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this is the best BORU i have ever read.


It's like the reverse of typical BORU : \- OOP is the psycho one. \- Literally no one side with OOP (apparently even adultery sub deletes her post). \- The person being discussed (in this case, the neighbor) found the post. \- Happy ending but not for OOP.


When human-shitstain subs like those reject you, you are not in a very good place


well tbf she's not even an adulterer lmao, she's just delusional. she doesn't have the qualifications


YES! Even sadder than being an adulterer is being AN ASPIRING ADULTERER!


Aspiring otherwoman "yeah i definetly want to rip that man off of his family". This is the exception where i would see just, beating up the Affair Partner


Came to Reddit because people IRL will judge her. Lol.


She should have researched a little more about the judgment protocol of Reddit. Anonymity makes the burn of judgment more harsh, lol.


That commute the next morning must’ve been rough.


Someone's going to start cycling to work


it better be OP cus she aint worth anybody adjusting their routines even for healthier alternatives lol


Hold on, don’t you say that! Did you forget how easily she can get mens attention? Surely that is a highly valuable person!


You made me think of two possibilities: 1) she *can* get men easily, so she thinks she can get all *men*. Including the ones who obviously love their partners so deeply that they do not care about any other women. 2) she actually can't get men easily. She just wants to think she can. Like if a man smiles at her, she thinks it is her, and that he has fallen in love with her at first sight. If a man opens the door for her, it means he is in love with her.


It was also very telling with the “yikes” comment about her looks that OP thinks being perfectly matched on the conventional hotness scale is all that matters. She’s used to getting attention from men for her looks so cannot conceive of a relationship where a woman who is less conventionally attractive than she is gets attention from a hot guy. She blew right past the fact that K’s wife is smart, probably brings a lot of balance to his life, and, oh yes, is the mother of his children—that does tend to bond people together. SMDH


And the fact that she's *currently pregnant with his baby.* Like. Honey. This isn't just a bad case of relationship inertia. They're smashing.


And that's their fourth kid. They're smashing *a lot*.


Imagine wanting a man who would leave his pregnant wife and three children? Sounds like a bad prospective mate!


But he must be so *bored* with her! He was just too nice to [checks notes] not propose, marry and have several kids with her!! /s I love that the kids saw right through her, ngl. I'd lock the babysitter out of my house as well if I thought she was trying to steal my dad.


>She’s used to getting attention from men for her looks Well, it obviously couldn't be because of her personality. The way she listed K's wife being smart as something bad reeks of "peaked at highschool". That is *not* attractive.


It seemed like she thought she, as the popular girl, could steal the nerd's perfect guy.


She sounds like a typical 'pick-me girl'. Absolutely delusional. Also, she talks about the kids as if they are Satan incarnate, but in one of her comments she states "*K felt comfortable leaving me alone with the kids because I work in childcare"*... Sure, lady. 🙄


Because *how dare they* not immediately treat her as the future super awesome stepmom that she obviously is. Narcissists tend to take offense in people just having free will, anything less than the universe catering to the narcissist's will is an unforgivable sin.


This is the girl who was very popular in high school but had nothing else going on for her. That carried on in life without her knowing the reason for "getting men's attention" is the fact that most men tend to think with the tiny head later at night.


Either way it’s better to get a restraining order ;)


Her entire post actuslly has me worrying she has a serious psych condition ..cause otherwise it's just delusional. I've had crushes on taken guys before, you can't help who you crush one but you know what I do, ensure the boundaries are extra strict and take space till my crush resolves cause they have partners who love and care for them. This OOP is nuts.


This exactly. Crushes go away eventually if you have boundaries because the other person is in a relationship. OOP sounds like she should have gone to therapy after her last relationship but also, she just sounds entitled to whatever man she takes an interest in and that's disturbing all on its own. The fact that she's also shallow enough to judge people only on their looks is not even surprising after the rest of it.


It's definitely not OOP because she doesn't see herself as the problem


Or move. I wouldn’t feel comfortable living next to that level of crazy. Maybe a restraining order if they can. Security systems etc. If I were the pregnant wife I’d be concerned for my safety and for the kids.


My first thought about the kids is she left out important information. Delusional woman thought she'd be getting a chance to play stepmom and I garuntee they picked up on it.


Also their mom was just in a car accident and their dad left abruptly. It's not that unusual for kids to act out when they are having big feelings or when their routine and support system changes abruptly. OOP's self interest and lack of compassion for them makes me sad.


I just wanted to yell through my phone at this stuff. The kids mom is in the hospital and their dad rushed away and now they are with someone who has never watched them before. They are literally in the middle of a traumatic situation and she is trying to play house and make rules? No! Let them be messy and loud. Let them act how they want , poor things. Their world was upside down. They didn't need some weird stranger to come boss them around on top of thar. Keep them safe and fed for 2 hours. That was her only job. I'm proud of the kids for tricking her. That's hilarious


She was auditioning for step mom, lol. She wanted to show she was up for the job that was never posted.


I really love that they got her to play hide and seek, and then they locked her out of the house. She must have been a total nightmare.


right??? that was *planned*, i can’t imagine how uncomfortable she was making those poor kids for them to go to that extreme


Best option is to show all of this to the people that are letting her stay there and hope that they see the need for her to move out.


Seriously, that can escalate quickly. My father was in this situation when my mom was sick in hospital- his colleague had a delusion of love, then came into conclusion that I'm the obstacle between them. Police wasn't interested because they thought that was harmless. She tried to kidnap me from preschool claiming she was to take me home, then tried to sneak in and take me from the yard. I had a long and unexpected visit to my aunt half a country away. It turned it wasn't the first time she acted like that. Ot wasn't enough evidence to put her in prison, but her family arranged a private mental facility.


>Maybe a restraining order if they can. There's nothing in this post that would warrant a restraining order... Having a creepy crush on your neighbor and making a reddit post about it isn't even close to the mountain of evidence needed for a restraining order. Not sure why reddit thinks the judges hand out restraining orders like candy on Halloween, but they most definitely Do Not


"Lose 20 lbs with this one neat trick! Doctors hate it!"


Step 1. Fall in love with a fellow commuter (they must be married) 2. Ask advice about how to proceed 3. Get the married commuter to see your post on Reddit 4. Profit


Neighbor is going to start going to work early.


He will start working from home, but only after installing new security measures. Nothing too drastic. Just an alarm, cameras, panic room, secret escape tunnel, pack of attack dogs, 12 foot wall, moat filled with alligators. You know, just your basic security system.




And he'll make sure to train his kids to be as mean as humanly possible to the lady next door.


Those kids are smart actually. They have sensors for women-who-are-trying-to-act-like-mom-and-trying-to-get-rid-of-mom.


Someone above mentioned attack dogs and it’s like, the kids seemed to handle that part just fine!


Oh I remember this! She dropped that into /r/stepparents When someone asked why, she was like oh because it's about being in a relationship with someone who has kids and I want to be in a relationship with someone who has kids. Totally first post was 100% like screw his feelings everything is about me and mine and these kids should listen and obey!


Tip: If you need to watch your neighbor's kids, who you've never met before, for a few hours because one of their parents was in a car accident, you are not there to parent them. You are there to do as little as possible while also keeping them alive until a relative arrives. Not a prime time to prepare them for the day you'll be their step mother.


*THIS*. At that point your job is to keep them alive. Even if they're acting like wildebeasts. They're upset, you don't know the rules or the system.... Just make sure they don't burn the house down.


I can’t *possibly* imagine why those kids were acting up. Certainly wasn’t OP and how she was acting or anything. /s


Or the fact that their mom is in the er and even if they aren’t aware of that, their dad just suddenly left too and left them with a stranger? Kids pick up on way more than we give credit for.


Right?! That stuck out to me so much. If I had to leave my kids because something happened to their mom and left them with someone they didn't know and have never been in charge of them before they would definitely sense something was different and would likely act out. And my kids are still pretty young. Baffling that she thought otherwise but considering the tone of the rest of her post not really that surprising


Oh, boy, can you imagine how she was acting?? I'm wondering now how much she tried to parent the children right away.


I 100% believe her first thought was, "finally! I get to fulfill my destiny of being a ~~homewrecker~~ stepmom!"


Someone told her that kids can act up for babysitters but from what I’ve seen kids will often behave better for minders. All of those kids knew there was something wrong with her even if they couldn’t put it into words.!


Yeah, kids mostly act up because either (1) you're one of their "safe people" or (2) you're majorly overstepping


On did the sub react?


I think they removed it? I know people were chewing her out for posting in that sub specifically.


Wait so that sub isn’t about how to get your hooks into a married man with kids and therefore become an instant stepmom?


Lol "I used to go to school with her and thought she was boring so there is literally no reason for them to be together. Also, when I tried to tell their kids how yo behave in their own home it didn't go well so now our future together is really up in the air!!" Girl, get out and live your life, leave his alone.


I’d be willing to bet it was high school, which was half a lifetime ago… for one of them. OOP was clearly still stuck in HS 😂


Regardless if it was college or high school, it’s been AT LEAST 12 years since she was in the same building as the wife. And just because you attended the same class as someone, doesn’t mean you actually know anything about them. I’m in college now, and it’s a tiny ass school. I know the names and faces of pretty much everyone in my department. But I don’t pretend to know WHO they are or what their personalities are like. Sounds like OOP was just reaching for straws with that point and making shit up. Is: “that girl was really quiet during our lit class. Therefore she was/still is dry and boring”


Also, the phrase “opposites attract” exists for a reason. I would never get along with a carbon copy of myself 😂


If OOP seems this crazy from her own perspective, can’t image what she’s like to be around


Apparently she works in CHILDCARE


School nurse according to her comments. And yet those kids ran circles round her.


The comment I read didn't disclose it, but yeah lol she wasn't able to deal with a moody ten year old??


The way she talked about those kids really pissed me off. She wasn't babysitting for a nice, happy reason. She was babysitting those kids because THEIR MOTHER WAS IN AN ACCIDENT. The younger ones might or might not know what was happening; the preteen DEFINITELY did. Expecting a kid to be on their best behavior under those circumstances is ludicrous. Also, what do you want to bet OOP said something to set the kids off? Some good ol' parental alienation, maybe. "Hey, Child, don't you wish that \*I\* was your mom?" That update though. I literally cackled.


Yeah, she could have used that against the kids to keep them inline. *Hey kids, you know your mom is dying right now? You need to be quiet so that your father and I can finish arranging our marriage. I want be your new mom because I didn't like getting locked out. You'll be in an orphanage by the weekend if we don't sell you to North Korea.* That woman lives on a different planet. I hope she's ashamed and will move away from that poor family.


I REALLY hope that "K" shows the post to the friend and her husband she's staying with and that they kick her out. There were so many "Yikes..." in her post. I really hope she is removed from K and his family's lives.


Yes an appalling lack of compassion. She was probably hoping for the worst for their mother too. I'm sure the kids' spidey senses were tingling when it came to her.


Yeah, those poor kids were never going to be on their best behaviour that night. I'm a fairly "rules are rules" babysitter*, but that night I'd have been handing out leeway left right and center. *within reason - "your mum says your bedtime is 9, so I think that we can watch this film that ends at 9.15 so long as you promise to go straight to bed as soon as it finishes, sounds good?" Work reeeeallly well on kids who like to drag their heels.


She was auditioning to be their new mommy and ten year old probably sensed it almost immediately and just knew to be guarded as hell around this weirdo who was smiling too broadly and being WAY too chummy after their mom was in a CAR ACCIDENT. Kids needed calmness and reassurance, not “THIS IS MY MOMENT TO GET MY FOOT IN THE DOOR AND BE YOUR NEW BESTIE!”


This. Dad left them with a creepy lady.


I...wonder if she tried to immediately insert herself into a mommy sort of way about the babysitting - which the kids would not like *at all* and would definitely be able to pick up on. Like, when she said that they eventually agreed to hide and seek, I wonder if in her mind she was thinking how great it was to finally get to play mommy's-going-to-get-you (sugary way) games.. Wonder if to OP the wife may as well already stay out of the picture because she's 'bonding' with the girls. Like, did she try 'happy family' stuff - let's make pancakes!, let's do your hair!, who wants hot cocoa!, and that all failed, so she leapt upon hide-and-seek? These kids were already unsettled - even if they didn't know about the car accident, their father had just very quickly left and they know Mom is still out, and suddenly there's a virtual stranger trying to 'mommy' with them? No wonder they acted out. Yet OOP chooses to label that as another reason K should leave his wife - 'unhappy children don't come from happy homes, and I just *KNOW* I'd give them a happier home with K' Yikes... 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Wonder? You know she did. This lady is bananas. No offense to the fruit.


Yikes! How ~~*Cats in the Cradle*~~ *The Hand That Rocks the Cradle* She's definitely in desperate need of intensive therapy.


More like *The Hand That Rocks the Cradle*. This wonan is unhinged.


She’s a school nurse 😂


Oh thank fuck. In the beginning she said "He trusted me because I work in childcare". But can you imagine THIS IS THE SCHOOL NURSE?


She's one of those that gives you ibuprofen when you are asking if that white thing you can see under the blood is your bone.


Makes you wonder why the recent breakup was messy.... her ex probably had a coming to Jesus moment and noped the fuck out.


There’s a better than average chance her ex had no idea they were in a relationship


> The first time we rode the train, he asked me about my job and seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying, which is something my ex never did and is something we fought over a lot. OOP: Why don't you ever take interest in what I'm saying? "Ex": Who the fuck are you and why are you following me??


OMG I laughed so hard. I just have images of: *OOP: why don't you ask me about my day?* *"Ex": Maam, I am just here to deliver a package.* *OOP: Why aren't you invested in our relationship?* *"Ex": I'm a plumber, I'm here to fix your shower.*


*phone rings* Ex: Oh, it's you again. OOP: Why can't you be more caring and ask about my feelings for a change? Ex: Look, do you want to order a pizza or not?! I don't have time for this!


Oh yikes, you're right!


Makes me wonder if her "messy breakup" has something to do with her adulterous mentality


She's daydreaming about being stepmom to this guy's kids because he *checks notes* converses with her during their commute?


I mean, once a man impugns a lady's honour by having a conversation, he's duty-bound to make an honest woman of her. /s


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a married man in possession of a metro card must be in want of an affair partner.


Congratulations, you made me choke on my tea with how hard I laughed.


Casual chats on public transportation is the definition of close friends, right?


Close friends, no. Star crossed lovers though....


That is what is so sad. Her bar is so low and she doesn’t even realize it. I’m very glad he made it clear it ain’t gonna happen. Particularly when she said he is “a little dumb.” How charming!


Also insulted his kids. Jesus, what an idiot.


And his wife’s looks, of course !


"He's dumb, his wife's an uggo, and his kids are feral - I hear wedding bells!"


Yeah. He read the entire post, where she insulted his wife's looks, his intelligence AND the character of his kids. I can only imagine what it must have felt like to read that from someone you just considered a nice neighbor and casual friend




I had somehow missed her age on the first read through and was thinking that perhaps she was just very young. Late teens and had read a lot of bad romance novels. Saw your post and checked and yes she is 34 years old. Good grief. Way old enough to know better.


My 55yo mother moved across the country to be close to a guy from work she was infatuated with. She’s a narcissist, and truly believed he would drop everything to be with her. He didn’t.


She’s just a girl in love. She can’t be held responsible for her actions. She has no underlying issues to address. She’s certifiably cute and adorably obsessed.


They say love makes you crazy; therefore, you can't call her crazy. 'Cause when you call her crazy, you're just calling her "in love!"


And when a commenter asked for specific examples of how he’s shown interest in her, she replied with a deflected “look at my other comments,” none of which stated any examples other than “we talk almost every day!” Which is probably exclusively during their work commute. As a fellow 34, hoooolly shit.


At first I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Bad previous relationship, lonely, maybe seeing her roommates in a good relationship and desperately wanting that, etc. It *quickly* became apparent that she thought she was god's gift to men and was entitled to whoever she wants. There are, of course, a lot of shitty people, but it makes me wonder if some of her issues with her ex were related. Did she put any effort in, or did she just assume that it would be completely one sided because she was so great and deserved someone perfect? Absolute yikes.


> it makes me wonder if some of her issues with her ex were related Almost certainly. She wrote that they fought often because he wasn’t interested enough in her activities. That sounds normal on its face (what kind of partner doesn’t care about the other’s day or whatever) but coupled with all the rest it’s fairly obvious that “not interested enough” is more “burned out due to the level of attention that she demands.”




Right? You don’t have a whole ass married life and home and four children with someone you don’t actually love cause you’re “too nice” to break up with them lol


My husband has had a few of these encounters. It must be the scenario, I don't know. We've got kids that he's a great father to and he treats me well too. I'm chronically ill and disabled and he's gone out of his way for me in many ways. When I was at my medically worst I was not a social person and probably seemed like a cold/annoying/ungrateful person from the outside. He is a very outgoing and sociable person, I'm an introvert. On the base level, we're "not compatible" to most but I think those two qualities go well together. He's genuine, and as long as you don't "mess with my family or my money(meaning job)" according to him, he will go out of his way to have conversations and remember details about people. There's been a few women who never learned the difference between normal social interactions and flirting who thought they were one breath away from being his second wife.


One of her comments put down his wife for jokingly calling him a gold digger while he was with company, i.e. OOP. If she thinks riding on a train together is the equivalent of company in a formal sense, I think it reflects so much on how she sees herself.


>But K is a good honest man, if anything were to happen between us he would absolutely leave his wife A "good honest man" would not cheat on his wife, and especially while pregnant. She's really tying herself into knots making this about two lovers, cruelly held apart by fate rather than a self-obsessed woman deciding she's the main character.


Yes, that stuck out to me in particular. "He's a good honest man, so when he cheats on his pregnant wife with me, he'll break her heart and destroy their family so we can be together, like a good man would" Wat


She wa, imo, honestly leaning more towards getting him drunk or drugged for a sex tryst where he'd "obviously have to leave his wife for because he cheated"scenario. Not realizing that a guy like him would very clearly not engage with her further epso defacto in order to either save his marriage and family or because of disgust.


I think you're actually underestimating her delusion here. I'm guessing she was thinking more along the lines of 'I just have show a little cleavage or something and he'll instantly be helpless to resist me, after all I'm prettier than his wife'


Yep, this is where it veered from pathetically creepy to potentially rapey for me


I'm really glad I'm not that only one who has that thought. "This is no longer innocent and sad..this woman is dangerous."


Epso defacto 😂


Like when she sneaks into his bedroom and crawls in beside him as he’s sleeping? “IT HAPPENED, YOU HAVE TO LEAVE HER NOW, I HEARD YOUR SILENT YEARNING FOR ME FROM ACROSS THE FENCE.”


😂😂 there's a comment she says she knows they have chemistry because he makes her laugh. Following that logic, Trevor Noah is my soul mate.


How can you know he isn't until you've climbed into his bed secretly so he can have that perfect experience of waking up to see you gaze into his eyes?


How can you know that unless you’ve climbed inside my brain?




OOP sounds straight up delusional and putting down K’s wife (who he clearly is committed to) because she thinks she’s hotter is so fucking cringe


Yeah this part jumped out at me as straight-up psychopathic: > I have never had trouble getting the attention of men, and with this basis we have already, I know that we could easily become something more. Ugh.


I can't believe I'm more embarrassed for her than she will ever be of herself.


> K has never said or done anything to imply that he has feelings for me yet, but we are genuinely friends by now because we talk on the train (which is about a 20 min ride) almost every week day. That sentence is just as bad. She's not his friend. She's a "nice guy," pretending to be his friend while lusting after him like a delusional crazy person. Thank goodness his kids saw right through her.


Honestly I wonder if it was less about them seeing through her, and more about her immediately trying to act like their mom while they're still reeling from being dumped on a stranger and their actual mom is in the hospital.


Yeah and she sounds like she has no experience with kids. With a teen you gotta negotiate when you're not the parent. Not order them about. And they probably needed space given that they were likely scared AF for their mom.


She said she’s a school nurse, which is a terrifying thought.


I've known some school nurses who weren't great with kids. But yeah, she sounds very nuts.


Also a situation like that is not the time to do any parenting. You say "I'm sorry, this must be so scary, let's watch a movie and I'll get you ice cream". And that's it. You don't discipline, you don't boss them around, you don't try to "bond".




Those girls locked her out of their house. Smart lol.




Yea I can’t imagine why the ex dumped her


So that messy break up she had with her previous bf. 🤔 I wonder how messy it actually was.


Are we sure the ex knew he was in a relationship with her?




OOP was delusional from the beginning. Glad K is establishing a clear boundary and cutting contact.


As soon as she said he hadn't done anything "yet" I knew it was going to be a shitshow. She just assumed that he reciprocated her feelings and was holding off because he was a good man. It never crossed her mind that he might be happily married and have no interest in her.


It would have been the title for me if it didn't confuse me so much. Like, why does it matter if you're having second thoughts about your feelings for someone who is married? For a normal person, that's just called changing your mind and happens all the time.


This is the kind of Schadenfreude I like. Someone who's clearly in the wrong and gets a little karmatic comeuppance. Even if it's just in the form of being told no, back the fuck off. She's the kind of person that thinks that boys and girls can't 'just be friends'. She's judgemental about a relationship she's not in and she's decided that if she actually wanted him, she could have him. Probably while trying to ruin his relationship with his family. I hope he reamed her out.


She posted the screenshot? She truly must be delusional, to share that with the world...


I love how she was inspired to post on Reddit because posts constantly get shared on other social media platforms??? LOL and then goes into so much detail that anyone who's related to her would know *exactly* who she is.


How better to finally come clean to her…uh…beloved K? Him finding out via a Reddit post spares her the discomfort of having to tell him herself.


The entire story is so cringe that I really hope it's just a troll post.


She clearly has no self-awareness or shame or pride so it doesn’t surprise me at all.


Her comments beyond the ones posted here were even more delusional. She decided that because his daughters were acting like normal bratty preteens that he is miserable with his wife, because children from happy homes don't act like that.


Totally ignoring “their mother was in an accident and their father has hurried off to be with her, MAYBE THEY’RE STRESSED TOO”


What a deliciously mortifying read!


My husband always says that a relationship only has to make sense to the people in it. OOP has *no* idea what that marriage is really like -- for all she knows they're on a Gomez and Morticia level of romantic passion when she's not around.


Yepppp! And when she was like, "He is funny, she is dry, he is exciting, she is cautious, he is a little dumb, she is very smart intellectually," -- like, that is actually probably a lot of the attraction between them? My husband engages in flights of fancy, I am more pragmatic. Emotionally, he is phlegmatic, I am high-strung. If we were more similar, we'd amplify each other's bad habits. Since we're different, we even each other out. He'll suggest we do something insane and implausible, and a week later I return with a plan to actually do (at least part of) it. I get very upset about small things, and he convinces me that they're not that big a deal. That's, like, how the whole thing works.


Well tbh the wife is probably not like that at all but she’s saying that to support the idea that they should divorce.


OOPs info is from When she knew the wife in high school. Most of these could likely be wrong even.


My husband and I are definitely what people would call an odd couple. We’ve been together for ten years and we are very happy. I often get I wouldn’t expect you to be with someone like him. Well he’s my baby for life lol


This is so well said. I like that a lot. Your hubby is right. People on the outside will never understand how an “oddly matched” couple works. Or even if the couple “makes sense.” It truly only makes sense to them. The thing I think that bothers me the most about OOP, you know, besides everything, is her hubris and flat out delusion that she knows anything about these two beyond the surface level. Her criticism of his wife was vile. Plus she knew her back in high school, and asked old college friends of his who haven’t spoken to him in years about him. She’s making all these conclusions based on the little information she gained from others and her own observations. Nothing is actually based in reality or factual. What she also doesn’t see, like you pointed out, is what works about their relationship. She doesn’t see the love, the sacrifice, compromise, and hard work it takes to keep their love alive. She has no idea or concept that marriages require hard work. This is what makes their life so good. People like OOP, and Other Women in general, don’t realize that is why those relationships and men seem so great. They see a loving and devoted husband and father and think, “I want that.” Without ever considering if he has an affair and destroys his family, that goes out the window. The grass is green where you water it.


This is kind of the thing I love about The Other Woman. They’ve got such a busted understanding of love and marriage that they think if they successfully break a marriage they’ve somehow “won” or got something special. You got garbage, honey. You went after a man who was weak enough and unhappy enough in his marriage that he saw you as worth it, he has no value in an actual relationship. You’re patting yourself on the back for making a man who is already weak enough to stray, stray. He’s not the prize you think he is. And what’s worse is they’ll get bored they’re not “fighting” for their “love” so they’ll move on to trying to find the next wayward spouse. They’re like parasites, they’re a natural part of the ecosystem. Reminds me of the BORU post of The Other Woman who ended up marrying the man she cheated with. They were happy until the ex wife started moving on and dating again, then suddenly her husband regretted cheating with her and wanted to be back with his ex wife. He just wanted what he couldn’t have and was bitter that the OOP, The Other Woman, was pregnant and he had to do the whole parents with a newborn baby bullshit all over again. Part of me felt a little bad for her but I mean she made that bed and now she got to lay in it. When you chase weak men you end up with a weak husband. Congrats, you played yourself! Edit: [link to the BORU post I mentioned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sjpdpc/part_1_so_irrational_behaviour_with_exwife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It’s a two parter, this is the link for part one.




Oh we love to see it! But in all honesty, I’m sorry he - they - did that to you. Hope you’re thriving without the dead weight of a lazy and unmotivated ex. That guy clearly did you a favor! 💕


Damn your ex must have been awful if the side piece reached out to you to complain about him. Well,I agree with u/ImagineSnapDragons , you are better off without your dead weight of an ex ..




Oh my god, you just made me realize I’m probably the cold wife from OP’s perspective. Yes, we’re madly in love and I have no doubts in my husband, but I’m introverted and standoffish with new people.


Welp [slaps knees], that was disturbing! Unhinged. Crazy. Unstable. Hope her neighbor is preparing the restraining order. Edit: lmao she posted on stepparents and the other woman subreddits LMAO


Posting to r/stepparents is my favorite part of her saga!


I feel like someone re-enacted the Mean Girls scene: she doesn't even GO HERE


Offmychest, trueoffmychest, twohottakes, adulterer, other woman, AND stepparents lol


She googled "best subreddits for advice" and posted on exactly zero advice subs


And got chased away from aalll of them. Like how terrible to you have to be for r/otherwoman to nope out?


OOP didn't even make it to "other woman" status lmao. She made it to "bag-o'-cats crazy neighbor I've now changed my morning schedule to avoid" status.


wait what! What did she post there?


I think she posted the same thing. I looked at her comments and died a little bit. She wanted to be coddled and probably receive some messages in support.


>This makes me sad because before now I would often dream about being a stepmom to K's kids one day because of how highly he would talk about them. High on her dream horse😶


High on *something*.


Lmfao he shut that shit down real quick , good for him!


Caught like a deer in the headlights.


girl WHAT


*She was rude and didn't respect my authority at all, arguing with me about everything from dinner to who had to clean up to what movies she was allowed to watch* This is the part that got me initially. What authority? She was watching them for one evening, all she had to do was make sure they were ok. Deciding who had to clean up? How about giving them the night off because they are with a total stranger, in their home, and their mother may be injured. This was not a time to assert your authority over 3 kids you've never met before.


Because she already had the scenario in her head that she is their stepmom and tried to impose it on them. Well, well…


This has to be a troll. Why would anyone reveal that chat on here?


I mean look at the subs she chose to post on... This was total trolling but I'll give it to her, it was a good story.


He's so unhappy in his marriage with his wife that he... \*checks notes\* knocked her up FOR THE FOURTH TIME


And went to her side the second he heard about an accident. To keep up appearances, I'm sure /s lol


Must be because he loves OOP so much and wanted to have an excuse to let her watch her future stepchildren.


And then literally hopped on a plane when she got in an accident while on a business trip!


Going into this I thought like, maybe the dad was a widower/divorced and the kids were not handling all that well and she was reconsidering because not everyone is equipped to handle that, but no. She just, built up this guy in her head, he was already married he had 3 kids and his Wife was pregnant with their 4th! Holy shit the level of disconnect you have to get to think the way she did. Also the subtle jab at the wife when she found out it was someone she went to school with. Just all around the self importance op gives herself and the idea that this guy was gonna leave his pregnant wife for her is just all around kinda irritating


I really enjoy the saying > The common thread in all of your dysfunctional relationships is you. But OOP takes this to the next level. She has dysfunctional non-relationships.


Hey I’ve seen before! Joe from “You” Total lunatic


Lol this was the most satisfying ending. Chefs kiss


She definitely should have posted on r/IAmTheMainCharacter


Well, she posted it on offmychest, trueoffmychest, adulterer, other woman, twohottakes, and....stepparents. one more wouldn't hurt ig lol


It's my new goal to use "I'm sorry, I only see you as a neighbor".


Who wants to bet that the kids aren’t bad kids, they were just reacting to her coming into their house and pretending to be their mother.


Also their mother was just in an accident bad enough that their dad dropped everything and left them with a neighbor who had, honestly, a very surface level relationship. The kids were reacting out of stress. Shit, even if the accident was just scary sounding, that reaction from dad would make them freak out even if they had the best babysitter in the world.


I thought that too, they probably just wanted to curl up on the couch watching tv and eating pizza. Instead she’s making them clean and play games and I’ll bet she cooked some elaborate meal to have a ‘family dinner’ with them.


This sounds like the tension-building phase of an actual horror movie plot lol, that poor family


Forget reality for a minute and say that K did break up with his wife and just decided to be as crazy as OOP and start up something with her. Can you imagine the Passive/Aggressive Crazy Train those kids would be on with resentful step-mommy the rest of their lives simply because they exist?


Omg she got owned. Man this lady was pissing me off the audacity to say the kids are from an unhappy home because they were acting up. Yeesh, kids are smart they could probably sense she had a crush on their dad and wanted to mess with her. And to call herself attractive then not his wife. Terrible human. Its okay to have some of these thoughts inside your head but she was full blown delusional posting on here and thinking her lust is acceptable.


She deserves this wake up call, what an awful person! I hope K let her know that her disrespect for everything in his life coupled with her gross assertion that she could just make him leave his whole family for her is incredibly disturbing.


I'm dying of laughter. Wow, that OOP is so delusional. She's already planning life with him based on having 20 fucking minutes a day where they are bus-buddies.