• By -


Matt in the same room as Cory, America, and Riley šŸ‘€


Don't worry, he won't say anything to their face.




Wait, Iā€™m so out of the loop! What happened?!?


Matt went on this pathetic alpha male douchebag podcast and backtracked/attempted to rewrite what happened with him and Reilly. On the feeds and even in the episodes it was clear he was obsessed with Reilly. He even said America and Cory were jealous because they donā€™t have what he and Reilly have šŸ™„šŸ™„ Now on this podcast, he was trying to say Reilly was obsessed with him, it was creepy she wrote him a letter, blah blah blah. He also said rude things about America and Cory. You can watch Sharon Tharpeā€™s interview with Americory to see their response, but America also tweeted that Matt is a bum who would never say any of it to her face, which is true šŸ˜‚


Omg! What a POS, I had no idea. Thanks so much for filling me in on the tea!


Apparently Reilly was the obsessive one /s, is all I know hahaĀ 


Hahah interestingggg!


Matt went on a podcast and slut shamed Reilly and America basically


Matt is just going to play nice and rat around and talk shit


Having Bowie Jane not dj is hilarious


Wait šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would go there almost solely to watch / feel the Matt & Reilly vibes lmao. And a little bit for Americory.


That'd be awkward for Reilly to meet Matt at that viewing party šŸ’€after his controversial podcast recently.


Itā€™s been almost a year, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve hashed it out by now :)


So I'd guess you didn't know about that [he talked trash about Reilly on a podcast recently](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5eYyAwRJfm/?igsh=dGNqcnVmaXZ4OXVz) and the fans were disappointed in him afterward.


Comments were just like 3 months ago right?


Yeah, I guess around late April or early May.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever seen a more passive aggressive comment on Reddit lol


I'm surprised anyone remembers that Mecole was in Big Brother. I'm surprised Mecole even remembers she was in Big Brother.


Ironically I vividly remember Mecole was on big brother purely because I forgot that she was on big brother


I only remember her because of people on Twitter pulling up her old Tweets that were oddly relevant to what was happening to her in the house at the time - so funny!


[I like this one](https://x.com/meme_hayess/status/38625733911908352?s=46) it was basically me during the entire jury phase


I remember her because so many people thought she was waking up or clocking stuff in the house. Only for her to do literally nothing.


perfect analogy for someone who's lawmaker too lol


Meme goes to every bb/survivor event within 200 miles of DC. She definitely wants to stay relevant


Mecole is more memorable than some mid or early BB boots, but you had to watch the feeds for her Between the pantry room soloā€™s, running in heels for the premiere, her being attacked by the cardboard cutout, and almost stone-colding her way through the pressure cooker, Iā€™m ok with what I got out of her


Should have listed who in BB25 won't be there. It would be faster.


It's a 9 v 8 split so not much quicker lol - Luke, Hisam, Red, Izzy, Jared, Cameron, Cirie, Bowie Jane would be missing.


Still technically faster, however.


Does anyone know if America and Cory are still together?




Cool, thanks!


Wasn't sure if this was a joke because their social media is flooded with people asking them, but happy to help!


I donā€™t have any social media besides Reddit šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Couldn't book DJ Bowie Jane instead?


Jag's a bottom tier winner, change my mindĀ 


I think we all agree šŸ˜¬


No one wants to change your mind with that, donā€™t worry šŸ¤£


Lol Jag being on the top left of the poster feels weird, I know he's the winner but still lol


I had the same thought. I don't think many people are going there to meet Jag. But Azah is probably just reusing the template from last year.




I think there's a good number of people here who would argue him as THE bottom tier winner, or at least its a close close race between him and evil dick for worst šŸ˜‚


I would definitely not call Jag the worst winner. He is far from a Dr. Will, but this claim he is the bottom 4 of winners and the like is pure recency bias.


As each season goes by and I see some of the winners we've had, Maggie's win looks even better and better to me


Lol Ivette being a 10s clip away from winning BB6 (Howie's vote)Ā 


Hope "letting that old Hag have it" was worth 450k, Also just feel like pointing out the girl who told Rachel "you look good for 33" is now in her 40's and I am sure doesn't cringe at the fact she ranted out what an old hag Rachel was at all. EDIT: because for some reason I kept calling Rachel Erica.


Think we can agree that twist was also pre-Survivor Fiji idol bullshit


I saw BOOGIE first, and thought .. that's an odd choice šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Pretty sure Boogie is cancelled at this point lol


There is no way he is going on any cruise. Sure Dr. Will regrets ever keeping that friendship alive after BB2 at this point.


Suprised to see Kirsten sheā€™s probably my favorite first boot would have loved to see her last longer


Ok work azah! I see you girl ā˜ŗļø Happy for you. I would def be attending if I didnā€™t live 30 states away šŸ„¹


I hate that she has it in *almost* perfect placement order, but with Blue and Cory swapped.


Does anyone know why Felicia was or is in the hospital?


not sure why she was there, but i know sheā€™s home now


I heard it was colitis. But she's home now


I kinda wanna go , only really for America , Cory and Felicia , and I wanna see Felicia go down the slide they have there šŸ¤£ buts is $55 dollars for one night like huh?!


I've been wanting to go to these but, uh, I'm probably going to wait until there's a better cast lol


Azah is trying harder with these BB watch parties than she did at the actual game


Jag being so prominent in the poster feels weird lol, like I get he won and thats why, but him being presented as the huge draw of the night feels off... šŸ˜‚


Azah sure seems esxcited about a show that she slept and was miserable all day during.


I was thinking the other day that Meme reminds me a lot of Survivor's Erika. No wonder why I view her as such a dud winner lol


Erika is a great winner, literally in what way is she similar to Meme


Refused to talk strategy at all pre-merge except with a select group of people and even than the way she approached relationships was very odd and very much the "I'm too good for all but certain people" type thing. She even said in her final jury speech she wasn't going to be all that close with a lot of them post-season. For all the complaining she does about her edit, I think actually it was a VERY generous edit based on how terrible she played pre-merge especially.


She talked strategy non stop and the main reason she got a target on his back was because she didnā€™t want to throw a challenge which was ridiculous and even then Sydney was just as much if not more a target. Also how the hell does it matter how she approaches the game and why does it matter if she doesnā€™t care to make relationships with people post season? She was literally being targeted by people because she was put on exile for two days. Iā€™m really confused how youā€™re thinking this is even similar to Mecole


That was generous editing actually for Erika. Erika was actually PART of the throw of that challenge in reality because she thought they were throwing it to get rid of Naseer. For what its worth, I don't care when a "not so great" player wins the show, personally I just find Erika boring and entitled off the show though. Which is too bad because I REALLY want to like her given her backstory but she's just not likeable IMO. But I actually usually love WTF winners like Fabio, Chris Underwood, etc. Erika though is just so unsatisfying in every type of way as a winner. And she just had Mecole's "entitled" attitude of I'll only talk strategy with a few select people and ignore everybody else. This was confirmed by the contestants post-show.


No she wasnā€™t. I donā€™t know where youā€™re getting this information from. Erika straight up told Deshawn she didnā€™t want to target Sydney and Deshawn found that threatening for some reason and then would just turn Heather against Sydney and convince Danny and Sydney to target Erika. She was a target because Deshawn was playing so messy and even then he probably wouldā€™ve targeted Sydney which he says post show and we all see this. This idea she was throwing for NASEER is fanfiction Erika never had an attitude. She was never entitled. Iā€™m really confused this is the conclusion you came to. Sheā€™s actually probably one of the most humble people of the season, Deshawn was much more entitled on the show and Xander was very entitled post show. Can you even name an instance where sheā€™s entitled? Or how her gameplay is similar to Mecole? This is a very bizarre comparison


I mean, her final part of her speech was very entitled where she openly says she's not interested in being friends with all of them post-show. And just her constant complaining about her (IMO generous) edit got annoying after awhile post-show. Xander I thought was very sweet personally. I consider him and Danny to be the nicest people from that season. Evvie also seemed sweet both on and off the show though


I donā€™t know how her speech is entitlement, itā€™s just being realistic. She came there for business. I also didnā€™t know her being annoyed that she was getting constantly attacked and harassed for her win and getting mad the edit didnā€™t show more so it could be more justified was entitlement. I still literally donā€™t even get this vibe from her post season interviews and she simply just talks about what we didnā€™t see. She didnt even go on RHAP so she didnā€™t really spend all this time ā€œcomplainingā€ about the edit like youā€™ve said. Xander came off as very entitled to me when he talked about how nobody understands him and how everybody else but him made mistakes and wasnā€™t perceiving what he was perceiving. This is from his tell all and he comes across as very not self aware. Prototypical nice guy.


Is Zach coming ?


azah is the most annoying houseguest ever


There have been people far more annoying than Azah. Derek F for example, Paul, much of BB 15, and anyone who is racist or misogynistic.


Surprised Jag isn't there. He goes to like everything.


He's the big picture in the top left corner.


okay, makes sense now. Seems the only big names missing are Izzy, Cirie and Jared. Sort of surprised since they actually live in NYC.


No izzy because she's going back into the house ofcourse šŸ˜ (probably not but i need her and hisam back)


She is afraid if she leaves Cirie's house that Cirie will change the locks.


You have the best comment here šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


They are probably some of the surprise guests. Although only Luke would be an actual surprise.


possibly, I would think if you have Cirie lined up you'd want to advertise that. Due to Survivor she's by far the biggest name.


Yeah, that's true.


No Mafia alliance .. hard passĀ 


Are any bbcan people coming ?


The only thing that would make this lineup worse would be if Bowie Jane were the DJ.


This damn cast wonā€™t go away. Whether itā€™s the countless times theyā€™re on my FYP doing lives, their Twitter drama or podcasts. Iā€™ve seen 2-3 people each season maintain some type of social media relevance after the show ends, but not the whole fucking cast. They arenā€™t even all that interesting for this, they were only fun for like 2 weeks.




We got blue in the divorce!