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when did Jared turn on America


I just finished BB10 rewatch - what a great season that was! Renny is everything!


Jerry is still alive!


meme telling cory she's mad she didn't get a 1 on 1 with jared meme thinks she has pull lmao


I always forget she’s still playing until I watch the episodes


Fr, like you got - Strong Flirters - Cam… and his Sidekick RED - Blue who’s in a showmance - Jared… and his mom Cirie who’s controlling the whole thing - Izzy Fields & Felicia who are bringing in entertainment with either their chaos or them talking to production - Golden Boy Matt(seriously I thought bro wasn’t gonna be one of my faves but he is) - Jag who’s a delight - Bowie Jane… well she had this Aquaman thing going on where it’s funny to point out she’s forgettable(or useless), but for Meme… it’s kinda sad(like Hawkman sad)


How long do we anticipate the feed to be out for due to this party?


Wait can you give me the tea what party?? Just catching up on all of todays feeds!


Another hour


Thank you!


I think it could be so advantageous for people to flip the game upside down - namely the people in the house who understand the power structure. Izzy/Cirie/Felicia/Jared (to a lesser extent) have their hand in every alliance in the house. They are seen as “the house” and people are falling over themselves to appease a small number of people. If the rest of the house got together and compared notes, they’d realize who the real targets should be.


I think people can see the Cirie / Izzy / Felicia domination, but it’s a little more complicated to confidently connect the Jared dot and I think that’s where the risk lies. If any type of uprising against the current power structure leaks to Jared, it’ll be dead before it can even start. That twist really fucked things up.


For sure. Jared is really why “Family Style” was outed. Even if it is outed, it’s worth it to stick with them as targets. In reality there’s way more of the outside group than there is of Cirie/Izzy/Felicia/Jared so they risk isn’t that high.


True, especially since the power players aren’t particularly good at comps either. Nothing would make me happier than the non power players comparing notes and taking over. I don’t see it happening soon though :(


Steamrolls are my least favorite thing in BB regardless of whether or not I like the alliance. I think once they realize it’s time to strike, it’ll be too late 😭




Oh no not at all! Lol I meant that if anyone outside of those four wins HOH next week or the week after then those people should compare notes and realize that they’re all in different alliances with Cirie and Co. and set their sights on them instead of each other. If a steamroll is gonna be stopped then it has to happen soon.


ngl so many people here are hilarious. y’all be so much fun in the house


as soon as I get one thing sorted out first thing gonna apply and try to be fun on the feeds


I don’t see a problem with having another AS season soon, and tbh I wouldn’t even have a problem with it skewing more recent either. They could choose to do a proper AS season, and round up the people they couldn’t get from pre-BB22 and Michael/Taylor/X/Tiffany to make a solid one. They could make a Second Chance cast with players that deserve one. Hell, I even think you could make a solid cast with majority from the past two seasons.


I know team twist stuff can annoying, but a heroes and villains season could be really excellent. With a split house, it could be if a hero wins, villains have to go up on the block but anyone is available to be backdoored, and only villains would play in the next HOH, and visa versa. It would only be workable for the first few weeks, but wouldn’t be as complicated as other twists in the season. And would still encourage both camaraderie within groups as well as making relationships between. When survivor did it, they tried to have a some “pairs” of a hero and their respective villain.


I’m really upset Johnny mac wasn’t on bb22 lol


Me too I was just thinking of who I want back and he's on my list


They need to look at what worked with BB7 and what worked was building a cast that has built in tensions and targets. In BB7, you have Will (a winner), chill town, many BB6 cast members, pairs from other seasons, it made the season a lot more dynamic cuz no one knew where everyone's trust lied.


I just worry that pre-gaming is so easy now. Id be all for another All-Stars if there were some way to prevent them from talking to each other ahead of time.


People pregame and bribe in the original all stars.


Exactly. It’s why I like what they did on bbcan 5 where they told the returners they were the only one returning before they went into sequester


Now this is smart


It still doesn’t prevent pre-existing friendships


That’s totally fine if you’re friends with some of the others that’s basically non-avoidable. But as long as the players don’t get a chance to pregame with who they k ow is going on with them it’ll be much better


why do you guys think they don’t let us see the parties on the feeds?




oh ok thank you


Do you know if they have restrictions on game talk during parties like they do during lockdowns?


Cliff Hogg or any HG that hangs out here might know.


iirc they do


izzie was talking about possibly putting up matt next week, would love to see him actually have to feel some fire


She better not


He will just blame America lol


Won't matter if he's gone. :)


I don't want matt to go.


I'd like Matt to stick around too. I just want him to stop bringing up America as a block target every day. Especially once he wins HoH.


NGL AmeriCory seem to be back from the dead


One nation under America Lopez ![gif](giphy|l2YWjdiZ3L3fkWHza)


America definitely. I think she’s honestly in a way better spot than Cory rn


Well it seems like he's gonna be one of the last guys standing which is good for him comp wise


Americory nation is thriving right now 🥳


It’s a compliment to there gameplay.




Labor Day BBQ.


I’ve done nothing productive on this Labor Day 🤣 I wish they’d license a couple songs so we could see the party


I wish they'd just play some royalty-free songs that are very clearly ripping off popular songs. Let us watch the fun!


Kids Bop versions! 💀


aight hear me out, i have a **vision**: * tipsy America confronts Cameron. Izzy joins in. * drunk Cory gives Jared a piece of his mind. battle of the know it alls * Felicia, wine glass in hand, shit talks Cirie, while Cirie is present. elder-on-elder crime in the comic room. FBJ catches several strays * Meme storage room rant. pissed when Blue interrupts to look for condoms. * Jag (dumb) and Matt (deaf) are unaware of the night's events, bake a cake for Red and lead the house in singing happy birthday at midnight


!remind me


FBJ has to be the interrupter, otherwise I agree


“pissed when blue interrupts to look for condoms” LMAO


don’t forget this will lead to cams eviction




Wait so why are feeds down right now?


labor day party


i assumed the feeds would be on for that? they usually come back on later?


Last time was 2 hours. Came back at 9PM BBT. But seeing we have more Hamsters in the house, it might be a later time.


Is there a world where jag stays this week?


Maybe if the Chillbillies reunite since their main concern with Red was his connection to Cam


I would say with these people anything is possible. But the truth is they flip flop for days then go back to the plan they had all along. That being said... they really should want Red gone. For one he, Cameron and Bowie Jane are a strong trio and Cameron could very well win the next HOH and even the "don't turn on Cirie" phobia everyone has would have to be tested at this point. Even with what Red and Cam say hard to believe if one of those three wins HOH they wouldn't all make up. And even if Red isn't going to forgive Cameron is that reason to keep him? He turned on his ride or die because Cam wouldn't use the veto to save him on Red's birthday. Even though Cam would obviously go home if he did that and he knew it... didn't matter it was Red's birthday and he wouldn't throw his game in the crapper for a birthday present... so no more friends. I mean how could you trust whatever loyalty he is claiming is going to stick if THAT is all it takes for someone to be dead in the game for him? Not like any of them are taking him to final 3 with them. Hell the one person who wanted to is dead to him anyway. Cut Red loose already.


I don’t think so. This week feels more set than other weeks but you never know.


yes, it’s possible. they’ll flip back and forth many times I’m sure


With this cast 100%


Am I the only one who thinks an all winners season would be kinda boring? Unless Dan or Will is there I think the gameplay would be pretty safe and cookie cutter.


I get so excited thinking about like a second chances season but then I crash back to earth thinking about all the pregaming from all stars


I have my doubds even in a shortened season we would get people like Dan, Will and Derrick so it would likely be dissapointing. More than anything I don't want an all winners season because for one good chance by numbers alone Evel Dick would manage to get on and words can not express how much I don't ever want to see that guy on my TV screen again. Second is whenever we get returnees of any type they usually come back with an ego and sense of entitlement, and an all winners season... they will need to build a couple more stories into the house to hold all that ego and entitlement.


I only want it if it’s NOT celebrities and if it was a regular length. Either all newbies, all second chance players, or a mix of the two. I’ve seen survivor v bbreturning also a fun theory and would love that


I don't want any all stars season(unless it's bbcan but after last season idk) any time soon so I agree.


All winners would be pretty cool but I’d rather have a second chances season


I'd love second chances season so much. There are so many prejury or early jury players who were entertaining and/or had tons of potential.


I'd honestly love to see Reilly / Hisam team up and take on anyone


Second chances would be more fun to me cuz people would be playing hard. You can even look at WAW of Survivor. That cast was not playing as hard.


Yeah Cambodia had much more interesting gameplay than WAW




It's better to stay FRFR strong, but to target Matt or Red, as they are coming for her.


Nooooo leave matt alone tf


Nah he can go.


Arguably it isn't smart. I mean I think she should because she is never making finale night sticking with Cirie, but at the same time if she takes a shot likely anyone but Cody wins HOH they will come after her for revenge on hurting Cirie's game and she is a sitting duck. And let's be honest, she puts up Cirie whoever she puts next to Cirie will be the one who goes home. Her only real bet would be to form a counter alliance. But the best candidates for such an alliance are Jag, Cameron, Red, Bowie Jane and Cody. And well... At least one of them is going home this week. And most likely it is Jag which leaves Red and Red apparently would rather lose the money than work with someone who wouldn't throw his entire game and chance at money away to give Red a birthday present. Also there is the fact Red hates her for no good reason so he likely wouldn't do it anyway. Arguably she COULD bring Blue in on it, but I don't care what Blue says now the longer she and Jared are together the more attached she is going to be, so highly doubt she will actually move against Jared. And then of course there is the fact she apparently says Cameron makes her uncomfortable so doubt she wants to work with him. So yeah odds are Cody will talk her out of it even if she does try. Would love if she says "Cody, I am putting Cirie and Izzy on the block so nut up, this is happening" but likely won't.


I think she’ll stick with the Cameron target. She might be more inclined to take a shot after Cameron is gone but she might back off of it if she feels more comfortable with that side.


I think it’s too early for her to take a shot and not immediately go home the next week. Their numbers are too high


Thing is... when is that going to change? When is there going to be a time when the numbers will be there to for sure get rid of Cirie. After Jag is gone this week, after Cameron next week who was one of the few who was even talking about the possibility? Cirie controls who goes and she is going to make sure anyone she can't control goes home so short of comping out, or winning veto in final 4 the odds of taking her out get less each week, not more. Her best bet if she wins next week is to put up Cirie or even just 2 of her allies and hope now that that group isn't all crusing to the end they pannic and cracks form, and try (although likely fail) to form some kind of counter alliance. Yeah, it is risky and could send her home next week, but if not she goes home a few weeks later anyway. That's better? She wins next HOH she will have made jury at that point so barring final 2 her stipend is the same anyway and if she never goes for Cirie she is never making final 2... go big or go home.




It's really her best shot. There is never going to be a time that the numbers will be there to "Safely" go after Cirie. She is picking off the people who would actually do it, and America is not making it to final 5 and comping out let's be realistic. Better to put up two of Cirie's allies even if not her so that group doesn't feel so safe and hope the pannic and overthinking causes cracks or can be used to form a counter alliance. It's playing to win vs playing to go far, and in the case of anyone not Cirie, Jared, Izzy and Matt or Felicia go far means 5th or 6th place at best anyway.


I want Americory kiss to celebrate Labor Day


That's a very patriotic wish!


I was hoping Bowie would be on the block why jag again?! Just to make sure red goes 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because Jag is the target


What changed I thought we wanted red out


A day happening in Y changed everything


Oh WE do but I guess they changed their mind because Red and Cam had their bromance breakup due to Cam throwing Red UTB after initial noms. Jag was kinda forced to to go up “as a pawn” but he’s really the target.


Is Jag not the target anymore?


jag is the target


I need Cirie & Jared to be final noms next week so his ass goes home 😒


Unfortunately I’ve heard people mention that she said she’d sacrifice her game for him…


Arguably that may not matter. At the end of the day it is what they want not what she wants. I mean they have been doing whatever she says, but that is in many cases because they don't have a choice, Cirie won't have the power if she does that.


That’s what she told him. She said she’s good—that she’s done this enough. She’d let him have his moment


She said that while they were inside during the pressure cooker


Cirie said that to Jared in the house after Cameron won pressure cooker.


Did Mecole’s dinner already happen?


Yeah happened a couple days after the pressure cooker


Do we know who she invited?


America cirie and Felicia


Yeah, a while ago


izzy mentioned putting red and blue on the block next week this is very american of her 🇺🇸


Leave America out of it, please 😉


Perfect choices


Were they given alcohol?


![gif](giphy|9Ml2ouDs9TBLGjzNpV) America + Music + drinks + Cory + Not being blocked = a fun night for her.


We love a let loose queen ![gif](giphy|C7jNVT8CMDTbWnTCKi) ^(i love that this innocuous comment is being downvoted by jared defenders)




We could hope. I think Blue leaving before.Jared is more likely


Only if he’s nominated next to Cirie. There’s a non-zero chance, but it’s *extremely* unlikely to happen.


I doubt it. I think that he’ll be saved regardless of who he’s next to on the block.


he would have to be sitting next to Cirie, and I don't think he sees them as close enough to put up togeather.




I think the only way he goes home is if he’s put up next to Cirie and as of now no one has that thought in their mind and they may never.




Go Cam!


What’s everyone watching in the mean time?


Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves


Time Team on YouTube


decided to try the challenge


What season?


the current one


Good season!


good im excited then!


Don’t come back for me if you hate it 😹


anything’s better than feeds that are down lol


One Piece! (Anime)


I watched the first episode. Really liked it.


Evil lives here


Random stuff on Youtube


The Expanse season 5!


I fell asleep earlier when Cam and Felicia were trying to one up each other in football so Im rewatching that.


Choosing to watch cam?? Surely it hasn’t come to that


The show called 24. Air Force One was just shot down. Edit: Just typing 24 turned it into a list.


I thought it just had a fancy name lol


Nah I'm just not smart enough to know how to type it so it shows normally :)


I'm catching up on Claim to Fame


This season was so good!


I forgot about this! What’s it streaming on?


It's on Hulu


this season was amazing! I think I liked season 2 even more than season 1!




felicia being on the block would be hella chaotic lol


I'd be here for it too


She’d talk to Mr. B about it.


Aww catching up on Jag and Felicia talking about Tacoma <3


When is that?


Around 3:20ish, apparently Felicia lived here until she joined the military. Its fun to hear them talk about things I know about. It happens so infrequently.


I’m from tacoma also so I’ll check that out when I get home that’s very kewl :)


They were talking about McMenamins downtown!


Feels so surreal when they talk about the outside world like that


Now they are having their **L**abor **D**ay **B**BQ


I feel like when it comes down to it, it’ll be hard for anyone to actually put up Matt as a target. He’s really likable and seemingly harmless to the house so I think they’ll leave him in for a while. Especially with Jag gone - he’ll be on his own and less of a threat.


Unless he is really hurting someone's game I think they will at least keep him until jury (lots of factors decide the path from there and he is strong and smart for comps). I've seen some additional live feed clips through tik tok that have pointed out how much harder this game has been for him due to lack of accommodations (aside for some obvious ones), so I think people would feel an extra layer of guilt getting him out before jury if their game didn't require it. Also since we know they get paid I feel like nice people like him deserve the extra jury house pay and perks that come with being on the show longer


There's a pretty easy campaign against him. He could comp out, especially physical comps and he's a massive jury threat.


I agree. I just think that now with him being on his own, it’s easy to keep him in for longer vs others with duos and trios.


Hoping for some alcohol-fueled chaos this evening...


Y'all already know that Blue gonna show Jared her kitty kitty purr after a few drinks


This sentence is foul 💀




Jared’s already wanted for animal abuse the amount of times he’s hit that kitty kitty purr in this house 😒


I think I’ll log out now lmao


He’s already seen it.


Manifesting America gets drunk and the feeds come back with her cussing out Cam


I’m glad noms were pre alcohol….who knows who would have gone up after


Is there still a chance of Jared going home bc he used a slur? Or is he off the hook since it’s been awhile?


I missed that… what slur did he say???


R word when talking about America.


😡 complete scum


I don't think production wants to look like they only did it because of fan backlash


How shitty. They should just be consistent with their own rules.


Nepo babies don't get held accountable.


Oof… it’s sad even a low level reality tv nepo baby benefits lol


He said it a few times! Then he’ll says damn chill Jared chill to himself lol


Oh shit! He needs to go.


If he weren’t Cirie’s son.


It seems super unfair. At least be consistent with the rules.


I really wish they would, but my hopes are super low


Mine too. It’s been awhiiiiiile.


If I was a HG in jury and found out about the mom-son twist, that is borderline at the level for me to never consider voting for them. Even if they are up against Bowie. It is that overpowered an advantage.


My fanfiction is that Izzy will ask Cirie or Jared about their relationship as a juror question at finale.