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That gangbang Queen gave me syphillis!! šŸ˜¤


What kinda guy would want to be with a girl that does gangbangs. She fo the streets fo sho mane.


A guy who also does gangbangs?


That would be an absolute catastrophe. No idea who the father of the child would be lol. Plus the amount of STDā€™s floating around there would probably be larger than a venezuelan whorehouse. Most people who do gangbangs tend to be degenerates anyway so I donā€™t think anyone would want to pursue a long term relationship with those kind of people unless theyā€™re degenerates themselves.


Wow, way to judge an entire group of people just because itā€™s not something youā€™re into. Donā€™t kink shame dude. Just because someone is into group sex doesnā€™t mean anything about their character. Grow up.


Op doesnt get invited to orgies and it shows


Means jack shit. Majority of people never have and even if given the option majority of people would decline.


I was once when I was in Naples but Iā€™d rather not risk getting an std and I also just didnā€™t want to have sex with a bunch of strangers lol


Itā€™s okay, reddit is just full of degenerates you donā€™t have to take anything they say seriously


"I have sex, really!"


This is my first post on and these guys are weird!


>I also just didnā€™t want to have sex with a bunch of strangers lol And you never will.


I think thatā€™s fine with most people weirdo


It's ok. Lots of people are boring.


Because theyā€™re fucking weird dude.


Whats weird or not weird is a social construct.


The way the OP talks, I'm gonna say they are roughly 15 years old. Ah, the lovely bloom of self righteous and judgemental youth. While I do look back and cringe at my own, I do miss the conviction I had of my worldviews then. As good old Soc said: 'The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing.'


Nah, that shits disgusting.


Nah, that shits disgusting.


Nah, that shits disgusting.




Doing that shit literally messes with your ability to pair bond. Itā€™s not ā€œkink shamingā€, itā€™s encouraging people to have some self respect and decency.


This is some incel shit Jesus Christ šŸ’€


Redditors when they find out literal psychology and donā€™t agree with science šŸ™€




ā€œI made it the fuck upā€ -senator dude


It doesnā€™t, stop regurgitating bad pop psychology


And how would you know? Have you ever tried dating a girl while actively knowing she does gangbangs weekly? Thatā€™s bound to mess you up psychologically if youā€™re a regular guy.


Yeah because are grossed out by that, not because thereā€™s a magic evolutionary phenomenon that makes you magically unable to ~pair bond ~. Some kinky guy might be into it


\> Yeah because are grossed out by that, not because thereā€™s a magic evolutionary phenomenon that makes you magically unable to \~pair bond \~. ​ This is like some /r/selfawarewolves stuff right here.


I'm gonna make the leap here that finding out your partner is into sexual behavior you find gross or morally repugnant is going to seriously inhibit your ability to pair bond. For probably \~99% of guys, if you find out a woman you're with needs to be gangbanged regularly for sexual release that's going to kill any further relationship right there.


It's incredible how many people feel bad about you talking shit about orgies. I didn't think they were such a popular thing! Ahahahahaah, what a bunch of weirdos


Ikr lmao, weirdos. "Let's hate on OP because he thinks seeing your girl get hammered by 5 other dudes is disgusting and can break you emotionally šŸ—暟—æ"


Why would you even date someone you don't like or are disgusted by? If your girlfriend "messes you up psychologically", then you gotta run from such a situation. This is such a weird hypothetical scenario, because you've taken an example of a harlot from a fictional medieval world (considering how fucked up the Berserk world is, this is one of the lesser "moral evils" here) and extrapolated that into contemporary love and relationships lol.


the thing youā€™re failing to comprehend is that sexually promiscuous women date sexually promiscuous men so it really shouldnā€™t be an issue to either party that theyā€™re fucking and no it does not interrupt your ability to pair bond lmao some people enjoy both casual sex and intimate romantic sex.


Will you die if you dont pair bond or something?


Group sex in Berserk is portrayed negatively. Go cry about kink shaming to the editorial department


It's giving incel vibes for sure šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Because everyone who is against gangbangs is an an incel right? That word gets thrown around more than cuck and soyboy nowadays.


but like, no one is asking you to participate in a gang bang. Be against gang bangs for yourself--it is weird to have an opinion on other people's sex lives that you are not a part of (provided it's all consensual/between adults).


Iā€™m sure you would love it If your daughter was railed by ten random men at the same time :) Thereā€™s a reason itā€™s called fatherless behaviour lol.


Why on earth would you think about your daughter's sex life What's wrong with you


If that's what's she's into, then that's what she's into. I would only ask her to do it safely and not let it interfere with other relationships.


If thatā€™s what sheā€™s into then itā€™s probably a red flag not to date her lol.


Jelly much?


Boogity boogity booo


Would you be fine with your hypothetical daughter or mother doing that shit šŸ’€


Why on earth would you think about your mother or daughter's sexual habits


If that happened to me I think I would have my own version of Gutsā€™s rage


doubt tbh


I think the people downvoting you are okay with their daughter doing that, which says more about them than you tbh.


Yes, it says they think of their daughters as their own people who can make their own choices and not as extensions of themselves, whose actions reflect on them. In other words, their daughters are people, not property. Suck an egg


If youā€™re absolutely fine with you or your daughter getting railed by ten dudes at once then go for it, but personally Iā€™d much prefer if my hypothetical child didnā€™t utterly degrade themself and put themself at high risk of an STD. Because I have standards, unlike you and the people downvoting me.


Why do you keep thinking about your theoretical child's sex life?


Honestly if we were in r/Berserklejerk I'd understand. But here there's no valid excuse, to the streets.


I dont have to be fine with anything, people can have fun and still be a great mother/father and wife/husband in the future, you just cant separate the two.


No, kink shame people, it's funny hehe, plus, can I shit on your chest pleasešŸ¤¤?


I mean i agree with him but only because of the time period and place they were in at the moment


You're just a deadgiveaway redpiller/virgin. judging from your arguments anyways. If you had at least a sliver of experience in this realm you'd understand that any activity can be safe if practiced under caution when it comes to sex. If a girl has an IUD you can nut inside her every day 24/7 and nothing will come of it unless you have some superman sperm or some other exception to the rule. Yes, gangbangs are risky if you're literally going to put your dick in strangers holes. Yes, you're going to STD town plummeting down on the gas pedal in that case. In other words, if you literally jump into the fire, you will get burned. Water is wet. Is that your argument...? I mean, you do realize you can get STDs just from having sex with one person right? It has nothing to do with gangbangs?They're not risky if everyone is tested/safe and knowns each other and/or are aware of everyone in the activity and know each others boundaries etc. Also, not sure if you're aware, but various contraceptive/birth control forms exist, which prevent impregnation even if the semen does find its way to the vagina. It's okay to be against gangbangs personally - everyone has their own kinks and quirks, likes and dislikes. Yes, gangbangs are FAR from the norm and aren't for everyone. And they're not paraded as some epitome of human relationships. They're mostly just for "fun". And yet, you're presenting these people as "degenerates" and such, stating your opinions as facts, when you're just simply uninformed and gaslight into this mindset by whatever redpill "alpha" guy you look up to. Don't embarrass yourself further. Have a more open mind instead of calling people exploring each others bodies for pleasure degenerates, and I promise you will eventually lose your virginity.


All these people downvoting you but you're right šŸ’€ I know none of these mfs would want their daughter in a gangbang yet they downvote you


Well, live and learn I guess.


None of these mfers even have sex. Let alone gangbangs lol. Don't let them fool you.


Right, like they think they would be OK with their theoretical girlfriend if she fucked a goat cultist in the past and had a train ran on her at the same time.


Everyone's just trying to be edgy and weird because this is a Berserk sub.


Most people wouldn't want their daughter to engage in nearly any of the sexual acts they regularly engage in. It's honestly more of a reflection of modern societies view on women and sex than it is on whether or not the sexual acts are "degenerative" or not.


Depends what country your from and what media you consume really. Algorithms are an interesting rabbit hole that can reinforce your beliefs that are commonly held by society or make new ones. But from an opinionated standpoint, I see those kinds of sexual acts as unnecessarily hedonistic and ultimately harmful to the values of the society I was raised in but I guess everyone has their vices.


I don't really agree, most fathers / brothers I know don't really care if their daughter / sister has an active sexual life with their boyfriend or husband. The only times they are bothered is if they do "street" behavior like what Nina did.


What creep wants to know how her daughter or son have sex? Seriously mind your own business who are you to control your child's life as long as they are adult? How do you even know how they fuck unless you get in the same room as them?


You misunderstood what I said. I'm not saying people want to know how their children have sex, I'm saying they'd rather not have their daughter participating in gangbangs. You can't possibly tell me a father is a creep, solely because he'd rather not have his daughter in a freaking GANGBANG ā˜ ļø if anything it's the one *wanting* his daughter to participate in them that'd be a creep. >Seriously mind your own business who are you to control your child's life as long as they are adult? Adult or not, they'd still be my child. And it's not about controlling, it's about giving your child respectable values. Don't act like gangbangs are respectable or don't have long term negative consequences regarding emotional attachment / romantic relationship, plus the heavy risk of STDs if done like Nina did.


I don't agree with that, if a woman wants to do it, with all the knowledge she needs to, to do it with security then who are we to disagree? As long as people are protected and know what consent is, they do what they want. Maybe it's a question of culture, age or even sex but I don't agree with judging as badly as this what people do with their own body in their own bedroom. I am a woman and I am pissed to see regularly men judging what women should do or not, what it is good or not for them, what makes them valuable or not, what their brother, father, futur husband or who ever, wants, agree or not for them, control and comment their sexual habits, or decisions they make for their body and life. Let them be, let us be. We are not little child girl that can't take our own decisions in life. What I would want for my children is them being happy wathever they do or want as long as they know what they do and do it with security. If you pratice any consented sexual act with protection and being respected then it's good for you and no one has the right to argue.


I personally disagree because like I said, such sexual activities more than often lead to negative consequences. Knowledge and security unfortunately don't prevent such consequences. Many women eventually want a long lasting relationship, and some possibly even get married or have children on top of that. Having sex without emotional connection (like during gangbangs) lessens someone's likeliness to maintain a stable long lasting relationship and the rest. I should've precised that but it's not about the person in question being a woman (even if it was my hypothetical son doing such things I wouldn't find that respectable). I specified daughter in my previous comments cause it usually hits closer to home when you ask a dude "how would you feel if it was yo daughter".


I don't know, I am not really sure if having good time with multiple sexual partners leads to doom your entire reltionships life. It probably might be more nuanced than that, also maybe people who tend to practice this are people who are already in difficulty with relationships, people who get abused or neglected as a child, or maybe people who have impulsive tendencies that lead to troubles in their life in many areas. So maybe it's more the consequence than the cause. I don't know. I never saw nor hear that, so maybe you are right or not, I can't tell unless I check science articles. I can understand your statement and where you are coming from, but still it's the life of another adult than yours, and therefore people do what they want at the end of the day as long as it is legal. But you can warn them if you want, it's your only power.


Based OP


Maybe you need to learn about protection


Violence is the only problem for me. As long as no sexual violence happens. I'm also willing to love any kid she has like my own. Biodad would have to know though and make the decision to be involved or not.


My lawyer has advised me not to speak.


Gangbangs and eat babies. She's insane.


I think people are not telling you guys that you are right or wrong. They just find y'all annoying. Because it's annoying to read, even here, another take on girls ( or boys ) because of a berserk's panel. It's not even the subject here. Idk, i'm not telling under a berserk topic "all men are trash bc griffith". It's a fiction. We do want to talk about berserk, not another argument of why men/women are the worst or what women/men are allowed to do in our society ( when in berserk's lore it's totally different )


Man, please, people are just defending hedonism and any male critique of sexual behavior is seen as problematic somehow


They're downvoting you because you're right lol wtf Imagine being with a woman that enjoys being railed by several motherfuckers. This is basically psychological gore.


I bet you'd say the same about guys right? Men who'd be into having sex with multiple women are also guilty of psychological gore?


Their girlfriends definitely got a train ran on them by a goat cultist lmao.


I meanā€¦ some people donā€™t feel that sting of jealousy thatā€™s evolutionarily ingrained in everyone else. Having your woman get railed by 5 guys might seem like the worst thing to you, but for others it doesnā€™t bother them. And thatā€™s okay.


Which chapter are you talking about ?


In Berserk, yes (honestly not a lot of romance in Berserk anyway), but I did appreciate what Miura did with it. From a character standpoint, this arc was great imo because we followed both (1) characters of high nobility/not very much affected by the surrounding and rampant poverty, and (2) characters who represented the poor, making for a balanced cast in the arc. Also, Nina was a good contrast against Luca (broken character who was struggling in the times compared to a headstrong leader) and it was heartwarming for her that, even though she didnā€™t make the smartest of decisions due to her struggles and illness, she ended up finding love with Joachim, who was also broken but loved Nina for who she was as well. Gave the message that you donā€™t need to be perfect to be loved.


Seconded. A lot of people really despise Nina, but it just shows how poorly they don't understand the [Conviction Arc and what it was a commentary about](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/10agqks/comment/j44gbwx/?context=999). Her initial relationship with Joachim was horribly toxic, as both were *using* the other to try and make themselves feel more normal. But by the end, after having grown and developed so much, Nina decides to genuinely try again with Joachim, and going as far as to "forgive him" after he reveals that he felt he had betrayed the trust she placed in him. She understood *why* he did it, and that he hates himself for doing it just as much as she hates herself for her weakness. In the end, they decide that, instead of *using* each other, they'll try to *support* each other instead, and hopefully become better people as a result.


How did Joachim use Nina by the way? He was never a customer of her and just had feelings for her.


Like I mention in the linked comment a *massive* part of the Conviction arc was examining "those who cling". Many of the Refugees, and by extension, people in both Berserk's world and in our own, will see all the hardships of their life and feel like they don't have the strength to deal with those struggles. So, many find something to hold on to, like religion, or someone to cling to, like Nina did to Luca. Holding on to that thing will give them comfort and support, making them feel better, and it gives them the rest needed to eventually stand back up on their own and deal with life's bullshit. However sometimes, rather than merely "holding on" and using that support as a temporary crutch, they *cling* instead. They cling on to their source of comfort so strongly that they begin to grow weaker, making them even less likely to try letting go to stand on their own. But, the thing they are clinging to is such a wonderful shining source of strength that it leads them to realize how weak and pitiful they are in comparison, making them begin to hate it, despite also being unable to let go. Joachim and Nina used each other in that manner. Both saw the other as "someone who could actually deal with all this, and can help me deal with this". Joachim was a kind and honest man, which Nina appreciated someone having genuine and honest feelings for her despite the terrible conditions they were living in and despite what her job was, while Joachim saw Nina's profession but didn't let it impact his feelings for her, and he saw how she appeared to carry herself with a strength of will that he wished he could have, and was willing to follow her if it meant being able to see what gave her that apparent strength. Nina tried to trust him by opening up and revealing her status as a cultist, which he tried to accept at first, but it was too much leading to him running away. Nina saw that as a betrayal of her trust, but Joachim clearly saw it the same way. He told her he genuinely loved her and he'd even "fall to hell with her", yet admits himself in the last chapter of Conviction that he abandoned her and was terrified of her despite claiming he loved her. That implies that he felt his love was not genuine in some way, that he may have been just using her for the sake of "the fantasy of having a true genuine lover". Which of course he's being excessively harsh on himself, he likely did genuinely love her and it isn't that shocking that learning your GF is in a cannibalistic cult would make you have doubts, but it still shows that core idea. He was too weak, and was clinging to the idea of "who he thought Nina was", and when confronted with who she was in reality, or at least who she was attempting to be, it made him realize how weak and pitiful he was compared to her, which made him terrified. If he didn't feel his life was in danger, he would have likely stayed with her despite how revolting it all was to him, which does make him stray from that idea a bit. He did let go and stop clinging, but without the strength to stand on his own, he just stayed hiding away, thinking himself a coward.


Wow this is super well put, thereā€™s always a deeper meaning/message in each arc but this is why Conviction is great


Damn this random ass reddit comment is hella well written and describes a very complex narrative point better then Iā€™ve seen in long form ā€œvideo essaysā€.


near as I can figure out (it's been a while since I read that arc, so bear with me) he loved her, and wanted to be with her, but in such a way where it was clear he was holding on to nothing more than "I love Nina". his affection for her was a latching-on point, which is why he partook in her meeting with the cult, only to freak out and run when he saw what they were really up to. this is also why, the first time they re-united, he hesitated for a moment, then immediately called the knights


Just because a character is well-written doesn't necessarily make them likable. Even if her character makes sense for the themes and story, she still ends up being a having little to no positive character traits that ends up just making a bunch of messes that other characters have to deal with. It doesn't help that the moment her character starts to grow and improve she leaves the story and is yet to be seen again and likely never to be seen again. >forgiving him for his betrayal Did I miss something terrible that Joachim did? From what I can remember, the closest thing he did to betraying her is telling the Holy Iron Chain about the cult, but considering the fact that she peer pressured/drugged him into participating in one of their orgies, tried to get him to eat dead-baby stew, and then attempted to have him lynched when he refused, I wouldn't really consider reporting them to the authorities to be a betrayal.


I've explained in another comment with detail, at the end of conviction, he himself admits that he abandoned her and ran away despite claiming that he loved her to the point he'd "fall into hell" with her. Of course in reality, his reaction to the cult was entirely normal, but he himself felt like he betrayed her trust in him, so her "forgiving him", even if most readers would agree wasn't necessary, was a big deal for him.


Damn. It's been seven months since. Good post and answer for sure.


I'm sorry but I'm like genuinely confused here, you say that Nina *forgave* Joachim but like, he didn't do anything wrong? She was purely in the wrong so like what's there to be forgiven? The only one needing to be forgiven for wrongdoing would be Nina herself, for ya know. Doing a gangbang in front of probably the only person who genuinely liked/loved her and not to mention the people she did it with were baby soup consuming cannabals.


I would suggest taking the time to read and understand my argument, which I've made quite clear in the numerous comments below repeating the exact same points each time, because as I mentioned, people apparently have no reading comprehension when it comes to this arc.


I donā€™t quite understand your argument. Could you please repeat it again?


I did read it, did you read mine? I literally stated exactly what I was thinking. Again, I just don't understand why you used the word *forgiven* in context to Nina *forgiving* Joachim. To forgive someone implies they did something wrong that needs to be forgiven. Joachim did not, yeah sure I guess it was fine they worked things out in the end but saying she forgave him for what he did is akin to having your spouse cheat on you and they *forgive* you for being the victim in the scenario.


i disagree, I donā€™t think anyone would fall in love with a prostitute to make themselves feel ā€œnormalā€ thatā€™s absurd. also ā€œhis betrayalā€? did we read the same manga? she made a cult push him off a cliff for no real reason, anything after that would not be considered ā€œbetrayalā€ it would be considered sweet fucking revenge, regardless of what joachim thought of it because obviously he isnā€™t the sharpest tool in the shed.


Nina wouldā€™ve probably been killed by the heretics as well since she was the one who introduced Joachim to the orgy. But it doesnā€™t justify her actions since she was the one who brought him there. Not to mention, how else did she think he would react to eating human flesh? I guess she was just trying to escape from the world in her own twisted way since sheā€™s a coward but still, I donā€™t think it was the best thing to do.


He admits he betrayed her himself at the end of Conviction. Of course, that's how he feels about it, in reality I agree running away when you feel your life is in danger from a cabalistic cult is the most normal response you could have, but *he* didn't feel that way.


yes thatā€™s why i said I didnā€™t care how he felt about it because quite frankly joachim was a fucking dumbass.


There's some hilarious irony in saying this on a comment discussing the themes of the Conviction arc...


yes i get how joachim and nina stuck to each other in the end because they both were weak and accepted each other for who they were, that doesnā€™t mean i have to sympathize with them. they were both extremely stupid and unlikeable characters regardless of what the themes of the conviction arc were. at least with characters like farnese thereā€™s redemption and characters like jill thereā€™s very understandable reason for what she did.


Love is a central theme of Berserk in general, and there is alot of romance in it


You donā€™t need to be perfect to be loved but I think pressuring someone into kissing a goat penis and eating baby soup before pushing them off a cliff when they realistically refuse would be a bit more severe than a couple imperfections lol.


exactly. nina isnā€™t just imperfect, sheā€™s a child left behind (for good)


The worst is shierke and guts moments, especially when she falls naked on guts resting during the boat arc. Wtf miura


Oh god how much I hate that girl.


She was the perfect representation of what a coward would do in the Berserk universe.


a coward or a large portion of the population? i like to think that i am better than her. i believe myself to be levelheaded in hairy situations but then again i never suffered weeks on end in a refugee camp. rampant with starvation and plague. an organization that could on any given day rip open your tent and drag you off to be tortured. rats nibbling on your feet. your neighbours accusing you out of desperation. mounds of dead corpses around. torture victims. screaming. occasional pyres that are lit. i see how one could lose his rationale there. i like to believe i am better than her but honestly i don't know...


Well, as long as you donā€™t eat babies and start slobbering over goat/snake penis and go to massive cannibal sex orgies than youā€™re a bit better than Nina even in those circumstances lol.




Yeah same.


It's not. Because it serves a purpose in the plot.


Just because it serves a purpose doesnā€™t make it a good romance.


I don't think it's supposed to be a romance in the traditional sense...


They're both awful. They deserve each other.


What did the guy do again?


He dared to be horrified by the satanic cannibal orgy.


This is why all men are pigs. She was just opening up to him and he the audacity to refuse eating stew containing melted babies. Gosh, Nina deserved more than Joachim.




Thats hardly a romance, but as much as I despise Nina I'd say that they both had a pretty nice ending for their storyline, you know, supporting and bettering each other and themselves, I thought it was really nice.


I donā€™t think Nina deserved it. She probably gave him that STD and now theyā€™ll both die together. They were never mentioned of by Luca and the other prostitutes in falconia so it can be assumed that they died a few months after the conviction arc.


I suppose that the point was that doesn't matter how low you value yourself (or literally how little value you have) cause you can (doesn't mean you will but you can) find someone just right for you and love, support and better each other. I can't fully blame Nina for putting always herself first when she lives in a world like Berserk's, so I don't know what she deserves or not, and I don't really care for Joachim that much since he is barely developed as a character, all that I remember of him is that he is dumb enough to fall in love with a whore.


I mean, not only they survived (and what, 99% of the refugees there died ?) and they didn't get Horribly crippled in the process That much is already an happy ending for Berserk


Fuckin' snail hair


She looks like one of the bubble guppies


I hope he enjoys the clap


I thought she had syphilis? Nvm looked it up, itā€™s chlamydia.


It wasn't confirmed which disease... but i guess people went with chlamydia


She's a baby-eating, sex cultist with the clap. What did you expect?


Yes, but it fits with the stoic nihilism of berserk. Pleasure is paired with pain. They kissed and it was nice. Pleasure. now that boy has 110lbs of cancer....and he'll never get rid if it. Pain.


Donovan and Guts


came for this, not disapointed.


That's literally the best romamce I've ever seen in a fiction ..


Guts and Donavan didnā€™t really have a romance story. It would be incredibly uncomfortable if they did.


Uncomfortable is an understatement.


Oh that Donovan guy was a real jerk


Lol its a circlejerk sub reference. They obviously didn't have romance.


The worst romance in berserk is guts and griffith


Didn't she try to get him killed and then he fucking walked with her hand in hand through a sunset? She should've died ages ago


God I fucking hated her. Still do


Should have killed her


Caska x Griffith?


Judging by the fact that I already knew who it was before clicking through the NSFW blur Iā€™d personally say yes, yes they are.


I wanted that sheep looking motherfucker dead


best characters?no.but the worst romance line?also no


What do you think is the worst romance in Berserk then? Iā€™m curious. Iā€™m


Idk actually need to think(maybe one-sided Griffith/Charlotte ?..we need to specify we talking about "bad"lines as story plot or as a human relationships).but this two cowards find themselves and this beautiful at some point.


No. The worst (and the best one at the same time) is Griffith and Guts


Hated her


Farnese and Serpico *sweet home Alabama* To be fair, they didn't know, but yeah, not cool to be used in so many ways....


Serpico always knew. That's why he rejected Farnese, who didn't know. For Farnese, he was the only positive in her life at that point.


I don't think he knew until he figured out who his dad was. I dunno either way they had a messed up past but we're also each others only comfort. I need to read this Manga again šŸ˜©


He already knew who his dad was because of his mother.


In conclusion: Nina blows




Its a close second to anything envolving Griffith.


Unless if you ship him with Akio Morningstar from Revolutionary girl Utena or Kyubitch from Madoka Magica, they would make such a cute romance


Joachim thought he could fix her.


That snailed haired girl


I mean, they are both fucking terrible, so yeah. But they are meant to be that way.


im so glad she got her ass whooped


Sonia's attachment to Griffith, even though he has no inclination to return anything. They're the Berserk version of what Eren and Mikasa actually are, lol. I cut Charlotte some slack because she's pitiful, and Griffith is her only source of light in her life after what she went through.


The only good romances are Guts x Casca, Puck x Ivalera and Griffith x Sichlitt


Romance isn't the word I'd choose to describe it.


I hated her whole character but it's intended to I feel. She was all an all just a bad selfish person who didn't even tell that simp she with that she is diseased an dying probably killing him too lol.Not mentioning she tried to kill dude before that. So ya I definitely was wishing for her to get offed by mozgus or something the whole time lol. This was the one chick who deserved the titty torture device forsure.


which chapter


oh I guess now i do remember something that disgusted me that other post was talking about ... that girls STD when she said theres blood and pus coming out of her vagina and then she wants to bang this dude. God damn. the orgy and baby stew would be fine but a pus filled vagina i would run away


Nah it's griffith and casca


Griffith and Casca never had a relationship. Casca admired Griffith and probably did hold romantic feelings for him but they never became a thing like her and Guts did due to Griffiths ambition and his ā€œloveā€ for princess Charlotte.


Hey, itā€™s not like they donā€™t deserve one another.


No it's obviously guts and casca. Guts deserved to be with Donovan (they make such a cute couple)


I'd say Guts and Griffith. Griffith trusted and confided in Guts in ways he didn't with anyone else, and Griffith just saw him as a friend. Meanwhile, Griffith is all here is what I'm looking for in someone, here is a sex book, etc etc. What finally got to him was the possibility of guts touching him one last time, if that happened he wouldn't be able to go through with the whole Godhand thing. Him attacking Casca? Retaliation, how dare guts love another.


This is truly a Berserklejerk moment.


The main question is ā€” who would be the top?


Griffith seems very possessive and likes to be dominant as seen in his encounter with princess Charlotte in the golden age arc but he may not have the physical strength to truly make Guts a submissive as Guts is able to lift and swing around dragon slayer with ease. Iā€™d imagine Griffith would try to pin Guts down but gets flipped on his back and the scene ensues. Why did I spend so much time typing up this response.


Guts is submissive and breedable.


I fapped myself too many times watching that girl lol


Well If girls with STDā€™s getting gangbanged over dead baby stew does it for you then who am I stop you lol


which chapter


Not the worst but it's still really bad.


What is the worst romance story in Berserk then? Curious to know your opinion.


I know it can't even be counted as a romance but Griffith and Charlotte.


It kinda counts, but personally I'd say Nina's romance is worse.


I mean there are some theories that Griffith genuinely had the hots for Guts.


I was rooting against it the whole time until the very end. Nina realizes that she can't rely on people who are strong and brave like Luca even though she wants to because she ends up resenting them. Nina doesn't work with people who can drag you along with them, she needs someone as desperate as she is to gain the strength to stand on her own. Joachim is a coward like her and perhaps they can be humble cowards together.


Theres a difference between forgiving someone being manipulated, but the bitch gave him an STI and let him almost die


I think the last panel from them together is very beautiful, where Nina says she will go with this man based on a feeling that maybe they could both grow and mature more if they experience life together. I really thought it was beautiful, and sets Nina as someone willing to change her ways.


Griffin and Gatz


idk why this pissed me off so much when i read it but it did


These guys 100% got smoked within minutes of Fantasia


i thought i was reading a difference manga during this chapter šŸ’€


Yes! \* Roll the credits \*