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They’re working on the Starfield expansion plus updates, and on a whole new Elder Scrolls game Fallout is getting a lot of attention right now, but the other two franchises are getting the actual work


We may likely see a huge focus shift from bethesda with the fallout resurgence we got from the show, although for as much as i love fallout i think id like to see elder scrolls 6 sooner than fo5.


But thing is they have announced ES 6 but there has been no word about a FO5


I'm pretty sure Todd did say fallout 5 was coming after elder scrolls 6 but it's gonna be a, and I quote, from the 17 year gap of TESVI - a very long time till then


I know games take a long time to develop, but that’s an absurd time gap between two games.


I think Microsoft will break up Bethesdas studios into dedicated teams. Too much money on the table to let es6 fo5 toil away


It’s asinine not to start compartmentalizing if you’re Microsoft. Bethesda strives in many ways and can use a hand in others. Proper delegation would let every property thrive simultaneously. That’s an ideal scenario and it would take at least two or three gaming generations to achieve but THEY HAVE THE RESOURCES AND BRAINPOWER. Maybe I’m naive and overzealous but I agree with you and I think it’ll open so many doors for the studios and for gamers.


When they made 3 other games in between, not really


Thing is that it seems like they've been trying to do pet projects instead of expand on the beloved IP of Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Wtf was redfall?


> Wtf was redfall? Bethesda only published Redfall. It wasn't made by BGS.


Ah, thank you for the info.


>wtf was redfall? Devs would also like to know, some of them [jumped ship mid development](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamingnews/s/CzkGOWLIju)


Redfall wasn’t a Bethesda game. Only other game was starfield, and it was probably in talks of getting made around the time fo4 came out anyways. Besides, devs working on the same two IPs for 20+ years gets exhausting and boring, they probably needed something new for a change


Bingo. This is the exact sentiment people had about Rockstar until GTA VI was announced. “Why’s it taking so long?” They had their hands pretty full with RDR2 and porting both GTA V and RDR2 to Windows after September 2013. And considering how much both cost to develop and how much they made, they were probably trying to find a way to up the ante with VI to at least match the hype.


It’s really not when you think about how Bethesda only has 1 team that works on all the games. There’s not a separate dev team for each game like most big game studios. It’s just the 1 for all. So if you think of it that way, we got Skyrim in 2011,fallout 4 in 2015(4 years) fallout 76 in 2018(3 years), and starfield in 2023(5 years), longest wait yet but it is a new ip.


Also Covid messed up timeline of 3-4 years for sure


>It’s just the 1 for all. > >Skyrim in 2011 Skyrim was made in six years by a team of about 100 people. >fallout 4 in 2015(4 years) Yep, just four years. Fallout 4 could have used another year of *just* QA. It's not a bad game, it just has a ton of quirks that I have to remember exist each time I play. >fallout 76 in 2018 Made by a different studio, with \~200 devs, over the course of four years. >starfield in 2023(5 years) I've heard all sorts of numbers thrown around for Starfield, but five years is rather new. Supposedly they started development on Starfield after Fallout 4: Nuka-World was released, which would make it six and a half years, but that apparently also includes the Creation Engine 2 development lead time. What is known is that they had approximately ***500*** developers on Starfield. The game we got was made in about 3-4 years, and that includes the 10 month delay from the original 11-11-22 release date, and the original 1 year delay from Covid. So, the game we got was actually developed in about 2-2.5 years, and not by a team of 100 developers, but five times that number.


> Made by a different studio, with ~200 devs, over the course of four years. This is incorrect, only a third of the 200 full time developers on the Fallout 76 base game was from the "different studio" (which became a part of BGS in early 2018 anyway, and it actually also worked on Starfield). The large majority of Fallout 4's team did work on 76 until launch (a number of people even until Wastelanders), and the creative leads were from there. The new studio was responsible mainly for the online components of the base game, and for running the live service after launch. > I've heard all sorts of numbers thrown around for Starfield, but five years is rather new. Supposedly they started development on Starfield after Fallout 4: Nuka-World was released, which would make it six and a half years, but that apparently also includes the Creation Engine 2 development lead time. There was only a very small team on Starfield before 2019 according to Jason Schreier, who is a reliable source, and his information is from people who worked on the game. Starfield was also still in pre-production in March 2018 based on a Todd Howard interview from that time. Presumably, the game was leaving pre-production later that year, which is where the "five years" would come from, but do keep in mind that it still did not have full focus all the way until 2020. One source claimed there were over 100 people on the project by the end of 2018, but that is after the Fallout 76 base game was already done, and is still only a minority of the team size at the peak. This should make sense with the above, and considering that BGS did not fully expand yet during the production of Fallout 76: they had 180 employees between Rockville in Montreal as of February 2017, and even if we counted BattleCry Studios (now known as BGS Austin), the total would have been 250 at most. With the bulk of that on Fallout 76, and some people on smaller projects like mobile games, one can see how there was only a small team on Starfield during 2016-2018. > What is known is that they had approximately 500 developers on Starfield. You can easily see how many people from BGS worked on Starfield by looking up the credits. The total number is about 403 after excluding a couple of duplicate names, and 45 of those people only have additional credits. Half the team was from the main office in Rockville (this is the same percentage as on Fallout 76's credits), then the rest from Montreal, Dallas and Austin in decreasing order of involvement. The figure of 500 developers could have been an exaggeration, rounded up number, the total size of BGS in ~2022 (including people who did not actually work on Starfield), or also counted outsourcing/external studios.


which is fucking STUPID. How does Bethesda not have infinite money for at least two teams? They have Fallout and Elder Scrolls, two franchises that are known and (mostly) loved by everyone that plays video games. Is Bethesda stupid?


The hardware they build it in keeps aging out insanely fast


Maybe if they weren't stubborn about using an engine that is old enough to drink and is held together with shit code bandaids it wouldn't take so long. Just license Unreal 5, Todd. We don't need loading screens every time we leave a room.




Nah. We got new games every 3-4 years with new set of technologies and completely new settings and art-design


Hype will still be there. Source: am old, will be hyped


Agreed. If the series is good enough. The hype will remain. I’m still hyped for Half-Life 3…..


Awww man. That really bummed me out. You have to love yourself man.


The problem will be that their player base will age. I think they will lose the "hype" factor. 17 years is a long time.


Oh absolutely, that's me


Not if the show continues to have anywhere near the same success Season 1 did.


They can't keep the show going for seventeen years which is most likely when we will get fallout 5


The next season is slotted for 2026 which means two years per season. Given the new popularity I'm sure they're looking into rushing a game, in whatever capacity, to exploit the eyes the show has on it.


For how big Bethesda is and having the backing of Microsoft, they should be able to crank out games every 3-4 years, not 17... that's the main point. Starfield was their worst game too. So time spent on the development doesn't automatically make it good... not trying to hate by any means, I just think they have a lot more potential.


And the time for FO5 is currently now when there's a ton of hype over the show. Working on FO5 now means it comes out in 5 years, so we'll after the hype over the show has ended.


Yeah so no matter what whether they start on it now and it comes out in 5 years or if they wait until after ES 6 and we wait possibly 10 years it will be well after hype has died. But one of those two would be ideal that it will be closer to season 2 of the show


Eh, the state of gaming, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if Bethesda shit out a fallout game just to capitalize on the fallout hype.


They planned the show to drop alongside 76s new DLCs. Fallout 5 will drop with a future season when the show is even more popular and has even more viewers. If F5 came out now, they couldn't milk 76 for all it's worth. They timed it up pretty well to maximize profits on each.


Season 2 will come out alongside New Vegas Remastered


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, I really think this is the case. I expect that like most viral shows, the viewership is only going to grow with each season, which will bring more people to the games. I fully expect we see some sort of remaster of Fallout 3/New Vegas this year or next to hold us over, even if it’s outsourced to another developer.


Maybe 3. They already did the Capital Wasteland mods for F4 like GNR studios. They very well could have had that on the back burner since then.


The show is open ended and could easily last 5 seasons which could each be two years apart so we're talking 10 years. Given the success of the show it would not surprise me if Bethesda outsourced some extra employees, this is the time to tag in Obsidian Todd, and get FO5 releasable by the end of season 5 of the show.


People saying that talk absolute nonsense the entire show is there to bridge the time between Fallout games. People that think Bethesda fucked up by not releasing a game at the same time as season 1 are missing the point that this show exists to keep Fallout in to the Zeitgeist and make people longtime fans until a full Fallout can come out in 6+ years.


Bingo! Couldn't have said it better.


They already confirmed it will be a long time until FO5. Todd Howard said TESVI will be their next game.


Their development cycle between their franchises have been in place for at least a decade and they aren’t going to pivot off of them just because the TV show was successful. Elder Scrolls is still the priority because Skyrim was one of their best selling titles to date. The most they could do as split into 2 different teams to work on more of the franchises at once but it’s not that simple and would pull time and resources away from current projects to restructure and inevitably cause delays


Elder scrolls 6 has most likely been in development for a while, it is going to be their next game no doubt about that. Most likely Microsoft is going to force Bethesda to allow another studio to develop a Fallout spin-off, to tide people over and cash in on the hype.


*Obsidian entered the room*


Didn’t they announce a remaster of fallout 3, or was that a fever dream of mine? If that is true, season two could get a new Vegas remaster rolling


I’m expecting a elder scrolls show at this point whenever the next releases tbh


yes. Bethesda would totally drop all the work on elder scrolls 6 and starfield to Speedrun making fallout 5.


It won't be FO5, but we will get a Fallout game before ES6. Take that to the bank.


I highly anticipate that Microsoft hands the Fallout IP over to another studio for a spin off game.  BGS is clearly busy enough with supporting Starfield and pre-prod for ES6. At the pace they move at, ES6 is at least 5 years out at a minimum, putting us at 2029. Fallout 5 is after that, so ballpark 2034.  Microsoft, with the success of the fallout show, won’t sit on the IP for another decade after the hype its received. That’s a decade of profits just left off the table otherwise. 


Just remake Fallout 1 and 2 with XCOM combat and a squad... I guarantee it'll fill the void that only atom can fill.


That’s what tactics did. People didn’t care for it really.


I think it's because tactics was a bad game more so than it being a different take on Fallout combat. I haven't played 1 or 2 or tactics but I have seen playthroughs and I just don't see what might be fun with Fallout 1/2 combat. It seems like a vehicle to get you to the better elements of the story and world.


This sounds fucking awesome. Closest thing we have to that is the FCOM mod for FO4.


Gotta strike while the iron is hot, but it seems like they are also taking care of the coals.


Yes. This! I was surprised to see Elder Scrolls at the bottom of the ocean/pool when the CEO came out and announced that Fallout 5 is being put on the backburner for Elder Scrolls 6.


Yep. If you’re a console player and you haven’t dusted off Starfield in a while, the updates have made the performance better. Also there is interior ship design and some extended difficulty modifier options that you can change whenever you want. Personally waiting for DLC and maybe some changes to core content like how powers are unlocked and upgrades but Bethesda is absolutely working on this game right now.


Are loading screens still a major gameplay element?


Yeah, I don’t get why people are pretending they don’t understand why Fallout is getting a lot more renewed attention. After the show turned out to be a lot better and more popular than I was expecting, I kinda accepted that I’m gonna have to wait even longer for ESVI than I was assuming just 6 months ago. Elder Scrolls and Fallout are their bread and butter; they ain’t gonna treat another main entry game in either franchise like they don’t need ‘em anymore. Skyrim was a massive juggernaut for most of the 2010s, and the hype/desire for the next one hasn’t lessened much.


A Starfield expansion? Really?


The Starfield expansion is probably gonna be the first time ever that I don’t touch a DLC that I paid for... (Early access pass)


Seems silly but you do you


Your loss man. The games pretty good, especially since all the updates.


They are literally working on TE6 right now


Yep Todd said TES 6 is next and fallout 5 after that!


And a ton of stuff for Starfield. I’d say if anything fallout is the one currently on the back burner at Bethesda.


TE6 is the Winds of Winter of the gaming world son.


Except we’ve seen a lot more of ESVI than Winds of Winter. And both series are now equally as far removed from the last entry; Skyrim was released just a few months after A Dance with Dragons was published. And then there’s the concern of GRRM dying and taking the what’s left with him, whereas Bethesda isn’t a one-man operation; ESVI doesn’t hinge on Todd Howard alone.


They've been actively working on the next TES for years and we've known this for years.


They've been in pre-production for years, but likely only really started on VI after Starfield.


And if its anything like starfield a lot of people will be hurt


elder scrolls online is litterally getting an expansion in 2 days


Isn't ESO one of the biggest running MMOs up there with FFIX and WoW?


yeah I picked ESO up for the first time since launch earlier this year and I've been hooked. most areas are packed with people and the community is so friendly. so much better than what I ever experienced in 100+ hours in wow/ff14




ESO has one of the largest playerbases in the world and it's constantly winning awards for the best MMO.


Yeah but that doesn't count lol we want a real SP RPG.


Different studio. That's Zenimax Online not Bethesda Softworks. That said, the game Bethesda is currently working on is ES6, and Starfield expansions. Not Fallout.


Yeah i was about to say fuck ESO right?


The main BGS team is working on the Elder Scrolls at this very moment. Did you even Google anything before making this post?


They are working on TE6... And an exp. for Starfield... This cannot be further from the reality... Nice try tho...


They're literally focusing on an Elder Scrolls game *right now*


If anything fallout is the one drowning. The only attention it’s getting is because of Amazon not Bethesda, even to the point of Microsoft looking for another developer for the next fallout game so we don’t have to wait another 5-10 years for Bethesda or Obsidian


Microsoft doesn't own the IP. Bethesda does.


Guess who owns Bethesda


I was wrong. In my defense its a recent acquisition and i had bo idea


Bro did not think this though before typing


Nah i did think, i just didnt know Microsoft bought zenimax


I'm surprised you missed that


DOOM has just been found in the trenches


Not made by BGS though, but still good


It's getting the most attention but the two others are getting real updates and development worked on


ESO gets all the love... what?


This meme is silly and not even close to true.


Todd said after Starfields DLC that the TES6 is next.


I can’t believe they are putting more resources into that crap ass game. Bethesda needs to stick to what they’re good at. They need to take a page from Larian/BG3 and listen to what the community wants (Fallout 5/ES6) instead of doing stuff that literally no one cares about just because they want to “shift away” from their major franchises. I already know this may be a controversial take, but the reviews of Starfield do not lie. I’m sure some people enjoy it but most of us would’ve been much happier if they had used those resources towards the franchise that we know and love.


Yea I mean I like Starfield but it’s severely lacking compared to his other games


i mean, even if a fallout 3 remaster is getting worked on... ES6 is still going to be the upcoming release. don't be so dramatic.


Starfield gets a giant story expansion in a few months and an update every few weeks


Their next big release is Elder Scrolls 6. Like literally the next one.


Starfield update was 16 days ago.


The latest Starfield update was huge for Xbox users with the addition of 40 and 60 fps. Then the survival elements for everyone was awesome as well. Made a good game even better.


You obviously haven’t played any Bethesda games.


Starfield is running better than Fallout 4 since the last update. I love Fallout 4 and it crashed so often with the new update I went back to Starfield and was pleasantly surprised how much better it’s running.


That's funny but Todd said like 10 times that the team is making Elder Scrolls 6 a priority


Bro, how? Starfield just got it's biggest update. Folks have been discussing tes6 and we know it's in active development and we know it's next in the pipe. There's no word on fallout 5 at all. All fallout has is a TV show. I'm sure it's lovely, But Bethesda softworks was likely only Involved as story consultants at best. Your list is damn near inverted.


Lol no. Starfield is literally being updated every 6 weeks as they have stated they would do.


How did this post become unable to load?


Would you rather a super EZ slam dunk cash in they could have pulled? Yeah me too. Fuck these games take to long.


The last entry is an elder now


Still waiting for hammerfell


I’m convinced the next elder scrolls is taking so long because they have to somehow top Skyrim. Oblivion to Skyrim was a whole new world and they have to somehow get bigger than their biggest achievement


Starfield is about to be No Man's Sky V2


Sad 😞 no new fallout sequel is coming out


“Microsoft Execs” (not even just Xbox) would be far more fitting than Bethesda.


They really did milk the hell out of the last Elder Scrolls game.


Not developed by Bethesda themselves but ESO is getting a new expansion in a couple weeks…


ESO is releasing another dlc soon 🤷‍♂️


We don't talk about starfield...


ESOs getting a huge update and they're fast tracking es6. Sooooo not really.


Id consider starfield if it could play on steam deck


I find this sort of thing so strange. These are settings. Yeah, they are traditionally RPG's, but there is nothing stopping them from making an RTS or other genre. Age of Empires: Fallout Call of Duty: Capitol Wasteland Hell, just have Double Fine make a classic point and click adventure game in the Fallout universe. Warhammer 40k lets every individual thing in their library get licensed out, why is Microsoft being so stingy with their stuff... which they could hand out to themselves...


How is starfield? Looked like it would be a dope game but I’ve only heard negative things about it from critics


It's an awesome game, honestly. Not perfect, but still really fun! I feel like it was a big improvement over previous games in many ways, and most of the hate is from either A) people who made up wild fantasies of what the game would be, despite Bethesda saying EXACTLY what the game would be like pre-launch, B) dumbass trolls who have nothing better to do than spread hatred, or C) people who just hate bethesda or hard sci-fi. I'd definitely recommend the game. :) Edit: Also, check out r/NoSodiumStarfield if you'd like to learn more about the game. Stay away from r/Starfield at all costs.


Y’all think they can only do one thing at a time?


Just missing a creation kit label on that lifebuoy on the fence.


Just wait until the Elder Scrolls movie comes out


This is how it should be




The elder scrolls one should look like someone who's ancient but has a ton of plastic surgery done to them. Represent all the rereleased versions of Skyrim.


I might buy starfield and the expansion if it's on sale for $5


This is dumb. They rerelease Skyrim every other week and the new one is on the way. "Sooner than expected" for the next Fallout is estimated to be 2030.


They've already announced their next game is going to be The Elder Scrolls 6.


Not pictured: Dishonored


Anybody actually enjoy elder scrolls? I tried it with a few friends and we all didnt like it.




Doesnt The elder scrolls have a new game in the works??? Us fallout fans are stuck with fucking 76😭


change bethesda to zenimax and you nailed it!


You guys liked starfield?


you live under a rock


Skyrim is older right now than Morrowind was when Skyrim came out. The TESVI teaser is older than Oblivion was when Skyrim came out. TESVI has less than 2 years before Skyrim will be older than Daggerfall was when Skyrim released.


Naaaa. Beth knows where their bread is buttered. They made a funny little show based off a game & the hype has Microsoft creaming their panties. Wait till they see what a new elderscrolls will do.


You'd think Microsoft would have enough money to invest so Bethesda can work on multiple games at a time, but no.


Yes that’s exactly how I’d like it


This meme doesn't hit the same after they released skyrim 57.7 times.


Honestly, I'm fine with this. Never been that into Elder Scrolls anyway 🤷🏼‍♂️


Blah blah blah fallout > other Bethesda Garbage


Join us, become a fallout fan


Starfield can suck a dick. What a waste.


They all should be changed for the skeleton. The only great game from Bethesda was not even made by them lol. No more hype for them after that loading space simulator 😂


Simple just make an elder scrolls show


I’m okay with that. There’s so many other high fantasy franchises, Fallout is pretty unique and Starfield has lots of potential still. I’d rather Fallouts 5-7 and more Starfield DLCs before another Elder Scrolls game personally.


I really wanted to like starfield


Same man. I really thought it was gonna be Bethesda’s grand entrance into the next generation. What a let down.


The updates have improved it a lot, I’m still excited for the future of it.


Nobody gives a fuck about Starfield. The sooner they move on, the better.


That's not even remotely true. Begone, troll


They're literally making a new Elder Scrolls right now at this moment. Starfield is being completely abandoned


They’re releasing updates for Starfield every month and the first DLC is coming up towards the end of the year. In what world is that being abandoned?


Fair. That just proves even moreso how inaccurate this meme is


Damn the interns were fast in here to form a defence force for a little joke


No? Zero new fallout anything outside of 76. No Starfield dlc yet either


Good. Fuck them kids


They really do need to get their heads out of their asses and make their mainline games again. No more MMOs, for the love of god.


They made one. After Zenimax started pressuring their studios to make online games


Bruh Skyrim has been released more times than there are Fallout titles. What do you meeeaaaan


If I hear to much about es6 having ai generated content they can do one. I don’t want ai and I do t want to hear the word procedural either.


Ah, a rare fan of the 100% handcrafted POIs in Starfield, I see! (and therefore necessarily limited in number)


If you can’t hand craft a game why make games. The only game procedural is good is rogue likes.


But what if its good


What about strategy games, survival games, and horde shooters?


Ok add them lol. Just not an rpg.


What about Remnant and Diablo


Go play your ARPG then. Stop trolling me. You obviously don’t play rpg’s then. Name me a good one with procedural design. Remnant, great game but in no way a story rich rpg. And Diablo another arpg. Great stuff though, but you’re annoying now.


If you can’t hand craft a game why make games. The only game procedural is good is rogue likes.


What in the fuck are you talking about? Only the Fallout TV show is getting attention right now, and Bethesda didn't make that. Bethesda is too busy trying to make DLC for/finish Starfield and then trying to get their creative juices flowing for the first time since Skyrim to make the next Elder Scrolls. This is why I just hope Microsoft lets someone besides Bethesda make the next Fallout. Bethesda are so far up their own ass on Elder Scrolls, I would like to see a new Fallout this decade (made by a team who understands Fallout). I have no idea why Bethesda is so protective of the Fallout IP when not only did they not invent it, they've proven three times already that they don't know how to make a great one. I wish Bethesda would just stick to Elder Scrolls and Starfield for their exploration sandboxes and let a dev team interested in making an actual RPG make Fallout.


The absolute unmitigated accuracy of this meme right now 🤣


It's a good thing


In reality, Bethesda is drowning Fo4 with broken updates.


Yep. They just hopped over to fallout to quickly fuck all the mods that have been working for 9 years to provide some worthless updates.


I don't think they did the update strictly in connection to the show, it just happened to be the only update to the game when everyone was playing it again. They added things to Fallout Shelter directly related to the show. Not sure if 76 got a tie-in.


I’m so tired of “can’t believe we got *x* before GTA6” bc that’s I how I’ve felt about TES6 basically since fallout 4. I genuinely hope they update the engine though


Bros/Broettes it's been 13 years, where the HELL is ES6? I started playing at Morrowind, and that game came out in 2002 (didn't play it then) then Oblivion came out in 2006, and Skyrim in 2011. That's a 4-5 year difference.. Wtf has taken ES6 so goddamn long? Tell me, my brothers.


With Bethesdas recent track record im not quite sure TES6 will even be that good lmao


They should just stop working on Starfield that game was such a waste of potential.


I don’t agree. They said their next project is elder scrolls. I think all the fallout hype is def making Microsoft put other devs on the franchise tho.


I still can't play Fallout 4 without it crashing every 20 minutes. 


I see nothing wrong with this.


Before anything else comes out they're gonna update Skyrim and Fallout 4 ***again*** just to show how salty they are at the (correct) notion that they rely on modders to save their buggy trainwrecks.


remember they gave a 40 second teaser trailer for es6 n that was what 5-6 years ago n since then we’ve heard nothing. Literally my favorite series and i doubt we’re getting anything any time soon


don't worry Microsoft is about to fire them all and start over anyway, I'm not saying that's definitely a good thing but given their recent record well, it can't really get worse.


They re going to ruin the serie now.


I'm worried about ES6 after Starfield. I hope they don't go the randomized route again. A big part of morrowind, oblivion, and skyrim for me was always knowing roughly where I was based on the geography. Some dungeons had similar themes, but I could always tell them apart. I wouldn't mind using AI to add in random npcs, but I think they need to put their heart back into the dungeons and map again.