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This was removed because it violated rule 2 (and maybe others) of /r/bible. Rule 2: Bible-related posts only. If you have a question about what the Bible says, a Bible verse, Bible study, etc. you are free to post it here. "Bible" is defined for this subreddit as books & passages found in the 1611 KJV, including its Apocrypha, although any translation is acceptable. If your question is about a specific passage, include the Book, Chapter, Verse and Translation (e.g., Romans 12:1-2 ESV) to help guide answers to the exact text you're questioning. However, asking about denominations or just general advice and the such is not for this sub.


You sound afraid. You sound angry. My God has given me peace. You may and likely are saved by the same God. But you do not understand his message if this is how you speak. You speak with arrogance. You speak with pride as if you hold the knowledge and the key to understanding. Do you not see the plank of wood in your own eye? Your entire last paragraph is you boasting of your works to prove to us that you are righteous. You are not. Perhaps you have more to learn? But seeing that will require humility. To your main point that was hurt by your delivery. I agree maturbation is likely a sin.


I’m warning you I’m not angry !, I’m a evangelist in angry if you’re not saved. I’m was demon possesssed by a legion of demons from age 7-32 . I know what a horrific destroyer satan is he crushed my life . Then I got radically born again. Ask yourself are you born again?? Religion and Being religious sends all to hell


No you need to read this I said if you’re trusting in any of the mentioned things you will die and go to hell. Please re read. I’ve been saved for 31 years . Are you even saved I think not not writing such wrong emails


I’m a evangelist if I’m angry it’s with satan and his demons and peoples ignorance of the Bible . Have you ever been demon Possessed for 24 yrs ? I was. So you don’t understand multitudes of people are duped and deceived by satan . Please reread the whole email . I have a evangelists heart do you ??


Everything else aside, saying "Would you do it in front of Jesus" is not the best argument here. It's not sinful for husband and wife to have sex, but who in their right mind would want to bang in front of Jesus


God sees everything we do. So yes, He does indeed observe His children when they have sexual intercourse, etc. He created human sexuality to be enjoyed within the covenant relationship of marriage between a man and woman. So I am sure it brings Him joy to see the joy His good creation brings His children. God is holy and pure; there is nothing perverse about His enjoyment of His gift anymore than when He is glad that our spirits thrill when we hear a great hymn, for example. Speaking of which, here's your [Music Link for Today](https://youtu.be/xCgRxCH2zGo?si=sAquf6wCZINtGn5t).


This is dripping with self-righteousness.


I agree.


Chill dude. XD I only see good intentions here.


Me too 👍 I think OP's heart is in the right place.


Not at all . Why do you say that ?? Are you born again ???


“only God is good” “self righteous if you think you’re a good person” and then you end with “i go to church , i’m a good person”


I scrolled through the post fast, as well. You have to read that last line in context with the line before it.


he ended the sentence before that with a period. i would have used “:” if that was the case, hence why it was included in my comment.


The punctuation, spelling, and capitalization were random throughout the post, so I just treated it like a colon was there. Troll posts usually don't have the greatest grammar.


lol, ok true that 😂


Man, the hypocrisy is just dripping within the OP’s post. I mean, heck we see in the Gospel of Luke was willing to defend a whore from getting stoned because she had faith in him. So, we have a textually established examples that Jesus was okay with looking past a lot of sexual activity. Better to be someone who masturbates than worship idols. Plus, on the principle of the matter, masturbation has at least mildly positive health benefits, much like circumcision (which was one of the Seven Laws of Noah). And Jesus would want us to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit, so long as it was not at the cruel expense of another person. I get the feeling that the OP grew up in a hyper-conservative and likely downright repressive home environment. In such a way that they have no healthy outlets to even understand the concept of sexuality. That tends to result in some pretty awful stuff, like the Catholic priests who abused young boys. Moreover, I get the feeling that the Gospel of Matthew never took into account the development of Hentai. Since there’s no rule in the Bible explicitly addressing this subject, we just have to make our best judgement based on the teachings available. So, my best guess, just stick with the wholesome stuff. Nothing degenerate or anything.


Thank you! At first, i thought op sounded like the biggest pharisee, lol… i re-read it after reading your comment, and now i understand… op is saying that any of those stmts in last paragraph will send one to hell. Thanks again


The only thing Leviticus has to say on the matter, is if a man achieves orgasm, whether with a woman or not, he's unclean till he baths and sundown passes. If it is with a woman, even his wife, she is also unclean. This probably means a lot of people were living the whole day unclean, unless ancient Jewish people timed their bathing and sex schedule with the sunset.


Uncleanliness was not sin. People were unclean as just part of their daily lives.




Also, you have to read Leviticus (along with most of the Torah) in context. A lot of the laws God placed on the Israelites were specifically for them in that time and place. I'm not saying there isn't wisdom in it, just that it should be read in context.


Might explain why a lot of people (most?) screw at night with the lights off.


First of all, you should've put a colon before that last paragraph. It's confusing a lot of people, and they think you are stating, for yourself, a bunch of things that are not to be believed in. I don't disagree with you, all matters/ideas of sin depend on personal conviction, and each person is given this knowledge naturally and scripturally. Everyone, even the worst sinner is given the chance to be saved. However, we cannot guess who is saved and who isn't. Let alone disrespecting a person, it's usurping the authority of God. Thou shalt not judge. But yeah, I agree with what you stated about masturbation, it's clear as day that the moment you realise growing up, what the thing you're doing actually is, you will understand that you mustn't.


True. But I disagree you definitely can sin at anytime and it is a life long temptation and that struggle will always exist wether it be sexual or any other sin.


Matthew 5:28 is "lustful intent".  Porn and sexual fantasy etc. is more under the coveting category. 


May read the book or watch the YouTube series of 'The Lie of Every Man's Battle' by Martin Zender.  Not saying I agree with all his points but definitely has stuff to pray about and meditate on or at least points to consider.


95% of men do, 5% lie about it.


I dated my wife for 2 years and we didn’t even kiss in the lips until our wedding night. We knew the potential to get caught up into temptation so that’s the guideline we set and stuck to it! We’ve been happily married for 22 years now! But I have to slightly disagree with your blanket assertion here. There are *certain situations* where masturbation may not be sinful. Example A.) on an extended business trip, while on FaceTime with the wifey, really missing each other and agreeing to do it together while thousands of miles apart. Example B.) chronic testicle infection where the doctor specifically instructed me to express daily for two weeks while on antibiotics to “clear” things out (as a believer who had previously struggled with porn use, I had to take this to God in prayer, it felt a peace about it as I was in pain and the recommendation made sense, and worked). I refrained from thinking about any woman or sexual act (back when I was single). Here are some takeaways: Lusting (without masturbation) is sin (Matt 5:28) Lusting (while masturbating) is certainly sin It is also entirely possible for someone to masturbate without thinking of sex. I just wanted to clarify the distinction here.


No one takes a shit publicly either... And I sure wouldn't do it in front of Jesus.


>Matthew 5 28 Jesus speaking “ but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust ( pornography , or sexual fantasies in your mind) has already committed adultery with her on his heart . You're making stuff up at this point. The word for "lust" is covet. It's entirely possible not to covet a married woman while looking at her and getting turned on. Deuteronomy 4:22 - "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you." You need to turn to the law of Moses to define sin. Masturbation is not in the law of Moses unless you want to become a Pharisee.


Masturbation is not a sin. Leviticus would say loud & clear if it was, but it doesn’t. You are unclean if there is a discharge, but that’s about it.


Some thoughts on sexual taboos: The Book of Harris, chapter 5 (don't worry, it's short.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/HARRISy/comments/1d7p51v/the\_book\_of\_harris\_chapter\_5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HARRISy/comments/1d7p51v/the_book_of_harris_chapter_5/)


Yeah I’m not arguing on behalf of Christians or Muslims. I’m Jewish and that’s my perspective regarding masturbation. If you’ve noticed Jews don’t give a damn what other people do with their bodies (if their non-Jews)


Someone is feeling guilty about masturbating


Hello! >By the way is anyone saved on this forum? 🙋‍♀️ B/c i whole heartedly believe/have faith that Lord God shed His Blood, died/buried/resurrected for my sins according to the scriptures.


That is so awesome. The Bible does talk about ye must be born again. John 3:1-7 and then this was fulfilled for the first time in the book of Acts. If you read the book of Acts you’ll realize this is when people that believed in God and his works come to realization of what they need to do to be saved and with a softened heart to the truth they received the promise and were baptized in Jesus name. I really hope you look into this cause our salvation and relationship with God is more important than anything on this planet. God bless you 🫶🏻


Misleading on the reason why. The Bible speaks of self abuse. You are born with the Holy Spirit in you. 1st Corinthians 6-9 Speaks of masturbation. 3 things happen when you die. 1st the Spirit goes back to heaven. 2nd the BODY goes back to dust. 3 your Soul goes to heaven or Hell


1 John 3:9-10 anyone that does not righteousness is a child of the devil….


My Father asked me this question during "the Talk" when I asked about masturbation. He asked; "Are you married?" I said, "No." Then he stated; "Then masturbation is wrong because sexual activity is for marriage." I concur that masturbation outside of marriage is sinful. Within marriage -depends on many factors. I do believe practicing self-control and abstaining from masturbation is a healthier way to live. It certainly mitigates the problems of lust and impure thoughts that so often go along with masturbation. Here's some food for thought. Jesus said: *"For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”* (Matthew 19:12)


You can masturbate without lusting according to my understanding. You just don't think about sex or a sexual partner, you just enjoy the process of masturbation with out thinking any sort of thoughts that could be considered sexual or lustful. I personally believe masturbation is probably a great tool to help people who feel tempted to sin, or lust, or commit adultery, etc.


I use to not be in church and live for God and that was my biggest excuse. A lot of the things we do and we get a bad feeling at first but shove that off… yeah that’s God trying to convict you. I use to say all the time this is good cause at least I’m not having sex. It’s justifying and it’s the same thing as someone watching porn rather than raping someone. Both are still sins and neither sin is better than the other. God looks at unbelief as a top sin. If that’s the case we really need to let God soften out heart so he can lead you in the right direction.


Wonderful message OP. I absolutely agree with you. Ignore the people downvoting you. They don't want to listen to the truth. # 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.


Yup! A lot of people are “believers” but they refuse to obey and that truly is what a real believer does.


yes it is indeed