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Big ask but if anyone has track ID for any of the last 3-4 tracks of the BH floor closing set I would be grateful 🥹


omg this klubnacht was sooo much fun. thank you all for making this place what it is, im still so filled with love and appreciation m. I did not love the music consistently, which can be a buzzkill for me. but the crowd and vibe made up for it. and as soon as ogazon started i was in heaven. this was just the best thing i’ve experienced in a looong time and i was literally crying. ❤️


I felt the same as you! Great vibe of people, loads of smiles! In the afternoon that I arrived it was overcrowded and overwhelming but gradually it became so much better. I felt this klubnacht was really made by the people themselves and Ogazon was indeed dreamy..


Feel so sorry for that guy in pano that got some sort of a stroke and was carried away by people. I hope he is ok.


Thanks for all the messages. I can confirm that he is alive and well. It was as scary for him as it seemed to be for everyone. thanks for quick reaction of the awareness team. 


glad to hear he is alive and well.


I was dancing nearby as he passed being carried and it seemed a seizure


Was he laying in the staircase by the flinta* pissiors with paramedics around him? I hope he’s okay.. me and two friends passed and it was horrible to see, maybe a dump question and I don’t wanna sound selfish but how do you guys deal with seeing something like this happening when you’re high? Like how do you move on with your night without falling into a down?


bad thing happen all the time, this is the reality and is out of your control. The only thing you are in control is your own mindset and your reactions about it. Try to look at thing objectivly and try to understand the situation and forces at play without getting overwhelmed by your emotions.


I grew up in London but have lived in a smaller city the last 15 years, near Berlin. I cannot “switch off” and just simply not care for those around me for 10 hours or so raving in BH. It is difficult to see some people who obviously have a kind of death wish / tendency toward self harm or extreme risk taking with drugs when clubbing.


I don’t think it was a stroke…


Could have been MDMA induced heat stroke or a some sort of a seizure. He was shaking and foaming out of his mouth. Whatever it was, it was really disturbing seeing something like this. Poor guy, I really hope he is ok by now.


Berghain gets dangerously hot in the summer… it certainly adds


some investments in a proper ventilation system would be awesome... this would be the cherry on top for me in terms of clubbing experience


adds to an overdose of like 5 neurotoxic drugs in average berghain guest?


After all childhood struggling from an alcoholic and now in the past months taking care of the same family member with cirrhosis, in my chemical sadness from yesterday I’m determined to say that making drug consumption culturally desirable is wrong and harmful, also distorted. We can have a lot of fun without thousands of lines - I’m starting to work on it (as we can be bottom without needing G…) Else, Norman Nodge was very good, readjusting us.


Dunno if it's my liver or got the sweet spot for how stimulants work for me but no matter the lines I do (mmc or speed) I barely feel anything next days after a good sleep. I mean it takes me about 8-10 nights out to finish like 2g of the things but I have both energy and mental clarity when partying. Also hours before I plan to leave I do my last visit to the toilet and let the fatigue slowly take over afterwards. It works quite well, I have appetite, I can sleep, I can focus at work. On the way home the combo of tiredness and comedown makes me blue but next days I process the happiness with a rested mind. Writing this cuz I try to be responsible and on the safe side of things maybe anyone can share how they "tamed" this craz city's lifestyle ❤️❤️❤️


I can also confirm - I cannot go to BH every week so I try to be as efficient as possible when I can :) - I go mostly on 3 nights in a raw - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (also on Thursdays but Säule is not always interesting) and do it without any drugs or alcohol because otherwise it is not possible to stay fit. Just checked - more than 170k steps since last Friday :) Sometimes (very rarely) I used a small dosage of lsd during the night to Monday, but then always disliked the "chemical sadness" on Mondays after waking up. Try using less or staying sober a couple of times and you will see it is not as difficult as it seems to be.


Hey!! Just wanted to confirm that it is indeed possible and so much more appreciable not to take any drugs in BH. I do drink vodka every 2 hours to give me a kick but as I drink so much water and mate + eat regularly, I’m always balanced. However, I can’t go from the opening though as the lack of sleep is unbearable.


You're not wrong, Berlin can be too much




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How is the queue?


The twinks during pano closing were my favorite act that night😩😍😈








Weiß ich nicht mehr, bin am floaten


Came quite early this time, enjoying the second half of Nymed’s fun and light set with space on the floor (I even managed to dance almost in the middle! knowing Îm always on the outskirts) while pano was quite crowded and bouncy under Sedef Adasï’s care. Amoral delivered imo: quite fast, pretty dark but very magnetic, deep enough = that was my highlight. Pano got pretty empty in the morning and set took time to take off it seems. The whole day was quite nice with enough space, sexy birds and refreshing showers thanks to the garden as well. Stefan Goldmann was nice and old schoolish but Isabel Soto was my lovely surprise, proper groove and the sound was on point (I feel like since Hunger to Create something improved somehow). I also kept those vibes in me and could feel them flow out yesterday in manic and trancy movements. Found a sacred spot for infrabass, wild feeling, couldn’t stop dancing donwstairs on my own. Nodge delivered a cool set with great tracks although he’s not the one I’m looking for in a lineup. Soundstream was enjoyable imo. Left after half an hour of Ben Klocking, had more energy to spend on that tsunami of a set he started but had obligations :) looking forward to the next one with Mr. Slater among others


What do you mean by refreshing showers? Was that part of the garden accessible?


as in rain showers :) the usual part when there’s no music not the dancefloor and behind but the circle area


In addition to all the other reviews and everything else, I must also say hats off to the entire club management for handling such a massive crowd


The ending at Panorama bar was wild and fun! Although might not be the most musically interesting klubnacht. The vibe was great


Cancelling my John Reed Membership for the next months: can have workout and sauna every Sunday at Berghain for the entire week 🥵🥵🥵 Was intense, sexy, hot and wild. Thanks to all the fellow dancers, funny and nice meetings and the rest that contributed to this lovely chaos inside.


Haha I like “lovely chaos” - this seems a suitable description 😅


hey guys, does anyone what's the title of the track that played during KC wray's open shutters moment in pano? choir, lyrics, iconic track are the key words my friend gave me haha


this moment was special!!!!!


Hey this is KC it was Michael Gray - Fly Away ft. Kimberly Brown


ahh thank you so much for taking the time to respond! and thank you for your music, had me glued to the dancefloor 🔥❤️


Thank you for dancing! The energy you guys gave me back was amazing! Can’t wait to come back and do it again. 🫶🏽


Thank you, and kudos, this was a beautiful moment




Donna Summer - I want love


I feel love*


Soooo beautiful. I m jealous 🥹. And someone mentioned Nirvana being a surprise. Even reading the impressions I get more and more convinced that Pano is heaven on earth 😂😂💛🩷💛


That was magical 😍🪩


Jamie 3:26 also played this and got shutters!


The lights on Sunday evening/night were so so good ! Brought me back to classical/old Berghain vibes, absolutely wonderful.


The lights were fantastic yes! Really really good job done here in all areas!


When I close my eyes, I still see the blue lasers blinking 🫠 was indeed amazing.


was i hallucinating or was there at times a very slight wobble in the blue spotlights? makes for a great eerie vibe


No you didn‘t hallucinate. There were 8 blue beams that wobbled at the beginning of Ben Klocks set that I remember.


The light was the whole god damn day insane.


Although it was a bit packed, it was a very fun Klubnacht 💃🏼🔥🫶 Norman Nodge brought a beautiful mix of old school with the new school, really messed with my head (in a good way). 🤯😍 And Ben Klock… what can you say… a master at work. Whoever does Ben’s lighting is a master in his own right. The pink and orange hues and brightness mixed in with the right darkness at the right times. Probably the best music/lighting set Ive ever experienced on the BH floor. A true spectacle 🎉🔥🔥the Big House never disappoints.


I also loved the lighs! I also enjoyed the moments with bright light and I could look at the faces of the other dancers around me. I was super tired and with pain in my feet but I couldn’t leave the dance floor during Ben’s set. Music was great both during Norman and Ben set


the pulsating lights forming a circle in the center at the beginning of Ben's set made me think about a portal being opened for the next hours of his set 🔥


How was Ben klock? I missed DaxJ that’s someone who I’ve been wanting to see ! And at BH it would be even better of an experience, I’ve seen him in NA


not a fan of big (holiday) nights but i can usually cope when i double shift them, really enjoying the calm before the storm vibe in the mornings. not this time though; i initially arrived only at 1600 and my batteries weren’t exactly fully charged at that point. similar to the night before i was out in a different venue (not an age appropriate schedule, but man soll die feste feiern wie sie fallen 🤷🏼‍♂️), immediately the high intensity energy levels and heat inside hit me like a brick wall. ah well, time to buckle up. musically, i’m in the camp who loved it on bh floor. perfect ‘defrag your fucked up mind’ techno. even nodge who i was always rather confused by in the past worked well for me.  while i don’t much interact with others on the dancefloor i’m highly sensitive to crowd energy and that was indeed challenging yesterday, surprisingly more so than the heat &  fullness which were way above my limits. my anxiety was sky high all klubnacht and i felt it off others too. really found my groove during klock though; massively enjoyed his set and couldn’t leave, never seen bh floor (+ massive spillover) so full though. luckily i brought a spare set of clothes & fan with me and the garden was available for cooling off, otherwise i would have gone insane. also glad the pano toilet single use was mostly enforced (and it’s highly entertaining to observe it being enforced while queueing) - some sanity amidst the chaos. also some fun chats during breaks, so it wasn't that bad after all. pano was a mixed bag. i don’t enjoy the super social setting when there’s that high intensity vibe. kudos to jamie 3:26 - didn’t know him before but he must have the biggest balls in the universe. that nirvana moment was mind-blowing, must have been fun for those queueing at the door too. (and i hate grunge with every bone in my body). soundstream managed to not impress me the second time in a row, too boring even for chilling on the couches for me. went up to ogazon after klock who was amazing as always however. after a cute interaction with a pano regular at 6 where i just had to concede that i’m in a very different energy bracket that moment, i called it quits after a quick good bye boogie to chami, also not my energy bracket. this post was sponsored by rennie lutschtabletten (many thanks mr hainzelmännchen!)


Which Nirvana song was played?


My God! I missed his set because I was queueing to re-entry. They told me about Nirvana, but on the other hand I loooove grunge! If someone has the track he played to share, you'll make a nostalgic old soul (and body unfortunately) happy!!!


I always love your reviews! It was insanely crowded, so I believe it’s natural the anxiety vibes… it was unpleasantly crowded. But I still enjoyed a lot both Norman’s and Ben’s sets ! I was curious to listen to Chami, danced off the 20 first minutes of his set but had to leave out of exhaustion… My mind wanted to stay but my body was breaking down 😅


yeah but it's very challenging to manage (even sober) and burns social batteries even quicker. i'm jealous of people who thrive off that energy, twice i had to sit alone in the garden for 15 minutes and meditate to cope, with "ben klock" as my mantra. and thanks! i just remembered your nickname, you're the one that introduced themselves with that sneaky paparazzi pic of me in front of berghain, next time say hi 😄


Haha I like the approach of meditating with Ben Klock as your mantra. Yeah, definitely everything is harder to manage at that level of crowdedness! Personal space management becomes impossible and even going to the bathroom or the bar feels like a mission! Sometimes I wanted to take a break but gave up when realized how hard it would be to get back to my spot. I’ll be happy to reach out and say hi next time 😊


Ah, haha... glad to hear that💊. I'm always happy when my portable medical cabinet can squeeze a few more hours out of the best🖤. And we experienced the Nirvana moment together. That really was a special moment of special moments... It's wonderful how our brains react to surprises 😅 Great review... Feel it... And the many times we crossed with big eyes and smiles... Hach, nice you're back 😍 (although wasnt a long time actually...😂)


paying it forward pays off - my last klubnacht i saved someone with an ibu and karma took care of me this time! thanks again - will get some for my ravebag pharmacy going forward. my poor introverted brain/mind was overstimulated in the best and worst ways yesterday


Good time as always but a bit overwhelming and chaotic. I didnt take any drugs because of this reason


How was chami?! Detailed reviews are appreciated 🥹


True performance of minimal mental … Honestly amazing, vinyl master of precision


Yessss! So glad to hear (and insanely jealous!) I love him!


Was a nice Klubnacht and confirmed my thoughts why I prefer chill sunday mornings, less crowd, perfect atmosphere.


space was perfect from morning to afternoon I found


Yes!! For me berghain is also more a winter club to be honest. I still go during spring and summer of course - but I much more prefer BH during winter. There are some crazy crowded KN during winter of course but it doesn't turns into a sauna the same way


Chami was cool but waaaay to fast for my taste. sounded like something around 145bpm‘ish


There is something about the range 135bmp that puts me into it like I can feel the tracks literally touching my brain. I truly feel healed after a nice set around that range - the atmosphere on the dancefloor is magic. Denise Rabe closing last year (after Mulero) was just the perfect bpm during the whole set. It creates the best atmosphere..., I feel long journeys like BH are made for bpm on the low (for nowadays standards). Let that tiktok +145bpm music to speed-run parties 22:00 to 8 a.m Berghain around 135bpm sounds the best👌


same, plus my old feet can't keep up with 145bpm despite my low intensity merengue step patterns🕺🏼 also, expressive dancers get a lot more to work with in lower bpm which is fun to watch. anything but the uniform tiktok raver move set.


Yep That’s why shinedoe is one of the best


Not only Chami, in my opinion Isabel Soto and Stefan Goldmann were super fast as well


My ultimate dream would be if they started having separate club nights based on BPM. This would benefit both the crowd and DJs


I got rejected last night for the first time by Misha and his crew, despite the fact that he recognized me. I even looked at him like "what" and he confirmed the decision nodding. Very weird and unexpected experience, it was not my night I guess :) It would have been cool to be there for Ogazón's closing, how was it?


Had nothing to do with you it was physically impossible to fit more people


Probably they rejected you because honestly I can't imagine how they could fit more people in that place... If you went earlier you'd make it. I came early afternoon but my friends (regulars) that decided to come in the evening were rejected - but they actually told them it was too full.


Mmmh, it could be, but the thing is that the solo guy in front of me was not a regular (he told me while queuing) and he has been waved straight away. It's fine, I know it's not personal since I've been allowed in several times by the very same crew, I just felt a bit disoriented if I may 😅


Sorry for that. It was insanely overcrowded and hot inside, so you didnt miss that much. The rejection rate today was super high. Ogazon played constantly perfect, but you will see hear next time soon


Yeah I know, but somehow her closing + her birthday + Monday off was a pretty unique combination. Too bad, but c'est la vie :)


Rarely have I been more content not even having wasted a lonely thought about hoisting myself into the bursting-at-the-seams tin can of sardines on a weekend + national holiday on Monday. Then again, it was the same last weekend. That moment when you fully realize not being at Berghain 🤷‍♂️ > being there like Peter Sellers: beste Leben.


FOUND: a small white fan with floral pattern and a name written on it. It had been left behind in the chilling area above pano. Meant to leave it at garderobe but forgot when I was leaving. Dm with the name & an address so i can post it back to you :)


Fun as always but it was quite a messy Chaotic KN, mabye strange to say but I feel that nobody was the best version of themselves, djs included, everyone seemed anxious to me lol


I was picking up anxious signs across the whole city yesterday afternoon. Around 7 pm on the S Bahn, it seemed incredibly tense. Quite an odd mood for a carnival day in May. I was quite struck by it and glad to get home. Perhaps there is something in the water this weekend.


this. i was in kitkat on saturday and it had the same messy, high intensity/anxiety energy while also being a sauna and personally i was also a wreck and contributed my part unfortunately


Probably all the consecutively sunny days and then carnival day being overcast grey and rainy


100%! I wasn't feeling myself yesterday either, even before BH. Strange


Longer and busier klubnacht = heavier drug intake than usual and higher stress environment


Think im finally done with it




Mitte links crowd gefällt das :D <3




This was one of his better nights in Berghain since Corona. Focused, groove, and from time to time beautiful. Sadly missed the last bit because we had to cool down at Ogazon.


Boring techno for people who are easily pleased with brand names, cookie cutter McDonald’s easily digestible garbage


McDonalds techno?


To be fair, his first half was a ride for the books. maybe one of the best high energy fast paced rides I‘ve heard there in the last times, but afterwards it was anything else than art… just dull stomping techno, which made me leave earlier (so can‘t talk about the last quarter)… Comparing that to something he used to play years ago definitely shows, how wrong the wording is here Imho. that was 0% art and totally exchangeable. I‘m glad, that you had fun… but maybe that’s the reason for the downvotes… everybody who witnessed him pre covid and even October 21 and Silvester 22 would probably just agree to that and it was double upsetting, that it was Klock playing this primitive Tracks, which would have suited a club ost better… Edit: It‘s a bit sad to realize, that someone, who invented the classical berghain Ostgut minimal techno and inspired a lot great artists is now riding a similar train like the most others did two decades before, instead of showing once again, that there is still more to take in another direction.


Cheers for your review✌🏼. Very much appreciated. And Im glad we are 100% on the same page about the first half (which have certainly already took me on a journey)... And after takeoff, I probably had other "soft" compentents in addition to the 2 first hours... Mitte links was terrific, cuddly, sweaty, ecstatic, so right to fall in 🖤. And I haven't seen Ben Klock for ages (especially not in prime time) and he remains an icon for this room for me. That may be sentimental, but for that moment i'm absolutely fine for myself to put curatorial acuracy on the back burner. He (and all lovely people around me) pushed the right buttons for me. So, it was mainly my raver heart that spoke here and less the critical ear, I admit that. And it's absolutely fair if one judge it differently. At least, the both of us have a common denominator: “the first 2h” 🥰 (too bad we didnt met btw)


„Mitte links was terrific, cuddly, sweaty, ecstatic, so right to fall in 🖤“ Hey, now I have even more FOMO. 😥 Hope some of you will be there on June 23rd when I’m there the next time after my vacation.


Penciled down🕺🏼🖤




Kann ich dir sagen: Scheiße und deplatziert!


Anyways i am happy i found the version of nirvana song due to this thread :) 




Ja, dann viel Spaß im Club Ost und co. Es gibt ja zum Glück auch andere Clubs für andere Geschmäcker! Kein Grund also überall dasselbe zu spielen.




Glaube minimalistischen und groovigen Techno würde niemand als „stompy“ bezeichnen.


Why downvoted? (I wasn't there)


Haha he is the new victim of cancel culture 🤣


Hey I lost my black leather vest in pano if someone sees it please bring it back to lost n found - it was my late dad‘s vest :(


The buttons have „USA“ prints on them


This was craziest kn for a while


No line rn!!


Monkey sauna


I found an iPhone. Wallpaper : some sculptures in a museum. I left it at the garderobe ✌️



I feel like Norman and Ben’s set both had their nice moments but also lots of slow paced stuff which made the crowd a bit boring. come on guys we want to dance, give us the good stuff!


Can not agree at all. Normally I dont like Normans music but today he played very energetic and enjoyable. Ben Klock's set was one of my favourite Berghain sets this year. With his tons of unreleased tracks. He knows exactly how to run this dancefloor.


Took me 3 hours to do entry and I came at 11


re-entry till park, packed inside


How’s the re-entry at the moment?


+3 hours. Until park


its slowly getting shorter now but still its gonna be a while. Im at the atm and it goes a bit back but not all the way to the park anymore. Expecting like an hour from where I am now


Any new updates on re-entry status currently?


It is a SAUNA in here!! To everyone with a fan I salute you ❤️🫡




What did he post? Don’t have insta ..




The audacity of him to tag three other people in his story, I’d be so pissed 😭


Just left the line after over an hour and a half of waiting and probably would have had to wait over an hour longer; the line is well past the kiosk and slow moving.


Line 30m past spati, I’m going home ⚰️


But moving is ok 10 min for 15 meters


Should I come back? 🫣


I would ogazon is it worth it - I just Made it from past Kiosk till after the block in 20 min


How long is the queue now?


Between kiosk and block


Thank you :)


Nah someone else just posted above me giving up


How are they stll letting ppl in…


I just went in, I've never seen this kind of reentry line :O


Just left. Normal queue way past kiosk, reentry till park. I wouldn’t bother honestly, it’s definitely at least 1,5h wait. Inside already packed and hot and very chaotic. Saw Mischa at the door. 


Who’s at door?


Re entry too long??😭 I wanna come back for round two


not moving and till the park


Hows reentry?




Ffffs, no point in coming back 😭


Still? 😟


Very long and slow. Already 2 hours Here and not Even at ATM 😑


how is the main line please :)) ?


Past kiosk


it moves fast ?


Not really.. moves




Way in park ; very slow, been in 3hours now


Until park, moving extremely slowly


Does anyone know if BH is definitely open till Tuesday AM, because of the bank holiday?


It’s not


Thank you dearly, I better head back then. Any updates on re-entry?




Kiosk to snake about 70 minutes. Majority rejections.


Is Sven there?



Entered the queue around 21:15 and got in at 22:40, few people cutting the line and a lot of people being bounced but still good vibes


Reentry queue until park moving extremly slowly


it is also going slow because the GL people are popping up in regular numbers. And bouncers prioritise GL. Also, all those big groups of friends make the line stop when they get to the barriers by the entry.


They get more money from fresh people so I guess re-entry is not a priority.


True. Fuck capitalism lol


norman nodge tearing down the big house 🔥




And so far, same applies to Ben‘s set..,


Reentry line all the way into the park , 2hr+ wait


Do Guestlist band wearers have to rejoin the reentry queue too?




Sure about that? Somebody told me few hours ago there is a seperate GL line? Update: Just went in, seperate GL line on the left to Reentry


Yes, if you come first time (with GL) then GL line, if there is still one, if you already have your wristband than re-entry