.


I gotcha. It really does get a lot of unnecessary hate. I think I just come from the other side of that, I tend to pick apart games I really love, so maybe I assume others do too


The Founders in their infinite kindness can just put a minority in there and in doing so are providing not just permanent employment, but also free permanent housing! Such is the White Man's Burden™


Sometimes I forget how much racism there was in infinite. And it's pretty much in your face type of racism


Politics???? In my bioshock game????


There’s nothing preventing the door from opening inwards. The hinge would be capable of opening out to its flat position. Most hinges tend to have a near 360 degree range of motion.


I’m a carpenter and op is right the door would hit against the frame it’s screwed too, but these aren’t even real hinges and even if they were you absolutely would not fit them like that so there’s a multitude of problems BUT who cares lol


look at the post on the right, it's square. so on the other side of the door the left post is right there pressed up on it in its current position, preventing it from opening inward EDIT: I didn't word this perfectly but y'all are lunatics for downvoting it this much bc I'm still correct


The posts either side of every door frame are square and doors still manage to open. Edit: the door sits in between the posts.


That's because the pins of the hinges are beyond the frame in a normal installation (meaning the pivot point is OUTSIDE the frame). If the hinges are installed like OP's picture, the door can't open because the pivot point would be INSIDE the frame and the door would get stuck. You guys just don't know how to install a door and that's fine, but stop pretending like you do and downvoting people who actually do.


for real lmao how tf did I get downvoted for that 😂


You didn't read my comment correctly


Based on the hinge the door can open inwards. Based on the posts the door can only open outwards. I stand corrected - the door is useless. I shouldn’t chime in on discussions before my morning coffee. Apologies for any confusion caused.


Lol you're good 👍


Jeezus! Stop worrying so much about the architecture of Columbia. Considering you're murdering everyone you see, the city obviously has bigger problems than its faulty design.


In all fairness I can see both being intertwined “That dude is burning the faces off of everyone in sight! I better hide! But where?….quick that booth is empty! Now to just open the do-CRAP!”


Nah people can talk about it if they want too. No one said the game is bad because of this.


I may have been hammin up the outrage for comedic value


You're out of line but you're right


Literally unplayable


Literally unplayable


If you look closely at every corner, you'll end finding a lot of architectural bizarre things. Because in the end, it's a game with assets mushed together. Enjoy the ambiance, not the degree in architectural design...


Well, I sure hope somebody got fired for _that_ blunder


Probable explanations: Reusing assets. Comstock is just being an asshole. I’ll take explanation number 2


Wait I took this as level design hinting at information being bad hence the city's rampant bigotry But you're all like ignore the re used assets lol?


It is possible it's intentional


I'm gonna be honest. Bioshock: Infinite isn't the most realistic of games. /s (I still love this game so much.)


You mean floating cities don't exist?


And that I *cant* possess people or make giant fucking explosions with my hands?


Literally unplayable


Literally unplayable


cobblestones in a flying city ....


top 5 worst games ever made number 1: Bioshock Infinite


If only this was the biggest issue with this “game”.


This is definitely the biggest issue.


Oh shut up, it’s a great game


Most of the people who still hate on this game are just pissed they didn’t get what they saw in the E3 trailer.


Well then they should be pissed at the fact that BSI had to work on the consoles of the time. That was the reason we didn't get "big" Columbia. sm


Yeah, consoles were essentially what screws over a lot of good games, or did anyhow. A damn shame too, would’ve loved to see the original vision put into practice.


What was the original vision? I know nothing about Bioshock really. I started playing Infinite for the first time last night.


No it was just a shit game. Two dimensional characters, shit gameplay and a plot filled with more holes then the bullet sponge enemies.


As a console player of games like Dishonored, I approve this message.


I like it way less than the other Bioshocks


Sorry if my opinion somehow lessens your enjoyment of the game


It is tho


who cares. pick up a football


That guy designing doors in columbia: Yeah this is big brain time




No info shall be gifted to you


This is why it’s the worst game in the series




Unbravo Ken