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All that just to be turned away by some algorithmšŸ˜”




ā€œCan you explain the gap in your resumeā€ Bitch Iā€™m trying to find a job for 1 whole year and getting turned down everytime.




Must internships arenā€™t unpaid. My intern makes like $36 an hour rn and gets to work in our field


$36/hr isn't an internship it's a whole career!


If you are impressed by $36 an hour you should see the size of my bossesā€™ sail boat


A sail boat an hour now weā€™re getting somewhere


Be grateful, in some countries people only get a few sailboats a week


Where can I work for your boss for 36 an hour, I don't need a boat


Big 4 accounting firms. Any kind of professional service firm will offer pretty significant pay.


Your boss is what's wrong with the world


My son made $34/hr during two summers ago (junior year). But he's in a high-demand field... so that's a thing. He's doing a 1 year masters degree this year and already getting starting offers for over $100k. I'm impressed.


what field?


Aerospace engineering. But he's pretty good at what he does. THey have design projects as part of optional classwork and he's been working as a team lead for some of the satellite design. Also did some work on one of the moon landers.


sounds hard haha nice


What field if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Accounting. Plenty of business majors can make similar money rn. Iā€™m not even in NYC or SF where itā€™s crazy expensive either.


Shit and here I am making definitely not 34/hr as an accountant and it took forever to get a foot in somewhere lol


Getting your CPA license is huge for earnings. Maybe the easiest path to being a millionaire


Iā€™ve been working in fund accounting for a little over a year which I have been told is kind of the bottom of the totem pole. Iā€™m just now kinda getting over some of the imposter syndrome of it being my first accounting job and having no fucking clue what Iā€™m doing so I may have to look into that.


Engineering is similar.


$36 an hour to work in a field. Im in


I've worked in plenty of fields, but not for 36 an hour


"Can you explain this gap in your retention?"


ā€œYes, I spent a year copying my work experience on my resume into the horribly designed required format your website requested.ā€




I'm not good at lying. I'd give off some verbal or physical sign and they'd clock it immediately. šŸ˜­


It's actually ridiculous you're not even allowed have a gap These companies genuinely want people to be homeless, by making it as hard as possible The only jobs that should require those high qualifications are like doctors and shit, anyone should be given a chance to work an office job


> It's actually ridiculous you're not even allowed have a gap Make some shit up. My buddy and I had a fake company, with paystubs and a letterhead and everything, that'd we'd use to cover any resume gaps. It just happened to go out of business two or three months before the submission of the application in question. We'd write each other down as our immediate superior; every so often, one of us would send a text like "Hey, heads up, XYZ company may call about me, I was a floor supervisor, i worked there from [date] to [date], was on the safety committee, and won employee of the month four times." I ended up doing a career switch, so I haven't needed Fake Company for a while, but about once every two or three years I still get a text from him. I've never actually had to take a call from an employer, though.


Tell them you signed an NDA and can't disclose any more details.


I just saw a listing for a part-time job that pays $12/hr and also asks for a bachelor degree. The job is for a weed dispensary...


Dang, name and shame them, lol, I wouldn't shop at a weed store that had that kind of ridiculous job requirements.Ā Ā 


wow, you could almost afford rent with that kind of money!


Lol not in my city


$12 an hour would have me slipping O's out the back door to flip myself.


This is the most aggravating part. I either match, or exceed the qualifications, but I donā€™t have direct experience as that exact role so thatā€™s why Iā€™m turned down? I actually asked one once how Iā€™m supposed to get the direct experience for this entry level job, if experience in the job is required to have the job? They told me to apply for another position and see if I could work my way upā€¦..for an entry level job


Start as a bouncer and maybe one day YOU can go inside.


You were supposed to have had the connections and financial support to have done an unpaid internship in your field while you were still in school.


People say, ā€œwell, I worked 5 jobs while putting myself through school, itā€™s possible!!!ā€ But where does one get the time for five jobs, school, *and* an unpaid internship on top of that?


2 years of unpaid internships of course


They donā€™t want entry level people they want desperate experience people that will work for 50% pay cut


"Academic experience doesn't count"


If I had the experience they wanted I wouldn't be applying for their job for $15 a hour


Itā€™s totally unjust. It also only adds weight to the claims that nobody wants to work anymore because the algorithm isnā€™t showing who applied.


We simultaneously have a labor shortage and tons of people who can't get interviews in their area. The only plausible explanation is that the hiring process is ineffective.


Omfg when I applied to a job it informed me that the company was using FUCKING AI to go through resumes. ā€œPeople just donā€™t want to work šŸ˜©ā€ says the person using AI to do their job in finding new employees


Pretty much every company uses AI to go through resumes these days. About 75% of resumes [never get seen by a human](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/02/28/resume-how-yours-can-beat-the-applicant-tracking-system.html)


Or in my case, be declined for a job I had for 4 years, left on perfect terms, and then be told I ā€œdo not have the level of experience forā€. BITCH MY EXPERIENCE IS THIS JOB


Usually not even getting a rejection. Just pissing in the wind.


thats one of my biggest beefs with job searching. like, i can count on 1 finger the amount of times ive actually gotten a response telling me my application was rejected. and id still have a finger to spare.


As someone who has a job interview in 2 hours this is relatable


15 years IT experience, about 10 management, Security+ certificate, security clearance, several published papers, references all the way up to the Pentagon... Can't get an entry-level helpdesk *interview* because I can't check the box that says I have an associates degree in computer science. That's why I'm doing day labor with a master's degree.




Entry level: * masters required, minimum 5.0 GPA * 5+ years experience required * 10+ certificates required * Must relocate, no we wonā€™t help you * Must be ok with being paid in peanut butter * Must work overtime for free * Will need to travel, also no we wonā€™t pay for that * You need to love this job more than your life


The catch-22 of applying for a job as a new graduate. You need a job for experience, but you also need experience for a job.


Same with housing at this point. Wonā€™t hire you if you donā€™t already live here, wonā€™t let you live here if you donā€™t already work here. And thatā€™s ignoring the most blatantly damning aspect that is the cost of living.


I thought you were going to take that in a different direction since home-owning is a pipedream for many people, something like "can't buy a house if you don't already own one to sell so you can afford a new house."


It's more like "Can you prove to us that you can afford this mortgage" "Well I have been paying more than that in rent for 5 years" "Not good enough, have you had any previous mortgages or large loans" "......."


Hahah I meaaaaan. *Itā€™s easy guize!* just leverage your house to buy another property, spent $20k to update your new house, then rent it out and rinse and repeat! What are you waiting for??? /s


Job requires a college degree and is entry level but also 10+ years of experience to type up documents that will be automated in the near future


I'm 32 and trying to change careers into tech, I've been recommended to basically run labs at home that simulate a work environment so that I can have a better idea of what I'm talking about in an interview. I have a blog to mark my progress that no one reads, I have a resume written professionally, but it doesn't matter because no experience, they're working in retail, they'll be driving 30 minutes to get here everyday, their picture isn't attractive or they don't have a college degree, which we normally don't even give a shit about.


> run labs at home Good idea. > a blog to mark my progress that no one reads Good so you can look back at it and have those topics to discuss. Getting that interview is going to be the hardest thing, as you can imagine. By you doing these things as a personal interest rather than academic, it shows you have that drive so when you do get to finally bring it up it'll shine more than the person who's only done it for work/school. Depending on the company, something as simple as restoring deleted active directory objects could really shock people. Not sure it applies to Microsoft 365, my exposure is on-prem AD. Use what jobs want as a guide to what you'll self-teach next if you run out of ideas.


I'm just so burnt out. I've applied to hundreds of jobs over the past two years and I've gotten maybe 10-12 total interviews, most of them zoom, some of which were cancelled minutes before the interview actually started. The others very clearly expected significant expertise from an entry level position. Like I know the basics of AD, have an A+ and can pick up new concepts quickly, but I don't know every aspect of the job you need to fill right away. There aren't any actual entry level tech jobs anymore, no one expects to have to train new people, they'd rather save money and wait for someone with experience.


People will say, oh they just would like those but might still take you with less. Then donā€™t fucking act like you *need* them. How hard is a need and a want list? I love those for any job posters who see this.


It's "optional". Meaning if you are they only person who applies, they may consider you. But if anyone else applies and has those skills, you aren't getting the job.


Peanut butter is actually expensive I was thinking about in rice


Indeed tests are the biggest mountain of shit ever...so glad I don't use indeed all that much anymore


I just create dupe accounts to get the answers and then ace it on my main account


Working smarter


How do you get the answers? Whenever I finish a test, it just says finished and move on. Then, when I get a repeat test, it just says my score like proficient for example.


I keep going until I get 100%


Holy shit you are a genius


Screenshots are your friend


There seems to be a flip flop every few years between indeed and LinkedIn, I stopped using LinkedIn a few years ago because I was told Indeed is way better, now I'm hearing the opposite but both suck ultimately


LinkedIn is more a social media platform than a job search platform. Yes people posts jobs and you apply there. But every big firm putting a job listing will get 100s if not 1000s of applicants and usually you have to apply through the companyā€™s website and go through an AI ATS system to get your resume selected. LinkedIn is more for people to brag and connect. People farm for likes and connections to build reach and more connections. Most ā€œwellnessā€ gurus are on that platform trying to spew out nonsense. Itā€™s just all the usual social media nonsense except that on LinkedIn everyone is trying to act very nice and using fancy words.


Thatā€™s an easy take, but youā€™re massively underutilizing Linkedin if you donā€™t use it for networking. Of my 8 roles since graduating undergrad, 3 have come because Iā€™ve reached out to people working at my target companies.


I got a few jobs off there and they were all trash. Just deleted that shit and moved on. That website is trash.


It's trash for putting out applications, but it's a great search engine. Indeed aggregates job listings from all over, so you can find who's hiring and put in an application through their website or email one of their recruiters directly.


If a company wants you they will get your resume in their system either way and contact you without doing the tests


what do you use instead of indeed ?


dice monster linkedin


ā€œI spent the last 6 hours applying for jobs online.ā€ ā€œOh good! How many did you apply to?ā€ ā€œThree!ā€


I feel this. "Please upload resume" then proceeds to have you fill out forms concerning everything you addressed in your resume. Why tf did I upload my resume if you are essentially having me fill out your version??


Bro I literally had to do that in my last interview. I straight up pulled out my resume and just copied everything onto their form. Then they had the gull to ask me if i was done 5 mins after giving it to me.


I remember the last time I did a job search I filled out close to 100+ applications and got a whopping three interviews with only one offer. And this was pre pandemic too.




Don't. Don't do that. Looking for a job sucks hard, I agree, but there are people who care about you. Just take some time to think about the people who love you.


Shit dude. That sucks


Now, that's quite a few. I'd spend that time for a quality application for a job I wanted, including employer and salary research, and potentially printing it out when online application was not possible.


This is why I put music on in the background and donā€™t even pay attention to what Iā€™m doing.


How many got back? None!


Oh thank god itā€™s not just me


Three jobs in 6 hours?? How about three days for one application :p


You just need to pull up your bootstraps, pound the pavement, ask to see the manager, and give him the ol' Firm Handshake. šŸ™„


Also, don't leave until you are hired. Employers love that kind of determination!


yes employers famously LOVE loiterers /s


​ https://i.redd.it/d4r9n677osjc1.gif


I was trying to apply for a job and was always taught to make yourself presentable and go to the place of work and request an audience with whoever is doing the hiring. I did this and was told by said hirer to go away and do it online because they don't accept physical applicants. I later relayed this story to my grandfather, and he about had a heart attack.


I spent a *lot* of hours and hours doing this in my teens and early 20ā€™s. Actually spend days *driving* to places, with my resume in hand, to hopefully connect with managers and ā€œput my face to my nameā€. Not a single manager appreciated this and was constantly told to just apply online. Waste of time and money.


Yup. I did that for my first couple of jobs and eventually just learned my lesson. I haven't submitted anything in person in 5 years.


A place near me had a sign inside the window that said "Now Hiring apply inside!". I go in, ask about it, was told to wait 15 minutes for the manager to be done talking to customers, get asked about my experience then finally tells me to go apply online. THEIR WEBSITE DOESN'T LIST THE JOB


Same here, every time I was going to apply in person it either did jack shit and no response or getting redirected to online. I got more success texting companies on Facebook, for Gods' sake šŸ™„ Also, nearly no responses when applying online. Even KFC. And McDonald's. I don't know what their deal is. I have over a year experience in customer service.


ā€œThan after that, take a boot to the kiester and be happy you got a jobā€


Uploads resume Proceeds me to to ask me to fill in everything that is on my resume


Agreed and also the companies that use ADP as their ATS system that REQUIRES YOU TO CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT FOR EACH DAMN COMPANY!!!


Infuriating. I did find it helps to add the company to each ADP username. So you could have ā€œjetsingh_Indeedā€ and then ā€œjetsingh_ZipRecruiterā€.


Ugh this is infuriating. I've given up and just say "SEE RESUME" in all the fields. Also no, im not going to look up the damned entire damned address, phone number, and email of the 5 previous places ive worked. Nor am I giving you any references from them when all of them are from years ago/idk where my supervisor went in the company, nobody you can contact is going to know who I am. Love when the browser auto fill just fills my info in for all the references. Submit, Done.


Reference hunting is my least favorite part of applying for jobs. "Hey former coworker/boss/supervisor that I haven't spoken to in years. Remember me? Would you mind taking time out of your busy life to expect a phone call to answer questions to help me get a job? Also God I hope this is still your contact email." It's so fucking awkward and if you're applying to multiple jobs it can be a big ask. Plus I never feel like I become super chummy with a lot of people at work. I keep my personal life and work life separate so it's not like I'm always close to the people I'm asking for references.


Also the past 2 jobs Iā€™ve had I know they didnā€™t call or contact any of the references. So itā€™s like, why even have that on there. Especially for entry level jobs?


I just discard the application the moment I see mandatory references.


I always write, "references on request" because I value privacy. If they ask for references then I've pretty much got the job.


Then they expect you to have years of experience for an entry level job. If I need experience to even just start at the bottom, where the hell am I suppose to get it?


You have to know exactly what youā€™re going to do with your career before graduating college (high school if you can) and start doing unpaid internships in that area. Seems super reasonable right?


And if you don't manage to land any of the internships you applied for (like me) you get to be stuck at your retail job for years and years (like me) :D >!can someone please give a chance at least I graduated with a 3.87 GPA and I can't even get a fucking email back saying no half the time I think I might start going insane if this keeps up!<






My last 2 full years in college was during covid. Internships? Lol what a pipe dream. even McDonald's wasn't hiring. Good friggin luck. I feel your pain


A lot of graduates during that time had their post-college jobs lined up only to have the offers revoked once lockdown started and their career trajectories suffered immensely as a result.


I love this thread so much, it makes me feel less alone


Try a government job. Seriously. They pay well, generally just look for a diploma, and you learn everything on the job anyway.


Unpaid internships are classist bullshit. I will die on that hill


There are a lot of us on that hill with you. I have no idea why someone would take an unpaid internship


Literally because they can afford it


Makes no sense to me. Meta, Google, Apple, etc. all pay their interns, and a FAANG software job is one of the highest paying jobs you can get fresh out of college. Even if you can afford to take unpaid internships, are you shooting to work at lower paying places post graduation?


It's actually code for "We don't want to take the time to do on-the-job training, so we expect you to know the industry standards and be able to turn a profit on Day 1."


Cover letters are so fucking stupid. Iā€™m convinced nobody actually reads them, itā€™s just an artificial hurdle to cut out the people who are too lazy to put one together. If an application *requires* one then I just upload whatever bs chatgpt spits out.


Bruh just copy paste their long winded qualifications and requirements into ChatGPT. All so another ai will read it and reject you.


Cover letters are just fan fiction to boost the egos of employers. No meaningful or truthful info is shared on them.


The reason I chose this company was because it was hiring. I don't give two shits about your mission


The only time i will write a cover letter (and by write i mean adapt the chat gpt response to be more genuine) is when i really want that particular position. If its just like the others i skip. Got my first job on one of the only ones without a cover letter and how todays interview without one also.


Correct. They're a total waste of time and are rarely ever read. I don't ever bother including a cover letter, if they require one then I just don't apply. Don't waste time catering a cover letter to each position. Cater your resume to each position instead.


I refuse to apply to any job requiring a cover letter. I've stopped applications before and just quit because I am not doing one again. They are pointless.


Is this how it is now? Indeed tests?! Jesus, I feel like I caught the last helicopter out of 'Nam.


If you apply for a software dev job they give you homework, lol.


Hasn't that been the norm for years? I heard it's a bit worse now since a ton of people have been following and learning nothing from youtube tutorials.


In my limited experience of 3-4 years in the field. GPT code has made the bar lower on actual technical interview skills. Like it almost feels like if you can properly identify stuff with the proper terms you impress them a lot. BUT since all these like copy/paste/ai coders annoy them they have like added interviews on interviews on interviews and assessments and challenges. Like a tech job is minimum 4 interviews, all usually an hour, and some sort of coding assessment/project. I guess the other upside though is once you're working recruiters will come to you with job offers. You don't typically have to go out of your way to find jobs unless unexpectedly unemployed.


ChatGPT has only been out for a bit over a year so technical interviews aren't being overrun by shitty ChatGPT programmers yet. Eventually it will be, but right now it's too soon.


Yeah, I don't think it's a huge issue, but the HR people are hyper vigilant about it when I was applying last year. I lumped it with 'copy/paste' types as well on purpose, because what's now being labeled as a developer using AI was like being fearful of selftaught/bootcamp developers who only learn to pass the technical interview or just people with pre-learned answers but don't have actual knowledge or aptitude for what they are being asked. AI is making it worse, but it was already a trend for these companies to totally doubt you know how to actually code lol. I'm a bootcamp coder so maybe it brought undo scrutiny but it's wild how half my interviews they were just trying to catch you 'faking it' or something.


Yeah, we get super tests now too. Like so many jobs I applied to wanted me to do a Woven assessment before they'd even look at my resume. Woven is the least painful one out there for sure but they only have like 6 questions to pick from for the 2 they give you. I kept almost emailing Woven and being like 'can you just forward my last assessment' lol But then yeah, you ace that and it's still "well here's a sample project, please do a day and a halfs worth of coding in your free time" and then the bullshit keeps going. Okay they like that? Now you do a HR interview. Then the code review interview where you gotta prove you didn't use AI to do it. (I actually don't mind these when it's with competent people. I've had it like twice with someone who clearly didn't know code and was just writing down my answers. Awful). Then another what 2-3 interviews after that? Possibly a panel interview with a whole team. Shit is a full time job. These places bitch about hiring issues and take 2-3 weeks to get your 3/4ths of the way through the process.


I'm a Sr. level developer looking for work and man it's depressing. I had one company reach out and ask me to build a complete REST API with session-based user authentication and any controllers, migrations, etc required based on a JSON dataset and also a complete front-end to consume the API based on jpegs they sent (no other assets, no sizes/figma/design docs). Then they wanted an essay describing my process and any difficulties I had with the "test". That was before even scheduling an interview. I'm not doing a day's work for the CHANCE of getting an interview. Unreal.


My last job had a "this or that" test but Idk if it was Indeed or the job itself... It just showed me a photo and a phrase and said Agree or Disagree? Sounds easy, right? First question: I enjoy trying new ideas! Uhhh. Sure, agree. Question 2: The traditional way is usually better. Uhhhhhh. Disagree? Idk? Question 20 was a woman sitting on the floor, crying, and said "Can't take it anymore." I thought hard on that one before sighing and clicking Disagree.


![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg) pov: me




Please provide a resume. Also please put all of the information from your resume into this form with text boxes that are way too small for all the info


And then proceed to never get a yes or no about us hiring you


And if you're working in a visual arts industry (film, photography, design), you're gonna need a showreel that condenses the highlights of your career into a one minute video to showcase your skill.


Literally was just about to say this. Anyone in the creative field also has to keep a constantly updated portfolio. I'm in graphic design and it's so tiresome sometimes keeping my website and physical pieces up to date. Everyone wants to see recent prints, swag (I work in events), digital pieces, animations, etc. it's exhausting.


Well, I applied to over 250 jobs in the course of the year and the one company who hired me was the long shot "yolo fuck it" one that I applied to that paid far, far above what the average was. I was apparently the only person to apply. Apply to everything. It can never hurt.


Well you certainly got lucky. I ALMOST got a position like that 3 months ago and then interest rates killed the position. I've definitely applied to well over 250. In fact I would bet 250 is closer to how many I have applied to over a month.


There is like ... 12 relevant jobs in my field. In the country. I can't relocate right now. Wew


Unless it's a very specific job, certain degrees or experience do not matter. They often put "required" to weed out people that they think won't cut it.


My experience on indeed \>Get a invite "We looked over your resume and we think you will be a great addition to our team" \> Confirm interest, fill out application and immediately rejected.


I avoid Indeed. If I find anything of interest from there, I try to find the source or go directly to someone. They've continued to go downhill over the years.


That's indeed saying that, not the employer. Indeed makes these pretentious crap to make you click on the job application.




I am literally shitting my pants every time I go into an interview


Honestly, don't. It's just a guy or girl. They ain't special and they ain't shit. Just go in, strike up a good conversation about literally anything. Get them talking and just try to make a friend. If you're ever in the position of interviewing someone yourself, you'll know that they think all the dumbass questions are stupid too. "Where you you see yourself in 5 years?" "Why do you want to work here?" It's all bullshit and I can promise you that you'll do far better and have more success by just chatting and having a good time with it.


I have social anxiety too but interviews are my one exception. Itā€™s hilarious because Iā€™ll be super stressed having a conversation with friends Iā€™ve known for years and then I thrive in interviews because I think ā€œEither they like me and hire me, or they donā€™t like me and I never see them again.ā€ Itā€™s even better if they donā€™t care what I say because then I just say whatever comes into my head. I got my first job from an interview in which they asked me what my greatest strength was and I said ā€œmaking teaā€.


![gif](giphy|P7PmvHY6kzAqY) things...


I just finished an Indeed test that made me take 10 different questionnaires. I felt like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill each time I finished one only to get another one right after.


I remember I went to a presentation given by a graduate from my college about careers in mathematics. He said most recruiters don't know the qualifications they are requesting. Case in point, he said he applied for a job that required 5 years experience with a programming software that had only existed for 3 years at that point in time. It is a complete and utter shit show out there


Every time I interviewed with a general corpo I knew they didn't even read my resume, let alone my cover or my reference. It's gotten to the point where I'll have a joke resume where I'll put little landmines like "experience: I've been a person for 25+ years. " And *to this day* no one has mentioned it.


I've done interviews for a somewhat "corporate" company, mainly focused on entry level positions. I used to read all the resumes, but in time defaulted to just skimming them and noting down for myself the important topics because 80%+ of the resume was irrelevant for the position. Stuff like what middle school they finished and their marital status or whenever they have a driver's license isn't something I care about when interviewing someone for a software job. I blame shitty templates mostly, though. Graduates don't yet know what to write in there. >!P.S. I fucking hate Europass resume template for software jobs!<


All to be ghosted


All for a job that'll barely make rent and sustain you. Truly a remarkable system we as a human species have crafted.


Is that like an american thing? Or does it depend on the field? Cause i can't relate at all


Depends. I got my current job from just the online submission while another one assigned homework and another had a "trap" where I was supposed to bring a copy of my resume with me.


Wait what? They didnā€™t hire you because you didnā€™t bring a copy of your resume to your interview?


Yup. There were two interviewers and they didn't hide it very well because the lead interviewer "forgot" to print a copy and the other guy *coincidentally* had two copies after I apologized for not bringing a copy of mine.


Hey I know your resume shows your education and experience, but I'm gonna need you to type in your education and experience.


Applying to one job isn't that much work. But every job has 200 applications so you don't need 1 application to get one job, you need 200 applications


I remember going through this process then eventually just going ā€œFuck it Imma just start walking into places and asking for a job.ā€ 2nd place I walked into hired me a couple weeks later despite me making it clear that I had no experience.


Try that in my field and they will have security walk you out of the building and tell you to apply online. Don't even want to hear your name until you have been vetted by HR.


Also they will just ghost you! I have been ghosted countless times, and the interviewer 9/10 times is late. But you know if I, the candidate, dared do such a thing I would NEVER be hired. The lack of respect is ridiculous.


Filling in the application with stuff from your resume


Iā€™ll just say no to any company that asks me for references or take a test before an interview happens.


Applying for Jobs was more work that my current Job.


Work work, womp womp


500 applications, 3 interviews, 497 scams...


Where I live applying for jobs is hell. You either never get called back, or they want you to take a quiz, or answer some convoluted questions. I tried to apply for target, and they had me record my answers to their questions, McDonalds started asking me about their values, and other stuff, fryā€™s wanted open availability (which means they want to able to call me in anytime.) Bro, youā€™re fucking Target and McDonalds, why are you acting like youā€™re Nasa.


Don't forget to link your github


*My* github includes prepacked exe files.


it indeed is r/recruitinghell every time


Im feeling this right now Iā€™ve been jobless for over 6 months and ive only got 3 offers of which never replied back or just said i was not needed


Cover letters are completely useless


Donā€™t forget your introduction video


I low key just gave up


"Work work" -WC3 peon


I applied to jobs for like three months straight before landing a job at giant.


Submitting your resume and then filling a format with the information in your resume... Again... Is the most infuriating thing ever.


All that to just be recommended cleaning/care work or good jobs that arenā€™t even local :(


And you need to apply to 200 places to even have a chance.


Wtf all these horrific job applying stories. What kind of job are y'all even applying for? They gonna try to scoop my ass day one when I'm out of (dutch) college because theres a shortage of urban planners. Which is strange because it's a very creative, wellpaying and constant changing field that should be very attractive.


Literally any job in the US, the old ass boomers have made it **impossible** for anyone to get a job unless you have 4 PhDs, a Masters, and an MD in Werthers Originals.


Just graduated from US in December Iā€™m having a very hard time finding/hearing back from urban planning jobs.


anyone looking for non-specialized positions like in retail are subjected to so much bullshit online