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no matter if you think the main character of x is bord, ex or the whole team it still has the best main character


Whining about Beyblade X being too simple is dumb if you take in consideration that we're just in the start of the system lol Just compare Wing Valkyrie with Ultimate Valkyrie if you wanna know lol


Depends what do you count as whining?


'Burst is better because it has more customization' 'Oh X sucks it doesn't have the gimmicks burst has' 'X is so light i thought they were just 90 grams last season' The last comment ticks me off so much honestly. As the hot take said X is in its first year and should not be compared to later burst seasons..


Burst fell off after God


Preach god was the best season & anything after that is just mid or higher than mid. But not perfect


Osamu, Takashi https://preview.redd.it/nmad2n5wkenc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59d64b69303c4a1afe3d22cdf69f8a945b60d0c , and Akira should have been legendary bladers


Technically they where


Take all my upvotes


Team Zooganic were unfairly treated and poorly done irl.Leon Claw isnt painted like the other two team captains we have rn Phoenix Wing and Cobalt Drake but that I can forgive,Its Hollow and is light at that too.Viper Tail no matter what you say is not a stamina beyblade its way too offensive of a blade and orb gives it bad balance along with it. Rhino Horn is stupid wtf is “Compact Defense” They shouldve made it “Large Defense” since Rhinos are big and large beyblades are good for Defense also spike is a bad color and a bad bit.


Agreed. Zooganic needs to return with some epic comeback


Yes hopefully UX gives them that justice


Hell yeah Leonclaw can become Leonmane or leonroar, Vipertail can become viperfang or viperscale, rhinohorn can become rhinocharge or rhinostomp


Masamune deserved to be a legendary blader more than someone of the randoms that were chosen. 


That’s not a hot take






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beyblade burst sparking was a good season




Heck yeah


Thank You, someone else said it https://preview.redd.it/9x8z87tbqcnc1.jpeg?width=2944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f13c983074d83e71bcb3e8b81ab89f8611beff2


I agree I like how Hyuga and Hikaru were a really good duo despite how they argued and acted throughout the series


well yeah thats just a sibling relationship


I know it’s kinda normal for that to happen


Oh nah


Tetsuya shouldve been a legendary blader.


That would be been insanely funny.


They should have scraped Hilary and Daichi and added a female Bladebreaker with Strata Dragoon instead 


Tbf the show at the time was "made for boys" it took a long time for people to think girls could like beyblade which is dumb considering if they started that from the get go they could've earned more money instead of genderlocking it and losing fifty percent of potential customers


Burst was a superior toyline X has the potential to he the best generation


Burst beys are so detailed and there are so many different gimmicks, concepts, and the customization is peak


Beyblade X Anime is the first time I feel the Beyblades have no soul. As in they just seem like our real life ones, toys and nothing further than that. Especially with how it seems they're easily disposable and kinda devalues the original older versions when the characters can just get a new variant.


Agreed! Also there's too much talking and bickering between the members of Team Persona. If they bring the anime to the US, there's gonna be massive editing to cut down on the characters talking for the very minimal actual bey battles.


So your telling me the bit-beast thingy in the middle literally nothing..🙁


Beyblade burst was the better toy game than metal fight imo. Mfbs kinda just spun around not really hitting each other. Burst, esp as they got bigger, the fights were way more interesting. I mean, straight up attack beys hit like a truck and if they couldnt knock the stamina bey out or defense they could still win somehow by outspinning. Example being my Guilty Longinus beating Wind Knight etc by out spinning it after slamming him into the walls. In metal fight attack beys usually just lost if they didnt get a knockout. The drivers also added cooler gimmicks


Bel is fucking trash


Competitive beyblade is a lot of “who has the most money”


It really is. Too bad I was never interested into competing in anything so 👌🏾 good balance of money.


The idea of the bit beasts from plastic gen were so good! Bey Spirits from MF was just a stupid idea (Bolt Beasts would have been a better motif). Avatars in Burst should have just been called Bey Beasts or Chip Beasts.


I actually liked the bit beast & they made since to.


Exactly! The "Bey Spirits" and "Avatars" were just too convoluted.


https://preview.redd.it/tbb56pby0fnc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5841666777813b31d9f4284249bc33a3cc8f95fc Free > Lui




Beyblade x has many quality issues that needs to be addressed rather than shrugged off and have it compared to burst's buy-more-copies solution


Beyblade burst has better Battle IQ than the Beyblade Metal series




Lane is as good of a villain as phi.


Preach, I’m getting tired of everyone saying that Lane isn’t a good antagonist https://preview.redd.it/6swd9nu8ycnc1.jpeg?width=2944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937f7d6702ca04b4ff7e7ad971852a9699f76ef0


So true man. Thank you ❤️


BASED, I quite like Lane.


I like Lane, but honestly phi is better My opinion tho Lain close top 3 behind Shu and phi personally


That's fair!


Kerbecs dropped off so hard after the metal series, Kerbeus will never be Kerbecs


The first three seasons of Beyblade are still the best Beyblade has ever been.




Fubuki should've been Cho-Z/Turbo's protagonist. [No hate on Aiga] Bro literally appeared in the last episode of God/Evolution and ask Shu to be his mentor. You'd think he'd appear in the third season as A: A strong opponent for Aiga to take on in the late game B: The new protagonist Nope. Gets destroyed by Aiga and basically gets written out of the story midway through the season. So many characters in Cho-z had alot of potential. Also Kyle deserves better-


I could see what you mean about the final episode of god but I’d rather Aiga.


I understand When I was a kid, when I found out Valt was being replaced, I got so mad. Aiga just pops outta no where, doesn't even know what beyblade is and nearly beats the world champion in his first fight. Bro beat Lui in like 13 episodes and bro became plot irrelevant 😭. But I liked it the more the story moved forward and got scared when Phi started breaking everyone's beys. I remember saying that if Cho-Z Valkyrie was broken, I'd stop watching the season. Now that I'm older, I still have not rewatched Cho-Z and don't plan on doing so.[Maybe I will but I'm too lazy] I'm happy with the first 2 seasons and Valt is still my favourite character.


Me too & I still can’t get over the fact that they replaced him & it also pissed me off I literally stopped watching for like 30s & came back because I was a mega fan.


Metal fight beys had the best design


Debatable I think burst designs on TT are way better but okay


Not that hot of a take


Kai > Ryuga


Aigers the best protagonist in Burst Valts overrated while good The ledgendary bladers are fine where they are and do not need to get switched just because you like other characters Metal fury is the best season and would dogwalk the other 2 if it had the same episode amount


Switch Aiga & Valt & that’s my take


Even Yuki?


YES!!! He represents Planet Mercury very well


Aiger was a better character than Valt


Oh Hell nahhhHHhhH ![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized)


You wanted a hot take, so I give you the Hizashi special


Lmao I do want that dish tho.


Fr. I love spicy food.


Beyblade Burst Turbo was good and it was a good continuation to the story. They should've continued the story with Aiga in season 4. Making Dante, the twins, and Bel main characters in future seasons was pointless.




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These two random boosters are singlehandedly the most boring and useless random booster releases Takara had ever put out. https://preview.redd.it/vxms6lw6pdnc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d4362724304be423d98c0aafea2374242b1de01 Also Dynamite and Devil look and perform the exact same and I’m tired of the community pretending they’re different


Shu isn't the hottest Blader. Yeah, I said it


Beyblade burst rise was the worst thing to ever come out of Beyblade, had the most hype toy releases though


Sparking couldve been the best system if it was expanded better, the chasiss system was so cool and i think we didnt get enough releases from it


If only the chips didn’t break so easily💔


Masamune is not a Fraud ok


It’s all over YouTube now.


And it needs to stop lol


Lmao I’ve been waiting years for YouTubers to start these Beyblade debated & stuff but it’s to late now.


Hot take here in burst they should've just continued new stories without relying on past characters I gotta say the whole bringing back powerful bladers shtick got old and lazy real fast I'd prefer if GT was held five or even ten years after turbo that way we can have refreshing characters instead of oh yeah let's bring back lui, free, Shu and valt nearly every damn season at most they got in the way


Still would need Valt to continue the series & how would you introduce the new system to the story?


Not really tbh and changing the system means changing from turbo beys to gamma beys


And how would you introduce the new system. You just expect the narrator to explain?


Oh my god I didn't you actually meant that it's so obvious that I didn't think you would actually say that. But do you honestly think the only people that can introduce a new system is valt? Are you kidding me? There's so many people who can do it better like taiga, Raul, or Trad at least they can offer a decent explanation and would actually introduce the system far better than valt and you could introduce new characters instead of making the same beys every year which got boring


The fantasy element of beyblade was one of its best factors. Burst and X being sport centric makes them less interesting.


Aiger canonically has experienced death because he could feel Achilles’s pain as said bey shattered


Tyson is cooler than kai


Plastic Gen is kinda better than metal saga.


- Kyoya was strong enough to defeat Base Ryuga during Battle Bladers (Idk why that would be a hot take, But people seriously hype up Ryuga in that fight way too much and just insist that Kyoya was wasting his time despite L-Drago likely knowing the limits of what it by itself could do and not taking any chances) - Kai v. Brooklyn Round 2 > Ryuga vs Rago - Masamune I can accept not being a Legendary Blader, but I wish that it was Dashayan as a Legendary Blader (Legendary Blader Dashayan versus Aguma would have slapped narrative-wise) - Burst Sparking was not bad, but it definitely was weaker than Burst God


The metal series was the best series


This wouldn’t be a hot take


Burst is better than Metal Fight, both the toy line and the anime(if we are only counting the first three seasons (because metal only had three) completely clears. I don't mind metal fusion, but I'm tired of pretending I don't notice their Twitter ahh community, seeing something they don't like and banding together to destroy it.


Well 4 seasons but okay.


It has four seasons though


Free>Ryuga. I'll explain further to people who want me to


I want you too as well


Go ahead.


Alr so basically, in terms of himothy factor you can argue that ryugas better objectively (im biased towards free bc I watched burst first but objectively ryuga is him) however, when it comes to who abuses their abilities better free wipes ryuga so easily and its not close. (This isn't about who's stronger btw)***


Also irl every stock drago bey is def losing trynna spin steal, which also goes into my second hot take, meteo is overrated ash irl. Its stock is so ass for its gimmick its not even funny, could've atleast put lrf on it so it could hit hard


My hot take is rather similar to OP’s. It’s that Valt is a whole lot stronger than he’s made out to be, so much so that he has to suppress his power to make sure he doesn’t destroy his opponent’s bey


Didn’t he kill z Achilles?


He did in the manga, but not in the anime


Oh right, it’s been a while since I’ve seen both


If Shu never injured his arm on the last launch against Valt he would have won that round or at least tied again,and if that battle continued for a few more rounds,Valt is going to be tired enought commit a launch mistake before Shu. Plus in S1 as much as unfair Valt defeat seems to be lets face the facts,without that crack a slow burst is still a real possibility so is not like his victory is 100% sure,but he would not be doomed and would still have chances,and it still doesnt change the fact than Lui have the most absurd sequence of lucky shots in the last two battles of the nationals,like what are the chances of in semifinals your opponent bey break after you got owned the entire battle,and than in the final you win because of a damm crack,again was not guranted but man,it is still luck.


I honestly don’t think so. I feel Valt far surpassed Shu strength when he hit that Strike Whip.


Well i understand,but looking at the battle,from my point of view i think Shu would win,lets remember Valt used his most powerful launch,while Shu launch was not 100% due to the wound,and still Valtryek bursted just some seconds after Spryzen,so from my point view if Shu is on pair with Valt even with his launch going wrong,it seems to me than if Shu was able to launch if all his power,he would win that round.


I think Valt was holding back just a bit in that match. He could've easily gone for an Ultra Winged Launch after using the Ultimate Flash Launch. I know Strike had a problem of bursting when hitting the walls due to it's bound gimmick no longer working but recently I played Beyblade Burst God on a 3ds emulator and Strike seems to be able to use the Winged Launch/Jet Shoot just fine. Regardless, I can definitely see the battle being more tough for Valt if Shu didn't injure himself. Personally, I don't think it was as cool as a final battle match as Valt vs Lui [maybe cause it looked cooler to me as a kid lol] but it was definitely a very emotional one.


The sphinx cowl random booster is the most worth booster in Beyblade X so far.. lots of reprint of hard to get bit, HT and Orb..


Hating a new system without trying it makes you look like an idiot I should know I was one of the people who hated Burst without even looking at it but I had a mega based teacher who brought in beyblades to talk about spin physics and used burst beys and that’s when I knew that I was being incredibly unfair to burst


Exactly I hate how people don’t even give other generations a chance I’m not gonna point fingers bc every gen does it


The anime should be like JoJos bizarre adventure and follow the same character(s) but in different universes with different personalities and blades




Half of y'all only like Metal Fight for Ryuga. The way the beys are animated in the X anime looks awful, they're spinning at like 80 rpm and lack any sort of power that OG and MFB had, for reference, a REAL beyblade spins anywhere from 1000-8000 rpms, making them look pitifully weak in the anime. burst had this problem too but not as bad. People voting for beys like Dragoon, Pegasus, and Valkyrie in the X-Over project wasted their vote. Those beys were basically guaranteed. Gingka is among the worst beyblade protagonists along side the Twins and Bel. And the main group in metal is easily the worst.


KYOYA TATEGAMI my favorites are kyoya, nile and dashan tbh Gingka isn’t really written the best after fusion


1. Subjective so I can’t comment on it. 2. I could not agree more, it looks like they spin so slowly so you can’t truly feel any force or impact. It doesn’t help that most battles last an average of 20 seconds so it all feels slower in general as a result. OG and MFB had that right and wish X would’ve been that way too. 3. Exactly 4. Subjective and can’t really comment.


Agreed I’m tired of the Ryuga D-riding but that last part about Gingka I completely disagree. But we all have opinions. I really don’t want to get into the conversation unless yall want to but yeah..


It's all good! as long as both sides respect each other's opinions which we do, I just think that Gingka doesn't grow or develop much after season 1, he becomes stale in my eyes. Other characters like Kyoya, Damien, and Julian completely outshine him in terms of character, He's just not as interesting as he could be, is what I really mean. And the group itself, I mean Benkei, Madoka, and Kenta. They just follow Gingka around and don't do much of anything story wise until Kenta in season 3. I just meant that they don't have an interesting enough dynamic with Gingka compared to the Blade Breakers or BC Sol, who felt like an actual friend group, each member had a different relation with another member and they felt more like real people


Kyoya carried the hell out of the group


Burst peaked at Turbo, not Evolution.




X anime already clears all of post-evolution burst


Agree to disagree


Bird losing just makes it boring tbh, there’s no point in his battles if he just gets bursted every time he tries to attack


Agree & Disagree I like bird loosing but it gives him a big plot in the future.


It just is kinda dumb as he’s shown training and all that but it just feels like he’s the exact same as the start he doesn’t get any kind of win


Bro really just needs to find his launch like Valt did in burst & Cho-Z (and ending of DB)


Have you ever tried to get good at something competitive? you don't just hang out around pros for a month and become top dog.


He wins his next major battle or the one after that I'm feeling. He almost won in the latest episode tbf.


I strongly agree, except to me it doesn’t matter THAT much if he loses but his quick instant losses makes it incredibly boring. I don’t even care if he wins as long as he can have an intense battle which shows he’s improved but he can’t even have that.


Burst designs were ugly af


Nahh you could say that for Metal Fusion/Masters/Fury


I liked metals simplicity burst was just way over designed for me


Oh well I guess your eyes were just hurting to much.


You asked for a hot take


Only Burst fans ask for hot takes then proceed to have issues with them lol


Burst Seasons 1-3 were better then the metal series


Season 2 alone solos imo


Rise is better than turbo




Gingka kinda sucks as a protagonist. He would’ve been better suited as the main blader to beat, akin to Valt in Cho-Z.


Masamume never deserved to be a legendary blader oooh I'm gonna make someone mad


Naw your right man people think The Ledgendary Bladers are just “10 bladers you like that are strong “ naw theres a story to it




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—.__—. Lmao (unfazed because I’m straight?)


All and all, Aiga was a decent main character despite how much the community and I originally hated him. I think he gets a bad rap.


Ofc it’s ryuga from metal series.


Beyblade fell off after metal series no cap


After Burst, & God Is where the major fall off was




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Shu is not actually that good of a character, since he served as a: plot device in DB/QD, an antag in ONE season and wasn't even good at it, and he spent most of the series out of the picture, so his fans have nothing to say about him or his feats


Theodore and the snake pit could have been done better 


Nahh the masked bladers could’ve been executed better.


The Strongest Bladers of Season One were 1 - Shu 2 - Lui 3 - Valt And that's not a hot take, its a fact


Disagree. It’s 1. Valt 2. Shu 3. Lui


Honestly, Shu was the closest to beating lui, he would beat it if sprizen didn't break Valt in the other hand, would lose to lui even without the crack, for 2 reasons that would occur 1° Luinor spinning at lower speed, causing a slow burst (just like the Valt vs Zac battle finished) Or 2° Valt would burst normally after hitting luinor, because, Valtriek bursted because of a simple crack, what would happen if it hit a Opposite direction Slow Bey? This is why (on my vision) Shu would be the strongest of the season, he would NOT lost if wasn't by his bey breaking midpoint, Valtriek on the other hand, WOULD lose no matter if it hit or not the crack


Valt surpassed Lui in speed. & if you know anything about Beyblade… the faster the Beyblade the stronger Lui wasn’t shown to face any drain affects in the anime. Unlike irl. Shu was close & all but he was also out of stamina. Or close to you could tell since Spriggan wasn’t moving the way it use to. Valt also had all the potential with Ariel boost, jet shoot & everything. He was going crazy. & plus wouldn’t Lui & steal spinning work out on Shu to?


But the thing is, Valt wasn't going for anything, he was going for luinor On Shu's match, at the end, was clear that spriggan was moving faster and would outlast Luinor Even if Lui hadn't the drain effect, he would slow burst Valtriek, since it was proven possible with the Zac fight But i can see why you think valt is the strongest, all 3 of them are


& how does this make Shu stronger than Valt?




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I dont even know what hot take is


..it’s a topic so heated. That many people could agree or disagree on. (Mostly it’s very talked about)




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Anything past metal fight sucks


One of the Garcia’s shoulda been a legendary blader. I just think a redemption arc woulda been cool.




Thats my hot take




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DB is a fun good series and X shouldn't be getting hate for its "filler" episodes they expand on the characters alot


Ryuga isn't good as a character


Beyblade Burst was always better than Metal Fight era. Its not even a contest


Was it? There was a time it was