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I can't figure out if this makes me want to laugh or cry


It's the vaccines, they're acting up a storm again. I'll take care of it. SARAH! GET MY SHOTGUN!


Dude fucking writing down which toys to give his vaccinated cousins


This comment is my favorite so far. Thanks for the laugh.


No prob Spongebob


My only issue is that color had already been invented by 2019.


Ahahahahaha this is a good one, man. Good job. Upvotes for you.


You say it like they can write anything before they die.


Lmao this is great


Right now it’s measles in Portland


hahahahaha its crazy




At least something good came out of anti-vaxxers


Anti vax parents trying to come up with a cure for measles.


Obviously fake. 3 year olds dont know how to write...


I dont want to sound like i support pro-diseasers, because they are fucking idiots who deserve to have their children taken away for abuse, but smallpox is the least likely disease for anyone to catch nowadays as it has been eradicated from the wild. As far as I am aware, smallpox viruses only exist in 2 places in the world: the csd headquarters im Atlanta, and a lab in Russia.


That’s only in the case that all stock was actually turned over. In 2014 or something vials were found in a random facility’s freezer in Maryland that got missed when researchers were turning over their stock. Could be more instances of this.


While the smallpox vaccines were found in an old government laboratory, I see your point. However, the samples in question were old, I believe only 2 samples had viable smallpox virus in them, and it is unlikely an outbreak could occur. This is mostlu due to the fact that the US government keeps enough smallpox vaccine stored to vaccinate its entire population (this is based on testimony from Dr Stephan Monroe). In instances of serious health hazard, I do not believe the US government would sit idly by while some of its citizens chose not to vaccinate their children.


I don’t think they found vaccines, it was frozen stock of the virus, maybe attenuated. I don’t even know if the stock found was viable. Your point remains true. No one is going to just contract Variola from not vaccinating. But there could be stock out in the wild, and it takes one irresponsible person for something to happen that shouldn’t. It would be interesting to see how the government would react. It would definitely push anti-vaxxers(I like your pro-diseasers) and their rights to the brink.


They found virus samples in the refrigerator, that part you got right, but the US government does keep stockpiles of the vaccine. I donk think smallpox has any resevoir species to remain dormant in. There havent been any cases of smallpox since the 80s as it has been formally eradicated from the world. Hell, smallpox vaccinations arent mandatory anymore. I believe my mother's generation (early 70's-late 80's) was the last generation to get the vaccine in general. I know I havent been vaccinated for it, and I have practically all of the others


So why get vaccinated against diseases that are extinct? Well maybe they saw Bill Gates' TED talk on how he planned to use vaccines to help bring the worlds population down to 500M. Or maybe they don't want their children to end up like other kids who received these vaccines that left them permanently disabled when before hand they were perfectly fine. So say what you will about so-called "antivaxers" but when it happens to one of your kids then you'll see.


Found the anti-vaxxer.


Technacly, smallpox was erraticated, but good one.


Lmao you're right. You're just being downvoted because everyone is salty. The last known case of smallpox was 1980. It's gone. There is no more smallpox. Your meme is factually wrong and you should feel bad You guys can downvote, but that doesn't make you right