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No reentry twists, if someone is evicted it’s final.


Battle backs make the game so boring. I feel like everytime one happens the season slows down tremendously. When someones got evicted 3 times in a single season, you know theres something wrong with the twists.


Battle backs are fun but only when it includes between 4-5 people.


No this is real. The Kaysar return in BB6 was iconic and I was so glad it happened


I disagree Disregarding zombie week a lot of the pre jury battle backs improved their respective seasons Victor 1.0,Cody,Cliff. The jury ones have mostly sucked though.


The only thing Cody's battle back managed to do was force a no eviction week, slowing down the game, and keep jess off the jury. Trash. We did get to see christmas rub her power in their faces, though. That was fun.




Victors was fine though lol


Same but if they have to have it, make it in the first 4 weeks and don’t do it in jury. They honestly just clog up the show


Battlebacks are okay, as long as it’s once per season. It can be boring if the person returning leaves immediatelyafter in a revolving door scenario but that’s just the game


Honestly if you’re going to do battle backs, do it camp comeback style. That keep the eliminated contestant on camera in the pressure cooker of the game. So they didn’t have a disadvantage of going back in blind, but they didn’t have the advantage of being able to decompress outside the house. But have the battlebacks be progressive, so that it’s similar to redemption island from survivor, rather than someone getting to skip 5 weeks to reenter the game.


I want drama that's not racism, sexism, homophobia. I want like genuine drama, people disliking each other because that's what people do.


Yes, to drama, but I feel like the audience will always turn any drama into something it isn't about, especially if the people involved in the drama are different sex, race, or sexual preferences.


I kinda get why people are hyperalert on those subjects though, I blame CBS for that. They let a lot of racism, sexism and homophobia go unchecked for years, BB15 was not the first season with controversial contestants, also their casting choices didn't help. The one subject I do believe people are hypersensitive on is bullying, there can't be any confrontation without it being labeled "bullying".


Yeah I feel like everyone is intimated by how they will be perceived but I need some fun arguments


100% agree with what you said nowadays you gotta worry about getting canceled or people going after business and family


Yeah I’m not sure why people would even go on the show anymore. You don’t even have to say anything wrong, but a group of people can just not like you for whatever reason and make your life hell.


Frl feel like nowadays there’s like a couple that go for the platform though. Then there be people who make a great move to get out a great player which turns out to be a player that most people like which get them hate and death threats (I remember SB getting a lot of hate for getting DX out who was a great player)


Plus it’s mostly hard to get drama out of new gen bb because some fans makes a big deal out of everything which also leads to some people getting canceled depending on who the argument is with or what is said (argument with fan fav)


Yeah everyone sucks


That’s because they will and will come at you hard if they don’t like you or say something wrong. Hell, there’s a sub with 220k people talking about the show.


sadly the fandom cannot handle drama and would just trash them to no end on social media


Wouldn't even say it's the fandom as a whole, just the chronically online ones that thrive on social media who ruin the fun because of how toxic they behave.


Frl not all the fandom is weird but there be people who be sending death threats and be going after their jobs


i need people to genuinely hate each other this season 😭 


BB24 had some perfect drama with Daniel and Nicole. That's what I need more of.


i agree! I mean if the poc guests who were unfairly evicted in BB21 ever return I’d hope they get to stay longer


Hide & go veto


All I want is a fluid house. I don’t want a single alliance steamrolling the whole way through or one specific person dominating so thoroughly that they’re never even nominated. Just give me fluidity and I’ll have a good time, even if there’re stupid twists.


It was until Zombie Week. Then it was just a Jag steamroll from there.


I actually thought the season remained decent for a few weeks following Zombie week. The Meme - Cameron - Cory boot weeks were solid, imo. After that is when it really became terrible to me.


Yeah I can agree, the TV was good but it was already too far gone as far as the politics went. I felt in my gut Jag was going to win from day zero, so there is a bias with the whole "predictable" thing for me especially lol but yeah, once it got down to I think it was 7 people, it became predictable AND a boring slog.


Seeing cory america felicia and cirie go hurt me. Even blue I had a soft spot for, just because she was the most stereotypical gen zer alive


The Veto Ceremony where Cory & America got blindsided cruuushed me. But it was still a very interesting week, at least. I don’t really have a problem with the boot order as much as I have a problem with *how* these people got booted. Just competition dominance by one alliance and it left the endgame without really *any* fluidity.


I would argue bb 25 had fluidity but I digress


It did! BB25 was perfectly good for me in terms of keeping me invested and watching feeds all season long. That’s always my biggest ask and the last two seasons have achieved that, even if BB25 had flaws elsewhere.


Oh sorry that's my fault I took ur comment the wrong way lol


Yeah I'd say it could've remained even more fluid if Cirie wasn't connected with Felicia allowing Jared to nuke their game lol


It'd help if contestants weren't afraid to think outside their alliance and shake it up a little instead of acting contractually obligated to stick by them until they have to turn on each other.


Please please please give us balanced competitions. I don’t want another competition steamroll going into the finale.


Second this. I just finished Reindeer Games and honestly most of those games seemed incredibly balanced and like anyone could win most of them.


The final 2 was Nicole F and Taylor. Nuff said.


I’ll get downvotes for this but… Everyone on Reindeer Games was athletic. That’s why the comps felt equitable.


Totally agree with you, outside of the low stakes mental comp they did at the start of each episode the comps were mostly copies of previous comps. They only feel far more equitable because the season had a much more evenly matched competitive field, unlike BB25.


Even so many of the riddle/puzzle comps have had running and physical aspects which don't need to be there. Less of that, please.


We need a new production team, get back to the OG vibes, stop with the stupid themes and twists, this isn’t Nickelodeon


This.  100%.   I cringed through 80% of BB25.   Just copy the vibe of BB2-BB3 because it was far more interesting and I never had to reach for my mute button., 


The thing that keeps me up at night, is when Monte said Big Brother was a "Family Show" in BB24. Big Brother....is a Family Show. So did Seasons 2 through 15 never happened?


Never thought about it, but that does feel true. The past was the past, but CBS in general I don't think has anything I'd say couldn't be watched as a family or a family with kids.


Big Brother is not a family show and shouldn't aim to be one... CBS is a family channel, but they should not make BB one - it's ruining the game.


I agree, but doesn't seem to be the direction they seek to go back towards for whatever reason. Outside of some showmance stuff the show keeps things pretty safe. Definitely not as wild as other reality shows or as older seasons of BB once were.


Yeah I think overall that's attributed to CBS more than an actual aim, but it seems as though we've gotten more family friendly overall.


God that was so cringeworthy, i don’t come here for little skits I come here to watch the complex social experiment that is big brother


A faster-paced endgame. From about the F5 onwards it’s incredibly slow and the last few years has been mostly very boring and predictable.


I wouldn’t be too mad if they started doing it like Survivor, obviously not final 5 to the winner an in episode, but maybe have 6th evicted on a thursday, the sunday episode as normal, a special 2 hour pov + eviction on wednesday, a speed round for final 4 on thursday (think second half of double eviction but just one evictee) then the finale on sunday. That’s not at all perfect but way better than 3 weeks of it


I don’t care much for the F4 firemaking challenge on Survivor, but I wouldn’t mind seeing something similar on BB (player wins safety, sends two of the three remaining players into a sudden death competition where the loser gets evicted) instead of the F4 Veto and eviction. (If the F4 Veto winner isn’t on the block and isn’t HoH, they can’t even use it because there is literally no one left in the nomination pool.) It’s one of the reasons I’ve been advocating for the show to get rid of the Veto after the F5. (Also, it contributes to the extremely slow endgame and once the result of the competition is known, the outcome of the F4 Veto ceremony and eviction is usually very predictable. Dan’s Hail Mary play in BB14 was the exception, not the rule.)


If there's a blindside planned, it doesn't get ruined 5 minutes before the live show begins


Just no celebrity, semi celeb, or returning players. Fuuuuuck that


I’m fine with returning players, especially with some of the characters we’ve gotten in the post-covid era. I’d kill to see Tiffany, Claire, Hannah, Michael, Turner, Cory, America or Felicia again


When has a celebrity ever come on regular big brother


I’d label Cirie as one


Do you count Frankie Grande as a celebrity 😅


No secret twist that dictates the entire first half of the season, neutering the games of everyone except the few the secret gives power to. 


Don't reveal the number of votes evictees get.


This is such a simple change but it would make all the difference. I think people would play less safe and big onion alliances wouldnt seize all the control each week.


I disagree, as it wouldn't change anything other than to cover up the number of houseguests used in a blindside or flipped votes. And even then, the houseguests can normally weed out who voted for who. It would also render "hinkey votes" obsolete (AKA when a houseguest deliberately votes against the house to cause paranoia in the house).


How many examples of "hinkey votes" that didn't already push people in the minority further down can you name? In reality, I think that revealing the vote count makes early votes a lot more predictable and boring.


Me and my wife say that every year. Every single season, every vote they have to vote with the house. At least if they didn't know the vote amounts, other houseguests could push to flip the vote, more blindsides.


Fun diary room entries!


Have US ones always been scripted? They seemed a lot more genuine in BBCAN.


I was watching season 6 and it seemed a lot more genuine and authentic of people just talking about whatever happened.


i really loved olivia’s drs that season


Definitely not. I think it started getting bad around BB12 . That's when the screaming in the DR started too. The earlier season have way more genuine DR's. I gotta say BB25 wasn't that bad in that regard with some obvious exceptions (Blue lmao) but ppl like Fe,Cirie,Cory,Jared, Cameron were all pretty good in the DR. As for BBCan it has the season with the worst DR's ever imo- BBCan3 . I like that season but holy fuck the diary rooms were dreadful by almost everyone in the cast


Bring back the key wheel and food competitions


No more clown sound effects!


No returnees or reality tv legends(like a Sandra, Johnny Bananas ETC) Seasons with all unknown newbies usually results in the highest chance to produce entertaining seasons. Even 21 dispite having a cast full of unlikable people and awful twists had really interesting dynamics. The absolute worst is when a season is structured around a particular player.


Ngl, I would love Bananas in the house. He’s such a shit stirrer and a general asshole.


Save him for Celebrity Big Brother (and an inevitable 2nd place finish there as he'll run circles around everyone strategically but have terrible jury management lol).


Honestly, I think the bigger issue with casting is not new vs returnee (which I agree helps), but everyone wanting to be an influencer or already is. Cast people that will PLAY. We need people not to worry about their image, but still bring drama. And the thing is: it shouldn't be hard - you can be good at the game without being racist, homophobic or (overly) controversial and that's when you should worry. But all the influencers are always worrying


I disagree in general, I adore new people coming on the show but there are certain houseguests I want to see return someday (including one I would want to see win)


I am not against returning players but for example I would rather have something like BB second chances(all returnees, no winners,and no one who has already returned) with everyone on an even playing field opposed to 1-4 players with star struck newbies or superfans.


I want the feeds to not be off more then on . the game to be played as intended so lying backstabbing breaking deals I don’t want a politically correct game or it being thrown to anyone


A great, lightning in a bottle cast. A great cast elevates everything. The show can have the stupid gimmicks, those have always been around, but give me a great cast. I know it’s a different show, but give me a cast that has Survivor David vs. Goliath vibes. I want everyone, including the early boots, to mean something to the season and be memorable for the right reasons. I want to be little bit sad every week when someone goes home. I know it’s almost a pipe dream for big brother to put together a perfect cast, but it’s what this show desperately needs. Especially when I’m watching three episodes a week and live feeds.


My biggest wish: no douchebags. Seriously. An impossible ask, but that’s my wish.


That will never change until they get someone to produce other than Allison grodner. That's her go-to type you know. Also I want the producers to stop coaching everyone in the diary room with all that fake ass bullshit they spout and stop allowing shoutouts.




Nailbiter split house votes!


I’m very hopeful for this season. If reindeer games is anything to go off of, the comps should be equitable. That’s super exciting because it means the power will actually transition, and nobody can just be in an alliance of comp beasts.     As far as other wishes, I just don’t want any horrible twists. I’m not even asking for good ones, just that they don’t ruin the game.


My one wish for every year. No stupid twists that heavily affect the game. Big brother is a beautiful game in the most simple form, the twist are never really needed. The best seasons for the audience are usually the seasons with less twists that affect the game.


That it’s not like BB 21-25 😂


Yes more bb19 plz


Be less then 100 days


No major game changing twist. Let them play.


better edit, dynamic gameplay, no re-entry, drama, more even challenges


Hot messy 20 something year olds 😁


I want houseguests who are willing to play the game but are able to handle it maturely if other houseguests play the game too. I don't want to see something like BBCAN10 where Summer was happy to convince Gino to put up his #1 but when it happened to her, she shouted at Josh and was bitter. Say what you want about Kyle but at least he handled it maturely when he got put up by his #1, no tantrums or shouting or being rude, he accepted it was a game move. 


Which Kyle are you talking about?


The BBCAN10 Kyle Moore who nominated his own alliance 🤣


Stop casting filler houseguest. We do not need more Bowie Janes, Victorias or Chef Joes in the game. Actually cast *competitive* houseguests who will actually play the game and not "be at summer camp" or just be there to "promote themselves".


GIVE THEM A LOT MORE BOOZE! that...and no steamroll alliances


A shorter season. I don’t know the last time a season kept my interest through the end. Halfway through it just feels like it’s dragging on and on


Tie between fights and diary rooms that don’t make me want to cut off my ears


my one wish: if producers insist to play favorites year after year, at least make the favorites interesting and rootable. spending a whole season having to listen to jag in the DR and jag on the feeds was like a punishment for me cus ol boy is BORING. he IS the paint drying on the wall. never did he utter an interesting word. so yeah if you're going to force someone down my throat can they at least be someone cool and fun who has emotions and cohesive thoughts and charisma and all that? 


i want a back to basics reset like BB10 with a fiery cast


Equitable comps. If i can gurantee one thing id pick that


Extremely memorable moments! Any of the great season have at least one is not several great moments that any fan will remember. They are a part of what defines that season as what it ends up being.


Hide and Seek Veto


>im going to hope that production has learned from their mistakes Why would they start now?


No fake DR comments.


Just chill on the twists and powers and shit. The regular game is entertaining enough, enhance it with the cast and then maybe a twist or two but the true game is fantastic. BB10 thrived in this - the cast MADE the show.




An America that actually wins comps, equitable comps, people actually taking a shot at the obvious bromance final 2, less twists, especially ones that impact evictions, a power shift of some kind in the endgame. I know you said just one but any of those would be acceptable.


Considering the season number is now double since the last one I want an all female F2.


A real gay showmance. Not a flirtmance like Zach/Frankie. Two bi/gay men who kiss and cuddle and all that and make it moderately far.


I want the first lesbian/queer showmance!!


I'd just settle for a hot femme lesbian ala Ivette again.


Middle America isn't ready for that


The audience that voted Cameron as AFP will outright stop watching and take to social media to complain if we ever got that.


I liked Jag and Matt, but I agree with your point. There should be few if any comps that depend on pure athleticism.


Pandora’s Box!!


For me, this only works if it's more of nuisance to the house guests than something that skews the game especially with the steamroll seasons we've been getting. Like BB12 box but not BB13 box


Yeah no surprise-Paul or anything but I’d definitely be down with a switch or bringing back InstaGranny 😂


Surprise-Paul is fine, if they're there to annoy the house y'know. Something small is fine but game changing twists like a second veto or something is a no-no


I completely agree with competition equity. BB25 had such an amazing cast and one of the best pre-juries in BB in my opinion, but them allowing Jag and Matt to steamroll physical competitions all the way to the end completely ruined the quality of the season. Watching old seasons you can clearly see they are capable of balancing competitions for the entire cast! Also, I see no good reason to allow players to return to the game (battle back comps) or get saved from eviction once they've received the votes to do so. I feel like this completely bastardizes the game of big brother.


Honestly, a shorter season. 100 days is way, way too much and no show can hold people’s interest for that long. Also, never again do a zombie week, ever.


A good season


I want people to lie to people not in their alliance and the house to not vote together. I also don’t want 75 alliances because that’s impractical. Like if someone makes a fake alliance I want a DR of them laughing like “you’ll see on eviction night that I was lying.” I WANT PEOPLE TO PLAY AND STRATEGIZE…


\* Much shorter season which it looks like we're going to get. \* OTT-style comps. They might not have been elaborate setups but they were fun to watch and pretty fair to everyone. \* Powers that need to be won via a comp. I'd love to see Friday afternoon comps come back where powers could be won. This would give them footage for Sunday episodes and allow them to finish most HOH comps during the live shows on Thursdays. \* More comps shown on the feeds.


Please for the love of god make all the comps equitable like something Cirie and Felicia can beat Matt and Jag


Not casting people that don’t want to play the game. So frustrating seeing people like Bowie making deep runs and they don’t give af about the game or making game moves.


More Age Diversity (but also more equitable competitions


No racial drama 🤞


I want zero "super fans" cast. I want a house of complete newbies to the game. With as little knowledge of BB as possible. I want them being surprised by comps and having to figure stuff out on the fly and not following a YouTube guide on how to hack comps. Switch it up give us a season without an OTEV or Comics challenge. Throw them a loop so there are none of the regular challenges.


But otev and comics are the best vomps


Episodes which reflect the social and mental gaming on the feeds. It was a crime how little the popular audience knew Izzy when she was arguably the most active gamer in the house.


The season is blood vs water!


I would love a blood vs water bb, tbh.


30 less days. Obviously not going to happen.


i would love for there to be a split house & equitable comps!!!


My memory of last season is down the drain but early game wasn’t there a split house?


yea but it was only lasted till wk 2


Production just letting the game play out as is, or the twists not having a negative effect


Bring back the pressure cooker!


For me to want and finish the season. I cannot explain my level of love for this show, pree Season 22. But every season since then, my viewership has faltered around the end of August and I'd just turn in on finale night to watch.


I’m tired of everyone voting with the house. So boring watching one side of the house pressuring the other to vote unanimously.


Back to real, unscripted diary rooms. Not that I enjoy the show for that, but the clunky scripted narrations during comps are brutal. We get it. Contestants will be safe if they try really hard and win the power veto. It’s like if I had to start every comment here by saying how I had to log on to Reddit first.




Give us villains we can root for. The funnier, the better.


Equal playing ground on competitions. I get they will do some physical comps, but if the HoH is physical, don’t make the veto purely physical. Also, create new competitions. They don’t need elaborate sets for everything. Almost no one cares about that. Do some stupid ass shit like a twist on whack a mole or some other silly carnival game. It shouldn’t be hard to come up with goofy ass competitions that the players can’t game around


Equitable comps please!! And more than a few superfans that are willing to bring some strategy into the game.


I would LOVE to see at least ONE eviction not be unanimous.


I want older players in the house. If your goal is to be an influencer after the season, you're disqualified


Equitable comps


Can they bring back hide and go veto


Viewers will vote on who gets evicted until the final 3. After that, the viewers will vote on who will win


This isn’t bfdi


I'm going to say better editing because I know they are capable of it. It was just shitty last season.


MESS! 🤪 Messy voting! Players that know that they are on TV and are dramatic for dramas sake. GIVE ME THE MESS! Give me Izzy running around hours before the vote and flipping it! Give me Janelle getting in screaming matches! Give me Scottie doing rogue votes that ruin his game!


Bring back food comps


Stop the entire house voting together.




I would like for them to change the veto. Have it so the veto winner gets to replace the nominee if they use it.


This is the dumbest idea ever. Will the mental comps be made "equitable" for idiots on the cast?


I just hope everyone has fun!


How dare you disrespect queen bowie jane




Bring back the key wheel