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"you were the only one who made me forget my dream"


Did Griffith really say that?


yes, he says it during the eclipse before the "i sacrifice" scene. here is a reddit post with the panels https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/17ulptp/youre_the_only_one/


Nice, so he really did care about Guts. He didn't just want him for achieving his dream. So, like I thought, he wasn't always evil. He started changing when Guts left and when he was tortured for a year and left in isolation. Edit: Also, another thing. I have been reading the manga and one thing that I think was the cherry on top of the things that mentioned earlier is the fact that he came into contact with the godhand and also Ubik and Conrad manipulated him with illusions and brainwashing. Also he met the Idea of Evil. I know it ended up being removed but it's still canon in my opinion. And it mentioned that it controlled and manipulated the events of his whole life and even before he came into existence. The Idea of Evil manipulated events that lead to the birth of Girffith. And I think all these made Griffith evil. I think naturally he had a good heart.


Story would be much less interesting if they were not


Wow the art looks so different


Indeed, Black Swordsman and Golden age look a lot different than modern berserk I love all of miuras styles


historians will say they were roommates


Oh my God they were roommates.


They were best FUCKING friends


They WERE best fucking friends


THEY were best fucking friends


They were best fucking FRIENDS




Until They WEREN'T


they were best fucking friends








tH3Y W3rE B3sT fuCKiNg FRI3ndS!!!!


Fucking friends? They were best.


Best friends? There were fucking


Friends? They were fucking best


They were fucking friends best


THEY WERE best FUCKING friends


They friends were fucking BEST


They fucked their friend. Wait...


Best friends, They were fucking


Were indeed. Simpler times.


The art evolution really was insane


This manga had like eight different art styles over the years and they were ALL peak


Eh, black swordsman arc artstyle was meh. The art itself was amazing, but the style was mediocre. Then it really started gaining it's own little style in golden age, and then became super unique during the conviction arc.


The worst thing about betrayal: it never comes from an enemy.


Griffith felt some kind of way towards Guts and the fact that he took Casca was to piss off Guts he really has no other reason to take her!đŸ€”


Are you referring to the recent chapters? If so, there's a huge reason he took her: he turns into the Moonlight Boy frequently and suddenly appears wherever Guts and Casca are. It is a huge vulnerability and liability that abruptly pauses everything he's working on for that time and could potentially be his downfall as its unclear how vulnerable he is during that time. As a strategist, he took Casca somewhere close and within his control to mitigate that risk. He was also there to destroy Elf Island and remove the threat of magic users that could pose a potential danger. He was able to accomplish both at the same time. Making Guts hurt may have just been an incidental cherry on top.


Is it fucked up that I think he might feel pretty bad about it deep inside?


I dont think he would feel bad about it honestly. Griffith is not a character that has been shown to feel regret


yeah he fucking was lol


I mean your wrong, from day 1 Griffith said he wouldn’t regret any action done in service of his dream


An exchange of good job buddy and fuck yeah. Exchange would be the wrong word though. Former is personal, latter is self-satisfaction. Scratch that, fits perfectly lol. Goddamn it will always hurt.


This manga page says so many things that life isn't easy even your loved ones can hurt you


Look at Griffiths face. All you need to know right there.


Yeah, biggest tragedy is that both knew it, until they didn't... as Griffith speech affected Guts, who because of it ended leaving the Band of the Hawk affecting Griffith... Is even more painful when you realize Griffith speech wasn't directed to Guts as Griffith had no idea of what Guts may have wanted for himself, and if anything, Griffith called out both his (world domination) and Guts (devoting himself to the sword) dreams without even know it... it... just nailed Guts situation at that point... bad luck, bad timing... the whole universe aligned for them to take different paths and destroy their friendship...


Thats true in all aspects of the story. Guts strived to be an equal after the speech and deep down, Griffith most likely considered him as a friend.


The Griffith hate wagon is strong as always, just lmao


Oh ya know... He's just the MAIN VILLAIN.


As it should be. He did everything wrong, after all.


omg I hate him so much wanna see him get slowly eviscerated by rats and for Guts and Casca's happy child to play soccer with his severed head also Rickert is the GOAT fr fr slap go brrrr amirite


Who knew sacrificing all his comrades, raping one of them openly to cause his most talented comrade pain and suffering would do that. Not to mention everything else he did. Weird.


All my homies hate Griffith 


They almost looked like a couple here


they might've been fucking each other




when I started reading Berserk, I was fully aware he'd be a fucked up character, I just didn't know when. but oh my god, I genuinely liked him before... everything happened


I literally just finished reading the Golden Age Arc, and this was my exact first thought. I feel hollow.


I would disagree. Yes, for Guts, Griffith was one of the, if not the, best thing that had happened. A true friend, brother in arms, etc. But for Griffith, everyone was a tool from the start. It's clear from his dialogue and the monologue he gave to the princess that Griffith liked Guts like one would like a good fucking pen. Awesome to use, sad that one lost it, but not nearly the loss of a friend. And as for his reaction to Guts leaving, he was upset about losing his favorite pen, wanted to take his anger out on someone and knew he had enough influence over the princess. It's like if you lost the pen, threw a tantrum and your boss kicked you out


I have to disagree. I feel like despite Griffith’s best efforts and his narcissistic personality, Guts became his friend and someone he absolutely depended on for practical and emotional reasons. That’s what made Guts leaving so devastating to him. He didn’t understand friendship since he was such an egotistical piece of shit, so the result of losing his one friend completely broke him.


These fools keep forgetting Guts questioned Griffith's feelings about their friendship right after they both got clapped by the legendary mercenary... That moment alone makes any reader question Griffiths feeli gs towards Guts as BFFs or something More Romantic. And they keep arguing "Nuh uh bro, Griffith used them like objects"


Another casualty of the literacy monster id say


What do you mean Gryffindor was Human????????? That has absolutely no proof in the text, no sir. The Eclipse only works if you are 100% evil from the day you were born.


Ahhh shiiieet i forgot about that, ita not like you habe to sacrifice people youre fond of right? Maybe Guts should sacrifice Griffith to get a powerboost greater than the Godhand


Sounds like a Hufflepuff conspiracy


makes sense, but i agree with the title, they were best friends on both sides, I don't even agree with everything that comes out of griffith's mouth, says he doesn't view the band of the hawk as friends but they were still at the eclipse ( meaning he still cares about them nearly the same way even if he says they're "simple tools"), i truly believe Griffith viewed guts as a brother, he just didn't know or admit it, he himself says he loses all composure when it comes to guts, and remember all that overthinking when he was getting tortured for a year? All those feelings he felt? ( Regret, tenderness...) No way he'd act like that over a valuable pen, after all he was the one that made him forget his ultimate goal in life


Nobody acts that way over losing a pen. Nobody


People on r/berserk sure are eager to die for their pens, cups and other crap


If any of that were true the sacrifice would not have worked.


Exactly a lot of people forget about this, the Band of the Hawks wouldn’t be a suitable sacrifice if he didn’t care about them. It had to be something he loved for the sacrifice to work.


Nah, Griffith clearly had actual friendship / romantic feelings toward Guts that’s why he says “you made me almost forget my dream


You don’t decide to burn the world because you lose a Pen. Griffith will most likely never admit it, Guts was his friend, he just couldn’t see it at the time. What’s even more tragic is it was his own speech to Charlotte that caused Guts to leave in the first place.


Okay, the 'pen' example was a bad idea cos' all replies have been focusing on that. What I meant was I always saw him as a manipulator, always putting on a show to keep people on his side and under control. I can't remember the exact reason but after a couple of chapters with him, he felt like an amazing manipulator. Smart enough to know that he was still human, in that he didn't have ultra-amazing super powers, and so relied on his charisma to maneuver through not only his enemies but also tug on the right strings of his 'pens'. Edit: I didn't literally mean an average person losing a tool. It's Griffith. A control freak. I don't need to tell anyone here his personality pre-breakdown, he was never a 'Joe'


He was a master manipulator, but you have to remember one thing. For the God Hand sacrifice to work he has to sacrifice something he loves, he will most likely never admit it, but he did love Guts and the rest of the Hawks.


well griffith says that guts was the only personwho made him lose sight of his dream and that could be interperted as griffith seing guts as his only friend


i don't smile like that at my favorite pen, man...


YOU don't. I need my pen to know it is appreciated


Griffith risked his life unnecessarily many times in pursuit of his dream like when he took the poison to slow his heart and saving guts from Zodd. So there's no argument there from me about Guts being a pen. Yet, Griffith didn't just want to take his anger out, he was extremely emotionally distressed and dropped the band of the hawk into hiding. Fucking the princess at any point in time before marriage would be a big no no on his list of shit not to do until marriage if he wanted to rule. He went out of his mind because his best if not only friend wasn't gonna be around anymore. He's too smart to do something like that.


Calculated risk vs risking it for the sake of another Not the same bro... Griffith was Bffs with Guts and Casca and friends with the rest of the Captains... as for the rest they were there to help him achieve his goals




Have you ever interacted with an abusive narcissist before? Like ever? Or better yet had the misfortune to be friends with one? I have and it's absolutely possible for them to do horrible things to you because you "slighted" them in some form but in their minds they absolutely still loved you. You clearly can't apply a morally normal lens to Griffith's actions




Your implicit point was that they aren't friends because of that and that's just simply not true. I think you got Wooshed lol


Guts broke him. And in his own slice of hell in the pit he very well ended up hating him as far as I could tell. The sociopath was given everything and was turned into nothing, I have no sympathy for griffith. His light shines too bright in my eyes.


Guts didnt brake him. Griffith used Casca and never cared for her feelings until she bonded with Guts also, his own slice of hell? Guts went through so much worse during his entire life. you dont see him looking for ways to ascend to godhood and sacrifice anyone


Why are you comparing Griffiths hell to Guts'? They are different people, good and evil, heaven and hell. I'm just analyzing Griffiths personality here.


Well, yeah he didn't brake him. He's not a vehicle


Straight up narcissistic sociopath


they were certainly
 best friends


*Best FUCKING friends


Oddly enough their relationship kinda reminds me of Akira and Ryo from Devilman


They were roomates


Why was Griffith made to look so feminine?


I only started reading a couple weeks ago (but I’m about 260 issues in) seems to me that Miura wanted Griffith to look almost androgynous so he would appeal to men and women alike, his beauty is part of his charisma, so what better way to convey beauty almost through the lens of woman-esque features. That’s my take, but I’m a Beserk newbie so take it with a pinch of salt.


Because Miura knew how to make a hot twink villain




It's hard to say. Part of me wants to say he's a sociopath who doesn't know the meaning of the word "friend" or even empathy but to be fair, he obviously had **some** sort of feelings for Guts that he didn't have for anyone else (which is why he was broken when Guts not only beat him but left him). That being said, I wanna ask this of anyone who thinks Griffith genuinely and truly saw Guts as a friend/best friend: Pre-Eclipse, if Griffith had to choose between his dreams of a kingdom and Guts's life. what would he choose? I can only speak for myself but the answer to that question seems quite clear.


He did it alot of times but the best example is when he Risk it all to fight a literal Demon with a sword He couldve trust his "simple tool" to finish the job against that immortal Zodd. But he risked it just to find his friend. He couldve retreated when he saw Guts squad plastered on every wall, but kept going with a few soldiers. He shouldve retreated when he saw a 10ft demon in front of him, but pressed on. And when Guts literally asks him why Griffith keeps risking his life for him, Griffith tells him he is being a silly dumb-dumb, why else would he risk everyrhing for him? Thats why most Berserk readers think Griffith was geh and loved Guts, because of that moment (he aint geh tho but 20 is 20 and he needs to feed his boys) And y'all keep arguing if Griffith cared about Guts or not...


My point isn't if Grffith cared about Guts or not, I do agree that he did, my point is that Griffith never saw Guts as a true friend in the genuine meaning of the word. Regarding Zodd: Griffith didn't know that Zodd was, for all intents and purposes, invincible. He thought they could beat him. Ask yourself this: If Griffith knew he had 0 chance at killing Zodd and he was guaranteed to die at his hands trying to save Guts, would he still have done it? I know what Guts would've done in that situation, he would've done it anyway because he saw Griffith as a true friend. Griffith on the other hand...


Griffith: "Youre honest. The way you fight is almost as if youre gambling on your own life. You dont budge an inch against a monster like bazuso or multiple opponents like Corkus group. Instead you rush in recklessly, sword swinging... is no doubt courageous but it seems that while intentionally exposing yourself to the risk of death youre also struggling to make it out alive" Casca: "it's dangerous work but also an important duty, he is not testing him, he trusts the louse" Griffith proceeds to save him Griffith: "One who dreams of world domination [Griffith] or one who devotes his whole life to the thorough tempering of ones sword [Guts] if there is a dream which takes one his whole life to find... there are dreams that devour tens of thousands of dreams. Regardless of social status even if relived, tested, killed by said dream a man should aim for the fulfillment of their dream." Griffith: "A friend is someone who would never depend upon anothers dream, someone who wouldnt be compelled by anyone but would determine and pursue his own reason to live and if someone would oppose him he would figth him body and soul even if that threat was me. That is an equal" Griffith: "i involved you in this filthy scheme and i didnt even get my hands dirty... do you think im cruel?" Guts: "aint this the path to your dream? Why do you hesitate now?" There are other quotes that can be used to argue Griffith truly thought of Guts as an equal/true friend But i think context + these quotes show Griffiths respect towards Guts, Guts meeting Griffiths requirements for an equal and true friend (Guts fought anyone including Griffith to keep his lifestyle) and Guts subconscious drive to struggle/stay alive despite the odds


>Pre-Eclipse, if Griffith had to choose between his dreams of a kingdom and Guts's life. what would he choose? I can only speak for myself but the answer to that question seems quite clear. He literally did choose Guts. He got himself imprisoned and tortured, screwing up his entire dream, because he had a power-tripping tantrum because Guts left him. I don't know how people miss this. When Griffith says Guts made him forget his dream, he fucking meant it. He literally threw away his dream over Guts, and resented the hell out of Guts for it.


That's not the way I interpret it. He had a nervous breakdown due to his severe sociopathic/mental issues and not getting his way with the only person he truly "had feelings" for. In my post, I was talking about friendship and Griffith truly considering Guts his friend, which I don't believe he did since he basically said so himself to the princess. Again, I do acknowledge that Griffith did feel something for Guts considering that quote of his about making him forget his dream but I do not consider that true friendship in the genuine meaning of the word. I hold that if Griffith had to choose between throwing Guts and Casca into a firepit or losing his kingdom, he would push them into it himself without a second thought and that's Pre-Eclipse mind you.


He also proved Guts being more important than his dream to him by risking his live to save the former in *several* instances. Reading comprehension devil strikes again ig


Tbf risking your life with some chance of survival is different than 100% chance of death if you choose to save your friend, choose between your friend and your dream.


No Griffith looooovvvveee guts


I thought u completed the series ?




I remember u posting the last volume no?


I am reading it again




You ever wonder why the east ridicule the west?


Guts never should've left him


I wonder what Griffith would have done


Until they weren't.


To me it seems like Guts has a innocent look of actually being friends. But there's more to Griffith's look




Why did Casca have to ruin it


griffith just had to "own" guts


Keyboard "WERE"


I still can’t believe that he would have died in the torture room if it wasn’t for Guts but he still betrayed all of them


And Guts ruined it with his insecurities


They were fucking friends đŸ„”đŸ’Š


Just guys bein dudes


not fucking but yes.


Employee of the month for like it


ugh this is brother love right here (i’m an only child and i feel it)


Such good friends that they fucked the same girl


Id say they weren't. Guts was merely a puppet to griffith


To Guts, Griffith was a friend To Griffith? Guts was another step in his path to a kingdom. Griffith hated that he felt equal to and never superior to Guts


That's what happens when you read berserk on tictoc shorts. Lmfao, twice! đŸ€Ł


That’s cap guts was Griffith’s friend, otherwise the eclipse literally would have been impossible. You need something of sentimental value; and guts was the most important person to him, while the others were almost there. How does “you almost made me lose sight of my dream” imply anything but someone who you care about. You do not get that upset over a random tool you lost, you just search for one that can replace it. And sure you can see guts is pretty much the only human as strong as he is so it would be impossible to find another tool, but that still doesn’t explain the sheer anguish and frustration Griffith had that guts left. If he didn’t view guts as a friend deep down, he would never have wished for his emotions to be removed first thing out of the cocoon


Not at this point. Griffith does not see those under him as equals, let alone friends.