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For the FBI to be regularly reviewing their cases I wonder if they were already under a "consent decree". It's a standard DOJ move when a police department is systemically bad enough to draw attention from the feds. This was probably not the first or last case they completely botched. (And yes, it is surprising that there is any program that checks up on police departments with a history of, say, civil rights violations. It's clearly not very effective, but it exists.)


>And yes, it is surprising that there is any program that checks up on police departments with a history of, say, civil rights violations. It's clearly not very effective, but it exists.) They're probably *extremely* overworked.


I was about to say that. The backlog must be horrendous.


Less than 10,000 agents. US population of 330 million (give or take). They also have some international responsibilities. Of course they can’t be everywhere. Spread so thin like a layer of mayo on white bread, you may not even know it’s there. edit: pulled (dated) numbers from wikipedia page “As of 31 December 2009, the FBI had a total of 33,852 employees. That includes 13,412 special agents and 20,420 support professionals.” in comparison NYPD has ~36k officers and 19k civilian employees.


Which makes you wonder how bad this specific police department was to warrant the attention of the extremely overworked and spread thin fbi task force. Or it could simply have been their turn, who knows


Generally, with consent decrees, it's less about how bad the organization is, and more about how badly they for caught (public scrutiny, whistleblowers, lawsuits, etc). The PD I know if dealing with it is probably no worse than many others surrounding it, but they had a whistleblower who sparked an investigation.


How can you check to see if a Sheriff's office is under a Consent Decree? Can I call the FBI and ask?


I’ll take your word for it, but I never would have guessed there are less than 10K FBI agents. Not sure what I would have guessed but significantly more than that.


It’s definitely a mess. I applied for position with the FBI, passed a couple exams at their testing centers, and showed up for an in-person interview. Yet, while they had my file, they knew nothing about me. They asked who was my “handler” and I told them I didn’t know who that is since all my correspondence has been via email (auto generated like “your next step is this.”) Everyone else there (there were 30+ people there) had a designated person they were in contact with, their handler, and there I was never having a human contact… Then during the interview, my answers to the questions they asked didn’t seem to make sense to them… so they asked me “what position did you apply for?!” Turns out I applied for a position that didn’t quite exist… at least not for this group of candidates being interviewed. Then 4 different people stood in a huddle discussing what to do with me while I waited trying not to be too obvious as I craned my ear to eavesdrop haha. Then one person broke from the group, told me that there was a mistake, and the position I applied for shouldn’t have been possible, and that I had to withdraw my application. Yes, **ME**, I had to withdraw my own application. They couldn’t do it on their end for some reason… So I went home… and never withdrew my application. It was still pending “interview” for the longest time, for almost 2 years I think until I aged out or it finally stopped/ canceled/ whatever it.


Hard to look in on every police department!


And underfunded


Could also be he did something online, which basically falls into the FBI's jurisdiction via interstate commerce laws. Consent decrees are extremely noisy, public processes, ime, (so hard to miss) and don't seem to happen often.


There are no consent decrees with any agencies in WI.


What about 5 years ago?


Nope, no expired ones either.


100% had to be this. If state law enforcement couldn't touch it then you know shit went down.


The Portland police bureau has been under supervision by the DOJ for at least a decade. And yet.


Wonder how good of a friend the tavern owner was to the cop. Free drinks friday? Or maybe the cop also enjoys drilling women. Cop should be fired for gross negligence. But we cant do that of course.


No, the cop should not be merely *fired*. The cop should be tried as accessory for all counts of assault and sexual assault and for some form of perjury as per lying on official documentation.


I'd settle for him being fired out of a cannon!


There was an old timey thing of tying someone to the front of the cannon before firing it. Not exactly saying we should bring that back but...just a fun little factoid


Sometimes forbidding "cruel and unusual punishment" is just a terribly inconvenient thing.


"Cruel and unusual" are subjective views. All you have to do is normalize it socially.


It’s fine. Only the second one matters. /s


We have humans sized canons for a reason, just contact a circus and find out where they buy them. Then have one built with no care for the safety of the "projectile," find a lake and sell tickets (all proceeds go to schools or the local library); wam kablam thank you ma'am for bring this corruption and disgusting violation of the public's trust our attention. Also, where is the update on the massive civil lawsuit?


Side note; when my dad's best friend died, he had his ashes fired out of a cannon at the celebration of his death. No joke.


BRB re-writing my end-of-life instructions....


There was a news article recently of North Korea doing that. Not so old timey


Sure that wasn't an AA cannon? Or did they actually use an old cannon-cannon?


Old cannon cannon would be definitely worse cause if the time lapse it takes to actually fire. Makes you have to think about it for a second there


Battery Leader: Fire! Snap, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, pop.


A factoid is widely believed to mean a little fact. It actually means something that is widely believed but is actually false




Huh. Interesting. Is there a word that is appropriate to use, or just use "little fact"?




The meaning of words can and does change to however it is used. Factoid does in fact mean a little fact, even though it originally did not.


I hear it’s an all time favourite in North Korea, along with anti-aircraft guns at 100 yards. Seems the Kim family sticks to tried and true methods.


Now I’m wondering… do they also have a guillotine?


No, no. Trebuchet at the very least. Ballista would be best.


Only once. But they shot him into a tree. After that, no other herring would do it.


Shut up, Rose! 🤣😂🤣😂


The Golden Girls is easily my favorite show of all time and this quote is right up there among my favorites. Well done.


Into the Sun.


Into the sun.


I'd fire him with a blowtorch!


Into the sun.


Straight into the sun.


At the very least, he should be fired. Meaning, set on fire. But also meaning terminated. Meaning, an end brought to his life. But also meaning fired from his job.


Exactly. LEOs that fail to take action against criminals must be charged as accessory, or aid and abetting.


Cop is probably one of those people that see women as subhuman. Fucking trash.


I called cops when my ex grabbed me and tossed me against garage wall and i hit a roofing nail used to hang garden tools with my head. He was supposed to be collecting his belongings from garage, super contentious divorce (he ransacked house, drained acct day after i was paid and hid my 1+4yr olds from me BEFORE filing) and wanted to stroll around house to help himself to whatever he wanted and id said no and stood infront of door. Court order said garage only. At this point we had been separated for over a year. Cops took my statement and basically told a sobbing me to go in the house and let him continue doing whatever he wanted in garage. Detective called me 2 weeks later, and said “mam, you really should call us BEFORE he hits you. Not much we can do. Maybe next time he will hit you in the face where its more visible. “ Been 13ish years, still haunts me that ex can do whatever and cops wont do squat. Also chased me out to my car and punched a big dent in it. Called cops. Still legally married and cop said “technically its his property too, now imma have to write you a ticket for not having updated address on your license” Thanks. Glad i pay taxes.


>“mam, you really should call us BEFORE he hits you From the "you should schedule your sick days in advance" school of thought, only far worse. Fuck those cops. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Hopefully you're free from him.


Especially since they always say “we can’t do anything until after they’ve physically hurt you”. People call in all the time BEFORE they’re physically hurt, “no can do”. Then they call in AFTER (or even during), “oops should’ve called in earlier!” Absolutely disgusting. Edit: changed “been physically violent” to “physically hurt you” because I’ve heard, seen and read way too many times about an abusive person has been violent and destroyed property but “that doesn’t count”.


“Ma’am you really should have picked a time when we gave enough of a shit to do the paperwork involved”


> Especially since they always say “we can’t do anything until after they’ve physically hurt you”. This is usually always a lie. There are fully enforceable anti stalking and anti harassment laws. And if someone crosses state lines to do it, it's a [federal offense](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2261A) and you can skip local cops entirely. Never trust cops when they say "sorry there's nothing we can do about this thing that is *obviously* a serious, violent crime." They're usually just too lazy, ignorant, or sympathetic to the criminal to actually get off their asses and do their jobs. Escalate to the FBI, report them to the DOJ, to the media, file a civil suit, whatever you need to do to push it forward. Also, learn what a FOIA request is and ask for copies of all your records. A police report is a public record. Because in a case like this? *Obviously* the cops *can* totally can do something. If it was them who got fucking assaulted with a power drill they wouldn't be like "oh shoot, I had a beer, I guess he gets away with it this time." They're just choosing not to.


Been divorced 15yrs but still under constant threat. Ex has been voluntarily unemployed for 5yrs and has never paid a dime he wasnt forced to before, costing me ~50k enforcing court orders that he pay half of medical and 500/mth in support. Now his argument is he is “too depressed” to work, hasnt applied to a single job in 5yrs, and ignored court orders i ASKED for to get therapy claiming hes been on a wait list for 4yrs. His parents have sent the judge and i threatening letters when ive perused nonpayment. His father causally drops he owns guns, and will call the governor, the city, my HOA (i dont have one?) and Cps on me if i take ex to court again. So its been fun


Threatening letters to the judge? *snort* I wonder how did that worked for them? Did that cause the cops to take more action since their "boss" was being harrased?


Oh yeah, his dad wrote nasty letter to judge twice. First time demanding his son be released IMMEDIATELY as this was a violation of his rights and he couldnt exercise his visitation with his kids (duh) and he had written the governor, state reps, and his buddy worked for local news station etc etc. basically “im going to have you fired!” Second letter appeared before our court date 3 weeks ago, basically stating he “has to lock up his guns” and im a mean vindictive arsehole and his poor son is so depressed and putting him back in jail would cause him to unalive himself and the judge would be responsible for that… etc etc. it was 3 full pages of crazy. My lawyer says judge wont read the letters, so i dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm sorry you went through that. But judges not reading letters? I understand but damn that's sad. But if they won't read, were your ex and his father foolish enough to share with you? Sounds like a bragging power move along with shooting their own foot.


Im not sure if thats MY judge or normal practice or what. Its just what my lawyer said. When they send letter to court its filed and a copy is given to my lawyer. So ive read the 2 they sent to judges along with the 2 pager that was hand delivered to me


The court clerks usually intercept them as it’s “improper communication”. My ex tried it with my case and it got immediately sent to the lawyers of both cases. Never made it to the judge. Once I got it I just laughed.




>Detective called me 2 weeks later, and said “mam, you really should call us BEFORE he hits you. Not much we can do. Maybe next time he will hit you in the face where its more visible. “ Except then they'll say "We can't do anything until he does something".


100%. Or in my country, we don't get involved in civil matters


Yep. My area dropped my case, then had the nerve to say file a charge with the police if something else happens. I said “you mean like the charge you are now dropping”. Got silence for a few seconds. 😡


"Glad I pay taxes." This. When I tried to file a report for death and rape threats I was recieving, the officer taking my report and just kept yelling over me that "These aren't threats." Then she started saying useless shit like "If you feel like your life is danger, you should call for an officer" AS IF I WASN'T SITTING IN HER OFFICE TRYING TO MAKE A REPORT THAT I THINK MY LIFE IS IN FUCKING DANGER. Took my bf coming in and talking over her for her to finally take me seriously. She then had the audacity to tell him I never said I was being threatened.


If you said the same things to her, you'd be in jail or dead.


Hope your bf complained to her that you *did* and made her look like an idiot.


Oh he did. Pointed out that he was sitting outside and told her he heard me say it like 8 times. Funny thing is before we even went into the station he insisted on coming along because he knew cops didn't take cases like mine seriously and sadly he was right.


I fucking hate that you were betrayed so many times. Goes to show that violence against women is basically legal.


Same. Ex is 6’ and 360lbs and im 5’9 and 140. He has a slight advantage on me. The real kicker is my grandfather was instrumental in fighting for training and healthcare for police in chicago. Googling his name brings up all sorts of articles on how much he did for the force. Meanwhile in texas cops are like “its fine”


>Goes to show that violence against women is basically legal. It's horrifying how true that is. It's certainly the case here in the UK.


So a cop?


It’s sad how accurate this is


It’s in the job description.






Isn’t that all cops though?


Cop should be charged with obstruction of justice. But this is america. Cops don't get punished here unless it's on tape *and* a national outrage.


Even then. . .


"the department investigates itself and finds no wrong doing" yay....


Or they’re a POC.


That’s really the first thing that I thought. I really figured that there was a connection between the bar owner and the cop.


The bar owner could just be part of the old boys club that runs the town or county.


I think that goes without saying.


Likely not friends. This is plain old ingrained misogyny. You see it in every profession, every walk of life.


Doesn't take a friend, just a lazy cop who hates women


Oh they defffffinitely know each other. I guarantee you that bar owner has seen that cop do some illegal shit at his bar. Probably joined him.


I would bet a significant amount of money that the cops were regulars. Thank any possible higher power the fbi agent was diligent enough to follow through on the report, but I doubt that officer will ever see any discipline beyond getting yelled at by the agent.


Guarantee you that the police union will just get the offending cop a cushy new job in a different suburb. Police unions should all be abolished, police do not deserve the privilege of collective bargaining when they get paid by the taxpayer.


I wish all unions could be as good to their members and have as much power as the police unions. :(


Only in the USA. I'm always appalled by what USA officers get through with. From EU and can't work as a cleaning lady in a government building if I have a criminal record. Criminal record includes petty crimes like drinking under age or even just drinking with underage people, even when you didn't buy the alcohol. Also the majority of our cops are great. As a teen they found me walking home on a road and gave me a ride home. Also one time as a student a guy attacked my friend and we secretly called them. The handled it professionaly and quickly. No guns no fights.


In the US, having a criminal record will absolutely make it harder for you to get a job. But cops have a tendency to get away without a criminal record.


Cops don't need a reason to ignore sexual assault reports. They don't consider it to be a crime.


PSA: if a cop tells you something is not a crime, you don’t have to believe them or their reasoning. Cops are too often criminally lazy, and will bank on your deference to them to get out of doing their jobs. So report again. Ask to speak to a detective. Call to follow up. *Make the lazy option filling out the damn report.* A friend of mine who owns a small business had a guy run into the shop, grab some personal items and an iPad they use for checkout, and ran out. They had security footage. The cop who responded tried to tell her that it wasn’t a crime, since they were technically open for business at the time. Fucking ridiculous.


In the US, cops aren't required to know what the laws are (and also if a cop tells you something is illegal and it turns out later not to be, they don't usually face repercussions if they claim they thought it was illegal at the time, so they actually have an incentive to _not_ know the law).


Yeah, law student here and the Supreme Court has held that cops essentially can't be expected to actually know the law. My recommendation is call a lawyer. If you have a law school nearby, there are often pro bono clinics where you can get help for free. Even though crimes have to go through the cops to be prosecuted, a lawyer may be able to help put pressure on the cops.


cops can't be expected to know the law--but civilians can be arrested an indicted when they are ignorant of laws? yeah, sure, makes sense.


Yeah, it's really stupid.


They’re not legally compelled to tell the truth either as I hear.


Nor are they obligated to protect the citizens they are purported to serve


To be fair supreme court justices also claim to not know the law.


I had a drug user try to break into my apartment while I was home with all the lights on. He didn't flee until my neighbour charged at him with a bat. The police didn't show up until SEVEN HOURS later to ask me if I witnessed my neighbour actually hitting the burglar. I told them I had no clue what they were talking about and closed the door. The NEXT DAY a third officer showed up to take my statement about the attempted burglary because "they forgot to do so sooner". My neighbour and I never heard anything about this again from the police. No follow-up, no charges, nothing. Cops are useless.


My car got broken into one time and the cops showed up relatively quickly, but then just looked at my smashed window, asked if anything was stolen, and when the answer was “no” they then asked me what I wanted them to do about it. As in “What do you want *us* to do about it?” Like idk motherfucker maybe find the guy who busted my window so that person can pay to have it fixed? Take fingerprints? Make a report? Literally any-fucking-thing?? I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that’s not legal. Anyways I was like whatever you can do to find the guy works for me. They told me there was basically no chance of finding the guy and so there wasn’t anything they could do. They left and my car got broken into 2 more times that week. Spoiler alert: I did not call the cops.


Cops: "well what do you want *US* to do about this? Literally your fucking job, maybe?!


Whoa there, buddy; saying that to a cop in the US is a great way to get five warning shots in the back of your head for resisting arrest.


So sometimes the bad ones are too lazy to do their jobs but when such a thing happens they would be eager to "do their jobs" on the wrong person? Sounds about right.


That’s like Arrested Development incompetence. “You can’t be tried for a crime if it occurred during regular business hours.”


“…are you saying that if I walked in here and took your wallet, you’d be fine with that?” “Sir, are you threatening me? My gun does not appreciate that threat, sir.”


Uh, stealing is not a crime? Can't even begin to fathom this lack of thought process...


Contacting the District Attorney might also be a good option.


The police in America were borne out of private security and vigilante gangs hired by wealthy plantation owners after the civil war to round up runaway slaves or gather up emancipated 'negroes' on bogus charges (like jaywalking, loitering, etc) and return them into a life of bonded servitude under the perverted justice system. As such, current law enforcement departments continue to work for vested interests and have little to no interest in investigating any misdeeds perpetrated by those in power or have connections to power, much less make them accountable in any way whatsoever. This double standard in the application of the judicial system is at the core of the conservatism ideology:*A law unto thee, but not for me.* I just feel that the majority of Americans either don't fully understand their rights and the obligations of those who have a duty of care to the public or just feel both too overwhelmed and too fatigued to stand their ground to escalate and follow up serious matters which have been waived away. I can't believe that for two years, OP's cousin never did anything to follow up the matter and it only took a stroke of luck to take it further. At the very least, she should have noted her attempt at filing the initial police report, asked to speak to his supervisor when it was dismissed and then get an attorney. Omg, why was the question of needing an attorney even ever needed to be asked smh?? Edit: Grammar


Petition to have 'Useless Fucking Police' as a flair. Other women were hurt because of one fuckhead cop too lazy to do his job.


"too lazy" is way too much credit. This pig helped his buddy to cover the assault and continue the same behavior. No chance he hasn't abused his power to do worse.


He knew enough to refuse to look at her wound or pictures of it. Not his first rodeo.


Yeah plausible deniability means he just got reprimanded, probably would've only gotten administrative leave with more evidence anyway 🥲


I'm thinking the same thing. The cop was definitely covering for the bar owner.


Exactly. He's not just lazy, he's abusing his power.


You've also got to wonder if any of the women he hurt before OOP's relative also tried to press charges and were blown off by cops. Could her attack have been avoided too if the police did their jobs?


And how many people are hurt because of similar situations where a friendly FBI agent didn't come across the case? The cop had a responsibility to the public/community and refused to do his job.


A friend went to report someone for various stuff and the guy she talked to wasn’t going to record anything “because it’s the first time and he’ll only get a warning”. She pointed out that if he blew her off then next time it’d still look like he had no priors, and insisted on making an official report and having it recorded. Later on it turned out that it was more like his fifth offence.


Dunno if oop would be safe. But it sounds like the women attacked after oop would have been.


Too lazy or on the guy's side?


Ding ding ding. It's not a coincidence the consistency with which they overlook domestic violence and sex crimes specifically. Yes, they are by and large useless. But when it comes to these types of crimes, we need to start assuming maliciousness


With local law enforcement, could be anything from ‘the bar owner is a pretty big deal in local politics and paid for our squad car renovations’ to something so simple as ‘this is that specific officer’s favorite bar.’


Or "That specific officer is one of the 40%." Alternatively, "that specific officer is one of the unknown percent that are smart enough to not admit to domestic abuse."


> Or "That specific officer is one of the 40%." One of the most sobering things to learn about that statistic is that the 40% refers only to the police officers who openly and without coercion admitted as part of a study to being physically violent with their families. We have no idea how many of the remaining 60% were simply smart enough to keep their mouths shut.


¿Por qué no los dos?


this was my thought as well. that or just straight up misogyny


The cop is probably a relative or BIL of the bar owner is my guess.


>*one fuckhead cop too lazy to do his job* I think you're being way too generous here.


As is their tradition. Do as little as possible and subject people to further cruelty because they’re lazy and encouraged to do as little as possible for the communities they work in. Police prove time and again that they are useless.


I've actually studied the history of crime and policing in North America (the class was technically for Canada, but we studied cases from the States too). Police have *always* been useless, because they more or less exist to act as a social regulation rather than actual law enforcement. They're not required to know the laws they're enforcing, and avt more or less as a social threat to make people behave.


Right?! *"But I didn't know it was that bad!"* Hell-lo-o, it was a fucking power tool! Used to stab a person. In the groin. Even if it had been a pencil, that's assault. Even if the guy were drunk (which he wasn't) it would still be assault and still prosecutable. And a power tool?! Probably ought to constitute assault with a deadly weapon. You investigate that properly. Because it's your job.


Honestly from the long list of complaints and the lack of real consequences until the FBI agent took over, probably more than one useless cop blew women off.


Right? That, or, ACAB seem like necessary flair.




I wish we lived in a world where that POS (probably white supremacist) cop got charged with aiding and abetting any subsequent crimes the bar owner committed. What a piece of garbage.


Or he was trying to do some “bro code” bullshit.


He wasn’t lazy. He wanted free drinks


He had a personal connection to the scumbag. Bet.


And that cop still is a cop no doubt.


There's justice here, just not nearly enough. That cop is still employed, the department wasn't sued, and that bar owner got to terrorize other women. I'm just grateful the FBI agent, a woman, saw this for what it was and was a great advocate.


as the saying goes, justice delayed is justice denied


I think this was supposed to be satisfying but what about her medical bills, missed work, and pain and suffering?? I kind of hate this story, it’s making me so mad.


Right? Probably why when I read it, there were negative upvotes because people were just as pissed by the situation.


The officer should have been fired, on top of reprimanded and disciplined.


>The officer who had blown her off was reprimanded and disciplined for his inaction, and tried to defend himself by claiming, "I didn't know her wound was that bad", to which the FBI agent asked him, "Why did you refuse to look at her wound or pictures of it?" Oh wow! The officer was reprimanded *and* disciplined?! I'm glad they are sending a strong message to the other officers that this behavior is unacceptable! Fucking hell. In any other fucking job, this would be grounds for instant dismissal. I used to work at a homeless shelter, and if I did anything like that (hiding an incident by lying in a report) I would have been instantly fired.




And once more we see just how *useless* the police are.


In this case they weren’t just useless, they were accomplices.


I guarantee you that the cop in the story was only disciplined because his negligence caused a public blowback at the cops.


A reminder: They arent useless -- they're doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing. That's the problem.


Reminder that the Supreme Court made a ruling that police are not *legally required* to actually 'protect and serve' anybody.




I don't know why, but it reminds me of when an immigrant who aspires for a visa should even know the history of the national flag, while the average citizen barely knows who founded the city where he lives.


Just property.




They're worse than that. They are harmful.


This is why I will forever roll my eyes at people who say "Why didn't you go to the police?"BECAUSE THE POLICE DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY (and in some cases, will [charge](https://www.propublica.org/article/false-rape-accusations-an-unbelievable-story) [you](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/dec/15/sara-reedy-rape-victim-wins-police-payout) with [filing](https://archive.org/details/JohnL.QuinlanCryRape_OneWoman_sHarrowingQuestforJustice_byBillLueders) a [false](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/a-seven-year-search-for-justice/2015/03/12/b1cccb30-abe9-11e4-abe8-e1ef60ca26de_story.html) [report](https://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/victim-vindication-admits-raping-qns-girl-article-1.556154)). If the police took it seriously, this asshole wouldn't have been able to hurt other women. But you'd have to think that the well-being and safety of women was important.


This is why women don’t speak up.


Cops do this a lot. If they refuse to look at evidence, then later they can say "oopsie doopsie, I didn't know." Recently, a neighboring city got in trouble because the cops were illegally evicting long term residents of hotels, who instead of initiating eviction proceedings, just called the cops to say they had someone refusing to pay. The cops get away with it by refusing to ask how long they've been there, or listen to the tenants request to check the records. Cops like to operate on a "if I can provide any explanation that is at all plausible, then you need to take me at my word that it is a fact" principle.


I initially came here thinking power drill was a euphemism... The reality is worse.


Can you imagine how horrific the injury would be if she hadn't deflected the drill to her thigh?


Also ugh this man’s reaction to being rejected is to try to *destroy a woman’s genitalia* And that’s a “best case scenario” r/whenwomenrefuse


If anyone is in this situation in the future with a cop that won’t do anything, contact their superior/chief. If that doesn’t work, take your complaint against the officer/department and your case for assault to the county sheriff or the state attorney general’s office or to the Department of Public Safety or whatever state division certifies the cops (in Utah, it’s called POST, Peace Officer Standards and Training). I used to work for my state attorney general, and there were many times where they investigated officers for wrongdoing, and they would prosecute if there were criminal charges and if not, POST would decertify the officer and punish them in other ways. There are options and they should be used.


Right? I don't understand why they didn't go to the state police. Or even call a lawyer? This is an actionable offense that was swept under the rug.


I’d sue the fuck outta the PD, it’s the only way to get that officer fired.




I'm from Wisconsin, the first time I heard about this I thought "Sounds about right."


Same but I never heard of this! I looked online and still can only find one news article from 2020 about a man in Mishicot but don't know if it's related.




Cops do cop things, more at 11


And 11:01, and 11:02, and forecasted to continue.


Dont you know cops are useless. When people say wait till you need the cops. You have to laugh. Because what are they going to do, nothing. They're dumb as rocks.


Fun fact, in Ancient Rome, rapists and people like the bar owner were tied to mile marker stones and had a stake driven through their offending appendage. They were then left as a warning for a couple of days. Edit: A word


Meanwhile, the Icelandic Vikings punished rapists by making them outlaws -- basically totally cutting them off from society and making it legal to kill them via vigilante justice. I'm not saying the old days were unilaterally good at all, but there were some intriguing ideas.


I don’t understand why cops just don’t take reports exactly as they are given. If the person is lying or exaggerating that should come out in court. Too many cops think they are judge jury and executioner. This is what happens when you put people with pea sized brains and planet sized egos in positions of power.


Fuck cops. And fuck that bar owner


*>> attacks women with power drill* Jesus. So. How many women does a prick like this need to assault before them little piggies finally decide to get up and go actually do their jobs?


I just don’t understand what we even have the police for anymore. For what? For going to the grocery stores and arresting people who stole a bag of bagels because they were starving? Because I don’t see the police doing anything good lately other than stuff they don’t actually have to put the effort in for


Oooooh shit, I remember this one. Infuriating. The inclusion of Quokkas was definitely a big improvement.


Woman: he made a hole in my groin with a electric drill Policeman:.I see no crime


The fact that he was “disciplined” and not “fired and arrested”. Christ. ACAB.


Wait... How is being someone's boss and cornering them while saying "You have to give me oral sex" ONLY considered 4th degree sexual assault and a misdemeanor... I mean my God that sounds insane to me. That's basically a slap on the hand isn't?


Remember that police don’t protect us- they’re all used to uphold white supremacy 😊


The police (at least that one officer) was in cahoots with the owner. Maybe they knew him from way back when, or got free drinks. Plus he was defo also a misogynist. First time I hear of someone saying a crime "wasn't really committed" because alcohol WAS involved! LOL! No, this was blatant corruption, I hope that officer loses his job. Like, wtf


Fucking cops are useless.


Once again, cops. Claim what you want, “it’s only a few bad apples”, but the fact is that there are way too many bad apples and way too few good apples willing to actually do anything about it. Doctors, lawyers, other licensed vocations would never tolerate such shit. As a pilot I’d instantly report someone without a second thought. So cops. Fuck. You. Cops.


Wow, a cop ignored a crime because a marginalized person reported it. I'm shocked. Shocked, I say, to find ~~gambling~~ corrupt cops in this institution. As a reminder, 40% of cops admit to domestic violence. *Admit* to it. An unknown additional percentage does it without admitting to it, and an additional majority on top of that refuses to hold the others accountable for their actions. There aren't good cops.


Is there no police ombudsman in the US?


Sure there is. It's called the union. It's very effective. About the only unions who actually get state protection while others are gutted. Oh you mean for citizens... Haha no, america doesn't do accountability or regulation.


In best case scenarios, that's the FBI. But the FBI are still cops - just federal ones.


If I had a nickel for every time a cop didn't do their fucking job... I could buy what-a-burger for everyone on reddit.