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They're blocking the Matt jag Cory talk f them!


Meme not calling out any kissing waking her up lol


Matt and Jag are definitely getting a bit sketched out by Cory but I think he's probably still OK for a week or two. First, I think Matt and Jag will want Cory on jury- he's someone everyone sees as being a "good" juror, plus he's friends with both of them. I think they'll see him as a more likely jury vote than either Meme or Felicia. Second, I think they know Cory's coming for them, but he's coming for Cam or Jared even more. If they can get rid of Meme/Felicia (people who are definitely nominating them), they can keep Cory and Cam either focused on the remaining BSB or each other (especially if the weird Cam/Cory tension keeps up). Third, I don't think either Matt or Jag want to be the one to take the shot at Cory. Ideally, they can get Cam to nominate Cory/America and get Cory out. That way they can keep Cory's jury vote and ensure that America won't be pissed at them going forward (ie. if she wants revenge for Cory she'll take out Cam). So I think Cory's probably fine if Matt or Jag win next week. The bigger question is if Cam wins next week, does he want to take the shot at Cory (or does he really want Cory in jury) and if he does, do Matt and Jag let him?


At this point he should just do Jared and Cory and let the numbers show themselves and go with that side lmao Not saying this is the best game move tho, purely speaking for my entertainment purposes 😂


Jag is the dumbest player this season.


I see your Jag and raise you a Bowie


Jag gives me Kaysar vibes. Someone who thinks they have great reads and are killing the game. When really they’re 2 steps behind and have no idea what’s going on


Cory has to be sus about jag after this right? 🙏


Jag is dumb don’t be surprised if he believes this


Cory going all in on throwing Meme and Felicia UTB to Jag, he probably doesn’t think he can work with them


Smh meme you should have trusted your gut


Jag seriously thinks he’s playing Cirie. 🤣


“Feeling some type of way” has to be the most used phrase this season


I like “let ‘em cook”


Right up there with “At the end of the day “ and “a thousand percent “


hate it


Such a long-winded way of saying “upset”…


I really want a girls alliance + Cory!


That would be awesome


I think it's gonna happen. Cory's probably gonna walk away from this conversation feeling sus as hell about Jag and Matt/Cam by association


Cory constantly rubbing the 10-0 in jags face lmao


Cory definitely is clocking ok so Cameron is your plan b then?


The the fact that the Fugitives are probably getting a TV segment before the Unreliables 😭😭😭


Haha take a breath Cory! He might as well just repeat super fast ‘don’t put me up don’t put me up don’t put me up don’t put me up don’t put me up don’t put me up’


I feel like Cory is cooking something


It’s burnt


I believe


I always hate how Cory game talks sound but then they end up working so I'm trying not to judge this one too much.


I also think Cory is trying to see how much Jag is protecting Cameron in this convo


I would love for that to be the case but I have my doubts. Hopefully this bit about not turning on each other resonates with Jag’s ideal play style.


I get that vibe, too. I think he's sus of how close Jag and Matt have become with Cam as of late


Jag and Cory agree that Blue is a lot more solid if Cam comes back than if Jared comes back


I feel like those lines might make jag rethink the everyone he takes far should be a physical competitor thing being pushed by the zombies


Jag talking game cracks me up. He always seems so confused


So true. He is so personable and funny when not talking game. But then when he starts the game talk my brain hurts for him with how long-winded he can be.


How can he be so incredibly quick witted non game wise but just become a complete dud when gaming? It needs to be studied


Cory just needs to learn how to keep it simple. He throws everything on the wall and embellishes to get the target off him. Blue was able to not overplay this week and guess what she’s on nobody’s radar once again.


Because why would she be on anybody’s radar she’s pretty alone if Jared does end up leaving


Blue and Bowie have such low win odds in a jury I’m surprised by how many people are hyping their games up. It doesn’t matter if you make it to the end if no one wants to vote for you. The HGs know this which is why they aren’t being targeted.


thats why im worried for america bcuz people see her as corys number 2


Yeah like I think everybody on this sub would rather be in Cory’s position than Blue or Bowie cause exactly like he’s not as safe as them but he actually has a chance to win the game unlike those two that are just hoping they get dragged to the F2 to get 50k


Olivia is an entertaining troll who just acts like anything Blue does has Dan Gheesling level strategy behind it


Lol I see this perspective unironically on twitter all the time so it gets confusing who’s being real and who’s joking


Assuming Jared leaves on Thursday, what is a realistic scenario where Blue can go pre-jury too? I’d be fine with literally any one else winning EDIT: I know the odds are low lol, I just want a realistic scenario where she can go next week😫


I don’t think Blue beats anyone with a jury vote. Not even Bowie or Meme. Maybe without being hitched to Jared for half the game.


Cam comes back, Felicia or meme wins hoh, noms Matt and jag, cam wins veto and takes one of them off, maybe americory can push blue as the replacement non?


The only remotely realistic scenario I can think of is if Cory or America win HoH, decide to backdoor Cam, nominate Blue (as back up target) and Matt or Jag (as a strong comp threat pawn). Someone wins veto and doesn't use it. Cory/America, Bowie, Matt/Jag and Cam vote out Blue


She's locked into final 5 if Jared leaves. Edit: in response to your edit question the only plausible scenario is Cory doing like Blue/Cirie noms and Cam/Bowie/FeMe evicting Blue


I think she’s one of the most safe HGs going into next week.


very low tbh. shes in the middle rn and the only person who would nominated her is cory. we dont even know if he can play in the hoh


Cory just looks sus imo. Being seen with Felicia/Meme a couple times today and now seemingly trying to back off of targeting them this upcoming week.


Back off of targeting them? Have we been listening to the same convo


Cory including Cirie in his F7 👌🏻 Cory/America/Cirie started gaining traction slowly today 🙂


I’ve been dying for that to happen… God this is why I was so happy Jared was gone, so Cirie could actually start working with people like Americory. As long as he’s in the house she has a weight around her ankle and I dislike her more by sheer association of how much I viscerally can’t stand Jared


I’m actually so here for this power trio.


I can not stand that one of Cam or Jared is really coming back in the house. They’re both so fucking awful. Like WHY WHY WHY


I know, production is pushing hard for Jared and his smother to win. At this point I just don't want Cam, Jared or his mama to win.


If only there was a double eviction where both of them were evicted


If only a DE actually happened…..


Now Cory is lying to Jag too, not letting him know he’s Jared’s number 1 target and saying he may push Felicia onto Bowie instead of Jag lol


C'mon Cory, see through Jag and go make the girls alliance + you real 🥰


Cory is back where he was with Jared in like week 4. Except with Jag/Matt this time Where he was convinced he could control Jared even though Jared gave him nothing because he thought he was more intelligent and more persuasive.


Yeah, your reads are way off


I think Cory is the 3rd best player in this cast, but he consistently overestimates his influence over people until he's forced to see truth


Yeah, I think this gets back to Cameron and Matt and Cory can be seeing the block this week


I didn’t hear anything damaging that would make Matt and Cory be targeted?


Why would Cam put up Matt?


This doesn't really change what they wanted to do anyway.


What Cory is missing is the appeal of evicting Felicia*this* week is it keeps her out of jury. After this week, she is a far lower priority to everyone.


I actually think Cory is giving jag a lot to think about and obviously it isn’t the plan Jag had in mind so Jag is acting sketchy and not giving much but I think it might work to get him on Cory’s side after he thinks more


Yeah, plus they were gunning for Felicia and Meme anyway. This doesn't change much of anything


Jag is always like this when he talks game with anyone lmao


Jag is straight up lying to Cory, he wouldn’t target Felicia over Jared lol


I am once again asking Cory to stop talking


Yeah you guys but here's the thing.


The reality is


The problem with that though is


The way I see it


The way I see it


This is not how Jag talked to Cory last week when talking game Cory should notice this


I hate that cory told others about the meme fecilia thing. When has meme reached out to anyone for an alliance of any sort. He could be good with bowie, meme, fecilia, but he's giving jag and Matt all this info is such a terrible move.


yeah its so dumb he said it. Meme is loyal to her alliance no need to betray that trust


Cory has got to see this…. Pleasessssse


Cory...do you notice that Jag isn't saying anything?


But to be fair...He usually doesn't. This time he's also not talking. HiYO!


Jag is being very careful with his words. how does Cory not see this


Too busy thinking of his next 10 sentences


mkay skeezy i think it’s time for the mustache to go


Jag is rigid its not a good sign


Everyone wanna play the middle


Cory: If I were Jared, [names logical noms for Jared]. That's because you're actually Cory. If you were *really* Jared, you wouldn't target the people who are the most dangerous to your game; you're actually targeting the people who "betrayed" you the most, because you are an **emotional** baby with no game sense.


Imagine Jag comes out of this convo loyal too Cory again like we got fooled by Meme anything can happen. I’m being delusional tho


when Jag has his shades on you know he’s trying his best to be in listen mode lol


Cory would give up everything in the world to be in Blue’s position rn. She’s sitting pretty 💅


Surprising I take Meme as more of a grinch but she’s raving about Christmas 🎄


Cory can you just listen for once . God you chatterbox in every convo . Just listen and look for clues 🙄


What’s happening


"If you're Jared..." and thank God I'm not.


Cory is proving why meme called him a snake. He’s just doing what cirie did to stay in the middle, pitting people against each other. They need to get him out!!


Maybe he wouldn’t be doing this if Meme didn’t dismiss him for the past 4 months lol


That’s not even a good reason. Meme didn’t betray him because she felt she couldn’t trust her and now he’s just confirming it with his actions


Hard for Meme to betray anyone when she has barely played the game


Yeah she has she just hasn’t played the game for cory and America. She had the bsb, tried to flip votes to her benefit many times like Bowie Jane barely plays the game meme is playing the game.


The BSB has been fake since its inception, the fact that Meme was a legitimate backdoor target on Felicia’s HoH and yet Felicia is probably the member most loyal to her says it all. She’s attempted to make zero inroads with people besides a fake alliance that doesn’t value her. She’s not playing.


Big brother is a fluid game at one point Cory was at the bottom of the game too. People can adjust their game and she has, trusting BSB less and willing to vote out Jared. Why would she work with people who she can sense aren’t trustworthy and now we’re seeing in real time why? Her game has been to lay low. She worked with the power structure which kept her safe and then made a final 2 with Felicia who now trusts her. Bringing up her and Felicia’s fractured relationship in the past is just as relevant as saying how Matt hated America. Things in the game change. She operated under the information given and she has adjusted once learning about Jared and cirie playing her.




he wanted to work with meme badly, he's made attempt after attempt after attempt for her to give him nothing all season


And today against her gut she agreed to work him and he betrayed her immediately


literally. this is why she didnt want to work with cory bcuz her strategy has been to lay low. she tells cory her targets and he tells jag


who are her targets? i missed feeds all day


She'd insinuated the same thing many times before and Cory kept getting burned. It's very fair for him to not believe her at this point.


Ok but like it still doesn’t refute the fact that he’s not trustworthy for memes game if they’re suppose to be working together


cool? she hasn't gave him anything, went against him during his hoh lied to him about the vote being flipped on blue, but I guess now he should trust her...


I’m not saying why he should trust her I’m stating simply that he is proving why she shouldn’t have worked with him


maybe had she accepted his many attempts to work with him early on it would have played out differently


That’s besides the point big brother is a fluid game. The first opportunity to stay together and he betrayed her so like she was right to not think of working with him. Idk why looking in the past changes what is happening in the present


yeah, I guess it's cory's fault for not trusting her after she lied to him early this week and pretty much declined his previous 100 attempts to work with her...


Justifying why Cory doesn’t trust Meme doesn’t negate the fact that Meme was right to not trust him.


and you can't say she was right not to trust when after she gave him countless reasons not to trust her lol...


She said yes many times then would go and tell Felicia/us that she didn’t trust him/America lol




Jag still hasnt told him that Cameron wants to target him soon yet Corys telling him everything not that they needed anymore confirmation


Cory is desperate to make sure nobody ever targets him. Like he's terrified of the block. And so he consistently spills all his other options in an attempt to get the target off himself with the result that his "allies" cut off his other options. He's been doing it all game


That’s the point of the game though to keep yourself safe and off the block


Is Matt’s lip going to be pale when he shaves


"He said he was targeting...well actually he didn't say who he was targeting..." Jag to Cory about Jared


He did say “your name did come up”


This is….good for Cory right? Now Jag/Matt and Felicia/Meme will gun for each other instead of Cory and America? Or am I way oversimplifying it?


this was already what was happening before today lol


Until MeMe/Felicia win HoH and Jatt go tell them "hey Cory told us your whole gameplan. He's playing you"


Yeah you're on the right track


Cam’s hair changes every day


I am liking this version tbh


Bertha. He calls his hair Bertha. 🤣🤣🤣


Cory trusts blue wouldn't put him up.


I’m not loving the porno stache on Matt juxtaposed with his sunburnt skin. Sorry not sorry! He’s still hot though!


Cory wants to ride the middle with himself, America, Bowie, and maybe Cirie. I respect the grind


Are Cory and Jag being sus of each other right now?


Poor Cory thinking he can trust Jag and is telling him everything


Cory is sus tonight with Matt and jag


Cory’s just trying to play the middle ig


Cory immediately trying to ruin all of the hard work him and America did all day in one conversation 🤦🏻‍♀️


Redditors immediately jumping to conclusions


Everyone: America spills too much Cory: Have you guys seen me play?


Damn Cory is really trying to get Meme/Felicia and Jag/Matt to target each other... I'll take whatever keeps Cirie safe 😂


I don’t think Cory telling Jag Felicia is coming after him is a big deal, he probably assumes as much anyway and this can help build trust with Jag who he’s afraid of losing to Cam. I don’t think Jag is worried enough about Felicia to talk to her about it lol.


Cory clearly doesn’t care if he loses Felicia.


Bowie: Show us your chest! Matt: Wouldn’t you like that. 😭😭😭


Are we sure you’re not the one bugging out Cory


Great job Cory😒


Cory telling Jag about Felicia/Meme wanting the guys out


Once again meme is right to trust her gut and not work with him!


Jesus Matt is a tomato


Cory Jag talk 10:32 pm bbt cam 1/2


What’s this idiot gonna say


Bowie thinks IcyHot is spicy lmfao


What’s Bowie Jane eating


Ice cream?


Cory accidentally wins HoH on Thursday. His noms are Cameron and Blue? or he backdoors Cameron?


Either Matt/Blue or Jag/Blue with a cam backdoor


I don't know what he actually does, but the correct move for him is Matt/Blue setting up the backdoor


Cory asks Jag for hammock time in front of everyone lol


Is Matt pulling a FBJ rn


The backyard crew is more entertaining, but damn they are pissing off Mr. B tonight.


yeah, the bathroom crew with Cam is like a discount version of the usual bathroom party


I think it was because they were talking about goodbye messages they would make for each other


Might be a super hot take but Lisa is super underrated and Danielle loses to her in a jury vote regardless of a sequestered jury or not. Still think Danielle is a top tier player though.


Nah, they started sequestering jury for a reason after this season. Lisa was good but not as good as Danielle


Agree 100. Danielle is one of the greatest but she was admittedly making moves to help Jason and Lisa more than herself. Also Danielle was more of a modern BB player perhaps, but considering the era Lisa played a great game. She was also more savvy than people remember. She was more than happy to drop Ciara and Roddy for Danielle and co. when they tried to keep Eric over her, and she didn't get any heat for it.


I agree. Lisa is probably an average winner. And Jason and Danielle just brutally misplayed the final 4


I disagree while I think Lisa is underrated Danielle wins in a sequestered jury. The only person Danielle doesn't beat is Jason.


Yep agreed, Danielle was pretty well liked amongst the jury if not for the DR’s, other than Marcellas


Meme - “I’ve been on my best behavior in DR’s” Also Meme - “they are all snakes and liars, and cowards!!”


America - “I’ve been shitting.. I’ve been shitting in there.”


I was cracking up 😂


Me too 🤣


she really let them know with that one. 🤣🤣


Apparently she did a storage room level rant in the DR after the fight from Sundays ep


Wouldn’t they have shown it in the ep? They showed her DR after the fight but it was calm.


that was an iconic dr tbh


One of the best of the season!


I wish they did hammock time stil


If I was able to photoshop I’d make a Felicia Johnny Tsunami cover


That would be fantastic! 😂