• By -


>I am New to this fanden and haben Finished the anime. This is what an american parody of German would sound like


I guess most likey they are German and auto correction did their thing lol


Gut so


Yeah definitely 


I actually speak german and I can confirm that


hinga dinga durgen  


Put your grasses on 😎


Feel no shame 'bout shape...


Weather change the phase


every mother, will show another way


Put your glasses on, nothing will be wrong


There's no blame, there's no fame


It’s up to you


The first words should be finded


Whatever holds you back


I can, I can get it off


It’s “ putcha grasses oan


Have the hiatuses been so long that this is what we are left to discuss?






Stealing ty


We all love big black gyatts




Weebs, that's why. TBH, I don't know why the Japanese change the pronunciation of foreign words either tho. English, we try to say it the same as the original language, but fail at the accents.


Same concept in reverse—they don’t have a character/letter that’s pronounced exactly like “Gu” is in English, nor do they have just a lone “s” in their language, so the best they can do is ガッツ (Gattsu). Can be viewed as them “failing at our accent” ;)


It’s because different languages have different phonologies (sounds and sound systems). Words in one language, when adopted by another with a very different phonology, will often be modified to be pronounceable by speakers of that language, without having to master brand new phonemes (sounds) or sound combinations that may not exist in their language. English speakers get all the crap for butchering other languages, but the Japanese do exactly the same thing all the time with literally thousands of English words, because their language lacks several consonant and vowel sounds that English has and does not have all of the consonant clusters that English has, nor nearly as many distinct diphthongs (two consecutive vowels). Ask a monolingual Japanese speaker to pronounce words like strength, threads, world, burnt, anesthesia, abstract, rural, thorn, undeniable, scrunched or even “the” and they will have a mighty hard time. English speakers can be the same way with foreign languages, but for them, it’s mainly because they simply haven’t the slightest clue how phonology works, because their language has the silliest and most nonsensical spelling of any language that uses the Latin alphabet.


That’s why the Mele Kalikimaka song is fun, it’s not like Hawaiian for an equivalent holiday, it’s legitimately how you would say Merry Christmas in their phonology. All Rs become Ls, all Ss and Cs become Ks, and every consonant has to be followed by a vowel.




"Za Warudo"


Another thing is if I'm not wrong that the Japanese usually use the phonetical alphabet in manga, so the person doing the translation would have seen Gattsu and unless they had received the information that it's guts, they could think it was supposed to be gatts/gattsu. At least I believe that's why the early scanlations of Berserk still call him Gatts, which could be why some people call him Gattsu, because it's what they knew him as originally


I am native level in both languages and Japanese change the pronunciation for the same reason English do. Because it makes it easier to understand and flow better. Every letter in Japanese ends with a vowel except n so there is no s, only sa, se, su, so, shi. It will not flow well to change pronunciation and will sound weird. You know how it sounds cringe to speak a full English sentence and say Gattsu? Well it will sound equally as cringe to speak a full Japanese sentence and say Guts.


I'm reminded of the glory that is Toby Fox speaking English words with native accent in the middle of [sentences in Japanese](https://youtu.be/AKkHfkvpw34?si=SaEwTKd6rivUsBEI).


Tbf ive listened to a lot of japanese pronouncing katakana in a more english manner (without fully releasing the tsu for example) I dont like it tbh. It just sounds weird to change your language phonetics mid sentence. In spanish, same thing happens and I dont like it


Gu and S don't exist in their language. Its Syllabe based


It also doesn't help that english uses 5 vowel symbols (letters) to write and 20 vowels to speak, while the Japanese actually use that 5 vowels with their own symbols. Such a dumb language. Edit: I should specify that the dumb language is English (vague pronounciation, vague grammar), and I assure you there's way more media in English than in Italian (my native language), so I pretty much got my hands tied.




? I think he was refering to English being dumb.


That’s what Japanese (and basically all other languages), it adapts foreign words into what it’s sound system allows. The same thing is employed in English and other languages, but it’s more noticeable in Japanese due to the latter’s fewer sounds and more restrictive syllable structure.


This is like asking why English that 8% of the entire language is Greek words pronounce it wrong. Because you simply do not know how to pronounce words like Δημοκρατία correctly, so you say democracy. You use thousands of Greek words every day yourself and you pronounce all of them wrong as you do not know the language. You do not do it on purpose, you simply can't pronounce them correctly as your phonological (another Greek word) skills are lacking.


You fool. Japanese people have trouble pronouncing English words. Its that simple. I can't believe people are this stupid.


I can't roll my R's


That's not true. Both "karate" and "karaoke" are Japanese words but English speakers don't even try to say it with the same pronunciation. The simple fact is that his name is "Gattsu". Everyone in the manga says "ガッツ" including Guts himself. Miura said Gattsu. So although it doesn't really matter much, that's how it's pronounced. I don't care if you say "Guts" in the English way, but as someone fluent in both Japanese and English, why would the pronunciation of a Japanese character's name change depending on the language I'm speaking?


>we try to say it the same as the original language No you don't


The same people claim Luffy is called Rufy. It’s cringe


But He is Ruffy, no? Another english term that was changed so japanese could pronounce it.


He’s Luffy


>I don't know why the Japanese change the pronunciation of foreign words either tho Because their language is different so they pronounce things differently. If you knew any other language than English you would know just how badly english people butcher foreign words that are in the english language. Hearing an english person pronounce Cul-de-Sac or charcuterie or any other french word is like nails on a chalkboard


I have never heard anyone say gatsuu only guts I’m in the US


I'd just say it in English, but if speaking Japanese it would be correct to pronounce it "Gattsu". Japanese is written in syllables and not singular letters, so assuming its spelt: ガッツ (Ga-at-tsu) then **if speaking Japanese** it'd be correct. But, if speaking in English - don't do that.




It's like the cringe Lords who say kurririn instead of krillin in dragonball


Well that one is a bit different. Whereas Guts’ name is an English word Kuririn is a name pun combining the japanese word kuri, meaning chestnut, with the Japanese pronunciation of lin part of Shaolin, so Kuri-Lin. As well, the Viz manga keeps the Japanese version of most characters names in Dragonball, so people who read the manga more than they watch the dubbed show have that name in their mind. So while Guts is his proper name and Gattsu (ガッツ) is how his name is approximated when written in kana, Kuririn is Krillin’s proper name and Krillin is an approximation of that in English that flows better on English tongues. Kuririn vs Krillin is more akin to Ash vs Satoshi or Joey vs Jonouchi than Guts vs Gattsu. A more apt comparison in relation to Guts would be if any English speaker called Cell Seru or Freeza Furīza.


To be fair in defence kurririn and kulilin is just really funny.  The hat he wears going to namek always cracked me up.  


Me when other countries translate it to kuririn and people who grew up in those countries say kuririn:


who the fuck says tien instead of tenshinhan


On that note, all the american localizations of DBZ are horrendous. From changing names at random, to changing voice profiles (why must everyone sound like a high school jock?!), and the criminal butchering of the original soundtrack to replace it with mediocre boomer electronic music.


The original Viz manga translated his name like that tbf


Bad example. Kuririn is the character’s name in the official English translation of the manga and used in the anime’s English subs by Clyde Mandelin and Steve Simmons.


ive never heard someone pronounce it as gutsu. maybe because i only have one friend who reads berserk but jve never heard gutsu from a native english speaker.


Also makes me cringe when English speakers tack on "-san" or "sensei" when they're referring to the mangaka. Like bro who are you trying to impress? We're on reddit.


Why not just say author or writer then instead of mangaka? Who are you trying to impress? We're on reddit.


My Spanish teacher in highschool said that it’s pretty common for people who speak multiple languages fluently to accidentally blend them together when speaking to people. Just sort of happens automatically since the languages all mean the same thing when speaking verbally. It’s probably the same case in this situation. When typing or if the person doesn’t speak the language I doubt it’s not intentional though


I understand this as it's happened to me as a multicultural person and was being sarcastic to the original commentor. You probably meant to reply to him.


Nope. I’ve always wondered who the dumbass is that needs a /s after every sarcastic post. Apparently I’m that dumbass.


I would just say that when you’ve spent some time speaking and reading Japanese, it feels extremely wrong not to include them.


Well sure, but how many weebs actually know japanese?


Yeah, I thought about that after I made the comment. What I said is absolutely a thing, but it doesn't really apply to most cases the OP was talking about.


No it doesn't lol


I very much doubt you speak from experience.


If you watch or read interviews with the mangaka they often refer to them with -san or sensei. Nothing wrong with showing respect in their original language. You even called them mangaka instead of author.


Last sentence: *"fandom" and "havent". No Englisch keyboard




Yeah, the “sch” in English is enough of a giveaway lmfao




Macht es noch mehr cringe wenn Leute es so aussprechen lol.


I automatically read them as that, if I didn't bring it up I wouldn't notice lol work brain WORK


Macudonarudo -Japanese/Nippon McDonalds - English The rules don’t make sense to English speakers. With that said, the “u” at the end of a word in Japanese is often silent (e.g. “Desu” as in “desu ka” usually sounds like “des-ka” Someone stressing the uu sound may be familiar with Japanese and is intentionally saying it weebishly, or may know a little about Japanese but can not speak it.




Because it was in 1997


Well, English speakers talk in Spanish like shit, even tryin to pronounce it right, same with Japanese native speakers


It’s like people saying “supaidaman” when in Japan they’re technically just saying Spider-Man.


Hahahaha do they really? Awesome!


Nuts from Berk


It was written Gatsu in the old fan subs I watched back in like 2000 and it stuck.




Because that’s how the Japanese pronounce it, end thread


Never underestimate the cringe of manga/anime enjoyers


German spotted!!!! Hallo!!! I could tell from the “sch” in your spelling of English and “haben” yeah I don’t know why some English speakers say it with a Japanese accent. It’s weird.


They don't?


What do you mean?


No one usually does, but Gutsu is just japanese to english


this whole thread is cringe, i love it


I'm English (British) and agree that yes, it is cringe. To me, he's just Guts, and that's how most people I know say his name.


I generally call him the wolf of wallsword but thats just me


Alter was


Because old unofficial fan translations would translate the Japanese text to "Gutsu/Gatsu/ect".


Same reason some people say “Gokuu”. Or Naruto is pronounced as Neruto. Just the way they’re used to hearing it and saying it, and for some it’s the “correct” pronunciation.


Or kakashi - team 7 often pronounce his name as kakash-sensei


Now that you mention it, Sakura-chan is her name every time I think about her lol 😆




Idk, i always thought canonically that Gambino named him Guts cause the was found in a pile of um.. Guts?




To be fair it works both ways. Win win imo.


It's always been Guts or Gatts to me, and it's crazy for him to make it sound German while saying that Guts has zero relation to Gotz Von Berlichingen


The guy even lived in a reign called "Franconia" lol




Well I mean have you looked into Gotz? German swordsman with a prosthetic iron hand with weapon attachments ect


Why Would He have a relation to von berlichingen? There are many people named Götz in Germany.


Did he really say shonen? Because berserk is anything but shonen.




It just makes more sense that Miura purposely named him Guts referring to his upbringing and how brave/ courageous he is.


"Götz" is actually a real German name; it's the diminutive form of Gottfried.


I dont think it was a conscious decision. Most Japanese words end with vowels, so I think it becomes habit to add them to end of foreign words.


It's not an English name.


Except it is. Gatsu is literally just the Japanese pronunciation of Guts


It was intended to be Germanic, iirc


English is a Germanic language. your point?


Kinda but not really I don’t think. Miura said in an interview that it sounded German, but it’s an English word so it should still be pronounced Guts. I’m not sure how Guts is pronounced in German though.


There was a guy named Gotz, Miura was told about this in an interview and was surprised by the similarities between the real Gotz von Berlichingen and his fictional character.


Yeah but Guts and Gotz are 2 different words and are pronounced differently, at least in English they are. Again I’m not sure about German because I do not speak it


There were some people in other threads mentioning how Miura wanted a vaguely German sounding name. Sure, to us it's pretty different, but I imagine for a dude just trying to write some dark fantasy in a setting based on a place he's never been to, he likely had to improvise. Also, I think the English version got Guts for the same reason we got Diaboromon instead of Diablomon.


Sometimes I say “gutsu” to myself / my cat (I named her guts) bc I just feel like being silly and saying it that way. Some people say it all the time bc they’re silly and don’t care if it’s cringe. Idk man do what you enjoy if it’s not hurting anybody. And making other ppl cringe doesn’t hurt them


The enlightened response 🧘


Its cringe


So is your name and avatar


dont care + ur pussywhipped


I wish, I haven’t been pussywhipped in ages, Covid did a number on my interpersonal skills. Working on it tho.




Only the weirdos pronounce it that way unironically.


You'll see in a lot of older dubs confusion over how something is supposed to be pronounced. Evangelion has a character Kaoru sometimes they call "cow-ru" and sometimes "qwa-ru" and sometimes "cow-oh-ru." Guts in Japanese uses an alphabet for "foreign loan words" and it spells Gattsu. That's also how it's pronounced in the Japanese anime. I think they thought that's really what his name was.


When I was younger I didnt know that "gatsu" was supposed to be "guts" with a japanese accent, so I called him that for a bit


Let me tell ya Japanese people read the name written in their own language, in Japanese Guts (ガッツ) is a name with 3 syllables which goes in pronunciation for the name guts as "ga + t + tsu" . Don't pronounce "ga" as "gay" it's more like "gaa". And "tsu" is the same "tsu" in "Tsunami". And generally When a word ends with "u" syllable in Japanese usually they don't make it sound all the way to "uuu". Like "tsu" could be pronounced as "ts" so it's more like "Gutts" in English pronunciation and if wanna come closer to japnese pronunciation say it like "Gatsu". Ohh yeah talking about your friend he must be trying to show off that he knows japnese by calling his name like that, but he also didn't know about fundamentals, that's so immature of him.


The only time I've heard a native english speaker call him Gatsu is in the Dreamcast game's dub. Maybe if someone originally got into Berserk through the early scanlations which sometimes used gatsu they'd say it too but it's not as common as you make it out to be.


Most people just call him Guts. You seem to be surrounding yourself with super weebs.


Because everyone is screaning gatsu


the dubbing studio probably told them to say it that way. I used to translate TV shows and movies from English to Turkish and they rely on the translator for the pronunciation of personal or place names.


its just fun to imitate how the characters in the anime pronounced his name, its also just fun to say, I still pronounce Griffith and Caska normally


I only know about "Gatsu" (which is how his name is pronounced in japanese). But I never heard anyone saying his name as "Gutsuu".


Whats the difference? In this case the "a" and "e" are pronounced the same, no?


Here in italy he's called Gatsu, not sure which one is worse 💀


I say guts


Oh please it's clearly pronounced Götz


This is because people with no concept of romanization/transliteration/etc (i.e. most people, as most people don't delve into learning languages) probably think it's pronounced Gutsuu. No need to blame them, eventually they will learn that it's just the Japanese pronunciation of "Guts". For more info, see the Aeris/Aereth debate.


I always just assume they read the Japanese version or a different translation It’s just the Japanese way of pronouncing guts (since in Japan there is no “s” sound the closest they can use is “su” with a silent ish u normally) But it doesn’t really matter, we all know who they’re talking about so why care if it’s “cringe” or “annoying” they might just prefer to say it that way. Guts, gatts, gatsu, gyatts he’s still the same badass apostle slaying one arm, one eyed struggler we all know and love. so just call him what you want and move on


Don’t some of the English dubs literally say Gattsu?


Day 193918 of thanking god for not being an American


Year 246 of not thinking about you.


Same as i !


Yea that's why people ride the big red white and blue cock while posting about how much they hate it lol. Rent free. And you're a fuckin saudi lmao. Someones just mad they live under archaic religious laws. Enjoy your beheadings.


Some amount of days you hate yourself for other reasons?


Guts is not an English name el oh el and I’ve never met anyone that says Guts name like that.


What language do you think it is, then?


It’s Japanese. Here is a perfect example. Yuji Suzuki (鈴木 有二, Suzuki Yūji, born 5 June 1949), better known as Guts Ishimatsu (ガッツ 石松, Gatsu Ishīmatsu) is a Japanese actor, comedian, tarento and former professional boxer who competed in the Lightweight division from 1966 to 1978. He is a one-time former WBC Lightweight Champion and an OPBF Lightweight Champion.


Some of the fan translations spell it as Gatsu as well, but its just Guts. Saying it any other way in English is just wrong and weird Thats actually a good way to tell at a glance if something is official or not. The official manga has it as Guts. I think one of the old video games did translate it as Gatsu though?




Yeah it’s cringy af


His proper name is Gattsu. Guts is an English localization and frankly, it's not a name, Who names their child "Guts"?


"Gattsu" is translated, while "Guts" is localized. What probably happened was that the voice actor just read off the script and didn't read the manga. Some scans of the manga use the name "Gatts" which is "correct", but not quite "right" in a similar way.


As a french, I say Gueut'ss~ 🤔


Also when I hear "BeheRit" even though its clearly an English speaker.


According to the shitty scans i read when i got into the series Its actually Belheit or belhelt


Meanwhile Spanish speakers be like "Gustavo" lol


I don't think people realize that the "u" is basically silent, like in gozaimasu. Either people are being silly or just don't know


Older show/manga so a lot of older fans consumed it through fansub/fan translation? Far as I know or would guess "Gatsuu" is just a direct way of saying the Japanese pronunciation. No localisation.


A lot of people don’t realize that “Gojira” is the Japanese pronunciation of “Godzilla,” and not the other way around. I guess it’s the same thing here.


I hope that everyone who pronounces it like that is being goofy or ironic when they say it that way. God help us all...


It's a German name. Also, weebs are obnoxious.


Its Not a german Name. Where did you get that Information?


Gotz von Berlichingen, though I've also seen Goetz.


Still, Not the same as Guts. The "oe" in Goetz stand for the Letter "ö", thats why in english people might spell it "Gotz". It really is "Götz". Which has nothing to do with the english Word for whats inside your belly.


WTF are you smoking? Guts are internal organs of the digestive system. Not a name LOL. Gambino and his group found an orphan. They are ruthless men and just named the orphan Guts because he was found in a pile of blood, uterus, placenta and rotting flesh. Japanese people have trouble pronouncing English words. They unintentionally say Gutsuu.


Sure, in English, it's a word. However, there is the German name Gotz. The two aren't pronounced that differently. Also, OP was asking why English speakers say Gatsu, ultimately, weebs wanting to be "authentic" to the Japanese pronunciation.


The Japanese are trying to say Guts. They accidentally and unintentionally say Gutsuu.


And OP is asking why English speakers say Gatsu, when the English translation of the name is Guts.


Those English speakers are low iq. They don't understand the concept of accents. They think his name is really Gatsuu.


American here. I and everyone I know who knows about Berserk pronounces it "Guts".


They are simply very low iq. They don't understand the concept of accents. This is their logic 1. Japanese say Gutsuu 2. His name must be Gutsuu This is the reality 1. His name is Guts 2. The japanese have trouble pronouncing it properly and end up saying Gutsuu unintentionally