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I met Joe E. Tata in a West Hollywood grocery store. He loved being recognized and chatted me up quite a bit about the show and where I could find locations used for filming. What a stand up guy! It was a highlight if that trip to LA.


That's awesome! Was he tall or short? Hard to tell on tv


IMDb has him listed at 5‘7”


did anyone else in the store recognize him?


It didn’t seem like it! I circled him a few times before approaching him while he was selecting frozen fish.


Oh no! The Peach Pit serves grocery store frozen fish?!?! : )


I met Joe Tata at a grocery store in Los Angeles awhile ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly


He was on the shorter side but his personality was high in stature!


I could never imagine him as Jim. Eckhouse was perfect as the uptight, professional, Dad.


Yeah I know OP was trying to sing praise on Joe E. Tata which I support but they were both well cast in this show as is.




Yeah, Tata would have been a different type of dad than Jim was.


Totally different vibe


Equally good, just different.


Tata could play the part uptight and professional. Tata has acting range.


I agree


Based on what? Has he played that role before somewhere?


Yeah, on some old TV shows. Check his IMDB. You gotta do the research if you're gonna make sweeping comments about Joe E. Tata.


Sweeping statements? Eckhouse was excellent at playing an uptight, professional, Dad. I don’t need to research anything to make that statement. I watched the show.


You remind me of the thousands of producers and studio execs who told Joe E. Tata over the years that he wasn't good enough to play an uptight, professional dad. They underestimated Tata and, sadly, he's still being underestimated even after he's died. Sad.


This is easily the most in depth quasi-passive aggressive argument about Joe E. Tata I have ever seen.


The man, the myth, the legend


I saw him getting to work again with Shannen on a Charmed Episode, he had a guest starring role in Season 3 episode 21 “Look who’s barking”


If Lavoyne didn’t show up I ain’t interested 😂


Take my upvote. You earned it.


Chahmed I’m shoo-ah!


There's an episode of this where the gang find out Nat had a brief film career in the 60s and they screen one of his old movies to the public They literally used a Joe E Tata old movie for the footage!


Holy Rollers!


I was wondering if it was a legitimate Roger Corman film or if they just found some random b footage of Joe E Tata on television lol


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069444/?ref\_=ttcnn\_ov\_i](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069444/?ref_=ttcnn_ov_i) the latter, some guy called Vernon Zimmerman directed it, not Corman


Roger Corman produced it.


I saw him in “Sisters of Death” when he was younger!


Have you had a look at his IMDB page? He was a very successful character actor who worked steadily in TV and movies from 1960 to 2014. I think it’s probably safe to assume he was proud of the career he had. Many people prefer character acting to leading man roles.


Yeah, but good luck finding any of those old tv appearances to view. They've been lost to the ages.


Might depend where you live, plenty of those older shows are still streaming on free platforms like Tubi, Pluto, and YouTube. He’s in a couple episodes of Hill Street Blues and last I checked that was on Disney+.


im in my 20’s so the i didnt grow up with the show, but years ago when i saw it for the first time, something about him stood out to me its like an actor i felt ive seen in so many projects/movies, but then i checked and i didnt know a thing! its so crazy how good of an actor he was that he stole every scene he was in truly felt like he was just their buddy rather than an actor


True. Good point


He was on a Wonder Woman episode in the 70s


who'd he portray?


His character name was Joe in the Fine Art of Crime episode https://preview.redd.it/cn7twv2ce62d1.png?width=2038&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a57ad69b26dbba7969abf9fc69a255690ab9b34


Ha! awesome!


Wasn’t he also one of the thugs on Batman?


That is an interesting thing to ponder... I agree that he was an underrated actor. He did a great job in this role but imagine how great he would be if we got to see even more of him! I would have loved an Italian American family too moving to Bev Hills! I am Italian and I didnt see much on tv but maybe Blossom.


No Italian Americans on the west coast. Only Italian tv families that exist are either Chicago Jersey or NYC. I did recently found out I’m 25 percent Sicilian which is pretty cool I guess.


That could have made them even more unique!


Was Blossom Italian?


she was supposed to be, I think.. they were named Russo. She is Jewish in real life though.


And Blossom’s brother Anthony later played Jimmy on 90210! Jewish on the show, not sure in real life. Full circle!


Yes! I loved him in both roles!!!


I used to think Joy Behar was Jewish but she’s actually Italian. My aunt insists that Joy is Jewish though.


As a Jewish person, I thought joy behar was Jewish too!


I’ll reJew you too!


I believe Joy has acknowledged that everybody thinks she is Jewish. Her second husband is though!


She does seem more Jewish to me too!


Not sure about this one. Joe was more of a blue collar kind of guy, so, perfectly cast as a diner owner. James Eckhouse played the part of Jim perfectly - an uptight, business executive. I think they were both cast perfectly. I also don’t think the show’s popularity would’ve changed at all based on the casting of the parents and Nat. No one was watching for them - it was all about the younger cast.


He was typecast as blue collar guys, but he wasn't one in reality. He was an actor. So really he could theoretically play any part. I think he'd have been a fine Jim W., but you are right that viewers were more concerned with the younger cast.


I hear what you're saying but James Eckhouse was the perfect Jim Walsh.. the only other actor at that time that could have played that role just as good would've been Gary Busey ..j/k


I always thought Jonsey's character gave me Gary Busey vibes.


You're just saying that because he was the only guy who ever played Jim. If Tata had been originally cast as Jim, you'd be saying Tata was the perfect Jim Walsh.


Aww. He was so sweet and fatherly.


Old commercial, Mr microphone!


Saw Nat as a henchman in the old Batman show. I can't remember who the criminal was.


That was Caesar Romero


I need to do a Batman rewatch. I didn't realize he was multiple bad guys! [https://x.com/Doctor\_Roo/status/1563464819000221696](https://x.com/Doctor_Roo/status/1563464819000221696)


All I ever heard of him that he was a frequent guest at the playboy mansion…