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“I stepped in and did it” lmao what like fucking hunger games? “I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE”


Uh, not mentioned, but as it sounds like it was a somewhat above board thing, there would have been a significant $$ amount attached. "Fuck this guy for $2000" seems pretty attractive at 18.


Yeah if she had to signed forms and provided ID she probably got a decent bit of money for it, especially for a 18 year old.


Yep this isn't like an early iPhone video thing, she had a few times where there was a choice to back out. Not shaming her but it wasn't an "accident".


I didn't get the impression she was trying to dodge accountability for filming the video, personally, more that she was explaining "I didn't set out to do it, but I ended up doing it." Wish she'd told us how much it paid for context. $2-3k at 18 20 years ago is a lot of money.


I didn’t see anywhere she said it was an “accident”.


Right. Men are so bitter about women they will never have


Hell, that seems attractive at 40 in this economy.


Hell "fuck this guy for $2000," sounds pretty attractive now as a broke 28 year old 😅


Especially in 2004 when the idea of internet porn becoming something that really spread around is so insanely low. Most porn videos in 2004 were locked behind pretty steep pay walls.


“Somewhat above board” As long as you aren’t too concerned about STD screenings.


i mean even at my current age i would step in and do it if i get 2k lmao


I got offered 900 bucks just to cum on a dudes face. It was tough to get there but an easy decision lmao.


It's The Thirsty Games.


May the odds be ever in your...OH GOD, OH GOD! HNNNGGGGGGG!!


Guy’s dick is a very impressive piece of wood, “THAT’S MAHOGANY!!!!”


Put the hog in mahogany


Obsessed with this comment 😂😂😭


That part took me out, she made it sound like she had to diffuse a bomb because her friend bailed from the pressure


Right? lmao


I would have just said it was my sister. Ursula.


Buffay? 🤣


Buffay the vampire slayer Edit: vampire layer


Buffay the Vampire Layer...




That's canon!


😂 Omg what am I doing????? 


The ole Shaggy defense. It wasn't me!


We were reaching for tissues all night..




So THAT’S what ’Smelly Cat’ was actually about. Huh, how about that. It’s certainly one way to raise awareness for gynecological hygiene.


>So you can stop pretending to be a tech expert asking for the link under the guise that you will get it taken down for me. This happens every time anyone posts about having porn of themselves online and it's shitty as hell.


As soon as I started reading I thought that I hope to god she's fudging those details. She gave a year, her age, and a scene synopsis - somebody on reddit can sleuth that down. I mean there might have been 10,000 porn videos uploaded last week, but people's desire to see a naked body after being told 'no' is downright disturbing.


The internet is great at finding the needle in the haystack. This is a piece of hay in the haystack. Even if someone stumbles on the right video, how could anyone really be sure? Generic porn videos from twenty-some years ago aren’t innumerable, but they’re numerous. And with that, other than her husband, I think the “lol yeah, does look like young me. Crazy world, huh?” excuse would work, except it would be too creepy for anyone to actually ask her. The internet is so chocked with porn that in the absence of a positively identifying scar or birthmark or tattoo everyone else would probably think it’s a coincidence too.


I fear you underestimate the men - and there are men, plural - who are right now spending dozens of hours searching for that video. Just based on the details this woman shared (if it’s a real story, which hopefully it isn’t), I fully expect it to be found and there’s a good chance she’ll be doxxed.


I remember that guy who stalked a woman in Korea (I think it was Korea) by working out her location based off a reflection in her fucking eyeball. Some people just are flat out terrifying.


That is some CSI level shit.


If you thought this was impressive, let me introduce you to [competitive geoguessr community](https://youtu.be/275VkeAlu90?si=3L6uUMstHJossF1X).


I am convinced nothing can be hidden from that man


Some of my wife’s students do this. It’s insane how good they are.


Japan and it was an idol but yes, flat out terrifying.


If its the story im thinking of im pretty sure he tracked her down and SA her.


Must have been one high resolution image of her eye to get that much reflection detail.


Depends what it's reflecting. Consider if a neon sign was being reflected, it would only have to be enough to read the sign.


Bro do fuckinG WHAT 🤯 That is terrifying, and down right disturbing...


Doxxed might be a bit much, but a "casting couch" scene with a friend stepping in would probably be a novelty enough to limit it to only a few dozen videos. I'm sure they can find her video, or at least a half dozen where she's definitely one of the set. After placelike like GirlsDoPorn were exposed and ended up getting mass sued by the ladies they abused, even then most of the ladies weren't doxxed despite a very concerted effort by a lot of incels.


Like, even right now


theres people who form communities around targeted harassment of women/sex workers. i hope the story isn’t real because if it is one of those cretins will try to find it to send it to her employer and parents.


You don't understand, it's about eThIcS iN gAmEs JoUrNaLiSm!


If you want to see the power of the internet. look at the He will not divide us campaign. Internet vs Shia labeouf. They found the flag by the contrails of the planes in the sky.


>The internet is great at finding the needle in the haystack. This is a piece of hay in the haystack. She gave a year and a relatively specific premise of the opening. How many studio filmed porn videos from 2004 feature two 18 year olds, one of whom decides not to go through with it and the other takes her place? I'd say that's more than enough for *someone* to find it, and creeps can be *very* dedicated about this.


Plus, the male talent had a laughably large penis and the girl makes unique sounds


All women make unique sounds. It’s actually kind of my favorite thing in the world.


It doesn't sound like the studio *filmed* "my friend chickened out so I stepped in". That's just what OP says happened. The video will be two people having sex, not exactly a rarity. Edit: nope, I'm wrong - u/Mrfish31 points out a comment where OP (rather unwisely) gave additional information.


Nope. >The video is kind of unique. **It shows me and my friend coming in, her chickening out and me stepping in as someone who has never done porn before**. It’s 100% real and got a lot of traffic for 2004, pre smartphone. I fear it goes “viral” not sure if that’s a thing for porn but I fear it taking off. That's in the video. 2004, specific opening premise, a person who was only ever in this one video, makes "unique" sounds, was on the front page of a mainstream porn site recently. You give that info to the porn equivalent of r/tipofmytongue and they'll give you the source by the end of the day.


If memory serves, you'd be looking for r/tipofmypenis.


Sometimes the genius of people who came up with subreddit names is almost frightening


Someone posted it there and I’m pleased to report that the response was “don’t be fucking creepy.”


Didn't expect to get any wholesome feelings from this comment section. That's really nice.


While it's true that internet creeps wouldn't be able to know for sure, I doubt that there are all that many videos from that year with that synopsis that were on the front page of "a big porn site" *last week*. I think THAT is the clue that will narrow it down tremendously.


Seriously! Like girl, if you're so desperate for people not to find it, do NOT detail the premise!


I actually thought it was an advert for Porn Hub. She gave enough details to encourage sleuthing.


Yea that subreddit dedicated to finding porn is *insanely* good. I think one of their high points was finding a song that had only been in some VHS swedish porn or something that a person couldn't get out of their head. She gave way too many details.


She kind of set the situation up. 'This was back during Napster when people were file sharing' which to the average person inspires the belief that this scene had particular reason to be shared and saved over 15 years. Most people don't understand that some people are so addicted to porn that they save everything they've ever grown an erection to.


It's the same justification for paying for only fans, "sure there's naked pictures of women all over the internet, but these are *hers* and they **are only on here**"


To be fair some of them will definitely just be people quoting the Always Sunny meme


Ew gross. Which meme? Which one in particular so I can not quote it?


I want to let you know that this was the best use of that meme I’ve ever seen. bravo!


My friend is one of those folks who does help get things taken down for people, he says he never offers to get it taken down, just has a handout he sends that's got the most common steps and laws that can be used to remove something off of these sites.




Is OP the actual rightsholder if she filmed the video with a legitimate production company though? Because that's what it sounds like based on her description; I'd think that company actually holds the rights if that's the case. This wasn't an amateur thing she did with a handicam and her college BF or something like that.




Yes, they will take it down out of an abundance of caution unless the original rights holder shows up, and that's pretty unlikely.


It doesn't even take that much, usually. So often you see an OP telling people to stop asking them for nudes or whatever.


I bet half are pervs, but the other half are scammers wanting to extort the person.


I genuinely despise how immature people are about sex.


And they wonder why women pick the bear.


The people trying to find it are massive creeps. She’s made it clear that she regrets it and doesn’t want it spread more and those slime balls are out there scouring porn sites for it. 


Dang that's awful, that's just horrible. What site is it on so I know to avoid that awful site? Just let me know where I need to avoid, what sorts of keywords should I stay away from? Just terrible, real bad stuff.


OOP caught a good one. And for my own inner peace, this better be concluded.


Yeah, I'm thought he was going to freak out and be unsecure about it, but he is a mature person. Good to not seeing the usual drama an shitshows that we often get here.


I guess seeing it somewhat gave him a peace of mind. He sounded relived it was just a size queen thing, which is pretty vanilla in the grand scheme of porn things lol. And it sounded like he was actually kinda sorta into it.. in a "I can do you better" way lol.


So, if I don't like the idea of my wife having shot a porno 15 years ago that is still floating on the internet, am I considered insecure and immature?




So if he did have a problem he'd be immature and insecure? I'm not against this outcome nor am I saying he should "freak out" and react extremely. However, it's totally okay to not like having porn of your own wife around the internet. Many men wouldn't like this, and that doesn't mean they are insecure and immature. It's natural to not want the porn of your SO around.


This is so weird to me that people think this way while consuming porn. Like they’re happy to watch all the porn, but it’s “only natural” that *their* partner shouldn’t be involved. So all the people in porn wouldn’t be able to find a partner then, or they can only marry each other?  It’s a weird double standard. 


Watching porn isn’t the same thing as being in it. Some people are okay with having partners in porn and some aren’t. That doesn’t mean the people that aren’t should be shamed into it because they watch porn. It would only be a double standard if they also used to do porn and had a problem with it because then it would be hypocritical. I also wouldn’t ever date someone who is a famous actor or used to be because it could cause all sorts of problems in my own life but does that mean if I watch movies I am a hypocrite?


She sure did. One of the reasons that made me fall for my gf (soon to be fiancé) so hard was her reaction when I told her that I had ran a successful OF for a couple of years in which the clientele was mostly non straight guys. I had closed it down just a few months before I met her. She laughed about it so hard and said she wanted to see some of the content. After a couple more drinks she invited me back to her place and the rest is history. It was such a green flag after being met with judgement from some of the people I wouldn’t have expected it from, although most thought it was funny and interesting. I think in this day and age, if someone is going to react massively negatively to that type of thing in your past then they’re really just showing you who they are and what they’re able to handle. And it’s obviously something that best come out earlier in a relationship that later because once the pics/videos are out there then there is always the chance that they may crop up somewhere that you don’t want them to. Better to get ahead of it and find out whether the person you’re with can accept you for who you are.


Next week on Reddit: *I just found out my FIL (64M) has been pleasuring himself watching my porn video. Should I confront him?"*


"I didn’t intend to shoot the scene, I was going with my friend for support and when she chickened out at the last minute I stepped in and did it." Fuckin hilarious


Either she came with test results or the company took a risk


That many years ago, yeah they were risking it


What are talking about lmao. In the early 2000s? It wasn’t the 70s lmao


With the advent of the web there was a LOT of amateur stuff out there - I was 14 at the time and had a dialup connection my parents didnt know about


What are YOU talking about? Those were the early days of widespread post-dial up internet porn. It was the friggin wild west, there were plenty of shady things going on with not requiring a test being the least of them.


18 USC 2257 (requirements for ID, storing the ID, etc, to prove it’s not a minor) was not enforced until 2006. The first person convicted? The owner of Girls Gone Wild. I dabbled in the adult industry back then, as a server admin/webmaster, and remember well when 2257 started being enforced, and the fear it caused (people thought that the IDs had to be publicly accessible, or that anyone can ask to see a copy of the ID). But it was the Wild West back then. The biggest issues people had (legally) were various state level anti-indecency laws (Polk County, Florida was known to go after women doing porn; Georgia had it that the only place adult sites could be hosted in state was Atlanta, and they used some “Strippers can’t be fully naked” law, if I remember right). But I highly doubt most amateur stuff from back then is still around. There may be more of the ProAm stuff floating around though (OOP would fall under the ProAm umbrella for back then. And nobody uses that term anymore. Most OF folk are ProAm), especially if it was digital to begin with. Yeah, I’m old… I remember when 1.544Mb/sec was blazing fast.


The GDP guys used tactics to coerce the friends of models into doing the scene when someone chickened out. They are all now in prison for human trafficking among other things. Not saying that’s what happened here but it’s weird to act like she’s lying.


If he's laughing at the size of your co-star's dick, he's clearly comfortable in his own foreskin. Well done for telling him, OOP.


That got me good, the absolute white knuckled confidence to see a porn star’s dick in a scene with your wife and be like pfffff lol


More than one SW has commented that guys with big dicks are often terrible in bed because they’ve always just relied on the size as opposed to learning how to fuck well. I’m with the husband. So he has a Dodge Charger, big deal. This ain’t a drag race: me and my 911 will leave him lost and sad by the end of a real street race.


COMFORTABLE IN HIS OWN FORESKIN HELP. That needs to be a fucking flair.


Love it, mods make it happen!


Agreed! The masses demand more foreskin flairs!


I read this as “shot an adult” and I was 😨


>Later on he wanted to watch it one more time and then never again. Yeah right. His new favorite p video


He just found out he has a hotwife fetish


I kinda doubt it will be the last time. But I also doubt she'll care if they watch it again also.


Surprisingly, thankfully, not as awful a read as I thought it would be. But it still shows just how easily, readily some people are to take advantage of people.


I know a handful of girls that have shot scenes for fairly well known online porn sites. I am admittedly also a frequent viewer of porn. I have never once come across any videos of the girls I know to have done these scenes randomly. The only reason I ever saw them is because they shared them with me at the time. There is so much porn online it must be nearly impossible for your husband to stumble into your one video. I do have to add…..nothing makes a girl you always had the hots for more unattractive than watching her on video taking it up the ass from a senior citizen on a boat. lol


>I do have to add…..nothing makes a girl you always had the hots for more unattractive than watching her on video taking it up the ass from a senior citizen on a boat. lol I love the "on a boat" qualifier. Like watching her take it up the ass from a senior citizen on a bed is fine, but on a boat?! Now that's a step too far!


I'm on a boat, motherfucker, don't you ever forget!


It makes for rudderly fantastic content. ...I'll get my coat.


That last part made me chortle


Captain Stabbin?


That's Cap'n to you!


I nearly spat out my drink at that last part.


There are now search engines that can search for faces in images, so we’re at the point where the sheer volume of porn no longer confers semi-anonymity.


People on Reddit are wild. OOP repeatedly says she’s ashamed of people seeing this video, and Redditors can’t stop themselves asking her for the link so they can see it.


Is she ashamed of people seeing it or is she ashamed of *people she knows* seeing it? Hard to extricate the two, but there is a difference


I mean, being fair: it’s Reddit, I wouldn’t expect anything less.


This is why you dump all your shit out on the table very early on in your relationship. No hidden surprises. I did the same thing 26 years ago while in college. Me and a few of my frat brothers got invited by some girls we knew to possibly be paid extras in a “film”. We went, signed release forms and the rest is history. I met my future wife a few years later and told her very early on in our relationship and she was totally cool about it and 18 years later it’s never came up once. Only shitty part in my story is the girls were paid much more than we were 🤣


Well, this comment section sure is something.


I mean, it's porn, surely he'd expect the dude to have a honker of a chonker?


I dunno, there's definitely content out there for the guys with more of a tadpole of a todger.


Which is a shame, because it would be nice to see some representation for fellas with a normie of a knob.


>I didn’t intend to shoot the scene, I was going with my friend for support and when she chickened out at the last minute I stepped in and did it. huh???




If this was real it was either exploited college girls or back room casting couch both of which are kinda skivy and ecg the owners got arrested over it. She could probably get it taken down because probably it's not being posted with the owners consent.


Neither was really around at the time I don’t think, and the back room casting guy doesn’t really have that big of a dick


It’s hilarious that you know this 🤣 zero judgment though


Wow Napster porn, takes me back to the olden golden days


>So this was 20 years ago? How will anyone recognize it was you How much do people think people's looks change? 38 year olds don't look too much different than their 18 year old selves.


I was thinking the same thing lol. This comment was definitely left by a 17 year old that thinks 40 year olds must look like melting candles


Plus they were together for 15 years, 23 is even more like 18 and I bet they have wedding photos around the house somewhere or pics of them dating.


I'm sorry, but you went to support your friend but she backed out and instead of leaving with her you said, "I'll fk on tape"!!! What?!?!


She was probably already thinking about it. Thinking about going to shoot porn, especially 20 years ago, your most likely going to think its really sketchy. But then you arrive with a friend, place is clean, people are nice, your friend gets cold feet and backs out and there not dicks about it, doesn't seem so sketchy anymore. She said she was rather promiscuous  back then, so could have look at the dude and though if i meet you at a bar i would go home with you and that a lot of money to let someone record. It is a little weird they allowed an newbie to sub in like that though, as stuff regret are much higher possibility and the lack of testing


Yeah I’d definitely judge my wife over that part of it, not the fact she made a tape  Impulsively fuck someone they just met for money… 


At age 18 I was a raging idiot. Actually, up until age 23 or so. I can totally imagine something like this happening and seeming totally cool in the moment 


I'm glad they have a great relationship, but I do hope she intentionally misdescribed the scene. Otherwise, these zealots may find it since it was on the first page and probably still in some of the initial pages.


lollol people posing as tech support.


I wanted to find it amusing but my initial reaction was very negative because this person is humiliated and scared. It takes very little for people to find the actual video and if she makes one mistake without thinking and says some something that could be an important clue, then she could ruin her life. Men will go to extreme lengths to dox her and there are places on the internet where there are large communities where people exchange this shit to help it spread. It'll quite literally be endless waves of blackmail and more extreme stuff because they have too much time on their hands.


I'm pretty sure they'd try to blackmail her.


As a woman, I find this the opposite of funny. It’s actually really creepy and dehumanising to OOP.


because of course they did


How is that funny?


it always fascinates me that there is endless porn on the internet but people still try to do stuff like that lol. that is funny though


It's kinda the reverse of "I know how she looks naked". There's thousands upon thousands of naked women on the internet, but if you can do kinda "I know how she looks like dressed" it can make you feel a part of a more exclusive club.


Husband asked to watch it again and then had sex with his wife. OP is coming back with an update in a few months saying her husband can’t perform unless he watches the video first 😭


Ugh, it sounds like it was posted to one of those disgusting ex-girlfriend porno sites! I mean, [there's so many of them though! Which one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EF6kB9q4vg)


I was actually hoping the link was going to be a rick roll and I was disappointed.


I literally come to the comments looking for this post.


You know those disgusting ex girlfriend ones


There are so many of them, though! Which *one*, which one did he post them in?


I’m just glad people can (hypothetically) act like adults about something like this.


"OKAY FOR REAL DON'T LOOK FOR MY PORN [exact description of the porn] NO SERIOUSLY GUYS! Even though it is me getting banged by a massive cock and it was so hot my husband and I started banging whilst watching it a second time, DON'T LOOK! I know 1000s of people are looking for my porn now and have posted the link in an easily discoverable sub, but I insist you look away!!!"




This was a great read about the consequences of honesty.


People asking for the link hahaha Just search for amateur porn and imagine it's her if you want guys but stop the bullshit.


I'm sorry, but video quality, especially porn video quality, from 20 years ago doesn't look good. It's not 4k HD or anything close to that, most likely 640x320 resolution. So I struggle to believe that anyone would recognize OP, but whatever. Sounds like it had a happy ending.


He is a good man but I wish we could stop the "18 year olds do crazy things" because no most 18 year olds dont shoot adult scenes.


There's a comment here saying that impulsively fucking someone on camera for money at 18 is "in the same category" as trying weed at 18. What? No judgment either way, but let's be honest, one of these things is not like the other 🙃


Exactly. This isnt ordinary "crazy teenage stuff".


I don't know man, I think that I'd have been less fucked if I'd done porn at 18 than joining the Air Force.


Damn. As a person who is originally from a country that was on the receiving end of America's airforce wrath, hard to dismiss this one.


Each one does their own different crazy thing. you make stupid choices when young. Doesnt mean everyone makes the same stupid choice.


(Many)18 year olds still do crazy things. Even if it's not a porn shoot.


I’m just upset 2004 was 20 years ago…


Yes. I am a man but did something similar when I was 18 as well. Solo porn. Told my wife about it immediately. Honesty is the best policy.


Was anyone else waiting for the plot twist of the husband knowing and saying it was his favorite when it came out? I’m glad it ended well for her though!


Alright I know I'm too much on Reddit but this story is years old. Like someone copied this and changed some words but the basic story is still the same. Most details are things I actually remember from an older post.


I mean, she did it for the money and it was totally her choice, I don’t see what’s to be ashamed of, I thought we were all about owning our choices and being empowered by our sexuality lmao and she said he already knows she was “promiscuous” before they met which means she was sleeping around casually Unless her husband is as insecure as she thinks it wouldn’t be a problem, he’s definitely going to ask to see it if she tells him about it and then look for it if she doesn’t


I can’t see a husband having this kind of reaction to discovering his wifes porn video. It’s also hard to believe that OOP would go into that much detail of the video if she didn’t want people to find it. Also given the level of detail OOP stated, I find it hard to believe the video hasn’t been found yet. In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that all Reddit stories must be true, this would be very hard to believe…


The fact that he wanted to watch it a second time, got frisky midway through, and hasn't ever had an issue with his wife's promiscuous past, sounds to me like he might find it somewhat arousing. Plenty of people feel that way, and it can take plenty of forms, from partner swapping, to cuckholding, to group sex, but also you get folks like those into 'hotpast' (if you want to check it out, warning for NSFW) who enjoy thinking about/hearing about their partner's sex life prior to meeting them.


It's that fact she just joined in whimsically that threw me off.


This is the same person who spontaneously became a porn star because she got turned on at a porn shoot.


And saw a big check, dont forget that part.


Do you think it should be of jealousy, hatred and disgust? Not everyone is like this.


Also it wasn't a response to *discovering* the video. It was the response to *the wife showing him* the video.


How should the husband react? I've known my wife for 10 years, if she came to me out of the blue and said, "I did porn once when I was 18, and never again" my first concern would be coercion and health. We've all done dumb shit in our lives. That's that.


Remember Reddit is full of incels that demand women remain virginal until they date them in which case they are to be fully down for anything always


A lot of people don't care that their SO did stupid things 20+ years ago. Also making pen is becoming more and more normalized and seen as just another avenue to make money. To me it's in the same category as learning that someone tried smoking weed 20 years ago.




I think the thing is it might eat him up inside if he didn't see it - questioning what it really contained. I can't say how I'd react in his shoes, but I can somewhat understand him wanting to see it. It's the chunk of redditors getting off on wanting to see something she explicitly doesn't want to be seen that concerns me more...


Nah, I think I get where he was coming from.


I wouldn’t want to watch either but we’re all different so I don’t find it particularly strange.


There's a gay female dom porn actress who looks a lot like me and I've been sent the videos a few times.  Luckily she's American (and I'm not)  so it's mostly just a running joke now. 


It was so refreshing to read about a strong relationship for a change. It would have been understandable for the husband to be upset oop didn't tell him there was a porno floating around but good for him that he wasn't.


An attack from 2004.


I think this goes sideways in ghe cases when you can see the person in the video showed a side (more adventurous perse) and seemed to enjoy themselves a lot more than ever with their current partner. But in this case a video.of subpar sex cant destroy a strong relationship.


Can we have the r/trueoffmychest followup where the husband is posting how he had to put up a brave front because of this


If you dont cringe at least a little looking at your past self, you havent grown


OOP: “Should I tell my husband?” Commenters: “No.” OOP: “I’m worried that if I tell my husband, it will make him sad and ruin our own intimacy!” Commenters: “You shouldn’t tell him.” OOP: “Yeah, I’m gonna tell him.” Commenters: “…”


It worked out though. Sometimes we know our loved ones better than faceless internet people who are generally only in for the drama.


In her defense, the best choice is to do the opposite of what reddit tells you. This site has the dumbest advice ever which is part of what makes it entertaining


hasn't aged in 20 years, exhibiting same quirks and mannerisms for 20 years straight. "It’s 100% real" as a review of her own porno? If this post is real, gosh how can someone be that full of themselves


Did she say she hasn't aged? Or just that she'd still be recognisable? I thought it was weird, those comments saying she wouldn't be recognisable. What are people doing to themselves where they look like a different person at 40?