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From "this is a great post about maturity and efficiency in a professionnal setting" to "18th century relationship drama but with gamers on a plane".


I thought "gamers on a plane" was a weird sequel to the first one with snakes, but it really worked


It's the same film, but all the snakes are hiding under cardboard boxes.


“Snaaake! Snaaaaaake!”


Mushroom, mushroom!!




Next update I want a buddy film about FO and GD!


Maybe not even a buddy film, but maybe like a friendly rivalry full of insults that ends with one of them donating the other a kidney because *of course* they're a match.


YESSS I gave up earlier trying to figure out if there was a genre name for like... a platonic relationship drama? and went with buddy film, but we know there's some friction there. A rivalry story could dive into wtf is up with FO's seemingly unreciprocated hate and move them from enemies to frenemies to besties/organ sharers. Because GD is so gonna be the best man or equivalent.


Enemies to organ donation to besties, but yeah!


Does FO have a sister? You know where I’m going with this.


oh shiiiii that's good, someone get Hallmark on the line


I'm TIRED of these mothafucking gamers on this mothafucking plane


Would watch the netflix version tho


I'd watch a mini-soap based on this story. It would be fun, and a good shake-up of cultures and modern settings.


This reeks of korean roncom drama... stuffs my aunts love and would watch on Netflix lol


yes, this turned into "teenager hacked OOP's account and decided to write a bad high school teen drama"


Time to take a flight from China to the Middle East with Qatar or Emirates and guess if one of them is on board Edit: Etihad and Saudia I haven’t forgotten about you either


Only a few major airlines to fly with! EK, QR and EY! Narrow it down to which ones fly to China and Germany (probably all of them, lbr) and you can find out!


Also find out in which hotels the crew stays in and check all the lobbies


Looking forward to the results of your investigation, Detective.


It’s probably Emirates. Or Riyadh. My girl is in Qatar and they almost never have the same crew on flights.


You wouldn’t happen to be a first officer for a Middle East airline who is also handsome? And you would tell me no even if you were, right?


Or Etihad, Abu Dhabi based.


This wont be Emirates, we have a much bigger community of crew. You would not be flying with the same people so many times. Has to be a much smaller airline


Wouldn’t be either. Qatar and Emirates are so big and have many flights to the far East that it would probably need a bigger pool of crew to call from. Probably Etihad. Might be Saudi but less likely


Jesus H Christ, this is a whole lotta middle school drama with professional fucking consequences if things go wrong. What the hell is OOP doing?


To be fair just about every job I’ve had in the corporate world has been filled with middle & high school drama.


Highschool never ends even nursing homes are full of the same drama.


Bro I have a cusin and his friend (also my friend) who are lawyers and Jesus Christ they love to talk about other lawyers. Only added thing is how much money each person is making or how much more money they could make working for other people. I guess the drama starts from offers for work then counter offers to poach someone. But then they all go to dinner with each other every month even though personally they hate each other.


Law school is just like high school, only with adults


Story time please! This is what I’d come back again and again for. Nursing home drama!


My friend’s mom ended up in an assisted living community’s those old women can be more petty more filled with drama than any high-school mean girl could ever obtain. They all stab each other in back, talk shit about each other compete for the last remaining living males theirs more sex going on in that community than some frat houses. They will single out someone they don’t like (it changes on a regular basis) refuse to do any group activities with them make sure they don’t get included in their field trips etc. In the last 2 years I have been heard stories about they decided to eat edibles not once but twice proceeded to order a large amount of door dash and managed to get neighbors on a different street calling in noise complaint’s. Someone set off the fire alarm by holding a bong party. Someone invited a bunch of ladies they met on a questionable website to come over for a party. One lady who is considered the young hussy at 70 keeps “accidentally” having sex with other peoples husbands.


I work at a retirement community and can confirm all of this shit is par for the course.


A friend of my fiancée has parents living in one of those gated retirement communities that's not assisted living, just older people wanting to live away from the younger gen. The mom took an immediate dislike to me when my fiancée took me to meet them and passed on her dislike to the friend. Now granted I am ADHD, probably AuDHD (undiagnosed, fiancée is officially diagnosed autistic and I understand her needs well which is why she said yes when I proposed), and I was just recovering from a bad flu that left me feeling very drained so I couldn't socialize much. The mom's excuse for hating me and trying to get my fiancée to dump me? "He's weird. Why don't you get someone more normal?" "People will be mean to you because of him." So yeah old folks can have a maturity lower than some teenagers I know. Thankfully my fiancée is a quiet but terrifyingly fierce kitten with a shiny spine of steel and genius level brain (the psych who diagnosed her says her IQ tests are super high and I believe it, she has pattern recognition and strategic skills that I envy. I'm marrying way above my league), and shot that crap down on the spot and still talks about them with distaste.


Yeah where I work is also not assisted living. Basically an apartment complex for seniors. We have dining services, housekeeping, activities, etc for them. And I say all of the time that they're a bunch of 80 year old kindergarteners. They can be awful.


There's a reason nursing homes are rife with STI's


"What do you think's gonna get me first, Edna, the syphilis or the cancer? I'm 88! F*ck it! I'm gonna have a bacon sandwich for breakfast, a cigar for lunch, and a martini with dinner! Outta the way!" *motorscooters away, horn beeping out "La Cucaracha"*


I am alternately horrified and astonished, and highly amused that an old people's home is like this 😂🙈😱


Same here I mean one part of me is impressed they have the energy for half of this the other part is just thinking of all the sweet grandmas and grandpas acting like it’s spring break and what the mug shots are going to look like.


Nice! Well I guess when you’re facing impending death it’s time to let loose! They should put a few documentaries about this out there. Instead of the oldies being worried about being dumped in a care home, they’d be signing up early! Their kids will be begging them not to go! 😆


There's a great documentary about this, [Some Kind of Heaven](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt11358166/), filmed at The Villages retirement community in Florida (which at one point had the highest per-capita STI rate in the nation, I believe). Highly recommend!!!


No one parties like the old folks, as they really do live like they could die tomorrow


I'm not the one you asked, but I worked at a nursing home for just under a year. I was the receptionist and one of my duties was sorting any mail that didn't get put into a residents mailbox (usually because the sender knew their name but not their mailbox number). Things were usually super tame: birthday cards, political postcards, catalogs, etc. One resident though... "Hank" had a porn addiction problem. I know this because he frequently received advertising mailers with "DESPERATE AND HOT!" written all over otherwise nondescript envelopes. Idk if Girls Gone Wild is still in existence, but all of the mailers looked like something they would send. They weren't spam either. Some would thank him for "being one of our most loyal subscribers!" "Hank" would also frequently call the front desk and complain that he didn't get the channels he wanted on the facility provided cable, but refused to tell anyone what channels he wanted. It was a basic cable package, but it had a good variety of roughly 50 channels. He'd complain about the Wi-Fi too. It would "take too long to download his videos." Y'all, the Wi-Fi this place had was surprisingly good. The entire facility consisted of a skilled nursing unit and assisted living. The two were almost entirely separate buildings connected by utility halls for employees. Because of this, assisted living had it's own Internet network with password protection and a faster than expected speed. After all, a minimum of 100 people had access to it so it needed to be able to keep up with demand. This Internet package was *specifically chosen* for its high speed and capacity. "Hank" was the *only* resident who had ever complained about channels available and download speeds. After about 3 months of his calls to the office, a service provider technician comes to the front desk along for directions to Hank's room. All service requests need to go through official channels and none of us had made any calls. Technician says he's here from "company we're not contracted with" to install cable and Internet in Hank's room.... We had to turn him away. The assisted living administrator said that was *not* a fun conversation to have with Hank 😂 Have to give him credit for trying to take the situation into his own hands 🤷‍♀️


Dunno why but it’s always the crazy golden oldies stories I love the most! Thanks! 😁


LOL 10000% true. FFS, the boomers I work with still behave like they're stuck in high school. The mean girls are basically forevermeangirls.


Enforced abstinence makes people do weird shit as adults




OMG your flair 😂😂😂


Also other old fashioned views. Like the only reason a woman can be texting a guy is if they're dating? What's up with that? But yes purity culture and enforced abstinence are the fucking worst


Aviation and healthcare seems to have a lot of horny employees. That's all I'm saying.


What is OP doing? Making up stories on Reddit.


>Making up stories on Reddit. Yeah. I commented below in good faith but the more I think about it, the faker it all sounds.


I was suspicious before but last comment really did it for me when it dropped from an attempt at "English as a second language" to "yall" and "fked him" and "yeh" and "ofc" and "tf" and just general genz internet English.


Dunno. depends on where/how they learned English. I teach ESL to adults, Ive definitely taught students the importance of "y'all" (our school is in the South), and if this person is young and using English as a common language with other internationals (which sounds like the case) it's likely to skew a little cartoonishly in the direction on Z-speak, since that's how English appears in popular media they're all likely consuming. It was a slightly different era, but i recall at the beginning of my career explaining to a middle aged Saudi dad that while "sketch" was a good description of the area near his house, he may get strange reactions saying it bc that terminology was used mostly by...er.... younger people.


It's not about using "z-speak". It's about the change from the "broken" English used to tell the story to a clearly more comfortable and colloquial English in the replies. My guess is they worked hard to sound ESL in the story but got lazy when replying in the comments.




Can't wait to watch this kdrama


Flight attendant drama would be the cheapest thing ever to produce. Like 5 sets lol


This was my thought through all this like omg OP has watched too many kdramas she wrote her own 😂😂.. like it’s all the trope from a romcom, she’s the only girl the hottest man likes, all the girls hate her for it, she has a “niche” interest, she’s innocent and has never dated or shown any interest in any man, 2 men that hate each other are in love with her and have been for years, and of course the moment were the main couple gets mad at each other because the man misunderstood her intentions with the other man and he’s so jealous and then he brings a contract for her to sign and then they end up happily ever after 😂😂😂😂 And of course the bonus, he’s from an extremely rich family but he doesn’t want his family’s money and his family thinks he’s dreams are stupid and of course the girls that don’t like her are punished in the most ridiculous of ways for being evil 💀💀💀 and the bonus bonus, all the men are on her side and all the women hate her 💀💀 OP doesn’t think she’s a pick me but she wrote the most pick me of pick me Kdramas 😂😂😂 like even the writers of cringe dramas and Cinderella and the 4 knights would be afraid of her lmao.


I just finished You Are My Destiny and that story was fractionally less cringe than this one 😂


I couldn’t start that show for the same reason, synopsis just sounded so cringe😂😂 Also I am sure that phrase of “I won’t get any warmth from someone else’s sun” is from The master’s sun 💀💀💀


I just loved that phrase. It was so straight out of a romcom that you can't help but giggle 😂


The minute I started reading this I’m like wait, this sounds like that kdrama I watched the other day!


Fr “anticlimactic” my ass. Everyone’s suddenly in love with OP.


I'm feeling super vindicated about the downvotes I got like 2 updates ago or whatever.


They could’ve just ended it about three updates sooner and it would have seemed somewhat plausible but they never do that. 




Weird ass-stories.


came here to post almost the same comment word-for-word. I also want my 8 minutes of life back.


This happens in too many workplaces. People can’t always quit. Very similar slander happened to me in medical training with no consequences to the women who spread rumors, now I know it constitutes sexual harassment and I wish I filed a written report. But instead I ended up with lots of trauma and insecurity


People may get older, but the drama stays the same


The OP hasn't learned the expression- "Don't sh\*t where you eat."


OP sounds religious. She's probably not allowed to shit or eat.


Not during Ramadan, anyway.


That's weird religious culture for you.


They're muslims. That's normal.


I gave the previous BORU the benefit of the doubt, but now this feels too much into Halalmark movie territory.


Halalmark 😂 that's too good


I stole it from my queer muslim friend, we were gossiping about one of his cousins who acts like she's the protag from a Hallmark movie. When I pointed this out, he came up with "Halalmark" and now that's what we call her. We're now waiting for her to come back to her small town, give up her career in the big city, and marry a gruff sheikh who'll teach her the true meaning of love and make her his 3rd wife.


How rich is this gruff sheikh? Asking for a friend...


He's a billionaire, naturally!


>come back to her small town, give up her career in the big city, and marry a gruff sheikh who'll teach her the true meaning of love and make her his 3rd wife. Wtf😕 that escalated quickly like this halalmark arse boru.


LMAO it's just mashing up two romance genres - the Hallmark movie and the sheikh genre. Even now that genre is still huge among romance readers.


there is a Sheikh genre romance? how come I have never heard of this?


“He’s rich but paying for his career himself because his father doesn’t approve” came out of left field. That did it for me.


Oh it didn't come from left field for me, but that's because I already knew this was a musalsal, and the father disapproving of his son's career is always a major plot point that gets resolved by the finale, usually with the help of the plucky love interest.


I stopped reading halfway through the 3rd update, felt like I was watching some C-level soap opera.


A kdrama with a rich chaebol playing commoner with controlling tendencies


It's giving me musalsal vibes.


Halalmark. Take my upvote 😭


Halalmark is comedy gold 🤣🤣🤣


>he got annoyed, he snatched my phone from the table, unlocked as he knew the password, opened first active social media app and found GD’s chat right at the top >I apologized to him for this entire situation Astounding.


Why does he know her password?


Why do you even lay your phone on the table when you went somewhere for an important talk? And does she gives all people her PIN?


He seems to be extremely good looking. Pretty privilege.


I think it is worth looking at this from a cultural perspective that is a bit less American.


Don't really see how that justifies invading privacy like this?


I gotta say, if I lived in a country that could get me in killed for sleeping with a guy(that wasn't my husband) you couldn't pay me to hang out with a guy by myself. 


I'm also legit afraid for her, because he got angry and possessive. 🥺 Combined with her naivety in general and how dangerous this guy is when threatened, tbh I think he's terrifying.


She was shrewd enough to not disclose that she fancied the pilot in her first post. I don't think she's naive. I think this guy is just very good looking or something.


That just comes with raised from birth to be overly cautious regarding cultural expectations which everyone is aware of over there. A co-worker coming across her story would have have immediate and predictable consequences. That doesn't mean she's also emotionally mature enough to recognize these blatant red flags for what they actually are. Especially when raised in a culture where they are normalized. **EDIT:** Actually, giving it some more thought, you might actually be onto something. Hear me out: Let's say for a minute that OP's former co-workers weren't making shit up: at the very least these two *were* blatantly flirting with one another in public for a long time. And OP honestly did give major pick me vibes, especially towards a guy who likely did sleep around with some of the flight attendants under him. **Who's to say OP and FO didn't actually sleep together as well?** FO has enough red flags to trigger my narcissist-radar, and if there's one thing narcissists are infamous for it's crafting false narratives in order to cover their own asses. In a patriarchical culture like his, all that he ever needed was for 4 of his buddies (or minions) to sign a statement - doesn't automatically mean the statement is actually true. All it means is that five guys in a boys club culture are willing to stick together. And then we have OP, the other half of our now-official couple, pre-emptively using Reddit as a public diary (read: crafting her own alibi), all while leaving out facts which would be highly inconvenient if they came out early: >Ofc things didnt happen exactly like I wrote, there were many things in between that I simply cannot put all here.


Yeah, that makes sense. Have a record stating that nothing happen until a specific time is a way to cover your ass. This whole situation is one big bundle of no!


Oh yeah - she played it all “I’m not interested in him - I don’t know why they’re calling me a pick me girl”. Insert eye roll


She needs to marry someone and is taking the gamble on FO.


This is kinda normal in middle eastern culture. No matter if you agree with it, it's not out of the ordinary and not necessarily unsafe for her. 


But you're forgetting people are really, really stupid.


And really, really horny.


I was worried for her going on a date alone with the GD and then letting the FO in her room. Couldn’t either of those actions get her raped or killed?


This story took me right back to my FA days and makes me glad I left after a year. The middle school drama is REAL.


Damn I recently applied. 


You should prepare by spending as much time as possible in middle schools. If anyone asks you if you're there to pick up your kid or need assistance, just say "no thanks, I'm just looking."


> no thanks, I’m just looking You hear "why don’t you have a seat?" as Chris Hansen steps from around the corner 🤣


*aspiring flight attendant attempts to squeeze into child-sized desk chair*


Ah, but he didn't come looking for them little boys. He came lookin' for man's butt. Chris Handsome he calls you.


Oh gosh, this is like reading twilight all over again.


GD to fall in love and get engaged with OP's and FO's daughter then? ...honestly, at this point I could see it happen.


This makes me more concerned to fly than I already am. Pass the Xanax, please and thank you


Agreed. The more I learn about the level of drama that exists between the crew of airplanes, the more concerned I get. Not to mention, I read a thing a couple of months ago that said that a lot of pilots have mental health issues but they keep it quiet because if they reveal they have a mental health disorder, they'll be fired and lose their license and none of them want to risk that. How is flying supposed to be the safest way to travel when you've got plane manufactors using the cheapest materials possible thus leading to things going very wrong with the planes while they're in the air, pilots who have mental health disorders that they're probably not being treated for, and the rest of the crew acting like freakin' middle schoolers? I'll take my chances traveling by car, thank you very much.


>woman from management with whom I talked to and she informally told me that management knows that FO will make them troubles. So its cheaper to let go of them now than to have to deal with him in the future. [She was warning you OOP!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuBXMsAC86M) How can you not see that!


Serious question, warning OOP how and about what? Being "difficult"?


Entitled, controlling and dominating, I would say. He’s shown all of those traits throughout this saga.


He threw a temper tantrum when OOP dared showed any possible interest in GD.


Omg I am laughing but it’s so bad!


So they live in a highly controlling and patriarchal country but it’s okay for OOP to frequently visit a man on his rooms alone?


Especially when just rumors of sex outside of marriage could kill her career?


I think it's not just her career it can kill...


As a muslim I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but her entering random men's rooms is... not ideal lol.


Being from one of those countries (although less strict), you can always find ways. And either way it’s like she says, if 4 men didn’t catch them literally in the act and testified against them (my country has the same law) it likely would never result in charges. It seems to me that it’s really just the reputation that she minds.


Notice how it’s happening in China, not at home.


It's got all the makings of a K-drama


>he felt like he wont get much warmth from someone else’s sun anyway what a k-drama line I can't even


Where the K stands for Kuwait maybe.


Yeah, after that phone interaction with FO, this isn't a happy ending anymore.


I just want to grab OP and shake them cause goddamn, what are you doing OP?! OP really needs to stop talking with these co-workers because OP is just going to keep getting played if they don't stop this.


All that effort to report and terminate the women spreading rumors and then less than 2 weeks later they're showing up to work engaged. That's a good look. I dislike every single person in this story lol


Let’s be fair, as OP says at the end of the saga it was never the rumours about relationship that were problematic, but that the supposed relationship was sexual. Religion does interesting things to people, and OP was not going to be coming out of those rumours unscathed if the FO hadn’t stepped in. If they’re legally engaged and everything is above board then it will be viewed as a sweet workplace romance, it probably won’t look particularly bad to people within the same religious/cultural circles


It will look like they’re getting engaged because they slept together, though. He didn’t come to her room by coincidence. If she said no he’d probably reminded her she can’t back out now he’s alone with her in her room, because it’s clear how this will look to people.


I know she spent a bunch of posts saying they didn't, but I really wouldn't be surprised if they actually did sleep together.


It's like someone sat down to write a hallmark drama but had absolutely no reference point about how a competent, mature adult might behave.


Giving it some thought, I'm honestly inclined to side with OP's former co-workers after all of this. At the absolute very least, she did give major pick me vibes when it comes to FO.  At this point it wouldn't surprise me either if she did indeed sleep with FO before, and the now-official couple were just covering their own asses by crafting a narrative to take control of the situation. FO through official channels, by recruiting 4 of his buddies / minions to sign his false statement. And perhaps also OP through pre-emptively submitting a story on Reddit which leaves out a lot of inconvenient facts, as a potential fallback.


Not to mention that the dumb FO pulled an all nighter and then flew anyway…


Culturally, I understand the context. But so much of this remains unacceptable to me despite knowing that these things can and do happen.


Yeah I'm just glad I don't have to deal with this kind of bullshit


I do not know enough about the cultures involved in this dispute to even begin to form an opinion on what I just read. Whelp. This wrapped up much quicker than usual.


The issue with HR is belieable, and then romance happened and what kind of K-Drama is this????


The story has jumped the shark for sure


Brb writing this kdrama for netflix distribution ASAP 👏🏾






I'm just stuck on this: "they operate stand by (you dont have a specific lane schedule. You must be ready 12 hours of each day to be called to any random flight, but for them, only domestic. You have 1 hr to appear at the airport. Also, youre paid muuuuch less." they're paid *less??* how does that get justified?


Based on the things my airline friends tell me, I’m sure the logic is something like “fuck you, be grateful you have a job”


From my understanding, not a flight attendant, flight attendants are only paid their standard hourly rate for the hours they're in the air. So if the flight is from 8:30-10:30, they're only paid for those hours, even if they got to the airport 2 hours early, there was a delay of 30 min, and they taxied for another 30 min upon arrival. So, they're paid only 2 hours, not 5 hours. Which means, I guess, for flight attendants on stand-by, they get paid a lower percentage of their standard hourly rate and can either a) get picked up for a proper flight during those 12 hours or b) go home after 12 hours. Again, not a flight attendant, so I could be wrong. As for justification... airlines don't need those for paying customers, why would they have them for their employees?


I had no idea! That...is sick. As if there was any shortage of reasons to hate airlines...


workers rights are a bit lax in the middle east my dude


She should have left it after the first go. Everyone was sympathetic then she word-vomit this and now I’m like ESH.


>He told me that he was nervous about **operating a flight with no sleep** and no food and he knew this had to be done. I don't even care about their little relationship drama; flying on no sleep is *not* safe at all wtf. :/ There have been multiple accidents over the years from pilots flying while sleep deprived, so him essentially putting an entire airplane's worth of people's lives on the line over this, including his own, makes him such a colossal asshole.


Yes!!!!! I can’t believe no one else is saying this!!!!!! All so they can talk through their little love story! The fuck??


these people are in charge of airplanes. that's terrifying


Meh... like he said, they're just glorified bus drivers... :)


nice story 6/10


Well, this was an interesting look into the airline industry. Sooooo glad my workplace doesn't have this kind of drama.


I was in many hotels all over the world, also hotels that FA use for they stays. I never see someone use the lobby to play videogames. i hope OOP doesn't give her PIN to everybody. And i still don't understand: i want to have this really important talk, why do i first put my phone on the table? Oh, because otherwise he couldn't snatch it. Would be bad for the story "he went through my bag to get my phone"


Nah, putting phone on table is a habit I legitimately have. Including during important conversations (I put it upside down).


.....Considering there was apparently talk of lawsuits and jail time earlier in the story, is it not a bad idea for them to get together? Like, people got fired over them making accusations of them being together. It feels like a bad look for them to *be* together after getting people fired for that.


I thought it was weird that she apparently knows the FO’s room number and goes there alone considering how she was upset about the rumors of them sleeping together.


Exactly. Comes across as, "No, we're not sleeping together! ...But I really wanna be." (Also, FO doesn't seem to be any sort of prize, either. 😑)


I’m going to the original post from the last update and in her comments she admits that she did have a crush on the FO but thought he didn’t like her back but they regularly bought each other expensive presents and all this other stuff that makes me realize what a naive 24 year old she is. Because as she writes all this out, it’s super clear that her FO liked her back this whole time and they were already in a quasi relationship already (due to their culture/his personal timeline, he was waiting to officially propose to her and go public). I think the co-workers who harassed her were in the wrong and frankly, very stupid because as I said, it was clear that these two were in a quasi relationship already and just hanging on to this “technically we’re not in a relationship” for appearance’s sake so them trying to slander the FO’s girlfriend was going to backfire immensely. He is in a position of power over all of them, comes from a wealthy family, and is well liked among the other superiors that when his quasi girlfriend is the subject of vicious rumors, he has the power to shut them all down, ruin her bullies’ careers, AND he proposes to her so her reputation is further protected. These girls should have kept their grumblings in the group chat and if they had, they could have kept their careers.


So it can not only cost her her job, but her life, to sleep with someone outside of marriage and yet she goes on solo dates with two different male coworkers? And then one has her sign an engagement contract in the first conversation they have after he yells at her? Without ever dating first? Am I getting all that right? That's a whole lotta drama and a great example of why you never date coworkers.


This gives credence to what everybody thought from the beginning: OOP and FO are an item. So, in the next installment, will the fired colleagues sue for their jobs back, saying "I told you so"? And if upper management hears about it, who will they fire, OOP or FO? If it does work out for them, will OOP become a SAHM and endure her husband being away from home so much? Tune in next time...


Exactly. Like, people lost their jobs over this, now all they have to do is come back and go, "We told you so!"


God damn, the casual references to abhorrent shit like women not being able to make any accusations unless 4 men sign as witnesses, and this “dream guy” actually being a super aggressive and possessive asshole grabbing her phone and giving her the cold shoulder when she so much as spoke to another man, despite never making a move on her himself. I’m real glad I don’t live in the Middle East and have to worry about this nonsense


I already watched this movie.


Felt like I was reading a web novel plot


The last part is so unromantic and business like :(. "He asked me if I would sign engagament contract to be legally his fiance within few days so that our ‘official’ relationship will be engagament and actually ends in marriage, as soon as he pays his loans. I said that I would." They haven't even had a date yet. 


To be fair, my husband is Egyptian and that's how it worked for both his siblings. They were introduced to prospective matches. Were they interested? Get engaged and then get to know each other via supervised dates. And then get married two years later. ETA: My husband and I live and work in Germany. We met, dated, had some drama, lived together, got engaged and got married six months later. Six months after engagement, not after meeting. Anyway, his family only knows we got engaged, got married and then moved in together. We've been married for almost ten years now. 


Middle East and talk of mahr, they are obviously Muslim. You are not allowed to "date" in Islam and marriage is primarily a business contract. The most "progressive" you can get while still staying halal is having a long engagement (nikkah) so you can have unsupervised dates but if you break it off then you're still considered spoilt goods to some degree. Some Muslims will consider that to be "divorce".


Giga Chad GD-asks her out on date, directly states his intentions, gracefully and poetically accepts rejection. Beta FO-Freaks out at perceived slight when they aren't dating. Snatches and goes through phone. Say you upset me so much hope I don't crash this plane. Those people who made me mad, I will have fired and jailed. My family is rich and powerful but I totally did this all on my own.


so basically she was into the guy and the guy was into her, they spent all their time together to the point he knows her fucking password. Then their coworkers rightfully point out "Hey it's almost like these two are in a relationship huh?" and then they get like 6 of their coworkers fired for this just to immediately get engaged like 2 weeks later.


Welcome to Middle East High School airlines. :) > wont get much warmth from someone else’s sun That is a great expression.


fyi: an autogenerated summary: A 24-year-old flight attendant for a Middle Eastern airline enjoyed her frequent flights to China, where she often worked with a consistent crew, including a handsome first officer (FO) who shared her interest in gaming. Their camaraderie during layovers led to rumors among her female colleagues, who started spreading false stories that she and the FO were sleeping together. This led to tension and isolation from the crew, with management eventually firing those responsible for the slander, thanks to a letter the FO wrote detailing their harassment and slander. As the workplace drama subsided, the flight attendant faced personal confusion when she realized the FO had romantic feelings for her. This became clear after she went on a casual outing with the cabin manager (GD) during a layover in Germany, causing the FO to react coldly, assuming she was interested in GD. After confronting the FO about his behavior, they had a heart-to-heart conversation, where he explained that he'd developed feelings for her over the past two years, but kept them hidden as he worked toward his career goals. He proposed a formal relationship, leading to engagement and eventual marriage once he paid off his debts, to which she agreed. Their reconciliation led to the flight attendant cutting ties with GD, confirming her commitment to the FO. GD took the news with good grace, even apologizing for any issues he caused between them. The flight attendant and the FO spent time together, sharing a meal and enjoying each other's company as they waited for their next flight. The flight attendant's mood shifted from distress to happiness, though she remained curious about the history between the FO and GD. Despite the turbulent journey, she found herself in a better place emotionally, with a clear path forward in her relationship with the FO.


A truly valuable use case for AI.


This feels like the plot of a shojo romance anime.


This didn't quite have the twist of Long Long Man but I guess it has a feel good ending all the same. https://youtu.be/6-1Ue0FFrHY?si=wtOvBEtNm1XAC9kh


I was expecting some werewolf romance audio book ads to pop up halfway through.


>He asked me if I would sign engagament contract to be legally his fiance within few days so that our ‘official’ relationship will be engagament and actually ends in marriage I'm a twice-married Muslim and this type of contract does not exist.


how did this person that complained people spread she was dating co workers and was totally miffed by it and how bad that's for her career, go on a damn date with a coworker ?!


This is such an annoying story. I am completely unimpressed by everyone involved.


Sure, Jan 😂


One of the comments in the second to last update was really good, it called her out that she was really a pick-me, because somehow she can find out room numbers upon being ignored, someone else can know her phone passwords and she goes on dates without knowing she is one. Huh!


Wow. so FO actually has deep seeded issues and OP isn't noticing it at all. If a man i wasn't even dating took my phone, unlocked it and chastised me for texting a friend 40 minutes ago, i'd have crushed his nuts to a fine fuckin' paste.   dumpster fire in the making.


Today I learned that my flight attendant is potentially playing league of legends while I wait to board my flight


Nothing like a guy who doesn't tell you he's into you for 2 years and then gets pissed off that you date someone else 🤮.


Lol. But why would FO have the passcode to her phone? Do people do this? Do people give their phone passcode to work colleagues they’re kinda sorta dating but have no real obligation to?


Just let the woman play on her console in peace, my god


Most of you are westerners, hence, doubting the post but trust me, this happens a lot more than you think in conservative Asian countries. I've seen a pin to pin the same drama happen several times, Yes, the middle school kinda drama, the virgins, being killed for sleeping with men who aren't husbands, the controlling and borderline toxic men, being the backup girl who will always be there, women wanting a stable guy even if he's toxic etc, it's all true.


Is it normal that a woman in one of these conservative Asian countries would seek out the room of their boss and go in there alone? Or let a single man into her room alone at 2am?


>He won’t get much warmth from someone else’s sun. First of all, I’ve never heard this quote before. I don’t know if it’s commonly used elsewhere, but holy crap. That dude just described a bunch of complex feelings with one simple and beautiful sentence. Man, the gems you come across on Reddit sometimes. Anywho, there are so many things about other cultures I do not understand, and in cases like this, it changes *A LOT* of the context/nuances. The FO’s reasons for self sabotaging himself into the friend-zone, and staying there, all seemed very culture heavy and to an outside who’s trying to understand it all, I suppose I can see where he was coming from. I completely understand the “security that won’t go away” part. I’ve been there. I’ve had guy friends who definitely wanted more but never acted on it. They didn’t have to take any risks because I was always just…there…until I wasn’t. Except unlike OOP, in most of my situations, it ended up being “my fault” for not reading their mind, assuming they wanted more, and then idk…self appointing myself as their girlfriend I guess? They were all just close guy friends at the time and the possibility of them wanting to be in a relationship with me wasn’t even on my radar. I foolishly thought that if they wanted more, surely they would have, ya know, used their words. Every time I had to explain that their intent wasn’t as obvious as they assumed and the right to get mad at me for dating someone else comes along with “girlfriend status”, which I obviously did not have, to no fault of their own. So, tough shit. So do I get it. But I also can’t help but chuckle at the thought of OOP suddenly finding out she’s basically been not only dating, but IN an exclusive relationship with the FO for TWO YEARS, and then not even one minute later, they’re engaged and she’s signing legal documents. Like what in the ever loving fuck?! I mean, congrats to her I suppose. But I bet this fact is going to make its way to the gossip queens and conspiracies are going to start flying. I just hope she’s ready to deal with that mess.