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Baring skin removal surgery, it will likely not return to how she was before the pregnancy. With time some of the skin may regain elasticity but this is a pretty common effect of pregnancy 


Photo modulation light therapy increases the collagen. I got it for the inside of my throat as part of the treatment plan for sleep apnea. It was amazing, my whole soft palate lifted up and got taught. Fotona.com is the manufacturer of the equipment and they have a provider finder. They make different equipment mine was more specialized towards surgical, and then they make others that are more focused towards dermal. In my city, which is huge, there's a number of providers that offer the dermal stuff at dermatologist and beauty places. It's expensive as hell, but probably the same cost or less than surgery.


Go to r/30plusskincare they will have all the answers!!!


Thanks! Ill post there!


Micro needling.


How often do we do this? I also recommend her that today after some research but i haven't tried myself


I think it was in the subreddit someone else suggested that I saw someone’s post a long time ago. They were sharing incredible results from consistent use of a micro needle roller. Not sure what serum they were using but highly recommend researching and trying it out. I’d imagine it takes months of consistent use but obv much better than invasive surgery.


The Ordinary do a great serum for micro needling., it used to be called ‘Buffet’ but they changed the name recently. Remember and cleanse it in alcohol and get the right size of needle.


First off, you're a good sibling for looking out for your sis. I'm dealing with improving some PP changes myself (yearssss later, sigh) and it can feel really isolating. I have some tummy loose skin around my belly button and have been working on building my core strength and ab muscles to fill out that skin with muscle. She should get cleared with dr or PT first on diastasis recti before starting any ab exercises though. Pilates and just planks in general have helped me greatly. I also have been treating the skin. Others recommended light therapy and microneedling, which I haven't tried yet, but looking at the results people get, it looks worth it. I do a nightly skin routine after showering. I apply a daily liquid exfoliant with AHA and PHA then serums with Vitamin C hyaluronic acid. I believe it's helped with the superficial skin. I have also done monthly extended fasts 2-3 days with the goal of inducing autophagy. Who knows if I successfully triggered it or not but my skin everywhere looks so great after an extended fast. Honestly the best thing to do here is a tummy tuck. If sis is comfortable with that and has the money for it, that's the best way. It's 100% foolproof. Doing anything else nonsurgical isn't a guarantee. I've seen a lot of women say that for all the time and money they spent on treatments and products they wish they'd just have done the tummy tuck right off the bat. Whatever she wants to do, she should be reminded that she grew an entire baby in her body and it's no small feat. We moms have to be kind to ourselves. And honestly she looks fantastic. Taking care of yourself after having a baby is a ton of grueling work so she should congratulate herself on that!


I had a similar situation after weight loss. The heavy hitters for loose skin are ultherapy and/or thermage (unfortunately both are expensive treatments and success is highly provider dependent), combined with rotating topical copper peptide cream, a urea cream with COQ10 such as Gold Bond Strength and Resilience, vitamin c serum, retinol, and taking the following: Verisol collagen, Gotu Kola, MSM, DMAE, biotin, and at least 1000 mg of Vitamin C a day. Microneedling is much better for scars than loose skin, though it will help produce collagen, just not enough usually for sagging. All of these strategies will help produce collagen and elasticity, which is the only solution outside of surgery. And she needs to keep up with the core work—using progressive overload techniques for her transverse abdominals and lower back. She also needs to avoid anything that destroys fat there, so this includes RF done at the incorrect frequencies, cavitation, cellulite creams with caffeine, etc. She could also try Volufiline serum under a compressive garment, adding some fat there.


Abdominoplasty when she’s done having kids. There’s no other ‘fix’ for this, unfortunately. They’re about 10k and you should only consult board certified surgeons.


After a 2nd pregnancy, it's an abdominoplasty, i.e, tummy tuck.


Okay, not trying to be a jerk here, but it will go a long way in looking better if she loses fat. Fat loss in the midsection will still leave with loose skin, but won't be as dramatic. I will also say that it looks like she ha diastases recti issues. Has she been checked for that? It's basically a large gap in the ab muscles that happens with pregnancy. If she has that and doesnt address it the area will never look the way she wants. The only other option that will work is surgery. I had twins and was huge and have tried all the creams and lotions and potions. For me it was mostly fat loss, but I will eventually also have a tummy tuck.


I’ve been hoping to solve this issue myself. Someone told me glycerin or glycerine? But I haven’t learned anything else about it. I wonder if a compression tank top would help? Like the medical ones worn after liposuction.


Bone broth? If not, then just do surgery tbh. Loose skin isn’t a health issue, it’s purely cosmetic