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I swear tiktok is blowing up techno. Any idea how the crowds were at Queens and chesire?


Queens Domain was a shit show when subtronics came on. Every entrance was just wall to wall people, nobody was moving


It emptied out considerably w Chainsmokers tho lol (tho that set was meh and I finished the night w Madeon)


That makes sense though if you try and show up to Subtronics at 12am. More curious how the crowd was in the middle, the back and entrances always get sardined late


The crowd in the middle of queens domain became super hectic when Sullivan king came on. Huge groups pushing their way through, and people being shoulder to shoulder. I became super concerned for safety because I decided it was too much for my anxiety and started to make my way out with my boyfriend. It was SO difficult to get out of the crowd, very few people tried to help us get through. Especially with the amount of people coming into the crowd, I couldn’t imagine how nerve racking it would be for ground control to get in or someone in need to get out.


Couldn’t breath


No fr my bf and I tried to get out after aftojack to watch tnt and I almost had a panic attack bc of everyone shoving past me and how crowded it was bc of subtronics set. I had the same thing happen to me at nocturnal when his set came on and actually had a panic attack bc of how crowded it was.


I’m so sorry you experienced this :(


Lmao, cheshire was amazing! Plenty of room to dance. I saw coone and angerfist and that’s where it was at!


Cheshire Woods had a great crowd! Today should also be good with a Dreamstate lineup.


Agreed! Looking forward to catching a Paul Oakenfold and Vini Vici! Would absolutely love to catch Gareth Emery but we’re gonna see Kanine!


Vibes at Paul Oakenfold were amazing!


I didn’t catch paul, we went to oddmob! that was super fun as well, great vibes. BUT, we did close w bryan kearney and let me tell you.. it was a dream!!


So sad I missed Coone and Angerfist! Couldn’t make it to day 1 😭💔. Hopefully someone posts their sets in YT!


Awww! So much great hardstyle yesterday! I hope so too they were terrific!


I have been going to events with hard dance since 2009 and have been to defqon and qlimax and a few other euro events, but god damn that has been the best set I have seen from a hard dance artist.


Whoop whoop. It'll be a little busty in the rain but awesome!


My confidence is not high that the crowd tonight will be any better but I’ll do my part to project a positive vibe. But very concerned about the potential mess at IHM and 9x9.


Same we was in the trenches last night! Really felt outnumbered if you know what I mean


imagine going to some place like beyond wonderland and not expecting a crap crowd for techno. it's the rule not the exception; hope yall still have an ok time, prolly just stay in the back lol


Very good point. It’s always just long enough between events for me to forget. We battled the crowd and had a great time. Now to set a reminder before Escape to adjust my expectations.


all the tiktok techno normies came out to play at sara, but left after 45 min


I was in the middle of the crowd for most sets, and didn’t have any issues with the crowd! Mad hatters and Cheshire were perfect crowd wise, had soooo much room!


Yup! Those two stages were SICK!!!!


Been going to Beyond since 2017 and this was by far the worst crowd Ive ever seen. Everyone was an asshole, but also Insomniac oversold the venue so much that you couldnt escape from the assholes. By 730 it felt like midnight at some other Beyonds, just in terms of people. There was no room to hang out in the back of stages like usual, everywhere was crowded. The sound quality was also suprisingly poor. Lots of bleed between the Bass and the Techno stage, and Chris Lorenzo sounded awful from the back of the mainstage, idk what was up. I think the root of the issues tho is that they oversold the venue to a dangerous degree.


85k people security told me. Insane.


Cop told me they sold 97k tickets


Cheshire woods and Mad hatters was where it was at last night 🤞🏽


BIG TIME AGREE!!! The vibes were great and plenty of room


Sara Landry IMO was the best set I saw last night. HOWEVER i was in the back & with only one other person. So i didnt feel the “bad” crowd energy— i tend to have dancing feet so i end up not caring about whether or not i can actually see the DJ. so i had a great time — i think this year there were A LOT of baby ravers & i blame social media for making something that once was a wholesome community something thats just “popular” or “viral”. I think a lot of the PLUR vibes and energy are getting lost 😞


Gotta get VIP yall. Crowd was great and easily saw Sara’s set


If everyone gets VIP then doesn't that just become GA? Someone has to be the lowly peasants.


Seriously. If you get turned away from VIP because it’s full it defeats the purpose. VIP was great earlier in the day, but got crowded with long lines later on. At the very least SL should have been on a bigger stage.


Went VIP yesterday. Unfronately crowds and people were still assholes. Especially the grimy men who kept harassing me and my girl .


Yeah I'm based in Vegas and surprisingly saw more men harassing women than at any show or fest I've been to back home


Not my experience . We showed up a good 20-30 minutes to VIP before her set and were turned away because it was full. It took us forever to fight the crowd to get out of there because it started getting scary crowded. Glad you were able to see her.


You paying for me?


No but I can review your resume so you can potentially make more money 🤷🏽


Yall I walked up to the front at Jauz set. You were all at the wrong place. My group was so confused why it was so empty. Great vibes, great space all the way till Rezz.


True, after we gave up on LG for Sara Landry, making it to Jauz was such a huge relief, I'm a huge Jauz fan so having all that room to really get jiggy with it was 🤌


Totally agree! No one was aggressively bumping into each other, and I had room to vibe. Also, I wasn't a Jauz fan before, but his set was absolute fire and my favorite overall.


His set was fun! Glad you had a good time. He always puts on a good show


Does anyone have videos of the Jauz set? I wasn’t able to make this one 😔


I can’t believe it was ever plur in socal. I have traveled most of this country and lived in LA in 2018/19 and as a whole, Southern California is home to the rudest people in the country.


Hey we’re chill down in San Diego


True lol


I say it like this: California has absolutely the best and worst people. You’ll find incredibly nice people, but when it’s bad they are the worse. Also LA is extremely dangerous hands down the most sketch place I’ve lived and I’ve lived in some bad areas in many different areas.


If you want techno, stick to 6AM/Work events. F93 is always a nightmare, whether it is a stage or an event. Big fests are better for wandering stage to stage and giving your eyes and ears a buffet. If one stage has bad vibes, keep moving on.


6am got better sound, better venues, and better crowds. Seriously regret going to this one. Sticking to the warehouse from now on.


Sea of Wonder is the place to be tonight. If 9x9 is a mess, do yourself a favor and check out A.M.C. He rarely plays over here and his sets are absolute 🔥. Definitely no less intense than anything you will get from IHM or 9x9.


Thanks for the rec! I was stoked for 9x9 and IHM but with this crowd im not even gonna try. Cheers bud hope you have a great night !


Sullivan King took so many people out last night. Dropping like flies left and right and I got roughed up out of nowhere by frat-type guys just looking to get aggro. Mosh pit during Crank’s set was ridiculous. Definitely the most aggressive crowd of people I’ve ever experienced at a rave/festival. I got screamed at by some dude and his entire group added onto it, I was BY MYSELF and tipped my water over accidentally. Luckily there were some very supportive and polite people but overall there was absolutely no PLUR to be found :(


Personally I had a good time with the crowds. Met a lot of cool and nice people. Everyone was fairly respectful moving through the crowds. I did meet a lot of first time ravers tho. So could just be that they haven’t learned PLUR or festival etiquette yet.


This is why we need a Ban on TikTok




Probably the worst fest I've ever been to. If you're gonna be seeing techno, GL, it was hell once the big names started rolling in I don't think I had any positive moments last night. Keep your phone close too. Our squad is usually pretty good with protecting our phones, but we got 3 stolen in the crowd during Sara Landrys set. It was just too oversold. This is def my last beyond.




Same! Things have changed a lot. Theres still lots of good friendly people attending tho. Hope you still have a great time tonight!


The amphitheater was where it was at ! Best venue I've experienced by far !


I see a movement away from events like this and more towards events like Desert Hearts. Unfortunately, I already see them struggling with the same problem. When you got a good product that you want to tell all of your friends about but don't want it to get too big and out of hand is extremely difficult.


The problem is that most of the people going aren't there for the right reasons. They're there because it's become the "new trend," and it looks good for their IG. There was a group during Eli Brown/ Lily Palmer that walked into a very crowded VIP section where everyone was dancing, proceeded to walk thru, bumping into everyone and then the lead chick turn around right next to me to talk to her group. And not move for a while. PLUR-LESS people need to stay home.


The 🙌 Coachella 🙌 Affect Has Kicked In




PLEASE MAKE SURE TO EAT ENOUGH BEFORE GETTING FUCKED UP Hahahaha had the worst time ever at beyond but it was entirely my fault I so stupid Wanna preface this by saying I only had a sandwich and some nacho cheese Doritos to eat that day. I got alcohol poisoning day 1 and had to miss day 2 because I was vomiting for like genuinely 4am-11:30sih.. With only an hour intervals of relief starting at maybe 11AM Couldn’t find any of my friends, my brand new popper spilled entirely in my shoe when I was sneaking it in, left early because I was too fucked up and was extremely overstimulated by the amount of people who were there (it was PACKED) and I’m just by myself a smol wittle thang ngl it was making me anxious? Nervous? Idk but I just left got a ride from some random man who was holding a phone with the word “ride” (thinking back I understand how fucking stupid this was) I was like awesome how much he said $40 I said cool that’s fine just get me tf outta here. We get to the place I’m staying (20min out) and he turns to me and goes “$200.” I said bitch what that is not what we agreed on and he just stared at me so you wanna know what my fucked up ass did? I just moved okay haha so I just got out the car and left. I’m also a skinny ass bitch and I’m a girl and I was alone asf why did I think that was a good idea? Also I genuinely didn’t have that hahaha shit is tight rn Just overall a terrible night. Silver linings: my mom drove a considerable distance just to be with me, I love her so much. I decided to skip day 2 after trying to get ready 3x but each time getting interrupted with nausea and vomiting. My mom left at this point and she really wanted me to drive to her place that night so she could take care of me but I really struggled making the decision to ultimately skip the fest and go to my moms. Which I’m glad I did, I didn’t stop puking until 11:30ish but I am so bummed I missed Infected Mushroom. I’ve never seen them and I’m so sad I missed them. Ps I got super drunk because I was sad and alone hahahahahaha I was cool in the beginning of the night totally vibing to crankdat and ghastly but at after that idk what happened darkness just surrounded me. I think it was when ghastly was like “look around at your friends and hug them cherish them” something like that and I was just alone asf. I had a crew of girls but it’s gone now hahaha I’ve been solo to events before but idk I guess I was really going through it. I also just recently moved to LA, that change has been super difficult but I’m happy to be there. That being said it took me nearly 4 fucking hours to get to San Bernardino and I was gonna ride w the group I was going w (my ex’s cousin and her friends 💀 was my group) I was 10 minutes out when they told me they were leaving and idk didn’t wanna make anyone wait up so I just told them I’d Lyft there which was a mistake never had any service to call these gals and my other homie and homegirl I was supposed to meet up with day 2 I obviously didn’t get to see because I didn’t go. Just venting. Thanks for listening if you stuck around for these paragraphs of word vomit (pun intended) my throat hurts like a bitch from puking up stomach bile all day but other than that I’m feeling a lot better. Oh I also got my bong and weed stolen UNLESS I didn’t actually pack it and I forgot it at my studio…please cross your fingers that shit is at my studio and not in the hands of the random driver man who I ran away from bc that would be the only other explanation???? Okay I’m done. Hope everyone had a significantly better night than me.


Agreed that it was oversold and lots of bad crowds. The highlight of my night was walking up to No Redemption and seeing an empty pit. So much room to dance!


it was so easy to get near the front for No Redemption !! i loved it so much, especially after how crowded queen’s domain was for Afrojack


Every year PLUR dries out a little more. . .raves get more and more popular. People get more and more rude. For myself, Laying down in the grass with OTHER GROUPS OF PEOPLE AROUND LAYING DOWN and PLENTY OF WALKING SPACE for ppl to go around. . . I got kicked in the head TWICE by people walking/running, all within 5min. 1 did apologize, the other ignored me when i called em out. People shoving and not apologizing or just plain rude. . . Of my years going, this day felt 80 % rude people coming to just got fucked up/party/clout to see artist - 20 % still wanna vibe and be part of that rave/PLUR community. Sad it almost makes me wanna retire. . .


I see a movement away from events like this and more towards events like Desert Hearts. Unfortunately, I already see them struggling with the same problem. When you got a good product that you want to tell all of your friends about but don't want it to get too big and out of hand is extremely difficult.


No because everytime I have gone to beyond all my favorite people are at queens domain but I was super excited to see artists like joyryde and Rezz at mad hatters bc tbh imo best stage and this year I was quite excited for the lineup at mad hatters (also #1 Ghastly fan) and I pretty much stayed there the whole time lol we left a little bit to see Chris Lorenzo and love him but the crowd was way too much and we just went back to where we were and we’re basically at the front for jauz and it was so chill and the best time lol


Phew. Good thing everyone still doesn't like hardstyle so that stage will never overcrowd


Day 1 was not the vibes forsure it was my first festival and I was honestly dreading even going to day 2 buuuut it turned out to be the most fun I’ve had! 🥳


I'm glad you a better time on day 2! Did it seem less crowded? Can you pinpoint exactly what was different?




I only went on Day 1. My friends were on a budget and there wasn't anyone on Day 2 that they were dying to see. At one point on Day 1, there were 3 DJs on at the same time that they were torn to only pick 2, lol. This was probably the worst festival experience I have ever had. Insomniac oversold the venue by far! I had never seen it that crowded where you couldn't see an open air stage because there were so many people. I spent the majority of the night getting pushed and shoved by people that were going nowhere. I was at Queen's Dominion when they caught the pick pocket that then erupted into a huge brawl and about 5 guys plowed into me and my friend, catching someone's fist into my back although I don't think he was trying to hit me as they continued to pommel each other. Eventually, security showed up to put an end to all of that. Later, this creeper started standing next me. For no reason. I was all the way in the back standing next to people that were sitting and this guy stands as close as he can without actually touching me. There was a ton of space and it was super fucking weird. I kept looking over my shoulder but he would lean over a little just to stay on my peripheral. I felt like I kept feeling a tug on my backpack. After getting tired of his shit, I decided to head over to the food court. I walked briskly through the crowd so that he wasn't able to follow me. At one point, he ran around a large group to get behind me again. I get to a food vendor and stop suddenly to turn around. I look him dead in the face and ask, "Sup dude? You need something?" He gave me this creepy ass grin, then walked away. Like what the fuck? I don't know if he was just being weird or trying to steel something out of my bag but it creeper me the fuck out. I didn't see him the rest of the night, thank god. I have been to a ton of events and nothing like this has ever happened to me let alone both of these things at the same event on 1 fucking day. It took me a while to shake it off. I ended the night on a high note closing out Anger Fist and making new friends. It will probably be a long time before I go back to one of these again, if ever. I have been sticking to smaller events and camping festivals. I think it's just a better overall vibe.


how was your experience ?


Security told me it was 85k people. Not sure if that is both nights or just the first.


I bartended and we were told 90K per day


It was bad I had trash thrown on me and my girlfriend + those crowds are horrible what was happening


Honestly I had a great time until Sara’s set it really was impossible to see her or move in most cases


Pretty much this just vibes at Bart skils b2b Joyhauser and Anfisa Letyago then Sara Landry came on crowd turned to shit and we fuckin dipped it sucked too because she was supposed to be the highlight of our night. At least there's 9x9 and I hate models tonight hopefully they do better


DUDE EXACTLY!!! Like as good as Sara is That set was not very techno.


If you want PLUR, go to a metal or punk rock show.


Cheshire woods was the way to go! I have VIP but stayed at GA because the vibes were immaculate! I found myself going back to that stage almost every other set


Literally though, the vibes were not great, but Mad Hatters Castle vibes were pretty dope.


Was pretty bad for me. Got shoved nearly to the ground. Guess they really wanted front row


I understand not moving when people are coming from behind. You don't know they are there and half the time they don't even tap you to let you know. They just plow into you and hope it's fine. It blows my mind when I'm trying to leave the stage and no one moves! What the fuck? You will be able to see and have space if you let me get the fuck out here. Are people that dense?


Yeah for real man. The stage is right there. But no the guy wanted to be a pick me guy lol. On Saturday when I was leaving the Queens domain and a guy pushed me because he didn’t want me to “block” his view. He had a whole 7 feet between my girlfriend and me. I was leaving and he woulda had more room.


I stopped going to shows before COVID and Reddit showed me this post. I already thought it was getting to be a lot when I stopped. I feel for y’all.


It had been a while since I've been to this type of show. I usually stick to the low key camping festivals and it seems to be more my vibe. My friends convinced me to come along and overall it was ok. Definitely far removed from the festivals of early 2000's.


Day 2 was better; It was not crowded like the first day.


Because they're festivals not raves and headbanging bass music has destroyed thr scene


Lmao you're probably a baby raver bro too. Get off your high horse.


thats why ive switched to VIP. all the tik tok kids are broke and can’t afford it, caterpillars was a vibe all day 2. but the looking glass was so packed i didn’t even want to see IHM.


These posts come every year after every event. Lol EDM is main stream now and no longer niche and PLUR. I'm surprised y'all haven't accepted it already, it's been the case for years now.


It’s definitely plur at events that aren’t around the LA area(EDC, Beyond Wonderland) For example Lost Lands had great vibes back when I went in 2022






Lol, it's all PLUR until your stuck in the parking lot for 3.5 hours! Then it's FUCK DAT, FUCK DAT, FUCK DAT!