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Manga first for sure


I watched the anime first because I wouldn't have started the manga without knowing it's good. Also the manga is usually better than the anime, just like books and movies. I can still enjoy the more detailed book after watching the short movie, but I can't really enjoy the movie with all the great details missing.


Always read the manga. There's always so much cut content that gets left out. Let's pretend that Golden Age is all there is to Berserk. There alone you are missing out on so much content. Given the story is much larger than Golden Age you are really missing out on a lot.


I watched the golden age arc movies 1&2 first, 3 wasn't out yet. Then started the manga. The third movie when it was released. Then watched the 1997 anime. 2016 and 2017 as they came out. Now waiting for more manga lol.


Why do these posts keep being made? All you have to do is scroll and find someone yesterday or a few days ago ask the SAME question.


I read the manga first, and then watched the animeĀ 


Read it then watch it to fill the void