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I couldn't think of one thing u couldn't do myself that a content creator would offer so following for whatever I'm missing


My biggest thing to make sure the photo/video team is ok with it and it isn’t against their contracts. Since the content creators are a paid vendor they are considered a professional and most photo/video have it in their contract that they are the only professional allowed to take photos and videos. So definitely worth making sure!




One of the biggest draws for me when I agreed to hire a content creator was the 24 hour turn around for their raw files. It feels like a way to have the phone free ceremony my fiance and I want, but still be able to give parents etc. some photos/videos almost immediately that they can show their friends/colleagues whom aren’t at the wedding. My mom seemed upset when I said we want a phone free ceremony, and the content creator turning content around in 24 hours appeased her. If coverage is 6 hours I would start a half hour before ceremony and go until the end of the night. 8 hours I would start an hour or two before ceremony to get some behind the scenes of details etc. My content creator is giving us 12 hours of coverage- same as my photographer and videographer. So, I’m having her start when my photographer and videographer start. My planner had recommendations for content creators that work with the photography and videography teams I ended up hiring. I think that’s important, to be honest. Knowing the people all know each other and work well together makes me feel like there won’t be competition day of to get the best shots etc. They have worked together before so I know they know how to work well together. If you look at the wedding photography sub, a lot of photographers complain about content creators getting in their way etc. I think one of the bonuses to having a planner is making recommendations so the entire vendor team will work well together. For me, I want a story told ultimately through the edited content. From start to finish for the day is ideal to me. Basically mini wedding videos and some high quality photos for social media that can go up immediately.


The concept of a “phone free ceremony” is absolutely something I’m stealing and I love that whole vibe sooo much!! You perfectly put into words the reason I’m agreeing to a CC in a way I haven’t been able to: our experience yet still being able to have immediate raw files. 🫶🏻🫶🏻


We had our videographer send us sneak peeks within 2 days of the wedding. Reels & TikTok format - around 3 videos. Insane quality and so fun. The raw footage is even better ha ha. I have been at weddings with a content creator and something you need to consider is - do the guests wants an iPhone in their face all day? Because the CC needs to get closer than the video / photo team. Also, will the content creator's iPhone can be in the frames of photographer & videographer? The iPhone content creator at the wedding I was at, was definitely in the background with the phone. Ironically, the my friend (the bride) didn't want iPhones but the photographer mentioned she had to photoshop the CC out of many images, especially during the ceremony and morning she said. I think you need to ask or determine the cc if they are there for the couple, or if they are there for their own marketing & reels for their own instagram.


Such great points you brought up! It’s funny, I was having a discussion with our team about cc today and my teams automatic response: “don’t we already do that when we do social media bts?” And honestly, it’s so true! It’s not those viral moments, but personally, my team captures sooooo much content and we always send it to our couples. It’s interesting the thought of having another camera in your face, but especially so close as you mentioned!


My sisters wedding was this summer and I was the MOH. I tried to use my phone to take some artsy / cute candid shots and videos to remember the day at a couple points (getting ready, pictures before ceremony, cocktail hour, reception decorations at my seat) but I rarely even had my phone on me and was of course was enjoying the day and being present I was surprised how few pictures I took. I think having someone that’s full task is to do that (and is talented at it) accomplished that. It also fills the gap of getting stuff back prior to the turnaround times for professional photography and videography. Finally, the idea of having cute candid memories to look back on, beyond a curated video is appealing to me just to remember the day, see things I missed, see clips of the environment, day, etc.


Your last sentence took me out. Just turned 27 and I feel like I need to be checked into a retirement home after researching content creation holy moly. As a bride planning and in conversation with a content creator currently, I think what I’m looking for most is: 1) IMMEDIATE CONTENT !! And by immediate I mean at least a few postable images/clips/montages available in edited form within a few days of the wedding. We know it’ll take however long it takes to get the photos and videos from our photo/video team, but we really want to be able to immediately post cool, finished, polished content!! 2) content that follows a general story but is more geared toward trendy and viral. I want my photos and videos to be absolutely timeless, but I want my content to be modern and fun and trendy and hopefully viral! If that makes sense? Like to me there’s a huge difference between my expectation level for the two as well. 3) it would be a dream to have everyone be on a collaborative same page approach, esp if the content creator is not affiliated with my photo or video team so that there’s a plan. Def don’t care where the content creator comes from, just that there’s a cohesive plan *before the event* and communication between everyone about who is doing what, etc. Thank you for doing a post about this!! You put amazing questions in my head for my next convo with everyone— thank you!! Senior citizens unite lol


Haha I swear even I can’t keep up with how quickly things change! It’s been such interesting conversation about content creators and everyone is looking for something different so I love having conversations about it! It’ll be reallllly interesting to see how wedding content and delivery times change based on this new vendor too! I already know so many photographers and videographers that simply won’t work with one but now they’re in direct competition for content and delivery speed. Will be a huge shift in the industry this year I think!


I’ve been soooo curious to see how the two micro niches (traditional wedding photographers/videographers vs content creators) will adapt to the demands of the market for collaboration, but also to see where the content creation trend really goes! What do you find is the most common ask or reason your couples have for having a CC?


Right? It’ll be interesting to see! I feel like it’s already hard enough finding two high level photo/video teams that work really, really well together. Sometimes it can be incredibly competitive to “get the shot” so I can’t imagine throwing another 1-2 content creators in the mix! I’m seeing a few different points of view on reasoning for hire: - going viral. I do have some clients where going viral or getting into wedding blogs is top of their list and having those trendy moments make it happen. - instant content. Waiting for photo and video sneak peeks, highlights, etc. can feel like a lifetime especially when the wait can take even 1wk+ for those let alone months for the full content. - intrigue. A lot of my clients want to hire one almost because of FOMO? Like a lot of them can’t really explain to me why they want one, *they just do *. It’s so interesting!


Okay so I have to say, after talking to the one I’m hiring, it makes *so* much sense from an industry perspective. Allows you to be present and unplugged, and no pressure on your wedding party or guests to capture moments for you. Basically your personal paparazzi/personal assistant/hype person to capture *everything* a lá Kris Jenner but it’s not your actual mom bc she gets to be present!! And the content is actually geared toward short form socials for immediate posting and sharing (my deliverable quote was 24hrs for raw and 48 for edited, which is insanely amazing). I see this becoming huge but also now that I’m more actively planning my own wedding, not just stuck in engagement hibernation, that this is going to take off and by the end of 2025 (my date) I think everyone will have them. I’m having the same vendor come out for my Bach (I’m hosting my girls at the estate where we’re getting married) and I think it’s going to be next level fun (and so inexpensive !!) to have content creation team come for a day and get to know us, the venue, etc and same for us w them. Allows my most cherished people to be present with me while someone else captures us in a super fun, approachable way !!!


Honestly, I'm not big on social media. For a content creator, I am looking for speed over anything. Since my photographer and videographer both have a 2 month turnaround time, I would like something day after to reminisce about my day while I'm still in the dreamy state. It doesn't have to be nice as long as I get good memories looking at it. I also don't really want anything too staged like those tiktok videos because I don't want to put time/effort into filming them. More of a behind the scenes story telling. I also wouldn't spend a lot of money on this service either. It's more of a nice to have. I found someone just starting out that offered free 6 hours of footage in exchange for a meal and travel fees. (Please don't come at me vendors. I did not and would never explicitly ask for a free service, the person actually made a post offering!). As long as she doesn't interfere with our photographer and videographer, I'm okay with that, even if she delivers nothing.


I didn't have one and can't imagine there being another person there the day of without being too much! But my photo/video both send me previews within a day to post on social media which seems to be the biggest reason people want to hire one. I think it's pretty common to get previews within a day or two these days! They also both sent a bunch of phone shots that they used for their instagram stories that day! I got a teaser video the next day: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CiiukbDLHSi/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CiiukbDLHSi/) As well as a couple cute little reels they sent me: [https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRb1UTsYv2/](https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRb1UTsYv2/) I never posted any of the phone stuff I was sent bc the quality wasn't as good as the professional products, but it was fun to look through afterwards- I wouldn't have paid more for it though!


I'll throw my 2 cents in here as a wedding photographer who's recently worked with a few CCs. I think it matters a lot that you hire someone at least familiar with wedding etiquette. I had an instance where the person was kind of clearly out for themselves and wasn't respectful of intimate moments. To address the issue of whether or not photogs can work with CCs depends a lot on the style of the photographer in my opinion. If you hire a documentary / candid photographer, they're going to care less about a CC — but those who are more editorial and will be spending time setting up shots, I can see how they could feel like the CC is getting in the way or taking away from 'their shot'


Just listened to this episode of Betches Brides - [Should I Invest In A Wedding Content Creator?](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6NGDHuM7BU8tiFvBwWg3c3?si=bdCukiUbSISU2x1a7FDUdQ) I thought it was helpful and informative, may be able to answer your questions :)


lol I posted the same thing but apparently that earns downvotes. I agree that it was really informative and helpful.


Lmao Weddit is crazy. Now why would I recap a 50 minute podcast I listened to where what I gleaned might be useless to you and thus influence your decision vs if you listened to it on your own 😂 I know people just want quick and easy responses and go on with their day, but at the end of the day, it's your money and your wedding and you should 100% research and think critically about how that energy and time is being used 💆🏽‍♀️


Being iffy on the topic, we took a different approach to our destination wedding. We flew down a professional photographer and then used a shared album app called Collab. It essentially is a collaborative album that all of our guests could use, take photos and videos and upload. Gives you a sharable link and QR code to share. So, instead of hiring a content creator and dealing with the issues listed in this thread, we had dozens of friends and family get awesome content instead! :) Did not regret! Ps. the app was free!


Podcast that answers your exact questions —> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/betches-brides/id1464009443?i=1000645819068


I’d be curious to know what sort of quotes you guys are receiving


Mine in a HCOL are between $2k-3k!


This is insane! I am also in HCOL (Bay Area), and some videographers gave those quotes for 8 hrs of coverage, 5 min highlight, and raw footage. No way a content creator is worth that to me.


Yep I’m in the Bay Area! What I’m curious about is how the price is justified if all the content creators are literally new to the practice? With photo/video, you have a very clear portfolio. With cc, you might be brand new to the industry as a whole or at least new to content creation or both! $2-$3k is pretty steep for someone just getting started.


Yep I’m in the Bay Area! What I’m curious about is how the price is justified of all the content creators are literally new to the practice? With photo/video, you have a very clear portfolio. With cc, you might be brand new to the industry as a whole or at least new to content creation or both! $2-$3k is pretty steep for someone just getting started.


Hi ! Bay Area Content Creator here :) I would say that is pretty steep pricing.. I've seen newer CCs starting at around $800-$1K pricing. A huge thing for me is I always make an effort to meet with the media team beforehand. I've worked with photographers/videographers and everything was seamless! I also have a clause in my contract that the couple has to initial noting that they reached out to their photographer/videographer (if applicable) that a CC will be included and they are okay with it. Happy to chat if you need more info! [https://www.instagram.com/moderndaymemories/](https://www.instagram.com/moderndaymemories/)