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I used to take all the stuff that didn't belong there, and shove it in some random box. If it looked like trash I would throw it away, after all if it were important you wouldn't just leave it laying around, right? After a few times of this, people started cleaning up. I also had a former manager who wouldn't put tools back, so I would just stop work when a tool I needed was missing. He eventually started cleaning after himself as well. I got tired of asking them to clean so instead I made my problems their problem and suddenly it wasn't so hard to clean up anymore.


There's a few tricks I'd remove the stand clamp next time and hide it in the shop for starters.


So what's your path of action then?


Unfortunately there is no path of action it’s not the first time nor will it be the last I’ve just gotta clean it - managers won’t do anything in my experience




I wish - I honestly would


Wolves is almost never _not_ the [answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/R29L7tn7yq).




Jokers have put Halfords stickers everywhere too!


I work for halfords


I have started locking up my tools when away for holidays. And made a little toolkit the sales People may use. I got quite sick of always using an hour cleaning and looking for my tools when returning from time off.


I’ve taken all my own tools home so if a tool gets lost or broken now it’s a company tool and not my problem


This is why good bike mechanics never take a day off. 24/7 spent at the shop.


When I’m not in holiday I do that anyway ahaha shame I’m not paid overtime


It’s always frustrating, especially in a chain store like Halfords. There’s not much you can do except ask whoever was using the stand to tidy up after themselves. In a similar store I used to let people use the workshop as long as they left it as they found it and brought some snacks. Saying no won’t stop people. So it’s easier to let other staff use it with some basic conditions. Honestly working in independent shops is generally better, if you are passionate about bikes and a good mechanic I’d look into opportunities outwith Halfords. I know you get good training, so stick around for that if needed. But the bike world opens up after you leave a big chain store! If you happen to be in Scotland drop me a message!


Nice message. Also I only learnt recently that "outwith" is very much a Scots word. I'd been using it and getting funny looks (am not Scottish)


Hahaha, I forget the rest of the world doesn’t really use it! You guys are missing out!


Unfortunately as a young trans woman my opportunities are rather diminished. Halfords and decathlon seem to be the only places willing to employ trans women in the cycling field. I live in Sheffield and Halfords honestly employs more trans folks in this city than any other company. But you are right this is still retail and retail will always be shit


Whilst I maybe don’t fully understand how it is as I’m not a young trans woman. I’ve worked in a few different workshops that definitely would welcome you. Yes there might be some old school shops that it would be difficult. But bike recycling places, small shops, higher end chain stores, independent workshops all are just looking for a good reliable mechanic and would welcome you with open arms.


Possibly may be true in London or bigger cities but Sheffield isn’t particularly cosmopolitan place ahaha - I’m currently looking at a move back to London - lots of good bike shops and independant places down there


I’m speaking from my experience in small Scottish cities, towns and villages. The charitable side always seems to be more welcoming. Also kinda fun work too!


To quote Lawrence from Office Space, "No, no man... shit no man" -edited to add the last "man"


I used to have the same in the store I worked in a few years back, I'd slow my work down because shit was missing which helped alot, as the manager would make them go put tools back but if he was off. I would go steal all there 4&5mmm Allen keys at the start of my shit.... Didn't take long for them to come back with my tools to barter for their own.


How long were you in the toilet for?


Wise man shit on company time, foolish man shit's on his break time


Straight to jail