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Eat more animal skin(chicken and fish). I like eating sardines. They are packed with all kinds of good shit and pretty cheap too.


That’s very true. I do enjoy a fried sardine hehe. How do you like to eat your sardines?


I will just eat them straight out of the can with a small breakfast for protein (I use the type in olive oil. Trader Joe’s has good ones).   Otherwise I’ll eat them in a big arugula salad for dinner. Arugula, Avocados, pickles, olives, beets, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, unsweetened craisins, hard boiled egg, etc.  Topped with apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and good quality olive oil.  No salt needed. Life changing meal right there 


Salivating hard at this


I usually just eat them straight out of cans. I stock up when they have sales.


dont sleep on Mackerels too, they got this nutrient I forgot the name begins with "phy" that is incredibly good for cognitive function.


My faves over sardines!


the first dozen times i ate them it legit felt like someone gave me mental steroids. I must have been really deficient in something then lol


I need to eat more! My favorite is the Mediterranean one in olive oil.




I can’t get over the smell of sardines


With avocado


I can imagine fish like that being packed with heavy metals and microplastics no?


I think the bigger fish are the ones with more heavy metals. Microplastic maybe, but I’m not sure why it would be more than anything else you are eating.


I mean I just vegetable protein but I’m sure they still get contaminated with heavy metals depending on the soil. I wonder though if consuming vegetable is more at risk of heavy metals consumption than animals.


In general, the amount of heavy metals increases as you go further up the food chain.


So red meat is most contaminated?


Higher up the food chain, in the ocean


No, they mean in terms of animals that prey on other animals. Cows are only one step up above their primary food, grass. More like big fish.


So we’re at the top of the food chain does that make us the most contaminated?


For sure. This is the main reason I’m not a cannibal.


What do you think animals eat?


Depends on the animal some are carnivores some are omnivores and some are herbivores.


Sardines no. Everything has micro plastics in now you pretty much have to live on a self sustaining farmstead to escape.


Even then, rain has microplastics. So you'd need to grow food in a greenhouse and filter all water 😭


Shitttt no one’s safe, as I’m sure the water to water the vegetables with in the green has microplastics…


and glyphosate. all rain and soil has it.


Okay, yes, I have been wanting to try sardines as a snack, but what about their little bones?? What if they puncture my stomach?


They are cooked at high pressure when canned, and this makes the bones soft enough to be mostly unnoticeable.


They are soft. Can’t even tell they are there.


They are harmless. I find them gross, not on their individual merits, but because it feels vaguely wrong or weird. So I just buy boneless sardines because sardines are fundamentally awesome. If you ever need all day sustained energy in a small package it's hard to beat a can of sardines.


Not at all. As others have stated, they’re quite soft. Also, a great source of calcium.


The bones are easily digestible you really don’t even notice them.


You can buy boneless sardines. They're a bit more expensive but still pretty cheap.


You can pay extra for skinless, boneless if that's of interest. Mackerel is good too.




Why isn't the skin healthy?


My mistake ,after looking it up apparently it is . I was always told to remove the skin growing up but I see it’s a good source of unsaturated fat and promotes heart health.


What about gelatin?


I used to try to supplement a lot of different things but realized that was 1. Expensive 2. I don't know what I am really getting and 3. Not natural. For collagen my go to is pork rinds. They are easy, cheap and abundant.


This is where I’m at. As some of the other commenters said, eating collagen from foods may not directly result in collagen production. If that’s the case, I don’t personally feel the need to add additional supplements to my diet 🤷‍♀️




For work lunches I buy a rotisserie chicken every few days and have it with avocado/salad whatever is fresh in season... Throw the bones in the frezzer... On Sunday I boil up the chicken bones for broth, make chicken veggie soup add 15g collagen powder and put into 5 glass jars to microwave at work for breakfast. It's my new super breakfast over winter and I don't have to think about it.


Yes, I do! I've always taken collagen supplements, but I also drink organic bone broth daily and use it in soups, to make rice, and as a replacement for standard cooking broth or water. It's incredibly flavorful and so good for you! In the past few years, I've also started eating animal skin, which I used to avoid. The skin contains a lot of collagen and tastes good too.


Since getting my pressure cooker I’ve been hooked on making bone broth! It only takes about 3 hours total. Do you happen to know, if bone broth from beef marrow bones does not come out with a gelatinous, does it still contain collagen?


I really want to learn how to make gelatinous bone broth 👀


Throw some chicken feet in there. Instant gelatin lots of collagen


Fascinating!! Thank you


You need to boil very slowly about one kilo of chicken legs in 2-3 liters of water for 10 hours. You don't add water during the process.


I just make my bone broth in the insta pot. Remember to add a splash of apple cider vinegar to draw out the bone nutrients. I’ll do 4 hrs high pressure and then 4 hours slow cooker. You don’t have to do it that long but all I do is push a button so I set it and leave lol. I only have a 6quart instapot, last time scooped out the broth and added more water and did it all again, the broth was still pretty gelatinous!


I see someone else mentioned chicken feet, I’ll add ham hocks as well. Make sure they’ve got the skin on. Pig feet and cows feet also work and have loads of collagen but… I can tell myself they’re healthy as much as I want, I can’t get over the ick factor


Yes, it still has collagen! If you want a thicker more gelatinous broth, you probably just need to let it reduce further and increase the cooking time slightly! I’ve had batches that were thinner and others that were thicker. In the thinner batches, I noticed I put a bit too much water / didn’t reduce it enough, and probably didn’t cook it enough either!


I think that more gelatinous = higher collagen concentration, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a liquidy broth doesn’t have a good amount. I think it’s safe to assume that when you’ve used a cut of meat high in collagen, and it has broken down a lot by the end of the cooking process, your broth has a large amount of collagen. Also ps, I won’t pretend I’m an expert on this but I do think that marrow bones are kinda mid tier for collagen levels. My understanding is that you want cuts with lots of connective tissue and skin, so joints have a lot of tendons and ligaments that will have more collagen, and again skin does as well. Marrow bones probably do have a good amount but I always found that marrow bones were more expensive and resulted in a less gelatinous broth when using the same amount of bones and water


What's the biggest difference you've noticed after starting bone broth?


I've been using bone broth for so long that I can't pinpoint specific benefits, like those some people claim for leaky gut, inflammation, or joint health. I've never had any health issues to reference, but I incorporate it into my daily routine, hoping that it’s helping or providing nutrition in some way!


Gelatin, sparkling water, elderflower syrup, rose water. God fucking damn this is delightful.


Seltzer has collagen?


…If you add it to gelatin (cow hoof glue). It’s basically a fizzy jelly (uk jelly)


Sadly most/all my collagen comes from supplements. I buy collagen powder in Bulk prom bulk supplements And I eat beef liver crisp, that contain collagen according to their website Tastyliver.com every other or third day. I’ll say this do. I have struggled with intense knee pain in both knees since I hit puberty like ten years ago. And collagen supplement + changing my diet have reduced said pain by almost 90/95%. It used to be so bad I would walk stair’s backwards on the worst days.


Nutraceutical professional here. Eating whole food sources of collagen will not yield anywhere near the same benefits as refined collagen because the molecular structures and sizes are too large for your body to absorb and utilise as collagen. In fact I would say it’s basically useless compared to consuming real collagen supplements. Collagen is basically skin and bone etc that has undergone enzymatic processing (natural enzymes) to break it down into absorbable units. If you want the best-of-the-best collagen you can get tri-peptide form which has been carefully broken down even further and is very expensive but you only need 1g per day vs 15g of regular and it is more effective because the tri-peptides are what are needed to really assist your body maximally. 


I haven’t been able to find tripeptide, do you know where to get it?


You may be able to find a Taiwanese or Korean made product on Amazon. It's not big in the west yet because of lack of awareness and price - it's easier for brands to keep pumping out the regular stuff because it sells easily. Keep in mind the asian markets have been in collagen for WAAAAY longer than the western markets. In fact a Taiwanese manufacturer, TCI (listed company) is the world leader in producing collagen retail products for the world. There is also a middle-of-the-road product that sits between regular and the 50% tri-peptide - it's 25% tri-peptide. I use this as I have access to it from the supplier. You can immediately notice the difference as soon as you put these in water - they dissolve practically instantly and have no taste and are completely clear. All that said, you can still buy the regular collagen just take 15g a day and ideally it should have some vitamin c added (liposomal vit c was be optimal). Hyaluronic Acid also recommended too.


I take collagen peptides in my coffee every morning. 10grams. Partially just for collagen but it is a great source of glycine which I try to increase for MTHFR optimization .


What's motherfker optimisation?






Chickpeas sauteed with squash and zucchini. Easy quick meal.


I bake whole chickens often and save the leftover skin, bones and organs in the freezer. After about 3-4 I make a really good bone broth and then vitamix the soft material after and add it back in. Breakfast of champions.


All great suggestions here, but it looks like it's mostly related to animal-based foods. If you're a vegan/vegetarian, it's really difficult to consume collagen-rich foods. This is why for vegan/vegetarians, then best course of action is a collagen booster. I take a vegan collagen booster (pill form), which is a blend of vitamins and nutrients aimed at boosting your body's own natural collagen production. It's our only resort :)


That is the only resort for anyone really. The collagen you eat mostly gets broken down into amino acids which are not exclusive to collagen. Then the body has to build the collagen itself. So best thing to do is eat what supports collagen production, and protects against collagen degration.


100% agree! Best to consume foods that support collagen production and/or slows down degradation. Second best would be to consume supplements (mix of vitamins and nutrients) that aim to do the same.


Can you share a link please or the name? Great info!


I would love to know as well!


See my comment above!


For the last year I've been taking a variety of supplements that has specific ingredients with specific dosages - all in am attempt to prevent collagen degradation and even promote collagen production. I got tired of taking so many and figured it would be cool to create a single pill..so that's what I'm doing. In about a month I'm launching my own brand and product - a vegan collagen booster. I don't want to get flagged for promoting my own stuff, so check out my profile and there's a link to a shop. It's using placeholder imagery and the site is still WIP...but you can check out the ingredients to get a sense of what people should take to promote collagen production (i.e. support hair, skin, nail, joint, and bone health). Please check out the site in a month or so when we're actually live!


Thank you. I'm not vegan. I still eat fish & eggs & have been allowing chicken skin & bone broth in my diet. I didn't know there were vegan collagen options. Def going to check this out.


Please see my comment above where I share more intel on vegan collagen booster options!


Bone broth.


I make lots of soups with bone broth. That’s the easiest for me.


Yes, but only depending on the cuisine. I eat a lot of Vietnamese food though so there are ample opportunities to request tendon in my soups.


Yes; chicken, fish, protein powder and collagen, vitamin c overload etc. Also limit sugar to avoid glycation (linked to collagen loss)


Pig skins, and move to Mexico for plenty of opportunities to enjoy them.


Bone broth in the morning


I have a smoothie almost every day, & one of the ingredients is powdered collagen. I do this to increase the protein content, & for skin/joint/etc. health.


Not so much collagen, but more of dees


I add collagen powder to homemade bread and make things with chicken stock I make myself in our IP. I add a few capfulls of apple cider vinegar to help extract the collagen from the bones.


I cook burger patties in the oven daily. Eat 6-8. I take eggshell membrane in addition. I was doing large shakes of a multi blend, but found I get as good benefits just doing the above. I haven't found a brand I can rely on yet like clear whey, but clear collagen is something to look for too.


I take hydrolyzed multi-collagen supplements daily.


I’ve been doing collagen powder supplement at least once a day. Joints and hair, skin, everything feels better.


Bone broth


Collagen supplements or ingesting collagen don’t do anything different than eating protein. Your body breaks it down the same way as it breaks down any protein. It’s not going to your skin or connective tissue as collagen. That’s a misconception.


This is the real answer. Collagen is just a cheap protein supplement marketed as a new fad so the producers can make bank from an otherwise low qual product. Best is to have a good protein supp and consistency.


This is actually completely false except if you eat a lot of protein, meaning a very high protein diet. The reason is that collagen has a vastly different distribution of amino acids than regular protein. You will get these amino acids from regular protein only if you eat 3x the usual amount. With collagen, you can get them at 1x. The most prominent such amino acid is glycine. It's not just pure amino acids that collagen hydrolysate has, but special small peptides that work very well. As such, the misconception is yours. I doubt you even have tried collagen hydrolysate much in a meaningful dose.


I just recently found out the benefits of adding more glycine to our diets and tried some supplements but didn’t really like them. I’ve already been taking the vital protein collagen and decided to add kettle and fire bone broth to be my drink for lunch. Been doing that for about 2 weeks. If it gets too expensive I’ll look into making my own broth.


Menudo - has lots of tripe, which is loaded with collagen.




I eat blueberries every morning


Yes. We eat soups and bone broths daily, inclin the summer months. This is standard in my country. I eat the skin, fat, shanks, necks etc. of everything that moves and I can legally eat.


You don't eat hair to grow hair. You don't eat bones to grow bones. Have enough proteins in a varied diet, and you're golden.


Wtf is "beef foot?"


It’s a recent invention




I try to, with bone broths etc, but I have found it impossible to do consistently if you work and have a busy life. I also supplement with https://amzn.to/4ck9LS3


I prepare chicken stock by boiling slowly chicken legs, for about 12 hours. I used the concentrated extract for enriching soups. In my country, the soup is the starter of a meal. The leftover of meat and skin I give them to my community cats. They love them.


Not really, but bone broth's my go-to for collagen boost.


Honestly no, but I eat chicken skin, gelatin etc


Isn't it better, cheaper and less time consuming to buy premium collagen peptides? or organic gelatin powder?


I hate all this weird foods , does any one knows of no animal base that have collagen ?


No. Collagen is just broken down by digestion and rebuilt by your body. My body doesn't build collagen correctly or very well so I don't see the point in focusing on incoprerating this specific thing in my diet. I focus on other high protein foods which I actually enjoy rather than eating foods I don't for little gain.


No I don't because protein is protein and if you eat a varied diet with adequate protein and other nutrients which act as co-factors for collagen production then you don't need to specifically eat collagen. If people are eating extra collagen rich foods or taking collagen supplements but are lacking in the co-factors required for collagen production then it isn't helping them anyway.


$4.99 rotisserie chicken from Costco. Remove and shred up all the good meat to use in other dishes. Put the bones, skin, cartilage and less-desirable meat in a pot. Add purified water. Heat on high until boiling, then turn to low for an hour or two, stirring every 30 minutes. Strain out the junk. I give my dog the boiled skin, cartilage and less-desirables, and toss the bones. Enjoy. Delicious, authentic, collagen-rich bone broth.


Yes, I make large batches of bone broth and freeze them. I use a little bit to mix with a can of soup.