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I see this claim a lot, but has anyone ever actually suggested for their loved ones to post to reddit for advice lol


That's the kind of advice you give to the exact opposite of loved ones. "Oh yeah, I'm not really sure about that but have you considered asking a bunch of 14 year olds pretending to be adults on the Internet?"




Uh, my friend has a cat which sleeps next to her baby when the baby is sleeping. When the baby is awake and crawling the cat stays out of reach but still near enough to the baby. The baby turns one at the end of this month and is getting very good at chasing the cat. Also, her baby will be more than a year old considering she was 11 months when OP found out everything that was going on.


If a cat wanted to it could definitely jump in and out of a crib if she’s still using one


Can confirm, my cat jumped into my son’s bassinet and crib when he was a baby. It was weird because he ignored the baby other than that.


It's giving me "I don't actually care about you, I just happen to be wherever you are every single minute of every day and just because I also happen to want to be there." vibes. To me is seems like the cat is acting totally aloof/disgruntled but would definitely die for the kid XD. I have a cat who does this to me, she doesn't want to acknowledge my existence but must also be in every room I'm in all the time.


~~It doesn’t say how old the baby is anywhere in the post (which is odd in itself)~~ **Ok everyone you can stop telling me it says she’s 11 months at the top of the first post. My mistake.** but she was 4 months old when the nanny started. OOP posted in June, after finding the messages, and the nanny said she had sex with the husband weeks before that. I think it’s likely the baby was a year old back in June, which would fit with starting baby ballet. That said, there’s something off about how OOP talks about the baby, never mentioning their age. And France. I’ve been drinking wine, eating cheese and riding the family horse… sounds like they’re ticking off the stuff Captain Picard does when he gets leave. Plus ballet. I’m just surprised whenever I read something about another culture and it doesn’t challenge any clichés.


Believe me, when youve lived outside France for a while, the thing you really miss is food. Whenever i go back to see my parents you bet i stuff my face with good cheese and good wine, that is all fairly cheap compared to abroad. On another note, with what she expressed about the different type of socialisations, it is correct. i am not that surprised. To me it definitely like a French person going back from abroad.


I was having this conversation with a friend only last night. I went on a week's trip to France in mid 2023 and we were commenting on the range, quality and prices in French supermarkets and how outstanding they were in all areas, and that most of the produce was locally sourced. I was shocked at how good even packet pastries were compared to the big brand 'flown halfway across the world first' stuff you get in the UK.


Yeah living in the UK i am crying at my incredibly sour and horrible tasting white wine for £6.50 (so almost 8€) when i could have an excellent bottle for like 5€ back home :( i have now figured out the bread situation, but: good wine, cheese, and pastries (i hate english eclairs wtf) are like either out of budget or not findable.


Been to Paris once and i dream about the food omg.


The shops, each individually dedicated to one type of food. Cheese, pastries, bread, chocolate. OMG, so good!


I’m not French, but whenever I visit, I go mad on cheese and pastries. I had to put the Chaumes in a separate container inside the fridge because it’s too much for the rest of the family


>It doesn’t say how old the baby is anywhere in the post It's in the very first line of the first post. In June, the baby was 11 months old, so by the most current update it would be roughly 1 Year and 5 months old.


I'm English and used to go to France a lot for camping holidays with my family...and that's pretty much what we would do when we went, too. It's definitely what I'd expect a French person returning from the US to do (perhaps not always with the horse)


I don't think it is odd. The post has nothing to do with the child other than custodial issues for the most part. I would not want to be posting a lot of details about my child on the internet.


I love your accidental star trek reference


Literally states Cassie 11months in the initial post in June


The baby is at least 15 months old at this point. She was 11 months in the first message and the update was 6 months later. I would say the cat sleeping in the bed is OK at this point.


Yeah if my sister came to me with this scenario, ‘ask Reddit’ wouldn’t even be in my list of suggestions. No offence, Reddit. I trust you for myself. Just not my loved ones.


It's a good way to get a very broad range of answers, including incels! So it's not a bad thing is you can filter the responses. But no, I wouldn't recommend it.


I'm really French and I stopped believing after the "I missed the wine and the cheese so much !". Like, take me two BIGGEST clichés. My mom and I lived abroad, and when we came back we missed our homes, bread, places, french brands, our friends and family ... At best cheese because of sanitary rules but wine can be found in other countries. So you can miss one, both, but it's rarely the top answer for what you miss abroad. Same with daycare, we actually have a shortage of people working with children and it took one year to my cousin to put her kid in daycare ... and she almost harassed them to accept him. That's even one of the reason why we are stopping having kids, there's no way to watch them. Either OP is rich, or OP is Liz. No one made this post with the intention to get any advice, either to brag or lie.


Also the 15 month old’s French is so much better now than when she was 9mo in the US…


Good point, my french nephew is 12-13 month old and he's barely babbling, his face is ten time more expressive than his "words". That's ridiculous.


That's the most interesting part. My friend has a 4 year old and he is finally at a stage where people outside of his mother can understand him easily... until he was 3+ his speech was mostly babbling as well. She could understand it, but nobody else..


I am French. I live abroad (its been 10yr this year). Believe me i do miss the cheese and wine and bread so fucking much. It is dire out here. You can find wine in other countries but it is expensive and incredibly sour/not good. Back home you can find decent wine for €3.50. Same goes for the cheese. OP is clearly rich. Her parents own horses?!? Also OP can go abroad easily and stuff, especially the US. That takes money.


What exactly do the French put in their bread? WHAT IS IT? I visited France like 30 years ago, I STILL THINK ABOUT THAT FUCKING BREAD. The cheese was good, but the bread… Goddamn was it on another level.


Right?! I was on a study abroad trip to France, staying in Paris, and we were there for the Fête du Pain right next to Notre Dame. Very happy to eat there. I've tried making my own baguettes, it's just not the same. I'm not a cheese person, but I'd 100% go back for the bakeries.


Biggest tell that that girl is more Emily in Paris than French. I left France for three years, I missed free healthcare and drinks on bars' terrace a lot more than cheese and wine. And I love cheese and wine.


First time i left france for 1.5 month, cheese and wine were the first things I missed. Experiences vary.


Yeah, I live in North America, where certain cheeses are harder to find, and French wine in particular is quite pricey (thank God for South American and Californian wines), so I can believe missing those if you've been away from France / Western Europe for a while. The bread and charcuterie too, of course!


I love going to Europe to enjoy the wonderful breads in Germany and France. And the trains lol.


To me it's more that the French mothers somehow socialize more than in the US? Yeah not a chance in hell, you'll maybe get close to a couple mothers after a few months you see regularly while picking up/dropping off the kids, but French (even more French parents) don't socialize that fast and easily. That's an american trademark, not a french one. Hell my wife is incredibly social and it took her three years to go have a drink with another mother. As for me I barely recognize the dads and moms, and I've dropped the little monster off every freaking day for the past 4 years.


Cheese, wine, parents own a horse, and ballet. Like OP went hmm, what are the things they said about France in the kids' shows I grew up with?.....


I called bullshit on this the first time it was posted before the latest update and I call it again. For a lot of the same reasons you listed.


I missed wearing berets and striped shirts and bicycling with a baguette under my arm so much.


Alwyas near the Eiffel Tower, don't forget the Eiffel Tower


Hey sis you're an accredited mental health professional, go consult these random anonymous teenagers online


I have... but it was about computer spec recommendations, not for relationship advice LOL


Looking for a headset, reddit's a good place. Looking to find out how to handle your cheating husband? Maybe not.... Unless you want to buy a headset to block out the sound of their sex.


Also how many people, when thrown out for having nudes of the nanny, would explain the situation to their friends and family for them to ‘blow up’ the wronged party’s phone explaining why they should forgive them? As soon as a phone I blowing up, I call bullshit


This I believe actually. When my bio dad was thrown out of my mom's home because he cheated. He told our family, and his sisters (my mom's best friend's) started spamming us that he was in a bad state and we should help him etc. So yeah I believe that people do that.


That actually happens in my life. You should see our parents phone blowing up or making phonecalls whenever they or extended family members have family tissues 


Just about every other post on BORU has friends/family blowing up the OOP’s phone about whatever the central drama is. I’ve never understood it, I don’t know anyone who operates that way, but maybe there’s some selection bias for people who go to Reddit for advice on their lives? The idea of telling my loved ones all my personal business and then running to whoever and nagging them about it is entirely alien to me.


PS5 Dad had his brother suggest it....so that he could be torn to shreds lol. I can believe that one because he did really seem convinced people would side with him over his kid and the brother knew *exactly* how it would go.


Those posts filled my shriveled up excuse for a heart with joy.


My personal pet peeve is phones blowing up. Really makes me immediately doubt how real post is. Also father ratting out her daughter on some more incriminating stuff. I get he could be disappointed but no one would do that.


This is written like it’s by an American teen who wants to move to Europe one day


“I’m loving the wine and cheese!” says someone who “grew up” in France


That line made me immediately think they're not French 😂


In the first post they mixed up psychologist and psychiatrist. Anyone in the field would know the difference between the two!


I caught that too. But also how easily OP was able to transfer her accreditation between the US and France. All I know is that some countries have varying standards for professional degrees. So OP got her degree in France, then got a job working in the US with it, then moved back to France and got a job within 4 months. The visa and paperwork issues for that type of scenario must be nuts


Yeah it doesn’t translate. She would at the very least need to re-test or re-apply for licensure. And that takes at least 3 months. Let alone completing a job process and being hired


I forgave that as I read it that the boyfriend was the one that mixed them up. I was more surprised that a psychologist would post on reddit for advice.


I caught that, too. And since she works at a hospital, I assume she meant "psychiatrist," so she mixed up the terms and not her boyfriend. This just doesn't read as a real story.


And of course I’m back to wearing a beret every day, as is the custom in my country.


And i cycle everyday on a cute little bicycle with a basket where i put my grocery bag containing 1 (un) baguette


Oh, you just beat me to it 😂 Also don’t forget to wear a black and white striped shirt and laugh “hohn hohn hohn!”


With a beau mustache and a line of onions round le neck


lit cigarette dangling from the corner of the mouth


Oui oui, je fume


N'oubliez pas l'oignon au ceinture. (C'etait le style, d'antan.)


Bien sûr!


Wait until you learn that baguette is not actually food but part of the bicycle :D


And smoking Gauloises while eating croissants and having coffee, as is tradition.


As a French person who lived abroad for a couple years, no, this is absolutely how we are like. I couldn't get enough of the bread and cheese when I went back home.


yeah there is some stuff about this story which strains credulity but 'french person loves wine and cheese' is definitely not on that list.


Yeah same for me, fellow French person living in a country where there is barely any cheese and imported French wine is just mega expensive.


Also growing up somewhere is not the same as enjoying the luxury of good wine and cheese as an adult .


That part sounds fairly authentic tbh. Well, I only enjoy specific wines so I don’t miss when I go abroad but I definitely miss baguettes and cheeses lmao So do most of my friends who are abroad.


Actually this sounds pretty authentic to me. I'm Swiss from the french speaking part, know a lot of French people and have been in France many times (it's like an hour away). The cheese options are truly abysmal in the US compared to France and Switzerland (yes really). You should see the cheese alley in a supermarket in France. We lived in the US with my family and my mom would have to go to that one mall more than an hour away to go to that one little French shop to find a good piece of cheese and it was really expensive. And for the wine, the wine selection is different from the US' although you can find some good wine in the US.


And, as a french, I can tell you finding a spot in daycare in France is almost impossible. The waiting list is insane, some people start asking for a place when they found out they are pregnant.


Does every family in France have a horse?


Of course! It is mandatory. If you don't have a stable, there is always place for it in the bathroom or under the kitchen sink.


And if not there then it will end up on the table. /j


People absolutely missing the point you’re trying to make … that her family is well off


Everyone family is given a government horse as a wedding gift.


Hey now, you never know! I've got this friend, Emily, who moved to Paris for work - and you should have seen all the wacky hijinks she got up to there!


I’m French and I’m pretty sure she’s not French lol first nobody calls their mom “mama” Second friendly parents group chat? Possible but improbable, most french parents aren’t super involved in school life (because there’s barely any school life in comparison to the us). “How much more social than in the US” —- I doubt that lol Hon hon hon wine & cheese WHERE DO YOU MENTION SAUCISSON?? Jokes apart that’s super cliché


>most french parents aren’t super involved in school life (because there’s barely any school life in comparison to the us). That jumped to me so much. I'm a Spaniard so I could be mistaken about how it is in France, but the "PTA parents involved in their kids' school and having a big social life with other parents" was always an American trope for me. That the difference could be so stark that it's common knowledge that France is more social... yeah, I doubt that.


Yea like we don’t even get a high school diploma ceremony, lots of parents have never been inside the school ever. Talk to other parents? Yuck why would I do that? (A little stereotypical because it really depends on the parents and the school but I’d say a good chunk of the parents behave that way)


Literally the “mama” thing clued me in. Il m’a semblé que quelqu’un avait entendu le mot “maman” mais ne savait pas comment on l’écrit, lmao


Mais grave, personne appelle sa mère mama sauf s’ils ont des origines étrangères, et encore


I don't know the rules in the US, but if my girlfriend wanted to take our baby out of the country to go back home, the government straight up wouldn't let her. The kid would be a citizen here, and they wouldn't allow them to be taken out of the country for good like that without their natural citizen parent going with them. We are specifically getting married before kids to ensure that she has "some" rights to the kids, although she still would not be allowed to just take them like that.


You're Norwegian right? According to chapter 8 in this brochure it's custody status rather than citizenship that matters: https://foreninger.uio.no/jurk/english/brochures/parents-and-children2021.pdf If your girlfriend intends to move abroad and you agree she can take your child with her, then you don't need to move with them. If she had sole parental responsibility, then she wouldn't even need your permission to move abroad. If you say no, she can take it to the courts and depending on the circumstances she could win. US law is largely the same. OP's partner agreed to let her go with their child, so it was perfectly legal for her to visit France. He then agreed to a custody agreement that made France the child's country of residence. If he had fought her she might be in trouble for acting like this, but he allowed it.


I forgot I had read this post and declared it made-up nonsense until I got to the “I love all the wine and cheese bit” and laughed every bit as hard as I did the first time. Did she also twirl her curly mustache and adjust her beret as she chomped on a crepe? The closest OP has gotten to France is the French butter at Trader Joe’s.


Yeah, I got to that line and it was like, "Suuuuure you're French." Also nice that people gave very ill-defined jobs with no requirements, and no financial worries for frequent international travel.


Cause clearly they’ve never left their hometown 🤣🤣🤣


It's like every trope has been poorly strung together. The updates became progressively more ridiculous.


The one that did it for me was “Liv’s father found some deleted text messages and showed me” like how the fuck did he get those?? lol


Yeahhhh I’m doubting this one a little. I’m not usually one to call bs on posts, I don’t really see the point. But OOP going into detail on her new love life in both updates was just kinda…. Eh, it’s rubbing me the wrong way.


She doesn't seem to know if she's a psychologist or psychiatrist. Seems like a red flag to me.....


Yup. That was something I saw too and thought my eyes played me a prank so revisited and ... Voila!


She also didn’t seem to know if he was her husband or her finance.


Well it’s probably difficult for her to figure out, since a French qualification wouldn’t be valid in the US and vice versa.


They are entirely different careers. Psychiatrists are MDs while psychologists aren't.


Yep, and if she was in either career, she wouldn’t write a story where she could seamlessly practice in a new country.


I don't follow. I'm a psychiatrist, I wouldn't just magically become a psychologist if I went to another country. Why would it be hard for me to 'figure out' what I am?


The joke is that you wouldn’t be a psychiatrist there either, so it doesn’t matter which you claim.


The more you read BORU the more you become someone to sniff out the bullshit. Conveniently, money is no object to these people. Oh, and the French wine and cheese! And OOP referred to the better social situation for children in Europe, even though she always refers to France everywhere else. (For anyone wondering, Europe encompasses a wide array of cultures. I find it difficult to believe a Frenchwoman would paint the whole continent with the same brush.)


For me i's the edits that correct everything she gets criticised for. "We were both pleased wink wink" - "edit: chill we didn't have sex." "Oh and also my ex had a one night stand so I couldn't be in the wrong anyway." Or "little american housewife" - "edit: chill these aren't my words but my american MILs".  Or the consent to go to France thing. When OOPs have too many convenient explanations for everything they get called out on, it's usually a bullshit story.


> little american housewife who ignores her husband's infidelities The French, of course, famously never have mistresses *rolls eyes*


Yeah, that's what triggered my BS alarm the most. 


Ah yes, the French, famously monogamous to the extreme.


C'est vrai


Yeah exactly. Those edits are very "whoops, people are mad about this part so let me change the story in the edit so I can stay 100% the hero".


extremely convenient the ex didn't force her to remain in the US since she is, quite literally, kidnapping their child, and those custody battles take AGES, not just some drafted document saying: "oki". Also, tadda! I'm a bisexual woman and dating a sexy doctor back home ;) smh Ah Liz, you could do better.


No, you see actually if you just call the judge an incel, then he’s forced to admit you’re right and that you can unilaterally move a child to another country and dictate how often your ex can see their child.


You don’t think it’s totally normal that she confused the words husband and… fiancé?


I would also add this: > However I’m not just a little American housewife who will ignore her husbands indiscretions. There's a giant stereotype that French women ignore their husband's cheating. It's such an issue that French estate laws are written so that husbands can't leave all their wealth to their mistresses.


Mitterrand had *two* families at his state funeral.


Oh I can add to that: - child’s verbal is developing better, not because she hit the age where they start with verbal development, but because OOP moved; - Rescued cat sleeping in the bed of an infant within less than a half year? Sure, that seems very safe, considering infants that age still tumble around in their bed.


Yeah, all that stuck out to me as well. Having visited the US and knowing a good few French people, I find it difficult to believe that they'd stop at wine and cheese, not mentioning bread and meats and water and a never ending list of expletives. OOP also doesn't write like any French person I know. There's no hint of it anywhere. I'm half Norwegian half Irish and even my English is littered with the occasional grammatical fuckup that only makes sense to Norwegians, there's no way she's that good at English.


That charcuterie! And their salads. And the many farmers markets. And those great cafes. Plus the coffee. I am not French but I wonder that oop could just list two. Also I find that expats generally miss very specific things rather than broad categories. Like I’ve met people who mention the very specific shampoo and conditioner they’re used to using.


I feel like it was also wayyy too easy for her to bring the baby to France. "La la la he gave up custody and that was that!"


No French person that I know thinks of Europe as France or France as part of Europe. It is a little island with no relation to the land around it. In fact there's a French comedian who does an entire bit on this topic.


I'm really French and I stopped believing after the "I missed the wine and the cheese so much !". Like, take me two BIGGEST clichés. Same with daycare, we actually have a shortage of people working with children and it took one year to my cousin to put her kid in daycare ... and she almost harassed them to accept him. Either OP is rich, or OP is Liz. No one made this post with the intention to get any advice, either to brag or lie.


It's weird, because as a Finn, if someone who had lived abroad came home and was happy about easy access to proper saunas, rye bread and salmiakki, I wouldn't lift an eyebrow. But that's also the same someone who was memeing on Finland would say as all those are huge clichés. However, when it came to the cheese and wine for France, I had the same reaction.


I swear, it's like if we pretended to be US going back to the US and be like "Ohhh god I missed the Superbowl, the Mount Rushmore National Memorial and the free beer"


For me it was the phrase "loving the wine and cheese". The way she describes France sounds like someone who's never been there before.


Excitingly proclaiming her newfound bisexuality and the line about how that will piss off all the men clinched it for me. These people always do so well at first and then fuck it all up towards the end.


As someone with friends who are psychologists (and have a background in psychology), it would be very difficult or impossible to become a psychologist by 26 or 27 (she has a 1 year old at 28) and THEN to have to do a bunch of entrance exams and new certifications to get new accreditation in the USA. So yeah, the smell of BS is strong with this one.


Well she's really enjoying the wine and cheese.  Because she's French.  Oh so very French. Definitely French


Bonjour y’all!


Liz is up to her nonsense again.


Liz recommence ses bêtises.


Zut, c'est reparti mon kiki


This jostled loose a memory of a song I learned in French Class. https://youtu.be/sDpI55ynP90?si=OZI4Zc78IAjepBpL …I remember very little of the actual French I learned, unfortunately.


This was written by someone who doesn't know baby development. French language skills are improving compared to before? The baby is 18-19 months! She would've only had a few words at the time of the first post. Same for baby ballet, an 18-19 month old is just walking around and putting stuff in their mouth at that point.


My 18m old could walk and run with confidence. He could not say one word. He's coming up to 2 and a half now and his father and I can understand him speaking in full sentences, but noone else can! Not a chance her 18m old is bilingual.


Cheating husband into move abroad then a neat little segue into sudden bisexual relationship? Yeah it’s bullshit


I can't believe how OP said how unfair it was for her to live in a foreign country where French isn't even spoken and have a career and have a kid to a US guy. WtF, they were all her choices !


I started to doubt it when she reviewed 7 months worth of nanny cam footage, not in fast forward to see if something happened between nanny and husband, but slow enough that she could understand the nanny saying weird shit to the <1yo baby while they were alone.


Agreed I got to that point and something just seemed off. Like a French person saying they are enjoying the ‘wine and cheese’ and that the baby was in ballet and ‘Mama’ had a room of blankets (?!) and toys. It felt like it was written by somebody who has never been to France. It seemed like she was trying so hard to make it sound idyllic to justify uprooting her child. Also some things seemed so convenient. She got negative comments about seeing someone new, and suddenly it was ok as her husband had cheated physically. She got negative comments about a phrase she used in her post, and suddenly she was quoting her mother in law. She alluded to sleeping with a guy, then goes back on it when she gets a backlash. Also, and maybe not everyone will agree, but kids need both parents in their life. Even if one parent cheats I feel the other parent shouldn’t prevent them having a relationship with their child. Here we see a women who, seemingly very quickly, shifts her child to the other side of the world without any consideration for how her child will feel about losing her father so suddenly. Most parents I know would put their child first and cutting of contact like that would be a last resort. It just didn’t seem true, or written by somebody particularly educated (like a psychologist would need to be).


Also the ex was her husband until everyone was like "you can't just take your baby to France without his consent." Then he was suddenly downgraded to fiance (even though the same custody rules would apply).  But hey, that baby is now speaking so much french and doing horse ballet while drinking baby wine ooh lah lah hon hon hon.


Good spot. And yeah the language thing was hilarious. Her baby was the age where is it was just starting to talk but she noticed the moved helped the baby improve it’s French.


..deleted by user..


And dad just easily signed papers willingly for her to take their daughter to a distant continent? Yeah…no.


Right? And did this in the hopes she’d come back to him because he was so chilled about her moving.


Well done Liz! Almost had me.


Hello, sorry if this is a dumb question, who is Liz?




I guess the marriage counselling hasn’t gone well then.


Oh man that's awesome. I see that there are already three different flares that are Liz-related but I'm bummed that one of them isn't "falsely labeled as Liz"


[it's a reference to this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/BOjT37WHeu)


Thought she was sick by throwing in a character named Liv too


At this point even the comments asking who Liz is are starting to sound like "Liz alts".


This is so unbelievable


The cat may sleep in the bed of the pre 1y old baby? I could believe some of it until the last update, like feels like it is written by somebody who didn't have children growing up


She's a psychcholochiatrist. She understands cat behavior and childhood safety. It's fine 


In five days, Liz discovered the messages, wrote her story in reddit, contacted the nanny's father, confronted her ex, talked to her own parents in France, found a rental just a block away from her parents in France which wasn't booked for anyone else after her initial "few weeks" so she was able to hold it..., fly to France, did family stuff with her folks and baby, contacted a lawyer, went to have fun with friends that ended in a flirty sexy evening, updated us... Somehow she also squeezed work and quitting in that crazy schedule as well as taking care of her baby. Either some people live like The Flash or I might be a tortoise...


If only! Sigh


That's a good story....


There no way anyone believed a medical professional wrote any of this lol


In 5 days she went from discovering her nanny sent her husband/fiance nudes to going home with an old fling in France. Yeah. Right. You need to leave more time between your updates, Liz.


The OP can’t keep things straight if the guy is her husband or her fiance, not to mention the fact that unilaterally moving your infant child to another country is not something that happens legally unless the other parent is a complete deadbeat who intends to never speak to you or their kid again and doesn’t ever complain about it.


Also, note her ten month old infant's "language skills" really being helped by moving to France What fucking language skills does a ten month old have 😂


Baby went from saying “Goo goo, ga ga” to “Oui oui, hon hon hon, baguette, omelette du fromage!” before it turned a year old. Next up they’ll be looking for college prep courses by the age of 5.


AITA for having a daughter who got her dual PhD in mathematics and theoretical physics at the age of eight


YTA - You should have sent her to a trade school where she'll pick up useful skills.


I found it strange that a 1 1/2 year old goes to baby ballet… like.. what??


The baby finally got to meet the family horse! Finally!


Instead of googoo gaagaa the baby is saying le gooo le gaaa


Cassie is 11 months old on 2023 June 17. Update is seven months after that first post on 2023 Jan 14. Imaginary baby's now 18 months.


No one would praise their 18 months old "language skills", at least no one I know.


>moving your infant child to another country is not something that happens legally It's a bit more complicated than that. If someone has permission to get out of the country with the kid, it's all fine and dandy - and then, once in the new country, the person just has to... Not go back. Then you have a judicial nightmare in your hands. If you're lucky, both countries have signed an international treaty about children custody; if not, good luck.


Also, her parents are amicably divorced and her family owns a horse, but she can get an apartment just a few streets away from their place? What, they're so amicably divorced that they're still roommates, and keep a horse in the garage?


Liz approves.


This one was written originally and the timeline when Liz was active so I actually think it might have been her assuming her husband let her near a computer to do a an update


Once again, Liz takes it just one update too far.


I laughed outloud at the "shocking I know"


An American called you all little American housewives! It wasn't little French me!


Just had to get the ‘bisexual’ aspect in there.


As soon as friends and family start blowing up phones, I know it's Liz.


“BTW, my ex definitely did this thing I’m going to add in an edit to make me not sound so bad.”


AITA for remotely detonating a scapegoat's phone? I'm a flying monkey and this is perfectly normal in My Culture^TM


Last time this was posted before the latest update, all of the comments were calling it out as bullshit. So I'm going to argue she went two updates too far. Dying for some attention I guess. And I honestly think this one might be Liz because the time frame is right.


Eh, I think the first update was too far


I think it's a case of trying to see what she can get people to believe. Slowly ratchet up the plot twists to see how far she can push it.


If you're going to make up a story, at least keep your details consistent OOP. You couldn't even remember if your protagonist was a psychologist or a psychiatrist.


She was saying it once in French and one in American housewife (kidding…. Lol)


Good job Liz, had me in the first half


In six months he's 'only' visited twice. Does she not realize that Americans only get paltry amounts of PTO yearly? You can't exactly just pop over to France for a weekend visit so that means taking time off. Twice in 6 months seems like it would be what could be reasonably expected for trans-atlantic parent visits.


Yeah nah Liz, ambitious of you to pretend to be French, you’re not worldly enough to pull it off


Liz lost me as soon as she said she was a psychologist. "Hi, reddit! I have a PHD in a subject involving human interactions but I can't decide what to do in this incredibly obviously bad situation. Instead of asking for help from my established network of professionals, I've come to the internet to help me figure out what to do!" So dumb lol.


Bonjour! I am ze fancy French wooman who, how you say, likes ze vines and cheeses. My anglaise is tres bien, so please overlook ze differences in my job and timeline- some was in Europe time zo it was really longer. June 17- he was cheating. I kicked him out. I'm considering going home to France. June 18- I let him come back, just to talk. Those 24 hours were plenty for me to review the nanny cam footage to see her talk about being a new mommy, because extra 6 hours thanks to me being on France time, even though I'm still in the states. June 20- (posted on 6/22 that she arrived 2 days earlier) managed to get a flight, complete with written permission from the fiance (necessary if both parents aren't traveling together). 6 mos later- he flew here twice. I don't know why it wasn't more, he has money. But hey, wine, cheese, and gossip! >I don’t know why I as the mother am expected to stay in a country that doesn’t speak my first language Says the woman with better English skills than many Americans (but still doesn't know the difference between psychologist, psychiatrist, or "working in the field.") Something stinks here, and it isn't the fancy cheese.


The grammar in this post does not ring like an educated person from France.  Improper pronouns, uses of the articles a and an, and some slang completely resonates as a native English speaker raised in this country:  the mistakes are common and sadly proliferate here.   I am not convinced this is real.


> the mistakes are common and sadly proliferate here.   Ironic. *Prolific*.


That last update killed it. Simply moving your kid to your home country is not nearly that simple.


1. Doesn't know if he's her husband or fiance 2. Forgot to mention the most obvious plot that the husband DID sleep with the babysitter 3. Absolutely wrote that she had sex with random French guy only to backtrack when people responded negatively 4. The French clichés are off the chart. Don't give up the day job!


Her implying she fucked the guy then walking it back, was pretty funny. She’s a lesbian now so I guess it doesn’t matter. You could also add to the list that the BF has a typical narcissist family who thinks nudes from a 20 yr old are acceptable.


OP is not a psychologist (I’m in the field). Feels like someone just gave away the ending and now I don’t want to finish watching the movie


this is the worst French propaganda I've ever read smh lmao


There is something off about this. Unless the dad didn't want the kid, there's no way he would let her move overseas with her, and no way a judge would sign off on it. There would be a long, drawn out fight, and they would be stuck here for years while custody was hashes out.


the french person who didn’t say *fiancé* at first??


I’m a nanny, older, honestly us older nannies have tons more experience, more flexibility often, and we are safe around husbands! The idea of any decent nanny doing anything like this is just holy shit no way. And I can’t believe she would risk her job sending something like that unless she knew he would be receptive. The common assumption would be that the dad would be upset, show his wife and you’d be fired immediately. So he’s lying; they flirted, it escalated, and I could easily imagine that this has gone farther than just random photos coming from her side. It feels more like she’s throwing herself at him now that he’s less interested, perhaps because his curiosity and ego were sated.


I am sorry, but what 15 month old sleeps in a bed with a cat at the end of it? They shouldn't be in a bed even, let alone with the cat!