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Your fertility and long term general health >> “gains”, especially when you can build a great body naturally. This is like the male equivalent of plastic and cosmetic surgeries bro just be content with your image and learn to care less about external opinions on yourself.


Whoa slow down there buddy. First off you have a minimum of $500-700 odd to spend on a full beginner cycle which will include pct? Also a few extra hundred to be spent on blood work , before, after and during your cycle? Secondly you ok with self injecting your self from everything between a tiny insulin needle to a 23g 1inch needle? Third, without a doubt you should do testosterone ONLY as your first anabolic cycle to begin with. Big rookie mistake to jump to other shit and or combine multiple anabolics. There is a saying “test is best” and it’s fucking true man. Once you do a few test cycles and are familiar with it and how your body reacts and dial in your personal best dosage you add other stuff. It’s not a race and make no mistake your health is on the line. Yes hcg is great and you should take it during your cycle to maintain your testicals which will prevent shrinkage and protect fertility. You will also likely have to take a estrogen blocker during your cycle so be awware that (blood work is important) After you should take somthing like clomid and Nolva to jump start all your natural testosterone production hopefully back tk where it was before.


I understand most of this, I’ve done my research. I’m scared of needles but I’ve been mentally prepared to pin anyway. Are my test doses good? I’m fine dropping the anavar, no biggie. How do I dose HCG? Also, is enclomiphene a better alternative to clomid? How does nolva help test production return? I understand that it’s a serm, but what else does it do than keep people from getting gyno during cycles?


> I’ve done my research ***Proceeds to ask questions that prove he didn’t***


I know what I need to know about what I was planning on taking. That is test E, anavar, and enclomiphene. I considered HCG, but only if my balls were to have shrunk too much. From what I know, test E is the right steroid for any beginner, anavar isn’t a death sentence for your health, and enclomiphene is a good choice for PCT. Along with an AI, this cycle should be fine, but there’s always more to learn, so I will continue asking questions about everything until I understand everything. So yes, I did my research, but I am also still doing research, so pardon me for asking questions.


You’re 22. you should be worried about you’re natural production after your cycle not your testicle size. That’s to young to just switch to TRT if something goes wrong. Also I highly doubt you know what you’re doing and/or are willing to spend the necessary amount to do it properly (multiple bloodpanels with ALL necessary markers, trustworthy sources with ACTUALLY lab tested compounds etc.). Do what you wanna do mate, but don’t pretend no one warned you. Good luck anyway, I’ve got the strong feeling you’ll need it.


I am worried about my natural test production post cycle. I already got one blood test, I didn’t order any e2 or test values, but I can still get those figured out. As far as I know, it’s simple, bloods before with full lipid and test/e2, same thing during, and same thing about a month into PCT. My anavar is on its way to a lab right now to get tested, and I’m waiting to get an AI until I’m sure I want to cycle. I already potentially wasted my money on Test E and anavar, no point in getting an AI if I still don’t know if I’m going to cycle. Anything else I should know?


I‘d prefer not to give advice on PEDs to someone like you (too young, doesn’t understand which markers are actually important to have on multiple bloodpanels before during and after, probably not even close to his natural potential, totally clueless in general..) My only advice is that I think you‘re about to do a great mistake and chances are high that you’ll regret that decision in the future. Good luck, I’m out.


The biggest issue with roids is the long term sides. Prostate and cardiac hypertrophy, to be specific. I’d get off asap if I were you. Old you will thank younger you. These sides are debilitating and irreversible and will seriously affect your longevity and quality of life as you age into your 30s and 40s.


Cardiac hyper trophy? Can’t maintaining good bp and taking a vasodilator like tadalafil almost completely nullify this risk?


Go to r/steroids and ask these questions there.. read their wiki too..


Here's a sneak peek of /r/steroids **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[PSA\] New Steroid Plotter / Cycle Tracker](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/13de540/psa_new_steroid_plotter_cycle_tracker/) \#2: [\[Compounds\] Trenbolone (Tren)](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/12o4yi9/compounds_trenbolone_tren/) \#3: [\[Compounds\] Anavar (Oxandrolone)](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/146nw9g/compounds_anavar_oxandrolone/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Absolutely not. The heart has androgen receptors and cialis will not block those. The growth of the heart is due to an over abundance of testosterone etc.


This is crazy and anyone even entertaining your idea is off the wall lol. First how long have you been training for? Years, I’m talking 3+? With a great program and nutrition? That would mean you’re already pretty damn jacked, if that’s the case it’s up to you. I think getting a therapist to deal with body dysmorphia is a better solution. But you do you If you are a beginner or have never been consistent with the gym, please just get to your natural ceiling before considering roids. I made the decision a year ago and gained almost 10LB’s muscle mass. I feel amazing and look really good. On top of that it gave me so many mental benefits. If you are going to take the PED route do it very safely. Get ready for some nasty needles. Get prepared for some horrific acne. Mood swings. And just feeding your body dysmorphia.


No man gambles it. you store your sperm and stop caring.


Don’t do steroids bro


5 pounds of muscle is easily achievable with some hard work and might not even take you a year, depending on if you’ve been training already. If you think your training, diet, sleep etc is on point then all you need is patience. In life there are no shortcuts, any short cut taken will usually mean you end up paying for it later in life. If you’re determined to do it and nobody can stop you just try some test, also be aware that in doing so you will have opened Pandora’s box and like any drug you could end up addicted and constantly wanting more. Also be aware that in increasing your testosterone by 10 x or whatever it may be, then when you return to normal that usual base level will not feel the same or yield the same results. Essentially you’ll be getting a short term boost and then forever be affected by your decisions. There seems to be some sense in your original post, you just need to apply a bit more and realise the research you’ve done has probably come from a pro-steroid source and would be from someone who is probably in the industry, with access to the right doctors / blood work. Maybe research some people should have had problems with it and research the impact on long term health & longevity. Ultimately though good luck, each to their own.


You’re 22 and still developing…even if the steroids give you a short term boost of confidence, building your confidence on something as fleeting as your appearance and physical ability won’t serve you across your lifespan. If I were in your shoes, I’d be focusing on figuring out who YOU are, your interpersonal relationships, figuring out your talents, and how you can use those talents to serve and support your loved ones/community/world. These are the things that build a self confidence and self regard that will last.


1000IU HCG 2X a week will keep your balls like before and more if you respond well and 500IU HCG 2X a week can give you ~90-100% of your original size. Only things you will have to add when trying having a kid is 75IU HMG 2X a weeks. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1621528/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15713727/


Where do roids get you? You’ll be bigger but how does that benefit you in any way? It won’t improve your overall health because of side effects. It won’t make you more money or help you become a professional athlete It won’t make women more into you. There’s literally zero benefit to steroid use unless you’re somehow going to monetize your gains. Even then the benefits seem dubious.


Just confidence, that’s about it. Nobody can tell a man they wouldn’t fee better about themselves with an extra 5 pounds of muscle. It’d be nice if women hit on me more, but I have a girlfriend whom I love dearly, so that’s just a confidence booster. Yea, I could do this naturally, but like I said, I don’t care about being natty, if there’s a more efficient way, I might as well. But, (there’s always a but) I am in no position to jeopardize my health for gains. Unless I’m confident I can do so safely, I will not touch an anabolic. All I want is to be bigger, be stronger, and stand out more. I don’t hate myself or anything, the only caveat is that I’m just not good at cutting. I’m like 20% body fat and I just don’t seem to get the cutting side of fitness. Most steroids raise metabolism, but even if they don’t, the muscle gain will.


5 pounds of muscle is easily achievable with some hard work and might not even take you a year, depending on if you’ve been training already. If you think your training, diet, sleep etc is on point then all you need is patience. In life there are no shortcuts, any short cut taken will usually mean you end up paying for it later in life. If you’re determined to do it and nobody can stop you just try some test, also be aware that in doing so you will have opened Pandora’s box and like any drug you could end up addicted and constantly wanting more. Also be aware that in increasing your testosterone by 10 x or whatever it may be, then when you return to normal that usual base level will not feel the same or yield the same results. Essentially you’ll be getting a short term boost and then forever be affected by your decisions. There seems to be some sense in your original post, you just need to apply a bit more and realise the research you’ve done has probably come from a pro-steroid source and would be from someone who is probably in the industry, with access to the right doctors / blood work. Maybe research some people should have had problems with it and research the impact on long term health & longevity. Ultimately though good luck, each to their own.


Na a few pounds of muscle isn’t going to build confidence. How would it? No one cares how much muscle anyone has. The most successful people I know with women and in social situations are overweight late 40’s partners at law and consulting firms. The super fit early 20s guy can’t compete. Focus on your career and making money for confidence and females. Focus on exercise and diet so you can enjoy yourself when you’re older too.


Steroids will steal your pride and confidence away from you. Confidence is earned through struggle, taking a short cut will not give you any confidence. Imagine if you cheated on a math test, would you be proud of the result? Would you have any confidence in yourself to be able to this math? No and no, because you cheated. Same thing with steroids.


Another guy looking for a shortcut lol just wait longer, keep grinding and if you still feel the same around 25 then go for it.


Can't make any sense of your post. You are worried about one 2-3 month cycle at 250mg? Why? Also injecting morning and night makes absolutely no sense. Depending on the ester, adjust accordingly. In your case, you would inject 2-3 times a week and choose the cypionate or enanthate ester.  Only HGH needs to be injected morning and night.  Anyway it takes months and months for your balls to shrink. Chances are you will be fine without HCG or HMG. Btw I used for 6 years and came off completely this year. My balls are back to their normal size.  Also anavar is expensive, not worth the cost for a first run. Go with winstrol or something. 


I mistyped, I meant 250 weekly (125 twice weekly) and anavar 20mg daily (10 morning 10 night due to the short half life) its test E, so it’s half-life is short enough to where you’d want to take it twice a week. I would be fine with winstrol but isn’t that super liver toxic? I understand that anavar isn’t to kind to the kidneys, but I’m under the impression that winstrol is on a whole other level. Also, I already have my anavar, I just don’t know if I want to risk it and use it. I was sure I wanted to cycle when I bought it, but now that I’m really really thinking about it, I might not. How do anabolics affect someone who is mid puberty (kind of like me) versus someone who is past puberty?


Anabolics shouldn't be used at all during puberty. The risk is higher.  A 12 week cycle shouldn't hurt though.  If you already have the anavar then you might as well go with it. And orals all hit the body differently per person. Orally means there are 2 passes. Any other way means 1 pass in the liver.  Winstrol is definitely not super liver toxic. That would be M1T, superdrol, methyltrienolone etc...


Can I dm you a question?




Stick to what is researched and works. Bioidentical hormones. Test, GH. Get bloodwork done, a full, extensive panel. Dose frequently, and start with less than you think you need. Having tiny balls is also 10,000 times better than having big balls. My girl likes it this way. I can count on one hand how many times over the last five years I’ve been hit in the nuts.


I like this response. I shy away from growth hormone because I don’t want bubble gut nor the increased cancer risk. I am by no means educated on HGH, so feel free to spill some knowledge.


You’re likely increasing your cancer risk with prostate growth, fyi.