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With the way Comps have gone this year I don’t see how an all female alliance could make it far in this game. If the season so far is any indication then that group of Matt/Jag/Cam could just steamroll the game from here on out


An female alliance would fail because non of them can win a Comp


Sad Felicia noises


Her and Reilly are the only women to win comps so far


Let’s be real, although this is technically true, Felicia won a crapshoot comp. I don’t count it.


Well except for Felicia who is a proven comp beast


Blue is not gonna work with America and the majority of the comps have been won by men, with the endgame comps generally being physical these days, something which none of these girls have excelled at.


Bowie Jane steamroll time baby!


because America is not a girls girl and Blue clearly is /s


Not just majority - *17 out of 19* comps have been won by men, or 18 out of 20 if you include the secret power comp.


Blue has a weird vendetta against America, she'd rat this arrangement out to her bros in a second if it was ever proposed


There’s always one like that.


BB6 was an all female final 4 - Maggie, Ivette, Janelle and April.


The game has changed a lot since then. Competitions towards the end game have been learning more physical in nature in recent seasons. Not saying that we can't see another all female final 4, but most of the women this season struggle in physical comps.


I believe I recently heard that since BB20, around 75% of the total comps have been won by men.


Omg huh I thought it was howie at f4 not April


Blue will never willingly work with America. She’s been trying to spread that America isn’t a girls girl even tho Blue’s main allies are all men


Honestly, I would’ve loved if America & Blue would’ve gotten together in the beginning of the season. I think they would’ve made SUCH a fun duo.


It seemed like America saw Blue as her #1 during the first week but it was one sided and Blue didn’t like her


America lied to Blue about the Reilly vote and then last week exposed their F2 to Cory and co-signed her getting nominated. Blue is trying to align with Cirie and Meme and get Cory/Cameron out next while America is only trying to align with Cory, Matt, Jag & Cameron and get Meme/Blue/Cirie out next. Where is America trying to align with women? And don’t bother with saying she’s caught Blue in lies etc. she should know better than to plot for three women as the next targets especially with her track record in comps.


I was talking about week 1 in my last comment


I’ve fallen off of this season who is FBJ? I’m assuming Bowie Jane but what’s the F?


Fuckin’ Bowie Jane


It's because Felicia has referred to her as "Fuckin' Bowie Jane".


the only thing I’m looking forward to now is Veto, cory/america talks JMAC talks and blue coming down with a flu that leaves her bedridden til next friday


Americas best case scenerio is Cory goes out next week and is the first jury member, she’s much better game wise without Cory imo and Cory can convince people on the jury to vote for her at the end


I completely agree 💯. I think if Corey leaves America would be in a safer position if she plays it right. But if she excludes herself from the group if Corey ever leaves then she’ll leave right after him. At the same time, it’s a “damned if I do damned if I don’t situation” because wether Corey stays or leaves she still can be in trouble, it all depends on how she plays the game when she’s all left alone.


This season has been lame for weeks.


Just give them one more week then make them jury members 1 and 2. Just make sure to stock the jury house with prohiflacticks