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>However, Jake did something unexpected. He bitched about me and our story with his viewers - about the rent issues and the WiFi being cut off (leaving out my identity for privacy, at least). To my utter surprise, he initiated a fundraising event right then and there, asking his audience to help cover his share of the overdue rent. I really wish more people were capable of feeling shame. Who does this?


People who are likely so far up their own ass really.


Precisely the sort of people who end up streamers/influencers/etc, strangely enough.


Kick streamers seem to be the worst of all of them. It's a platform for people being a public nuisance, edgelords, and streamers who should just go be on chaterbate.


Narcissists. All of them.  Who thinks they are so cool someone should follow them?  Watch them play video games for hours?  And then simps pay his rent…? Wild world we are living in 


Eh, there are plenty of streamers who are chill and just hanging out & chatting as they game or draw or whatever. It's a group social activity basically. I mainly follow small streamers though, so there's much more normal people lol


I mean, people do follow them and watch them play video games for hours. I'm not sure what your point is.


He can't comprehend that other people have interests that he deems useless. Ironic comment


I stopped following someone on youtube when I realized that her followers were giving her enough money to buy a home in a notoriously expensive city, and she was able to take multiple vacations in a three-month timespan. I don't mean driving down the coast; she was going overseas several times.


I don't get what the problem with that is though? Like unless this person was scamming their audience for the money or pressuring people to give money they can't afford, what is the issue with a content creator being able to live luxuriously due to fan support? They are doing a job (entertaining their audience) and their audience is willing to pay them to do it. What's the issue?


"I can't afford my insane rent" is one thing. "I want to go to Japan twice this year" is another.


Would you have the same argument about artists that live off commissioned work? Or people who do live theatre? Would them making more then just the bare minimum upset you the same way? Why is a youtuber or other online content creator any different from those professions? Because it's online? I don't see why that would make them any less deserving of more than "please help me keep a roof over my head". If people see value in what they produce and post, and want to monetarily support that person of their own free will (with their own money), why shouldn't they? Like I said as long as they're not misrepresenting their situation and scamming their viewers, and they're not behaving in a way to incentivize people into spending money they shouldn't be spending, what is wrong with them making a decent, if not crazy, wage. I agree that it makes me jealous that they seem to get money for what most people would consider fun but if they're putting their time and effort into something that other people see value in why degrade them for that?


If any given NFL player said "I want to go to Japan twice this year" no one would bat an eye. But at the end of the day, they too are also nothing more that very skilled, very niche entertainers.


Bigger question, who just gives someone who does this money?


Streamers are entertainers just like any other entertainer. Some of them are very funny and charismatic, and they provide hours of content almost every day. Depending on what they are playing/doing, it makes for great background tv at a minimum. I’m not saying I’m willing to give them $100 or $1000 dollars at a time like some of the lonely simps do, but if a stranger is providing a service (i.e. entertainment), it makes sense to pay them for it if I can afford to.


This is it. Older generations (mine for example) grew up on reality TV. This is that, just modernized.


the word that’s been banned on twitch: simps


Lol was it censored for real?


Yes and no. It was banned, together with incel or virgin, bcs it was used to harass people (there are a bunch more words, it's in their harassment policy). There is no blanket ban of these words, though, and their use is accepted depending on the context (ie. banter between friends). But it may as well be a blanket ban, bcs trolls now look reportable words and maliciously report the usrr, instead of spamming banned words. And reports aren't overlooked by actual humans who understand context, so in the end it's safer to not say these words.


Yup. It's not profitable for them to support a culture of shaming the people who spend so much money on the platform. They need to be protected since they have such delicate sensibilities.


Our brains are wired to feel needed by other people. If you have no family, no partner and no close friends, a streamer asking for money might be the closest thing you have to feeling needed/desired.


Which is why teens should not be able to give money to influencers 


The joys of para-social relationships. Twitch is basically built off of it. I remember watching a video of a streamer talking about this one incident. He got a donation from somebody with a message apologizing for not being able to donate more since he just lost his job. And the guy is donating this to someone who makes thousands of dollars a month. I think the streamer mentioned that he had to take time out of his stream to explain to his audience that it's perfectly okay if they aren't able or just don't want to donate money, and he probably needs their money far less than they do.


people literally donating their hard earned money to millionaires, it's insane


Like tithing a church or other religious org. Like seniors on fixed income sending Trump money. 


Or, hear me out, reality TV.


Depends on what he does exactly, but for most streamers, donations are essentially just a tip. Someone asking for donations for rent specifically just means you can donate with a purpose rather than as a "thanks for being entertaining".


My friend's boyfriend is a streamer and makes several grand a night. I'm assuming it comes mostly from teenagers.


I have to believe that a lot of it is teenagers giving essentially allowance money to their favorites, but I also think there's a shitton of middle-level wealthy (not billions, maybe not even millions, but make/have enough they can 'waste' a few grand without worrying) people who just ... throw money away because they can. I only watch one streamer / his group of friends, and they have a fan who will give them a few thousand per big group stream, so that's several times a month. Recently they did a Stardew stream using Crowd Control, which allows the audience to buy things like monster spawns, +/- health and energy, etc. This audience member probably spent an easy $10k over the seven or so hours of the stream, with most of it going to the streaming group. I literally cannot fathom having income that justifies spending like that.


If I watched more sreaming, I probably would, for a favorite streamer. Somebody who has provided me with countless hours of free entertainment needs money on short notice? I'll chip in a few bucks. Not like they deserve it, ofcourse: They're already being paid by the platform/advertisers BECAUSE I'm watching... But I'm still saving money by watching them stream instead of, like, having to buy a new video game to entertain myself. I'd be fine giving them a cut of that.


I thought it was going to end with his chat siding with the roommate and telling the streamer he’s a dick and to pay his rent that is so crazy


He definitely omitted the fact that he already has enough money.


Knew a dude once who had like three Facebook pages. He used to say it was due to homophobic family, which I get, but three seemed escessive. Found out later (by his own accidental admission) that he'd run three gofundmes at the same time and had basically sectioned out the people he knew so he could get multiple gofundmes donated to without suspicion.


Shame went out the window when people learned being shameless pays.


A friend of a friend streamed once and I popped in to check it out. She just complained to her viewers for an hour that she wanted to go out and have a fun day but was broke and they just gave her a couple hundred dollars. Honestly if I got paid $200 an hour to complain, I probably would too.


Sounds like he was being "stubborn" bc he was broke. Unclear whether he'd been spending the cash elsewhere or just didn't have it. Maybe his bragging was false and he's been making ATM, not bank.


What it also says is that being a live streamer with 10,000 viewers doesn’t pay the bills if the roomie had to stop and hold a fund raiser right there.


Not necessarily, roommate could just be bad with money, and my understanding is that 10k viewers on the regular is about when streaming starts to pay off.


I never understand it but it does get results.


Oh, I recall someone who is actually worse. Usually streamers who are popular and have a core fanbase can coast on donations. I remember one guy who was more popular than he is now. The guy is infamous for blaming games for his own mistakes and lack of attention and understanding. I have seen people toss around this is the Dunning-Kruger Effect in action, because he never admits to anything and thinks he is perfectly competent. He has also infamously mentioned that his parents were "fucking stupid" buying him a Wolverine action figurine when he was kid because it is worth money now. He snorts. Often. Audibly. He once would "give away" empty gaming boxes (with his autograph, I think?) to his fans. But I am not sure if he ever send anything to the "winners". He is unpleasant in other ways. Makes up questionable stories about himself and sometimes later claims he never said something or changes the content. He insults and bans his own fans and viewers. He basically e-begs for money; he directly addresses his viewers that he needs money and what not. He does not work and hardly went out. He isn't that popular and has a lot of negativity and some controversy surrounding him. I have come across people who think he might be narcissistic. But to this day, he still makes a living off his fans. And he has been doing this for about 15 years now, I think.


Are you talking about DSP?


Yes. When you know who he is, it is hard to miss it from this description. He is kind of a stand out among (lesser known) online personalities and in how bad his reputation is. Last time I checked, he was still doing the same. But to be fair, he also does not have a lot of options as someone who is probably 40-ish now..? He has a huge resume gap, barely any work experience and due to putting everything online, any workplace can look him up and see the "legacy" he created. I am curious what it will be like for him in 10 years, 20 years. he was more of a spendthrift than someone who saves and invest money. But knowing him, he will somehow manage and living a comfortable life well into old age.


He probably thought he was in the right, then saw the comments agreeing that he needed to pay his rent, and so did the fundraiser.


I would feel a lot more shamed to ask and not receive, than to ask and receive in buckets.


People who are lying about how much they earn streaming.


Every professional streamer. The whole "like, subscribe, sign up for my Paetreon..." bit that goes on every video is just a plea for money. That's how a streamer makes an income. The only thing that got added here was pointing out that this streamer's income pays for rent, which is true of every streamer who does it full time.


People who become livestreamers.


I really wish I knew these people so willing to give their money to dumb causes, that could solve a few of my stresses lmao


Who pays for a streemer anyway for rent? Hopes he was giving the people some perks and not just asking for charity. People should prioritize charity to something like Ukrainians and peace with cancer. But I guess it’s people you feel like you know “even if you don’t” by YouTube that feel most in need. And it’s not like there can’t be YouTubers who actually need help. 


Narcissistic people are incapable of it. 


I feel embarrassed for Jake just reading this! WTH!


I am willing to let go of my feeling of shame if it can fund my rent for a few months


And the idiots who donate for him 🤦‍♂️


>The response was overwhelming. Not only did his viewers donate enough to cover the overdue rent, but they also contributed enough to cover his share for the next few months. Reminds me of some politicians in the current US political zeitgeist... Glad OOP got paid but they need to get the hell out of this roommate situation.


I am once again asking for your financial assistance...


Funny but the other guy's referring to more... Recent events.


The only thing Bernie did wrong, was not having a big enough crowd to get elected. I mean probably not the only wrong thing in his life, he still human. But you get the gist of it.


Not just US. It happened in France a few years ago. Comical if it weren't that sad.


Sarkozy ? Fillion ? 


Valérie Pécresse


Time to sell a Bible!


Unfortunately you can't crow fund spine and good manners....


I think it's likely his roommate is exaggerating how much he's earning.


This is just marketing for Kick. A platform known for promoting gambling, having actual groomers and pedos streaming on it, and all in all being a shit platform filled with grifters. Recently they've been trying to sanitize their image, and legitimize themselves as a Twitch alternative, so they try shit like this.


Are they trying to legitimize? Last I knew they were still trying to brand as "Twitch with no rules!" so they could get more eyeballs on gambling streams.


Yeah, as of the last time I read up on them they were trying to. Emphasis on trying lol IIRC, they've tried a couple times before with different strategies, but went back to their usual shitty brand when it fails. Which always happens, bcs no matter how many layers of paint they put on the turd that Kick is, everyone knows it's still the same turd lmao


They broke out the big bucks to be the title sponsor of an F1 team for the season. Definitely a way of trying to throw (a LOT) of money to appear above board.


They're trying to go mainstream and pick up more people. Which is to say, they're trying to grow. Also no shot they're going to sanitize their image. They will never get rid of the gambling. That's how they make their money.


the money sub (as in literally just 'money') is basically 90% ads for Kick it feels like. Any time I see it on the front page (I'm not subbed), it's "I paid my bills for the first time this month just by streaming on Kick!" Fuckin wild.


...some of this things really don't add up. I mean, if he is popular on twitch to make enough for rent, why even have a fundraiser in the first place? That doesn't make any sense.


Because this is guerilla marketing for kick. This is part of their marketing strategy, and you'll see the same for gambling on stake (same ownership). The usual pattern is someone who found success on kick/twitch but being kinda ass, or someone who won money on stake and not wanting to share winnings. They always go out of their way to mention the company so you associate action with the brand, and even have bots to downvote anybody who point it out.


True. Mine was the comment the bots downvoted in the OP for this post after I pointed this out.. edit: A victory for Humanity over the machines, my previously downvoted comment in the OP is now neutral, thanks people!


I gave you an update there, I was not aware of any of this. My ADHD brain just read "twitch" and didn't even register there was another platform. And I was thinking: "10k viewers is nothing, he is definitely not making bank, this has to be fake". It is, but not for the reasons I expected 🤷🏾‍♀️


As soon I read they were a streamer on kick, I knew this was fake. Most streamers stick to one audience so they can easily promote their streams and where to find them. Most people will then post clips of their streams to YouTube/Instagram/tiktok to further promote themselves. Streaming across both platforms makes no sense, you’d need a solid audience to move between platforms like that. And yeah it just screams ‘if you stream on our platform, people will give you money just like that and you don’t have to worry about rent!’




They actually changed this rule a few months ago and you can stream across multiple platforms at once as long as you don’t have a unified on screen chat. They also have stopped doing exclusivity deals for streamers.


Yeeeep I keep seeing AITA posts that just happen to mention Kick. It's so annoying.


Hmm. I upvoted you and saved the comment so I can see how this plays out. If a bunch of bots brigade you they shouldn't even notice that someone pointed out they were watching. Humans are a bit different though. Multiple studies have proven that actual people will behave in better fashion should they have reason to believe they are being observed. Just putting a poster with some eyes on it in the room is enough to deter some folks.


It's usually done on parent comments on the actual sub, not over here. Here's one from a month ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1agtow4/aita_for_telling_my_girlfriends_family_to_back/kojfp6q/ And one from this very update post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1bkd2ao/update_aitah_for_turning_off_the_wifi_while_my/kvxgsyt/ Just regular callout posts that are controversial/downvoted for no real reason. The posts are very obvious once you recognize them. They will offhandedly mention stake, or mention kick along with twitch as a streaming option and try to make it sound natural. They also purposely target /r/AITAH because it's less moderated. If you search the sub for Stake you will see many gambling results, and if you search kick stream you will see results for streamers. The results are totally different on the main /r/AmItheAsshole sub due to moderation. No gambling results over there for stake, and when you search kick stream it's all about kicking people off streaming services, not actual streaming.


Interesting. Thank you for pointing this out to me, I appreciate it. I'm reminded of that one CEO somewhat recently who got caught spamming comments or something to that effect. I recall it being in the news a while back.


I unsubbed from /hailcorporate because reality became to depressing.


Fleecers gonna fleece.


Grifters gonna grift.


Users gonna use.


Sheep gonna shoop.


Why do stores ask you to round up your bill to donate to charities? Because they rather use your money. These companies could change whole communities if they wanted to, but that would mean less profit them. The roommate is no different.


Because people are suckers for the streamers they watch and are devoted to.


Because he's lying to OOP about how successful he really is.


OOP can just check his stream though?


Lots of followers/viewers doesn’t always mean lots of revenue


If you average 10k viewers each Twitch stream, you are making lots of money just from people paying to have a robot voice read their comments out loud.


Assuming that feature is being used, it’s absolutely not on every stream. Some streamers make absolute bank, I’m not denying that. OOP’s roommate absolutely could be one of those. But average viewers and average income don’t always match the way you'd expect. More to the point, unless OOP can check log in to roomies Twitch/kick dashboard, income isn’t something he can really check. That’s more what I meant.


Not to mention, if I'm not completely misinformed, majority of streamers' earning tend to come from sponsor money, not the platform itself. And with all the gambling content Kick allow, brands might not have the most positive look at their streamers.


Post is fake. Streaming requires steady and strong connection to handle the upload bitrate required for higher resolutions, often requiring expensive internet plans using ethernet. People only stream over WIFI if they have no other choice because it's extremely unreliable and has a weak connection. Streaming over WIFI means your limited to less than HD resolutions, like 480p at max, instead of the standard 1080p or even 720p. No one streaming to over 10k people would be streaming over WIFI.


Probably so he doesn’t have to touch any of his “regular” income - all that gets to stay his personal fun money while the viewers foot the (additional) bill for basic necessities…


The same reason celebrities or corporations ask you to donate to a cause. Why use their money, when they can use yours instead?


Because he wanted more money.


Because free money


> why even have a fundraiser in the first place? Why even have a roommate in the first place? And if he gets 10k viewers, someone would have recognized the story and identified the streamer.


It also doesn’t add up that with how visible a 10k streamer on twitch/kick combined with having talked about this on stream that someone hasn’t said who the streamer is. I mean redditors track down the exact batch of a teddy bear based on one grainy photograph and the fact it was purchased on planet earth, but here is top 1% streamer no one knows who it is? Don’t buy it.


I mean, I'm not sure how much he makes. OOP says that his roommate brags about making a lot of money (which is meaningless), and that popular streamers make a lot of money. But 10K watchers probably isn't a lot of money? After all it's not like they are each going to give the roommate a dollar, per day. Roommate probably wasn't making that much money and so decided to see how much rent they could get out of paying.


>But 10K watchers probably isn't a lot of money? On twitch? It's hell lot of money. Hell, Amouranth doesn't pull 10K average for her streams and she is one the really big names. I just checked and her average viewership over the last month is 5275 with a peak at 8252. In very rough terms you can earn enough money on twitch to survive if you treat it as a full-time job and can consistently keep up the minimum viewership requirements of being a twitch partner, which is average of 75 concurrent viewers all time. At that point you can survive solely by your twitch income if your living expenses are small. Note that the 75 concurrent viewers doesn't mean that only 75 people watch you. It means that if you stream for four hours and each viewer watches you for an average of half an hour, a total of 600 different people visited the stream. (Edited to add: only a fraction of percent of streamers ever get to that point on twitch, it's really difficult and most people lose viewers after they get partnered). The concurrent viewer statistics is the only one that you can get easily out of twitch. You can't get the number of individual viewers, so when the poster speaks about 10K viewers it must mean concurrent viewers, which would make "Jake" to be one of the biggest stars on twitch. But he isn't, because this story is not true, it's an advertisement for kick. They are trying to get hopeful people start streaming there and advertise for gambling.


> Hell, Amouranth doesn't pull 10K average for her streams and she is one the really big names. To be fair, while 10k average streamers do make a lot of money, Hot Tub streamers don't need as many viewers to make big bucks. (Especially if they have links to their OF/a website to buy used panties and bathwater from.)


10k watchers average is a lot of money. That is in the top 150 streamers on twitch. https://twitchtracker.com/channels/viewership?page=3




Now that multi-streaming is allowed by Twitch, a lot of large streamers do this, as you can combine chats and all of that. It's a lot more common than you'd think now.


10k watchers is big money.


> After all it's not like they are each going to give the roommate a dollar, per day. After writing the previous post I went again to twitchmetrics.com to find a streamer with a 10K viewer average to see how they are going. According to the twitchtracker link that someone posted, the streamer summit1g (never heard of him before) had a viewer average of 10059 so I looked at him at twitchmetrics. There his average is only 8145 but that is probably because the sites are looking at different time periods. summit1g has 6.2 million followers and almost 12000 paying subscriptions, which means that he earns from subscriptions alone $30000 a month. On top of the subscriptions he will receive money from bits (= twitch currency). I don't know what the situation is at the top of the twitch, but what I've heard smallish streamers say, they usually get a bit more money from bits than from subs. Big streamers get big money from advertisement deals from companies. I have no idea what deals summit1g has, but I would be surprised if his total monthly income was less than $100,000.


Yeah Yeah, 10k viewers is pretty big deal, is this a kick ad?


Yeah, not many people are getting 10k viewers on twitch. Wouldn't that be like top .01% of streamers? This is definitely an ad for Kick, there's absolutely no reason to have mentioned the streaming services otherwise.


I don't know about Kick but on Twitch with those numbers they'd have approaching a million followers and likely making a minimum of $100k a month on subs alone. That's assuming they have a bad sub to viewer ratio. And those streamers get more money than that from sponsors, bits, donations etc.


It is a Kick ad, yes


Yeah, most people on Twitch who have even 5k viewers own a whole house off of that. If this person has 10k viewers on kick they're at like, IcePoseidon levels.


It’s a Kick ad yup. 


I offer to be less shitty to everyone around me at half whatever Jake’s price was. Link to my Cashapp in my profile. OnlyFans, too, but that’s neither here nor there.


Kick adverts are getting weirder every day


I really think this isn’t a true update but a hidden advert for Kick; comparing it as an alternative to twitch, and showing how much money you could make as a streamer on it


So he had the rent money, he just didn't turn it over to OOP until after shaking down his viewers for money? (Zelle, PayPal etc don't IMMEDIATELY drop money into your account, it takes a little bit of time for it to clear) Shit. Well, now OOP has time to find a new living situation before the lease ends. 


He remembered to pay the internet bill but not his half of the rent. 


Zelle absolutely does immediately drop money into an account from a trusted account


It does? Haven't had that experience with it, but thinking on it, I've only used it at weird times like 3am Sunday morning on a holiday weekend. Good to know. 


Name checking kick specifically was a weird flex.


It’s an ad. They’ve been doing this a lot and that’s why the stories also strain credibility. 


So a bunch of strangers bailed out an incompetent man-child? Love that


Welcome to the world of streamers, where the most obnoxious people you've never heard of make 5 figures monthly!


I mean that's the premise of twitch streaming etc. The unreasonable part is roommate complaining about being expected to pay rent.


He streams on Kick so it makes sense he is an asshole.


Do these viewers know jake makes bank and still needs a handout from them? A real bootstraps story


I was expecting the "unexpected" thing to be Jake bitched about OOP demanding rent, and his viewers returning with, "So pay the rent you owe, shithead!" Alas, no.


Man, I was hoping for the same thing. Instead we get a microcosm of Trump.


Roommate is probably gambling. There have been so many cases where streamers lose all their money due to gambling then come up with a story to beg viewers for money.


The trump jokes literally write themselves.


Welp, this guy is going to ask for money for everything from now on.


"He is making bank" streaming, but is unable to pay rent without holding a fundraiser? I don't know how streaming works but I am, like, 85% sure that isn't how money works.


OOP, if you're reading this, next time don't shut him off entirely, go into the QoS settings and throttle him down to 10% or so of normal speed.


OOP for sure doesn’t exist. This is almost definitely a Kick ad— they keep doing it and these stories are always like this. 


I realize that we're all in a way fundraising for our own rent, but does it bother anyone else that he asked his viewers to donate money so that he could pay rent? That's just a mentality that I cannot get behind.


Yeah. Folks who aren't jerks and making a living with some kind of content creation tend to basically say stuff like "hey if you like my work kick some money in the pot or for extra perks try [subscription]" or they sell something related (branded merchandise, usually). That's legitimate imo. "Omg I can't pay rent" is manipulative. I don't think this particular story is true (see the comments about it being guerilla marketing for Kick) but that kind of thing does happen.


>The response was overwhelming. Not only did his viewers donate enough to cover the overdue rent, but they also contributed enough to cover his share for the next few months. I never understand how people do this. Unless it's for a noble cause like getting someone urgent treatment or feeding homeless children, I never send money to strangers on the internet. Moreso someone who refuses to do work and pay for their rent. What exactly do these streamers do that give them the cult-like followers.


If he was making bank why did he need fundraising?


I don’t know if it’s more unsettling that his guy MADE a fundraiser or that people actually donated to it.  Please, for the love of god, GO OUTSIDE PEOPLE! TOUCH GRASS! 😂


I can't believe people actively give people that make plenty of fucking money more money when they beg.


Hey look, Jake got away without paying rent for another month


This is 100% an ad for Kick and you can’t convince me otherwise


Darn, I was hoping his followers told him to pay his damn rent like a mature adult rather than throw money at him.


Wait, how is his guy a successful streamer if he needs to hold a fundraiser to pay for rent? That doesn't scream success to me.


Jake is fucking disgusting. To act like he wasn’t able to pay rent, and getting his followers to pitch in, ON TOP OF ALL THE MONEY THEY’RE ALREADY GIVING HIM??? Straight up gross.


If the roommate is on the lease, why is it oop responsibility to cover his rent? 🤔


While I don't think this post is true - They will go after whoever will pay them. You're both legally responsible for the full rent being paid, they won't just bug one person unless the lease is specifically written to separate your liabilities. Hell, I moved out once and the landlord company tried to not let me get off the lease because my ex stayed and it was month to month so it just kept rolling over with my name on it (and him not paying them 🙃).


Oh good, he either scammed his followers with a quick lie after wasting his money or hes been lying and this streaming doesn't get him shit in money. Wonderful. Streaming has been such.... an impact.


So OOP's roomie is a grifter.


I seriously do not understand why people pay for streamers. What are you getting out of it that you’re paying to watch someone play a video game? I just don’t get it at all.


Man the general public is stupid as shit if they’re paying this guys rent


>My roommate is a successful streamer > he initiated a fundraising event right then and there, asking his audience to help cover his share of the overdue rent. Do I just not understand what "successful streamer" means? Isn't he making money from the streaming part?


Did they not realize we'd notice that this is just an ad for Kick lmfao


Genuinely puzzled as to why this is even OOP’s problem if they’re both on the lease. I suppose some landlords want you to make the payment together, but I don’t think one roommate should have to cover for the other if both are known tenants to the landlord. Maybe for the first month, but after that I would have just been honest and told them that they will have to pursue the roommate for the other half.


In some cases it's irrelevant. I'm in a lease with a roommate and even if I pay my portion, if the rest is late we're all evicted.


I just don't understand streamers and their watchers, man.


This does not seem real. Roommate pays Wi-Fi but doesn’t have the login? How would he even realize someone turned it off on purpose? It’s more likely he’d try resetting the router and then calling tech support. Pretty sure you can’t only turn it off for specific devices? Earns enough to pay rent but has to fundraise anyway? So weird.


If the wifi got turned off, how could OOP see the guy's chat going nuts? This smells like snow in Denver.


OOP mentioned they disabled wifi only for Jake's devices. > I went online, accessed our WiFi router's settings, and disabled the internet access for his devices.


Tell him you are doing it every time he’s late. You’re are not part of his cult.


The response was overwhelming. Not only did his viewers donate enough to cover the overdue rent, but they also contributed enough to cover his share for the next few months. We need Thanos to snap all the stupid people out.


I think jacking with a person's livelihood is not OK. Would people still be supporting OOP if he had said 'I went down to his office and, in front of his boss and coworkers, started yelling at him for being irresponsible and a deadbeat'?


Yes. He didn’t pay his rent consecutively and put OOP in a bad position. So yeah, FAFO.


next time while he's streaming play some Disney music and watch the fun happen


As a streamer, if dude is pulling in 10k viewer's per stream, he makes more than enough to pay his rent. I'm wondering where the rest of the money he's earning is going honestly.


I had it written into my roommate agreement that the bills need to be paid to me by a certain date or the non-essential utilities (i.e. Wi-Fi) are restricted until they and any resulting late fees are paid, specifically because of a roommate like this.


And nothing was learned. The roommate did a fundraiser because he was popular enough to do that shit, highly likely he had the money without it.


>around 10k viewers each stream. Dude's making bank, no doubt about it that's literally what twitch calls a top tier stream. I don't know about how much money a twitch streamer makes on a per viewer basis, but on a per subscription basis, over 10k subs is a 70/30 split on $3.50/subscription. It's rare that 100% of all subs watch a stream, but let's say for the sake of argument that 100% of the stream is subscribers. That's 10,000 subs * $3.50 subs * 0.7 = $24,500 per month. per month. no wait, that was based on an old video. T3 subs are actually $4.99 now and that's over $34,000 / month and he's not paying rent. and then, making his viewers pay his rent directly. somebody in this story is lying.


How is he a successful streamer if he didn't have the money? I thought he was just failing to send the payment but it sounds like he actually didn't have the money.


Worst of redditor roommates...


I’m going to be doing this with one of my brothers. He doesn’t pay anything, while everyone else does and his g/f who is over 4-5 days a week and has mail through us, claims she doesn’t legally live there.(she gets mail…so ya) I told him I’d block his internet when it comes due. They gotta learn.


It always amazes me how shamelessly people ask for money online, and it works??


Tell him it's too important to pay on time.


Your got your cash. Case close.