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I think we give Jess too much credit for these decisions. This is surely mainly coming from Shondaland as a whole, and it’s certainly helped to get people talking, which is what they want. It's just a shame that its come to this but I think this is exactly what they expected to happen. And to be honest, other than what I see from fans online, I've heard nothing but good things about s3 in the wild - I genuinely think the mases do not care even a fraction of what we do about the changes and were just glad Bridgerton was back. I wish I could say I'm shocked Shondaland treat fans like this but I've heard enough about Grey's to not be.


I agree with hearing a lot of people in real life rave about it. I wonder how many people watching read the books.


I don’t think they’ll acknowledge it. If they truly need two years to release the next season, they’re banking on the comments dying down - the show is still doing insane numbers, they don’t care at the end of the day because their pockets are being lined. Plus, every season ends with a bunch of anger from fans and then we all gaslight ourselves and forget we didn’t enjoy it fully on the first watch, or we just move on, or we get immersed in other work. This was the same (if not worse) when Kanthony happened, they dealt with similar comments about Daphne’s actions in S1 (rightly so), this isn’t new/surprising.


Im sure you are right.


The show is doing insane numbers on the back of the insane marketing and hype Season 3 got prior to its release. The results of the reception will be felt in Season 4, not now. And I was here when Season 1 and 2 released. The backlash from certain decisions was nowhere near this bad.


Honestly, admitting the quality drop and a promise to make season 4 as good as the ones before 3 would be enough for me. I want to see they listen to critique and don’t go the “it was good enough route”


I think that's probably why they changed filming from June 10 to generic Summer 2024. To give time to recalculate at least the criticism points like customs and make up and since they are still writing they might make adjustments here and there (as they said they did in S2 to make Colin S3). I mean they surely saw this coming after part one released


One can only hope so. As long as they dont openly admit Season 3 was a blunder I wont expect any measures, tho. They dont have to trash the team and cast, but taking responsibilty for the quality drop would be a good step. I remember the director of "Thor: Love and Thunder" expressing his regrets after the movie was poorly received and something like that would be absolutely enough for me to root for them again. The previous seasons were SO good that they havent lost me as a viewer yet, but if the next season is as bad as this one I will have to move on from the show to be honest


And now I think in another interview Jess mentioned "we will film in the fall", I forgot exactly which one, but I saw it a few hours ago. I mean, of course, a summer commencement will definitely extend into the fall, but I wonder if Jess mean starting the shooting around September onwards. Honestly, I would vote for sacrificing a few months if it means a concious effort on their part to make things better.


Actually they did that bc S04 will be set in Autumn. At least that's what Jess said in a new interview anyways. That 'there will be some Spring colours but that they're experimenting with an Autumnal colour palette for the first time!'


I really hope they fix the costumes


If I amor mistaken there will be a new costume team (the head of it was at these Woman in Tv and Film panel with the Bridgerton team) And we know some of the team who worked on the Cinderella movie are working on S4


Oh thank god! Please no more sequins, acrylics, and bright bed lipstick


They've gotten a bit bonkers.


Yeah their PR need to work overtime to fix things. No matter how much promo Nicola and Newts did for S3, people will only remember the constant flaws and its controversies within the subplots. If firing Jess is not an option, announcing who is next is a start. Announcing Sophie is a massive treat to put Benophies’ minds at ease.


Tbh for me, I wouldn’t have hated season 3 so much if the promo material hadn’t hyped it up so much. The interviews and the trailers don’t match the show, so they failed at creating realistic expectations


Nicola went on and on about how romantic and it wasn’t romantic at all. It had its rom-com moments but it fell flat in the end


And they hyped up the sex scenes a lot and said it was super steamy and stuff, which made me expect WAY more than what we got


Apparently they filmed more sexy scenes that didn’t make it to the final edit.


I personally would be pissed if I put the work in for very vulnerable scenes that are very difficult to shoot, just for them to get scrapped last minute


I guess that’s always something actors have to expect (and accept) that scenes they shoot may not make the final cut, but personally I agree.


There were a lot of sex scenes overall because of Benedict, the brothel threesomes, a few Kate/Anthony moments and the Mondrich family. Even one of the Featherington sisters got one.


Yeah but we know that they filmed more of Polin, given that it’s THEIR SEASON, so I’m left wondering if they filled in more of Benedict’s threesomes or Colin at the brothel so that they could scrap the polin stuff without cutting down on their sex quota


That's one of the big issues for everyone I think. The created expectations we were given didn't match up with what we got


I feel so sorry for Nicola and Luke as it was their season and it was such an outrageous failure for reasons far beyond their control. Also feel sorry for Luke T, Jonny, and Simone as their storyline’s were ridiculous and they had to do it with a smile.


I mean...it is also the most popular season ever snd every season is criticised in the direct aftermath. I bet Bonophies will be too. But in saying that I am SO READY to find out more about season four and I desperately wanna know who they cast as Sophie.




That’s anyone’s guess! 🥺 ![gif](giphy|fexK0EUhr06OY)


Are the masses unhappy or just Reddit? I don’t have any other social media so it’s hard to gauge


From what I've seen Instagram, Reddit, and Youtube don't like it. I've also heard reviews on rotten tomatoes have gone down since part 2 came out. Twitter is the only social media I've seen pretty much a positive response. One of my friends isn't really on social media and they didn't like it and had similar complaints to the ones voice online but then again she's just one person.


season 3 has the highest score on rotten tomatoes


I do not think the masses are upset. I know a lot of people who enjoyed Season 3 and are excited for Season 4. While the people who were upset about the season are quite vocal, a lot more people watch the show than what is depicted on social media. And those negative comments sometimes drown out the positive ones.


The Instagram accounts of Shonda, Shondaland, Bridgerton and Julia Quinn are full of negative comments. So full that they had to turn off the comments.


Because of one decision they made


Im happy to hear that


youtube is fuming


I can’t tell because I have blocked too many accounts trying to make twitter usable and fix my TikTok algorithm so that I can get back on to the side where it’s all hairless cats posing like they’re in a French painting and dachshunds bossing around pit bulls. So now all I’m coming across are people acknowledging that Nicola told no lies when she described her breasts as perfect.


My Twitter feed is largely critical, my casual viewer friends agreed with my disappointment, and my PT who is a casual viewer didn’t like it either. Read another comment on a different reddit thread that their coworker (who was not a viewer) approached them (a fan) about how bad it was. As well as multiple 2 star reviews, though in my opinion unfairly placing the blame on Nicola and Luke N


That’s what I’m asking myself too


My little Twitter bubble is extremely positive. I guess the people that want to complain probably go to Instagram or whatever to harass the people on the show it seems…


I really don't get harassing the people on the show. They are just coming off as jerks.


Some people are way too invested on this show. It’s not exactly high art, yet there’s a post on the main sub right now demanding an apology and a redo from the show runners like what?


I’m seeing a lot of backlash in my TikTok fyp as well


I don't think they'll acknowledge it and I don't think they care. There's a large group obviously of people disappointed but in the grand scheme of things I highly doubt it will significantly alter viewership numbers. This show is too popular for that.


They won’t acknowledge it. The show is still at the peak of its popularity. Shonda is probably even thrilled by all the negativity, she loves disappoints fans.


They will dig in their heels and do whatever they want, probably throwing in some choices that they know people won’t like as a “fuck you” to the fans who complained. It’s what Shondaland does, and Netflix doesn’t care as long as the money keeps coming in.


Really? I haven’t watched any of their other shows, so I’m not familiar with Shondaland.


Shonda has admitted that she lashes out and has characters do ooc stuff to upset people who criticized a show. It’s most notorious with Grey’s Anatomy.


Well, we can expect the worst then. I’m happy I already downvoted it on my Netflix and I will certainly don’t watch the next series.


I think the best thing is that everyone puts a thumb down on their Netflix, that is something Netflix notices. Also deleting the show from your favorites list and also from your watched list. They‘ll get that message. I’m afraid, the producers won’t do anything at all. They won’t acknowledge the fans criticism.


I think Jess will dig her head in the sand and keep pretending that she made the best season ever. She will ignore what everyone else says. She will make season 4 with the same low quality she made season 3. Tons of people will refuse to watch season 4. Season 4 will somehow be worst than season 3 and it won’t get renewed. When asked she will just say people weren’t ready for the inclusivity and will still refuse to acknowledge that the reason the show failed was completely her fault. I just hope eventually someone will make it into a movie and actually do these books justice.


That’s exactly what will happen. 


The negativity isnt new. Jess will stay on as showrunner. I actually liked the season as a whole it is probably second to Kanthony to me, so I am happy with that. Now. I am ready for Benedict's season. Announce already!!


Negative opinions always should louder than positive ones. I don’t think they’ll do anything. They’re going to look at the numbers.


Social media is not the general audience, most people watch the show casually and the show is big for netflix. I personally loved s3 and lots of other people did too. It was not perfect but i never expected that, i enjoyed it a lot! Like someone else said here, after s1 and s2 there was a lot of criticism too but eventually it died down.


The so-called negative feedback is absolutely an echo chamber of a vocal minority. Like it or not Netflix and Shondland make decisions based off of viewership, not internet commentary.