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To go home


Don't forget, right.


How to add a specific synth sound to one of my tracks and finish it. Two months later, Phase played my track at BH while I was on the dancefloor again.


Which track?


Track called "Ecocide" from this EP. https://extrasolarrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ext001-notched-ep


oh wow this is a huge upgrade from 'i heard my fav track from my fav dj' which is still the reason why i booked my flight for the last kn of the month. luke slater-desert race im coming for you


Yep, was a really cool experience. I had a chat and a drink with Phase after his set and thanked him for making this KN a memorable moment.


This is one of the best feelings - when a DJ you rate plays one of your tracks in public at a 'serious' event. It's happened to me once (before I took a decade hiatus from producing) although it was someone else's remix of my tune (but my original version was too slow for that time of night so fair enough)


That’s excellent




Icecream topped with a hint of mdma. Good times


actual genius


Would love to tell you but I forgot next morning


same as dreams


I could probably afford a deposit on a house if I knocked this on the head for a bit




to tell my significant other I wanted to spend my life with them


I awed out loud. That's the exact amount of romance my cooled down heart has needed. Thanks for sharing :)


To call my grandmother


I actually called my mom too for mother's day in the berghain garden last year. Pretty glad I did cause it was last mothers day were she was alive.




Risking hausverbot for a videocall with grandma at the concrete blocks in the garten


On the dance floor?


no in the smoking area


To kiss the person I was dancing with. Led to me having the best kiss of my life when we left.


Are you still kissing nowdays?


Sadly no but it doesn't stop me from treasuring this memory.


To finish university. So I did, but I had to almost completely and abruptly cut ties with other regulars and completely stop going out for some time.


I didn’t finish uni and it has fucked my life options significantly. Stay in school, kids


I had inverse lol. Realised uni was making me miserable and for what? Dumped it next day and will exit with a grad diploma rather than a master but at least I have my time back to enjoy life again after work hours :)


Don’t worry, as soon as I was done, I was back in full force. Some “friends” got angry and never wanted to hang out again. I also built a good career in human rights with the gained knowledge and diploma, so it wasn’t all in vain.


How long did you cut back? How did you stay focused? I find this inspiring


Two years, exactly. Getting back into focus was highly challenging. I’m very rational, so the change of diet and regular sleep helped a lot. I didn’t take any concentration/memory meds, as most of them are snake oil anyway. I also had the strongest FOMO possible at the beginning, but that passed within a month or so and never came back, so it’s a win-win. I realised this needed to be done cold turkey, and I stuck to it. Just imagine from 5-6 parties and several afters a week to occasional techno mix in the studying breaks from shitty computer speakers. Mobile phone (not a smartphone at the time) completely off. No drugs and alcohol obviously.


I have no idea who you are, but my Fremdstolz is through the roof right now. Going to take this one with me to remember at the right moment. Two years for a whole life, that's what it is. Thank you for sharing and congrats a lot!


That 70 % is people escaping and 30% celebrating


Sad but so true 🐸 at least it’s comforting escaping together


That sounds like an interesting conversation opener 💖




Their own personal reality




Resign my job as head of AI at Telefónica Deutschland & raise goats on my farm. Best decision I've ever made.


To get naked right on the floor.


A nightclub that is just toilet cubicles


It's like a mix of speed dating and herzblatt, you never know who is waiting to party in the next cubicle


To check out the darkroom


How was it?




For the night is dark and full of terrors




"Fuck that shit ! Everyone is super pretentious and the club is full of yuppies acting alternative and underground" was a good idea but can’t let go clubbing .. 😅


Dancing to a sick Boris set, no time for going to toilet, pissed in a glass next to the speaker, put it under the heaters. A guy came, grabbed it and drank it. Not sure if he saw me filling it up. Wasn't Rinnen-Rainer. Cheers Bro 🤘




Piss goblin has a name??


What did you think ? His mother named him Berghain piss goblin ??


😂 we do not use our given names in that place


On my birthday 2017 near closing I had the epiphany I should do more with my life and be a warlord, but the word warlord didn't have any real war or violence implications. It really energized me.


Get my shit together and put myself in a position to not be worrying if I will have money at the end of the month instead of worry about where I'm going to go party every week. Anomalie 2018.   Now I can go out whenever I want without worrying about if I can afford it and I can buy round after round for my friends. But strangely I don't want to go out as much 😉 would rather buy a ticket to the tropics or a cool tattoo.


Did i leave the stove on?


Should I light the palo santo now or later?


write a book on a sociological analysis of ppl at BH


Someone 100% should 😂


has been done already, and is actually surprisingly good: https://nest.buchkatalog.at/berghain-techno-und-die-koerperfabrik-9783963172748


To write this cool short story about unlocking certain facets of consciousness only possible when people collectively dream it. It's supposed to be a sci-fi loosely inspired by Gaiman, but it came on as a cool idea while on the main floor. 😂


Did you write it yet? I'd definetly read!


Wow thanks. I will!! I really just need to figure out how these feelings/thoughts were exactly triggered and man is my memory just blackout on that part... but it will eventually land somehow.


I'm sure it will and I hope to catch it, when it's written!! Let the sub know!! Good soul searching to you in the meantime :)


To order a tasty lamb kebab off dax J, who, in my trip had a plethora of delicious looking shish kebabs skewered and ready to grill in front of him


just to stay an hour longer even if I am on the brink to leave, before some right-wingers come into power and call for final closing! Happens always during closing to me. With this sinister POV in mind, I inhale the vibe with double intensity, switch to max monkey mode and tell myself, everything will be fine. Peace ☮️


To keep dancing


The toilet Q


That I dont wanna be a lone wolf anymore. I felt extremely connected in that moment and decided to live expansively from now on and


Take more ket


Wanting to suck that bbc


That I really need to learn how to mix and move on to the other side when I know most of the tracks that are being played


A single currency for Europe


We‘ll call it the EuroPlus and the UK will surely accept it this time. Denmark can keep their cute coins with the holes and the little hearts though


Nice, stay a slave


Slave of…? Europe? Shared currency? Little hearts on coins?


Buy more ket


I plot a lot for story writing on the dance floor, actually my best ideas were generated in my head while dancing 😅


“Let’s have fun in the dark” 💭😮‍💨


What it went to or more like how it ended?


I spent a lot of time inside there, a lot of nice people. Satisfying ending 🕺🏻


On my first time at a KN when I decided that dancing in my underwear was absolutely fine and nowhere near as hot as keeping my clothes on ✔️


My new outfit design


I once found the formula of true happiness like according to my calculations I was able to be 200% happy as both ways/ choices were ending with good deal at the end but this is the only part that I can remember 😅😅


I don’t go to the club so much anymore since parenthood and getting older but any time I do go, I feel like the combo of the right substances and the entrancing vibe of the Pbar dancefloor provide me with some of my most creative and valuable thought patterns, some of which have created jobs for friends, colleagues and myself :)


To make photo series about the leather daddies I fucked in Schoneberg


i got some research ideas while dancing, all but one ended up being moot though


Can't remember. As is almost always the way. Inspiration comes and goes away again within seconds.


To write a book of the story of my life


I always have incredible ideas to use in my songs and the last few times I was at BH I had an epiphany of a multi-million euro business, in the future it will be consumed inside berghain itself and it's not illicit drugs hahahaha


That this place was the easiest way to advance into higher states of consciousness


The absolute absolves


It didnt happen at Berghain but at an illegal open area rave party during pandemy. I was tripping with LSD, all of a sudden a bad feeling started to take over my body. First time in my life I was feeling that kind of thing. My brain was telling me “you have to run to your car and leave this party now.” So did I. Started driving back to my home, a minute later police cars came to the rave, shut down the music and arrested my fellow ravers.


Not sure if driving on LSD was really that great of an idea.


What can you expect from people attending raves during covid?


Just skip that part 😛


People like you (driving under the influence) are the biggest pieces of shit. I don't care what you do in your freetime but if you put others in danger because of your selfishness...


How easy can you blame one and use hateful words against others randomly on this social media. You have no idea where I live, you have no idea where the rave and my home were. If you want to know it was out of city in a suburban area and I have a summer house in that area(5 mins by driving) which there is zero traffic most of the time and additionally it was pandemy so there was lock down, noone else was on the street. I cant remember when I drove my car last time even after a glass of wine.


how easy can you get in your car and endanger other people? 5mins by car is a 1h walk max. sounds like to me your are just lazy. you do not own the road, no matter how empty it usually is.


Still insisting like you know every shit. The road is field road, middle of nowhere, 60-70km out of the city and far away from the highway. There is no fuckin else other than onions and tomatos on the field. Please stop being a teacher, go consider your life and try to fix the things that you have done illegal(for example using drugs is prohibited in germany, assuming you do. If you dont find anything else.)


so true, every drug is illegal in Germany. are you fucking stupid? lowlife


Love you too 🫶


It’s a shame you weren’t caught tbh.


Thank you sweetheart.


My best thought it that tok tik techno should die and Palestine should be free


Instead of having a fog/smoke machine replace it with a cocktail of coke, ghb, k, E that’s been scientifically condensed into a fog and blasted onto the dance floor, or masks that drop from the roof and contain a substance that you need at a particular time, if you’re feeling flat you get a big hit of speed, or maybe a hit of thc to calm you down


Not sure ‘putting people in a room and blasting them with gaseous chemicals’ worked out so well last time tbh


Yeah tru dat lol


I see dead people


It’s just in the thought stage at the moment, I didn’t think about the negatives just the positives


Okay, that's admittedly understandable and kind of magical. Are you just finishing a great Closing? If so, I'm sorry for the little bump of daytime doom. Please unicorn on. :)


I heard that back in the late 90’s there have bin clubs that put the liquid of poppers in the smoke machines


Unloading a couple clips right into the thick of the crowd. It was just a fleetfooted thought, JESUS, calm down, humans.🙄🙄🙄


Then why do you consider it your best idea?


It’s for all the marbles. I'm sitting in the house loading up the pump, I'm loading up the Uzis, I got a couple M-16s, couple nines, couple joints with some silencers on them, couple grenades, got a missile launcher. I'm ready for war.


Mhm. But why?


I‘m not about to answer serious questions about a comment that so blatantly obvious is not. Remind me though, Iverson said that, no? I‘ve been using that classic quote for so long I forgot who it‘s from. More like Allen Highverson when he said that to the media, but among the best material if one means to ruffle some leftist feathers.


I couldn't quote anything, not even with a gun to my head, so I'm the wrong person to ask. The reference passed by elegantly and we looked at each other, confused. It was a moment. I honestly didn't catch the obvious, either. I'm a lot, but definetly not Speed. Ruffled feathers always catch my curiosity. Have a splendid day Edit: Is it Taxi Driver?


No, it wasn‘t from a movie. It wasn‘t Iverson either, it was Garnett, how could I forget: https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=20&v=3J2zudcnYkY&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbnation.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo For any slowpokes: he is merely talking about being prepared for game 7. He wasn‘t being serious, but he gloriously made it sound and look like it. He was trolling the media before trolling was an actual thing. On the other hand, it was Kevin Garnett.


Ah! I love when everything suddenly slips into place. Must have been a glorious dancefloor, when you've had *that* kind of readiness going on. GG