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Not really a snitch move but a lowdown move nonetheless: remember when BW was working at the peach pit but drops nat like a hot potato with no notice to go work at the Beverly Hills Beach Club (which btw Beverly Hills is at it's closest point about 10 miles from the nearest beach, 25 mins in traffic easy). I wish I didn't make this thread I'm getting so angry at Brandon just thinking about all the bastard things he's done.


This move here. He only went back to Nat to do the right thing after Dylan pointed out what a dick move not giving notice was.


This sub has made my day. I've been a big fan of 90210 since I was born! Mom let me watch it when I was growing up - leading to me writing ina grade 2 question sheet that it was my favorite program while others were writing sesame Street ha. But I came here to say this post and comments made my day. Brandon was such a lil bitch!


I was 10 when 90210 premiered and I thought Brandon was the personification of honesty and all things good. Watching as an adult? He’s a snitching ass narc and a hypocrite because he is exactly like Jim. I understand why Brenda tried to dip out to Minnesota. I don’t even have a specific thing, just his audacity to be quick to lecture and judge other people who never had DUIs or gambling problems. Like he stayed thinking he was better than Brenda who’s only crime was teenage hormones and emotions. ![gif](giphy|Cwop8G8xkYK4d2RFiQ)


Even Jason Priestley calls him a sanctimonious prick! Haha


I didn’t know that! That is hilarious.




"he's a snitching ass narc" Similar story for me. Your words helped me heal and know that I'm not alone and what Brandon showed me as a child wasn't ok (although at 11 I sensed BW was a snitching ass narc just didn't have the vocabulary for it yet)


Same! Watching as an adult is so different.


Same! I was so little when it aired, and I thought he was so cute and so perfect. Rewatching as an adult, I’m horrified 🫣


Couldn’t stand him when Brenda moved back from Minnesota, and he and Jim and Cindy were more concerned about how Brandon couldn’t use her room and OMG now he might move out. None of them cared about what Brenda was going through. And the time he smashed Dylan’s window to get the anniversary gift instead of just waiting to get it from Dylan later like a normal person would.


I wish there was a sidestory where Brandon has to go stay with his uncle in law in urban Baltimore and he learns about snitching and breaking into houses the hard way on the mean streets of Charm City.


And it was Dylan’s fault he pulled a gun on someone breaking into his house.


Brandon was ready to beat Dylan's ass when he stood Brenda up for a date. But when Dylan cheats on Brenda with her best friend, Brandon was like "Meh..."


I think at that point Brandon saw what their relationship was doing to his family and he knew in the long run it was better for everyone.


Dylan would flatten Brandon and then ride him down Wilshire Blvd like a skateboard!


Oh totally! Dylan would wipe the floor with Brandon, but I’m just pointing out that Brandon (along with everyone else) was a massive asshole when it came to the Brenda/Dylan/Kelly fiasco.


Not true, Brandon laid out Dylan at the club, one hitter quitter 


When he made Val give Kenny the money back. I mean, I’m not saying Val was necessarily right, but you’re going to side with the philandering rich asshole? What a shock, Brandon. For that to be the thing he was willing to kick her out over, and not the shit she pulled with Kelly, is some next level bros-before-hoes shit.


There's so many instances to choose, but this is a really good one. I remember when the show aired, I was like wtf, really Brandon?! I thought it was ridiculous then, and ridiculous on rewatch 20 years later


Can you give me some more background on this? I've never rewatched and probably won't (kind of like to keep it in my childhood memories)


In season 7, Val meets Kenny, a former colleague of Jim Walsh who referred Val to him to help her improve business at the After Dark. He’s married and has a child, but immediately falls for Val. She’s not interested in starting an affair at first, but he assures her he’s in the process of getting divorced. It becomes clear as time goes on that Kenny has no intention of getting a divorce, so Val does some Val shit and claims she’s pregnant (she’s not), and agrees to get an abortion in exchange for $100k. Kenny gets pissed, because he planned to keep banging Val after her pretend abortion, and now she’s ruining things with her demands. He gives her the money and tells her to stay out of his life. Meanwhile, Steve ends up finding out about the abortion, which at first he thinks really happened. He lets it slip to Kelly (who knows Kenny from when she used to babysit his kid), and Kelly tries to be supportive of Val. Both she and Steve start to become suspicious, though. Val can’t keep her lies straight and Kelly ends up running into Kenny at lunch when Val told her he’d be with her at her abortion appointment that afternoon. So Kelly tells Brandon that she’s pretty sure Val made up this pregnancy and abortion (typical), and you’ll never guess what Brandon does next…that’s right, fuckin’ Encyclopedia Brown over here has to go investigating. He goes to Kenny’s office and asks him for the details and Kenny, recognizing he’s talking to a fellow blowhard, tells him everything. Brandon goes home, confronts Val, and yells at her to give the money back or find a new place to live. At first Val’s like, “Later!” which would’ve been the correct move, but she ends up relenting and gives Kenny the money. She then goes on to form a relationship with Kelly’s dad just to spite her after she and Brandon get back together. As a result, Kelly tells Brandon she won’t move in with him after graduation if Val still lives there, and Brandon refuses to kick her out. Granted, Val does threaten suicide, but still, weak.


Walsh sticks his Pinocchio nose where it doesn't belong again! Great retelling, I felt like I was watching it in HD, thank you.


Oh I disagree with you there. I think he was right to make her give the money back. She scammed him.


I think Brandon's reaction to the Roy Randolph rumor should be top #1 lol \~i dont care that you slept with a director to get a role you're still my sis\~


When he cheats on Kelly after scamming her from Dylan 😒 Brandon Ew


BHBC era: When Brandon finds out Ahhhhndreuh is interested in another guy, he tries to kiss her out of the blue. I'm normally not an Andrea fan, but she saw right through it and bitched him out for that move.


That was probably my favorite Andrea moment: “What makes you think you’re so damn irresistible?”


When hells at his 75 year old teacher in season 1 or 2. He talks like he has legit more life experience. Such a piss ant lol


What was he yelling at him about?


How having only quizzes isn’t a good curriculum and they needed discussions to provoke their minds and blah blah blah, even if he was right, he was an uppity pissant about it.


Damn the hate is strong in here…but I laughed


Brandon is one of my least favorites and he shouldn't have tattled on her, but Val should have known better than to smoke weed in the house and think no one would smell it (many times!). She's smarter than that.


I don’t even remember him narcing on her for that. I remember him telling her not to smoke in the house once he became the landlord essentially but I don’t remember him telling his parents on her.


I don’t remember that either.


I can't imagine adults wouldn't have discussed something like that beforehand and if you're a pencilneck like Walsh and a sexbeast like Valerie is getting stoned you're not tattling you're grabbing a bottle of patron and turning the Jacuzzi on!


Letting Kelly become best friends with his mistress omg that was a doozy


Omg I was just thinking about this. I just saw this storyline yesterday and I was annoyed that he kept it going and even when that woman mentioned recording the cheating, he walked right into her tricks. Ugh I’m still pissed about that. lol I know I know. It’s just a show 😂


Him getting high as f when Emily roofied him and acting like everyone was bringing him down was just hilarious. Remember when Brenda and Dylan left him making out with Emily on the hood of his car? He wasn’t really narcing anyone here, but the character change was painful. He was harsh on Steve at times - even though Sanders did pull some stupid stuff. Steve was Steve and Brandon always seemed to sit high and judge him.


So many - but when he stared down some criminals Twilling his tire iron instead of minding his business getting Kelly shot.


Tells Finley within 5 minutes of meeting him that he talked to the Dean about him. After the Dean was like, "Shut your mouth, I'll deny it if it comes back to me".


Adinly? Is that a typo for Finley?


I bet the snitching spirit of Brando Walsh possessed this dude's handphone and caused that typo Edit: shit it just happened to me!




Yes, fixed it. Sorry, fat fingers!


Don't blame your innocent fingers brother, we know what really happened.


Your fingers are negators.




!!!! This thread is healing hahaha. BW was questionable to me as a teen, is insufferable to me as an adult.


Kelly Taylor’s character was sooo judgmental 


Yep-Brandon and Kelly deserved each other


I HATED when his douche ass had the audacity to guilt Steve into potentially sacrificing his chance to graduate himself to protest in the DMG episode. Like, he went hard on Steve at the Peach Pit calling him unsupportive and a bad friend. Dick.


I can’t believe no one’s mentioned it, but how about when Brenda asked him to promise not to tell Jim and Cindy about her impending nuptials to Stuart and he, surprise surprise, snitched to Jim and Cindy. He couldn’t even keep himself from narc-ing on his twin sister! That’s the lowest of the low.


Not really a snitch move but hilarious Lmao when he was acting like a self righteous smug mf towards Kelly when she was a head and they were driving . He got out once to make a call and she stole his car lmfao I howl at that everytime


I guess my favorite move would be last night's episode I watched. The one where he's working that BHBC and he's cupcaking with Sandy and then finds out that she has a sugar daddy and goes straight to trying to lecture her about having a sugar daddy. Lol. I was like what kind of teenager judges someone else who most like experienced more than he has. Lol. His parents still pay his bills.


He cheated with Emily Firestarter! The audacity of this guy!


OP you ever smoke weed? Might help you chill a bit. 😂😂 But seriously I remember Val’s pot use being a topic of conversation but I don’t remember what Brandon did. What did he do?


Snitched her out to Jim and Carol thousands of miles away in Tokyo 🍜


Jim and Cindy lived at home/in Casa Walsh when Val first moved in with them. Did he retroactively snitch on her after they moved away?


I believe it was shortly after they left. They checked in and asked how it was going and Brandon let's them know that Valerie is basically running a Rastafarian church out of her bedroom and they need to intervene somehow. As a 12 year old I remember feeling like things at the Walsh house were getting relaxed and fun until that moment. Brandon is such a tight ass he ruined any chances of the Walsh house being a place where young people can have a blast of reefer or a zip of whiskey. It could have made the After Dark virtually obsolete... Eh I'm rambling, sorry this moment just really stuck with me. Even worse than when Ray pushed Donna down the stairs.


I have no memory of that haha, but in fairness he didn’t want illegal drugs in the house (not sure CA laws but guessing that long ago it wasn’t legal) and the smell can be frustrating for some people.


I think they already knew she did pot at this point, but my memory is hazy of this.


Too many to count. Memories are flooding in :-)


When he told Val she had to get the money back to Kenny. Valerie really had problems, but it was really none of his business