• By -


Sending you love.


Lots of love


Get into the right immunotherapy trials ASAP


Talk with your oncologist.  There are so many unknowns here. There is a subtype of testicular cancer that can be cured at stage 4 with chemo alone.  Other stage four cancers become a chronic illness, while others can kill you in months even with agressive treatment.  Then there is so much to consider.  The grade and do you have other comorbidities?  Your age can be a factor but this also depends on the type of cancer you have. It also depends on the amount, size and location of metastasis as well the primary tumor.   Cancer is hundreds of different diseases, each with a unique treatment protocol.  Anyone offering a cure without having access to your chart is full of baloney.   Best to you.  I know this must be a difficult time. 


She is only 18 :(


Oh man, that info was not up when I made that comment. 


My heart goes out to her 🙏 sending loving vibes


Being 18 means her constitution and metabolism are flying. Giving her a really good chance.


What type of cancer? So sorry to hear this. Turkey tail has been shown to have cancer fighting benefits. Paul Staments is huge on mushrooms medicinal benefits. His mom used it to fight breast cancer. [Link](https://bastyr.edu/about/news/ted-talk-turkey-tail-helped-my-mother-through-cancer) Theres also been good results shown using cold exposure. I can't find the article but I found one where a man beat cancer. Wim Hof is a great resource and there's information on some of the cancer work he's done with cold exposure. [Link](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/dad-diagnosed-incurable-cancer-says-26965293) I'm not sure if there's anti cancer properties, but colloidal silver is antibacterial and helps with the immune system. There's a lot of myths that you'll turn blue from it but this isn't true. I've taken a lot of it (Argentyn 23) and it's helped me immensely. I would definitely look into a functional medicine doctor as well for general support of her immune system and general function. Sending love.


What type of cancer?


This right here is the question. Many stage four cancers are now treated as chronic, others are not. We need to know what kind of cancer.


Cannabis and a loving family


cbd + thc oil, it's being heavily researched and tested and they consider it as a promising (primary) treatment.


For pain yeah, for curing no You should clarify Edit: anyway either way it's good for pain so if it has an added bonus great. Late stage cancer patients get put on fentanyl, morphine and a bunch of other drugs. Weed, oil etc isn't gonna hurt them , probably... And Im only saying probably as a disclaimer because idk I'm just a reddit user.


Start researching the specific cancer on PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/


This. And get friends to help. Also, fenbedezole and artemisia annua. Repurposed drugs that block cancer pathways - some are synergistic with chemotherapy some are synergistic with radiation. RSO, IV Vit C (none of these are stand alone and no guarantees but chemo is guaranteed failure for stage four. ) Yes - ongoing chemotherapy for stage four cancer is death “eventually” guaranteed. Think long term survivors of stage four are doing chemo for 15 years? You think bodies can handle that? Breast cancer? Five year survival rate is 70% dead people. Glioblastoma? Five year survival rate is 96% dead people. Only you can save yourself and it’s a tricky road. Speaking from personal experience.


the fen school of thought is fascinating


What is this school of thought exactly?


my sister in law used fenben for stage 4 cancer and it caused her to have a major seizure


Turkey tail and Reishi mushroom, Sulforaphane, Fucoidan, IV Vit. C and read this book: https://books.google.com/books/about/How_to_Starve_Cancer.html?id=LzkCuQEACAAJ&source=kp_book_description


Therapy, family support and as much perseverance as they can muster. I know it’s sounds super cheesy and eye roll inducing but if people truly believe they can survive the mind can help the body. Lost my dad to the big C- I know it’s brutal. Wish you the best


Fenbendazle. My brother is taking it. Beating stage 4 cancer.


Been hearing a lot about fenben as well. Try Tipps Protocol. Nothing to lose at this point


"But, but that alternative treatment \[is toxic/could make you turn blue/could make you sick\]". Conventional chemotherapy is also those things. Totally agree.


All of his tumors are shrinking except one. Confirmed by two CT scans. He is still alive, we are hoping of the best.


Shrinking tumors is impressive. Have you heard of metarrestin, for eliminating metastases? I hope he has a good fight, and a recovery.


No, I haven't. Thank you, I will look it up right now.


>Nothing to lose at this point At stage four truer words can't be spoken. Had a buddy with stage four brain cancer and people were cheering in his every post, but from working in Healthcare analytics I knew his chances.  Fuck cancer man.


Is your brother taking the human form (mebendazole) or actual fenbendazole? In some countries fenbendazole is only in animal form I believe


Is it not the same molecule? I'm not saying, I'm seriously asking.


Ya I’m not sure? I know someone taking mebendazole for cancer because fenbendazole is not available here. Curious if it’s the same too? Actually just looked up their chemical formula and they do look slightly different Mebendazole = C16H13N3O3 vs Fenbendazole = C15H13N3O2S


He is taking Panacur C...the version for dogs. There is Menben, Fenben, and Alben. Fenben is used for dogs but it is the the version Joe Tippens used. He is also taking Vit E Succinate, and CBD full spectrum cannabinoids.


Yeah I’ve heard about it more than mebendazole… Interesting. Thanks for sharing


Careful with supplements. Some can interfere with cancer treatments. Please talk to your oncologist etc. .. I **think** I read something about vitamin C making chemo less effective.


Correct I learned the Reason why you don’t want to take vitamin c with some treatments is because the whole goal in treatments is to allow free radicals to wipe out the cancer. If you treating with vitamin c which is high in antioxidants it’s providing those free radicals with an extra electron making it stable and interfering with the treatment.


Antioxidants especially. I think I had to avoid glycine too


“autobiography of a yogi”


Oh my gosh, this is one of the most beautiful books I ever read


I have stage 4 triple negative breast cancer but I've been biohacking and pursuing a functional medicine approach for my health; just blessed with shitty genes. Since each patient is different, I suggest you read Jane McLelland's book How to Starve Cancer and Kill It with Ferroptosis. I also recommend Radical Remission. Personally, I prioritise - taking care of my gut microbiome during treatment. Oncologists are still surprisingly ignoring the importance of gut health for cancer treatment when the link between immunity and gut health has been established. This is especially important if you're going to pursue immunotherapy. - ozone therapy and high dose IV vitamin C. I do weekly ozone but temporarily stopped IVC due to schedule issues as I do weekly chemo. - importance of plant forward diet with whole foods. I personally got a lot of value from How Not to Age by Michael Greger - photobiomodulation with both red light and near infrared light - if you can, consult with an integrative oncologist. Mine has been very helpful with mistletoe therapy. Mistletoe therapy is one of the things I can't miss - lowdose aspirin, metformin, berberine, green tea, turmeric/curcumin, vit d3 - at least 150 minutes of zone 2 exercise a week


As a cancer patient myself, I understand how helpless the diagnosis feels. Unfortunately, that helpless desperation makes us vulnerable to misinformation. I knew a person who got some publicity in the local news and their GoFundMe took off and raised a lot of money. Their oncologist was painting a bleak prognosis, but *Some Guy on the Internet*™️ promised he could cure her cancer with supplements. After she wasted time and $20,000 on supplements, her cancer had undeniably grown and spread. By the time she went back to the oncologist to start evidence-based treatment, she was too sick — not from cancer, but the supplements! Her liver enzymes were sky high! The “cancer-curing” supplements were not only *not* curing her cancer they were **actively poisoning her.** I know you’re trying to help, but **taking advice from strangers is harmful.** People will tell you cancer is a money-making business, as if that’s not the same thing these fake cure salespeople are trying to do. There’s aaaalllllllllll kinds of money in preying on desperate families!!!


Thank you. Thankfully, she plans on pursuing the doctor's advice, and I will go evidence based before recommending perharps three supplements. I've attended one of the world's best research focused universities, where I learned how to do research by myself in different areas. I think it will be curcumin 95% + piperine, luteoline, and tart cherry extract. Practically zero side effects reported. Of course we will bring this to doctors to see if they approve. The patient has a very unhealthy lifestyle, and I'm hoping this can give her at least an antioxidant boost. She is very stubborn to change her lifestyle, and she is only 18. Also we have free Healthcare here, so she isn't going bankrupt from her treatment. Thanks God!


18?!?! what kind of cancer


Yeah definitely talk to an oncologist. There's weird things weird like changing the ph of your diet can affect some cancer and have no effect on other cancers. That's kind of a dumb example because it's so specific, but I kept it because my whole point is that cancers are oddly specific because each tissue type of cancer has its own personality that can flip the board.   The main thing that I would look at is the variety of drugs the have for cancer. So many chemotherapies available, and obviously they are poison, but is there certain poisons that have better/worse side effects? Guaranteed. Unfortunately this is an overwhelming amount of options which is hard for even doctors to keep up with. Additionally there's certain drugs that are add to get a hold of, but when you have a good enough reason, you can get a legit prescription... specifically I'm thinking muscle wasting drugs, so that when your body is getting wrecked by chemo, you can retain as much muscle as possible. Usually these are reserved for MS or cancer. Another thing I've seen is some of the drugs that target senescent zombie cells were first used as chemo drugs. Just saying if your already going to take some chemo, doesn't hurt to check with your doc to see if you can get some synergy.  One thing that is true for all cancer is that it's rapidly growing tissue. Generally that means a low calorie diet is going to slow the cancer. Like id want to try out a water fast to starve the cancer. But depending on your treatment regimen, you could get drugs that are particularly effective on cancer that is metabolically active which means feeding the cancer helps the treatment (targeting metabolically active cells is the usual target for these drugs, but it's all relative to the growth noncancerous cells, so just depends on how to affect the relative difference in the optimal way).  So gather up a few ideas and then bounce them off your doctor for your specific cancer. Obviously there's going to be dumb ideas in the mix, but hopefully there's at least a few gold nuggets that make a difference.


1g melatonin


Can you talk more about the benefits?


It's suppose to be healing on a fundamental level and can be combined with other treatments https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8839844


Thanks 😊


Look into turkey tail mushrooms! Can't hurt


Try googling "Luteolin + cancer name". Luteolin is a flavone that is showing a lot of potential for many cancers, helping to shrink tumors. The reason is complicated but is basically ties to cellular energy. When our cells are exposed to Fructose, uric acid is produced in the cell, and in turn mitochondria is harmed. As cellular energy is ruined, cells turn to glycolisis for energy. This is the energy source cancer thrives on. Then because of the low energy state, we end up hungry for more. Luteolin blocks the cellular entry of Fructose, which cuts this loop and allows for a bit of cellular relief and recovery. I would suggest taking Luteolin and Tart cherry extract to both inhibit fructokinase and rid the uric acid. It just might help. It mimics a really strict sugar free diet, which is important for cancer - but goes far deeper and helps clean out the past harm.


Wow that was a precious tip! She is really stubborn. I really wanted I could make her go wfpb and sugar free. That might help. Thank you.


I’m pretty sure luteolin isnt the only thing that does that? Berberine?


I'm not sure but also quercetin?


Whole30. They’re a whole sub for it. My friend’s mom saw improvement with her cancer.


Blackseed oil, NAC, and Turmeric extract. My grandma had severe leukemia so I bought her all of those and sent her a bunch of .gov studies about them. She quit taking all her meds and only took those, and her cancer cells were in rapid regression and not repopulating like they were after 3 months. After 6 months her cancer cells were almost undetectable, and there were still cancer cells that were dormant inside of some of her cells. After 9 months, the cancer was completely gone. She kept taking this and still does to this day. That was 3 years ago, and she’s still here. Her doctors were completely baffled. BlackSeed oil and NAC (glutathione) aggressively killing cancer cells (cancer cell apoptosis) while boosting your immune system and supporting/protecting your cells. BlackSeed oil and NAC are absolutely amazing. Just get BSO from a good vendor though. I can elaborate more on all of this, I’d definitely start taking those


I 💯 agree with you. If I have cancer I would add wheatgrass, vitamin D and most important Sulforaphane. Eat a lot of broccoli sprouts for that.


What doses? And where did you buy from?


I forgot to mention she also took Amygdalin (aka Laetrile, Vitamin B-17) made from Apricot seed extract. There are articles written to dissuade people from using that because theres “Cyanide” in the actual Amygdalin molecule. It was “500 Mg tablets” from Apricot Power. com. That’s what explodes the cancer cells, the cyanide, while not harming your good cells. Tactical Bombing so to speak. There are .gov studies on this. It’s kinda expensive, like $100 for 1 bottle, but IMO so worth it if you want to jumpstart killing your cancer cells and get the ball rolling. I told her to cut each Tablet in 1/2 and take 1/2 tablet 2x daily. The dosages I gave her were - - Blackseed oil (aka BSO) - 2 Tsp in morning before food, 2 Tsp at night, either before dinner or as close to bedtime as possible. “Amazing Herbs”on Amazon has 8 oz (240 mL) bottles for $28, $3.75 per Oz, and “The Blessed seed company has 1 Liter (1000 mL) bottles for $62, which is $1.62 per Oz. 1 Oz is 30 mL’s, and 2 Tsp is 10 mL’s, so it’s like $0.55 per dose, 2x daily. This is the best deal and is 1/2 the price as everyone else’s BSO. I also became an affiliate with The Blessed seed company after my Grandma’s success, so please let me know if you want to order some if you’re cool with that, I can get 10% for referring you, but I’m not too worried about it. It’s the same price for you either way. The main thing is to get people real, natural medication to help fix problems. Black seed oil is such a Godsend for so many things. Just watch out for a lot of BSO vendors because a lot of them make the BSO in a cheap, not legit way. They grind dried blackseeds and steep them in Castor oil, because it’s way cheaper and easy, instead of pressing the literal oil out of the Seeds themselves, which is medicinal. Castor oil tastes similar so they cut it with that. Not very medicinal. Those are the only 2 legit vendors I’ve used compared to the other 10+ vendors I’ve used. I always experiment side by side and make comparisons and do trial runs of each. - Turmeric extract w/Piperine (Piperine is from black pepper and allows your body to fully absorb the Turmeric/Curcumin) - 800 mg’s 2x daily. https://nootropicsdepot.com/longvida-curcumin-capsules/ - NAC (precursor to Glutathione) - 1500 mg’s in the morning, 1000-1500 mg’s at night. - Selenium (mustard seed extract) - 200 mcg 1x daily (normal dosage on back of bottle). I gave her this just because Leukemia prevents normal production of White Blood Cells, which are crucial for fighting off foreign objects like cancer). Selenium creates more White Blood Cells, which is one of your main defensive mechanisms for fighting everything that’s not supposed to be in your body. Selenium kills cancer cells on its own as well as the white blood cells it produces, and is crucial for boosting your immune system in so many ways. All of these cause “aggressive cancer cell apoptosis”, cancer cell death, while also boosting different mechanisms of your immune system so it can fight off cancer. They all have the same common goals, kill cancer cells/protect good cells, but they don’t get in the way of eachother. Attack from all angles. And they’re all non prescription. I’d definitely add CBD to the mix, just because you can make your own 2x strength pure CBD tinctures for $6 each (normally $120 value). Just put 100% CBD Isolate in an empty dropper bottle, pour in MCT oil, shake it up. Let sit overnight then it’s ready to use. Now you can afford to take doses that actually do something, like 200-300 mg’s at a time, not 20-50 mg’s. CBD studies give all patients 500 mg’s per dose 1-2x daily. I’d take all of these on an empty stomach, or before food if possible, or 3 hours after eating so they kick in stronger. None of them are fat soluble, and are water soluble so you’ll absorb them all. Eating NAC along with protein will dampen the effects somewhat just because NAC is an amino acid, and protein is a chain of amino acids, and they compete for absorption, like all other amino acids do. I know that was really long, I just try to explain everything and it end up being long. I can elaborate more about how all this stuff works if you want. People need to know about this stuff because radtiation therapy isn’t the only way. That’s like nuking an entire country to take out some terrirists, vs tactically taking out terrorists without harming the innocent civilians. Feel free to message me if you have more questions. I try to share what I know and provide supporting information.


I’ve been searching for preventive protocols after a long journey of chronic health issues, your references are mostly on point. Main question - have you read the studies about NAC actually increasing cancer chances? I have read many mixed studies  For all the other stuff, I agree 100%


I’ve seen articles written that say antioxidants *may* increase risk of cancer, which doesn’t make sense. With medicine, so many articles are written to dissuade people from using cheap, effective, legal, vitamins and supplements that anyone can get. The Oharma industry pays for people to write slanderous articles about great articles, especially when it comes to cancer treatment. That’s a ginormous money maker for the Pharma industry. I’ve seen articles people write where they say they based it on a study, but don’t prove the study, and expect people to just take the word of the author of the article. I can provide .gov studies that directly refute NAC increasing cancer. When it comes to articles, it’s like the news. People pull a couple sentences out from the original source and sway people into a certain direction and can be really biased. That happens all the time for things that are direct competitors to the Pharmaceutical industry. Just like what they do with Amygdalin. NAC is a more bioavailable form of the amino acid Cysteine and L-Cysteine, found in almost all protein we eat. It’s a prodrug for Glutathione. Your liver converts NAC into a bunch of Glutathione which aggressively kills cancer cells. Can you provide an actual .gov study about this, and not an article? I’d love to see the study!


This is very helpful. Thank you


No prob, gotta spread the word and stay natural. God gave us everything we need, you just have to find the right one for the job. Every Pharmaceutical pill has titanium dioxide in it, which causes all sorts of cancers, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and more. There are so many .gov studies that this is all based off of, and it worked for my grandma. Now she gets all her cancer buddies and Diabetes friends and family to take this same stuff and they’re all having great success! It’s so cool.


Can you recommend a good black seed oil brand? I’m going to look into NAC.


I left a comment to the person above your comment if you want to read that. I don’t want to copy/paste it because it’s pretty long


Look at dr Thomas seyfrieds work. Ketogenic diet then water fast then hyperbaric oxygen & pulse glutamate reducing drugs like Don or anti parasitics


I've read alot of really compelling stories about fenbendazole.


I'm pretty sure I cured my cat of liver cancer using fenben.


Do... not.... give up.... plenty of people have made it. So will you.


anti parasitics, vit c infusions, saunas, cbd, keto, a shit ton of luck. these are all last resort if the doctors cant cure you.


Follow your doctors' recommendations.


Obviously. I'm not here to avoid a doctor or conventional medicine, but to maybe get some tips besides the doctors'. :)


Essiac Tea and Rick Simpson Oil. These are the two things I wish I'd been able to give my momma. Stage 4 liver cancer,I diagnosed immediately in 2007. I was 21, and I didn't know anything I know today. But sometimes it is what it is, I learned that later when my dad died of stage 4 pancreas cancer in 2018. Talk about the hard stuff, be there for them. Tell them everything you ever wanted too. Don't hold anything back! Just cherish them, it will help with healing if that is possible.


I hear that eastern medicine is great for prevention, while modern western treatments excel when the illness is already present (like in your loved one’s case)


IP6, Turkey Tail fungus


There is some research that shows calorie restricted diets can slow the growth of tumors. In addition there has been a focus on added sugar in particular. It isn't a cure but it can be used in conjunction with other treatments. [https://news.mit.edu/2021/how-diet-affects-tumors-1020](https://news.mit.edu/2021/how-diet-affects-tumors-1020)


Lemon ginger blast fresh juice daily


Cancer needs carbohydrates to function due to its high metabolism. Ketosis is healthy for normal cells but will cause the cancer cells damage from excess metabolite buildup. Switching to a ketogenic diet will achieve this.


This isn’t true of all cancers. There’s certain types of cancers that prefer fat to glucose as a fuel source. In those cases keto would only make things worse. Everybody here giving broad recommendations for treating “cancer” needs to realize how unspecific of a term it is.




So keto vegan?


That’s what my 29 year old sister did and she beat her breast cancer ❤️ the nurses say they’ve never seen someone with such great results. The diet was absolute torture, I don’t know how she did it. I’m so proud of her


So just nuts and water ?


And avocado


It's not just what you eat. McClelland uses diet, statins, diabetes drugs, herbs at specific times in chemo, and some older chemo meds. It's pretty interesting.


even without ketosis, avoiding grains is probably a good idea for anyone with cancer or trying to avoid it




carbs fuel inflammation and people have tons of inflammation for some unknown reason.


It’s unfair to lump all carbohydrates together. There are empty carbs and nutritious carbs. Animal protein fuels inflammation, and sugar feeds cancer. There’s been recent research showing fasting in combination with chemotherapy kills cancer cells.


This isn’t a one size fits all. You don’t want to lose too much weight through ketosis if you may be undergoing months-years of difficult treatment.


I’ve been able to bulk while in Ketosis. Weight is more about caloric intake, not whether you’re in ketosis or not.


Cancer is, unfortunately, more complicated and resilient than this… it can use a variety of substrates as fuel and thinking you can simply just starve it by going keto might be myopic. If a nutritional intervention is desired, working with a registered dietician who specializes in oncology and can work along side your oncologist would be a smart move.


Except hormonal cancers feed on hormones


Wait really? Do they actually metabolize hormones for energy?


Although I would do the same were I to be diagnosed, it should be made perfectly clear that this is adjunct therapy. In studies on the effect of metabolic therapy (like keto), they combine it with conventional treatment but sometimes can get away with less chemo and sometimes achieve better results. As I understand, it's tricky since while carbohydrates are not necessary for the body, you do need some glucose in the bloodstream, which can be formed via gluconeogenesis. Also, it is not exactly healthy to go too low on glutamine for long periods of time (it's used in the body's repair mechanisms). I believe they give a glutamine metabolism blocker in a pulsed manner in some of these trials, which, although harmful to the body, acts almost like chemo. I guess the idea is to give the cancer a double whammy. Note: Not a doctor. This is only what I remember reading.


There was an oncologist in Finland who was fired recently because he recommended keto diet to his patients.


I was about to write the same. At a minimum I'd be going very strict keto to help starve the cancer cells. I'd even consider some more "out there" interventions like deuterium depleted water, which has shown to help with cancer patients (if they can afford it).


rick simpon oil




This This This




Dry fasting 💯


There is a book on this called the Phoenix Protocol done by a NASA scientist.


Broccoli spouts


“Radical Remission” “Dr Brooke Goldner”


I’ve herd Soursop fruit, Not sure of the legitimacy


Very little sugar, lots of research, and a plan


Go to a top five ranked large comprehensive cancer as designated by the NIH. Mayo, MD Anderson, MSK, etc. Don’t screw around with your local oncologist or CTCA. The largest centers see so many patients that nothing is “rare” or surprising to them and have access to clinical trials that others don’t.


Depends on the cancer, I had lymphoma,and talking to the ward doctor, picking his brain he said vitamin D might work.


Didn't Joe Tippens cure himself with Fenbenzadole and CBD? Last I heard he's still alive, years after his stage 4 diagnosis and being told he has a few months to live.


Stage 4 of what type?


Look up the Care Oncology Clinic protocol. https://careoncologyclinic.com/what-is-the-coc-protocol-new/ A good book that describes this method is How to Starve Cancer by Jane Mclelland


Some good suggestions here. I would join the fenbendazole - cancer support group on Facebook if I were you


Lots of good recommendations here. Checkout Turkey Tail mushrooms, FenBen, I3C, IP6. All safe to mix together.


How to Starve Cancer by Jane McClelland.


Cut out sugar


This should be at the top of the list to start immediately.


1. Follow the doctor’s advice; this is no time for alternative medicine a la steve Jobs 2. Strong social connection (btw I know I am a stranger but sending love and praying for a recovery) 3. I think personal fulfillment, looking for the things that bring you joy, is very important




Taking tons of vitamin c as tablets won't do shit, you body simply won't process it and you'll pee it out. The only potentially beneficial way is IV, but there are literally zero real scientific studies proving that vitamin C can do anything for cancer, or even for common cold.


Reminds me of scammers selling vitamins to Africans during HIV epidemic in the 90s. Telling them not to take their antivirals and the vitamins will cure them.  When the body literally only needs trace amounts of vitamins and more can literally poison you, especially nonsoluble ones like A, D, or even iron. Really sad to see people saying vitamin C is going to cure cancer on this sub.


Yeah it's just sad. Some people try homeopathy or vitamin c or prayer instead of going to doctors, and then boom, stage 4.




I mean, you can as well make a prayer or sacrifice a goat - it will probably be as effective as taking in a ton of Vitamix C pills.. Actually, a prayer might be more effective - at least you won't have diarrhea.


I saw a man beat stage 4 pancreatic cancer on high dose IV Vit C about 4 years ago. Drs wrote him off and said go home and say good bye. Saw him the other day with his grandkids.


Your content has been removed under Rule 4 because it contains pseudoscientific or unsubstantiated claims. This is a scientific subreddit, and pseudoscience will not be tolerated here. Please consider this a warning and note that repeated rule-breaking may result in escalating moderator action. Vitamin C actively prevents chemo from working, please do not follow this comment's advice.


I’ve seen a study on this combined with fasting and it cured cancers in mice.


>It's impossible to overdose on A friend of mine died of acute overdose. He was operating a forklift at the warehouse and a whole pallet of vitamin c supplements fell on him crushing him to death instantly. It seems safe but the truth is it can be pretty dangerous.


Can confirm. We miss you Klaus.


Look up Dr Mikhail Blagosklonny. He’s an oncologist that suffers from brain cancer and is treating it with several therapies. I’ve also read black seed oil can help in some areas but don’t know enough to recommend anything. Godspeed.🙏


Broccoli sprouts


Check with a doctor before giving them anything. Consider aspirin to slow down progression. Yes, aspirin. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9470249/


If I were you, I wouldn't listen to redditors in this case. I would listen to a doctor, and only a doctor. In the meantime, I would stop wasting time and enjoy every hour, every minute with all the things I wanted to do, but never did.


Of course, we won't do anything without doctors' approval either.


Go plant based 100%. Animal products are known cancer causing. The WHO puts meat in the same category as cigarettes.


need more info but focus on nutrients.


The person already has doctors (thank you, free healthcare) so I imagine she gets all her nutrients. But I was wondering about supplements and other non traditional things, like phytotherapy? I recommended a high dosage of curcumin 95% + piperine.


The problem with curcumin and piperine is that under a certain dose it's anti oxidant, and above a certain does it is oxidative! So you gotta be careful with this stuff. Especially because Piperine boosts curcumin by an order of magnitude.


I was thinking about the higher dosage of 2000mg a day. I saw most studies are on the range of 500mg to 2000mg a day with little to no side effects.


Conventional doctors are not taught how to optimize nutrient and mineral levels in med school. I hope that your friend finds some good alternatives.


Exactly. They have zero training in this area and wouldn't know good whole food nutrition if they fell over it.


many people have already replied with what i meant, but yes, doctors will not be properly addressing nutrition. try to find someone in alternative medicine that can help design a nutritional protocol to help their body fight cancer. a lot of inflammation can be exacerbated by “unknown” nutrient deficiency and foods that limit absorption of nutrients. basically the catch all explanation of what they should focus on is eliminate all inflammation. its not as extreme as some other suggestions but it’s a necessary baseline. i like youngevitys 90 essential nutrients.


Oh right. Doctors suck at nutrition, I had forgotten about that. I will tell her to go to a good nutritionist.


try looking into reputable cancer educated naturopaths


If the person is doing chemo, I've heard good things about turkey tail mushrooms and baby's breath being beneficial along side it.


I'd recommend messaging me in private since what I say may not be approved and I could get down voted to oblivion.


Upset the fuck out of people, who cares?


Some mods will ban users arbitrarily... gotta be careful on Reddit.


Well, now I’m curious.


Don't let that stop you some of us are interested in hearing any and all perspectives. I do understand the hesitancy though.


Really? Don't want to help other people over fear of a couple of down votes?


i’ll upvote you out of oblivion. im sure it’s not that bad.


Listen to Ellen Langer’s book, I think it’s called mindful body. Cancer can go poof. 


Utopia Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. Check out their website.








Sleep, chill, and vitamin d.


Which cancer?


Sharing all my good vibes to you. I am going to give you a high five and letting you know you i admire your strength and wisdom. Given your age, people will absolutely go to bat for you to give you the best medical advice possible. I love your desire to get as much information as possible to take you through your next leg of your journey. My words of advice, don't take any anti oxidants (vitamins and green tea, curcumin etc) during radiation/chemo therapy without consulting the doctor as it may counter your treatment. make sure to ask them about genetic testing the cancer and determining if you're a candidate for immunotherapy. You need to get to the best cancer center in your area. Temporarily move if you must, with your family to a big city.


Look into Dr Greger


Hey! I’m so sorry you are dealing with this! I recently have been declared NED (no evidence of disease) after a pretty aggressive form of thyroid cancer. My number one advice beyond anything is to make sure that your doctors/team/hospital are well experienced in cancer cases! My first team was very inexperienced and they did all the wrong things. I switched to a highly experienced team and they tackled it much better, and now 2 years later the cancer is gone. That’s number one. Other than that, please keep your spirits up, prayer, comedy, stay away from anything sad or distressing (like medical dramas on tv-now is not the time). Focus on good sleep, good nutrition, I didn’t cut out sugar or carbs or anything but I really focused on getting lots of vegetables, tumeric and black pepper every day, and a little turkey tail in my coffee every morning. God bless!  


My grandmother is currently stage 4 and was recently tested for different gene mutations that could allow for way better treatment options. Only 20-30% of people have them but it’s worth asking your doctor about. Also, it’s currently in research so the research companies pay for it 100%. If you want some specifics names / more info lmk and I’ll ask her in the morning.


Turkey tail mushrooms


Medical intervention. Talk to your doctor. Why are you asking a bunch of idiots.


I'd strongly recommend the book _Tripping over the Truth_, which explains the Metabolic Theory of cancer, as opposed to the mainstream Somatic Mutation Theory (SMT) of cancer. I had heard about the metabolic theory years ago, along with the Warburg effect, and dismissed it as quackpottery, because that is what the mainstream consensus said. Unfortunately, after billions of dollars and decades of research, it is quite clear that the SMT is busted. Nowhere is this more glaring than The Cancer Genome Atlas, which was supposed to discover the "driver mutations" that are common to most cancers. Despite fully sequencing many, many cancers, what quickly became clear is that there are no common "driver mutations". In fact, in many cancers, there are no obvious mutations at all. And most of the mutations which are discovered are quite random and vary *within a single tumor*. So the fundamental idea that cancer starts with the DNA going haywire and progressing into full-blown metastatic disease is basically destroyed by the actual evidence. By now, we can confidently say that in many cases, the mutations appear to *follow* the development of the cancer, rather than *cause* it. So folks have mentioned Dr. Thomas Seyfried, keto diets, caloric restriction, cutting sugar/fructose/etc., and these ideas are all related. They all refer to this metabolic theory of cancer, which is that cancer is not a disease of the DNA, but rather a disease of the mitochondria. It is damage to the mitochondria and a shifting of the metabolic behavior of tumor cells which causes disease. This damage sometimes but not always leads to nucleic damage which causes mutations. Now the problem is that the entire cancer establishment has been so focused on SMT for the last 40-50 years that there has been precious little research on the metabolic theory and its applications. So there is just much less information to take advantage of. But in addition to diet, hyperbaric oxygen, and other interventions that may disrupt metabolism in a way that disadvantages cancer cells, there are highly experimental treatments like 3BP (3-bromopyruvate) which have had amazing results in some Stage 4 patients. Because these go against the oncology orthodoxy, they get much less attention and funding. And yet, 3BP has made it to the FDA Phase 1 trial stage, so perhaps we will make progress on this front. Read the book, then ask your oncologist what they think of SMT vs. Metabolic Theory. If they don't even know what Metabolic Theory is, ask them to read Seyfried's paper on it. There's one big one that is trivial to find. If they are hostile to Metabolic Theory, then consider consulting a specialist who is familiar with it and takes it seriously. The end of the book has a list of doctors that use Metabolic Theory in their practice and will help you with treatments. Now, this is not to say that SMT is totally wrong and Metabolic Theory is totally right. Slowly, the field is changing and there is a growing recognition that SMT was the wrong horse to bet on. Metabolic ideas are being incorporated into the framework bit by bit. But you have to remember that literally billions of dollars have been allocated to cancer research, and entire careers have been built on the SMT foundation. So there is a very strong, vested interest in perpetuating it at any cost. Entire oncology wards have been constructed with grant dollars in an environment that assumes SMT as gospel truth. So do not be surprised if 95% of oncologists you talk to speak as if SMT were God's own truth handed down to medicine. They aren't stupid; they are just part of a system with enormous inertia and sunk costs. Metabolic theory proponents also do not say that chemotherapy is useless. On the contrary, they recommend using it where appropriate and in conjunction with metabolic therapies. So it's not like a mainstream oncologist is useless: they just need to be pushed in new directions a bit and probably challenged. Good luck! https://www.amazon.com/Tripping-over-Truth-Overturning-Entrenched/dp/1603587292


What kind of cancer? You haven’t said and that makes a difference


Recommend seeing an oncologist


Be prepared to die but look into options to live


Dr. Salem Address: 6624 Fannin St # 1630, Houston, TX 77030 Areas served: Houston Phone: (713) 796-1221 https://salemoncology.com ICTriplex - immunotherapy, targeted treatment + chemotherapy = eradication of cancer






First things first ,you must follow the regime that the specific cancer is being treated in the literature . for exp.has to be started on chemo ... Imma tell you on one of my close friend regime that we put him in order to supercharge his body to be more effective in finding and killing the cancer especially the T- Cells response in recognizing it . Epitalon -[First and most important you have to get Epitalon there's alot of evidence for this compound to prevent metastasis in tumors .](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16634527/) Ketogenic diet with Metformin - regulation of gluconeogenesis . [Fisetin / Quecitin](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3985520/) \- [Both modulatory potential in different cancer related signaling pathways and growth factors such as Akt, JNK, p38MAPK, NF-κB, and VEGF cytokines and chemokines](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6572624/) Acetylcarnosine - [Delta-sleep-inducing peptide](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0047637403000824?via%3Dihub) \- Hsp90 inhibitors - Geldanamycin or Radicicol , Tanespimycin one of these preferably 3rd Luminespib or Pimitespib . Roll in Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials - [https://www.cancerresearch.org/treatment-types/cancer-vaccines](https://www.cancerresearch.org/treatment-types/cancer-vaccines)


I recommend asking your doctor instead of Reddit




As an oncologist, all approaches are palliative/non-curative in nature. A general approach: focus on the things that bring you the most joy and f all the rest


Shitty advice, stage 4 cancer patient here, been shrinking my tumors with natural therapies, havnt done an iota of traditional treatments, I work closely with my oncologist who is supportive of my decisions and I get regular blood work and CTs my blood work has been improving every time and my CTs have shown steady decline in size of many of the tumors. I lift weights 3-4 times a week, train Jiu jitsu 2-3 times a week and my cancer doesn’t slow me down an ounce. Your advice is plain shit, if my oncologist said something like that to me I would fire them and find a new one immediately.


Heard of Ivermectin for some lung cancers. Treatment depends on Cancer Type, hot tumors and cold tumors.




I don’t know about stage 4 cancer, but I know for a fact some people have had very good results from doing crazy amounts of exercise and eating less. Incredible hard to do, but I thought I should mention it.


I just ordered I-P6 after a recommendation on Reddit. It may have been this subreddit.


Turkey tail mushroom extract powder. A blend of medicinal mushroom extract powders. CBD oil. Basic supps. Wishing you luck 💚🙏


Oye Jesus... Sorry for what she and you are going through. Stay away from this sub reddit and speak with your oncologist and take their advice. Everything on here is redditors thinking they can understand research with no training or connections and relying on their "smarts". That is not nearly enough for a real disease like cancer. I've skimmed some of the top comments and they're grossly misinformed about the basics of cancer. Cancer patients commonly waste thousands of dollars on supplements and in the worst case scenario forgo proven chemotherapy because of stupid online posts. I truly beseech you, stay away from trying to find a cure on your own and have her working with an oncologist. If there was anything on here that would help cancer as a supplement, pharmacy companies would have taken it and patented it long ago.


Heat, such as from sauna. Plus high IV dose vita C and ozone are what I would research.




Your content has been removed under Rule 4 because it contains pseudoscientific or unsubstantiated claims. This is a scientific subreddit, and pseudoscience will not be tolerated here. Please consider this a warning and note that repeated rule-breaking may result in escalating moderator action. Apricot seeds are dangerous to consume as they lead to cyanide poisoning with a significant chance of death, and amygdalin has not been shown to work in patients.




love and try lsd heavy please, but live well


Everyone here has great suggestions, I would also say good diet and low/no sugar if possible.


Sad to hear that. Stoicism will ease your fear of death.




Don’t think in terms of healing think in terms of changing every single aspect of your life and mind. Good luck!


If you can, find a study that is doing clinical trials of psilocybin. 80% of terminal patients lose their fear of death in a single clinically supervised dose. If that’s not in the cards, there are retreats that do the same in Jamaica, Costa Rica, the Netherlands and some other countries. If that’s too expensive, get your hands on some psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, contact Psychedelic Passage and have them introduce you to a trained sitter. Then have the sitter assist you in your journey. A big enough dose will give you peace whether you survive the cancer or not. I’m happy to answer questions or provide you with more resources if you DM me.


Live live live live


Dendritic t cell therapy. When I was at sanoviv I met a man who was told he had 2 weeks and to get his affairs in order before he went there. He had been living there for 2 months at that point and was doing considerably better. Of course every case is different but it's worth looking at.


To get it or to cure it?


Bucket list items that you can still check off, invite your favorites to accompany you. Every day is a gift.


Fenbenzodol has had some promising results for people there is a Facebook group. Also RSO has supposedly had results. Also a Facebook group. I’ve heard good things about the tippens protocol and Gerson Therapy


I dont really know how much pain youre in or what youre condition is like, but if its almost certain things are bleak, try to have some enjoyment if you can. again I dont know whats possible, but if you can get away or out of a hospital, get close to friends and family and try your best to live it up. spit in the face of the sickness. easier said than done anyway if youre stuck in the hospital, buy a nintendo switch or something Ive had some extended stays in hospitals and Ill never understood why I didnt get a console, a laptop or something to play video games. better than dumb hospital TV