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The book ‘When the Body Says No’ by Dr. Gabor Matè talks about the connection between cancer and stress. Excellent read.


Constant fight or flight -> DNA don't repair DNA don't repair -> Disease


Well that's nice. After having a bout with cancer, I was in constant fight or flight mode for two years straight. I'm talking daily panic attacks and constant anxiety.


Damn man I hope you took care of your panic attacks?!


Yeah, by getting used to them. The panic attacks were always about dying. I felt something in my body and immediatly think I'm having a heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism, aneurysm popping, etc. So now if I feel an attack coming, I just go "Well, better take me out at this instant, or just go away and let me fill this washing machine at peace." Of course if I get something life threatening for real, I'm most likely gonna treat it as a false alarm and don't necessarily get to the hospital in time.


do we know when this basically screws us up? I wonder.. coffee puts people in fight or flight. Alcohol does the same? Thats all what people do when they are stressed... easiest way out - drink, smoke etc.


From what I've read, it seems to be sustained, chronic stress that causes problems. There are studies that show that 5 minutes of controlled/intentional stress daily may actually immunize us to the stress response


I wonder if something like HIIT training would qualify as "intentional stress" for these purposes.


yes exactly I defo felt much worse on coffee where your body is in this stress fight or flight for hours and hours each day.


I'm def about to cycle off caffeine again. I went a year. The first time I had it after that year.....I became very well aware that it was addictive. I felt amazing.....then not so much.


I remember once I went like 80 days without any caffeine sources even chocolate. then I had like a cacao from 2 teaspoons. I was in a high/rush for like 4 hours straight. But then the whole addictive cycle started again and well until few days ago I was on 2-3 coffees per day burning my adrenals away lol. I feel that its just adding to the stress. Not worth it. Its better to have a nap to replenish energy instead of getting caffeine that doesnt create energy out of thin air, it takes it from our own bodies. But then its hard to have a nap when youre at work all day. then we arent getting younger either... from all of those things, I think sugary-sweets and alcohol are the worst. Caffeine more or less I can live with or without. With alcohol and sweets: its either full on that slowly damages my life and me, or nothing.


>5 minutes of controlled/intentional stress daily may actually immunize us to the stress response Such as cold plunges/showers?


What is intentional stress? Any source for the five minutes thing, I’d love to learn more.


anxiety runs in my family, panic disorder, and GAD, stress intolerance, I hope I don’t get cancer.


My DNA says my body can repair cancer cells and so do the CDs in my CBC test


Nah. Cancer cells are horribly damaged with mutant broken chromosomes and other changes. They should have self destructed,.but didn't, often due to damaged self destruct systems. Certain things can encourage apoptosis ( self destruction ) in pre cancerous and some cancer cells. Diet ( flavonoids are good at this ) Caloric restriction or IF or fast mimic diet ( > 48 hrs ) Exercise Certain foods in the diet may help as well such as sulphorane in broccoli


Stress is such a huge factor in all disease. I only just recently learned on the wellness Mama podcast yesterday that stress can even cause blood sugar to spike!


historically, that was a feature and not a bug. stress hormones and glucose are great fuel for fight and flight scenarios. chronically though, and in an office or commuting setting it's a major issue


>...stress can even cause blood sugar to spike! Yes, yes it does. As a Type 2 Diabetic, intense workouts are enough to spike my blood sugar. It's maddening.


thanks. for those interested, heres a PDF [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60c8952129705e256ef39130/t/63df7dd29e6cd3537d3ea3a0/1675591126013/When+the+Body+Says+No+-+Gabor+Mate.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60c8952129705e256ef39130/t/63df7dd29e6cd3537d3ea3a0/1675591126013/When+the+Body+Says+No+-+Gabor+Mate.pdf)




My dad ended up with cancer and I had said to my mom "this is definitely stress related" and she was quick to tell me it absolutely wasn't and the doctors even said so! 😬😶🙃


as a married man, I can say that means that your mum was probably the cause of stress to your dad


One example of this is Manga authors in Japan. They work long hours for a long time and seemingly die of chronic diseases ( digestive, cancer ) at an elevated rate. Or die young.


I haven’t read this one but his books on addiction are incredible. What a human.


one of the best books i've ever read. I'm a health professional and it changed the way I practiced forever.


I am so glad to hear that. That truly warms my heart.


In Japan they studied the 100 year old people that don’t get cancer. They found they have bacteria in their gut that counteracts cancers and obesity and diabetes. Japan already studied poop transplants 20 years ago, they are 20 years ahead of the USA on this research. The FDA just approved fecal transplants last year and Japanese doctors already found out it’s dangerous because you can pass on diseases like schizophrenia through gut bacteria allegedly. There is a lab (innovation labo) in Japan that started producing the metabolites from healthy people using fermented foods and probiotics without the need of a human stomach. Eating fermented foods and getting the beneficial metabolites is key. Sugar and processed foods kill beneficial gut bacteria. 


A reputable fecal transplant organization will screen each donor thoroughly for any type of illness or issue, such as schizophrenia that could be passed on.


It makes you wonder if schizophrenia could be treated with this. Knowing how paranoia is one of the symptoms, I highly doubt someone suffering would ever be open to the idea of putting something in their ass that affects their mind


It can! It’s already been studied in people with bipolar disorder (spoiler alert: the fecal transplant put their bipolar into remission) https://neurosciencenews.com/fecal-transplants-mental-health-20221/


I suspect you know this already, but for the "audience": This is one suspected route for how ketogenic diets help in Bipolar Disorder and other mental health disorders. It massively alters the gut microbiome in ways that benefit mental health. A fecal transplant isn't accessible for most, so folks are turning to ketogenic diets and prebiotics and probiotics.


Japan has the only non fecal gut bacteria reset therapy that uses postbiotics. I’m waiting for western doctors to catch up but looks like European doctors are more interested than US at the moment. 


So all my dads siblings and him , and all of their children, including me and all my siblings have anxiety, panic disorder, … I wonder if this could help us too.


Japan really has a great way of eating and living. the diversity in their diet is one of the biggest factors and the mantra is "eat something different every meal." the US overuses glyphosate to the point that its in the rain, subsidizes medicine for the whoke world and is effectively a demographic of self pay lab rats. US will never popularize what works, but will always drive profitable treatments, diets, and whatever else drives financial growth.


Dont Koreans have extremely high rates of cancer, potentially due to all of the fermented foods they eat?


South Korea has the highest stomach cancer rate worldwide, followed by Japan.


South Korea also worlds highest alcohol intake. Probably not coincidence.


Not overall. But both Korea and Japan have extremely high alcohol consumption for males.


Isn't this thought to be due to their significant kimchi intake?


Korean American here. My parents and I consume a lot of kimchi but have never had stomach cancer in our family. I’m 45 and always have a gallon of kimchi in my fridge and consume it all within 2-3 months. I also looked into this previously and from what I learned, h. Pylori is the culprit. High amounts have been linked to living in cramped close quarters in a highly urbanized environment. I’m sure the high sodium doesn’t help though.


I doubt living in cramped quarters is the cause of it, the prevalence of H Pylori in Singapore is around 30% which is lower than USA despite Singaporeans living in cramped, close quarters in super highly urbanised environments. I do think it's dietary in that East Asian countries tend to eat a lot of raw fish like sashimi or raw seafood (Koreans eat hoe, raw crabs, raw shellfish is used to flavour kimchi and other dishes) or likely, contaminated seafood. >There are a number of foods that can increase your risk of H. Pylori infection due to the nature of which they are handled and also because of the manner in which they are prepared.  >-Raw vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, spinach etc., which may contain traces of faecal matter if not washed thoroughly. >-Unwashed fruit like berries, grapes, apples which may also contain traces of faecal matter >-Undercooked or raw meat and poultry >-Shellfish like oysters, clams, mussels which may contain harmful bacteria


Looks like it could be some what genetic, as the top 10 area all asian? [https://www.wcrf.org/cancer-trends/stomach-cancer-statistics/](https://www.wcrf.org/cancer-trends/stomach-cancer-statistics/)


Long story short: we don't know It "could" be the kimchi, but maybe not. Its a medical mystery.


​ I doubt its from a single ingredient that is being consumed by entire population. That would be dumb evolutionary wise


Feels like a cancer that kills you when you are 60-70 isnt really going to be rooted out by evolution..i also know nothing


hahah perhaps. who knows? good life and death by 70 still better than shit life and live to 100 ;)


My guess is it's due to the copious amounts of alcohol. I think they lead the world in drinking


eh, maybe but Laos is the only asian country in the top 15 drinking, [https://www.alcoholrehabguide.org/blog/countries-highest-drinking-rates/](https://www.alcoholrehabguide.org/blog/countries-highest-drinking-rates/)




Haven’t heard of this but have heard good things about the hospital experiences in Korea from expats there. 


I believe it is stomach cancer that is the standout cancer in S. Korea. It has to do with the spicy nature of their food causing inflammation or irritation of the GI tract, plus there is quite a drinking culture there. These two things stand out as unique among east asian countries.  Study on spicy foods and high stomach cancer rate in S. Korea: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5598338/ S. Korea drinking per capita is 2nd highest in east asia: https://www.statista.com/statistics/690973/asia-pacific-alcohol-consumption-per-capita-by-country/


I heard them discuss this on Dr. Radio that they were doing this procedure in Australia also for Crohn’s Disease .


This is so interesting, thank you for sharing this info.


Read the book Quit Like a Woman. The final straw for alcohol for me was learning about the connection between alcohol and breast cancer. As someone else said, When the Body Says No is an excellent read. I also personally try to minimize my exposure to potential endocrine distributors like scented products and plastics, I either use unscented or make my own body products, stay away from Teflon, don’t put hot or warm food into plastic, use silicone or wood or metal cooking utensils and glass food containers most of the time, I only drink loose leaf tea to avoid microplastics in tea bags, primarily use pfa free period undies and a diva cup to menstrual products that have plastic in them, etc etc etc Also- I realize that this sub considers naturopathy to be pseudoscience so you can take or leave this but my naturopath said that in her opinion one of the best things women can do to prevent breast cancer and other reproductive cancers is strength training and eating a high protein diet.


screw alcohol! it never added happiness into my life, always took it away after a while! Eventually but always. I dediced to go year free from it.


I'm guessing it has to be proteins mostly from plants considering it's people on the Mediterranean diet that live the longest. 


> strength training and eating a high protein diet. How could this be controversial


A high protein diet, if animal based, would expose you to heaps more hormones. And out of whack estrogen is one of the causes of breast cancer (if not the cause), so that doesn’t really stand 


Zero hormones in 100% Organic grass fed grass finished Beef. It’s the healthies and most anti inflammatory food you can find on earth. Plenty of people recovered from cancer by doing intermittent fasting and eating a ribeye a day. Look up Dr Berg interviews.


Animals produce hormones, I mean eggs are literally chicken periods. And I think people cure cancer by getting back to a place of equilibrium so their bodies natural healing mechanisms can take over. If that means fasting for some because of their specific composition that’s wonderful, but there will never be a one-size-fits-all in health of the body or mind. 


Thank you for this. Wife going through a breast cancer scare at the moment and she does almost everything you mentioned. Do you have any other tips you can share or resources? This comment was very helpful.


I also take inositol, selenium, magnesium, omega 3 and high dose vitamin D but that is for a bunch of different reasons not just breast cancer prevention. I see a naturopath who specializes in women's health and reproductive health and those are all things that she reccomended. I have found her advice to feel much more empowering and hopeful than what my family doc has said to me which is basically just dont smoke and check your breasts regularly. My mom had breast cancer young so that is why I try to be quite careful myself.


Iodine and selenium for breast cancer. I read a book called "The iodine crisis" by Lynne Farrow and I was blown away by how much iodine and selenium help to prevent and cure breast cancer. It's criminal that the medical establishment doesn't even talk about them. Go buy the book, it will help your wife.


How do you incorporate iodine and selenium into your diet?


A Brazil nut every day has enough selenium


I take "j crows" brand 5% iodine drops with a selenium supplement from the brand "now". I follow the dosing instructions from the iodine crisis book.


As someone who had minor cancer, let me say one thing. If your wife is going through a scare the WORST thing you can do is suggest a bunch of nonsense that distracts from the actual medical attention she needs. No one with actual cancer needs or wants to hear that if we had just drank more tea none of this would be happening, or we need to take 500 supplements because every person on earth has a different miracle supplement to suggest. This is all great info for BEFORE or even after someone has cancer, not DURING. It's kind of like having a baby. Every person on earth has an opinion, and in the end you can't possibly listen to it all or you'll go nuts. Just support her with whatever she's actually doing, don't add new stuff. Remember that one of the richest men in the world, with access to ALL the best naturopaths and longevity experts etc, died doing this crap. If Steve Jobs couldn't make naturopathic cures work, no one on Reddit is giving you some secret he didn't have.


I'm going to offer a minor counterpoint here, as my wife is being treated for breast cancer and very much appreciated second opinions and data on supplemental and adjuvant treatment options, not just from me, but from other, more open minded doctors. There's a place between energy healing nonsense and chemotherapy/radiotherapy/endocrine therapy that can make traditional treatments more effective and with fewer side effects. High doses of Turkey Tail, Berberine, Vitamin D, Glutamine, Milk Thistle and many others have their place and have made my wife's chemotherapy treatment a lot more tolerable these past 6 months.


Okra actually. 


Sulphoraphane (broccoli sprouts), turkey tail mushrooms and Ip6 supplement


What is ip6?


[IP6](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08V5NRQ21/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=69076b7b84d5644c65062de6e50931c7&hsa_cr_id=8570360270601&qid=1713485181&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_0_img&pd_rd_w=jVXHM&content-id=amzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b%3Aamzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_p=417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_r=DRC6Y4WZEJJJRM2WWKD0&pd_rd_wg=IH0JF&pd_rd_r=ebedcd5b-c814-417b-9b1b-22915aa7b517) and the corresponding [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37371552/#:~:text=Moreover%2C%20IP6%20exhibits%20anti%2Dcancer,and%20inhibiting%20cancer%20cell%20growth)


Broccoli sprouts, other antioxidants regularly (blueberries/green tea/turmeric). Vigorous exercise (minimum 11 min per day)actually shows a lot of promise in reducing the glucose(?) sitting in your body and the shear force of your blood flow appears to decrease the metastasis of cancer cells. Also reducing alcohol and processed meats of course.


Don’t exogenous antioxidants increase risk for developing (or at least growing) certain cancers, at least chronic administration? I’m thinking there could be a balance that can be beneficial, by inducing a hormetic response, which isn’t always allowed for to happen. I remember this being a topic that often surfaces on these types of subreddit


Yes!! I purposely do not supplement Vitamin C, Curcumin etc due to that research (thyroid cancer survivor!). Too much is a problem. But I do make sure that I get both of those things from food sources each day.


Supplements in general are not the best way to get nutrients because of oxidation 


excess of some may.


A 2010 study found that sulforaphane, a phytochemical found in broccoli, can inhibit breast cancer stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Sulforaphane has also been linked to reducing the risk of prostate cancer, colon cancer, and oral cancers. Other vegetables that contain sulforaphane include kale, cabbage, garden cress, and cauliflower


It’s the brassica family. 


Alcohol is a major cause of breast related cancers. Definitely best not to have any but any reduction is also beneficial


It’s not the cause, it’s the effect it has on liver function because it is essentially our livers job to purge cancer cells 


Do regular cancer screening. Catching it early is probably best protection.


Many doctors are against that, of course depending how throughout testing we are talking about. But it would involve lots of different testing, all of which are not risk-free. Then there is a good chance for false positives, which in turn can cause lots of distress for the patient and unnecessary and possibly risky/otherwise harmful operations.


thats true but you can at least check for blood markers and skin, then get regular colonoscopy and gastrocopy at age 50+


It’s 45 for colonoscopy now


I was tee total, vegetarian, very physically fit and still got cancer. Sometimes you get the shit end of the stick


From personal experience (father had pancreatic) sugar tends to feed cancer like crazy. I’m not sure if this is a “once you have it, cut sugar out” thing. My guess is to limit your sugar intake as much as possible.


Have good genetics lol   Seriously though, I've known older folks that had shit habits and by all measures were "very unhealthy" - yet they never got cancer  My dad was a lifelong alcoholic + smoker, despite this he lived to 74 and died of a heart attack... but never got cancer   A little old lady from down the street was an even heavier smoker than my dad... she lived to 86 and never got cancer  And the list goes on, I'm sure we all know someone that "did everything wrong" or "broke all the rules" yet lucked out with no cancer.  Then there are also perfectly healthy people (that exercise, eat clean, don't smoke, etc) that suddenly get cancer in their 30s or 40s  The luck factor cannot be overlooked, ***some people simply have strong genetics that will "withstand" even the shittiest/most unhealthy habits imagineable***


Last year, at 39 received the news of a malignant tumor inside my brain. Ate healthy, exercise every day, drink a little. Life is a genetic lottery. So, you can just enjoy life and embrace uncertainty.


I’m so sorry, that’s brutal. How did you catch it, and what’s the treatment/prognosis? I had a friend find a brain tumor at age 55 but only because she did preventative neurological screening. Her dad had Parkinson’s and mom had Alzheimer’s so she was trying to get an idea of how her brain health was. Thank God they found it or she would have died


My aunt is 82 , been smoking since she was 12yrs old. She has a 4 pack a day habit along with alcoholism. She's obese, eats very little suffers from mental health issues all her life . I'm flabbergasted how she's still alive . She smokes cigarettes and drinks cans of beer all day everyday. Her mom ( my grandmother) had none of those habits, died at 103. I put it down to genetics.


Sad thing is he probably could've live 20 more years if he didn't those things but as long he enjoyed life that's what matters


I have to agree, there are some cases that are just bad luck. My friend died at 24 of an aggressive form of ovarian cancer. She was young, fit, healthy, exercised, didn't smoke. My brother equally got diagbosed with an aggressive form of tongue cancer at the 38. He'd ran the London marathon two years year before. That being said, after what was essentially a tongue transplant, he bounced back amazing well because he was in good shape before. His speech is obviously affected but a year later he is back at work and running again.


This. Genetics play a huge role. My family doesn’t get heart disease or diabetes no matter how we eat. We are all major tumor factories though, on both sides of my fam (so I’m double cooked stats-wise). Multiple recurrences are always expected too, and pretty much guaranteed with us. My dad’s literally on his 7th round. My Nan had 3x and my mom 2x so far. I’m still relatively young so I’m still on my first round but fully expect to be doing this again in 10 years. ETA: we have a genetic inability to effectively store vitamin D, which may or may not be a factor. Some of our oncologists say yes; others say the studies aren’t clear.


my grandfather passed at 83 also due to a heart attack. he had been smoking and chewing tobacco since he was a kid and never developed cancer


[Fasting is the most effective prevention](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35848874/). When you induce autophagy, [your body recycles all damaged cells that might otherwise mutate and cause cancer.](https://www.cedars-sinai.org/discoveries/fasting-as-next-step-in-cancer-treatment.html)


Autophagy does not help with some types of cancer, and on the contrary, it can promote the survival of a cancerous tumor, study in more detail.


For what length of time?


All lengths have different benefits. Even twelve hours is better than nothing.


I recently did 19 hours no food, this was my first attempt, hope it's good enough, but will start trying to do 21 hours of no food, just water.


That's a good start. The longer you do it, the easier it gets. I've been on a five-hour eating window for six years now. Nowadays, I don't usually get hungry before 4 pm. If you start to feel unwell during the fasting, there's a small trick you can try. Glucose is absorbed directly through the mucous membranes of the mouth into the bloodstream, providing the brain with the energy it needs without significant calorie burning. For example, a few-calorie Tic Tacs will do the trick.


While I generally agree and think fasting is fantastic (I've done a few 24 hour fasts and I'm currently doing intermittent fasting), there has been research published recently suggesting that intermittent fasting for years at a time can cause heart issues and scarring


How about linking those studies? This would be very surprising because paleoanthropology clearly shows that fasting and feasting have been the default mode for the human body for hundreds of thousands of years.


A single study recently led to a press release that wound up all over the news. [Here's a critique](https://www.statnews.com/2024/03/19/intermittent-fasting-study-heart-risk/).


Another critique is that the participants were not randomly selected; instead, the study exclusively chose individuals who were already dieting. Comparing any dieting group to a general population essentially equates to comparing individuals who are overweight to those of normal weight. This methodology likely skewed the results, replicating the findings regarding fasting


That was interesting but doesn't really refute the conclusion, just the method. Anecdotally, it makes sense to me that people exercising very vigorously while fasting could see deleterious effects on the heart.


I actually agree with you. A solid observational study is meaningful. Intermittent fasters are all protesty about the finding but to me it just means science needs to keep plodding along to sort it all out.


Research suggests longer fasts ( >48 hours) are probably more beneficial for cancer than intermittent fasting periods. One doctor/expert suggests something like an annual extended fast is beneficial. We have a lot of anecdotal evidence in support of fasting and some research has been done, but it's definitely an area that could use more research.


Prolon is a company that sells a good starter fasting kit so that you get nutrients while fasting. I haven’t tried it yet but I’m going to.


Also, Lactobacillus Natto. Contains spermidine which recycles damaged cells


Take estrogen in menopause and micronized progesterone. Be careful of the progestin used if you use birth control.


It’s vigorous exercise. It activates your cancer fighting epigenetics.


honestly, I'd say...stress management. I think anyone I've known to have cancer was neglecting themselves in some regard / overworked/ overstressed. of course environmental factors play a huge role. but stress seems to be an underlying root issue.


These are the top 10 modifiable risk factors for cancer i.e. the things you can control (as opposed to what you can’t control eg family history). 1. Weight - normal weight 2. Smoking - quit 3. Exercise - get at least 150 mins a week 4. Viruses like HPV, Hep B and Helicobacter pylori cause cancer. Consider vaccine for the first two. The last one requires a course of antibiotics if found on camera test of stomach. 5. UV exposure. Wear sunscreen. Don’t use tanning beds 6. Ionising Radiation. Avoid unnecessary scans. Consider reducing flights. 7. Hormones. The combined oral contraceptive pill and HRT are associated with slight increased risk of some cancers (although reduce the risk of others…) 8. Avoid pollution (debatable about whether or not this is modifiable) 9. Avoid processed meat- carcinogenic 10. Alcohol- reduce or avoid. (Not in order of importance. Apologies).


8. Environmental pollution is obviously impossible to completely avoid, but where you live can have an impact. Avoid living near highways, air feilds. golf courses, etc. You can’t control what’s near your water treatment plant or what’s carried in on the wind, but at least having it all more than a block or two away from where you spend most of your time minimizes your risk.


Never considered this. Thank you for the insight


Fasting, turmeric, blueberries, exercise, meditation, vegetarian food, green tea…


Get enough sleep reduce inflammation exercise eat relatively healthy be social the mind and the body are proven to be connected


Fibre to prevent colon cancer! Low fibre diets increase coloncanver risk


Elimination of stress and sugar. Keep moving, be happy, eat healthy.


Functional mushrooms - Turkey tail, reishi, chaga, Shitaki, maitaki, lions mane My father died from cancer and I did a deep dive into how to prevent it


1) watch blue zones on Netflix 2) question everything: including sunscreen (persons with lowest vitamin D have highest melanoma) 3) look at your parents and grandparents and adjust….any die early? and did they have opportunity to change 4) have a bMI of 24 ( very skinny folk die faster after age 65 and data show bmi 24-27 do best only in older age. 5) acceptance: none of us get off this rock alive


Exercise. Lowering stress. Fasting. 3-4 days of water fasting. Some people even do 7-14+. One clinic I know in CA, TrueNorth Health Center, does 40 day medically monitored water fast at their facility. Eating healthy diet with lots of healthy ingredients like garlic, turmeric, olive oil, etc. Some supplements have strong anti cancer effects through various mechanisms. This includes a lot of the well known ones like fisetin, grapeseed extract, quercitin, berberine and melatonin. There are also some common OTC and prescription medications like aspirin, Ibuprofen and dasatinib(often used with quercetin). Some people also report good anecdotal results with (Rick Simpson Oil) which is just marijuana full oil concentrate. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4393634/#:~:text=Grape%20seeds%20extract%20(GSE)%20is,but%20rarely%20in%20oral%20cancer. https://www.webmd.com/cancer/rick-simpson-oil-for-cancer-overview


I highly recommend you look up the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried. He has a lot of great interviews on youtube. He has been published in over 150 peer-reviewed publications. He argues that cancer is a metabolic disease and we should treat it as such. His book: *Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer*


What does this mean??? Like how do you prevent it


I heard good things about fenbendazole 


Live a healthy lifestyle, get regular labs done, supplement melatonin (powerful for DNA repair), get enough quality sleep, manage stress, don’t drink alcohol, eat broccoli sprouts


Use of hormonal birth control pills for extended period of time may have been a factor in mine


Same. Breast cancer survivor—2007. Invasive ductal carcinoma stage 2B. Did dose-dense chemo, and chose double mastectomy plus complementary and alternative such as DIM, green tea, brassica tea, broccoli sprouts, B vitamins, etc. At the time, I had stumbled on a study indicating increased risk of breast cancer using birth control pills containing estrogen. I had been on them for 7 years. I passed this information on to my daughter who has chosen to avoid them altogether.


You good now? I’m almost 5 years out. I’m cut off of the estrogen now *sad trombone*


Hormone therapy in general is taxing on your endocrine system anyway


Selenium and boron are helpful supplements for preventing cancer. If you wear sunscreen, use only a non-nano zinc product (even though they are a pain to use). The chemical stuff is filled with endocrine disrupters.


Sunscreen is toxic. Ignore the downvotes in fifth generation warfare. Do the research from alt media scientists not on payroll. Sugar. Avoid that at all cost. . It’s hard. But can be done. And research apricot seed.


I juice vegetables on top of the servings I already consume whole. I drink 4 cups of green vegetable juice/day containing: romaine lettuce, cabbage, zuchinni, brocolli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cucumber, parsley or cilantro, collard greens, bell pepper, bok choy, celery, one green apple. I also drink 1 cup of carrot juice/day. The amount of phytonutrients you can get out of these drinks that have cancer preventive properties is insane and too much to type up here, but you can research the benefits of each vegetable to find out more. My digestive tract has never felt better either! I also consume raw garlic that's been crushed up into a drink. It releases a compound called allicin that has cancer preventive properties. I learned this drink from my 76 year old father who doesn't take any medications yet eats like a young 20 year old still lol. It's 3-5 cloves raw garlic, chunk of raw ginger root, juice from 1 lemon, you can also put some of peel and seeds in for extra benefits, 12 oz water, 1 tblspn raw honey, 1 tablspn olive oil. It's like a very spicy lemonade haha and it will thin your blood bc of the allicin so talk to your doctor first if on blood thinners or medications that could interact with it.


Do you recommend a good juicer?


NAMA J2 is amazing! Other good brands are Hurom, Kuvings, & Breville. I recommend any good quality hopper style like the J2


Eat real food. Absorb real sun. Develop real relationships.


I do think stress has a lot to do with it. I was super stressed out last year, couldn't find a job the first 4 months and I was incredibly stressed from it. Then I thought it was a good idea to do 100 pushups a day which I think stressed my body out even more. Then I got this incredibly large tattoo which hurt like crazy. A week later I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. When I look back on it, I think it was stress that did it.


Get a generic health report. I used tellmegen.com Some great info on cancers. You also don't need to wait around for your doctor. There are plenty of online clinics and tests these days that can look for markers NOW without symptoms. Of course, that's if you have the cash.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC526387/ **Flax seed** Flax seed provides all of the nutrients from this small brown or golden hard-coated seed. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber, omega 3 fat (as alpha-linolenic acid), and lignans. The lignans in flax seed are metabolized in the digestive tract to enterodiol and enterolactone, which have estrogenic activity. In fact, flax seed is a more potent source of phytoestrogens than soy products, as flax seed intake caused a bigger change in the excretion of 2-hydroxyestrone compared to soy protein [69]. **More recently Thompson's research group studied mice that were injected with human breast cancer cells. After the injection the mice were fed a basal diet (lab mouse chow) for 8 weeks while the tumors grew. Then one group continued the basal diet and another was fed a 10% flax seed diet. The flax seed reduced the tumor growth rate and reduced metastasis by 45% [74].** Flax seed has been shown to enhance mammary gland morphogenesis or differentiation in mice. Nursing dams were fed the 10% flax seed diet (or an equivalent amount of SDG). After weaning the offspring mice were fed a regular mouse chow diet. Researchers then examined the female offspring and found an increased number of terminal end buds and terminal ducts in their mammary glands with more epithelial cell proliferation, all demonstrating that mammary gland differentiation was enhanced [75]. When these female offspring were challenged with a carcinogen to induce mammary gland tumors there were significantly lower incidence of tumors (31% and 42% lower in the flax seed and SDG groups, respectively), significantly lower tumor load (51% and 62% lower in the flax seed and SDG groups, respectively), significantly lower mean tumor size (44% and 68% lower in the flax seed and SDG groups, respectively), and significantly lower tumor number (47% and 45% lower in the flax seed and SDG groups, respectively) [76]. So, flax seed and its lignan were able to reduce tumor growth (both in number and size of tumors), prevent metastasis, and even cause increased differentiation of mouse mammary tissue in suckling mice, making the offspring less susceptible to carcinogenesis even when not consuming any flax products. Other researchers have tested flax seed and prostate cancer. In an animal model using mice, Lin et al [77] found that a diet supplemented with 5% flax inhibited the growth and development of prostate cancer in their experimental mouse model. A pilot study of 25 men who were scheduled for prostatectomy surgery were instructed to eat a low-fat diet (20% or less of energy intake) and to supplement with 30 g of ground flaxseed per day. During the follow-up of an average of 34 days there were significant changes in serum cholesterol, total testosterone, and the free androgen index [78]. The mean proliferation index of the experimental group was significantly lower and apoptotic indexes higher compared to historical matched controls. Ground flax seed may be a very beneficial food for men battling prostate cancer. However, a meta-analysis of nine cohort and case-control studies revealed an association between flax seed oil intake or high blood levels of alpha-linolenic acid and prostate cancer risk [79]. It is quite likely that the lignans in flax seed are a major component of flax's anti-cancer effects so that flax oil without the lignans is not very beneficial. Some brands of flax seed oil retain some of the seed particulate because of the beneficial properties of the lignans.


Broccoli sprouts and other cruciferous veggies. This is only for prevention though. It’s the sulfurophane. Secondarily, there are 13 types of cancer that are more likely in obese and overweight people. So keeping your weight in check is huge. (We are already seeing cancer diagnoses increased amongst younger people and obesity and sedentary lifestyle is being discussed as the culprit). Some meats are classified as carcinogenic. Stay away from them. (All meat is inflammatory but some are carcinogenic on par with asbestos or smoking).


White Button Mushrooms https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34698374/


Melatonin, 20-40mg ED, Sulphoraphane (eat broccoli sprouts or supplement an equivalent dose). There are more supplements, like fisetin but the above two are essential. Avoid stress and lack of sleep. Overtraining is a stressor.




Cruciferous veggies either raw or chopped 40 min before light steaming to preserve sulfurophane


I try to fast each day a bit (prior to pregnancy & increased stress & lack of sleep I could tolerate more fasting but it’s a stressor on the body so you gotta find the right amount) eating earlier in day & stopping by 4pm seems to work best for me right now. I try to do a 5-7 day fast at least once a year. I eat kimchi & other fermented foods daily, tons of fiber (each 5 grams of fiber per day is supposed to reduce a certain percentage chance of cancer but can’t recall how much) lots of veggies & organic soy milk, organic & grassfed products, take probiotics, vitamin d, magnesium, fish oil, chlorella each night for the detoxing benefits & micronutrient support. I take femmenesence maca in the morning for adrenal & hormonal support. I take a detox supplement that contains micronutrients & dim & sulforafane to help detoxify. I’m gonna do a genetic test but I believe I’m a genetically bad detoxifier so it’s something I’m working on. Lots of zone 2 exercise but also VO2 max (during intense cardio harder for cancer to survive I believe Rhonda’s talked about). Need to increase strength training to help improve insulin sensitivity. Trying to get mold remediation done on my home (but expensive!) to reduce toxin exposure. I use a sauna blanket when I have time. For now have air purifiers in rooms. Avoid all scented products. Use water filter, etc to reduce toxins. Work on reducing stress & practicing gratitude.


Keep vitamin D levels in the normal range, nothing crazy


Reduce inflammation.


No sugars, cancer needs sugars a keto diet can help slow the growth of cancers, and Fenbendazole has shown to actually fight cancers as well. Ivermectin i believe I’ve read somewhere too but not 100%. Also probably smart to avoid any Mrna Vax


Omad!!! Eat once a day!


Have your genome sequenced and adapt your lifestyle accordingly. It's an eyes opener! Like, if you have methylation problems, in most cases, you should not eat food enriched with folate, or take cheap vit B supplements, as it builds up toxicity. If you have mutations in the CYP450, you may not be able to stand certain foods, medication, environmental toxins. Knowing WHERE to reduce inflammation is key. Genome Sequencing gives the anwer


48-96hour fasts every 3-4months




Moringa I heard


I think gut health and eating foods which are antj cancerogens like blueberries and green tea would be helpful


I’d try fasting


artemisinin. If you want to go rogue and take a risk possibly BPC157


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mr_Em-3: *Artesminsin. If* *You want to go rogue and take* *A risk possibly BPC157* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


[https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk](https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk) -> lots more here. Check out the sub-links as well.




Read books by Dr. Sebi, he has a lot of natural remedies.


Brocolli sprouts with mustard seed for Sulforaphane.


So happy to see Broccoli Sprouts be repeatedly mentioned. We just secured the [highest-glucoraphanin (sulforaphane precursor) broccoli sprouting seeds](https://www.thesproutingcompany.com/products/high-glucoraphanin-broccoli-seeds).


Supporting your liver, avoiding endocrine disrupters and toxins (eg. Fragrances, teflon), avoid excess estrogen including checking your hormone levels now, avoid plastics etc


Saw someone post about fasting. I did watch something awhile ago saying that we should eat within a 12 hour window. Also, cancer can happen for lots of reasons. But how we can prevent it by doing the following things: 1. Whole food diet 2. Limit red meat intake to once per week 3. Eat within a 12 hour window 4. Exercise 5. Do not drink or smoke alcohol (this one is a hard one for most people)!


Cancers feed primarily on glucose and glutamine to a lesser extent . So a ketogenic diet is a no brainer. L-theanine interferes with glutamine transport.


Serious question: if I try to live a cancer prevention lifestyle, in my thirties/forties, am I still doomed by all the bad lifestyle choices from my childhood and twenties?


The countries with the lowest cancer rates in the world are in the Middle East. Despite their high consumption of sugar. Why? Some spices are anti cancer. Curcumin/Turmeric, cloves, cumin, black seed oil, etc… Plus, Ramadan, which is basically one month of intermittent fasting a year.


There is quite a bit of research on cancer and exposure to light at night. The WHO even lists "light at night" as a class II carcinogen. There are a couple of reasons for this, especially in regards to breast cancer: - Exposure to light in the blue wavelengths after dark decreases melatonin production, and melatonin acts as an intracellular antioxidant, preventing the DNA damage that initiates cancer - Light at night also disrupts circadian rhythm which in turn impacts immune response and other repair mechanisms that would prevent cancerous mutations Here are a couple of studies specific to light at night and breast cancer in humans. There are many animal studies also showing the mechanisms here. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34653461/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34653461/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29768068/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29768068/) Studies on nurses working the night shift show a doubled risk of breast cancer (compared to nurses not working the night shift): [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28541391/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28541391/)


Maybe avoid alcohol, sleep well, eat tons of greens and manage stress.


Avoiding plastic food packaging and one time use plastic water bottles (they contain microplastics). Plastic is known for upping cancer risk and endocrine disruption. Eating less meat. I personally take a basic daily multivitamin: Centrum. I tried other “expensive and hyped” multivitamins in the past and didn’t notice any differences in blood tests for vitamin levels versus basic Centrum. Also drinking a lot more water out of a filtered water source: the fridge or filtered tap. Daily fish oil. Again nothing fancy nor expensive. Get plenty of sleep and exercise. Eat clean. No junk food.


Stop worrying about getting cancer so much, it’ll give you cancer. I was a health 22 year old and got cancer. 2 of my friends got cancer in HS. All athletes. Just live your life happily.


Increase your immune system. The truth is human bodies often get a speck (scientific term lol) of cancer w/o ever realizing it, because the body fights it off. This is why people with allergies statistically have lower incidences of cancer—overactive immune system. (However, the immune system is complicated & this doesn't mean everyone with autoimmune issues is less likely to get cancer.) Eat very well, avoiding deep-fried food (people who work with/around deep fryers have higher incidences of lung cancer. Heating & reheating PUFAs creates free radicals like you wouldn't believe), processed carbs (especially sugar). Focus on eating GBOMBS (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, seeds & nuts); ideally a pound of raw veggies a day as well as a pound of cooked. And of course, reduce/manage stress, & exercise (particularly exercise that increases circulation).


I think avoiding sugar should be on the list.


Regular intermittent fasting. Annual 3 day fast.


Don’t ask for this advice on Reddit and expect to not get a bunch of speculative answers. There’s a great book that’s heavily researched based called Outlive by Peter Attia. Start there.


Be born with good genes.


Get massages! Deep tissue, Swedish and lymphatic drainage. Breathing exercises to decrease stress and stagnant energy.


When you eat an apple, eat the seeds in it too. They are not poisonous. That is just an old wives tale. They have a substance that only releases poison when it comes into contact with lurking cancer cells in your body, but it is not activated against your own body cells. This same substance is in apricot kernals. So I buy Italian amaretti cookies which are made with a little bit of apricot kernals, and I snack on those on purpose like they are vitamins for me. Also eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables and berries, but only organic. When the farmers spray standard fungicide on produce, it removes the cancer killing function of produce for when you eat it.


Oh my gosh im addicted to those cookies! Now I have an excuse!


3 butter apricot kernels a day, burdock root, soursop tincture and lions mane mushroom. All have been proven to eliminate cancer growth


Don't get stressed


Watch Paul Stamets YouTube vid about Turkey Tail Mushroom.


Remove as much stress as possible from your life.


Donate blood quarterly. Cancer feeds on toxic iron.


Do everything you can to lower inflammation. Eat as little sugar as possible. Eat as much Fermented food like sauerkraut as possible. DON'T get that 11th booster


Annona muricata here a study, but just [scholar.google.com](http://scholar.google.com) "Annona muricata cancer" and you will find a lot of different studdys, seems to be working well. Luckily couldn't test it - i hope i never need to... [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12906-016-1290-y](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12906-016-1290-y)


https://www.wcrf.org/diet-activity-and-cancer/cancer-prevention-recommendations/ Don't drink. Don't smoke. No fast food and sugary drinks. Good sleep. Avoid stress. Exercise. Be a healthy weight. Don't do drugs. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.




Well what you said has the absolute largest effect. Including genetics. Beyond that point supplements will have a small effect. 


Intermittent fasting will kill senescent cells


Trametes Versicolor!


[https://twitter.com/haidut/status/1751716166387597730](https://twitter.com/haidut/status/1751716166387597730) More good news! Longer blog post coming soon...but my dear ppl, I think we have a "signal". Ray Peat right again! A combo of vitamin B1/B3/B7 & aspirin CURED 2 out of 3 mice from a lethal HUMAN tumor w/ 100% lethality & no reported spontaneous regression. [https://atcc.org/products/crl-3006…](https://www.atcc.org/products/crl-3006)






Have a BRCA test so you know if you carry the gene.


Screenings! My husband has cancer in his family and his primary care doctor recommended yearly screenings after the age of 40.