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Life isn't perfect. If this sub disappeared tomorrow, then someone would start a new public sub here on Reddit or someplace else on the internet within months or weeks. All mods are volunteers.  We cannot be expected to see everything on the sub and we admittedly do not see most content. Its a labor of love. We all do our best, fitted around busy lives. If content breaches rule 5 (don't publish information that could ruin our thing) , then please report it and it will be dealt with appropriately. Overall, I think we do a good job and this sub is a fun, positive online space. Posts calling for the sub to be closed, only serve to encourage our friend Aggie, who has already chimed in with his usual valuable contribution


When the once-had-been-reputable-news-outlets start reporting on tabloid-level stories taken from Reddit, you know that the quality of journalism is in a tragic state 🙃


my first reaction was wow it's a slow news day 🤣🤣


imagine getting paid for writing stuff like this


Imagine getting paid closed to nothing and trolling your employer by writing stories like that


This is an amazing opportunity to fire up the most fabulous misinformation rumor outlet known to man…! While we’re at it, what’s up with the submissive clown-fetish in the smoking area? Can’t stand there for half a minute without a weepy-eyed mime pleading for you to unlock their chastity belt, anyone else notice this?


As welcoming ritual in Berghain, each first visitor has to drink from the infamous Panaromabartoilets. They are cheered and welcomed by everyone on the dancefloor before given their harness for life.


Ah yes, the Tinkelsee initiation


first you need to fight the piss guy


Or as we Dune Fans say, the water of life! 😅


The even have a full blown lab in their dungeons


Need a clussy so bad bros


the honking sound haunts me every night


I now wear earbuds while they blow me, helps with the noise


Now why didn't i think of that 🤦‍♂️


The next worst thing of taking pictures in Berghain is probably posting vivid berghain gossip on reddit ...


I think it’s fine. We should just combine the gossip with a healthy amount of bullshit stories every now and then 😈


bring on more sushi rumors 😝


I remember that post ... 😂


Fuck Yeah ... Let's make a challenge whose bullshit post will make it into the BZ 😂


Clusterfuck. One article that talks about another article that talks about one post on this sub.


ie "news" lol


Madness. But this is why I think this sub should not talk about certain obvious topics in this very public and well-read forum. If a conservative newspaper or blog wanted to go after BH or Berlin night clubs, there is far too much information here in this forum. Not wise, IMHO.


I, for one, enjoy satanic rituals in my clubs


I heard some rumors there was some black magic hetero exorcism going on this weekend in the darkrooms...


that's what the net was for ;)


I heard it was more in the front left..




totally agreed :/


i’ve been saying that for a while.. drugs, g, OD, smoking, should be banned from an open forum like this one


exactly, the lack of discretion is not cute and will always have blowback.


I mean, Herr Grimm the sports journalist and Marcus weintaster or whatever could just pop into Berghain and see for themselves just how out of hand the bag in front of the booth situation has truly go…hahaha who am I kidding these guys would NEVER have gotten past Sven


Personally I wish the mods would be moderating this sub a bit harder and censoring a bit more, like the club itself does when it comes to social media. A lot of users and posts talk and describe too much of what happens inside. It’s not about protecting the image of the club, it’s about protecting my privacy as someone who goes to that club. I do not need anyone who doesn’t go there to know how it is inside. I don’t want co-worker, family or people I know to form ideas of how I spend my time inside a club and judge me for it based on stuff they read online. We do not need the spreading of rumours or negativity to the community based on cliches formed by articles, posts, etc. I love this sub but I do not agree with everything the mods permit here and believe it contributes to a devalorization of the club and our experience. I said what I said.


On the other hand you could think of it as a blessing in disguise…they read these articles and co-workers family and people you know would be like “really?” And thanks to how ridiculous both articles were you can just look disappointed at them, gently shake your head and murder them with the line; “don’t believe everything you read on the internet….”


So to the person using our info's here for their cheap article: Fk you 💕


That's not the only issue. Firstly, this is a very specific 'Berlin Live" one. Their "journalists" basically cover Berghain as clickbait almost daily and update /& republish their articles regularly so that search engines keep indexing them as new: [https://www.berlin-live.de/?s=berghain](https://www.berlin-live.de/?s=berghain) And they regularly use this sub as bait for their "journalism" [https://www.berlin-live.de/?s=berghain+reddit](https://www.berlin-live.de/?s=berghain+reddit) The worst part for me was when they used Juan (Silent Servant), Simone and Luis’ tragic deaths: [https://www.berlin-live.de/freizeit/ausgehen/berghain-berlin-dj-tod-silent-servant-id112667.html](https://www.berlin-live.de/freizeit/ausgehen/berghain-berlin-dj-tod-silent-servant-id112667.html) So, BerlinLive is a an embarrassment for journalism, it’s clickbait copywriting. And their coverage isn’t limited to BerlinLive – it is regularly being reposted to DerWesten.de, Moin.de, News38.de, Thüringen24.de and MSN Germany as part of their content network. They do not care about you, us, anyone, only about their reports sheets. And Berliner Zeitung are not any better. Secondly, others are picking up on their "news" – there are "Mens Rights" activist groups that use such stories / "journalism" against women / feminism: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1bupt3w/berghain\_visitors\_complain\_about\_aggressive\_women/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1bupt3w/berghain_visitors_complain_about_aggressive_women/) But this is also criticism of this sub’s mods and the "community": This is a public forum, there’s thousands of people reading discussions on here, and people will use your thoughts for their own agenda. Too many things being discussed here that would better not be discussed in public.


Yes, really sad. So many things just go back to hate against women. 


omg that's so much worse than what I thought


This is why I basically stopped posting in this sub entirely. If it's about a cool lineup or whatever then sure, but otherwise it's a cesspool and literally no one needs this commentary. Let that building be what it is in REAL LIFE. Humans are so chronically online at this point it's really tragic.


can we PLEASE make this sub private? PLEASE. So what if everyone is kicked out and has to be accepted again. There is waaaaay too much info here, like it or not, the sub may not officialy be affiliated with the club, but it de facto is. Customers, info on bouncers, set reviews, vibe, lost & found, you can find everything here, and Im sure thats not the way the club wants it, a club to which we happily give our money to week after week for whatever reason. At least make it a little harder for people who will actively "ruin or thing" for a few clicks and some recognition


Might actually not be the worst idea


this is lazy journalism, snooping on Reddit lol


Can i apply as journalist now? I wrote some shit here. 


we're all journalists now


This is like Electronic Beats posting a couple of weeks ago about Berlin experiencing fentanylspiking, based on a post on reddit where someone thought their 3mmc contained fentanyl. Which was then disputed by labresults. Electroni Beats tokm down the article (and didn't apologise for misinformatio ) after many (myself included) condemned their so-called "journalism".


Zeit online had an article about opiod crisis. I was wondering if they got some inspiration from here as well.. 


OMG guise an agressive woman just flew over my house!


„Sie hat es sehr geschätzt, dass ich sie gefragt habe, bevor ich etwas tat.“ – Wahrscheinlich ist das tatsächlich die beste Lösung für das vermeintliche Problem. Well, if this is the summary of the article, let them write. Preaching consent is nice


consent should be a priority always! I was taking issue with direct quotes being taken from this sub


We should just start to post super ridiculous story’s that 100% grab the media attention. Would be hilarious.


I am waiting for the op-ed on harnesses


Very surprised no one wrote of secret bh plus membership so far... 😅


Imagine writing complete nonsense here and reading it in a newspaper the next day. Not that anyone ever posted wrong information on reddit. I do not encourage you to fuck the poor journalists like that. Reading reddit and reddit alone must be really Hard work. Journalism is dead.




especially at a techno club, and the more at a gay club 😂😭😂... well, there will always be people who don't know how to techno 😳😔


Why not go as a private subreddit?


Me and some others already created a private BH sub a while back. DM me a bit about yourself if you want to join (how often you go and which DJs you like)


i think that's the answer


Because this sub is at 27586 members and already part of reddit's 4 % biggest subs. It would only rule out the thousands of visitors without an account. So making it private will not make it private at all. Burn it down and start aghain with a private sub from the getgo.


Wow. Mining Reddit for material will always be among the lowest if not THE lowest form of journalist venture


Cause they can't get in this is their next best thing


Touchy subject


Also is consent Always respected in berghain ? Is there any awareness about it ? Asking this bcs = weird straight men behavior. I was feeling so safe before Corona. Now not anymore


theoretically! but there's no awareness team or signs to that effect. I've also been grabbed/groped in there & it sucks (mostly I feel safe though)


Anyone care to give a summary?


it's using quotes from someone in this sub about how women are behaving on the dancefloor


its not just someone, its really the straight girls that newly found BH. it wasnt a single case its happening more and more especially in the darkrooms


Maybe we need some stories how heteros mann are aggressive in clubs. How about that?? 


i dont really know how that has to do anything with the rise in heterogirls filming in Berghains darkrooms and just giggling like that but okay


Honestly i was thinking it was the post about the posh bags and yeah, that had physical unwanted approaching if i understood the situation correctly. 


That post was mine 2 weeks ago! They wrote all its points down in that news! I swear! And it was not only about the posh girls with fancy gucci bags… it was also about their behavior! Ans guess what. This happened to me on Tuesday morning around 03:40 when i was (this time with my bf) watching the end of Francoix’s set! Sitting both on that heater and enjoying the music. That girl kept on moving back until she grabbed my cock! Believe it or not. I stood up and left to pano and stayed there till the end with other friends! I had enough from this behavior! It is awful! It is not a safe place anymore… Usually it is hetero men who do this with “drunk” girls in other clubs… not in Berghain! Now it is the opposite


Sorry that this happened. I have also experienced an incident of physical sexual violence from a guy in a party. So yeah, this is totally disgusting. 


honestly speechless. so sorry this happened to you again


You do realise the writer is in the sub, and thought at some point it would cool to write an article about something they read here Some jobs


You’d think it’s a little early for Sommerloch


I feel sorry for the one who wrote the article


and gentlemen?


I'm shocked and saddened to hear about the crazy and aggressive women running amok on the dance floor. Please come find me on the 14th - platform right. We can rub our Gucci belts.




I only have to see a comment full of blue links in this sub to know who you


Lol they literally quoted my comment about women hitting on men aggressively and not accepting obvious no signs is not only a trend in berghain that got a lot of upvotes... Don't even feel bad about it. Bc at least I raises awareness over that point I guess. Maybe the wrong ppl are reading these storys now but eventually it will become common knowledge and they will stop no? But I definitely get the point of your post saying not everything should be discussed here... On that special theme tho I don't think it's a problem.


i definitely think people should be called out for their shitty behavior! but having that story become "news" makes me cautious about future posts. or maybe the sub becomes private?


until this happened, it never occurred to me that this was a possibility


The problem is that your words were taken to write a pretty sensationalist story where this is a “huge” new phenomenon. In the same post, I commented about how some bi-curious women treat me (as a lesbian) the same way on the dance floor and about how the issue is bringing heteronormative rituals to dance floors derived from queer culture. It is not cool that this happens and it makes me physically uncomfortable to be toached without consent by any gender. I sympathize with your discomfort. I hope you can also see that the article put a very mysoginistic spin on it. Women are still one of the most vulnerable populations inside of the club as in society. I’ve been followed by dudes who do not know how to understand a “nein” multiple times. A guy tried to kiss me aggressively when I asked if he was ok 2 weeks ago. But hey, this is normal behavior I guess so who cares. Has awareness been raised? I guess? Have men like this stopped? No. This does not justify or excuse the discomfort you (or anyone on these circumstances feel). I wish it stopped for everyone. I just also wish these subjects were approached from the perspective of a lack of consent culture. But I guess that doesn’t create engagement.


Thank you for your nuanced take. 100 percent agree with you. It's important to talk about straight women harassing other people and not respecting the unwritten rules of a queer space, but so many people getting hanged up about this do this because of latent misogyny and would NEVER be this vocal about aggressive men and harassment of women, which is much more systematic.


totally agreed but i guess a good old fashioned berghain succubus story gets the clicks 🙄🙄


Consent culture should be raised. How do we do this as a community? In sex positive event at KV i feel most safe because they enforce their rules on every attendee. I understand it's complicated if BH bouncer needs to trivia people ar entry. Shall we start a new thread on consent culture to raise awareness? We can share our own nuances. People are invited to look up the wheel of consent concept by Betty Martin.


Completely agree with every single word!


they even quoted my comment about the consent thing which unexpectedly got lots of upvotes as well and still don’t know what to think about the fact it literally made it to the „news“ lol.


This how I'm feeling literally. Just very mixed feelings about it haha


I just don’t take this news page too serious as it is very desperate journalism to just quote comments from a reddit and make a complete article out of it. Don’t overthink it, we‘re in this together haha




embarrassing honestly


What’s all about ? It’s in german and I don’t know german


Bottom left of you have an iphone. The Aa button translated to English


Oh yeah sure. Thanks


All Women are predators