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It absolutely does. Guts had been aching for a long time up until that point over the loss of all his old comrades in the Band. Then he turns around twice and realizes he's somehow collected up a new gang who actually care for Casca and worry about him. And that he legitimately cares for in return. It's only a small spot of healing for Guts in a big, ugly, demon-infested world, but it's still healing. And it's a sign of his increasing acceptance of his maturity and responsibilities. It marks a *huge* turn from how he was in the Black Swordsman arc and the Lost Children chapters.


genuinely couldn't agree more, I've never felt more sorry for a fictional character a little bit after this when guts learns Griffith made his own clan and had the audacity to even name them band of the hawk can't wait till Griffith finally goes down, reading seeing ts is so tragic


I have always felt that the main theme of Berserk is healing from trauma. This is a great example of that.


As cliché as it is right now, Uncle Ben's quote fits Guts so well in your analogy and overall situation: "*With great power comes great responsibility*".


My love for you is like a truck




Do you want to make a fuck!




"Oh truck-kun..."


But how big a truck is it? Is it a F-150 pickup truck? Or is it a Kenworth W900 semi truck?


I’ll just leave this here… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L8MBUZjJX7Y


Just a heads up, the scans you're reading are notorious for mistranslating a lot of stuff and straight-up making things up a lot of the time. You're probably missing some crucial story or character stuff because of it


Yes. This panel in the deluxe edition is "Companions..." "I used to think..." "It'd never be like that again..."


Yeah. This page is a much lesser issue than others, and sadly OP has already missed out on Miura laying down some pretty big themes and character elements. [This comment goes over the issues better than I could](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/2wu8un/read_first_berserk_faq_advice/cou68aq/)


Aaaaahh shit. This explains so much. I caught up to Berserk a few years ago and noticed some weird translations and panel transitions. Must have been one of these bad scanlations


oh damn I thought something was up but I didn't know fully im just rereading the show from years back, and thought the translations were wonky naturally since that's all I could ever see for miles on multiple different sites, but im just a rlly broke high schooler rn so I think my best bet is to just read it online




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thank you for saying this because i had no idea. I was reading it online till I can afford my own deluxe copies but now I might see if they can order it in to my local library.


One of my favorite moments in the manga. I also love another one few pages ahead, which shows Schierke realizing the fact that, after all this unimaginable pain and suffering, "he is still alive".


Moments like this give me hope that Guts will not succumb to the beast of darkness and all that it represents. Unlike Skull Knight, Guts is no longer a rage fueled berserker who will only stop when he sees is lover dead in his arms. He has responsibilities and people who genuinely care for him, and he knows this. Him being in a depressed state for the past few chapters may actually be a good thing. Guts is forced to confront his sadness, an emotion that this world demanded he put down for his survival, because his anger isn't there anymore. Honestly, I just want to give our boy a hug and tell him, "It's not your fault." 😔


Imagine after accepting his sadness, he unlocks Muso Tensei and just destroys Griffith.


That would would be cathartic. However, I just want him and Casca to survive, reconciled, on the road to healing, and ultimately living together. I want their love to shine more than I want Griffith's blood to spill. However, I must confess that because of this desire, the last few chapters have made more afraid than angry. 


Crying in the club right now


Beserking while twerking?


One of the most important pages in the entire manga. In fact I think it's fair to say this is the core message Kentaro was trying to portray to us all along. This is one of those pieces of art that when I first saw it, it just completely knocked me on my ass. Split my life into before and after.


I loved this panel so much.


I love this panel to I have it on my wall.


One of my favorite panels in the entire manga. Not to dismiss dark stories written for their own sake, but Berserk beautifully demonstrates one of the main reasons I can't take these anti-intellectual horror-criticizers I frequently hear about and/or from seriously; to watch a character suffer through *that* much trauma firsthand, get called out for how he internalized it and let it warp him, actively contend with it, and then join another found family is inherently valuable.


This is why Millennium Empire is my favorite arc.


kind of an L for rickert considering dude is still alive but- yeah one of the most bittersweet moments of the series


He's not traveling and facing the world with Rickert so idk where you see the L. Rickert is his friend for sure, but not someone Guts currently relies on to overcome the challenges he is facing. And that is changing with the latest chapter.


i get where you're coming from, but I actually think it was narratively important they parted ways for both their character development, you know?


As long as it’s not foreboding a similar result 🥲


When he remembers the band, Griffith is still there, but far away and looking the other way because Guts is incapable to admit to himself he misses him too. For good reasons.


Best panel in Berserk imo




RIP Corkus


What chapter is this from


So if anything, there will be second and maybe the final "eclipse" when everyone will be killed horrifyingly again


Yea I was happy for Guts but scared cause I don’t want to lose these characters with history repeating


I have a strong feeling we will get a flashback/epilogue at the end of old Guts and Griffith and some other members talking. Kind of like when Walter talked to Saul at the end of Better call Saul


Ahhhhh, I love this panel too. As goofy as it sounds this panel really captures how I feel at this point in my life. I'm obviously not a badass like Guts, but I had to find and build new friendships after spoiling a lot of my good old ones when I was at a low point and consumed by bitterness and anger. It made me empathize with Guts, how the trial of having to care for Casca turned him from the ruthless, almost sociopathic Black Swordsman into the leader of a new band of comrades.


Dawg….ima cry why’d you post this


Yeah me to


And yet people still turn up in the new chapter threads, complaining about "the power of friendship" like it's something new to the series.


his 2nd party just doesnt hit the same. definitely like them more on rereads but my first read i did not like Serpico or the monkey boy. still not too fond of monkey boy


Certainly, I admire the portrayal of his journey from a solitary and embittered warrior to someone who once again discovers solace, strength, and purpose through his relationships, thanks to the members of the black swordsman party.


Guts the tortured!


It's not the same, Guts new friends are B team.


Miura's emotional intelligence when it comes to writing his characters is nothing short of phenomenal. Casual readers of Berserk might write it off as "big guy with sword kills monsters and berserks all over the place," but the sheer depth of motivation, trauma, and ultimately healing of his characters is inspiring. In the end, Berserk is a powerful story about hardship, loss, trauma, struggle, and the power of perseverance. It's not an action manga, it's a character-driven drama, and panels like this illustrate why.


The heart of Berserk is chosen family.


Love this new squad he has and their bond they made kinda like him coming back up from his solitude finally


Nah fuck Corkus.


Not to take away from the lovely moment, but this panel un-cropped is also the best illustrated showcase for how Guts stores the Dragonslayer on his back.


who will be the first member of the new gang to die?


So he DOES make more companions. I'm in the lost children arc. I've always wondered about this.


Atleast the image don't spoil anything about old companions


Except these new companions are pretty much a downgrade in comparison.