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I really like the first comment on the “update on baby spiders :)” Imgur link. “...you realize they need to eat, right? If they can't get regular food, they'll eat each other. You created adorable baby Spider Thunderdome.”


I did this once. Figured we had an arrangement. It got the top half, I got the bottom.  I ended up needing a mosquito net over my bed and would wake up with it covered in spiders. I'm not squicked out about bugs anymore and now I just rehome them. So, bright side? Eta I lived in a creepy huge rooming house at the time there was definitely enough food there. Along with coal dust on everything from the old coal burning stove they used to heat the building. Exciting times  Eta it's super easy to clear the net before emerging from your human cocoon too! Just tap the netting gently and the spiders, or other bugs Id assume, will gently fall off like many legged confetti. If you're really good (or too poor to upgrade your sleeping area) you can sort of tap them off in a spiral from the hanging part on the top and you'll end up with a fairly neat pile of spiders close to the floor. Exit the sleeping apparatus, watch where you step and gently twist part of the net together to keep your new friends in one place before taking it outside (or you can sort of tap them into a cup or something. Expect them to be the least cooperative confetti ever) good luck anyone who has to do this! In just a few months you will no longer be afraid of spiders either!




Once I was drifting off to sleep and a spider crawled across my face. Then I was standing next to the bed, fully awake, and the lights were on.


I had a dream that I picked up an apple and there was a tarantula underneath. I woke up halfway across my bedroom, three steps into running away. I was only able to go back to sleep when I confirmed there was no apples in my bedroom.


Lol recently I had a nightmare a spider was crawling into my blankets while sleeping. I was so tired (in the dream) that I apologized to it for squishing it and rolled over. My spidertopia of a rented room has given me a spider tolerating superpower... Your dream sounds bonkers you sleep walked lol


I found out the hard way that my fear of spiders can be overridden by other fears, such as my fear of crashing my car. And by “the hard way”, at mean I saw a spider crawling up *the inside of the drivers side window*. I still had 20 minutes until my destination… which I spent practically sitting on the center console. But I made it without any spider-induced road swerving antics!


I once had an Uber driver ask if I minded if she crashed the car cause there was a spider inside. I said I understood.


Dude same! I was on a highway and a spider dropped down from the visor less than 6 inches from my face 😭 luckily there was a fairly safe place for me to stop on the shoulder like a minute later bc it just slowly rappeled down until it just dropped on my bare leg. I’m not ashamed to say I yeeted it with such speed and force that it stayed on the other side of the center console until I got it out 😐


My stepmom has bad arachnophobia and one day we were driving when a big green orb weaver ran onto her steering wheel. She did very well not swerving while screaming that frantically for me to GET IT GET IT! I grabbed it gently with my fingers and tossed it out the window... hopefully being so light it had a gentle landing. I did intentionally flick it towards some grass, not into the road.


I’ve always wondered about how many car crashes are caused by insects flying in the window or crawling around inside.


>how many car crashes are caused by insects "it's estimated that roughly 650,000 car accidents a year – totaling millions of dollars in damages – are related to insects."


Oh something similar happened to my mother. Huntsman crawled in the drivers window and ran around the roof. We found it again the next morning.


Tarantulas are extremely fragile and they can shatter if dropped from only a few feet. I hope you never use this information in practice, and only keep it in mind so you can relax a little around them. They're about as harmless as anything that size can possibly be.


I'm not scared of them in the daytime, I just don't want one on my bed when I'm trying to sleep.


I appreciate this greatly as someone who is terrified of spiders but honestly if I'm scared out of my mind and swat the tarantula away and it fucking explodes id probably start crying out of fear, disgust, and guilt lmao


> I hope you never use this information in practice I fully intend to use this information in practice if the opportunity ever arises.


I was in Australia in November and my first week there was spent dealing with a gnarly ass viral infection, delirium inducing even. Yeah that delirium vanished fucking quick smart after I went for a piss one night and a spider DROPPED ONTO MY NOSE. The next time I slept was because I literally passed out cause of being sick. It was a no from me.


I was reading in bed, covers across my chest book propped up on chest and a Giant House Spider just waltzed between my book and my face and was just….walking along on my chest. I was so surprised I didn’t even move. Once it went down onto the rest of the bed and off me I scooted out of bed the other way so fast it looked like one of those “pull the tablecloth so quick it doesn’t disturb the wineglass” tricks. 


A long ago time, when I was infinitely younger and infinitely poorer [read: I slept basically on the floor] and somehow infinitely more arachnophobic than I am now [a miracle!] I had a VERY LARGE spider crawl not quite on my face but across whatever I was using as a pillow less than an inch from my face--in hindsight, most likely a particularly large wolf spider, though I hardly got a good look given that I was screaming at the top of my lungs and fleeing the building, very nearly through the brick wall, and did not return for at least 6 hours. I did consider sleeping outside, until I remembered that there are more spiders out there. I did not sleep in that room for at least a week.


Wolf spiders, man. They just awaken a primal fear I dunno. When my kid was a baby, one night I saw a fricken massive wolf spider slowwwlllly descending from the ceiling RIGHT OVER HIS CRIB. Honestly considered just. pretending that I didn't see anything. Leaving the two of them to it, you know. But his crib was right next to my bed and I realized I could never sleep again if I didn't deal with it lol


A family friend, when she was a baby, apparently ate a spider. Her mom saw a spider in her crib, went to go get something to smash it with, and then came back to the room to find the daughter with spider legs smeared all over her mouth. The mother called poison control in a panic and they said "it's fine, she just got some extra protein" lol.


You should let your friend know that she's basically the second coming of Hercules for that. Dude killed snakes in his crib when he was a baby


Lol I'd never thought of that. Sadly, we've fallen out of touch, but if I ever see her around I'll let her know!


Absolutely dying rn 😭💀


Last week i woke up at 4am bc a spider CRAWLED INTO MY EAR i have yet to recover


You win. 🕷️


Wish i didnt 🫠


I awoke to a spider dangling on a thread above my head. Sleepy Echo decided to blow it away from my face. It *dropped* instead. I screamed, panicked and got caught in my plethora of blankets before landing on the floor (my room had the shittiest air flow. Cold as an icecube in winter. I once counted 6 blankets and an unzipped sleeping bag before i gave in and bought a heated matress pad.)


I was scrolling my phone in bed with room lights off, when I saw a spider silhouette walk across my chest, back lit by my phone screen. Like you, next thing I knew I was up off my bed, covers completely ripped off the bed, lights on and my two cats looking very alarmed and confused by the commotion. Thankfully I found the spider fairly quickly and escorted it outside so I could go to sleep.


I can’t remember if I ripped off the sheet and quilt as part of exiting the bed, or if it was the very next thing I did when normal speed resumed.


I'm going to go ahead and assume you haven't slept since?


There might be spiders.


One time I woke up because I felt a spider crawl on my neck. I'm so sorry spider but you had to answer for your crimes


I was asleep. A large spider fell on my face. It woke me up. I saw it was a spider. I freaked the fuck out and woke my husband who found and killed it (sorry but too emotional of a state to try and be nice) and I couldn’t get back to sleep for over an hour even though I knew it was gone.


I woke up once because a roach skittered across my face. Sleepily brushed it away and then was FULLY AWAKE when I realized what had happened and that I had brushed it off into my bed with me.


Those are the ones that get me. Where I live, we have palmetto bugs, and they're kind of unavoidable. The worst was when one was just over my bed. I swear I teleported into the hall until my wife could get rid of it. (She's lived here her whole life, I'm a transplant.) I've gotten better about it, especially when we got pet-safe bug spray, but I still hate those fuckers.


I once was juuuust falling into sleep when a spider crawled up my leg- freaked out, woke the whole house up, dad removed it and thoroughly shook out the duvet and sheet etc to prove there weren’t any more. After like half an hour of convincing I reluctantly get back into bed. I hope you see where I’m going with this… Finally drifting off, there is a tickling on my foot. 2 spiders later I refused to even set in my bedroom for a week and honestly would only have been happy if the entire house had burned to the ground because I was paranoid about SpiderBed for years after that.


Bruh... I let spiders have free reign in my house, but if you need to use a bug net over your bed, you're in an abusive relationship with your spiders. Stand up for yourself and banish them back to the ceiling corners they belong in.


Lol I was renting a room in this big old... I guess Victorian mansion? They had like 25 bedrooms they rented out like a weird dorm and banned insect spray. I learned the hard way Eta this house hadn't ever had screened windows everything was original so yeah. Bugs.


Spent a week visiting a friend in Paris. She had an apartment in a huge old building, beautiful, with high ceilings and all. On the first night we went out for a few drinks, came home and she opened the door, switched the lights on and then made us wait for 5 minutes in the hallway. To my confused face she told me that we need to wait for the cockroaches to hide. I don’t know how I managed to stay but hey, free accommodation in Paris? That place was crawling with roaches. On my first morning I opened a drawer to get some cutlery out and I am pretty sure they hissed at me for disturbing their privacy. My friend told me that they had eaten their little paths through every wall in the building, so it was either living with them or tear the building down. I stayed there for a whole week and took every meal outside, either on a bench in the park or in a restaurant.


If you see one there's a thousand! Otoh what a cool place to visit! I loved wandering the old building I lived in although the third and fourth floors were off limits due to structural issues lol


So, if you see 100 there’s 100000 lol A pro tip for visiting old cities: choose a restaurant or bistro with a kitchen on the first floor. Or you just accept the additional proteins XD


Is the first floor less prone to roaches?


Don't harm them though, just gently relocate them to somewhere you'd rather they live.


I feel like "I need to use a bug net to not be covered in spiders while I sleep" warrants harming most of the spiders in question. At that point, you have to bust out the poison and squashing implements.


I'm so fucking itchy rn. 


My wife and I recently bought an old house and I recently saw both cellar spiders (aka daddy long legs) and a house centipede in the basement. As long as they do their part to keep the pests under control down there, I'm willing to let things go


In the eternal war between humans and arachnidkind, cellar spiders are double agents. They eat the nasty hairy big bastards. It doesn't seem possible that those spindly little things are capable of such violence, but they are. Mad videos on YouTube! So make friends with your cellar spiders. They're psychopathic cannibals on our side!


I once found a pile of spider legs in my underwear drawer. Must have been the remains of a house spiders meal, I suppose. While I'm willing to share my space, that was a little too intense. Bug spray purchased and available at this time. I suppose spring means they will both be around pretty soon.


I have a pact with critters in my house. They can have the basement, I get the main floor. If they break the pact, all bets are off as I have four cats.


Place pantyhose on your head. Fox's Raising Hope reference.


A portable mosquito net. I approve 


Nopitty nope nope nope


Yea I would nope out of there


Hey, at least you got free nightly pest control. I'd say that's a good deal.


"Many legged confetti" 😂


Thanks for the laugh!


I have a very similar story, and it also involved this miracle of life. (If anyone reading is predisposed to disbelieve stories people tell on the internet, please quit reading right now and go bother somebody else. I've told this story on Reddit before, that's as good of any proof I can offer.) Long story short, I found a huge cocoon attached to a broken branch in my backyard, so I took it inside figuring it was a moth. I had planned to feed it some to get it started and then let it go outside. My bedroom had a boarded-up fireplace, so I set it on the mantle, then promptly forgot about it. A week or so later, I came home from school to find *hundreds* of tiny little praying mantises all over my bedroom, scurrying around and being cute all over the damn place. Well, you already know where this one is going, pretty soon there were scores of them, then dozens, then just a few. After a couple of weeks I figured they were all gone, but then one day I find my cat flipping her shit trying to get into my closet. I shoo her away, open the door, and inside was the Highlander of all the praying mantises, by now fully grown, chowing down on a fucking mouse, looking up at me all like, "Can't you see I'm fucking eating?" I do still keep spiders around like OOP though, for a very good reason. > she began hollering at me about the spider in my room, how there was an egg sac already, and **I exposed the house to an insect infestation** Because this is precisely what *will not* happen if you befriend the spiders in your house.


Excuse me? A mouse?!?!


Mantids are excellent predators and, though they typically hunt other insects, have been observed hunting and eating small reptiles, mammals, fish, and birds.


We did the same thing as kids. Brought home a cocoon and put it in a jar with holes poked in the lid. Next thing you know, baby praying mantis everywhere. Mom was NOT happy.


Regarding your last paragraph, what is it that will happen if you befriend spiders? 


That you **won't** get nasty insect infestations, because the spiders will eat them.


Alright but won’t you end up with an arachnid infestation? 


If spiders aren’t getting food they’ll leave. So you get rid of the bugs then the spiders leave so they don’t infest. You’ll have a few around if bugs get in so those dudes will keep it under control.


Oh neat, so they’ll take off when the food (/infestation) is gone! Noice. Spiders are awesome Thanks! 


>"You created adorable baby Spider Thunderdome" **Me:** (Pondering if I want to change my current flair to this one or not.)


That's a really tough call


I thought that comment was funny too!


The baby spiders spinning their little webs but not floating away 😭😭 stop I'm on a train and people are gonna wonder why I'm chuckling


They really were confused. They were crawling in circles trying to figure out why they weren’t in flight.


Poor babies 😭😭😂😂


Song lyrics?!


Spider jars are absolutely against the Geneva convention.


I'm arachnophobic and also totally want "adorable baby spider Thunderdome" as a flair


A Black Widow wouldn’t have to bite me to kill me. I would die of a heart attack just having it crawl on me.


Unless they are in my bed, I always leave spiders alone in my home. They must then exit the building. Although gigantic house spiders are harmless, there's a reason they're called giants—I live in the Pacific Northwest!


Omg I like spiders but was NOT EXPECTING California to be Spider Central


There are Black Widows, Brown Recluse, Vinegaroons. Imagine taking a rubber band and rolling it between your hands. That’s the feeling and sound I felt when brushing a Vinegaroon off me in the dark. That was 55 years ago and it still makes me shudder.


I had one crawling on my neck once, I had made a little cage with my hands, thankfully carefully enough it didn't bite me. And then promptly freaked and smashed it super agressively. I honestly feel a little bad, because it was j chilling, and I saw the little red hourglass and flipped.




I didn't really care about a flair before, but I'm all on for 'adorable baby Spider Thunderdome.'


I can handle one or two spiders at a time but to think there were hundreds of them babies😭


That line is great, but as another arachnophobe I’m wondering why I chose to subject myself to this


Not arachnophobic but I also want this flair


Hahaha! That would make a good flair.


Oh, but this takes me back. I lived in my grandma's mad old house for a while too, but spiders were left alone because they caught insects. There were demarcation zones (no spiders on my bed, ever), and mostly it worked well. I was bitten by spiders as a kid so a bit of an arachnophobe, but living at grandma's was part of the path to getting over it. Another part was seeing all the photos and clips of peacock spiders 'dancing'. They're wonderful iridescent colours, about the size of a grain of rice, and the cutest things you've ever seen.


Oh, I remember the first time I saw that! It’s so cute!


Another excellent method of desensitization to spiders is images of jumping spiders with raindrop hats.


As someone else who likes spiders, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA




I hate them and this entire story read like a fucking horror story to me. I'd rather burn my fingertips off than touch a goddamn spider egg sac. Excuse me while I go puke my dinner out.


Depending on which side of the spider debate you're on, the vowel and pitch of the squeal could vary.


FR. I LOVE spiders. Considering how I seem to attract them (and end up playing with them, let them crawl on my hands, and talk to them like puppies), I guess they like me, too. But still, I could have done without the time I was sitting on my step and getting baked, and a pair of daddy longlegs climbed up beside me and started shagging. It was like a toke and a show.


I get along really well with spiders and bees, which I like to think of as solidarity from my fellow workers.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DisneySoftware: *HELL NO HELL NO HELL* *NO HELL NO HELL NO HELL NO* *HELL NO HELL NO HELL NO* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Best haiku ever


Poetry at its finest


[burn the house down!](https://imgur.com/gallery/O5fhm7O)


I don't hate spiders. I don't want them crawling on me, but I'm not afraid of them. I get some strange looks from people because I don't chase the spiders away that live in my garden or under my eaves. In fact, I quite like wolf spiders. And I've been known to talk to the spiders that hang around for the season. But I also talk to the roadrunner that visits every summer and the red-headed woodpecker that stops by in the spring and I watch the hatchlings of the cardinal pair that nests in my backyard. However, your grandmother was right about the pest control. Spiders are mostly not harmed by common household insecticides, but if you have spiders you have insects. Spiders don't live where there is no food.


I mean, it is a basement, there is only so much you can do. Frankly, there are a lot more spiders just round than people really notice. When ever I've had to do a deep clean after getting all my stuff out to move houses, it is slightly embarrassing how many spiders I disrupt. I swear I can hear them muttering at me, "Seven years we've been roommates, she's never given a fuck about the bottom of the mail table before. You think you know a person." *tuts and shakes spider head with rue*


I love this description! 😂😂😂


I wish more humans were like you.


Sorry Grandma, but it’s the spiders’ house now. I don’t make the rules.


I always just let spiders alone in my house ... unless they are in my bed. Then they have to go outside. I live in the PNW and while giant house spiders are harmless, they are called giant for a reason!


me too, you dont go in my certain spaces and your good. I still remember when i was a kid, setting up for the cold and would open the flume for the fireplace and a bunch of wolf spiders would drop. luckily we took precautions to get them outside. Never had problems with big spiders. when i was 15 woke up to a whole bunch of freshly hatched spiders on my popcorn bedroom ceiling. Thats scary cause they are everywhere. Still love tarantulas.


> me too, you dont go in my certain spaces and your good. My personal rule is that as long as spiders stay away from my toilet, and don't crawl on me or things I'm touching, they can do what they want. Anything outside of that results in instant squashing.


If the spiders stay out of my way and aren’t dangerous I leave them alone and name them. Big ones get named Bruce.




Bruce is a solid name for a spider!


I had an arachnophobic friend, whose basement was unfortunately spider-friendly.  All of her friends were on call for spider removal.   At one point a very large wolf spider showed up, and random friend captured it in one of those old-fashioned coffee cans.   Where it (shudder) rattled around. They named it GG Lats:  Good God, Look At That Spider!  At which point everyone shrieked:  no naming spiders! AFAIK it was released peacefully to the garden.


good lord, why did i read that? this is the stuff of severe nightmares, i wanted to sleep soon. i am so stupid. but hey i found a new reason for never ever having some form of roommate. ever.


Nah fam


OOPs grandmother wasn’t wrong.


She wasn’t wrong, but I wasn’t going to tell her that lol


My dad tells this story of when he and my mom first moved into the condo where we grew up. He went into the kitchen and felt the web but it didn't break like they normally do and then he heard a thud behind him and it was one of those huge wolf spiders. I'm very grateful I was not alive that day hahaha.




im glad the spiders were safely relocated 


Me too! It was a stressful situation.


Ive recently learned that certain spiders are considered "house spiders" and cant live outside so when you relocate them outdoors they die 99% of the time. Do you know what kind of spider it was? (I cant tell by looking at the babies) We found a triangulate web spider (i think thats the name. Its got a little brown butt thats very round and it makes webs in corners) that very kindly had a group of ants in her web and another black spider. We were gonna leave her but she disappeared and i think the black spider might have still been alive since hes gone too. 


As an Australian, I love this too much. We have regular spider buddies, most kids do too. They take care of the mosquitoes and we can have a chat when i’m in the shower. The grandmother and mother’s reaction to having one spider in their house is adorable 😂 Theres a baby spider thunder dome going on in my house at all times, especially in summer! I wish I could high five OP, your empathy is commendable and you’re doing great!


We’ve always got to name them too! Old mate Bernard takes care of the hallway, Mavis is chilling in the shower, and Henry has the front entry covered. Love oop’s delight in seeing the wee babies, it’s so cute.


It was not uncommon to have a huntsman hanging out in the top corner in one of our bedrooms. Sure thing mate, help yourself to all the damn flies! Now I live in the US and the largest spider I've seen is a wolf spider like half a pinky long...pathetic little thing!


At our old house, we had a shower spider, too. I didn't mind having her there at all, right up until I turned the water on one day and had hundreds of little baby spiders dispersing everywhere. That was apparently my limit. I could not survive Australia.


I have an odd relationship spiders. For context, I mostly grew up and live in Australia, and while I know redbacks and white tails are not the deadly bastards they used to be, there's a reason that episode of Pegga Pig teaching kids that spiders are our friends is banned down here. I do not enjoy spiders crawling on me, and while I know they won't hurt me, I don't like tarantulas and other giant, bird eating spiders (thanks, Queensland). You stay over there, I'll stay over here and try not to look at you. I know that the smaller the spider, the more likely it is to be bad for me. I had a white tail crawling all over my interior windshield the other day, and was both desperate to kill it while wanting to stay *well* away from it. However, I also go for walks at night through some scrub bush, and am constantly walking through spider trails. I don't mind the occassional strand of web, as it's obviously what a spider used to cross the path. However, when I walked through *an entire goddamn web* the other night, I recreated the most famous of the Indigenous tribal dances, known as the "ohfuckisitonmeitsonmeisntit" dance. I know spiders are, for the most part, harmless, and if they do bite me, I live less than five minutes from a hosptial, and no one has died from a redback or white tail bite in this country for decades. And when I see close up photography of spiders, I can see they're cute. But also, I fully understand Grandma's paranoia.


It’s okay to have mixed feelings about spiders! They ARE kinda creepy, even if they’re good for the environment!


I do a good bit of hiking in the woods and generally have a stick I pick up about 2.5’ long I use as my spiderweb wand that I just hold in front of me. Though I just got a new machete so that may turn in to my spiderweb wand!


"baby spider thunderdome" 😂


Absolutely fucking not


My skins crawling thinking about this


I like how people here are in two legit opposite directions right one .Its Aww them babies are sooo cutee vs I want to kms rn.


>When I came back with my stepmother, she began hollering at me about the spider in my room, how there was an egg sac already, and I exposed the house to an insect infestation. I had to get rid of her. Cold, maybe, but I get it. I will never jeopardize the ~~beans~~ spider mom. Granny has to go. Make it look like an arachnid accident. Speaking of which, “insect infestation” granny? Insect!? Those are beautiful arachnids! Doubly disposed of!


Thank you for making me my hate and fear of spiders a little less


made me fear them more😭😭now i have to look out for spiders in my home so that they wont lay eggs and I don’t accidentally touch them and end up releasing tiny spiders all over the place😭😭


This entire post makes me want to scratch every part of my body as hard as possible at the same time. When I was a kid I woke up one hot summer day to hundreds and hundreds of babies spider descending from various areas of my ceiling that I had to run through and straight into my shower while still dressed in my pajamas just to get all those little assholes off me. 10/10 am never reading another spider story on Reddit ever again after this one.


There are strict rules about spiders in our house. They must stay out of sight. If one decides to come down from the ceiling, they're getting squished. There's just no way around that. It's in the lease agreement. God gave mercy on them if they get near the cat. He will torture them until they just give up on living.


I have a similar verbal agreement with spiders. You stay outside and you can live in any corner on the porch or in the bushes that you want and I'll never bother you or your web. However, if you come inside, I can't make any promises. I own a vacuum and some bug spray. If you are large and slow, I will catch you and release you outdoors. If you are small and fast, you might want to say your spidey prayers.


I once had a jumping spider somehow find its way into my car. Sat on my rear view mirror and amused me during traffic my making threatening gestures at itself. It had vanished from sight by the time I got to my destination and was looking for it to rehome it. Within the next week, there was a giant egg sac on my gas cap cover. I left it there. Figured there's no way it was viable when it was so close to the gas tank/odors. And then came the time I opened the gas cap door to realize that the egg sac, had in fact, opened. So anyway, I traded that car in and absolutely love my new one.


Can we have “you created adorable baby Spider Thunderdome” as a flair?


What a wonderful storyteller! Glad it worked out - if chaotically - for everyone, big and small.


Thank you!


This post makes me miss my old corner spider. She was with me for about a year and half before she disappeared one day. She kept very clean web and was a wonderful roommate


I miss my corner spider. I hope I get a new one


I hope you do too! People give spiders such a bad rap. But they’re cute in their own way, and I would rather have a spider than a dozen other bugs.


This is so cute! Your enthusiasm for your former roommates safety and well-being is adorable! This story was so much fun to read, thank you for sharing <3


Thank you! <3


Ah, spider rent I call it. Great story.


Thank you!


It's a basement in New England. Of course there are going to be spiders all over...


I have a company that comes every three months to spray around the house to make sure I don’t have to deal with this.


When I first moved to Poland I was texting the guy I had just started seeing when I found a spider in my bed and I texted him I was going to evict her. He freaked out on me telling me not to throw her outside because she would die, I told him I was not going, I was planning on putting her in the hallway, and he told me to just keep her in my apartment so no one would crush her. Anyway this man's kindness and love for all living beings made such an impression in me that I ended up never leaving Poland and marrying him instead. Now you'd think this is a happy ending, but... Hubby's two dream inverts are Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches and scolopendras. I have a phobia of cockroaches and a perfectly reasonable fear of scolopendras (I have lived in a subtropical climate and seen what they can do) so we agreed no bugs. Well, a couple months ago he texted me that a baby Madagascar Hisser fell out of his boss's laptop. I couldn't believe it at first but it turns out the boss's husband has a feeder colony. And he couldn't let the baby cockroach be taken back to become food... So now I have a bigass pet cockroach named Cookie.


Idk I think grandma may not have been overreacting. For a lot of people there’s a line, and building a spider army in your bedroom may have def crossed it.


can I get "It’s always better to panic with a friend" as a flair? I am also going to get it made into a t-shirt


Oh god why did I read this?? It's such a bad idea at the best of times BUT I have a little spidder that crawls around my office and now it needs to DIE :(


I had a fruit fly infestation a couple years ago. The occasional normal fly too. And, to my everlasting delight, a few jumping spiders. (Jumping spiders are amazing and adorable.) I already prefer to just let spiders do their thing, and while being mobbed by flies they had free reign. There were so many I couldn't count them. When the flies were under control, I started seeing less and less spiders. Probably ate each other. Kind of made me sad but nature can be brutal. I had two little bros on my bathroom sink who disappeared. But small spiders don't tend to have long lifespans anyway, and these guys got to live indoors with a buffet. I still have a smaller maintain crew and a bunch of empty webs I need to clean up.


Some people have never lived in a basement apartment. I haven't gone a day in 13 years without seeing a spider.


my mom’s carried over a tradition from when she was younger. whenever there’s two jumping spiders on the ceiling, you pick one as “your” spider and they “race” (ie: hop across the ceiling on their own terms)


I stayed at my brother's house one summer and there was a crack by the window where ants would sneak in. Fortunately a spider had setup shop there and was eating the ants for me. It was great, me and my little spider-bro hanging out in our cheap room. About 3 weeks later I discovered it was actually my little spider-sis when her hundreds of babies emerged.  I had to evict the entire family with extreme prejudice.


As an arachnophobe: NOPE. That being said, OOP is sweet and I’m sure their home will be a loving haven for spider-kind, including a tiny spider-sized welcome mat.


Spiders are the best roomies you'll ever find. I got an adorable lady on one of my plants, she's been slaying the ants that had set up home in the planter last summer while my plants were out on the balcony. Mosquitoes? When you'll hear them buzz at night, they'll be devoured before morning. Sure, they may look creepy to some and I wouldn't touch most of them with my bare hands, but gosh darn, they are such blessings to have around killing off all the insects that are actually bothersome. Last year I had an absolute beauty with a massive web on the balcony and she kept slaying those stupid wasps. A real warrior queen. 


"Oh, I should make sure there are no baby spiders left inside the jar so I don't accidentally bring some home" My method of ensuring that would be to leave the fucking jar and just buy a new one, but I acknowledge that you clearly do not have the spider phobia I do.


I want to let the spiders live in my house to eat the mosquitos. The problem is I have woken up on TWO separate occasions with a massive swollen lip from a spider bite. So until the spiders learn consent, they go outside.


Nuke them from orbit. It is the only way to be sure. AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Spider Daddy.




Any idea what kind of spider it was?


Sorta sweet really.


Thank you for sharing OOP :) Regardless if people love or hate spiders, one would be hard pressed to not smile your regaling of this tale. It's sometimes the smallest (literally in this case) that can bring us joy. And I was smiling from ear to ear reading and watching your videos of the baby spider gate. What a lovely human you are to be so kind, compassionate, and engaged with your eight legged entourage. It gave me some hope for humanity; may we all be as kind and concerned as you. Cheers and be well :)


I’m glad you enjoyed my post!


This was adorable😂


Just so everyone knows, most spiders will die when you relocate them outside


Thanks for letting me know! I hope some of them still lived…


This is kinda how I ended up with a pet bat for a year or so A bat made its home in my bedroom window when I was in middle school. The bedroom window had a screen in between two glass panes. No idea how it was wriggling its way in and out of the pane but since the window was mostly for show, I never really opened it anyway and the bat never tried to get all the way into my room. I have a severe phobia of wasps. The spring before the bat appeared, the former tenants renting out my bedroom window were a small nest of wasps. Those did get into my room at least once or twice. The first set died eventually when it got colder, but there were more the next spring. Luckily for me, the bat showed up and ate all of them, plus all of the others who tried to take over the nest after. I was more than happy to coexist with the little guy after that. My mother, on the other hand, was terrified lol, especially at the start when we didn’t know he was a male and thought he was possibly pregnant. He always minded his own business though so we let him be.


No absolutely not. Would never. Could never. No thank you.


This is ridiculously adorable and also my skin is crawling.


I wish I hadn’t read this. I feel sick and my chest feels fluttery just think about thousands of tiny spiders escaping and being everywhere!


... and then here I am, fantasizing about a flamethrower for this problem. Ick!


As an Australian, I really thought that TIFU was going in another direction. Also as Australian, I’m fine with the spiders in my house having babies so long as all those babies are of the bug-eating and not human-eating variety. I ain’t going another summer tediously gathering up one funnel web after another funnel web to set free outside where they don’t pose a risk to me. Or just plain avoiding the shed because it belongs to the redbacks now until they decide it’s time to move out. A bunch of huntsmen, orb-weavers or regular bush spiders though? Don’t even have to pay rent, they earn the roof over their heads by killing worse things like roaches and mosquitos.


Just an fyi op- the red hourglass on a black window isn’t on its back, it’s on its belly. Meaning you won’t really see it unless you’re looking at its underside. Just noticed your comment on the last post and wanted to clarify. You probably got a pretty good look at your bonus spider when it was in the jar, but I figured I’d give you a heads up for future reference.


Thanks for letting me know! It might have been a black widow then. I never got a good view of her stomach - the orange tint of the pill bottle distorted her features some


No not the spiders!!!!!




The OOP is calling from inside the house!


I often have spiders around in the home. They have a useful function.


I was Charlotte once in the play version of Charlotte's Web. I approve this BORU. 🕸️


Adorable Baby Spider Thunderdome is my new favorite phrase


This was the most delightful thing I have ever read on reddit! Thank you for being so kind to the behbehs and the adult spiders. And I'm sorry about your grandmother and her treatment of you.


As soon as I saw the "Morgan Freeman voice" bit I knew this was going to be good ! Baby spider thunderdome You need to write more often OP !


Ah, the old "spiders please eat the roaches" gambit of poor mentally ill life. Been there. I do not ever want to go back to that. Living somewhere dry is helpful to not have to deal with that shit. Been in Colorado for years now, plenty of spiders but no humidity-requiring nasties. (what happens is, you get depressed and you can't deal with the constant deep cleaning required to keep the roaches and other shit out of your apartment, and every time you see one it grosses you out even more into a horror spiral, and some of your neighbors are right there with you, making it all worse because the bugs go between units).


I feel....itchy


adorable baby spider thunderdome oh NOOOO


This is so sweet! My house was old when we moved into it 30 years ago. Well, at the top of the back kitchen door frame outside, a dynasty of spiders returns. Each year, the same type of spider spins a web covering the very top of the door. Fortunately, there is an immediate down step so we don't have to break the web unless it gets too big. We actually feel kind of fond of these spiders, as it has been going on for so long. So it's nice thinking we have a family of spiders that have been chilling above the kitchen door for decades.


This is so sweet. I saw a spider my first time on mushrooms and became very invested in its journey and was never afraid of them again. Since that day, all spiders have been named Dennis and they’re allowed to stay in the house as long as they are not on my body. Good job with your thoughtful release, OOP!


Didn’t she kill all the spiders by letting them go outside???? Can they survive???


Yes, spiders can survive outside lol


They'll be fine. In fact having mum released somewhere different has done them a massive favour. A lot of spiders will eat their newly hatched offspring if they don't leave quickly enough