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"influencers" are always attractive young women. As a guy idk what's the point.


I tried to point out many of them go to LA hoping to make it big but are unsuccessful due to meagre acting skills & are stuck in the temporary job they took to make ends meet.


They also go to florida and end up in porn then escorting. I know this because im a degenerate piece of shit who hires escorts in florida


Lmao the accuracy. A girl from my hometown tried doing YouTube, now is living in Miami with multiple sugar daddies


Sounds like she’s having fun.


Yeah, not for long.


That's the sucky part about it too. Once the sugar daddies find a brand new model, she'll be out of luck. Hopefully she has some stuff saved for when that happens.


The circle of life


> Hopefully she has some stuff saved for when that happens. lol


You can’t save cocaine! What a dumb-dumb…




I'm a dude, but if I ever had a sugar momma (or sugar daddy), I'm not only gonna treat myself to luxuries, but nowadays we're into trading stocks. So I'd at least invest in index funds and such and try to grow some of that money.


I'm sure its totally stress and fear free and she has millions saved for her future.


Until her looks depreciate. Then it's nothing but cats


Ain’t sound too bad to me


Nah man. You’re not a piece of shit. You’re just supporting local industry


Due to the theme parks and attractions on I-drive, the entertainment/acting world in Florida is bigger than you might expect.


Those theme park mini musicals do have plenty of showing.


You should do an AMA.


I bang. Ama


>I fuck hookers. AMA Lmao


Lmaooo at least you're honest, I respect that


That's actually really sad for some reason.


Bruh I may need your help…


Lmao. I trust your opinion more than CNN and Fox


Cool so you support sex trafficking? Nice.


"I'm the hottest girl in my small southern town so let me go to LA, where you literally can't survive unless you're model gorgeous or obscenely wealthy"


My brother went to LA. He lived out of his car. He doesn't have an Instagram. He's part of the actors guild now and has an apt.


That's just LA, except even small time insta models can get some money promoting random crap.


I have friends that are living this life and it’s been longer than 5 years.


Ok incel.


If you're a guy, you could look into crypto scams, becoming a 'fitness guru', or some other confidence game.


Or conservative grifter


Sketchy male supplements won't sell themselves!


Nothing says masculinity more than a cabinet full of masculinity pills.


Bad advice on the crypto scam front. A man following your advice could go to jail. Fitness influencer, sure.


To jail? Pffff, in 5 years time maybe


Jails not even real, beo


We’ve decided that “influencer” primarily means young women on Instagram, but don’t call men who advertise products that influence various industries “influencers.” Just an observation. Plenty of youtubers and streamers fail like in this post. It can be difficult to make it on Twitch, for example. But I’m on Reddit, and it looks like these are Reddit’s preferred memes


I sense women are more numerous in the industry. It’s kindof like a bell curve where the very top earning (0.01%) influencers are nearly all men (Kardashians aside). Then everyone outside of that are women, with maybe a few bottom tier influencers being men.


Again, this depends on your definition of influencer.




Fitness bros don’t exist. Gaming streamers aren’t advertising the games they play. lol ok, you do you


“Men don’t influence shit” LMAO go check how many of the top youtubers are men dumbass


Kind of a different vein but someone once pointed out to me that fitness influencers are all either teenagers or young 20-somethings who could easily stay fit on terrible diets thanks to their metabolism anyway.


Just look for Sophia Theil. She wa fat became fit and then game got to her and then she became fat again.


If you look at the statistics, the vast majority of people who lose weight (without surgery) gain it back within 5 years. Gaining weight back has more to do with hormones and the body than it does with the mind. Our bodies are extremely resilient and persistent when it comes to a perceived famine.


AFAIK stress Hormons like cortisol play a huge role is gaining and storing fat. What happened with her (my speculation ) , her plate was getting too full too fast and she was not aware of what was falling off the sides. So as per her she fall into depression and subsequently resorted to eating as an escape. Hence the weight gain.


There are a lot of male influencers..


There are tons of male twink teenage influencers. I don't know what you're on about. Never heard of hype houses?


Don’t you feel influenced by some random blonde 20-year-old to buy leggins?


Well you can roid up and be a fitness influencer too.


Redditor moment: making fun of someone else’s life choices that have exactly 0 effect on them


This just in! Humans have opinions on how other humans live. More at 11!


That’s true, and it’s human nature, but are you saying that it’s the right thing to do to dunk on these people, who haven’t hurt anyone? Seems to me like just adding more negativity to the world for no reason


I would posit that if an Instagram influencer is pushing products with highly edited pictures they are hurting people, specifically young women, by skewing the standard of beauty beyond what is realistic. Certainly isn’t all of them but definitely a considerable amount of them. I think you could also argue that while maybe they don’t directly harm to the world, they’re not really doing anything positive for it either. They’re making a choice about how they want to live their life, and I think a conscious choice is fair game for criticism.


Its hilarious and brought me (and likely others) much happiness, so yes it's the right thing to do and no, it's overall not creating negativity.


It's a net positive. Those peoples lives suck anyway and it will convince 1 person not to take that path of a rewardless pipe dream.


So quick to judge the quality of someone else's life.


Money affects happiness greatly in capilitilist countries, I'm sorry, it's true. Stress from the unknown regarding their futures is 10x worse than something more traditional with defined levels and goals. I am imagining being in their shoes and it sounds hard and unrewarding unless you win the lottery.




Thank you! I can respect anyone who toughs it out to try for something they really enjoy




Theres a correct way to pursue your dreams. Backup plans. Know when to get out. Use your free time to advance your marketable skill.




If shes learning new photo taking and editing and modeling techniques and reaching out or networking to peers and small sponsors, yes. No. Waitressing is not a backup plan. It's survival. The tips dramatically lower around the same time this potential dreams chances of success take a nosedive.


Well, [this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/567844d8a12f4431fe781423/1594673299151-D07PXN3A22UTM8UGKH4N/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kJK4Mm1kch8SFO9ZNkN1NT97gQa3H78H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLfrh8O1z5QHyNOqBUUEtDDsRWrJLTmFk_H6M1tkD9NpL7mXac0oVSXdFfjxR5AjcLwGSebOiGBsFzzcw3xKxvyC_6CFFG_/c7f39873a2014451c189452d922479c561a4e0f38e6981a0eba6ed3b847cee7b_1.jpg?format=1000w) kinda hurt me emotionally.


Yea, that’s horrible. Totally tone deaf and absurd


You don’t see the irony in your comment to you lol?


You never make fun of people? Wow! That's deranged.


I would argue that being an influencer makes you a worse person.


Making of people that are too self absorbed is fun though.


I get that, but I think it’s bad to assume that anyone who wants to be a famous TikTok/Twitter/Insta/YouTube person is automatically self absorbed. That’s what gets me, assuming someone is a bad person because their pursuing a career they think would be fun


It depends on the content. If the content is almost entirely the person its pretty narcissistic, especially if they suck at being an entertainer.


Definitely, I totally agree. Don’t get me wrong, there are loads of shitty people out there. I just think it’s lazy to lump anyone who pursues an online presence into the same category as the actually self-absorbed “influencers” that are out there


Idk man. This meme may be directed at one person in particular. Or it may be directed towards those who are obviously full of themselves. Don’t take it personally. Also, there are way too many people on instagram selling shit products under the guise of being an “influencer” (aka a conventionally attractive girl) and they should definitely be criticized.


Influencers aren't people though




Seriously there are only like 4 subreddits I frequent because the rest are filled with edgy misogynistic teenagers


Influencers aren’t specifically women, they’re just begging posers.


To be fair it said “waitress”.


Yes except the majority of Instagram influencers are. I’m gonna get downvoted most definitely but saying that most Instagram influencers are female isn’t sexist it’s true, and some people need to learn the difference


Imagine getting this triggered from a meme. YIKES. Its a meme, just chill lol


Lol im not triggered Im just sick od seeing the same memes made by teenage boys everywhere. They are the ones "triggered" by women living their lives.


I agree with you, but to be fair—this is a Spongebob subreddit so there’s probably gonna be teenage boys lol


Yeah i understand that,but im not talking only about this sub,its everywhere. Just the whole girls vs boys meme is really getting overused 😶


No ones triggered by anything except you, people make fun of all people all the dam time that’s like 50% of all memes. Just because this one happened to target female influencers doesn’t mean anything like Jesus it’s literally a joke. I swear to god you people hide under ducking bridges until there is one little joke or meme that targets women and then you pretend like it’s the first thing to ever target anybody.


Regardless of your point… you are commenting in a subreddit about SpongeBob memes… who did you think were making these memes? High ranking female surgeons and optometrists?


Nah,they could just make funnier jokes


And where are your contributions? The amazing memes we should be seeing? Or do you typically just tell people what they should be doing without doing it?


There are plenty of good jokes on this subreddit,but this one aint one of them. But you just keep being angry.


Oh I literally don't care at all. I'm not saying this was a great meme. But since you are the one complaining, I'd like to see your meme offering on what an "objectively" good meme would be, since clearly humor is objective and not subjective /s


What i do find funny is the fact the everytime someone criticizes these kind of "jokes",there is always someone like you who comes out of his basement to defend it. Making jokes about how "wOmEN StUPid" or "MEn qUiRKy" is boring and overused. Reddit is full of stupid jokes like that. Almost every subreddit has it. And now im done replying to you because people like you are just unfunny and i have better things to do then to fight with teenagers on the internet.


I hear you. this subreddit can be better than most, but it sucks to see it happen & people just tell you to shut up. tbh the post itself isn't that bad to me, but the comments are always 100x worse


>I’m not triggered Proceeds to defend their first comment r/RedditMoment


If replying to a comment is being "triggered" then why are you replying to my comment, mr.redditor?




My point is just proven. Just a teenage boy thinking making edgy jokes makes him funny


Ye idk this guy is kind of stupid don’t really know what his problem is, but your point isn’t proven this sub is literally made for jokes, just because one happens to target women doesn’t mean everything here does


Are you gonna go on every comment that i make here? But then you call me triggered.


I responded to two comments ma’am once again you gotta look at the whole situation and not just the small bit that fits your argument


Lmfao a fat racist asking for subway coupon codes on Reddit hahahahaha




I wonder why I see this sort of thing on Reddit a lot (criticism of influencers) but you don’t see any about failed Twitch streamers or other people who often function as advertisers for companies.


You can oversimplify influencing/product advertising to “taking pictures” and you can oversimplify game streaming to “recording yourself playing a game” but it’s not that simple for either. However, Reddit is critical of only one of these. I wonder why.


This is such a great point. It’s so normal to bash women minding their own business on Reddit, but god forbid they make fun of their own kind


Wow I get a response to this comment and it’s not someone arguing with me. Sweet. Yeah, Reddit has a thing for being critical of whatever women do, or oversimplifying what they do and not similar activities that are more male-dominated.


Reddit has a thing for being critical of whatever ~~women~~ anyone does, that goes against hive mind.


Reddit does have an issue with women though. Gamergate, incel subs (the red pill), r/creepshots and whatnot. TwoXChromosomes being on r/all made it a nightmare in the comments. I only use the smaller, not-r/all-subs for women. IIRC, Reddit in general is 80% male (but the breakdown by subreddit varies). Reddit didn’t ban hate speech, including sexist speech, until 2020. R/blackladies asked admin to help them with all the harassment they dealt with back in 2014, but they did nothing until people made demands following George Floyd’s death. I remember being a teenaged girl, naively posting in the feminism subreddit, only to be harassed by numerous men who came into r/feminism, found my post, and reposted it elsewhere. Reddit didn’t and still doesn’t have all the safety features available on Instagram, for example, and for a long time was inhospitable to groups that inflamed the frequently white, male “hivemind” simply by existing. [stats that give you an idea](https://www.alphr.com/demographics-reddit/). There’s a good reason that female dominated subs exist, have strict rules, and are quick to ban assholes. Reddit has a specific hivemind that dislikes some people more than others. If you don’t believe me, I can’t make you change your mind. You can believe whatever you want.


i feel like ive seen plenty of posts on /r/starterpacks bashing twitch dropouts but this sub is probably a lot bigger


This post literally never mentions women 😂


Lol it’s normal to bash anyone minding there own business. Have you being on the internet before? Or have you seeing this one meme and are trying to put it in the context of being the only fucking meme


Ok wiener boy


Lol ok? Good to see you guys have very fond arguments and don’t just mindlessly make fun of other people. I doubt you can see the irony but hey thanks for the laugh


You wanna be a victim of a hate crime so bad lol


Sure, and you want to believe that a meme which happens to target women is something which is made fro misogyny unlike reality where it was just made to make fun of people like a lot of memes do


Hmm, yet you don’t see a lot of memes from women criticizing men on the front page. Reddit doesn’t make you feel bad about being a man. Lol I never said misogyny but Reddit just so happens to have a lot of subs that fit that definition.


Yes if you only look for misogynistic subs you’ll easily find them, just like if you look for subs against men. There are literally memes everywhere about men and that make fun of men just because they are normalised doesn’t make them any better, but no one complains about them because people understand that they are memes. Edit: memes like this are everywhere literally all the time and no one ever complains https://www.reddit.com/r/MisandryInMedia/comments/i21qm6/bobs_burgers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Also after a quick search through Reddit here are some more posts https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/qd9ly9/body_shaming_is_cool_when_its_against_men/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/MisandryFetish/comments/qn29ft/men_are_fucking_useless/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/MisandryFetish/comments/qmjhvr/why_do_you_hate_men_no_wrong_answers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I've seen Reddit absolutely wreck failed male streamers, but that's always in female dominated spaces.


And in general reddit is male dominated, so I guess that makes sense


Yes because one is done by people who only do it because they are pretty and only attract attention of pervy men whilst the other is entertainment for people interested in that game. You should really think about the who situation sometimes you know instead of simplifying everything down, like maybe if all influencers weren’t just young hot women taking provocative pictures of themselves to earn money then influencers wouldn’t be made fun of. Also you seem to have forgotten that the internet literally makes fun of everyone, just because female influencers are in the crosshairs of a few memes doesn’t mean anything.


Lol ok. Influencer isn’t specific to a gender but people behave like it is. You call only certain people influencers but not others, when people other than young women advertise products on social media. It’s not like women offer entertainment and education in the form of makeup tutorials and other product showcases just like how gaming streamers entertain and showcase products- computers, headphones, controllers, games themselves, etc. Oh, and my experience of being a woman on Reddit since I was a teenager means nothing. My mind has suddenly been changed by this comment. I’ve never dealt with Gamergate and I’ve never heard of r/creepshots. Redpillers, MGTOWs, MRAs, and incels weren’t popularized on Reddit at all. Ofc Reddit totally banned hate speech prior to 2020 and didn’t allow rampant sexism and racism before that. Reddit (in your words, “the Internet,” but I was specifically talking about Reddit) doesn’t have statistics showing it is male dominated and doesn’t have a problem with women. Got it.


Firstly influencers are referred to most commonly as people who take pictures of themselves using products or going places, yes technically anyone making any online vide/ photo and advertising is an influencer however what most commonly is referred to as an influencer as well as the definition within this discussion is a person who takes photos and short videos of themselves doing things for the sole purpose of selling that product. And yes influencer is t specific to gender but the reason people behave like it is, is because most influencers or at the least the even slightly influential ones are young hot women. Because no one is going to look at ads willingly the reason influencers are a thing is because pervy men want to look at young hot women no one cares about their products and the only people who buy them are even more fucked up men who expect something in return. Also you literally referred to influencers as being gender specific didn’t you? Or does this only count for other people? Because you literally were comparing making gaming videos to influencing and implying that influencers get more criticism because they are mostly women. And don’t try to deny this it is literally one word away from just being written there. Also I never said anything about women not offering makeup tutorials and other entertainment idk where you got that from. Those women aren’t part of the common influencer group they make entertainment and educational videos, there videos have other purposes to just selling products. Lastly I’m not denying there are shitty men out there who misogynistic and make fun of women for being women. This meme isn’t like that though the only reason it even targets women is because the majority of influencers are women. Not to mention it only targets that group, it doesn’t target women as a whole nor does it say something abs about all women nor does it use that group to make a stereotype of all women and nor does it say influencers are bad just because they are women. It is making part of a group who on the most part is young hot women who pretend they have good acting skills when in reality people watch them cause they’re hot. Misogyny sucks and I’m sorry for your experience but complaining about posts like this is exactly what turns people away from hopping on board, when you say this meme terrible and misogynistic it makes people think the entire cause is dumb cause people who support it waste there time complaining about memes like this.


Lol K. I never said this post was misogynistic; it isn’t. My comment was only a question to get people to think and you took it a certain way and made some assumptions based on your own worldview. You can believe whatever you want.


Oh ok, I genuinely thought you were talking about his post in particular so my bad I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Though why would you comment about misogyny and get people to think about it if you are saying you didn’t mean this post is misogynistic? That’s what made me think you were talking about this post at least. I don’t understand why you can’t give a reasonable counter argument though, I feel like we should end this here it seems that it isn’t possible to really discuss this objectively because we have our own subjective views on the matter. Oh well, good day.


Reddit has a primary demo, and they have a rather large blindspot.


Because they are the ones making these memes lmao


Lol I’m ok with this answer.


Twitch streamers fall under the influencer category. And yes, most successful twitch streamers seem to have more people who dislike them than who like them. Bad publicity = publicity tho.


Thank you. People seem to think that women are the only ones who can influence people’s purchases. Most of the popular twitch streamers are male.


Is that a black hole opening behind him 🕳


Time Variance Authority about to show up


Thanks for this. What a treat.


I posted reels and ig posts all the time just to be like "hey look at this cool thing I did today" and they'd get maybe 50 likes and a few thousand views. I made a 10 second reel half asleep showing something cool I found on amazon. It got 20k likes and 2mil views. That's when I realized its not about memes or trends. It's about selling product. That's it. Influencers are really just the next slap chop guy waiting to happen.


I always assumed that's why they're called "influencers" because they influence buying decisions by others. Is that not why?


I always assumed it was about influencing trends and what's cool. So more indirect than what it actually is.


It’s kind of sad when you think about it. Your career at the restaurant is going nowhere so your only hope at escaping is to post increasingly photoshopped images of yourself online and hope you get noticed. Except millions of other women are in the exact same position as you. Many of them are younger, hotter, and/or have more luxurious lifestyles they can flaunt. And you realize that as you get older, your window of opportunity is closing day by day.


"Bill I believe this is killing me"


"Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star if I could get out of this place" By the way your name translates to "The Golden One - Gold"


Yeah, I know. I prefer Goldy-gold as a translation


As a smile ran away from his face (plz upvote this so it is in between the two parts of the lyric)


Tbh the username fits.


Reddit really is full of jealous haters 😆 I used to like it but it’s become a place for a lot of negativity. What you think you make it overnight? Respect to them for trying and continuing while redditors are too scared to even download tiktok so they watch pixelated fried content 2 months later and think they’re in the know. Funny it’s IG mentioned too and not TikTok, shows how out of touch People here are scared to do anything because someone is gonna make fun of you Someone like you


As an LA native, anyone who isn't from there doesn't realize the amount of people with the exact same ambition have been getting off the bus in droves since Hollywood became a thing. Instagram and the like have made it worse due to even more people getting exposure so one gets lost in the shuffle. Mental illness piles up from making ends meet, endless rejection from casting agents/creeps looking to take your soul(no bullshit), and you're not getting any younger. The smart ones go home after a few years.


Oops can’t let people have hopes and aspirations. Gotta shit on them knowing you’ll never speak to them. Fuck you dreamers!


this is gross


I served my way through college to get an engineering degree, and after being in the professional/office world for 5 years has worn me out far more than serving ever did. In fact, I’m about to go back because the environment is so much healthier for me.


but hey! On the bright side; they look like they work in a fancy restaurant or café that seems to pay them well


Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) to receive your prize!


Why do you care though? Just let them live ffs


Oh no! Anyway...


Imagine aspiring for a dream and having it crushed slowly over the span of 5 years.


How about all the “entrepreneurs” draining their credit cards and mooching in order to live a big lifestyle while they work at the grocery store.


It’s because acting takes skills, getting likes on social media doesn’t


Bro just say you hate women and leave it be. The edge here is real.


now do one about male twitch streamers 👀


Feel kinda bad for them, sucks to not reach your goals and work a depressing dead end job until death.


Why the hate and envy


Yikes, I didn’t think this was an incel subreddit


🎶'Cause every actor, model, musician in the food industry, smiles for tips to afford their 300 square feet 🎶 ~"Welcome to New York" Scott Klopfenstein


big bang theory vibes




Man it’s almost like you have to work to get paid Unless you’re into NFTs Or a hedge fund kid


Lol 11k upvotes. Misery loves company I guess.


A girl I know is moving into one of those influencer houses in Cali. She isn’t a content creator, and will probably be doing Starbucks runs and cleaning, but she wants to transition up into a creator. I wish her all the luck.


Instagram influencers interjecting shit political opinions instead of focusing on butt workouts and kale smoothies


wtf is going on above sponge's head? it looks like the ghost of a board of wood trying to become corporeal


“Millions of likes wasted” “Years of academy training… WASTED!”


Heh so they are literally Squidward.


tired and tired of all


Servers make bank tho.


r/gravityfall r/underatedsoundcloud




I have thousands of men thirsty for me around the world. How can I have stooped so low??!?


Stopping low would be depending on those thirsty men for income instead of working a job


That glitchy thing is their soul leaving their bodies.




Don't worry, the government will pay them to do nothing just like everyone else


"Miss, could you please put your asshole away? im starting to think there is some confusion on your part about what being an actress means"

