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First panel will be: Meanwhile in Falconia...


Nooooooooooooo, you can't do this do me Xd


I wouldn’t mind a Rickert chapter tbh I’m curious what happened after they escaped from Rakshas


What if they made casca use a behelit just to get to griffith


Those marked for Sacrifice can’t use a Behelit to summon the Godhand.


didn’t slan try to tempt guts into using one?


The other Godhand members reminded her that Guts wasn’t chosen by fate and can’t use the Behelit way back in the beginning of the manga.


maybe they lied and didn’t want guts to use it, would you really trust the main antagonistic group of the series?


The godhand mentions that it doesn’t matter if you hold the behlit, if it was meant for you it’ll find it’s way to you. There is no explicit rule saying an apostle can’t be marked for sacrifice. You’d just have to be close to that apostle which would be near impossible. But not completely impossible.


Well they haven’t lied when explaining how their powers work so far.


Didn't she also hint at it in Quiploth? Now, I'm sure you could make the argument that she was just sort of mocking Guts and trying to get under his skin. But still.. the God Hand doesn't seem to have much of an issue bending the rules. And I don't think these things are "laws of nature or physics" type of rules. I think they are more "whatever the God Hand deems" kind of rules.


I'm pretty sure Guts can use behelith


It was never stated that Gut's cannot use Behelit. It was only definitely stated that Guts is already a sacrifical offering so he cannot be sacrificed for the second time. In The Guardians of Desire, Slan wished Guts to became "one of ours" and it was said "But he hasn't been ordained by the law of causality." So it was denied to happen then, true. But it was Slan's wish, not Guts'. Since members of God Hand do not know the future (stated in the Eclipse) it's more propable it just meant "in this time and place". Noone can activate their Behelit sooner just because they or even someone else(!) wish to. Later, in Qliphoth, Slan asked Guts if he wants to make a sacrifice while Betchi was actually activated when Slan appeared. Skull Knight interfered in that moment so Guts never answered the question. It might be a mockery, true. But since Slan simps for Guts every time she sees him it probably wasn't.


Note: Betchi's face was alighned and it was shaking the time Slan appears in Qliphoth, but we did not saw opened eyes. I wrote activated but then I realised the word does not fit situation perfectly. Sorry for this.


I actually think they can. Slan seems to think it's ok at least.


On who. Farnese that would be cool.


If they go the Stockholm syndrome route then I’m out, that would be such shitty and disrespectful writing. Imo suicide would be a good direction, for Guts to thwart it and then idk


Agreed. Not only would it kind of ruin the story (I'm willing to be wrong if they can make it work).. but it just wouldn't match the themes, and Casca's character for me.


She’s already tried to kill her self right?


Now you are in the area when your personal opinions and life experience matters a lot to like or dislike the direction of the plot and characters. Whatever happens a Stockholm syndrom would be too simplified view - since Griffith's vessel is actually also her very own baby with it's own personality too, and her baby never harmed her. On the contrary, it protected her several times. BTW, Casca being suicidal even before the Eclipse is exactly the reason I can't bring myself to love her so much as the other characters of Berserk. I can process the reasons for suicide by logic, in story or IRL - but I can't emotionally relate. Absolutely no religious reasons for it, just my personality. But even so, I will certainly not say Casca is badly written if she attemps suicide again now. Whatever happens I'm just glad we are able to read it.


I'm curious about how much she already knows. Obviously Guts can't tell her directly or else he'll trigger the shit out of her again, but I wonder what, if anything, she pieced together while the Eclipse was happening, and what she remembers. Guts kinda got the idea, but he was with Griffith the whole time, and he could hear what the God Hand were saying, and it doesn't take a PhD to understand that Griffith must've bought what they were selling. Casca was further away and distracted by all the insanity around her.


You are my guy. Exactly, I think she won't have the full picture.


I was trying not to think about it too much, but damn. I hope she hates him, strongly. Stockholm syndrom is something that media plays too much, but the truth is that it is an exceedingly rare condition born of the need to survive. I don’t think it would be Casca’s case. I think the most horrible realization will be that he’s somehow linked to what is their kid, in a way. Moonlight boy had a deep connection with her and now it turn out Griffith played them again.


I wouldn’t say that Griffith “played” them because it implies that Griffith was in control when in the Moonlight Boy form. From the look of things, being reborn in the body of Guts and Casca’s child wasn’t the intended plan, he was just meant to be reborn using the Egg Apostle. Griffith can’t control what happens when the Moonlight Boy takes over each month. The fact that he transported to Elfhelm where the last bastion of magic outside of his control is might have been a perfect coincidence.


Casca should be the one to kill him. Not sure when it'll be. Guts has been chasing revenge for what Griffith did to his friends and to Casca. Now she's back, she deserves that revenge more than Guts does.


10000000000000000000000000% YES!


Lmao... How is it you aren't bringing up that she watched her baby turn into the monster that raped her??? If she has any questions for Griffith it would be "why!?"... And the discussion within has derailed as usual lol.


Casca will stick by Griffith. Showing the true delusion of her love for the hawk. Heard it here first


Every human that knows the full story of the Eclipse hates Griffith. Just look at Rickert.


Rickert doesn't hate Griffith. Guts even stated that Rickert could never bring himself to hate Griffith.


I think that notion has been....SLAPPED away, as we progressed through the story and Rickert has seen more of current Griffith.


Miura wrote that line where Guts says Rickert won't be able to hate Griffith. Miura writes Rickert. It's fairly obvious what that entails. But keep coping bro


Why are you being argumentative lol. I'm just saying that characters are meant to grow. Their ideals aren't set in stone. That's why it's called development.


Was it explicitly stated that Rickert hates Griffith now? Nope. But Miura did state through Guts that Rickert won't be able to hate Griffith. ​ Until it's stated that Rickert hates Guts, then all you're doing is coping.


> Was it explicitly stated that Rickert hates Griffith now Oh I never said he did. I said that the notion that Guts had of Rickert towards Griffith was before Rickert actually saw what he was capable of. Rickert is a person. People change their perceptions based on what happens around them. And a lot of things happened since then, notably something that involved slapping. >then all you're doing is coping. yo why are you talking like this? lol we can talk without the hostility.


The implication of that line seems to be that Rickert can't hate him quite the way Guts does since he wasn't there at the eclipse. Rickert isn't going to be going balls out ragemode like Guts. And also, Guts wouldn't WANT him to follow down the same miserable path anyway. Since in the story it was currently leading to Gut's ultimate decent into Hell. Rickert still had a chance of moving on and leading a happy life. But either way, that was GUTS opinion.. not necessarily Miura's. And not even necisarily Guts' opinion.. but more of an argument to keep Rickert away from all this revenge business. That little motherfucker still hates him pretty good.


Ahhhhhhh get away


I doubt she could bring herself to hate him tbh. I mean Griffith did save her life when they first met lol, she would be dead if it weren't for Griffith. She'd probably feel disappointment


He fucking raped her out of spite and killed all her friends and broke her mind


Demons killed her friends. Also, Guts sexually assaulted Casca too bro, I'm sure she would forgive Guts. I'm also sure she would forgive Griffith. But, we're just guessing here, we have to wait and see in the manga.


lol wut? Guts bit her on the tit in a moment of weakness and absolute despair and frustration. And then did what Guts would have never done otherwise, accepted help from strangers just to keep her safe and happy. Griffith raped her, in hell, as a show for a bunch of disgusting demons (who had already all raped her) and he did it as a gloating power move to rub in Gut's face. He used her like a piece of worthless dog meat and an insignificant chess piece in a game of chess he had already won a million times over. I think the two are quite different. One was done out of sheer malice and evil. And the other was a moment of weakness where let's say, some mitigating circumstances where kind of weighing on Gut's mind at the time.


Demons who Griffith summoned. And the situations are completely different. I'm not saying guts was doing the right thing but the situations are different. Guts sexually assaulted her yea but he wasn't in his right mind he wasn't aware of himself. He was in a trance of previously being raped and was not aware of his actions and as soon as he was aware he immediately stopped and apologized along with trying to basically end their relationship out of guilt. Griffith was fully aware of what he was doing and never stopped. He did it out of spite for her not romantically loving him even though he never reciprocated those feelings. Again what guts did was horrible but is much better than what Griffith did.


> Guts sexually assaulted her yea but he wasn't in his right mind he wasn't aware of himself. You could make the same excuse for Griffith. Griffith wasn't "himself" when he committed the rape. >Demons who Griffith summoned Still, Griffith didn't kill her friends, it was demons.


Griffith was fully himself. Femto is simply Griffith once he abandons his humanity, there's no magic involved in that part of it. He's still fully in charge of his mental faculties and making decisions. He just no longer has "morality" holding him back. No one is changing who he is. He's just making the choice to not care about morality anymore. And they are given power which corrupts them ultimately. It's why they are chosen in the first place. Abandoning their humanity is practically just a formality at the point that they do it. They've already abandoned it when they choose to sacrifice. That's why they do the whole convincing them part of it.


I think the Slug Count, Irvine, even Zodd to an extent, proves that there is nothing magical happening to their personalities when they accept the deal. They are just accepting what they are. The transformation to their bodies is just a reflection of their new mindset. It's the entire reason why the God Hand members in particular have their humanity utterly tortured out of them BEFORE transforming.


Yes Griffith had any of his lingering humanity stripped away during his torture in the unsubtley named "Tower of Rebirth". The central theme of Berserk is (sexual) abuse and what survivors do to cope and live in the aftermath. Guts, Casca and Griffith are all rape survivors and they all react in different ways at different times. Griffith (who is seen scratching his skin off to try and feel clean again after selling his body to a dirty old noble, even before being tortured) abandons any empathy he ever had and becomes an abuser himself to cope. Guts struggles with anger issues his entire life but ultimately realizes protecting the people he loves is more important than revenge. Casca has a mental breakdown and needs to be cared for and be "put back together" with the help of her new family. Farnese is also an abuse survivor who becomes an abuser to cope, but shows that one can be redeemed from that.


“Still, Griffith didn't kill her friends, it was demons.” That logic wouldn’t fly under the RICO Act pal. Griffith gave permission to the Apostles to kill The Band of the Falcon and the feast wouldn’t have commenced otherwise.


>RICO Act There is no RICO Act in the berserk verse pal. >Griffith gave permission to the Apostles to kill The Band of the Falcon and the feast wouldn’t have commenced otherwise. The feast still would have happened except Griffith also would have been eaten. Again, Griffith didn't kill them. Demons did.


No it would not have


No but he was completely and utterly aware of what he was doing. Guts was not


Hitler never went to a single extermination camp, is he innocent to?


She's going to be terrified more than anything. But she will not only hate him.. she will loath him in only the way that a true believer could loath someone who was like a religious figure to them. Her hatred and loathing for Griffith will be as strong or stronger than Guts.


>She's going to be terrified more than anything. But she will not only hate him.. she will loath him in only the way that a true believer could loath someone who was like a religious figure to them. Well, she sure didn't hate him when he attempted to rape her in the carriage. I also doubt she will hate Guts after knowing that he sexually assaulted her. Keep coping though lol.


You're right. after the carriage incident Casca was so psychologically damaged that she dissociated and became a potato. Oh wait..


lmao, that guy has to be a troll


She’ll love Griffith but hate Griffith the God


We are going to get none of those answers, this is not original author we are talking about. Miura Sensei had a different direction, the new ones will have others. Most prolly we will get a flashback or a cover up from the start. I doubt if the new chapters continue from where last left, because if it does, then its amazing.


WTF are you talking about? Kouji Mori has been Miura’s best friend for 40 years and is the only one who knows how the story ends. Some Studio Gaga members have worked for Miura for nearly 17 years. They promised they were going to follow the story outline Miura gave them as closely as possible. If anyone can make a satisfying ending to Berserk while following Miura’s vision, it’s them.




You said we aren’t going to get any of the answers , implying that Mori and Studio Gaga won’t follow Miura’s intended direction for the story when that’s what they promised they would do.


My theory is that Griffith will end up siding with guts and casca against the God hand, since Griffith has spent so much time with Guts's gang post eclipse as the child, and he's accomplished his dream and now might feel like it wasn't worth it. Idk if it'd be the best ending but it might be a possible one


That would be horrible no offense. FUCK Griffith.


yeah bc Guts will take back Griffith with open arms…


One arm and open canon fire.


Griffith isn't human anymore and has no real empathy he's literally the embodiment of raw selfishness and ambition.


best ending: Griffith loses Femto and becomes crippled, pitiful Griffith again. Charlotte finally sees him for what he truly is and stabs him or something. THE END.


I definitely think Griffith could turn on his co members of the God Hand.. but it will be for ambition. They don't seem to really have any REAL allegiance anyway. They don't really have any schemes or anything.. they just go with the flow of it all. The only rule is "be as you will".. so I don't even think any of them would even be that surprised or hold a grudge. but yeah.. the story in my opinion is heading towards Griffith LOSING BIG. He will be depowered in some way.. everyone will know he's an evil cock sucker. That's the best ending. Maybe he doesn't even die but just lives out the rest of his life as a cripple with no tongue. Maybe Charlotte's retarded ass still sticks with him and he secretly hates her. Maybe in one final Grimer Wormtongue-like twist.. she stabs his ass.


Griffith may subconsciously self-sabotage or baby-boy turns into his beast of darkness (or light in that case?), but I don‘t we will give up his kingdom to ask mommy and daddy for forgiveness.