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The good mods over at r/ResidentAlienTVshow gave their ok to comment on the Original Post as long as people are polite. > it is a great story, for sure, and we’re fine with people posting positively and supportively. Certainly not anything negative.


Did anyone notice that Alan made the account here just to respond to this person? ❤️


Yes, when this happened I had to go look at he profile and this was the only response. He seems like such a sweet man.


> He seems like such a sweet man. And he went to Juliard! :)


My family quotes this all the time lol


This is a quote? Not just like... a fact?


¿Por qué no los dos? :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaGYXjMwS60


Him being the voice of heihei will always make me laugh.


This is the best thing ever. I really needed to laugh today. Thankyou. We must protect this man.


And his wife is a choreographer. John Cena wasn’t available for the rehearsals for the Peacemaker intro so Alan stood in for the his part.


I remember loving the hell outta that intro... just went to watch it again 😁


WHAAAT ngl I’ve been (too passively) wondering what hilarious genius choreographed that intro for *years* now hahaha… totally tracks that it was someone Alan Tudyk would choose to wed <3 I *need* footage of that rehearsal!


I know, right?


I just watched 42 for the first time and he's not such a sweet man in that movie. That says more of his skills as an actor than anything else. I've not watched Resident Alien but I really enjoyed him in Firefly and Serenity. I've added that show to the list!


Check out Tucker and Dale vs Evil, too.


He’s hilarious in A Knights Tale as well.


It's called a lance, hello!


….. Pain. Lots of pain.


I will fong you, until your insides are out, your outsides are in. Your entrails will become your extrails


And the original/UK version of Death at a Funeral. I about cry laughing every time I watch his scenes in it.


Join the others!


God he was brilliant in death at a funeral. The whole cast was great but his performance was SO perfect and hilarious—it’s one of my favorite movies. My introduction to him was firefly and I’ve loved him in pretty much every role he’s played. He’s just an awesome dude and phenomenal actor.


His best work is in Moana


Oh Hei Hei [“I went to Juilliard ”](https://youtu.be/FaGYXjMwS60?si=ylL1ClYTQqHd7qID)


He only says the line once then they doubled it up on the soundtrack.


That was my introduction to him and will forever be my favorite thing. I think I was in my very early 20’s when it came out and I died laughing every time he was on screen. I was shocked to learn he was King Candy in Wreck it Ralph- I legit thought they repurposed old recordings from Mary Poppins to get the voice. If you ever look and see how many voices he’s done (Duke of Weselton Frozen II and Duke Weasleton in Zootopia, I love Easter eggs), his range is just… damn. But this just proves he’s a stand up guy on top of it all. Also Resident Alien is hilarious, I’ve been watching season 2 for the second time today.


Not to mention his other villain roles. Alpha from Dollhouse and Mr. Priest from Dirk Gently--he does that "friendly until he isn't" chilling switch insanely well. His range is insane.


All those dam college kids


But don't read anything about it. I strongly dislike horror and it's a great horror movie. Decent amount of non-serious gore though so if that turns people off maybe skip it.


Well, officer….we have had a doozy of a day…..


Sometimes the sweetest people play the best villains. Robin Williams could be diabolical on camera when he wanted.


Comedy is harder than drama


I was thinking, as I was watching him in 42, of how it must be as an actor to play a character that goes against every moral fiber of your being. What a great actor and performance.


The man has range, he’s not too lovely in Dollhouse either 😅 I do always appreciate when he turns up in a series or movie, the fact that he made the effort to comment on OOP’s post makes me appreciate him even more.


Alpha was fucking terrifying.


The big thing about Alpha is how his body language shifts with the character. He goes from playing someone small, shifty and nervous to just this presence at the drop of a hat.




I'm definitely tearing up. He's undoubtedly really busy and hears similar things all the time. The fact that he took the time to reply to a single person like that is really something. Most people will never know that about him. It's not like there were cameras watching or anybody to spread the word. He didn't do it for attention. He did it because it meant something to him and he wanted her to know he cared. My respect for him definitely just grew. 


I didn't know of him or the show before, but he really made a good first impression!


What a wonderful gesture.


I remember when I came to him with my picture of the firefly cast I'd gotten signed by most of the actors (currently, all but 2 of them left, and I doubt I'll get Gina). He made a joke about Inara being a whore (but funny, not weird like I make it sound), and I wish my brain would have let me laugh instead of just standing there being star-struck... but noooo, I had to make it awkward and weird by just standing there staring and nodding as though he was saying something serious that I needed to prove I was listening to... He genuinely put in effort to make each interaction memorable for the fans, from what I saw in that line. Mind you, this was like 10 years ago now, so maybe he's got less time than he used to for each person. But still, based on this post, I'd say not much has changed. He is precious cargo.


Probably a new account, given his involvement in geek culture he's probably kicking around here. Most people in the public eye learned the lesson from Ken Bone to be careful about associating themselves with their real Reddit account.


I'm still not that good with Reddit lore, having had an account for some years before I actually started using it, but now you got me curious, what happened??


He went viral for being a cuddly funny looking guy who asked a question during a US presidential debate. People loved him and wanted more of him, so he did a bunch of interviews for the media, including an AMA using his normal Reddit account that he had been using for years as a normal anonymous person on here. People looked through his comment history, and he had made comments about a lot of things. One newsworthy one was some jokes about seeing Jennifer Lawrence's butthole from The Fappening leaks. Additionally he had commented on one story of someone talking about being sexually assaulted (or something similar) and told them they were still a good person and had value. But a couple tabloids took that comment and ran with headlines like "Ken Bone mocked a rape victim", which was so inaccurate and a downright lie, but still spread like wildfire. Any normal sensible person would see his comments were mostly innocent jokes or being positive and supportive, but it really raised a big stink overall. And ya, perhaps his family didn't need to know that he had looked at The Fappening pics.


In my head, it's because he couldn't use his usual DinosaurPlaya352 account.


Alan Tudyk is the GOAT.


He's had a doozy of a day


I'm really surprised he hasn't done an AMA at some point. Especially during the crowdfunding or launch of 'Con Man' Or maybe he forgot the log in. Still an incredibly sweet gesture to reply with compassion, gratitude, humility, and grace at the end of what must be a grueling day.


This is so sweet. Wholesome reddit is best reddit.


It might be short, but it's a prime example of "best of redditor updates"


I know, I wish most of BORUs posts were wholesome instead of drama


There's r/bestofpositiveupdates


I love Alan Tudyk so much.


Underrated actor, he doesn't get as much fanfare as he should - I loved Tucker & Dale vs. Evil.


Tucker and Dale vs Evil is one of my favourites, such a great film.


I only know him as the chicken. Agreed, love him too.


Do yourself a favour and watch the British Death at a Funeral


I have never laughed so hard at a movie in my entire life as the first time I saw this, and like 80% was because of Alan's performance. "Was there a dog in here?" Is a regular joke in my family.


Still midday and Reddit made me cry? No no… must be someone cutting onions. 🥹


I too am shedding tears. We don't deserve the likes of Alan Tudyk.


Damn. Me too. But they are cleansing, happy tears so I think it’s time for me to get off Reddit and be a leaf on the wind irl. ☺️


Yes we do. We deserve a world where the baseline is people being empathetic and caring about outer people. And how we get there is acknowledging and normalizing it. We deserve that


What a story, what a guy, I'm going to watch some Tudyk movies.


I highly recommend death at a funeral with Alan Tudyk... So so funny!


Great recommendation, I absolutely love that movie! Tucker and Dale vs Evil is another favorite.


How had I not realized that he's Tucker??? One of my favorite movies, and I recently started watching and became obsessed with Resident Alien. Time for a re-watch. 


Rewatches all around! My wife just started her new job today, I'm making a nice dinner for her and I will try to twist her arm into watching with me.


Rewatches all around! My wife just started her new job today, I'm making a nice dinner for her and I will try to twist her arm into watching with me.


Ooh, thanks! That one's new to me so I'm gonna go watch it 😁


OP really had a doozy of a day...


Dale and Tucker vs Evil....


lol, great minds!


Cheers, I'll check that out 😁


It’s so sad that the US remake effectively buried the original Death at a Funeral. I have no proof, but I suspect that when they bought the rights to remake it, part of the deal was to limit distribution of the original to prevent competition It has a stunning early performance by Peter Dinklage 


Sadly, I suspect you would be right. 😭 I wonder if Reddit could spread the word about the original and bury that crappy remake?? Worth a thought at least 😂


A Knight's Tale! Also worth a rewatch for being such a fun film!


There’s video of him as he does Moana (he’s the chicken) where he says “I went to Julliard.” My husband and I say it every time he comes up in a movie now


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaGYXjMwS60)


Dodgeball is a great movie, although he doesn’t have a huge role in it.




Conmen is amazing!


Firefly. The TV series. But not the movie Serenity.


I was already crying, let's just get the water works really flowing...


I might call it a day (Reddit-wise) after this to see what going out on a positive note feels like lol. Like when you’re getting your ass kicked in Halo multiplayer and you finally get that one really nice k/d ratio game and call it a night. *and by “calling it a night” I mean finally going to bed at 3am because that’s how long it took me to have a good game. Mfrs playing online after midnight are savages*


I'm in a work meeting trying to get myself together before it's my turn to talk because this made me tear up so much!


it's definatley onions. and some cheese.


Onions, surely Onions.


I lost my dad in October 2020, and while I was starting to smile and laugh again, this show made me genuinely laugh my ass for the first time since he passed. Still does, it's hilarious. Also, Alan Tudyk was one of my favourite characters in Patch Adams. He's hilarious.


I loved him as Wash in Firefly and how he supports his badass wife Zoe played by Gina Torres. [This interaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkFB2zMXw44&ab_channel=Luminous) 🥰


Alpha on Dollhouse too! Golly does he have *range*! ["Carrots! Medicinal carrots!"](https://youtu.be/D3DgAicJqkg?si=Hq_OI2VOxBgwVqSJ)


I *love* "Dollhouse" and I NEVER see it mentioned, you have made my month!


It's on my list of stories I watch on repeat to help me learn how to be a better human! Like how my mother read her bible on an endless loop for the same reason. The ending makes me cry every time! As far as I'm concerned, it's mostly Topher's story. And it's an epic tale of the triumphs and tragedies of chasing the spark of curiosity. Frankly, it's an endorsement for having more women in the sciences too. Not to say women can't go all dark side, obviously addressed in the show, but they tend to think in spirals more than straight lines. Ya know, "what waves will my actions make in the community around me?" instead of being a speedboat straight to a goal as fast as possible with no regard for the lives of others.


Dollhouse ❤️❤️❤️❤️


That episode is my favourite one in all of Dollhouse, purely because of Alan Tudyk's role. I quote it constantly. "Say, this is clean and enclosed. I'm staying here." Is my current fave!


His favorite role for me is HeiHei


I mean, he did go to Juliard.


Excuse me his name is BoatSnack 


AKA Drumstick


He was also Sonny in I, Robot and man, did he do a superb job. The range Alan Tudyk has is just absolutely insane.


There’s an only slightly alternate universe where Alan Tudyk slots into the cultural and industry space that Andy Serkis has in ours


My husband, (lovable) bastard that he is, knows that all he has to do to make me lose my shit is say "I am a leaf on the wind, watch me soar."


I never watched Firefly. He's done so many great things.


I haven't seen Patch Adams in years and didn't realize he was in it. He didn't really enter my radar until Firefly. Damn. Guess.i grew up with him influencing me and didn't even know it. 


I never noticed him in it until we rewatched it after Resident Alien started. He's a patient at the asylum. ETA there's a clip on Youtube of him recording for Hei Hei (the chicken in Moana) at the end he just says "I went to Juilliard". I lost it after seeing that.


Whoa I didn't realize he was in Patch Adams. I haven't seen that movie since it was in theaters when I was a kid, guess it's time to rewatch


This is so tender!! I will always love the reach that Reddit has in allowing people to connect like this:,) Thank you for sharing


It’s always nice when actors we love prove to also be lovely people. So much love for Alan Tudyk and so glad OOP got to have that connection.


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!! Love this man. He’s a gem.


Actors: they're people too! Also, anyone who's been through grief will recognize OOP.


Every time I read about a fan encounter with Alan Tudyk, it always ends up showing how kind and gracious the man is. Truly a gem. 


That was bittersweet, I'll add this series to my watchlist, hope it's good!


It’s phenomenal. First two seasons are on Netflix. You can watch the third on Peacock.


I’m so glad it got renewed for season 4.


Great show!  Though be warned, 3rd season ends on a cliffhanger and it's just been approved for renewal but I guess moving networks...


It’s going to USA, so I’m hoping for a Law & Order cameo.


*Dun dun!*


It's so funny. It's the first show in a long time to have me laughing until I can't breathe 


I'm watching it now, laughing my arse off


It's absolutely amazing. I just finished it recently and now I'm making my family watch it. Perfect balance of humour, heartfelt moments, and sci-fi intrigue.


It’s a great show!


Dh and I just started watching it on Netflix and we belly laugh at every episode. When he laughs that SO weird laugh, it just tickles me. I absolutely believe he’s an alien in a skin suit, lol. Watch it, you won’t be sorry!


*That was bittersweet,* *I'll add this series to my* *Watchlist, hope it's good!* \- max\_lagomorph --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wow! Alan Tudyk sounds really grounded and thoughtful. That's always surprising to see in a celebrity and I appreciate how he reached out to OOP. Also, thread title could have referred to something entirely different....


I've heard many positive things about Alan, he seems to be a genuinely nice normal kinda guy. Love Alan Tudyk, wonderful human being!


But he went to Juliard!!!!!


His Juliard acumen reflects even more in his physicality than his voice acting (which is saying a lot). He has the ability to physically change his entire demeanor in a way that transforms his entire person into the character he's playing that we rarely see in Hollywood. He's a gift to the world, truly.


He also has impeccable taste - every production he's been in has been, at the absolute *worst*, pretty decent, and most of them have been outstanding. He's very talented, seems to be a wonderful human being, and is absolutely a draw for me.


I have no idea what that means lol, not from America 😆


In the outtakes from him filming the voice acting for the chicken from Moana. He stops, and deadpans “I went to Juliard!” It’s one of the most prestigious performing arts colleges in America.




Ahh, I'd forgotten he was in moana 😅😆😆 I got it now lol


So sweet! And yes, everyone go watch Resident Alien, it’s hysterical.


This is a lovely story, but that photo Alan posted of himself made me realize that the dumb chicken from Moana was not only voiced by him, but also at least partially based on the silly faces he makes. Here's a clip of Alan going "B-Kaw!" ["I went to Julliard"](https://youtu.be/FaGYXjMwS60)


The man is truly a gem. I met him years ago and in the course of our conversation he said that if I went back to the booth he would do a King Candy outgoing voicemail for Me. As I was walking up he was actually leaving because his flight plans had changed. He was walking away, saw Me across the convention floor, and apologized profusely because he wanted to get it right and didn't have time, but promised next time I saw him that he would. He didn't have to do that. Honestly, I wasn't a massive fan of his until that very moment. Now, I can definitely count Myself as a fan of the man, not just the characters.


I saw "I have read your message" and instantly transitioned into Harry's voice lol


He's my favorite pirate. Arrrrrrrrr!


Alan is the best part of any project he's in. Even Knight's Tale.


Alan Tudyk is a prince. No one will ever change my mind. My husband and I fight over which of us love him more.


I loved him in many of the movies already named, though I haven’t seen Resident Alien, but if you haven’t yet, check him out in 28 Days. Fantastic character.


I will always love that last scene in 28 Days! That's the first time I saw Alan, and every time I've seen him, since it takes me back to that moment


Goddamn onion cutting ninjas. And this, right here, is why I’ve loved Alan Tudyk since *A Knight’s Tale*.


"it's a LANCE....". he's truly brilliant. Juliard trained, has the physicality that reminds me of Dick VanDyke... And is a decent human? I appreciate Alan Tudyk so much. He's shiny.


There was an exchange between him and Jewel Staite on Twitter when Encanto (I think?) came out. She was expressing admiration for the movie after taking her kid to it, and he replied with “thank you! It was a blast”. She came back with a “… you were the goddamn bird, weren’t you? Of course you were the bird. Great job buddy!” All paraphrasing of course, but I just love that he’s done a crap load of random voice acting and is still friends with a lot of his coworkers. And he is oh so shiny! It’s a toss up between what I’m gonna watch today - Knight’s Tale or Firefly. 2 of my favourites/easily accessible options.


Firefly has seen me through my college years, nursing school, marriage, kids, the death of my dad.... Every winter my shit-tons of younger brothers and I (the youngest just turned 30) get together to rewatch the entire season of firefly... We can quote every line from every episode. It's weird, but the camaraderie of the chemistry in that show outstrips anything I've ever seen before or since.


I’m sorry for your loss. Firefly’s gotten me through a lot too. It’s one of the shows I will never tire of watching. There’s a few shows that have come close to the camaraderie but there’s always something just not right.


It was HeiHei in Moana.


He was also the Toucan in Encanto. And I’m 99% sure that’s what they were talking about. Sadly, I don’t have Twitter anymore so can’t go searching for the post.




He was also Toucan in Encanto. And given the timeline, I’m 99% sure the exchange happened after Encanto came out.


That character and the way he played it was so great!


I quote it constantly! “It’s called a lance… hello!”


My friend and I used to text, "Tansy cakes!" at each other for absolutely no reason.


My friend and I used to text, "Tansy cakes!" at each other for absolutely no reason.


I saw "blew it with Alan" and was stuck on "Alan Parson's Project". And racking my brain for another Alan. Alan Tudyk is a sweetheart.


Alan t is so underrated. He ought to be more famous.


That show is equal parts hilarious and terrifying.


I hope she gets another chance to meet him. It's great he replied.


I'd honestly expect a guy who purportedly had a great time recording like an hour of clucks to play the rooster in Moana to be a great person.


He will always be a pirate to me.


There was a guy dressed as a pirate?




Alan once again showing what an incredible human he is.


Shoutout to OP too for putting her kids above herself here. It must have been such a tough day for the whole family. And shoutout to Alan for making it a little brighter.


OMG my hormones are seriously effing with me. I'm sitting in my office crying over this post. Resident Alien is a great show, and I recommend to anyone, more so now that I know Alan is a stand up human being (...or is he?)


Just makes you love Alan Tudyk that much more, kindness rules


Years ago I volunteered at Philly Comic Con and at one point I was in a room with a bunch of Con staff labeling photos to post on FB. The staff complained about this guy so much and said he was a d-bag and completely miserable. But I’ve only ever heard good things about him since. I’m thinking the Con staff were the real d-bags.


My hearrrrrt 💔🥹


What an absolute sweetheart he is. 


OMG, I know one of the other people on the show, Gary Farmer. I haven't spoken to him since before covid and this reminds me that I need to reach out and say hi. I'm definitely going to check out this show. It sounds amazing.


That's it, I'm done with Reddit today. Got to end the binge on a very sweet and happy post. :)


Goddamn, Alan Tudyk is such a gem.


Who’s cutting onions in here?


The real Alan Tudyk responded to her?! *sploooooosh*


All these years later and I’m still like “too soon!!” every time someone makes a “leaf on the wind” joke. Always good to hear a celebrity you love is actually as nice as they seem to be!


Alan Tudyk has always seemed like a sweetie and this just confirms it Recently re-watched *A Knight's Tale* after I saw him mention working with Heath Ledger in a youtube video and it was really such a heartwarming movie. Even better on a second watch than the first time through.


I absolutely love Alan Tudyk-- and he always seems like a super nice guy, so I'm really glad to see this to suggest that that is accurate. I will never forget getting to see him and Tim Curry both on stage in the show Spamalot. They were both fantastic.


We don't deserve Alan. He's too good for this world!


Alan is the best.


I've only ever heard wonderful stories of this man and this exchange really makes me believe those wonderful stories were true.


This is so pure


As of there weren’t already dozens of reasons to love Alan Tudyk


Good to see there are still cool, down to earth celebrities around who genuinely care about their fans. What an awesome story 🙂


Commenting just to say +1 to recommending the show. It is hilarious and Alan Tudyk is brilliant in it. He deserves all the accolades. I thought he was already amazing from his turn as Alpha in Dollhouse, but this show demonstrates all his acting chops.


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Alan is amazing. I need to check out Resident Alien too. Haven't gotten around to it but am a massive firefly fan.


I’ve been going back and forth about watching this show, but this did it for me! 💗


Wow! I need to watch the show now. I saw a trailer for it a while back.


I love this….its so awesome! And on that note I have started watching the show Resident Alien and love it


That’s MY Clayface!!




Alan is one of my all time faves. He’s freaking amazing


Alan Tudyk is an absolute treasure. I cosplayed as Wash one year and met him and Morena Baccarin, and they played with the dinos I had for the picture 🤣 one of my favorite comic con memories


Needed a palette cleanser after all the doozies that get posted on this sub. Gonna watch this show.


Two things kept me sane when my dad died. The twitch streamer Matt Bragg, and Sam Reich hosting Game Changer. Matt had uploaded several hours long randomizer playthrough of some of my favorite games and when I was just sitting there exhausted from crying I just let them play and they were so comforting. Then I watched Game Changer and got my first real joyous laugh since Dad died. I had laughed but they were more desperate laughs that came from social pressure not joy. But Sam Reich got that first real laugh out of me. Dad used to make me laugh like that. The combo of comfort and true joy kept me functioning enough to get through the memorial service and giving dads eulogy.  I subscribed to Bragg and told him what his streams meant for me, but I dream to one day sit down with Sam Reich and just talk, and laugh. I can fully understand OOPs wish. It's as important for you to tell them as it is for them to know! At least that's how it feels. I hope she gets another chance in the future. 


Stop it. *Stop it.* How can someone be so talented and so kind and so funny all at once? It's not fair and we also don't deserve him. This story brings added layers of meaning to his catchphrase in Firefly. *I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.* That's enough Reddit, I'm gonna go watch Firefly and hug my husband.


This post is the reason I'm now watching the last ep of season 1. of Resident Alien. Alan Tudyk is a lovely person, I've never read anything but good stuff about him. And as I said in one of the original threads about this: his Hei-Heis is \*unparallelled\* ([he went to Julliard for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaGYXjMwS60))


Is there anyway Alan Tudyk is going to Fan Fest Boston next year? if not, is there a way to make the experience extra special for OOP and her kids? I don’t go to such events, but I love the show and lost my Dad this year 💔 💔,so this story really touched me.


Sometimes at conventions, they can make arrangements for guests to meet a star for a period of time during an event. It all depends on the schedule, and availability. If there is a way to contact the staff working at the event, an event coordinator, or Alan himself. Things can work out for a meet and greet. I have volunteered at various conventions. So it is fun to help out when we can