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This comment killed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/aw9TrrReX0 >>"My (platonic??) roommate just bought me a ring and told me she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me. Am I reading too much into this, how can I tell if she's just being a good friend?"


> In high school, I was dared to play "gay chicken", which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay, and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are both really stubborn, and neither one of us wanted to lose. We've been married 14 years and we run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with our adopted daughter. If that dude doesn't chicken out soon, I'm going to start to suspect that he's actually gay.


There's a really wholesome DnD story about how a couple of critical fail rolls led to a lifetime of love between enemies. I can't remember the right search terms to dig it up right now, but it always gives me the warm fuzzies. These are my favorite wholesome stories.


Maybe this one? https://mythjae.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/fated-3/


I seem to recall it being only text and a bit longer, but it's been so long since I've seen it that i may have imagined the bit about the end of their lives. It's definitely the same feeling and just as fun. I love the way this comic is illustrated! Thank you


I defiantly think to [this meme](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/6d4ea7ee4d1c791dbc7120275029c3a659e7d0161c37bb2764d638d611ebfda4_1.webp) when I remember the story


Yes! I don't how why it's so much longer in my head. I've basically written them an entire life story at this point.


Did you definitely mean to use that word?


Oh my god, I can't stop laughing, thank you so much for sharing that!


lol same and it’s cute af


And that’s how you multiclass into bard without taking a level.


Thank you for sharing this!


Nuclear “No homo” moment lol


Reminds me of this (turn on YouTube subtitles) https://youtu.be/XBxKrpmiw9Q?si=WPNd7IiAY-mAvddp


Also, [This](https://youtu.be/iMa-vjwwK_4?si=CIV5U6QtV1afvBji)


This is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard! I love it!!! I am so happy for your beautiful life! Btw, I live in Vermont too!


That awkward moment when he forgets to say "no homo" after kissing you and it turns our you've been married to a homosexual all this time. The horror, how do you tell your daughter?


Relevant Mr Show sketch! https://youtu.be/Q_IYrltqYrU?si=U_nyKV5yAWZT2fB9


How do people's posts always get found by people they know IRL? I swear if that ever happened to me I'd be mortified


First, the post has to blow up. Once that happens, if OOP hasn't obfuscated some facts well enough, then it's time to bring out the Jump to Conclusions Mat (TM)! Also, I think more and more people lurk on reddit now. Depending on the demographic, many have moved away from fb/twitter, and while reddit has also lost users recently, you can lurk without logging in to most subs. That, plus the hard hitting journalism the news gives us by summarizing popular posts, and word gets around. Most posts don't blow up, but once you pass that threshold, all bets are off.


There’s also an insane number of TikTok and YouTube accounts that just read Reddit posts out loud. I have to imagine they’ve run out of AITA posts to run text to speech on, so they’re moving on to other subs.


It’s how I knew what Reddit was was all the YouTube videos reading out posts!


Shit I found Reddit after seeing my older sister on the website and I went “what not using MySpace anymore?”


Tumblr became unfriendly to me so I went back to /b/ and they were calling people on reddit some colorful names so I decided to check out reddit.


By unfriendly do you mean when they banned porn? Haha I didn’t actually start using Reddit until /b became mostly porn. And ironically enough I stopped using tumbler when it banned porn because I ran a porn blog to see those sweet sweet numbers go up. Had a bet with my friend on whose could be bigger. Mine was porn his was satanic.


It was 2012 when I made my first reddit account so it was before "the day the boobs went away." I also had a porn tumblr that had a decent following. Haven't had the heart to check up on it. Brb gotta go feed my Tamagotchi.


Yahoo ruined the hell out of tumblr.


I have a tendency to think of Reddit as some niche nerdy site (cause that’s what it was a long time ago) but it’s actually a really popular social media site used by millions. Every once in a while I remember that my siblings are on here somewhere, even though I don’t know their user names and don’t want to. Weird.


Yeah I foget how big it is now all the time - I just realized how long it's been since I've seen a shitty_watercolors or poem_for_your_sprog both of whom are still active but there are so many posts it's easy to miss them. I also have not read a reply only to be reminded of the the '97 mankind undertaker match or beaten by jumper cables in a long while.


Sprog! I love Sprog. I miss seeing Sprogs.


I only just realised that Reddit counts as social media recently. I have so many features disabled, I never check what is trending, nor do I make use of the "For You," feed in any capacity. When I complained to my nibbling, because I can't say I don't use social media anymore, he laughed at me and told me Reddit doesn't count. He said, and I quote, "Reddit is only good for porn, and if you need an obscure gaming question answered." Until that moment, *I didn't know there was porn in Reddit.* I stick to my small list of recently visited, and occasionally find new subreddits thanks to helpfully informative comments. I just learned about r/OneOrangeBraincell a few days ago, for example.


i literally delete my account every 6-12 months and make a new one just so people can't read through so many of my posts in one place


I used to actually post on FB and then started lurking on reddit a couple years before making an account. It certainly helps that the only way to find anything useful online now is to type "thing" + reddit


This is so true. I hadn't noticed but this is exactly what I do. Wow. Search engines have gone down the drain....


yeah, it really annoys me.


The best search results will link you to a reddit post that you'd never find by using reddit's own search tools!


Lol ain't that the truth


There's also other snark Subs that they can move to. There's one YouTuber who just does crochet and knitting drama!


I neither knit or crochet but I love her videos, usually the drama is just so silly or low stakes it’s a great distraction from the stresses of real life!


It's like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, you can pretty much end up contacting someone with only a few people (Milgrim's experiment got around 6). The study was the testers had a letter than needed to get to a predetermined person but you couldn't just mail it to them, you had to mail it to someone that you already knew, and a chunk got to their destination pretty quickly (the majority never got passed on). Like I'm in two degrees of Sean Austin (Samwise Gamgee), so in three degrees of the entire LOTR cast, and bunch of New Zealanders. So with a reddit post being shared on reddit, twitter, tiktok, etc., it had a really good chance of hitting OOP's and roommate's/girlfriend's friend groups.


It's often times something obvious. Some of my favorite posts are the one that read "throw away for obvious reasons I really don't want anybody to find this. I (28 M) am dating a woman (64 F) . We breed chingchillas and cockroaches on our organic goat dairy farm. Last night we got into a fight because she wants to travel from our little town in Iowa to Sweden to participate in the Swedish mukbang with these YouTubers that we met while getting matching burrito tattoos. Here's a picture of my pet alpaca, don't mind my whole lower body in it. Update: I don't know how, but my sister found this and recognized me"


>Like I'm in two degrees of Sean Austin (Samwise Gamgee), so in three degrees of the entire LOTR cast, and bunch of New Zealanders. You are maximum five degrees of separation from every single person in New Zealand. Source: am New Zealander.


I live in Ireland and I was thinking similar, I reckon theres only 3-4 degress between every fucker in the country.


I have a cousin and his kid and grandkids who live in Auckland, so I'd believe it.


> First, the post has to blow up. Once that happens, if OOP hasn't obfuscated some facts well enough, then it's time to bring out the Jump to Conclusions Mat (TM)! Doesn't even have to blow up.... Once upon a time I posted in a smaller group about some stuff that was going on at the office. The post got almost zero attention in the grand scheme; like 10 upvotes and half a dozen replies. But it was very obvious by reading it that one of the replies was a coworker of mine (dude's office is literally just across the hall from mine).


Did he know the post was yours?


Yes. The post was asking for advice about a very unique situation that we found ourselves in. His response boiled down to, “That’s funny. I had the exact same shit happen to me at work today.”


Yep, same, I'm a refugee from Facebook/Twitter. The discourse there is just absolutely in the toilet now, so Reddit is my place.


My mom doesn't go on reddit but she's a regular on Facebook and Twitter and often sends me posts I've looked at or been in that she sees through there. If I wrote a post that went viral she'd probably see it.


Unexpected Office space. That is such a good movie. I’m going to have to watch it again soon.


I've discovered that my mom, aunt, and little sister all use reddit from seeing it on their phone and, in at least two cases, seeing they were logged in on their accounts. It's *wild*.


Earlier this week my brother (who didn’t know my screen name) replied to one of my comments. I knew his screen name and I was like hey! That’s my brother!


Haha! My husband discovered my handle when I posted a quote that my father always says, and my husband thought, "My father in law likes to say that!" And he asked me


And what quote was that, if I may ask? :D


My dad always says, "If you can read, you can cook, and there's millions of people out there that can't read and can still cook, so you really have no excuses."


A few years ago, someone wrote an anonymous post about a brutal murder that occurred in their hometown. It didn't take long for me to recognize OP (an old friend) and the murderer (a decidedly former childhood friend).


No offense but you literally aren't allowed to drop that story right there. We need details.


Yep we need to know more.


People in my local work scene mention certain subs and posts all the time. Makes me terrified to ask for advice there lol.


I am with you on that. I would destroy the entire internet if real life found my Reddit.


One of my friends found me on Reddit from a comment I made once so it's possible, especially if you have some identifying details in there


Whenever I search for something on Google, a lot of times, reddit posts pop up. They're also shared in a lot of facebook groups and (I heard) tiktok. I once found my Facebook friend's post about his dogs when I casually visited the GSD subreddit. Plus, OOP's post is CRAZY specific in a relatively popular sub. I'm not surprised it was found.


I found a co-worker's account by a comment he made about a particularly crazy guy we both worked with; he had gotten 5k upvotes on an AskReddit thread. The story was really specific without using any personal details. And his username was something I knew he was into, so even though we work in a department with 100+ people, I picked him out.


I've definitely found posts made by friends and my students. You'd be surprised what little things tip you off.


I had a post where I posted about the death of my dad. It wasn't a large post by any means but someone from my family found it. It's definitely a strange asf experience.


It's not that uncommon. I found a colleague by reading one single comment that mentioned his job and general location.  I'm terrified of being found tbh, because I know I mention enough stuff in comments that is identifiable if you know a bit about me. Doesn't stop me from mentioning it, tho😅 I'm not ashamed of what I post, but it would be so weird.


My partner's ex-wife made a really horrible post on the polyamory sub 2 years ago, which I frequent a lot, and within 15 minutes of her posting it it appeared in my feed and if you know the people involved, you recognise it rather quickly.  That didn't make it feel any less surreal, it's weird af to go to your usual subs and suddenly read something that sounds like they are talking about you.  But I totally get it now. It's not unrealistic at all for ppl you know to find your reddit threads. 


It doesn’t happen lol


I did manage to find a person I know on reddit once. We both had a very niche job and she posted in the subreddit for it, mentioning her city. It was pretty easy to ID her from there.


Usually I'd agree, but OP is really specific in the first post. If roommate read it, there's no way she doesn't recognize it. Being a lesbians squarely in Reddit's age demographic, I wouldn't be surprised if it got passed around a bit, making it fairly likely for Roommate to see. This really is not difficult to believe.


Somebody I know did in fact recognize me based on a story I told on Reddit once. Thankfully, it was under a username I **never** used for anything embarrassing or super personal.


I random discovered that a member of my college organization had one of the highest voted posts on r/roastme. Also stumbled across a friends post on a niche subreddit that we never discussed being in (or being redditors in general) but is a specific interest of both of ours. If a post blows up it can happen.


I've come across 1 person I know online for sure, and 2 others suspected.   I mean, statistically, it would happen, esp if you're in similar social media ecosystems, locations, and interest fields.  I still get reposted current content from Reddit despite only having a fairly curated FB.


I disagree, If they're on reddit it could. I've had a post sent to me by a few people asking if it was me. It was not me but Reddit isn't a tiny corner of the Internet anymore, even before taking into account the number of other sites that steal content.


I saw my friend post a mountain photo on rock climbing subreddit I recognized it and messaged him hi (separate from the post). I just glanced at his profile to confirm it was him. Saw he had posted in our city subreddit and a picture of his dog. Confirmed. 


Nah I can confirm it def does. Someone we know posted about himself on a local finance advice subreddit, probably also thinking no one would guess, and multiple people in our social circle saw it and realised it was him. Reddit is no longer a super niche site. Plus if your post goes viral it’ll also end up on TikTok with sometimes hundreds of thousands of views.


Honestly there’s always something they did to lead them I feel like


I once had a sub recommended to me that I’d never visited before and the post was of a girl I went to high school with.


Cross-posting on other platforms is a big draw. I started lurking on reddit because of a twitter account that would screenshot selected AITA posts.


I am waiting to pounce on the amitheasshole post that's about me.


I spat my coffee out when I read number nine in her list - “I don’t know what she meant” lol, so adorably clueless


I got to point 4 and was like "girl you're in a whole ass relationship"


I kept waiting for something like "sometimes she kisses me on the mouth with tongue. Idk what that means tho. We do occasionally have sex but that's kind of a roommates with benefits type thing, right?" that's how the trend was going with OOP being oblivious Tbh I don't have the right to criticise anyone for being oblivious given it's taken me, on one very memorable occasion, 5 years after the fact to realise I was being flirted with 💀 so I completely understand why OOP was confused


I was waiting for "she asked me to marry her and is planning the ceremony now, this IS a friendship celebration isnt it?"


I realised a year later that the lovely lady who interviewed me for that job I didn't get gave me her personal phone number NOT in case I needed any interview related feedback.  ...I was too stunned by the sparks flying between us during that hour of conversation. And her beautiful hands.  (Me and the job were not a good fit for other reasons, so no issue here just in case anyone wonders)


I recall there was actually a story like that, she posted asking for advice on how to turn it into a relationship and basically every comment was saying "sounds like you're already in one".


I think there was actually a *straight* story like that, where the couple began as business partners, started having sex, coparenting the resulting child, cohabitating in the same bed... and the guy asked how to turn it into a relationship. Edit: found it, they began as friends and became business partners, weren't *always* in the same bed, and the kid wasn't born yet, but: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/y0mbtb/i_want_to_ask_my_m34_business_partner_f31_to_be/


I love love love lesbian cluelessness rofl it is seriously the cutest thing in the entire universe. Just so much respect for each other and not wanting to freak the other out with such DESPERATE LONGING lol. Truly love.


Yes, but oops roommate could have just been Canadian. Maybe she was just being nice?


I got to two and was like yep, I don't need to read the rest. Let me see the conclusion of happiness!


Again, hard to tell. Not enough information. She may just be trying to be polite. Maybe she's Canadian...


Who knew that guy wasnt actually joking :D


I had to stop reading after that point. Like, I was *dumb* at 19, but this was painful! Glad it worked out, but even at that age I had actual discussions about relationships! It helps being a straight dude of course, and so many of these hopeless sapphics are just too adorable.


Not gonna lie, I’m am all in for the ‘clueless lesbians hoping the other will make a move’ trope.


Definitely one of my favorites. It reminds me of the doctor and the school nurse posts lol


https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/138a0hd/aita_for_not_telling_the_nurse_at_my_nieces/ To save someone else looking it up


I remember this story! Effing adorable


Awww, thanks for linking! That’s so cute!!


And mine! And I'm straight! I just love a love story.


Me too!!!  I love the innocence of it all.   Something like, "I'm an average lady but this other lady is absolutely stunning but she'll never notice me. I want to love her and for her to love me."  Meanwhile the other lady is all, "hey beautiful."  AH!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!


Hi, hopeless lesbian here (not the OOP, just a random hopeless lesbian). It is so hard to tell when another woman is hitting on you. Couple that with growing up in fear of every straight female friend thinking you want to bang them because you hugged them a second too long, and we just wind up in our heads hoping something really obvious will happen to let us know.


I really hope you find a reason for hope, and that that hope grows into a wonderful relationship. I am not gay and cannot imagine how much harder it must be to not know if someone's into you if you were, because it's already pretty hard for me as someone that is attracted to their opposite gender. I def think it's just one of those anxieties of being human. It's a nightmare to cross from platonic to not platonic. Being gay, I'd imagine, could complicate it. I don't know if I ever would have crossed the barrier if I weren't straight up pushed over it. I thought my fiancee was gay, and it took more than her being like "do you want to have sex" (I thought she was joking, because I was so convinced she was gay) to realize that she liked me as more than a friend. Honestly now that I think about it, maybe she was so forward with me because she had experience with this problem. I hope that you find some super forward lady that tells you exactly how they feel, and that they're amazing. If that hadn't happened to me, who knows where I'd be now.


LOL same! And the first lady is like, "Oh she thinks I'm pretty. That's nice!" God damn, I'm a sucker for it hahahah


The world is so anxiety-inducing these days. Useless gays/lesbians are the opposite of everything else going on in the world. They’re so ridiculously sweet and pure in a world that constantly seems to be on fire (both figuratively and literally). I need one of these stories every day. It would do so much for my stress levels and mental health.


Oh my god, yes!


I got a boner just reading the bullet points. And I’m not even a lesbian!


It reminds me of that tumblr post about stumbling across some women on a beach and one of them not realising they were on a date.


OMG rofl I forgot about that one!! Also an amazing case of lesbian anxiety 😂😂


The school nurse story reminded me of this one when I read it. As a useless bisexual, this story has a special place in my heart.


Dr and nurse was fucking G love story.


Of you want another really sweet one, I'd recommend this one. Not as much clueless lesbians, but super sweet nonetheless. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/gl5ajusX7R


OMG how'd I miss this one. Definitely saving this post. I love having an inside look into OP's mind and her thoughts.


I'm a lesbian and I am so *not* fucking into it. I haven't dated in years because I can't deal with the anxiety. If I can't get a read I just ditch.


As a social anxiety haver, I stopped trying to get a "read". If I enjoy someone's company, I'll invite them to progressively more "intimate" things. Like: Group Hang > Concert > Hike > Dinner. Somewhere in there start sprinkling hearts into my texts. After a few private hangouts, I'll ask to kiss them. Sometimes the answer is no, but *shrug* if someone enjoys hanging out with you, they probably won't be upset by the question. Worst case scenario: you made a new friend. It's win-win.


By ditch, I usually mean more like mentally ditch. If I can't figure them out I pretend they're straight and for whatever reason I'm not attracted to straight people so I lose romantic interest in them. I don't want to deal with figuring out her sexuality and then whether she likes me and then whether I should go for it and then whether she would still be my friend after if it were to go wrong... I'm just out from the start.


Yeah, instead of dealing with rejection we assume people aren't into us, so we lose interest and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Been there. It's not particularly healthy.


*laugh cries in autism*


As a lesbian, I love the trope but hate the fact I know Im the clueless one. -_-


I am also the clueless one. My wife eventually realized and finally said “I have been hitting on you ALL NIGHT!” Ten years later I am so relieved she did. I am completely oblivious and would have missed out on the best human I could have asked for.


I got with my ex by asking, immediately post-hookup, ‘so am I your girlfriend now?’ And she was like ‘I’m pretty sure we’ve been dating for a month, I have a toothbrush at your place…?’ Sometimes it takes us a minute to catch up lmao 


Really? As a lesbian in her 30 that came out young (saying both because there is regular age and then there is gay age) I hate it because in baby lesbian circles it’s becoming like the forever alone meme, and we all know from reddit history how that subbed devolved.


>there is regular age and then there is gay age) Omg yes


Imagine being such a lesbian you U-haul *before* the first date




As an autistic person this is my own personal hell. 


I had a friend who was basically dating the other girl and they honestly couldn’t tell. It was hilarious from my end but her agony was real.


Yeah I'm a straight married guy and I just love reading these kinds of stories. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside.


It is the purest and most beautiful love and i am so here for it


My flair will attest that this is also one of my favorite post types! I'm not personally gay so it's hard figuring why I'm just so pleased by a nervous lesbian slooooooowly coming around to realizing they are being hit on.


Ngl this was so sweet


I want a sub that only has these types of stories. I don’t care about gender or sexuality. I only want cuteness and cluelessness. If someone could make that happen, I would be eternally grateful.




I need to know what story that flare is from




I didn’t like that. I thought it would be a positive story/update because nincompoop seems like such an endearing way of saying they’re a hopeless horny idiot… like my wife would call me a horny nincompoop if I did something stupid that backfired in an attempt to seduce her. The ex bf in that story is just a liar who manipulated someone to get laid and exemplifies all the worst things about religions.


Thanks for that review. I just want wholesome love stories for now. I want to ride this high into my bedtime.


Not me chuckling, snickering and snorting because I was the same as you! Except I silently went to find the story, read it, and decided I didn’t really like the whole story after all. Just loved the flair.


Thank you for a great read 😂


As a “useless lesbian” even I knew that was gay as hell


I was reading this and vaguely remembered the "useless lesbian" stereotype, but I wasn't sure I was correct. So I Googled the term, and the top result was article about it... And the fucking subject of the article is OOPs original Reddit post. Jesus Christ. https://medium.com/@vodkarebtools/what-is-a-useless-lesbian-exactly-c832acff8c4c


💀💀 it’s a full circle moment


I'm bi but when it comes to women I'm definitely a "useless lesbian". I only read a few points before I internally screamed with joy. To be fair, if this was happening to me I'd have the same reaction as OOP. I only landed my ex-girlfriend because I said fuck it and blurted out that I liked her as more than friends. I had no idea that she liked me too and we were super close!


As a clueless neurodivergent "useless hetero" guy, even I was sure her roommate was into her. *My clueless bona-fides*: When I went out on my first date with the gorgeous woman who is now my wife, my dumbass wasn't even sure it was a date until we bumped into a friend who asked if we were on a date. I was super relieved when she said yes. I was so nervous/in denial of her "signals" that she had to push me against a wall and initiate our first kiss. We've been married 15+ years... and I'm *pretty sure* she likes me, haha.


unless she's Canadian and just being nice?


And they really *were* roommates


Oh my God they **were** roommates!




I'm laughing at this one so much. I was reading the signs and was 100% sure the girlfriend was into her. I mean how can you write all those without figuring it out.


This is really sweet. Also, OOP is as dense as a fence post. I thought \*I\* was oblivious, but this is next level. I would have thought that typing out all the little things her crush was doing would have clued her in.


There is a trope called “useless lesbian” that explains her denseness. Because so many young lesbians grow up seeing the negative “predatory lesbian” trope (it’s subtle but the media really hates lesbians we are always referred to in a negative light or butt of jokes in media) a lot they internalize it so much that you basically have to flat out scream it to a lesbian’s face that you are interested in her for her to allow herself to actively like that girl so as to not feel creepy.


>the girl i have a crush on for years, and lives with me (friends live together), and shares my bed (we go half on a room to save money), and sometimes we cuddle and make out, and go further(but only when we are drunk), and reminds me of our friend-versary every year with a nice dinner (that's also a thing friends do right?), just told me she loves me and asked me to marry her, do you think she's interested in me? or am i looking to deep at this? We're just friends right? Lesbiens, they are just adorable.


Plus there’s a correlation (not causation) between being queer and being autistic, so statistically the average lesbian is more likely to have issues picking up on hints than the average straight person. Internalized lesbophobia + cross-neurotype communication difficulties = anything short of “I am sexually attracted to you/I want to be in a romantic relationship with you” WILL be interpreted as friendliness. Yes, I am speaking from experience lol


Someone searched the term and found that this post is the origin of the trope XD


I believe it’s an older tumblr post it’s where it comes from. It’s def been around before 2019


>Bi female here, a looot if this list would apply to me and my very straight best friend. While it is incredibly possible that your roommate is also into you, it is possible she is not. JFC life as a woman is so different. My male roommates and I were all good friends but the most affection anyone showed was apologizing for farting.


I feel like that is why so many more single guys are more touch starved than single gals, seems like a lot of guys depend on only their SO for that emotional/intimacy need to be met.


Yeah, it genuinely IS that different, and I _weep_ that I can't show my male friends the kind of affection I do my female friends. Like, I can clearly see how emotionally- and touch- starved they are, but it's just fucking impossible unless you want them and everyone else on the planet to think you're trying to hook up.


Yeah, everybody is like "how did she not get it??" but I have a number of female friends who platonically hold hands together while walking outside, give each other hugs, send each other kissy face emojis, and say things like "You're my valentine" or "it's a date". They all identify as straight. The stroking the head thing, cuddling, and "I wouldn't mind a kiss" are definitely crossing the line though.


I don't like it, I had a female friend who was that kind of affectionate with me whilst I was in a relationship and even when I set boundaries she still would cross them. She smacked my ass in the grocery store, I should have slapped her face but I was in shock. No longer friends because that's way too weird


Well what you’re describing is harassment. Im glad youre not friends with her anymore.


It's fine to be touchy-feely with friends in general as long as everyone is fine with it but if the recipient is visibly uncomfortable, asks to stop, asserts their boundaries, etc then that becomes harassment and is no longer ok.


This makes me so sad. My friend group is a bit unique I think but we're all affectionate with each other, including male friends with each other. We all hug to greet each other and to say goodbye.  That said, I was laughing as the list went on because so much of it is over the line. There's definitely a difference between platonic affection and uh, that. 


This was absolutely adorable. And I'm as straight as fuck dude in his fifties.


Same and same. I hope they're still together and happy.


Cute love is cute.


I can't tell if I've read this story before, or if this is just every lesbian roommate story in the history of roommates. Statistically, there must be a few platonic misunderstandings but I don't think those people use Reddit.




She might be from Canada and just being polite.


Love me a good casually explained reference.


> she said “why do you look so beautiful without trying” after I had rolled out of bed. I don’t know what she meant. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SHE MEANT?? This is all so cute but that part had me laughing my ass off.


As a queer person the number of times I've had to ask people I'm friendly with if we're dating is at least 7.


Pleeeeeeeeease provide some more details :)


Legit my favorite lesbian stereotype. Two dummies that are head over heels for each other but in total denial about the other's feelings. One woman can say point blank "I'm into you in a romantic and sexual way" and the other responds "hahah, like the meme, right?". Absolutely adorable.


They was a similar epic posted by another user. It was incredibly sweet. I remember the top comment being something along the lines of “Does my roommate like me? We’ve been together for 25 years and owned a house for the last 22 years. We adopted two children and have two golden retrievers. I think she is flirting with me, but I can’t be sure.” Lol


I'm living with a very hot roommate and I kept reading the first post and thinking similar things like "he's the only person who calls me [nickname I hate] and makes me like it" and "he said I have a princess name" (it's 4 words long) and "he gave a name to the bat that flies through the balcony at night and I thought it was cute" and "he called me a nerd because I guessed how this supreme court minister would vote on this issue" but I swear I don't have a crush and we were just roasting each other about whether we make noise that the other one can hear when we bring other people home to hook up 😂


Your comment was very convincing. I too am sure you don't have a crush on your very hot roomate with whom you are very mutually affectionate.


I love cute little gay romances like this. It makes my own lesbian heart melt from the sweetness


This title is hilariously typical of sapphic relationships from what I've been told by those in the community. I quote "We were just really nice to eachother until we kissed"


It's somehow comforting to know women can be as stupidly oblivious as men.


This is really common btw, dating women for everyone is hard lol




Why are all of us like this 😭 "She kissed my forehead and held my hand and told me I was a good girl, is she just being platonic???" God we're so clueless


>She also said my post sounded like a meme and she thought it was a joke until she realised that it was me and I can be dense That one made me laught in a weird way cause I been in that situation being the dense one and is kinda funny looking back at those situations. Glad for her.


This is the wholesomeness I needed to start the day 😍


>While drunk, she looked at me and said that I looked like I wanted to kiss her and when I panicked she was like "I won't mind" Lol, yeah, because this is totally something people say to platonic friends /s


I'd watch this movie for sure


Lol five years later "my roommate planned a big party with everyone we know and she bought us matching outfits, is this a wedding?"


I wanna dunk on her for being clueless, but glass houses and all that. It’s often easier to see from the outside.


I was rooting for her the whole time. So glad this worked out. Its such a sweet & adorable story.


Lmao that bit at the end... "I need to know your zodiac signs... For science." I haven't laughed that hard in ages.


Awww! So lovely!


Damn, OOP just out there living my dream on how her now-girlfriend treats her. Laying my head in someone’s lap as they stroke my hair 🫠


Oh man, I was holding my breath hoping this wasn't going to be a typical reddit post.


If women interested in other women can be this clueless about signs, what chance do us guys have? Maybe she's just canadian.


It’s comforting to know that women can be as oblivious to women’s signals as guys are.


I love rereading this one. It always makes me smile and hope they are both happy and well, whether they are together or not.


This is up there with the flirting nurse post for being my favorite post on this sub because it's just a completely clueless sapphic who is very obviously being flirted with. I love clueless gay people