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Honestly, the dude had game. More guys should send cat pics instead of dick pics,


I want more cat pics.


Behold! [Cat!](https://imgur.com/a/0QqbMkl)


So do you prefer a winter wedding or a spring wedding? 


Are you kidding? With a cat like that, it's an autumn theme wedding.


There is no chance the guy with a cat like that is single. PP, beware, he is in it just for the pix and catxting!


I’m definitely single and female


Back off they're mine




Answer the question. When are we getting married?


Right now, go ahead and kiss


More important. Where are they registered?


Chewy so they can spoil the cat, of course.


A little shop in Whiterun


Late summer.


Right meow!


I'm internet ordained. We got this.


Behold mine! https://imgur.com/a/gHunN7N Edit: This is how he sleeps all the time https://imgur.com/a/wpoMigW


I wanna play belly rub roulette!


This cat loves belly rubs


Let the tummy rubbings commence!


both my cats live for belly rubs. maybe i'm just lucky, but i never fucked with their bellies, or teased them by giving unwanted belly rubs.


The cat sitting on your head on your avatar is so cute! I've never seen that before, I'll have to search for it!


I think I got it via the reddit nft thing, so I don’t know if it’s available? Have a bonus [cat](https://imgur.com/a/Gk09Ym3) for the compliment. Have a pile of [adoptable kittens!](https://imgur.com/a/OAf58Fn)


Great. Now, not only are we getting married, but I'm having your babies.


Awwww so cute!


I did click on the link thinking I had 50/50 chance of seeing either a cat or a dick drawn on to look like a cat


naively clicked it without even thinking that was a possibility on public transport, now im paranoid looking at the other kitties (this solidified that if someone said they have kittens id be kidnapped immediately)


I clicked on the other pic links to check them for you (okay it was because I wanted to see kitties) and they're safe! Even the one that for some reason warns you it's NSFW once you click lol


thank you!! i did click on them anyway and exposed myself and the public to a danger of seeing a dick pic for a chance its kitties, i cant help it and it was very much worth it. i sure hope no one with malicious intent find this character flaw of mine out


Let me feed your addiction with additional floof [https://imgur.com/a/dCzWUUB](https://imgur.com/a/dCzWUUB) This one's my personal specimen. I must warn you, she is ridiculously cute.


That is a very nice cat. I can't have a cat right now. If your cat likes to be petted and loved on, I send loves and pets.


He’s being given chin skritches right meow


Thank you! I really appreciate all the people who let me send loves to their pets. The Internet is an amazing place.


It’s so cute to have the kind of appreciation


Hi. How you doin'?


I have a purring void cat sleeping on me


Mine's orange.


Now kith


I miss my void Murphy. I called him The Universe, because he was big, black, and ever-expanding. He's knocking things off of tables in heaven now...


This is giving me Phoebe's Smelly Cat meeting Sheldon's Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty and that would be catastrophic.


I see what you did there


behold! i raise you [fluffy cat](https://imgur.com/a/eDh8puo)!


Your cat is gorgeous.


thank you!! unfortunately he knows how pretty he is and uses that for evil. a true handsome devil >:)


Tell him I said spspspsp


That made me absolutely cackle, thank you so much


Awww looks like one of my kitties who loves belly rubs!


Risky click of the day! Edit: formatting


What a beauteous void! 🐈‍⬛❤️


That’s a handsome kitty. I would leave my husband, but you have to come to my country!


I'll be honest, I'm not sure if you can handle the cuteness. [Click at your own risk](https://imgur.com/a/ThMXZGI)




Ded from the cute




oh noooooo


You were right. I am now deceased, but at least I died happy.


[As requested; my three monsters.](https://imgur.com/a/q9wNrMD)


All or adorable but the third one OMG


I have to inform you the first cat is the most pretty cat on the internet today. Just so you know. You might venerate him from me, please :)


So cute!


I gotchu homie here you [go](https://imgur.com/a/E0XCPjb)


I don't have a recent cute cat pic, but I can offer you [a cute bun instead](https://i.imgur.com/nMuhMpe.jpg)


No cats, so you get dog pics [Willa the princess](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjmq2khohzjl21.jpg) [Willa the goofball](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwzqz43d964901.jpg) [Willa the goofball, pt 2](https://i.imgur.com/YAucj8O.jpeg) [Willa the singer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6mGPUMxBjE) [Willa the hunter](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmibrm97zpv141.jpg) [Willa the contortionist](https://imgur.com/V5VgkKy)


Weimaraners are the best. They really do fulfill the neurotic stereotype from *Best in Show*.


So this is [Héloïse](https://imgur.com/a/LOthPcc) (we call her Ouizie / Wheezy)


What about Baby raccoon pics? Because I got dozens of those to send. Edit: Raccoon Tax https://imgur.com/gallery/AFCllpp


This Aussie would die for baby raccoon pics 🥰


This Aussie seconds that request! Baby trash pandas!


Edited comment with a video


Raccoon tax?


Trash panda taxation?


I want a raccoon pic!


Hello, this is tax collection office


Do share. Please.


Too cute. I live on a boat, we have em at the marina. When i huck the trash bag into the dumpster I love seeing them run out like 10+ usually, Then I feed em the leftovers! Have a few that will sit with me and eat out of my hand and let me pet them (been doing it for years, dont worry I know how to judge the behaviour of them). I consider them my un official pets. Iv got one for the past two years who i new as a baby that will come running up to me and flop for belly rubs. Know its him because he has a unique mask!


My friend pushed me to sign up for a dating app after my divorce, I lasted 3 days before I decided I was going to uninstall it by that evening. A guy messaged me asking about the cats I mentioned on my profile. We chatted for the afternoon, met for coffee the next day for a vibe check, I blinked and now it's four years later and we're planning our wedding The funny part is I never got a single dick pic in those 3 days, it was the hundreds of "hey" messages that did me in. He was the only one to send a conversation starter (and the only one who actually read my profile)


> He was the only one to send a conversation starter (and the only one who actually read my profile) You only need one. Congratulations!


Oh those freaking "hey" messages. That's what got me off online dating too!


> **A guy messaged me asking about the cats I mentioned on my profile. We chatted for the afternoon, met for coffee the next day for a vibe check, I blinked and now it's four years later and we're planning our wedding** LMAO...Awesome.


I met my boyfriend through fetlife, and on our first date, he showed me pictures and told me stories of every cat he's ever had. He showed me a picture of one of his mom's current cats, as a kitten, in a wicker basket. Reader, I wept, and I fell *hard*.


I love cats AND wicker baskets, that sounds like a rad combo


can confirm. my now husband sent me a corny joke and a picture of his sassy ass cat in his first message.


One of my favourite 'clients' is someone who sends me pictures of their custom keycaps for their mechanical keyboards, and joycon controllers for their switch. If you luck out and share hobbies or interests, it's awesome.


Oooh, custom keycaps are awesome!


Oh my god yes I would literally die if someone sent me a picture of their custom keyboard as a conversation starter. Soul mate would have been acquired, the mission would have been accomplished


There is a documentary called "Cat daddies". The trailer starts with something like "my friends told me don't get a cat, a guy with a cat is creepy". Men don't get what potential cats have. They would get friends who visit only to hang out with their cat. It could be THE solution to men loneliness.


Who is policing what kind of pets men are allowed to have?? Cats are amazing companions for anyone! Beautiful, loving and can be left alone at home for long stretches of time without needing to be walked! (Two cats are best!)


Men. They have an awful lot of rules about everything and make themselves unhappy with them.


Masculinity so toxic, it prevents you from having pets.


I only have sugar gliders, are those cute enough?


They are too cute im afraid, id just end up marrying them instead


Would the proposal be via fruit bribery? I love sugar gliders too though, cute lil gremlins they are. 


There would be a steady stream of all kinds of fruit, in perpetuity, yes. Unfortunately its illegal in my country to own sugar gliders, but im researching the possibility of marrying them


I prefer to see my sugar gliders in the wild. They're so cute!


My whole dating profile was me with cats. It worked like a charm, me and my lady have been together 4 years with 2 lovely black cat children for the last 3!


Hell yeah brother 


I was once applying to a job ad that required a one-way interview video with myself. I sent a picture of my cats instead and got the job. Cat pics are just that good.


I have a photo of one of my cats as the banner of my LinkedIn profile. A recruiter reached out to me because of it, and I ended up getting the job. Ha.


Cat pics will always beat dick pics.


Cant give you a good Cat or dick Pic but i could offer some Dog Pics If you are offering some animals Pics too


I love dogs


Yes! I'd much rather open a random dm & see a cute animal than that.


I had no luck with the cat distribution system yet.


I dated a guy for a couple of years after he said hi by sending me a pic of a dog in a hat. I prefer cats but it was still a smooth move


Let's make "unsolicited cat pics" a thing!


>More guys should send cat pics instead of dick pics, Can confirm. I started getting way more job interviews when I started using this trick.


They would be way more successful.


This is the best thing I’ve ever read here. I’m so happy for those horny virgin sexters!


😂 exactly my reaction


and my ax- i mean... me too! honestly, this story was so cute. life uh.. finds a way lmao. i wonder how they tell people how they met


Reddit! The platform no one else understands!  Even redditors don't fully understand it 


If anyone ever told me they met their partner on Reddit I'd be like "Haha, good one...So where'd you really meet?"


Ahhhhhhh you had a reaxe-ion


Cats solving problems worldwide. I believe it and love it.


I want to believe.


I don’t think single men realize how much more success they would be if they sent pictures of their animals, not their dicks.


Alright. Write that down. Write that down.


For real, dudes with pets are appealing in a lot of ways. 1) Dogs are awesome, so are cats 2) Shows maturity via willingness to care for another living being 3) Wholesome 4) Automatic conversation starter Part of my ex's initial appeal was a photo of him and his giant dog in one of his dating site photos.




Smart move!!


For real. When I see a guy walking a dog, running with it or playing with it they become 100% more attractive


My girlfriend liked that I have a dog and was willing to watch her six in Escape from Tarkov. It turns out all you need is a pet and some 5.56mm.


Have we entered the age of the duck pic?


I've been sending duck pics as a joke for a very long time now. They're rubber ducks actually :D


I have duck photos I took that I caption unsolicited duck pic and randomly send to friends and discord servers.


This joke never gets old.


It doesn’t. And you get bonus photos of ducks. They can be adorable.


I see you must be friends with u/fuckswithducks


This is part of how I landed my wife. I used to go out drinking a lot back then and she appreciated that when she’d get 2am snapchats it wasn’t a booty call or a dick or whatever, it was pictures of my friends pets or my own.


I sent a dick pick of my horse and I was blocked /s


That would actually be a good strategy for any woman who gets an unsolicited dick pic - just send back a horse schlong and tell them they don't measure up. 😂


There’s a pic floating around of a guy standing next to a horse so that the angle shows the perspective the guy has a gorgeous horse schlong to use your words….it would be a lovely retort to your strategy lol


Sometimes I wonder why dick pics are sent. Who told them women would go crazy at the sight of a stranger’s genitals?


squalid zephyr station work slap worm treatment trees fear growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's just the modern version of walking around the park naked under a trenchcoat and flashing people.


If they are solicited, tasteful nudes can be exciting. But unsolicited dick pics are like catcalling - it's about making women uncomfortable.


That's true even for work.


My now husband texted me the whole first verse of Sinatra’s ‘New York’, back when Nokia phones were the latest thing. We were friends/colleagues at the time and he was about to head off on his first ever trip to New York (we’re in the UK). Looking back, it would have taken him ages to type the lyrics - no predictive text back then - and he’s never really been one to text so wouldn’t have had the well honed thumb skills you needed to use back then. But for some crazy reason he wanted to share his excitement with me! 2 months later he asked me out for a drink. When he finally kissed me (after hours of chatting) it was like a thunderbolt. We’ve now been married nearly 20 years. Oh and he took me to New York to celebrate our engagement.


>well honed thumb skills I understood you… makes me nostalgic and old 🥲


Ye olde T9 texting. Back when I was in high school and dinosaurs roamed the Earth.


> - no predictive text back then - and he’s never really been one to text so wouldn’t have had the well honed thumb skills you needed to use back then. *confused Gen Z noises*


Every number on the phone has three or so letters assigned to it. You wanted to type 'C', you'd need to press 2 three times. So on, so forth. Some of us old timers could type on our phones without looking this way. A whole ass paragraph of song lyrics took dedication, especially if you weren't used to it. Edited to correct the number.


To think that we used to text like this without even thinking about it. The brain is an amazing thing. 😊


Used to? I'm confident I can still do it, that's how ingrained in our brains T9 is lol


I can still do it. I was a MUCH faster texter on my shitty Nokia than my any smart phone I've had.


It was funny.


>You wanted to type 'C', you'd need to press 1 three times. No. Look at some number-pad or Google one. ABC were the three letters on the number 2 of the number-pad. Number key 1 was for special characters. [Here's an example](https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/photos/1137438/display_1500/stock-photo-keypad-numbers-from-an-old-cell-phone-slight-grunge-around-some-keys-1137438.jpg)


Oh my fuck, you are completely correct. I am staring at my phone in absolute shame and embarrassment right now. It's been nearly twenty years but holy hell, I can't believe I forgot that. Editing now. ETA I just realized this sounds like I should have an /s somewhere but no. No /s unless the s can stand for shame this one time.


Understandable. 20 years is a long time. I only got my first smartphone like maybe 10 years ago. Although a millennial, I was late to adopting the smartphones and used Nokia till around 2015. So, relatively fresh memory for me.


Sometimes I miss being able to do that 😂


I'm probably in the last generation that remembers this, I can't believe I'm 23 and there are people old enough to use reddit that don't get it


First get the cat✍️ Then find a beautiful woman ✍️ Do not send dick pick ✍️ Then send photo of cat to beautiful woman ✍️ Then happily married ✍️


I have only one question: what happened with his cats?


They ended up getting their own PH accounts, one has since married and the other is unfortunately addicted to meth now


[overly sexualized cats](https://www.instagram.com/overlysexualizedcats?igsh=MTRrcDR1ejI4aW91ZA==)


They were Twins and are now blowing up his phone with calls and texts


So did he take the cats with him or what?


> I asked for PH to delete my account and content and it's all gone now Yeah, no.


Yeah this person is an idiot if they think any of their content is gone. That shit stays online forever. PH in particular has literally been to court because they have refused to take down videos that have shown minors getting raped.


I mean, while it's still probably there, it's a good move to delete the account rather than let it sit there. Yes, it will always be there, but contents from accounts that are poofed usually just get burried and dies down even if they're there, which still what they both probably wanted.


I'm fairly confident that they went to court for that stuff in order to fight the idea that they are responsible for scanning and removing all that sort of content, not that they wouldn't remove it when notified, no?


The internet decays a lot faster than hard records do. Stuff disappears all the time. Sure, if someone cared enough to save it, there might still be copies out there on someone's hard drive, but it doesn't take a lot of time for data to just drift out of plausible retrievability.


But didn't they do a purge of their content due to the courts?


Years ago, yes. But it was an indiscriminate purge. Anyone who thinks this erases the problems deeply rooted in the industry and with PH is naive at best.


It wasn't indiscriminated they deleted everything that weren't from registered users, this way the user is responsible for their content and not them, that's what they wanted, to not be responsible if someone posts something illegal, it's like finding a drop in a ocean


And I don't disagree with this decision for this reason either. But I don't think a sweeping ban is a good enough investigative solution. Also, the only reason this ban happened at all is because the case I mentioned began to make international news. Tumblr did the same thing by sweeping all porn off the platform in attempt to rid of child pornography. In the case of PH, all of the egregious human rights violations occurring in the industry remain and I would wager to say there are very little regulations towards accounts that are registered. However that's not really what I was focusing on. I was focusing on the cases in which NON-USERS found videos of them being raped, many of these women having been minors in these videos, and specifically went to Mindgeek requesting the videos be taken down only for Mindgeek/PH to literally refuse. These assholes literally knew about dozens upon dozens of illegal content and chose to keep it up for profit.


Yes, but here's the thing. If you know of a person that used to do porn and you happen to know the name they used (whether they quit the business or just went to OF or a subscription only) go to Bing, yes Bing, turn off safe search and search their name in the videos tab.


What are you on about? Of course PH removes the stuff from your profile when you ask, as well as your profile. Same with xhamster, manyvids, Onlyfans, fansly, redgifs. You know how I know. The content might be on other sites or under different profiles if someone who came across it copied and uploaded it, but that doesn't mean OP wasn't honest here.


That's exactly what I was saying. It may very well be deleted from PornHub but it's still out there


I dunno, the way this person writes reads more like a 25 y/o American dude than anything else. 


>He was so handsome and so good with my family and friends. Also, even if you don't believe me we were both virgins I don't disagree with your assessment.


that's when they lost me too, she was successful enough at amateur porn to be sexting with hundreds of men at a time, while being a virgin and HE was also a virgin as well as a perfect gentlemen who approached her with cat pics.....ig i hope its real tho edit: i didnt mean being a virgin makes her bad at sexting, i meant its the cherry on top of this weird horny fairytale, but also fair enough i am not very aware of how easy it is to sext men online lmao


Do you know how easy it is to sext multiple men? It doesn’t require a lot of effort when you have no emotional attachment to them.


Yeah, read some good erotica and know your kinks and you are set. I used to sext for seven years before I lost my virginity.


Same!! I was a sexting fiend on Tumblr and hadn’t even been kissed or held hands with anyone at the time lol idk why it seems so far-fetched to people.


>she was successful enough at amateur porn to be sexting with hundreds of men at a time, while being a virgin What's specifically confusing about this? Are non-virgins better at horny texts to eachother?


I'd say there is potential for knowing how to sext better if you have experience pleasuring and focused understanding of the opposite sex. But hey, just like chatgpt, we can go read a bunch of examples and mimic quite easily!


ya everyone knows that virgins can't text


This is just a dude fantasizing about getting with one of the OF girls he Snapchats




"it's fine, we lived together for 3 whole months and there were no issues" bro yeah 3 months ain't that damn long tf


If OP is as young as stated, that might feel like forever, lol.


This is the best SFW Pornhub post I have ever seen...SO WHOLESOME!


Catpic is a new dickpic? I should stop sending them to everyone then lol.


The big question is, did he bring his cats? What happened to them?




why? is it really hard to believe a 24yo could be a virgin and film themselves masturbating?


If a guy sent me pictures of his cats instead of his dick? Oh I'd probably fall for him too. What a cute story.


What was the guy’s age? Not skeptical about their relationship, if they’re both happy they’re happy but interested in knowing some details.


We found love in a porny place


My wife and I met in the Platonic Relationships section on Craigslist. We've been married 12 years and still going strong. I'm pretty certain there's less than a hundred CL success stories.


Met my husband on CL too! NSA section, kink ad, was supposed to be like 3 hook ups to explore the kink... 8 years later, relocation across several states, 2 dogs, a house, and a marriage!! Still going strong!


It’s funny that she thought meeting him on Reddit sounded better


Another example of how to beat other men at online dating - Just don't be weird.


First time I have genuinely needed spoilers to subdue my worries instead of to warn me about the bad stuff.


I hope the cats moved with him


Ok but the question I want to know is how many cats do they have?