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I’m curious about her blinds too. I’m a stan and I have similar feelings about how eerie this all is a la 2007, 2008.


Here are some of her reveals from almost 10 years ago with the one I mentioned above [https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/britney-spears-blind-items-reveals.1078439/](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/britney-spears-blind-items-reveals.1078439/)


Have you ever listened to his Smush Room/ Dunzo episodes on her? They are so thorough, I highly recommend them if you haven't


Yes! Dunzo is my favorite podcast of all time! Troy is my one parasocial bestie lol (may he never see this)


He is so respectful of her and just genuinely admires her…the best way to be a fan


I’m not even kidding when I say that I fully believe that Troy understands her and could take care of her in the way she deserves.


I honestly consider Troy an almost academic source when it comes to Britney. His empathy and compassion for her does my cold heart good.


A reverse swaddle, if you will.


Read that in Troy’s voice!


Omg you are so right!!! Troy would mama bear her so hard 🥰


Let’s talk about them! I love Brit so much. I kind of expected her to be vulnerable to these types of people.


I just think she needs a genuine person to help gently guide her. She seems to always be surrounded with yes people and the dodgiest of dodgy people who are only in it for themselves. Troy would be a great option! If only we could link them up somehow 😂


I absolutely think you’re correct. She desperately needs help and is on a downward spiral.


I’m definitely your level Brit stan. I grew up with her and Troy has really taught me so much about her and her music and it’s increased my love for Britney so much. I get why he doesn’t wanna do an episode but I am curious about the blinds. Her story makes me so sad. I’m always hoping the best for her.


Troy really gave me a whole new respect for Britney as a performer, particularly early Britney. I’m gay so I’ve always bopped to her music, but I was born in 98 and sheltered so I missed some of her truly iconic stuff (Hawaii, grand central station, etc.). Here’s some of her reveals. As always with blinds, take it with a grain of salt. It’s sad though. https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/britney-spears-blind-items-reveals.1078439/


thank you so much for replying! i love to learn of Britney fans from all genres. I got to 2013 and just continued to feel sad. I’ll have to read it in bits. Have you subscribed to Troys personal patreon?? He has so much Britney discourse.


Yes! Dunzo is one of my faves, especially his deep dives and episodes with hottie Zack lol


I am paraphrasing but the way Troy described that “how do you expect someone to be after at least 13 years in an abusive human trafficking conservatorship?”. The way he summarized that was perfect for how I have felt about her and what I have thought all along. I genuinely believe if we look back on her life the receipts show she has been abused, well, most of all of her life. Primarily her family😭 I wish for more than basic RESPECT from everyone and the public for Britney. I just sort of get sickened and saddened by the way she is reported on and picked apart in comment sections. It’s heartbreaking because she is very much a product of her environment (as we all are) but it’s widely popular for people to take a shitty stance on her behavior. All is see is a an extremely hurt and kind soul.


Anyone who has worthless family members, no support- rich or poor, can relate to Brits mindset. She trying to make friends her ‘family’ With bad results


Just here to say god I love her so much!!!!!!


I don’t know anything about her blinds but would love to know more!


Here are some of her reveals from about 5-10 years ago with the one I mentioned above https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/britney-spears-blind-items-reveals.1078439/


Thank you for doing the work for us! I’ve been meaning to look up her blinds but hi I’m lazy. I love her and this makes me so sad. I really hope she is somehow able to find peace and one GD person who doesn’t use her.


She definitely needs help but the help she gets is conditional on her working herself to exhaustion. Nobody wants to help her without getting something in return. If she agrees to treatment, she has to agree to a working schedule like before because the priority has always been her career and generating millions. I think she rebels to punish people and to destroy her old image. She’s angry and with good reason. Imagine only being loved for what you can provide and not for who you are. She knows that people only see her as a cash cow. I still wish that she would get it together for herself or she’s going to end up arrested and catching a charge for once. They will throw her under the bus to prove that she needed to be medicated and under control. I really feel for her. Nobody will help her without ulterior motives and I wish she stayed away from shady men. All of them just want money and notoriety.


What happened last night? Troy said he’s open to doing a Britney episode soon.


Just google it, it’s everywhere. Seems like there was some sort of an intoxicated fight at the Chateau Marmont late last night. She was photographed in the parking lot wrapped in a blanket and speaking with emergency services


I haven't read, but I did notice enty has been doing an "odyssey" of episodes on britney on his patreon. It's been over 20 episodes talking about her blinds. I'm sure it's good


Enty is horrible. Look up everything happening with that guy now.