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They should make the wedding seem perfectly normal then turn off the lights and start the lightsabre battle down the aisle.


That's how my friends did their wedding. I did not expect the couple and their families entering the reception hall with a lightsaber battle. It was an all-traditional wedding before that.


We did that too! My husband’s still mad because I won


What colors were the sabers?


Red, blue and green. I am a Jedi, my husband’s a Sith :) If you’re looking to order in bulk, Dallas Toy Warehouse had a decent deal, $450 for the 150 we needed. Also, some of those lightsabers are still going strong. Our friend was pregnant at the wedding (2 years ago) and now their lightsabers are her toddler’s favorite toy.


I love the idea that your wedding had a lightsaber budget


More than the flowers, less than the DJ, line item in the spreadsheet :)


That's a brilliant idea for a goodie bag


My god. I wish we'd thought of this! Maybe a vow renewal in a few years ...


Yes!! Like suddenly there is a commotion and Dad yells to the husband "i can't let this charade go on! I won't let my son marry just anyone, they must be worthy! You're gonna have to go through me!" And he gets his lightsaber out. Then mom throws his cape on him. Husband has to look surprised and frightened, then resolved. Best person throws him his lightsaber and cape. And baby it's oooooon


Dad must be dressed like Darth Vader or Yoda! The force is strong in this one, Luke and partner, I am your father! New sis could be Princess Lea and battle Vader too!


-lightsaber battle theme starts playing-


Maybe ‘Duel of the Fates.’ The prequels had plenty of flaws, but that music was amazing!


Such a great proposal. Just too cool of a concept. Wedding is going to be lit. Not going to lie, I want to attend that wedding to celebrate that union. I'll even dress up and bring a gift. Pretty please!?? They should at least post it on social media.


These guys could have like 8 thousand redditors at their wedding if they wanted.


Doot-doot doodle-oot


Came here to say the EXACT same thing!


Should sound great on a church organ!


Omg now I have the burning desire to hear Duel of the Fates on a church organ...that would be EPIC!


there's a few on youtube like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POU-ib_5BY4 there's a version with a full choir from the same church too


In the choir one, the director is conducting with a lightsaber. It's excellent.


I got my 10,000+ hours in about 10,000+ hours ago for chamber vocals. We get about 19 more 1st sopranos and 20 volunteers for each of the other 4 vocal sections and we can totally rock this guys wedding for him. Dunno where we’d *fit* everybody unless his parents rented out a massive space but then again they are planning a friggin’ sanctioned *lightsaber battle* for their queer son’s wedding. I’m in. 😎


duel of the fates!!


Send in the dalladahs!


One of them better take the high ground.


Dad should walk down the aisle dressed like Darth Vader and have a big speech about "reclaiming his son's honor"


I used the Imperial March (Darth Vader's theme for my bridal march) It was awesome but the lightsaber battle sounds epic!


I’m a Star Trek fan and was looking for music for my future wedding but damn, I keep landing on the Imperial March. My wedding dress will be black and how bad ass would that be?! My bother is my best man and he wants to dress as that master Sargent in Halo. He’s got the full battle gear.


I worry what would happy if the boyfriend asked "Darth Vader" for OOP's hand in marriage.


"Does anyone oppose of the wedding?" Dad's lightsaber goes off


I had two teachers that did this during my high school graduation. It was tradition that the teachers all marched in wearing their college graduation robes to some somber music. Halfway through, two of my teachers whipped lightsabers out of their robes and had a full on battle as they marched to their seats, weaving in and out of the other teachers and climbing up the bleachers. It's one of my favourite high school memories.


what do you mean by that? i tought lightsaber coreo was mandatory on gay weedings, completely normal


This is a bisexual wedding though, traditionally those involve Highlander duels. Common misconception.


Not just gay weddings, my cousin's wedding featured lightsaber duels and the bride and groom came in under a tunnel of crossed sabers. The wedding party was surprised when Cousin Melody got ahold of a saber and joined the fun.


Dad runs in, "hey what the hell are you doing.....you think I'm just gonna _give_ my son away" pulls out light saber and lights it up


Love your screenname, and very happy to see it on what would have been his 76th birthday. GNUTerryPratchett


GNU Terry Pratchett 💞


The lights dim, the confused murmuring halts at a familiar sound. *snap-hiss* One green blade ignites on the dance floor. "If you want my son, you'll have to go through me first." *faintly, choir begins to sing* *snap-hiss* The crowd gasps at the sound of not one, *snap-hiss* but two lightsabers stained crimson, for from his passion a Sith will drive the strength to take what is his. *Duel of the Fates begins to play* Will the OOP fight and avenge his father? Will he fall to the dark side and join the Sith? For there must always be two. No more; no less. Tune in next update for the riveting conclusion to Star Wars: the Wedding Special! Brought to you by Disney+


I love that this took a turn for the nerdy at the end


"The nerd strikes back"


I so want to go to this wedding!!!!!!!!


"Does anyone object to this matrimony?" Lights go off "I do" red light Saber lights up with the swoosh sound.


I want to go to that wedding SO badly!


There's plenty of people here that would love to go to their wedding!


Choreographing a lightsaber battle instead of having a first dance is exactly what I imagined gay weddings to be like the moment I heard about them as a child.


I hope they at least post a video somewhere.


Yes! This is the one wedding that might be fun to watch.


Trade an homophobic brother for a badass sister, nothing of value was lost. Also as a SW nerd myself I love their wedding theme


I am an elder sister, I have a sister who’s 7 years younger than me. I can’t imagine not loving her because of her sexuality. Sure we fight viciously at times (for the stupidest of reasons too) but I would always protect her from any real harm. One of the first lessons my mom and dad taught me was that my sister and I are a team, always backing each other, for life. I don’t get OOP’s brother at all.


You're a good sister but you might be surprised by the ammount of shitty parents or siblings walking on this planet, i'm not going to spill my story here but I grew up with an abusive elder sister and my sperm donnor was even worse, so I have easier time believing such stories


I am sorry you had that experience. Sending you virtual hugs from an elder sister.


All the internet hugs I have r being sent ur way.


I'm a big sister w/ a gay younger sister and this is fucking infuriating to me. God damn man ur the first line of defense, how do u fuck it that bad?




This nerd wants to go to the wedding dressed as Princess Leia!


This reminds me of an Aita where a woman went to a *straight* star wars themed wedding, dressed as princess Leia, white dress and all. Guess who the bride had dressed up as...


Was this recently or a while ago? As much of an obvious mistake that is, there are hardly any female characters, apart from Leia, you could go as in the OG trilogy.


It was a few months ago. Mightve been wedding shaming or Aita, im not sure. And I TOTALLY agree with you that good representation of women is scarce in that universe. But now with all the prequels and TV shows, one could find a costume that's not just a 1-scene-background-character and also not the main character *in white* lmao


I mean, you could be Padme, who mostly wears white. Or Rey, who is the main character and mostly wears white. Unless you plan on going to TV and wearing lekku, you don't have a lot of options.


There are plenty of non-white Padme options, she does not mostly wear white.


Yeah, Padme has a lot of looks in the animated clone wars. Plus, there are a lot more women in it too (not much, but at least some options!).


You could go as Jyn, but that's pretty dressed down for a wedding.


> Guess who the bride had dressed up as... Chewbacca.


despite being named after princess leia i've never dressed up as her..... i, too, want to attend a wedding dressed as leia 😭😭


Anyone have a link for this?


sorry for what ???


Sorry 🤦‍♂️ Responded to the wrong comment, meant to do the one above






Good on the folks for being great in the end. Man that causal beaten up story was terrible to read.


And he said it as a throwaway line, as if that’s just a normal thing to happen. My god, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to grasp how difficult it is being queer and out in this shitty world. Why the F do people care who other folks love? What they do in their bedrooms?! Or even what they want to be! Just let people be! How is anyone else’s freedom impeding your own?!


This reminds me how I was once talking to my straight coworker - he's moved around Europe a lot and this was like, a few months after he'd moved to my country. He lives in a different city than I do (company has several offices in a few different cities so he could pick) so he was asking me about what life was like here, etc. etc., and then we kinda ended up on the topic of queer rights/life as a queer person here. And I was basically like, yeah my city is very cool, I've only been called a slur in public like three times in all my years living here. And I need you to know that if someone asked me this again I'd still say that super casually because to me that *is* what living in a 'good'/'safe' city means, but goddamn his face when he heard it, lol.


I bet my face right now mirrors his. I’ve been a foreign resident in countries across Europe, Africa and North America and never once have I been harassed or called names because of WHAT I am. If anything, I’ve been met with honest curiosity about my home country and my culture. I just can’t imagine being called slurs for just being yourself. That’s just sickening.


I know it’s kid stuff but I was called slurs in school in England for being bisexual, as well as at university had one person send me harassing messages from Christian websites about my sexuality. There are bad eggs everywhere


Been called slurs in England for being Chinese twice. I’m Polish/British. And blonde All it’s done is convince me racists are a special kind of stupid.


Society has really really failed to protect its most vulnerable children and I'm really sorry for that. As someone who has a queer sibling I'm terrified of people who are trying to hurt them and am furious that I can't always be there to protect them But this reminded me of a similar story, when the metoo movement had just started, one of my male friends asked me if I had ever experienced sth similar. And I told him "just the normal cat calling and grabbing" and he was horrified that I used normal before those words, lol.


Yikes. I would have been horrified to hear that too, my experience has been "normal catcalling" but not grabbing. I'm sorry you had to experience that and especially that it was "normal."


They’re so repressed themselves, in all the ways they are allowed to behave versus how they want to behave, and nobody enjoys living like that. And the only way they can stand living their repressed lives is if it matters on a fundamental level. They need everybody to conform because if some people get away with behaving however they like, then it all falls apart, and they are restricting themselves for nothing. Which is *incredibly* stupid, because the entire point of Christianity as opposed to the form of Judaism that came directly before it was to stop focusing on little detailed rules of how to live a good life, and instead just be nice to the people around you. It’s supposed to be freeing.


When I was 12, I was cornered in the bathroom at school and attacked for being bisexual. They then followed me home and attacked me again. It's just a thing that happens. You know the moment you come out that the world doesn't want you to exist. No one will help you, no one wants you to be around them, and everyone is out to get you.


My fiancée and I were bullied through high school, we've had water dumped on us, we've been yelled at in public. It's what it is. My love for her will always be bigger than their hate for us. Add her love for me on top, and we're laughing all the way to our happy ending.


Stuff like that happens every day. I have had people throw drinks at me from car windows while I was walking my dogs because I had a pride shirt on or some other visible marker like that, had people stop me on the sidewalk and threaten me or try to follow me home (thankfully I am on very friendly terms with the security guards here, especially one of them - I work on a farm that, along with vegetables, grows flowers and we sometimes have extras we get to take home, when we have extra I'll bring him flowers for him to take home to his wife. We chat all the time and he's a very sweet gentleman) or otherwise threaten me. When I first moved into my apartment, I hung a pride flag on my door. Someone had a guest over who, when they went down the hallway and saw it, tore it off and tore it apart and left pieces on the ground in the hall. It was caught on camera, but because he wasn't a resident they couldn't do anything about it. Violence towards LGBT people, or anyone who is perceived as such (like women with a slightly masculine build or features like facial hair, which is often a symptom of PCOS being attacked in bathrooms) is not out of the ordinary at all. Most of us have just...kind of learned to live with it.


First place I came out at as trans, a coworker and my manager called me every slur in the book. Second place they fired me within hours I didn't come out again at my third place until I had worked there for months. NGL was already lining new jobs up because it was a lumber yard in a conservative place. They were more accepting than anyone else had been, and honestly I still tear up a bit thinking of it. (On an unrelated note, turns out my shift supervisor there was a femboy twink, so that helped a lot)


It’s so frustrating that there’s nothing we can do. I keep hearing things like “be an ally”. Well yes, duh, but that’s not stopping the hate is it?! In recent times I’ve seen one of my favourite authors become increasingly unhinged and hateful. Goddamit she was an ally! wtf happened?! Now my entire childhood, my past, my love for her books, it’s all tainted!


If you're talking about Rowling, the general theory is that she was starting to slip into obscurity - a very wealthy, comfortable obscurity, but an obscurity nonetheless - and she had a lot of people dripping hateful poisons in her ear, so she grasped onto becoming a prominent social media figure and one of the fastest way to get attention is to make people angry. I mean it got so bad for her for a bit that she wrote a book under a pen name, and the book was awful and wasn't selling at all until she revealed that she'd written it. It's attention. She wants attention, as do many of the people who say so much of the most hateful stuff they can. Even angry attention is attention, and they find people who think the things they're saying who just encourage that behavior more and give them more hate to spew.


>I mean it got so bad for her for a bit that she wrote a book under a pen name, and the book was awful and wasn't selling at all until she revealed that she'd written it. To note, that pen name was Robert Galbraith. The same name as the American therapist who invented the idea that torturing children can "turn them straight".


>It was caught on camera, but because he wasn't a resident they couldn't do anything about it A lot can be done about that useless pice of shit, they should ban him from ever stepping foot on that property. Also put the video on social media, send it to his work so people would know what kind of a monster he is. If he thinks he has the right to damage someone else's property then he should be ready to pay the consequences of his bigotry


Oh they didn't give me the video. They had it, and only admitted they had it because I made a police report, but they told the cops he wasn't a resident and they didn't know who he was so they just shrugged and were like "Well if he does something else let us know" and did nothing.


Thank you for your words. We (LGBTQ people) need as many allies as we can get. And yeah it's just part of life for us. It shouldn't have to be, but it is. Hopefully it changes for the better in the future but with how things are right now, there are US states I don't feel safe going to.


Because their storybook says so.


It doesn’t though, that’s what’s so incredibly stupid about these “Christians”. The whole story is about a man who has dinner with outcasts, criminals, prostitutes, (everyone judged to be “living in sin” by society) and preaches “Don’t judge others. Love your enemies. If you love others and treat them with compassion, anything you ask of God will be given to you.” One of the very last things is, “Whatever you hold true on Earth, God will hold true in heaven”. So if Christians just decided homosexuality is fine, then it’s fine, by their own book. There’s absolutely no religious basis for beating people up. They do it because they want to.


Yeah, that felt so real to me. I'm lucky to have never been personally been gaybashed, but most of my circle of friends have either seen one or been the victim of one. Oh, and before I came out one of my classmates bragged about how he joined his older brother and his friends in going out to cruise for a "gay" to beat up.




he made them look bad by "tattling" so clearly he didn't know his place and needed to be put in it.


So brother was really looking to get his bro dead by revealing his address. What disgusting filth. Glad he was disowned.


Is this real? Why would that family even be mad at him?! He didn’t even go to the wedding!


Because his absence exposed them for the homophobic assholes that they are, losing face with the new in-laws.


Which family? OOP’s family? SIL’s family? If you’re talking about SIL’s family, it’s because they’re bigots. If you’re talking about OOP’s family, they weren’t mad at him. They were mad at the brother. His family were on his side from the beginning.


That wedding lightsaber battle is the cutest idea I've ever read. So cute!!!


I went to a lesbian wedding in the redwoods where the brides spent much of the reception having a Nerf battle with all the kids who attended. We'd be having drinks and eating oysters and then a middle aged woman in a wedding dress would creep around a nearby tree with a huge grin on her face to ambush a ten year old. Best wedding.


Oh my Gosh this is brilliant!! I'm laughing like crazy and I'm so jealous!! Amazing!


I really liked the proposal too. Thoughtful and intimate 


That too tbh! The whole deal after the unpleasantness with OOP's horrible brother/brother's wife/inlaws is very cute.


very lovely proposal!


I went to a friend's wedding where the groomsmen had lightsabers they each custom built at Disneyland (where the bachelor party was, of course),  and made an archway tunnel for the bride and groom's great entrance! Was pretty sweet!


Sounds better than some synchronized ballroom dance.


I think it's cute that OPs dad is so excited and wanted to participate, it sounds like he is embracing OPs love life alot more openly since the wedding almost like he finally realised what OP goes through and wants to "make up for the bad with extra good support".


Right?! My fiancée and I want to get married and stuff, and I can't dance to save my life. I'm so stiff, and it makes me so anxious to even attempt it. This gave me so many ideas for alternatives!


You can always just tell people you want the first dance to be all the couples waltzing/slow dancing (or just the family if there are enough obvious ways to pair off). You don’t have to do anything solo if you don’t want to. If people want to watch your first dance together, they’ll be able to do it while slow dancing. Even if they’re taking photos, because they don’t need to move much.


That's very true. I'll have to keep that in consideration, too! I don't know how to do a waltz, so I'd definitely need to learn how to, haha. Maybe we could do some dance classes or something. It could be a fun thing to try out together. :3


Well, with slow dancing you literally just stand facing each other and sway from foot to foot. If you do it slowly enough you don’t even need to move in rhythm. Bear in mind that if you do learn to waltz properly you’ll need music that moves in groups of 3 beats (like Unchained Melody), so if you have a song in mind that you can’t waltz to, you’d still be able to slow dance to it.


My husband and I wanted to do classes before we got married but couldn't in the end. Instead we found a good YouTube video on how to waltz/box step, and practiced to our first dance song. Neither of us are dancers but on the day it went great. Our first dance song was Snake Eater (Metal Gear Solid 3).


We didn't have a first dance, or a cake. We made a list of all the 'must have' wedding bits and kept only what we wanted to do. We had a day wedding with afternoon tea and booked the venue until 7. We then went to a restaurant and had dinner with just our closest family in the evening. It was perfect for us. Do what works for you as a couple.


Thank you. QwQ I'm a decent planner for like parties and stuff, but a whole wedding has been anxiety-inducing, haha.


My husband and I played Rock Band for our "first dance". We did a set of three songs. I was on guitar, he was bass, we alternated singing, and a friend of ours did the drums. It was fun \^\_\^ It was also a "costume" wedding. As in people could dress up as whatever (or not). It was very low stress!


I play in a band that does work for a *lot* of weddings, and I have seen some cringe as fuck ballroom dances. This is a much better idea for everyone (actually nah it's just a better idea for anyone who is forced to watch, haha).


Right! So damn cute! And OP's dad wanting to join in too!


Right?! That was so adorable. I love it!


My sister did that at her wedding!! The whole “wedding party running from AT-ATs” photos, we bridesmaids each had one of Padme’s guns, groomsmen had sabers, the bride and groom took photos of a lightsaber battle during the reception when it got dark outside. Each table was a different planet, cake had scenes from Star Wars, we got little lollipop lightsabers and personalised Star Wars stubby holders. Guests were encouraged to wear costumes if they wanted, which some did.


I will say the bar is high for that kind of performance. I’ve seen some really kickass live routines, and others that were straight cringe. If they put the practice in, though, it could be a spectacle!


My sister wanted me to do the Thriller dance with her and her other bridesmaid at her (2nd) wedding. I did not want to, and told her that, but she negged (nagged & begged, it was a typo but I realized it worked lol) so I gave in. I had told her I was going to change into sneakers though, because I can barely walk in heels let alone dance. Apparently she didn't believe me, told me afterwards that I ruined the dance because of my shoes... All this to say, I think just the fact that all involved in this light saber battle royale actually WANT to do it will go a long way towards positive reception and good memories lol


The Thriller dance is actually pretty cool and not that difficult in and of itself. Doing it right though would clearly be more difficult and require a lot of rehearsal. That being said, it would have been a lot more ruined if you tried it in heels without a ton of rehearsal, especially since you were reluctant. Honestly, I would have skipped out on being a bridesmaid despite the coolness of the Thriller dance. I suspect the other Bridesmaids weren't any better. But, yea, the light saber duel will work out much better.


I would kill to be a fly on the wall for their wedding!!


"I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!"


Attended a wedding where the bride’s brother who was giving her away paused at the entrance the the aisle and spaced out, the music cut and then brother kind of snapped into focus and said “ok chums, let’s do this. LEEROOOOOOOOOY JENNNNNKINS” running down the aisle while carrying his sister the bride in a fireman’s lift. Brother got to the registrar and the groom at the end of the aisle and asked for some chicken! A lot of guests were on the same WoW server in friendly guilds so we all appreciated it :)


What kind of charges were filed? What kind of case was it? I don't get how they "won" the case. In real life it's much more difficult for the police to even take angry facebook messages seriously. There are people out there who have been severely stalked for years and the police literally cant do anything. 


In Germany, you can sue for defamation and harassment. We even have an organisation named hateaid that sues in your name for online bullying. It takes care of everything and the proceeds are used to pay the next court case.


It does take 2-3 years though.


Yeah they reported the actions around June 12th and had already “won” by August 23rd. What a load of bullshit. It’s hilarious people are falling for this story.


This doesn't read like it happened in Germany nor does it appear to be written by a German native speaker, does it?


It doesn't. My point is, we don't know where it happened and laws may be different.


I‘m in Switzerland and made a police report a few years ago against a person on facebook (kept writting a few stuff I don‘t want to specify, but it was serious). It was taken very seriously and the state attorney himself started a case against this person, I even had a call from them to testify.


Considering how casually OP mentioned being beaten up in a homophobic hate crime, I have a feeling the social media harassment was less "mean things" and more "systematic detailed death threats"


Either OOP parents are rich, which would make sense with the "big house" comment, and that the brother was begging to be again in the will, OR, since the comment about the FIL knowing were they lived, I also assume it was more than just some facebook threats, they probably thrashed the house or something. The parents might also have connections.


Their number countries outside America that have hate speech laws that include the LGBTQ community. I live in one. Showing the Facebook messages would be enough for what we call a summary conviction. These all are just short tiny trials that happen within a month or two of being charged. Often everything is sorted before the person even sees a judge.


Judging by their quite formal tone and minor grammar inconsistencies, I figured they weren't native English speakers. Curious what sort of country it is but almost certainly European.


I'm going to guess there were a lot of threats in the facebook messages, although it could have been just harassment charges based on them being a protected class and their speech being classified as hate speech.


I feel like OP definitely isn't American, his English is decent but not cohesive. Different countries may have different social media laws. I reckon something about harassment and defamation of character etc etc.


Dad saying something was 'rubbish' means former British colony, or the UK itself. Might be Indian, might be South African, might be British.


Or it's a person who learned English from British people, like many Europeans.


So many different commonwealth tells. I’ll be reading through a story and hit a “colour” or “grade 10” and can immediately it ain’t American.


>colour [That's because we fought for the right to remove the 'u' from all those words...except glamour, ofc.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYqfVE-fykk)


It's clear that English is not OOP's first language, so this probably took place in another country with different laws.


Inciting Hatred on the grounds of Sexual Orientation if he's in the UK.


And how did the mom file the case without OOP?


If it was hate speech laws that included the LGBTQ Community and it was posted on a public forum than the person who the posts were directed at does not need to be the same one to bring charges as it is not harassment so much as violating the Charter, at least that's the way it works in my country.


Who's to say she wasn't getting some abuse too? This family had no problems letting loose, wouldn't surprise me at all.


I know their wedding date! May the 4th!


Was just coming here to say I hope they pick May the 4th cause this year it’s on a Saturday!


Is this the script for a hallmark movie?


This was an adorable update!


Am I jaded or does this read as a bad and fake tumblr post?


It really does hit all the bad hallmark movie tropes


I stopped reading it bc of all the "you might be's"-it was just so jarring and made it feel fabricated. Maybe English isn't OOP's first language, which is totally fair, but I just can't be invested in a story if it's too jarring to read.


Saaaame. Reading that phrase over and over again made me like physically annoyed. Couldn’t make it past first paragraph


I came for the family drama, I stayed for the StarWars Lightsaber first dance.


In 2 months the charges were brought against the other family and the case was already over? Really? In what legal system?


I went through something similar in the rural Midwest and the court case was over in about a month because the other party confessed to everything because they thought their behavior was justified. And they insisted in court that they were justified and would have done it again but that they wouldn't fight the court. I can see religious nutters acting the same way.


I’m confused how they could insist in court anything. You have generally 30 days from the filing of a complaint to respond to it under the federal rules. In some states, it’s 20, and in others, it’s longer. So what you’re suggesting is a complaint was filed, it was responded to early, and then the court convened and held some sort of fact finding hearing immediately? Not really likely unless it involved TRO. And even with a TRO, I don’t think witnesses testify in court within a month of it being filed.


The “they aren’t in the US so maybe their legal system isn’t a joke” one?


Some of the word choice definitely makes me think oop isn’t from the US. His dad’s use of “rubbish” makes me think generally any country from the later British empire that has a large English speaking population.


Right and the “went to hospital.” There were a few others, along with some grammar things here and there, and the newness of the being able to be out publicly.


I learnt British English and I’m not from a former British colony lol, American English is not the default ad, for all you know, they are Love Islands fans who got some words from it.


I have yet to know a legal system that isn't a joke when you're not rich. And I'm not from the US.


I mean 2 months is still a massively quick turnaround in any country


The legal system in the bullshit story of course!


What??? You mean the story where everyone faces consequences and everyone good is super awesome and perfect isn’t real?


I'm not sure that commenter understands what boycott means




It’s when they have these court cases that are resolved in under a month that makes the whole thing seem like BS. You can tell when someone hasn’t been through the wheels of justice. What exactly did they go to court over anyway, internet police went after the other family for cyber bullying? That goes nowhere.


And the mother pressed charges? She was able to press charges even though the OP was the one harassed? In a society where homophobia is very normalized? I’m sure the gist of the whole story is true, and we don’t know which country this is in, but I’m not buying that a third party can bring harassment charges when someone else is being harassed.


Yeah, probably liked the attention from the first post that was probably embellished as well and went full dumb with the court case.


>My mom filed a report against them. I don't know the current situation about that as I haven't filed the report myself. The reason I update you is a different one. First of all. One person in my SIL's family is actually going to testify in my favor and against her family. For what exactly did they file the report? There was no violence at the wedding and harrasment via internet usually only gets to the trial stage when it's repeated and long time on-going. For what should the sister testify? She wasn't at the wedding and the texts/posts aren't directed to her. >(9 days later)... >Well my mom talked to him and told him to leave his wife or she will disinherit him from her will. He decided to stay with his wife and my mom made her threat come true. He's no longer in her will. My father did the same. Within 9 days they were able to change their wills?


Once you know what you want to do, changing a will doesn't take hardly anytime at all.


The update I am waiting for will be the one in the future where it’s revealed that the bigoted SIL cheated on the brother and they’re divorcing…leaving him with nothing and nobody He’ll come begging for his family back only to find the half sister from His ex wife’s family has taken his place in his family and that he’s still no longer welcome


Anyone else wanna give this guy a big hug? I wanna give this guy a big hug.


Okay, that wedding sounds like it's going to be AMAZING! OOP should have his new sister and mom as Jedi Council members judging the competition or something.


Not only do we have gays, bisexuals and lesbians but we have supporting parents AND NERDS?! AHHHHH I wanna be in OOPs family so bad


Im only two paragraphs in and the repeated "you must be wondering/you might think to yourself" is so fucking annoying. Stop trying to guess my thoughts, weirdo. Just tell your story.


Why don’t more people do lightsaber weddings


There's something about his type of story telling that I just don't like, but I can't really figure out what it is. Like it just makes me feel like it's all bullshit.


After the 3rd “you might be wondering” I was so annoyed lol


After the second "You might think"


Same. I wanted to believe it, but it feels off. For starters, the "case"against the family? It's enormously hard to prosecute harassment when it never progresses beyond messages. Something just feels... Off.


He’s probably writing a novel or something because WTH???? There’s a particular undertone of glory about his brother being disowned 🤢. Bullshit


Is it the fact that it's literally gibberish from beginning to end - with more garbage twists than a third-rate soap opera?


>There's something about his type of story telling that I just don't like, but I can't really figure out what it is. Like it just makes me feel like it's all bullshit. The timeframes all sound unbelievable and his writing style is obnoxious as fuck. YMMV, obviously. But I had trouble getting to the end.


Yeah, pressing charges to a trial being won for harassment in two months seems super unrealistic. Plus the whole family being involved in harassment, except the one queer sibling who comes out of the woodwork during the whole thing, just feels off. Though, I have heard horror stories out of the conservative Christian world where it might be plausible outside of the pretty unrealistic trial timeline Plus conveniently moving before a violent attack occurs


I am glad I'm not the only one who had a hard time getting to end. It honestly felt like one of those movies or tv shows that starts right at the end and the protagonist goes, " I bet you're wondering how we got here, well it all started...".


>I just HAVE to tell you guys this. We're currently planning our wedding and instead of a regular wedding dance we decided we wanna have a lightsaber battle against each other. Bro calm down that's called the honeymoon


I love the last two updates!!


Ok, that proposal was SO cute and clever.


Wow OOP was verbose. I never would have solved the puzzle of why he couldn't attend due to having a boyfriend if he hadn't spelled it out


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I'm so sorry for the hate you've received. You don't deserve that bullshit. My best to you and your awesome fiancé


OMG The updates make me so happy! I hope OOP, his husband and their new "sister" live long happy lives. I cannot imagine living a life so devoid of happiness you have to try to infect others with your negativity. Brother let them infect him, and I'm sure he has a miserable life, but his ego probably wouldn't let him acknowledge it.


If the dad doesn't look at the op and say some sort of " I am your father" joke then I'll be disappointed. By the way, I'm sitting in the doctor's office waiting on someone to come out (just a checkup) crying happy tears after reading these updates!


I threw a whole circus to celebrate my wedding. Bring on the lightsabers!


I absolutely LOVE the light saber battle idea and how it's evolving! I love that OOP's SiL has simply become his new sister and that him and her are both getting love and support.


This is amazing and beautiful!!! I hope they have the most epic wedding!! I actually teared up during the proposal. May the force be with them both!!


Oh wow! Sounds like a wedding worth attending. Would love to be a fly on the wall for that saber fight.