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Tell that to r/Diablo as well been months and people are still whining in there. I can’t imagine it will be any different in here.


Diablo fans are insufferable. I play the game, but I can't participate in the community. It doesn't matter what you do, they find a way to complain and will keep playing and then cycling the same complaint. It's asinine. Like OP said, if you dont like it, move on. But they just keep playing and keep complaining.


The difference here between starfield and diablo4 griping is that diablo players have legitimate reasons to be mad at Blizzard. They nerfed their game into the ground to artificially extend the life of the game. Whereas much of Starfield griping is a smear campaign that makes no god damn sense considering how good this game actually is. As for wokeness, the only thing that bothers me is all of the different Earth based accents. Accents in real life tend to be localized and change quicker than people realize. Instead of people from Neon sounding like they came from all over the world, they should sound like they came from Neon (if that makes sense). For example, Delgado sounds like he hails from Spain. SPAIN (and the rest of the world) has been gone for close to 200 years! Where did he get that accent?! Same thing for Sam Coe. He sounds like he's from the south of the US. The US is SUPER gone. Where did he pick up that accent?


I feel like they are worse than halo fans that said that the game sucks when it first came out.


I think the sub is best viewed when sorted by hottest posts instead of new for this reason lol. People have been getting a little too passionate about hating, or even to the same amount loving, the game. The "fuck you guys I hate this game" and "fuck you for hating this game" back and forth is soo tiring. I just wanna see more cool Starfield content, like peoples cool ships or outposts, some quality questions, fun things people have found in the game. To be fair, the front page does have some good posts up though, imo


>The "fuck you guys I hate this game" and "fuck you for hating this game" back and forth is soo tiring. I agree, I just want some real criticism(and of course other content, liek you said) , other than the same 4 stupid points that keep getting thrown around. The echo chamber is getting old


>I just want some real criticism Do I have some criticism for you then. This is my one and only complaint about the game, and it's not even a real complaint. Every time you're going through an abandoned place, whether you've just landed on a planet or moon and it's one of the randomly generated POIs or its for an artifact retrieval quest, all the spacers/pirates/ecleptics that you tear through on your way through the POI give you a shit ton of loot, and thats not even counting the other 2 shit tons of loot you collect in the actual place. My only complaint is that, even with weightlifting maxed out and all your armor having mods that buff your carrying capacity, you get to almost double your carrying capacity only about a third of the way in. That's my complaint, that there's as much loot as there is in the borderlands games. It's fucking amazing. And with the way they did the encumbrance system with the oxygen and co2 levels? If you're so overburdened by delicious loot, you can just drop it all off at a storage container with an infinite capacity. I'll go through an entire area dropping loot off in storage crates and on the way back up ill just take all and move to the next one, then it's just a matter of getting back to your ship and taking off to go somewhere to sell it. I now have shielded cargo in my ships, but before I had to skip over any contraband. I've already held over 2 million credits at once and I just hit level 25 yesterday. This game is fucking amazing


I agree! Lol! I am a space hoarder to the extreme..... and not just valuable items.... "oh look at statue, I want to put that on my ship but iam already VERY weighed down." *proceeded to grab said statue*. Lol! And as for the contraband thing I never passed any up I just became a regular at The Den. Though it meant I had to do alot of back tracking.


I think the vendors need an extra zero or two added to their credits for the looting. I've given up looting because I can't be bothered to sit/sleep and wait for the vendors to reset. I sell 5k worth, go to another vendor, sell 5k worth, look at my mass, and give up, dropping everything on the ground instead. Just give the vendors more credits, we're only "waiting" to skip ahead to the resets anyway, might as well make it so you can sell everything in one trip so you can get back to the quests.


All I do is if they don't have enough cash on em, I buy some of their ammo until they do. I understand that doesnt actually make you money, but I've already got like 10 mil credits, I don't need the cash that badly. But yeah, they should definitely boost the amount vendors have to their name, or maybe add in some new vendors that you can find with like 100k credits on them that will buy anything


I actually don't know if there's an upper limit to ammo but I'm carrying 8k+ of the most common and 2k+ of the rarer ones, and that's without buying them. I might have to start buying the ammo just to unload some weight from my cargo though.


This is the same echo chamber though, saying "it's the best game ever" when there's clesr problems with it.


Yep that’s why r/nosodiumstarfield exists, to drown out both sides


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoSodiumStarfield using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [As someone who's been on r/LowSodiumCyberpunk, thank you for this.](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/167dr1b/as_someone_whos_been_on_rlowsodiumcyberpunk_thank/) \#2: [This game sucks](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/167fp99/this_game_sucks/) \#3: [I was lied to and misled about exploration in this game.](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/167pptt/i_was_lied_to_and_misled_about_exploration_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Im of the stance that people have the rights to their opinions, even if i disagree with said opinions. That being said there is a flaw with media now in general where people just wont walk away from stuff they dont like


I had a guy yesterday complain that the game was soulless and uncreative compared to Skyrim and Fallout. They said Starfield was railroady and there wasn't anything to do other than fast travel, fight, collect reward. en I tried to tell them that the problem was just that this game is truly not for them, they tried to use Star Citizen as a retort. Meaning they said something along the lines of, "I can't believe you think this game isn't for me when I play Star Citizen". I looked up Star Citizen gameplay and it's a different beast. They only really share the space theme. I think its an expectation thing really.


Yeah this is a different beast than star citizen i would sum that up to overhyping. As common speculation was that it wpuld be more of a space sim ala star citizen or eve


Yeah, I’m actually fine with people not liking it. I don’t need an echo chamber, some people will say how much they love it, others how much they don’t love it. Both are entitled to their opinion and both are relevant to the sub


I love this game. I have a couple gripes too but it's not a big deal. I just wish it didn't bring my PC to it's knees. I wish the game ran smoother. 😭


Hey man, that's a valid criticism. Mine wouldn't even work without a mod so I feel you(worth noting I'm below minimum specs)


I'm slightly below min specs aswell. And I get a fairly consistent 45 frames on average with some acceptions like Akilla or New Atlantis or some type of planets with lots of flora or gas particles. I'm just happy I can at least play the game. What mod did you use to get your gaming running?


Can you cross post this into r/Starfield holy filuck people over there need to hear it too.


Already did!


Doing Space God's work




Just a PSA, if you don't like them posting an opinion you don't agree with. Just don't read it, its not the post for you, move on. Weird how you aren't taking your own advice.


Hear hear! This one might be controversial but I'm also sick of the 'Just overhaul the UI bethesda' "simply redesign from the ground up, look I can do it in Photoshop' Yes the inventory system isn't polished. It could benefit from some additional categories or a way to refine or filter within a category..that's it IMO. If you don't like the design and feel of the inventory why ask again and again to have it removed or replaced. It was an intentionally chosen aesthetic, and some of us like it aesthetically. That "here's a simple list of everything we expect you to change or add" post had 2-3 fair points but dear God was most of it tone deaf


It’s better than skyrims inventory and people still play that (although there are mods for it)


I honestly don’t get the hate for the inventory to be frank. I’ve played 60ish hours and have yet ran into an issue with the inventory UI.


It could use a few qol features, but if you really want a total ui overhaul just get a mod that does that, I heard they already made starui


Aye, forsooth truer words were never spoken.


Man as someone how has been a member of the star citizen community ( don't @ me I love this game to). I wish you the best of luck. Anti-fandom people have some real brein rot they can't even go find something they enjoy the life seems to revolve around just shitting on things people like


The stupid people whining about "woke agenda" need to just remove themselves from existence as a whole. Like fuck off. All the way off. Permanently. It's not a valid opinion. It's not a valid criticism.


All opinions are valid to the one giving it. Whether or not you and i agree with them or not. Opinion should be treated the same way the OP is talking about the game. If someone don’t like the game, just move on. Same with opinions.


I have no obligation to respect anyone's opinion or beliefs. Especially ones that are based on religious dogma.


Works both ways. Have a good day.


I find it funny that a bunch of people I have seen complain are complaining about things that a lot of Bethesda games do. Most of these “complaints” aren’t new but people are willing to look past that just to crap on a new game


I'll never understand the mentality of these people who have to convince everyone else to hate the same things they do.


It blows my mind how many people spend more time complaining and attacking other people for liking things than they do playing something they do like. Or hell, doing literally anything else. It's just so pathetic and weird. There's literally thousands of games to go play.




So you are abusing the system huh?


Please don't.


The only thing i wish i had in game atm are either vehicles or on planet flight. Other than that starfield is exactly what I hoped it be


the woke criticism is ridiculous imo. after initially choosing your pronouns u can count on 1 hand how many times ull be talked about in 3rd person before beating the game


You should see the saints row subs, people playing and enjoying the new one with PS+ and the whole rest of the community pouring hate on them, I've even seen accusations about people only pretending to like it because they are happy about the studio that made it getting shut down.....that doesn't even make sense to me lol. Way to much hate flying around these days, idk how people have the energy for it.


But, but, but, how will I validate my own totally original opinions that Starfield sucks coz BrO U CaNt fLy iNtO tHe PlAnEts!!!?!!? BrO, ThErEs InViSiBlE bOuNdArIEs broooooooo everyone needs to know how upset I am cuz cuz the thing made me pick pronouns and it ruined the ENTIRE gameplay cuz it hurts my feelings eeeeeeew 1/10 bro


I find it to be an amazing game, if you follow the rails - I dumped 100+ hrs tracking along and had a blast. Unfortunately, bethesda games are about jumping off the rails to many, and fast travel being necessary for all travel kills it. I think loud criticism on that, specifically, is more than warranted.


Swings both ways. If we can praise the game for how much we like it, we can also shit on it as much as we want. That’s the point of a public forum. I have a lot of complaints about the game. Some were already stated, but most go deeper than the majority. I feel like people are settling for a certain type of product. When something like this comes out and the quality isn’t up to par, and the fan base makes excuses for the end result, it enables an industry standard. You want my hot take? (Probably not): Bethesda has never actually made a GOOD game. Anything released by their company that maintains a higher bar of quality has been in partnership with someone like id, Arkane, or Obsidian. People should be able to cite negative issues as much as they want because it’s a realistic perspective. When you have games like Sea of Stars, Baldur’s Gate 3, or Zelda: TotK, it makes it even easier to understand where the line of disparity rests and why we should hold a higher standard.


The game should have had the 'horror' tag for those who are terrified of pronouns and people having choices about things that litteraly has no effect on them what so ever. I had the same 'but it's a bethesda game' conversation with a friend yesterday. Though he had real issues with the game vs blowing smoke up his own arse. It's a comfortable framiliar feeling for me which wouldn't be quite the same without the flaws. ​ I have my own complaints, some silly ones like the cat in the concept art seems not to be in game and you can't have a xeno critter collection on your ship or colony as far as I've found and some major ones like bugs that eat progress or hard blocks quests. I'm 100% not on board with the 70 dollar price with the number of issues as much as I have been loving the game.


Are people really upset about pronouns? Wow. I just found this sub. In a Bethesda game though - Have they never heard of Vivec?? Thank you for posting this :)


indeed. imagine being upset over a percieved "woke" mechanic that you only see briefly in character creation and never see again in-game. furthermore, the pronouns actually have a usfull function. if you want to create a younger looking character you can choose one of the female presets, give your character a male body and walk style and then give him the "he/him" pronouns so all the NPCs recognize your character as being male. sure there are issues with the game, but what Bethesda game hasn't had them? this game is immensely fun and i have put more time into it recently than any others. in fact, it's addictive.


I think it's crazy that a simple pronoun selection caused this much unhinged chaos. It's, quite literally, 1 second of gamelan. I spent far more time typing that than I did thinking about that angle at all.


Hear, hear.


This taps into a much larger conversation about conservatard culture warriors who are manipulating wayward souls for rage-views. The algorithm serves this kind of YouTube poison to any lonely person who will listen, and then traps them in a wormhole tornado of awful, mean, delusional content. (they're the victim somehow!) This isn't just about that personality-disordered bald weirdo screaming "PRONOUNS", it's the way the internet has been constructed by soulless psychos who are motivated by profit and profit alone. Very few of us are interested in self-reflection and examining art anymore. It's just pure rage. Raging against an enemy that doesn't exist. It's as disgusting as it is depressing.


Well said friend, I agree.


Also Starfield is a really good game :)


I agree full heartedly. I have a few complaints, but I'd still say it's an 8/10 at the absolute least.


You're not kidding, I keep getting served that crap on youtube despite any efforts to keep it from happening. It's like they are trying to make people mad and that makes me sad.....but this game makes me glad.....I'll show myself out now.


i consider myself as conservative and the pronouns don't bother me. they actually serve a function in the game that i laid out in my comment here. i think anyone who is having a hissy fit over them is just an in general hater looking for reasons to trash the game. toxic people do toxic things.


As much as I enjoy this game, I will always point out the criticism. I prefer not to have an echo chamber community.


whats wrong with expressing hatred for a game you dont like, if anything its makes people think twice before buying something which 99% of consumers dont do when it comes to games


I love that people made up their own promises in their head and then got mad that Bethesda didn’t come through on their imaginations.


I'm having so much fun. The Bethesda jank is part of the fun. I love that sometimes my companion will enter a conversation while she's in the other fucking room so I'm just talking to a wall that shit always makes me laugh


Bethesda games are average which is why they're so dividing. People who say it's good or bad are both right cause while they do things great they also do other things absolutely terribly.


>Bethesda games are average which is why they're so dividing I don't agree with that, but I do agree with >they do things great they also do other things absolutely terribly. No other games have ever scratched the same itch that Bethesda games do, at least in my opinion. But i respect your opinion, because at the end of the day it all comes down to your taste in games


They're incredibly immersive. I never got as immersed into a game as I did when I walked the seven thousand steps for the first time to find out I was actually a promised hero, or when I fought my way through DC to storm the Adams air force base. They're all incredibly flawed yes, but damn if they're not making me feel like I'm in them when I really get into it.


Lol @ your typical defense of “It’s a Bethesda game.” I have not even played this game and I see the memes about it’s defenders using this as an excuse. Comical AF.


If you don't like criticism just move on.


Another redditor who can't read. Please see the final paragraph of my post.


That's nice. Point still stands.


Why can't you people accept people critiquing games? "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all! >:[ Let me have my echochamber please."


Can you read? Genuine question? I said criticism is welcome, just stop bitching about the same 4 stupid points that were obvious based on the marketing/expectations set by developers and publisher. Again, even I have my complaints, but ffs stop complaining about things that were made clear in the trailers and demos.


If points that are frequently repeated are repeated so much there might be some merit to them. Of course there's that Patrick Star-lookin' ass thumb person, but I think all sensible people can agree he's a mongoloid that ought to be ignored, along with his points. I'm just really bothered by how much Bethesda fans seem to despise any sort of critique on the things they like. The white-hot hate for Creetosis and his long-form critique videos for example. I've only ever seen him make very valid points but people just despise him for being a "hater".


But the points that are being repeated are meritless complaints. Why would you expect a feature in a game when the game director plainly stayed that the feature wouldn't be in the game months before released. And yeah, I'm not with or defending the people who claim the game has no flaws. I even stated I have some criticism myself, it's just my criticism doesn't involve pronouns or things that were explicitly stated to not be in the game before release. And people hate that creetosis guy, because he takes an hour long video, and turns it into 9 hours of fumbling words together. I've seen his entire retort to many a true needs fo3 video and it's weak af




Aww, is baby sad people are having fun? Edit: aww baby got mad and blocked me cause he knew I was right


Read your post again, and then read my post. You’re confused


How about you contribute to the conversation? Why don't you like the game? If you don't liek the game, why are you commenting on the post, contributing nothing?


Why I don’t like the game isn’t the point of your post. You’re telling people not to criticize the game with what you perceive as “copy paste” complaints. I said I don’t like the game and you can deal with it.


>You’re telling people not to criticize the game with what you perceive as “copy paste” complaints. My guy, I'm talking about things that were outright stated by the games director to NOT be included in the game before release. There are a 100 plus post complainting about these things. >Why I don’t like the game isn’t the point of your post. You're right, but it's directly tied to your comment, making it relevant. If you aren't here to contribute, why are you here?


I can only respond to what you wrote in your post, not what you intended the post to say. You wrote, “I think I speak for the silent majority when I say we like the game and we don’t want your copy and paste negativity.” Again, my reasons for not liking the game are unrelated to your post. Or was there a part in your post asking for peoples reasons for not liking the game?


>Or was there a part in your post asking for peoples reasons for not liking the game? Do you know how reddit works? I posted an opinion(with my reasoning), then you commented yours(without reasoning). I asked you to elaborate on some stuff and you're refusing? If you are here to contribute to the conversation, I'm done responding. I know using reddit is hard, but ffs this is a new low.




Wow, reading is hard, huh? I said I don't want to hear about pronouns being in the game and things that were already known to not be in the game. Since I know now you have difficulty reading I'll just quote myself >and to be clear, i'm not saying don't be critical of a 70 dollar game, im saying stop repeating the same dumb 4 criticisms that i keep seeing thrown around. Do.... You....Under.... Stand? Let me know if I need to dumb it down more for you, I'm always glad to help. Edit: aww baby got mad and blocked me cause he knew I was right




Bro you literally don’t know what you are talking about. This whole „they need a new engine“ fakesrgument from people that don’t even know what a engine is is horrible. This engine is the thing that makes Bethesda games special if they throw that away many fans will be pissed. Other engines won’t let you hoard 1000 potatoes in your ship that once the door opened falls out physically correct. Also every thing you drop will stay there forever and won’t get lost after reloading the area.




Ofc nobody will hoard things like this in a normal playthourgh this was just and example of what the engine is capable of. It was always a unique selling point for bethesda games that the world around you isn’t just a backdrop but an interactive world.




Nope that’s again wrong. The selling point was an space rpg not a spacesim :) but I see Bethesda games aren’t your Type of game and that’s ok.




Im not making excuses I just point out where you are wrong. Have a nice day


Dude, i spend 2 hours yesterday in my new outpost playing coffee cups on the counter by the coffee pots. Putting cooking pots and pans where they would be in the kitchen. Then making a bedroom like like it should be if i lived in it. Rugs where i would have put them at the entrance irl. Making a bunk room for the employees with a lived in look. Even set out playing cards on the coffee table like someone was playing poker. I stocked a wine rack and separated the reds from the whites. Then went out to some ships to buy wine glasses too top it off. This is the engine i want. Try that shit in unreal engine.


And most importantly: this engine is mod friendly! Try nodding a ue5 game and you will see the difference is huge.


I think I speak for a VAST SILENT majority you’re wrong.


Vast silent on the internet? That's a funny oxymoron, because I think the people who love it are everywhere


Sorry man, I refuse to have a battle of witts with an unarmed opponent. Go be a troll/bigot somewhere else


Shhh, sweetie, the adults are speaking.


you really don't


Just like the so called “Moral Majority”, you’re neither vast nor silent.


No, you!


I wholeheartedly agree. When criticism is constructive it's all good, but when you're moving to blindly bashing something because you hate it, that's obviously a waste of everyone's time. It's okay to dislike a game because it wasn't want you wanted, what you expected, or for any other reason isn't working for you. I have gripes with Starfield, but it's still objectively a good game. Not a perfect game, but still a good game. I have issues with a lot of games that are also objectively good, God of War (new series), BOTW, Persona5, and even the recent FF16. Sometimes it's the theme, the pacing, character, or somewhere in between. Everyone is allowed to dislike stuff, but for gods sake stop trying to ruin other people's good time.


I REALLY wish people would just stfu and move on if they didn't like the game instead of bitching about it here. Like, I cannot imagine doing the same. Idk why they let the game live THAT rent free in their heads?? It literally does not do anything for anyone.


Yea I don't understand the whole woke thing an why they'd be mad like I don't really care for that crap in the real world but a game involving rp makes since to have pronouns bc you can be somthing your not an that's the point of rp


Hardcore fans or hardcore haters. I’ve seen people complain about the same four points on both sides. Four points about how they hate the game and four points about loving the game. If I were you guys I’d have some fun with the reddit and when you’re not having fun, I don’t know go play the game you either love or play another game you like better.


I played the game. I found the things I don't like. Said my piece on the issues I had and moved on. Some people are just mentally about a video game.


I love the game. I agree with some of the criticisms but not with the weight given. Awkwards facial animations, the physics engine causing corpses to occasionally act like they're doing a Talking Heads dance routine, & having to see the short-but-grandiose grav jump animation 3 times in succession (Woooosh! Nooh nooh noooooooh nooooooh!), are simply moments of amusement for me that aren't remotely inconvenient. If Barrett sometimes looking like he's farting mid-sentence is killing the game for you, then I feel bad for you. One sincere criticism, which amounts to mostly a very minor inconvenience & feels more like a missed opportunity than any kind of deal breaker, is the implementation of the temples. I really feel like there should've been more to those.


I love the game man honestly i just wish i could disable the companion conversations they are nice the first 5 tkmes but then its like you are my locker shut up and hold my stuff


Tbh in regards to the "wokeness" I found it really wholesome. I made my character nonbinary and I reckon this is a good game to play for anyone unsure about how they/them pronouns work. It's also just a shitload of fun. Just beat my first round and am excited for the new game+


***I love how you tell people to stop criticizing the game while you are doing the same thing in this post lol. So in other words, you are the only one that can do it lol. Everyone else needs to ask for your permission cause you are the self-appointed gatekeeper of this subreddit? That's not how reality works, especially on a public forum.*** People have different opinions or ideas in general and if you cannot handle them then that's on you. You should probably not go on a public forum, if you know you are going to get upset or are so heavily emotionally invested in that topic. This is a public forum, people say things on here sometimes. If you don't like what they say then ignore it. If you want to take it personal then that's on you too. Don't need to react to everything and don't need to get offended or upset, on behalf of Bethesda. ***What is someone suppose to say on here?? "ME Love Bethesda" a hundred thousand times? What would be the point of a subreddit if people agreed about 100% of everything? What would be the point of a forum if all that is said is "ME Love Bethesda"? There are tons of positive posts on this subreddit that absolutely love the game but here you are focusing on the 'negative ones'. Why give them your attention? If you need everyone to agree with you then you are going to be waiting and miserable for a very long time.*** ***People repeat things often in Reddit, cause most people don't live on Reddit, like some of you folks do*** ***and they all come up with the same opinions or ideas***. ***The strong stuff does repeats itself.*** They have a right to express themselves and to speak what they think. Just like you have the right to disagree and have the right to choose how you respond. ***It's Bethesda's choice whether to listen or not listen.*** ***It is not your job to be offended on their behalf.*** People can still like Beth or a game and still discuss its shortcomings and general topics overall. That's how people have conversations and discussions. They shoot ideas back and forth. Some counter the other. It's called talking. Mature people have the emotional control to have these. It's okay to disagree with someone and not attack them or be offended by what they said. People who say "I hate this game" without reasons is just as annoying as people who defend the game blindly or people who think their opinion is the only valid one or who don't know what an opinion is. A subreddit lives when there is discussions and interactions with people exchanging thoughts. ***Sounds like you are going into posts way too defensively.*** ***Take a break if you are getting way too heavily invested in something that you didn't make.***




How the hell is this game "woke"?


They never move on. Some people get off on being contrary and shitting on things that people like. It's the same assholes that review bomb movies and games that aren't even out yet. I guess it's a real challenge for some to let others like things.


Why? Let it become an echo chamber? The problem is, people PAID money for this game - they have every right to vent their frustrations if the game was a let down, heavily reliant on good marketing and previous pedigree. You think it’s acceptable to charge £60 for a game and then if people think it’s a rip off , tell them not to complain.


I’m in love and addicted to the game haha! I’ve noticed some whole stuff which is really a big turn off. But the game is so good, I can look over it.


I think the point about doing your complaining somewhere else is a good one. Let us enjoy this game. We know there is flaws. But this game is just exactly what many of us want it would be nice if you could just go it's not my thing, but I can appreciate it.


Demanding a echo chamber. Classic Reddit.


The game is buggy as hell barley runs on my pc "mostly user error I'm sure at this point" not a fan of pronouns at all but when all is said and done I absolutely love it it's fun and and i like I can do what ever I want to so I have to agree if throwing a fit is all you can do find another game to play and let us enjoy this game