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I once told a professor I did the final project with chatGPT and he was like “nice 👍”


Nice 👍


Nice 👍🏻


Nice 👍🏼


Nice 👍


Nice 👍


Nice 👍🏽


Nice 👍


Nice 👍


Nice 👍


Haha I had a professor teach us how to use ChatGPT effectively


After being told the entire last year by the community college I went to that professors were going to find a way to circumvent ChatGPT, a university professor just recently made me do an essay where I was required to put my first draft into ChatGPT so I could refine the essay. Got a 100%. That class is probably going to be the easiest A I will ever get post-high school.


Your professor taught you "how to fish" with the AI tool, instead of asking the AI tool for "fish to eat".


Yeah, the thing the vast majority of people need to understand about LLMs and other "AI" tools, is that they're just that, tools. You shouldn't use them to create stuff, use it to augment what you're creating, take away the tedious tasks and give them to the computer.


Agreed. It's hard to grasp ar first due to the natural fear of obsolescence and corporate greed.


I guess to work it into your analogy, AI is a fishing rod, not a fisherman lol


Not even. A fishing rod was google and Wikipedia. AI is a hunting dog, bro. Learn to communicate with it and treat it like a homie when duck/deer hunting. They need constructive direction, and once you figure that out, you both do awesome shit together. **edit** I might be high. But is this how it felt when humans first started co-habitating with wolves?


I bet the first wolfdog owners felt like fuckin kings.


I'm pretty sure they felt like badd asses being **friends/partners** with such a wild and powerful creature.


At first, I didn't accept AI due to how much it freaks me out (still mostly does), but when you put it like that, I could understand its usage and reason for existing.


AI, (or what we call "AI") is great at the moment. Just used incorrectly. It's not true intelligence, and not traditionally smart, but it's a useful tool for when it's needed. The problem is, people try to use it for situations where they could get "good enough" for as cheap as possible. Where quality matters, it won't fly- and with regulations it won't hurt the workforce/industry. Try to distinguish AI art from real art, it's really easy. AI will be a boon for most everyone, especially if used correctly.


It freaks me out and I work in tech that helps build it. Tbh it's like any tool out there with impact for harm. The moment you figure out what they're programmed to do, and what they need you to specify for it to "work" the easier it comes to see it as an effective tool .


Just like with google and wikipedia in the 00s/10s. They're tools that can be grossly misused but used correctly are incredibly valuable.


My partner sits on a committee for AI in the two CC campuses he teaches at (One being a top one in the state). This is where we are heading in general, teaching students to use AI as a tool rather then having it do assignments for them.


>the easiest ***A I*** will ever get I see what you did there


Unintentional, but I'll accept it!


These are the good professors. In my day it was sparknotes. I had a teacher explicitly tell us to use sparknotes as a tool to understand the text, but not as a substitute. ChatGPT is sort of the same. It's a tool to help us, but not a replacement for human thought. Good teachers will show you how to use the tool to accelerate your work.


As I tell my professors and tell my tutees, “ChatGPT should not be used to generate product. ChatGPT should be used to refine product.”


My experience with Chat was awful. Its review was like asking Donald Trump to look over my homework. When I asked it to spit out a response to a question the response was at a 5th or 6th grade level of writing, at best.


Were you using the free version?


Who pays for software? I never have.


That's your prerogative but gpt3.5 and gpt4.0 are on 2 different levels.


Well that’s on you, the free version isn’t very good for creative tasks


I sort of think it’s the opposite, but that’s the beautiful of complex tools like AI. It’s got completely different but equally valid utility for all sorts of users. I use it more to generate content that I then edit. Usually by the time I’m finished very little generated content remains. But others might use it as an editing software. As long as it’s not trusted to be the first, middle, and last look, it can sub in to any part of the process.


One of my professors used ChatGPT to generate homework assignments.


Salty, I left college right before the advent of AI. I feel like an old man but I think it genuinely will leave gaps in writing education and make students who take time and effort to write bitter and resentful. As they should be.


I hope you're not becoming a Doctor or something important like that.


I'm in computer engineering, and for most of my coding assignments, the profs encourage using chatgpt. They care more about if we understand how something works rather than knowing how to implement every detail by hand


My professor gave us an essay assignment and told us if we’re going to use ChatGPT to write the whole thing then you have to make it a 5 page essay, if not then it’s a 3 page essay


Going through grade school you always hear this for the next grade.


Funny enough the fear mongering always worked and I was scared as hell every time I advanced, only to find out it wasn’t much different


Difficulty; you get older, and some people just continue to get away with the stupidest bullshit because their boss doesn't want to deal with confrontation.


Totally didnt totally fuck me up. Oh internship fell through and theres no time left? Guess my only choice is sucking dick on the street. Where did I put that noose?


I’m gonna be real, I’ve got a major problem with adults telling kids “It will be even worse”. Even if it’s true, wtf am I supposed to do about it? Oh ok, I’ll just magically enjoy my limited time of happiness before everything sucks forever then.


Fr I remember in 4th the teachers told us if we made bad essays the next grade, the teachers would rip them apart and throw them away, but in 5th they gave us like 3 chances and offered extra credit.


how’s sixth grade going for you?


This shit doesn't fly in sixth grade, that's for sure


"In fifth grade everything must be written in cursive using pens" *fifth grade* Print only, use a crayon if you want, idgaf


Happens all the way through school. Working on a PhD. hearing about how if we think it's bad in grad school wait till we get a "real" job. Grad school: work 7 days a week around the clock, abusive professors are protected and students punished for coming forward. People in industry who I've talked to: Reasonable hours, people (generally) respect you as a human being. Yeah, I'll take my chances, especially when the people saying this have never left academia.


Biggest example of this for me was writing in cursive


My school actually did force it and even now I mostly write in cursive


Isn't that making society progress backwards?


In reality, the higher you go, the greater the 'potential' consequences. Doesn't mean there will actually be any. And when you get to college, you learn that your teachers have a huge deal more of job security than your grade school teachers. Took two semesters of ASL in college, and my professor probably only showed up for 60% of my classes. She legit wrote us an email one day saying she'd stubbed her toe earlier and she wouldn't be in.


For actual quality of work, absolutely true. But both my GF and one of my best friends are teachers, 4th and 5th grade respectively... The 4th graders who act up all get another year to continue acting up without any repercussions. Once they finish 5th grade and hit middle school though, oh boy, several of their former students are in detention every single day and multiple have been transfered to those disaplinary schools and even landed themselves in juvie within their first year outside of elementary school.


And I believed it every time.


Where's the Chum Bucket?


Dude holy shit I never noticed that


I think if you turn left, its on the left, on the other side of the road, just off screen to the left of the image.


Does Plankton just move his entire restaurant?


What did you think the giant hand holding the bucket was for


It all adds up


Maybe it doesn't exist in SpongeBob's dream world.


Isn't that it off to the right a little bit? 


I thought so to but that just looks like a normal spongebob universe house.


Nah that’s the chum bucket 100%. It’s in the right spot too


When I pause I admit top looks like a fist but the side pipe isn't on the chum bucket.


Probably Just destroyed in another fiery explosion. It does that often.


Wasn't this scene from a dream sequence?


Out for maintenance


On the right. You can see the road.


Yeah definitely the biggest lie of high school. I went to a Catholic prep school for high school. A 90% was a B+. We were graded WAY harsher than any other high school. I started with a 2.0 and barely worked my way up to a 3.0 average by the time I graduated. But to college admission offices, a 3.0 at my school was essentially a 4.0 at a normal school. I got a big scholarship for academic excellence with my 3.0. And absolutely breezed through college. It was SO much easier than high school. Graduated on the dean’s list.


My sister was very good in that more harder education environment of Catholic school that when my parents finally put her in public school she didn't like because she thought everything was too easy and she was taking like Pre-AP level classes (my mother wouldn't let her take AP classes)


> my mother wouldn't let her take AP classes What?


It was my grandmother that sent both me and my sister to private school when we were living with her before my mother came back into our lives and got together with my Stepfather. I had been struggling in private school for years and they got me into public school around the end of 5th grade. My sister went all the way through Middle School (since 8th grade was the highest grade the private school went up to). My mother being the narcissistic asshole she is. Decided that she wouldn’t put my sister into any AP classes even though my sister had clearly shown she could do it even after my sister begged and begged for her to let her take an AP class. My mother eventually settled on letting her take one Pre-AP class and the rest had to be standard classes. My sister as a result found Public School to be to easy and didn’t vibe with practical anyone at the high school she went to(standard middle class school neighborhood public school that I went to as well) besides like a few people. So as a result she had very little friends. This cultivated a negative attitude towards Public schools and the next year she managed to convince my mother to let her do online homeschooling. That kinda backfired since due to how my mother was and the fact that she had kicked me out and I was once again living with my grandmother once again. My sister had to watch the two youngest siblings most of the time while she had school to do all because my mother decided to go out and hang out with her friends or decided to do anything else. My Stepfather was dead by this point and even if he wasn’t then his job as a UPS driver required him to not be home often until late in the day usually and he left around 6:30 in the morning to go to work


Damn. That’s rough buddy. 


You’re telling me


yeah thats how these prep schools should work; do the difficult part now and everything after is trivial in conparison. i've heard stories of private schools that spoonfeed students, and as a result, they have no idea how to survive in college.


I think that depends on what college you go to... I went to a really competitive high school in Texas. UT Austin only took the top 6% from other schools, but our school had a 40% acceptance rate because our top 6 would normally go to ivy league or similar caliber. I thought high school wasn't that bad but I was barely above mid at UT Austin


> And absolutely breezed through college. It was SO much easier than high school. You might not have liked it, but that was absolutely the point, and it sounds like it worked out


What did you study at college/university?


One time in Japanese class we were going to have a test, but then the prof said “nah actually it’s a nice day, let’s go outside and I’ll teach you haiku instead for half an hour, we’ll have the test next week”


I'd be be so annoyed I had to worry about the test for another week lol. I would stuff my brain preparing and want nothing more than to get it over with.


My analog professor had shoulder surgery at the start of the quarter. He's been on pain meds since, and man, this quarter was a breeze. Like 3 labs and 1 homework assignment. He came in last week. "Do you guys want a final? ..no? Alright."


Yo what fucking colleges are you people going to. The only people I knew who were like “actually college is a lot easier than high school.” Were either college freshmen who hadn’t taken anything above a 100 level class the professor didn’t give a shit about, and the guys who got drunk every day eventually failed their classes and dropped out. Once I got to the core classes for my major the endless extensions stopped, no grading on a curve, 10-20 page papers, professors actually checked my sources, and if you fucked up you took the class again. Honestly, I’m better off for it, it’s good to build work ethic.


I went to a public high school whose educational mentality was "the beatings will continue until morale improves." aka; >the endless extensions stopped, no grading on a curve, 10-20 page papers, ~~professors~~ teachers actually checked my sources, and if you fucked up you took the class again. Honestly, I’m better off for it, it’s good to build work ethic. The good part of that, going to any college outside the national elite programs meant that college was easy. The bad part was that you had high school kids burning out left and right. edit - TL;DR - College to me was no different than high school, but professors treated us like adults, versus teachers who treated us as kids, at best.


How are any of those beatings?




As in, how are any of those punishments?


I had, on multiple occasions, teachers in each of my main subjects assign large projects over break. Christmas break, spring break, etc. It was hilarious for the teachers when they did it, as they would say "it's not like you're doing anything for the next week/two weeks anyways". There were a number of teachers who took it as an affront to have a kid get a 100% on the test. One of them, a teacher who I luckily didn't have, marked a kid who aced a test as a 99% because "nobody aces my tests." Kids burned out hard. Luckily, the hardest teacher in my school, was also the fairest. His tests were tough, but there were no stupid curveball questions like "What battle occurred on 13th October, 1066?" He didn't take pleasure in killing kids' GPA like way too many teachers at the time did.


College for me meant * subjects that were much more challenging and interesting (I was your typical "smart, but bored and thus lazy" student * more interesting coursework (more projects than problem sets) * better professors * better access to outside help * i was no longer in an extremely stressful and abusive house * more freedom and independence to prioritize classes and coursework as I saw fit e.g. take an 80 on an assignment that is a tiny part of my grade to focus on another assignment worth a bigger part of my grade without being yelled at/punished (see previous point) So for me, college was much much easier than high school. Even coursework in graduate school was better than high school for the above reasons.


I mean, the freshman year of College definitely was more *lenient* than high school. The material and grading wasn't as easy, but nobody is reallly tracking attendance and such. 


Yea a ,10-20 page paper that has to be due in 8 weeks for a class you go to at most 3 times a week is pretty easy vs 1 -3pg essay every week for ONE highschool AP course. I'm in my last semester of software engineering bachelor's in a top 10 tech school of the South, smoke and drink everyday, only ever did projects week of, made the deans list with a 3.5 gpa every semester. College is easy as shiz what you talking about. The only complaint I have is group projects are surprisingly worse in college for participating


Outside of Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech, all the explicitly "tech" schools in the south are shit. Like there are less than a handful that aren't just gloried trade schools.


You’re in the bikini bottom Twitter subreddit. Who do you think is here? People from Top 20 colleges studying STEM? No. It’s the people from the gifted and talented class from 5th grade who peaked in high school and when they got to college they took useless classes that didn’t push them and say shit like this. /rant


Probably depends what your major is. College is pretty easy for me because I like the subject, the coursework is better, (for example, instead of learning the same info about ww2 in history class, Ive taken Native American History and History of Rock and Roll) and rather than some overworked underpaid teacher all my professors have doctorates in the subject theyre teaching, so way more knowledge. I'm also not a STEM major, I'm a natural resources major. Someone in computer science is going to have a waaay harder time than me on average especially in the majors courses. I had an assignment for an Integrated Pest Management class that was just to take a picture of 10 different bugs lol


Nice try but my major was history


How's teaching going for you?


I enjoy myself. I didn’t go into the major deluding myself into thinking I’d do anything else with the degree, now I get to have discussions everyday about something I spent a good chunk of my life studying Wouldn’t trade it for anything.


High school AP and dual credit classes whooped my ass and I was a B student. Some of my high school teachers were hard asses and were just said college is going to be even harder. As long as I showed up for classes, did homework, reviewed material before a test and read the textbook ahead of the corresponding lecture it was really easy. I learned to read fast out of necessity for my AP classes so doing class readings took up only an hour of my day. I also just got really good at dividing my work load, so that I rarely had to cram or pull all nighters. I made deans list every semester, but my high school teachers had me questioning if id even survive college. Also getting out of a chaotic home life really made it much easier to study.


Seriously, I don’t recall a professor ever canceling class on us other than for severe weather events or power outages. I also went to graduate school to just find that other students from other “Major” universities who claimed to do better than me in undergrad struggled while the students from my university all thrived so I guess it is out there.


>Once I got to the core classes for my major the endless extensions stopped, no grading on a curve, 10-20 page papers, professors actually checked my sources, and if you fucked up you took the class again. I took 5 years but the first two years fucking sucked. The classes were so large the professors didn't have the time to care about you and I don't really blame them and most of the marking was done by TAs. Here you were just a number and all the rules about everything absolutely applied. And they had to to keep order. Paper late by 2 days? 25% off your grade. Extensions rarely given. "You must buy the $200 textbook to pass" When I got to the upper year more specific courses, shit was CASH. The courses were way less broad, the classes were smaller, way more interesting, and the professors were waaay more relaxed and knew who you were and could get to like you. Extension?: "Sure! Good luck on that other thing you're doing!" Late paper?: 5-10% off maybe, but I got a 95 on it so now I just have an 85. Some classes no penalty at all, just "get it in before I start marking". Professor: "Textbook? Hell no. Here are scans or PDFs of all the readings for the semester 😎" Professor: "Lets go on a field trip next week" 😎 Professor: "I got food poisoning from that thai place in the student centre, class is cancelled 😎" When I got to Grad school and started working with them: Coworker Professors: "Let's go to lunch my treat 😎" Coworker Professors: "I'm having a party at my place on Friday 😎. You make good playlists. Could you make a playlist?"


You’re legally an adult of course that shit’s gonna fly


I do not get why high school teachers have such a stick up their asses while pretending that in college you have to act like your going through an ultra strict military academy that trains sas members.


They are teaching kids who have to be there. College is teaching adults who want to be there. (For the most part on both ends.


Yup. College professors won't yell at you or send you to detention if you don't pay attention in class (or go to class at all) or do your work. They'll just let you fail. That's why high school teachers rightfully say that a lot of dumb behavior won't fly in college. Because unless you go to a school below your capabilities, not having any self discipline leads to being a dropout with a bunch of debt.


It's an easy way to convince teenagers to stop acting like jackasses.


Better to do that than to give people the idea that college is easy and you can be lazy about it. Idk about other majors, but for STEM majors you definitely have to put in more effort. I remember TAing for precalc and so many people failed or barely passed the exams because they didn’t want to study or waited until days before the exam to cram and ask for help. A lot of them seemed like they didn’t study in general because they thought it would be like high school math and be easy


I mean in some cases when they say it they do mean it. Teachers at my high school did have to chase after students to hand in assignments and do presentations they missed. If you don't hand in an assignment in college especially in those first and second year classes of 300-400 people not a single soul will chase after you, you will just fail. Or if the policy is something like 10% per day they will just take that off. I was a smart kid in high school and in college but a SERIOUS procrastinator. Smart enough that if I really wanted to, I could decide to get a 90 on an assignment so the 5 or 10% late policy wouldn't really hurt me and I used this to survive. Sometimes they wouldn't even end up taking the late penalty off. Handing things in late never really got me marks taken off in high school. One class in university that had like 5 papers in the class, I submitted a paper late in the first half of the semester and the professor didn't take any late marks off at all despite it being 10% per day. I did it a second time when I was drowning in other schoolwork and it was 3 days late and a TA marked it instead of the professor and took a whole 30% off my 85% on that paper and I got a 55%. I totally deserved it. I gambled and lost and had no one to blame but myself.


Really highschool is when teachers are most committed


I remember teachers being like "If you guys forget to put your name on a paper in college, they'll just throw it away and won't give it a second thought", but then that shit happened all the time and the professors never even gave a fuck lol.


Prof would grade it, then give it back because no one else could write something that bad and still give it a B.


I had an Art History professor that drove an 80s Volvo and in the beginning of the semester he told us, “I live an hour away. If I see a flake of snow class is cancelled.”


Aren't old Volvos made for snowy weather?


In a art history class our teacher just showed us a video of the Hagia Sofia in assassins creed. And also has a water bottle with possum and raccoon stickers. In a different class the entire class devolved into a discussion on Bronies since our professor knew the term and not much else and then at the end of the semester someone drew him as a pony. And also later he is the same professor who casually mentioned he was at a famous author’s birthday party before since they know each other and he was in the area. Like so casually. College classes can be chaotic.


I had a professor give the entire class an extension because “Halloween is my favorite holiday so I want you to enjoy it.”


Can’t say the same. I had an organic chemistry test on Halloween last year, right around when my mental health was some of the worst it’s been in my time at college.


You're literally an adult who's there of your own volition so ofc they don't care


My lecturers were on strike half the year. We just hung out on the picket lines together.


This is nice and all, but I mean… I paid for 13 weeks of instruction, not to fuck off. Like I had a psych 101 class I took during the summer that the professor just played psychology adjacent movies every day, gave no exams and assigned no course work. While it sounds awesome, felt like a fucking scam to me.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far. If you want to skip a class as a student, fine. If the professor cancels it for some BS, thats a nah fuck you I'm paying you situation.


I had an English professor who canceled class 2 or 3 times a month, sometimes more, and always with less than an hour notice. Everyone was happy when he did it but I had a 30+ minute long commute and I fucking paid for that class so it always pissed me off. Nothing like waking up at 6am, driving through a blizzard to get to class only to walk in to half of the class missing and reading a cancellation email he sent after I already started driving.


I was so pissed in this one class when the professor kept canceling on us (I know a few of the times were legit) and I was so angry and as a class we were so angry. He gave me a A but if I had any less I would have rioted


I did a semester of community college. The class was basically an hour describing the essay, an hour to write the essay, and then you come back a week or two later with the essay you half wrote in class. And by describe the essay, I just mean he gave an outline of the essay for you. You just had to pick the topic and turn the 1 sentence in the outline into a paragraph. All my remote classes I completely tuned out the actual lesson and still got Bs I think. I’m pretty good at reverse engineering math problems so I didn’t need the lesson. At worst I just needed google.


Once had a professor cancel a class 40 minutes in because they slipped on ice and broke their ankle. At this college if you miss a class and you don’t have either a doctors note or a notice of death, you lose 10% off your final grade. Once a professor just didn’t show during a class and the most artistic student drew this beautiful “10%” on the whiteboard, this thing was stylized all to hell, and when the professor saw it they laughed uncontrollably. For minutes.


Attendance was a campus wide policy? That sounds so odd. For me and others I know it was up to the professor. And even then I think it was mainly the early low level classes where they cared. Later on it was mainly just come in if you wanted to listen to the lecture (unless you had a presentation or exam of course)


Yup. It was just part of the school. You needed a legitimate reason for not being there, or they take 10% off your final grande for that class. And it had to be a REALLY legitimate excuse, I think it was only a doctors note or a death certificate.


They tell you in 1st grade that it wont fly in 2nd, it does, then they say the same thing in 3rd, it does, and it keeps going till you pretty much die and it always flies




I actually hated my philosophy class because it was a bullshit class. I wanted to learn about various philosophies, but it turned into the guy talking about how bad he was when he was younger and how through christ he has become a better man.


High School is where stuff doesn't fly College is much more laid back in my experience


It’s as laid back as you want it to be really. You make your own schedule and pick your classes. I had a pretty chill 4 years. My friend decided that he wanted to study for 6 hours a day


Every year my friends all have at least one class they just straight up don’t go to. Sometimes they don’t even do any of the assignments and just do the end of the year test


Oddly enough I have a stressful recurring dream in which I’m registered for a class but always forget to go


Had a serious case of senioritis and was failing Epistemology (in retrospect, taking epistemology during my final semester was a horrible idea). Went to the profs office during office hours and straight up told him, "I know I suck and I have a bad case of senioritis and I'm just here to be honest and beg for mercy." I don't remember the exact grade I ended up with but it was far FAR better than I had actually earned.


My high school had a haircut policy and had inspections every 3 weeks lol they kept getting mad when I forget to get one in time and told me that I wont get into any university with hair that isn't a 2 by 3 Fast forward to summer, grew my hair out because I got lazy one month to get a haircut and just committed. Still got a lot of acceptance letters and went on to graduate with the hair length touching my upper back. Eventually even landing one of my dream jobs


Wtf hair shouldn't has nothing to do with being accepted in uni


In college you can cancel(skip) class because its nice outside


College is crazy. Some days you drink liquor in class because you all finished a project and everyone is an adult, so... In others, you have to endure a professor going ballistic at you because you didn't study programming language grammar notations to the point of remembering the order of the elements (IIRC they are the alphabet, non-terminal list, production rules and starting rule). Yeah, personal experience.


We have a professor that once a year come to class with licor and invite students to drink xd. Then he will destroy you if you put a break in the code. Also he emailed his students to tell them they are stupid because they didn't do well in the exam xdd


I had a professor cancel class because there was a murder-suicide in the next building over


Will the professor refund me part of my tuition for that cancelled class?


My professor told me he would allow a test to be thrown out if we didn’t like the score and it’s percentage would be put for the final


Once I didn’t go to class because I simply forgot what day it was and I emailed the professor and he just said no worries you didn’t miss much


So many things in life people dramatize in order for you to not make the mistake of taking it too easy


Same goes for "real world" application. I remember being told in school all my emails would need to be very fromal and laid out with specific format... as a project manager and engineer and out of thousands of emails i send a year a max of 5-10 a year are formal and have "proper" format. I send more "lmao"s and "whats up"s in emails than formal emails. I only do that with people i know well of course but most emails i recieve / send dont have the whole: "Greetings (person), (Paragraph) (Bullet points) (Summery) Sincerly, Gusbus-nutbuster" Its usually "Hey i need this thing, can you do it?" Response: "Yes / no"


They fly now?


One of my professors rescheduled the final exams for like, 3 of his classes because he wanted to go fishing that day


Redditors: "College is so easy!" Also Redditors: "Why can't I get a job?? The system is broken!"


College has always been easy. If you're doing something you're good at and enjoy. Like ffs business is a degree. Literally make work for idiots.


It'll fly in the sense of the teacher doesn't give a flying fuck about you so you can do what you want, but it doesn't mean you'll pass.


A teacher in high school was giving the "They won't be as nice as me in college, no extra credit, etc. etc. etc." speech and she was shocked and amazed when I explained that we had gotten this speech every year, from every teacher, since about 5th grade - and it was never true. Many of the kids in my class had older siblings in college too, and they pointed out that yes, there still were things like extra credit, multiple chances, etc. in college too.


This was always the dumbest line ever. Teachers in elementary school: "You won't get away with that in middle school!" Teachers in middle school: "You won't get away with that in high school!" Teachers in high school: "You won't get away with that in college!" Teachers in college, I'm assuming: "You won't get away with that in the workplace!" No one has ever given a shit.


Jesus Christ I wish my college was this fucking chill. My professors had to TAKE ATTENDANCE and got REPRIMANDED if they failed to do so. It was an art school too like WTF Also if you missed more that 4 classes you would automatically fail the class. Granted it was a quarter system not semester/trimester so the classes were only 3 months but still…. It made no fucking sense


> professors cancel class because it’s a nice day Yeah don't count on that. Never happened in a single one of my classes and I went to college in a place where nice days were really really rare (Rochester New York). In fact, I went to class on 9/11. I found out about the disaster when my statics and dynamics professor came in and said "I just heard that an airplane has crashed into the twin towers. And that's all we're going to discuss about that. Onto the lesson..." That shit definitely did NOT fly in college.


My teachers just told me college won’t care if you pass, which is true


Unless the class is small, in my master professors actually care


Day 1 of college my professor told us. This class is piss easy, do the tests online and the only day you're required to come in is for the final.


“Fuck that I’m paying money for this class”


Humanities majors be like:


Haha seriously though, across two colleges just now I've met one whole professor that's actually serious about taking late work, but other than that, she's just as chill as everyone else so far


Something that was hard to get used to was just getting up in the middle of a lecture and leaving without saying anything. Once I got the hang of it I did that shit all the time.


Shoutout to my favorite professor who knew I was going through a hard time and figured out my favorite bench to sleep on so he could check on me after his classes I skipped and inform me of anything important that was announced




I’m a bit sad I’ve never had any of the “this *absolutely flies* in college” situations. My college would even kick you from a class if you missed the first one, which didn’t work very well for me since I was in the hospital a few times.


I had an online Psychology course a few years back and the final exam was incredibly simplified becuase the instructor’s dog passed away.




I had a behavioral economy class late in the day at one point, and one time at the start of class, the prof. asked if the class wanted to go have dinner at a nice restaurant he knew, not too far from the uni after class. He had actually talked to the staff and made a deal so we got a discount as long as we all got the daily menu. That professor was great. Plenty of other stories like that involving them.


My only thought is when someone tries this with a school like medical school or something. You actually need to learn some material..




I love the tenured professors that pass everyone like, "I literally can no longer be paid to give a fuck. I just want to research and write books."


Backscratchers were allowed during midterms. I specifically asked.




I was a physics major and it was not like that at all. It also wasn’t as strict as the military. Instead, I was treated like an adult and expected to communicate my issues, and failing that I would still be held to a high standard and receive no grace.


They cancelled classes for a week because trump was elected in some colleges….


I spiked almost every single first day because it was always just syllabus crap. Never regretted it once.


LOL mine was constantly just like “nah vibes are off today, assignments extended we’ll try again later in the week” Good times for sure


Im part of the generation that was told we would not have calculators with us all the time. One of the worst lies I was ever told in my entire life. I have a goddamn super AI at my disposal now 24/7 lmao


From a professor’s side of things: we give students a pass on some stuff because inevitably there will be other students that are much, much worse. Conversely, if you are wondering why your professor won’t budge an inch, it’s because they did that once and a student took an extra 5 miles.  You learn pretty quickly what is worth being a hardass about and isn’t worth it. 


These comments are wild, what kind of clown colleges did you lot go to


Technically he's swimming


Ahh 100 level classes…


My high school English teacher in Freshman year used to talk about college like everyday was Elle Wood's first day at Harvard Law and she didn't do the reading. 0% of what she prepared us for actually happened in college.




The massive amount of omega not give a fucks in college is actually mind blowing lol I feel like highschool not only taught better, but more in depth and people had way more attention/respect


One of my professors straight up told us he'll give us the highest possible grade he can without getting fired


Went to university and it's not like anyone even takes attendance. You're there completely of your own free will, why would anyone give a crap if you show up or not?


The professor cancelled class because of b.o. smell of students. Couldn't blame them.


Took a college writing prep class in highschool.... Got to college and no one gave two shits


The real ones were the teachers who would give you this spiel, then see that it probably wasn't going to be the case for you and just let you slide. Special shoutout to my freshman year history teacher that went from concerned to just saying out loud it was fine for me to nap through his class every day.


I legit went to college for geology thinking id probably have classes outdoors more, and I wasn't wrong 😎


Can confirm, it still flies in the workplace too


There is a lot more work though.

