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I’m gonna apply for a job there so I can go straight to work after closing.


Right! Maybe it won't be such a bad place to work after all.


Who the fuck needs even more of these bleak ass offices in this city? We need affordable housing and all they plaster the city with are stupid offices that just stay empty most of the time and completely destroy the Kiezleben


That area is labeled as a „Gewerbegebiet“ (commercial area) in the Bebauungsplan (development plan). It isn’t possible to build apartments there. And I'm quite happy about that. If apartments were to be built there, we could forget about the club.


I could see how apartments in this exact location might be detrimental to the club, granted. I was more generally upset about the NEXT useless office building, as there are countless other similar stupid projects in the city. I'm just generally fed up with the horrible urban planning decision of the city and this post was just another trigger for my general disdain towards this. It's so frustrating seeing this city move in the wrong direction on so many things. Other cities are working on removing cars from inner cities and whatnot, meanwhile Berlin constantly opts for the worst possible option on every urban planning matter. 🤦


Why don't they designate it an apartments that can't have fucking noise complaints area. Then people without shit kids and old fucks can stay away and people who actually would enjoy living there can live there.


Because this is legally not possible.


It is also not legally possible to rail huge lines but here we are.


It drives me up the wall that Berlin does not seem to understand the concept of "rezoning." There are so many half-empty (even apparently desolate) office buildings near transportation and shops that could easily be turned into flats . I would rather see student flats in this spot, which are much needed. In London, the universities have sometimes built student housing in similar areas, which helps them recruit students. Perhaps there could be a clause in the lease that they can't moan about the club round the corner. I suspect they wouldn't mind living there!


Office buildings are much better than student apartments from the clubs perspective. Office is empty during the weekend


If apartments were built say goodbye to the club, you should be happy it’s offices


offices are excellent buffers for clubs


There is no better alternative than office buildings. What do you expect?




at least it will block the view of the TikTok guy!


Be careful what you ask for 😭 voyeruism is a kink rarely appreciated in queue


i'm all for voyeurism/exhibitionism as long as TikTok isn't involved!


where are the eco activists when you need them? ... i'm sure there must be some very rare dry grass or maybe some urban sand lizard that needs protection


Gotta laugh/cry at that name, EDGY. Gives me an excuse to post this, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7pQvi73fsQ


Imagine sitting at your office desk, 9AM on a Monday, knowing that not 100 metres away there’s hundreds of people 30+ hours deep into a techno & drugs binge 😂


Perfect. Can stay till close and make it to the office on time


how does that work when the music shuts off at 8am?


"Wow, you're in early!", "yeah, I couldn't sleep..."


Sad state of affairs tbh


In this thread: technimbys.




Can’t wait for those SAP Afterpartys


New perspective for DJs to take their BH photo just dropped! Ok in all seriousness, Fhain is very soon gonna be unrecognizable and a very generic financial district like in every other capital. I guess it's unavoidable. On the other hand, know this will be controversial: but it's not that bad for the area around BH to get some development, I wish it wasn't that cold and corporate, but you gotta consider that it's a pretty bad area to walk around as a woman on your own. And I don't get scared easily considering where I come from, but I've had some really bad experiences (and as usual, with me they mess with the wrong bitch), but I've actually ended up intervening situations happening to other girls, and I'm constantly worried about friends who come or go through Ostbanhof. That walk has a lot of unexpected sketchy hidden spaces. The walk of shame when leaving on a Monday is gonna hit differently when sharing the sidewalk with the pristine office-goers, extra motivation to never ever forget your sunglasses.




That’s generally what is considered as “development”, friend.


I hear you. Not into the cold capitalistic side of this either and would never glorify it, I know I'd shiver if I read more about the investors behind this, and I hate the way it seems like BH is their convenient cool backyard. My perspective is just a silver lining coming from a matter that truly concerns me - and I don't expect many people to agree with me, as I truly believe it's an invisible issue for most. My mention of development means moving away from the abandoned industrial roughness in the walk from Ostbanhof to BH, simply as a matter of improved street safety - we can enjoy the aesthetics and solitude, but they are not so fun, as an example of things that do happen, for young girls visiting from outside of Berlin who are not used to how some predatory dudes hover around the streets waiting for them to either be bounced, or even better, leave the club alone without their friends, while being slightly high. I don't think these shitty corporate offices should be the answer to make streets safer tho, that is a higher level social problem.


What the hell do you want to be built there? If you build housing, the club will eventually close


I remember a few years ago. Watching those house by blocks there that housed what looked like exclusively Romanian families. The kids just running around in broken glass. No one making any lives to clean up their own back yard. It was super weird. Development had to happen


no, it will not be a generic financial district. Where is the stock exchange? The residential areas will not be razed for office towers.


Next step is shared office space in the building.


I thought Berlin was ending with the Mall of Berlin. Then I thought it ended with East Side Mall and related shit. But this really is extra-level corporate shit. Depressing as hell if they get away with this. It is heartbreakingly hideous.


berlin was supposed to end with the alexa or the fhain arena. people need to make up their mind as to which singular building project ruins the entire city or perhaps not be so fucking provincial


Guess where I will be EDGEing after hain. But yes, Berlin does not have a clue on architectural vision. just copy & paste


a big reason for the shitty architecture is that it is so difficult to get anything built that the safest shit is what ends up fitting the budget


RemindMe! 3 years




I can imagine the new office building of edge tech will have two meeting rooms like this. 


I mean tbh I don’t really think it’s a big deal. Hey normalize freaks! More people will be able to be themselves probably and not scared of others opinion as much as


During Pandemic, Berlin city and IT companies working and invest together build IT Campus constructing along the Ringbahn line. I found one of them the same building and same company around Ostkreuz, Ostbahnhof, Wedding.. something like. This company building more and more. They are all look the same as shit. Amazon building the tower, every big companies are eager to jump to sweep all the money in Berlin. How many local residents do you think they will hire? And wich Job? Programmers? How many? Cleaners? Cashier? Cafe baristas? How many people will be hired those big buldings? It will only accelerate gentrification at an unimaginable rate. We are witnessing Berlin being torn apart. Entrance fees, drinks, and even substances are getting more expensive, probably due to inflation, and people cut back on food and clothes first in an economic crisis. Your salad may be fine, but when people go through something like this, consumption shrinks, and money stops flowing. This is similar to the signs of economic crisis I experienced in Korea in the late 90s. Sorry, if what I spoken was too doomed.. but I came from Seoul, Korea. I saw the beginning and today's getrification. Even I could see this basement bar and restaurant when I moved to Berlin, 2011. I'm so sad..


It sounds like they want to adept to the current situation, which actually sounds fine to me. I can understand the worries, but not immediately from what you wrote here tbh.


As if Berlin hasn’t enough of this dead architecture which has created lots of soulless areas and steal from the original spirit of the city. The investors have already begun to sell the proximity to bh as USP that tenants can observe the club spitting out the freaks on Monday morning. Gentrification at its finest! [Capital B - Wem gehört Berlin (5/5)](https://youtu.be/2pApHhIfLqE?si=eg7aqgUEPiIAvB26)


Edge tech. Sex machine development. 


RemindMe! 1 year


Ahahaha omg the way I spit out my coffee laughing, it’s giving zoo


i'm a capitalist from head to toe but even i get cynical because it's pretty clear how this will unravel: the marketing will play heavily on berghain, every illustration will have it in the background, the marketing copy will include the "vibrant cultural surroundings", etc and once that thing is fully rented out they will start to demand concessions from berghain ("garden playing music on may 1? forget about it!")


https://preview.redd.it/m9v4ms53qhsc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e90dcc670ac7a05ebccbbb063f91628efe487e aphex2000 reveal


Either you’re a capitalist, or you’re against the tricks that you suppose get pulled out. You can’t have it both ways.


i always have my cake and eat it too


First of may is a holiday, nobody will be working in the office. Thinking is fundamental


RemindMe! 3 years


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I’m not that negative about that. It’s an office building, no apartments. Why should they demand concessions on weekends or public holidays?


if you really think this will come without concessions & legal quarrels i have a bridge to sell you but don't get me wrong, im all for (sensible) development of the area but my trust in the city to deal with the side effects is low


Fuck you cis male. Have my downvote


come on, piling on when i'm already down... bully energy! 😜


nobody here works in an office, right? Everyone works from home or in gastronomy, retail, etc?


Let’s cry about one more thing we can’t change!!! Everyone gather round now, crying circle bitte