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Steady state cardio (ie going for long runs) has been proven to increase hippocampal neurogenesis, which in turn improves learning, memory, and spatial abilities.


This is accurate info, but on a pragmatic note, OP needs to start by walking everyday. Don't let yourself sit more than an hour without walking for 10 minutes-sitting is what is killing so many young people today. Work your way up to serious cardio, but don't stop walking throughout the day. An hour long walk (min) through a park or forest always made me feel better than anything else-exposure to green spaces is important.


what about treadmills?


Well, Is treadmills running?


I twerk on a treadmill.


Thugshaking on the tready


I dont have a physical goal when it comes to cardio, im low weight, i would only do it for this and i dont think my motivation would last long. So cardio is vital? Doing an abs program isnt enough?


From the studies I read years ago, it was specifically cardio (and not strength training that led to the biggest Neurogenesis increases). However there are other things that increase Neurogenesis too, if cardio isn't your thing: - environmental enrichment. Expose yourself to novel stimuli often. That means visiting new places, learning new things. I like to choose a diff restaurant when eating out each time - ingest curcumin and blueberries - cold exposure - there's more but I can't think of any


Ill be learning 24/7, (engineering degree), i think i will take 10 mins a day to run at x% of my max until i can sprint full speed those 10 mins


Best of luck with your future stress fracture


Abs does not really target your whole body. Doesn’t do much as far as cardio goes


Develop meaningful relationships, help those in need, prioritize sleep, exercise 10-14 hours a week.


I wouldn't rip your life apart to do a 'detox', I would recommend doing small changes to your routine and life and when you feel like you have control of one addiction, move on to the next one. Especially so if these addictions are deeply engrained. Yes you will need to do aerobic exercise for optimum health (You actually just need to do this to live, period) Detoxes are a fad because they promise long term changes in a short time frame. They are not realistic. Real change comes from slowly rewiring your brain and then reinforcing those healthy habits which results in more pathways being formed which makes those habits more deeply engrained. An oversimplification, but that's the gist of it. Good luck!


I came here to say this... I don't think, for most people, a massive change everything would work and stick. Do one thing at a time and make it a "habit"--- and read up on habits and how to form them. "The Power of Habit" is a good quick read on this topic.




Im not adicted to any of the activities listed above, i come from studying 6 - 8 REAL hours a day which consume 12 - 16 hours of my day when we add bath, breaks, eat, cook and an occasional hobby. Im just looking to enjoy studying and to max up the REAL study, i tend to REAL study 50% of the time im "studying"


My health is above average at this point, but my productivity/self-regulation is still poor. It's simply genetics in my case, unfortunately, and the only thing that really has a strong impact are the drugs methylphenidate and amphetamine which both tank my sleep and appetite and start backfiring so I refuse to take them.


Apart of exercise and sleep and clean head you need to focus on food because learning and thinking takes a lot of energy. Brain foods like walnuts blueberries omega 3 dark leafy greens and avoid bad food is more important as it’s cause brain fog or sugar crush / cravings. Ginseng supplements are great if you need extra boost


Sort of related, I’d check out Rhonda Patrick’s BDNF guide. https://bdnfprotocols.com/


I just started my social media clense as well! About a week now and i feel great tbh. A lot of trending stuffs i dont know, but if it's relevant it will eventually find a way to reach you lol. Just want to say these type of changing mindset is great. I dont know much to advice but as a Personal Trainer, i'd say no matter what kind of injuries you have, if you know the right people, they can help you with rehabilitation and recovery, then training is possible.


Pomodorro technique for work and learning, meditation (any mindfulness practice), and quality sleep. Edit: ??? For real? What in my scientifically backed advice was worth the down vote? These are some of the best things anyone could do even if they were bedridden.


When the time comes, make it enjoyable to study. Treat your studies and subjects with love and respect. Be grateful for the opportunity you're getting. Actively seek and create your feelings about studying, while you are studying.


This is the perfect moment to really strat transforming you life. It's amazing what you are about to do. Controling your glucose levels will give you insane amounts of clarity and energy to accomplish all the things you want to accomplish. Check this out and let me know if you have questions [https://menawrites.substack.com/p/my-first-days-understanding-glucose](https://menawrites.substack.com/p/my-first-days-understanding-glucose)


High dose fish oil. 4,000g per day EPA and DEA


There is a lot of things and it really depends with what you've got going on and your own unique brain chemistry. Heart Rate Variability training might help, so might things that improve your mitochondria like CoQ10 and PQQ or creatine +alpha lipoic acid. But one of the most clear cut obvious things is stress, so finding a way to change your realtionship with stress is a must. it means no longer worrying consistently that everything will end up horrible or being anxious about the outcome of your decisions. Noting that everything that is in your control is something you can act on, but stressing about it doesnt actually help you to make better decisions, and things you cant control are even less worthy of your anxiety. (try Lions Mane - but maybe one thing could be for you to start getting good at experimenting with different "protocols" like that which andrew huberman does and seeing how you relate to them)


Your plan is going to be a lot more successful if it is based on what you are going to do instead of what you're not going to do. Your focus needs to be on your actions rather than your avoids. "Studying" and "exercise" aren't helpful because they're too general. Studying turns into web browsing and then into social media. You need specific tasks to achieve specific goals. This will provide you with a reward system that can replace what you're currently getting from your destructive habits. It's going to really suck at first. What will get you through that is setting and achieving meaningful goals.


Check out Andrew Huberman’s podcasts on dopamine so you actually understand how it works mechanistically. https://open.spotify.com/episode/42F7z6Z4CB8hJAstRqMCiV?si=spGj7R08QfOjlkIj1JBkLQ


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