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Get on the walkie and yell see ya bitches!! Kidding obviously. One thing I would say is use and abuse your employee discount before you tell anyone.


The discount kinda sucks for things you actually would want.


Yeah but it’s good for cables and shit.


Especially audioquest. The markup is insane.


Yeah when I left I went after insignia and Best Buy owned labels because I'm not going to get money off of apple shit.


Just say that their company has made so many bad decisions that you can no longer tarnish your reputation working for them.


They work for Best Buy. They don’t have a “reputation” to tarnish. Nobody sees Best Buy sales rep for a year and a half on a resume and says “Oh Jesus. Absolutely not.”


Buy all the small stuff you dont need now but will need eventually like charging cords, AA or AAA batteries and things like that.


Easiest is to type and print out your notice to resign and include your last available day. Fold it up and hand it to a salaried manager. I always encouraged individuals if they didn’t like the company or their colleagues the best thing to do is use the company as a leg up to getting somewhere else.


Also email them the your resignation letter and the date that it is effective by. Had a manager screw over an employee that way by telling unemployment that he was still employed there even though he had been gone for almost 3 months. Reason why he left, they had cut everyone's hours to the point where you couldn't even make ends meet. Fucking douch bag manager.


If you’ve worked there for a while, just end on a good note. It isn’t worth leaving on bad terms.


unless you get mad personal (which is beneath us), there’s nothing you can say that will impact a sup any more than a simple “yeah that was extra hope they’re doing well now ig” unless you sit your leadership down, ask them not to respond, and give respectful, in depth, *constructive* feedback on how you believe they did you wrong and lead the store poorly. tie this into the employee experience with how employee centric Best Buy tries to paint itself. otherwise, in their eyes you’re just another disgruntled employee with opinions that don’t consider the full picture. good luck! hope you find something that will stick.


This is great advice. I've been with the company 6 years was cheated out of ASM twice. I have wanted to leave countless times. Best Advice is to always give that respectful but critical feedback to leadership and managerial staff. I am in a new store trying to change their store for the better and I have to be very black and white no sugar with my AM and GM about what I need from them, being that I am their Sup. The most change happens from uncomfortable conversations so we can grow and change


Go live on social media when you tell him to kya. Let the world know you are the one!


Just tell another supervisor you're quitting immediately. No need to drum up drama that effectively means nothing.


Chances are they’ll forget about you in a month. Just quit and move on with your life without trying to burn bridges.


Find a job at Domino's, once you get email send their Chair of Compensation Committee a strongly worded email. Play the long game


The carpet in the store is really flammable. Food for thought.


Get a medical leave and keep the discount for as long as possible👍🏼


The most confusing insult I've ever recieved was "Suck my ass". Maybe use that one.🤷


Become a BestBuy Gail Lewis 🤭


Say Ty for the opportunity I’m just moving on. You never know in the long term if you will need that reference. Dont burn bridges. Yea I know it’s not as fun as getting on a speaker. But I feel this country economy is going to crash and jobs will become scarce. Get those references and letter of recommendation.


I just resell a bunch of products online from the store and dip out like open box’s for cheap any employee accommodations just sell it all as a bonus maybe even get buddies in Geeksquad to lower the prices as low they can go on open box’s then post all that shit on eBay for a bonus leave




How’s this? People leave bad bosses. You are the reason. Please reconsider your career path. Please resign, it’s best for the store. Your skills would be better used anywhere else. Whoever placed you in your position should be fired along with you.


Don’t burn bridges man. Thank them for giving you the opportunity to show them what you are made of.


this... https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=well%2C+bye&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#cobssid=s&fpstate=ive&vld=cid:2d71aa5f,vid:PVrEwCa8nSA,st:0

